Adani group’s m-cap dropped to Rs 11.2 lakh crore in Tuesday's trade, down Rs 29,884 crore over Monday's Rs 11.5 lakh crore. Adani stocks had added Rs 47,000 crore to their combined m-cap in the previous session.
Adani Enterprises: Promoters upped stake by 2.06 percentage points between August 21 and September 7. They now own 71.93 per cent stake in Adani Enterprises against 69.87 per cent earlier.
Adani group stocks: Data showed the group m-cap climbed to Rs 10,73,294 crore on Tuesday morning after falling to Rs 10,48,956 crore on August 31 due to OCCRP allegations.
OCCRP said millions of dollars were invested in some publicly traded stocks of the group via opaque Mauritius funds that obscured involvement of alleged business partners of the Adani family.
The non-profit news organisation alleged "opaque" Mauritius funds were used to funnel substantial investments into the publicly traded stocks of the Adani Group.