person. to instill values to other people. but, you know, sometimes you need to get suspended to learn a lesson. actually got suspended a few times in high school and look at me now. look at me now. see, i learned my lesson. i don't know what they are doing, looks like a lot of young women. i don't see a lot of young men out at the protests in the camp. maybe they are missing something in their lives. but this isn't it. i would definitely not side with terrorists, as something that, you know, i'd spend my friday afternoon when i was in college. i think i speak for harold and everybody around the table, we were doing different things in college. >> harold: i was. >> jesse: studying religion, doing a lot of things diligently. >> tyrus: you were suspended for trying too hard. >> jesse: i was in the library. past library closing hours. >> tyrus: refused to leave. >> emily: so we talked about