Es waren weniger als geschätzt: Bei einer Zählung konnten Forscher nur noch 211 rosafarbene Leguane auf den Galápagos-Inseln finden. Die Tiere sind schon lange vor dem Aussterben bedroht.
The state government has already cancelled the class 10 board examination, conducted by the Board of Secondary Education. Earlier this week, CBSE and CISCE had cancelled the class 12 board examinations.
Image used for representational purpose only
BHUBANESWAR: While a section of students has been demanding the cancellation of the higher secondary (Plus two) exam in the wake of the rising Covid-19 cases in the state, experts believe doing so will have a cascading effect on their careers. They have advised students to keep their morale up and focus on studies.
“Interestingly, we don’t have the provision of internal assessment in higher secondary. On what basis will the students be marked. Those who want the exam scrapped must surely not be serious about their careers. The government has not yet asked the students to come to the examination centres by risking their lives. It is an unprecedented emergency situation, students must not lose patience and wait till June,” said Basudev Chhatoi, former president of the Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE), which conducts the Class XII board exam in the state. Students of a few higher secondary schools have staged protests in