oh, right. oh, he tripped over a sandbagn on the stage. and briefly, hde tripped and gop up and he he got right back up and continued continued what he- was there to do. he did not he there was no needi for the doctor to see him as imt was related to the fall. and he s doing fine. biden s pals, the liberal media, are covering for him by accusing republicans of pouncing. biden has this misunderestimated thing where people assume, oh, he s too old, he doesn t know what he s doing, and he just keeps delivering. today, he tripped over, you know, i guess there wasght r like a back on and twitter and the right are going crazy.ta it s the advance team or whoever s fault that they put a sandbag in front of him. sthe sandbai tripped in my own g is he so enraging to the right because he is so normal? no more than two years old, the president do decide to have, a war, but as ii do, i look lid it is good to see did. but given voters concerns about the president s age, this is
[indistinct] he tripped over a bag, a sandbag on the stage, and briefly he tripped and got up, and he got right back up and continued what he was there to do. he did not there was no need for the doctor to see him, as it was related to the fall, and he is doing fine. jesse: biden s pal in the liberal media are covering for him by accusing republicans of counseling. biden has this miss underestimated thing, right, where people assume, all, he is too old, that he doesn t know what he is doing, then he keeps delivering. today, he tripped over i guess there was a sandbag and twitter and the right are going crazy, the advance team, whoever s fault but the sandbag. is he so enraging to the right because he is so normal? i do just fine. going to have a fall. if i do, i hope i get up as good as he did. but given current voters concerned about the president s age, this is an image his critics are already capitalizing on and pouncing on. jesse: and while the majority of a
acre adams scolded officers for congregating together. totally unnecessary. totally petty. to be here on the number one late night show is also an honor we also had the remove the sippy cup. i don t spill unlike the normal host who is anything but normal. steve: out in ocean county, down the shore from where we are sitting right now here in i had midtown, manhattan, you have ship bottom, new jersey. it looks like 72 degrees, clear, sun is going to come up in the next hour. going for a daytime high of 84. by the way, if you are curious how many people you live in ship bottom? 1100. katie: sounds like a dangerous place ship bottom. katie: hold on to summer as long as we can. steve: absolutely. welcome to the fourth day of the weekday version of fox & friends. katie pavlich in once again for ainsley who is on vacation. and brian kilmeade, after being up late last night up early today. katie: brian decided to match me today. brian: you were actually on gut
than you are to get a world class education in some of these places. of and that s a reality. it just got to steve s best point. ring t where s the mainstream mediaabou covering this, talking about itt ,putting a light on it so that something changes. he i really think that they have the entirety of the latest race for the mayor of chicago was focusing on this issue and howo the two candidates are going to cover it.i and they ended uguess yop votinr the guy who was more lax, i guesiolents you could say, abt but violent crime. i m certainly more progressive, but i do think think that it s highlighted and i wish and steve and i did shout outhet some other cities. he talke d about st. louiso, and he talked about baltimore. but all i hear is chicago, chicago, chicago, new york city ,new york city, new york cityitw ,talking about jackson, y jac mississippi. kson, issippi,the number one hoe capital . maybe we should talk to governor tate reeves, can governa republican, about tr give kay
education and some of these places. sandra: and that is a reality. jessica, to stephen a. smith s point, where is the mainstream media covering this, talking about it, putting a light on it, so that something changes? jessica: i really think that they have the entirety of the latest race for the mayor of chicago was focusing on this issue and how the two candidates were going to cover it, and they ended up voting for the guy who was more lax, i guess you could say, about violent crime. certainly more progressive. but i do think that it is highlighted and that i wish stephen a did shout out some other cities, talked about st. louis and baltimore, but all i hear is chicago, chicago, chicago, new york city, new york city, new york city, talk about jackson, mississippi, the number one homicide capital, talk to root republican governor about that or kay ivey and gun violence in her state. doesn t happen and it becomes this narrative that is just about what is going on a liberal meccas