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Which is where it was set starring Patsy Kensit and a host of others when you look at the film now it looks like a folly but actually at the time it was the hottest ticket in British cinema it flops soon afterwards but it was a bad week for. The . Big. Bowie actually then took his stardom and completely disguised it to play the gold laden King in the labyrinth directed by the Muppets Jim Henson labyrinth has become a cult movie and indeed many people s introduction to Bowie on screen I ve always found it slightly kitsch slightly embarrassing but it does have those wonderful dog scenes with the GO plains of 48 pop it s a 52 properties and I people in gold laden costumes all have to come together for that dog s magic scene. Oh. Sure. There are wonderful bits of movie magic. In there including the juggling. Childish enjoyment of being in what is essentially a kids film and a fantasy it s total escapism and you always feel that Bowie was particularly fond of escaping the plan. Indeed wor
The Bellamy Brothers let your love fly B.B.C. Will take good morning 7 minutes past knowing right now to this day morning. What a wonderful day we had in Bradford and I even yesterday. I was a climate change special and I hope that if you were listening you felt inspired to make just a few small changes to your life as we mentioned yesterday any small changes you made could make a huge impact overall let s preserve and look after this beautiful county of all show. To relive some of the highlights like her own in the shot that will also be meeting another all of the nominees in this year s will to Life Awards the big ceremonies to mull right and I had a great time heading down to Lower put would fall in a Hindu to discover what they re doing so that conservation projects will be talking to Beatles after 11 of the new documentary coming to B.B.C. 4 tomorrow so we ll chat with the man involved do you still live with John Lennon ki much more that would be like also speak to the producer
Lanes $1.00 and $2.00 remain closed the north Barnes and Ling 3 South Bend also remains closed for him ever since it appears in Leicestershire one on the M one northbound is closed due to a breakdown just after junction 21 near Leicester and in Staffordshire the 50 has been closed in both directions between the mirror tunnel interchange and Moore Park following a serious accident that s the latest I m calling Mason. Night night Graham Torrington. Yes programme here we all together then for a Monday night. What advice do you give to others what they come to you full and then later he had 3 strokes people the age of 35 and now he s determined to live life. And his dreams tell the story coming up after 11 stories music night late night claim to maintain on B.B.C. Made me understand. Let s begin with the 17 again. As. Loud. As. You. Me and take you out. It s going to happen Monday for major banks. And. Pasts. That s always good feelings no regrets having so happy tonight. From 8 to. 12 f
Injury during the walls of a cup replay was initially told to be out of action for up to 6 weeks although he is available for selection again he won t be rushed back that s B.B.C. Radio News and spalted 3 minutes past fall thanks very much and let s get your latest on the roads now if you re in trouble me. Yes. But there were. Bank and town walls. Causing delays the bypassing the. Troubles with a 493 bison Hill but Shafik in the area. Because. Improving in the Donington area. Around the garrison mind about the hole in the right words but things. Are now still for the Queensway to travel away from the Hollywood area towards the area in the right where it seems like a safe and I m 6 but if you do see a problem it s a 33 I WANT A 335 5th day. Of travel thanks during the. B.B.C. Radio show with Adam Green Good afternoon I hope you re well today your weather then it s sunny fairies want to showers for a time and they will possibly be wintry in places Tony cloudy and windy this evening with