The Supreme court was scheduled to take up Sebi's investigation report in the Adani-Hindenburg matter, where the US-based short seller accused the conglomerate of financial manipulation.
Adani Ports saw FPIs selling 6.83 crore shares or 3.16 stake in the company in the September quarter. At the end of the quarter, FPIs held 13.82 per cent stake in Adani Ports against 16.98 per cent at the end of June quarter.
The Supreme court was scheduled to take up Sebi's investigation report in the Adani-Hindenburg matter, where the US-based short seller accused Gautam Adani led conglomerate of financial misinterpretation and manipulation.
Hot stocks today: Indian equity benchmarks were trading lower today. The 30-share BSE Sensex fell 413 points to 65,994 and Nifty lost 117 pts to 19,676. Here s a look at stocks buzzing in action today.