oh, right. oh, he tripped over a sandbagn on the stage. and briefly, hde tripped and gop up and he he got right back up and continued continued what he- was there to do. he did not he there was no needi for the doctor to see him as imt was related to the fall. and he s doing fine. biden s pals, the liberal media, are covering for him by accusing republicans of pouncing. biden has this misunderestimated thing where people assume, oh, he s too old, he doesn t know what he s doing, and he just keeps delivering. today, he tripped over, you know, i guess there wasght r like a back on and twitter and the right are going crazy.ta it s the advance team or whoever s fault that they put a sandbag in front of him. sthe sandbai tripped in my own g is he so enraging to the right because he is so normal? no more than two years old, the president do decide to have, a war, but as ii do, i look lid it is good to see did. but given voters concerns about the president s age, this is
side has to say, as trump once said , what have you got to lose? this was recently echoed by icey oucube. if you get all your producter from one source, that source is no longer going to work for you . right. that s the democrat party for blacks. you wantif you want a better det party, one that s in tune a to your needs, go out with a republican , have a few dates with the republican party, seeir what they got. dhe best thing that coul happen, you hit it off or you get the democrat party to act better and act in and ac your instincts. the reasonre why the liberal mar cities so bad is they don tis te havey to work. yes, they don t have to do,ack. jack . l days kave libera to back them up.th that s another problem.at i and we re making some of thesest liberal d householaking sod nam people should understand they don t prosecute crime, that criminals know thatmatter recidivism doesn t matter, that the victims are treated like the criminals. look, crime is one thing in chicago, but let s
sports personality stephen smith tearing into liberal leaders and the left wingsperson media. it is over what he says is a lack of outrage when it comes to the violent crime surge happening in america s black communities. crime su when we go and look t ourselves when it comeswhen to black people, being killed in the streets of america, i don t even want to get into gt what happened in chicago, but i have no choice. 53 lives. fifty three in one week in. it s been happening year after year after year. chicago, st. louis, baltimore. the list goes on and on with the protests, with mainstreams n media talking about that on tvgr . and governor ron desantis is echoing that same sentiment ece sentimg back at the naacp florida travel ban. you think of a place like chicago, these kids, shot th you re more likely to get shot
political party be against that, jessica? because then they re againstgain st and i donthe kids themselvest get it. it democratsre are who are for school choice, but that isn t the only way to save humanity. and i think there are charter schools who do a lot of good. but we also need to make sure that we re investing properly in the public schoolg in thes. that s why the policy of the democratic party writ large is to make sur e thatbetter and public education in this country gets better and that we re not just favoring the lucky one . in chicago, there s no proficiency in over 50 . isst want to say one thing, because we know that how this violent crime is committed by guns, right. people are using guns.ns comin and where are those guns coming from? in liberal states ?ss than they re coming from conservative states . less than half oha e usedf the guns that sandr are used in illinois came from out of some of the strictest gun laws. country. but the borders are not iner chicago. they
talk about black on black crime on their shows. crime o no, they don t, becae have producers monitoring what they do. nitoringey they talk about it. and that is a huge tragedydy and and missed opportunity. i don t know if grew their backgrounds with stephen a smith grew up really poor inso queens, really poor. and now he is the mostts successful sports personality in the country. maybe that s why he s able tato talk about it because of hi background. and that s why the liberal media should hire more people peop stephen a. smith and less. people like don lemon. and there s a reality is , c, the situation in places like chicago, poverty is a huge issue. the mayos a hu r acknowledging we ve got a lot of work to do to curb this violence, talking aboutgo poverty that didn t go away over the weekend right t. looking ahead into the summer months when violence tends to rise, who s doing anything about the situation and what is behind it? yeah, i mean, it? not all por people commit crim