door open he is right there. we can open it ourselves but he opens it for us. ainsley: visited at times square he opened it for me. brian: today i was on my own i went through the revolving door no one could help me. when you go through the revolving door you are on your own you need quad strength. ainsley: i like to go behind someone because they pushed it for me. brian: jump started that wheel. ainsley: not in their section. of the sections are small. brian: ainsley is my section. i m never leaving. ainsley: president biden? south korea as he looks to divert attention away from mounting crises here at home. brian: for one, the national gas price average has surged thanks to the full screen to a record high of $4.59. steve: jacqui heinrich is live from sol, south korea where it is 8:00 at night. she made the very long strip over there to recap the presidents day. and we saw him a little while ago, jacqui and he was about, i don t know, what, a half an hour
have gone up over the last year. if you look at what has happened when trump left office, dana, the national gas price was $2.59 a gallon. you put up today $4.59 a gallon. that s a $2 per gallon increase in the price of gas. you have a 15 gallon tank you are paying $30 i call it the biden inflation tax. that s a big, big hit to the middle class. so a lot of that increase, as josh hawley was just saying, happened before putin went into ukraine. now certainly that has contributed to the higher gas prices. but then the question is why did just last week the biden administration took hundreds of thousands of more aches of prime oil and gas lands off of production? it doesn t make any sense. dana: austan, takes us inside what you think might be happening in the white house on
american history for gasoline is unprecedented. the average cost of a gallon of regular unleaded $4.59. only a month ago, we were paying 50 cents less. republican lawmakers want answers and action. senators hitting the biden administration at two separate senate hearings. now aaa is projecting that gas prices will hit a national average average of $6 a gallon by the month of august. is this acceptable to you? no, it is not and you can thank the activity of vladimir putin for invading ukraine and pulling us nonsense. with all due respect that s utter nonsense. what are you doing to reverse this administration s policies that are drawing down our own supply of energy in this country that are throttling oil and goss production in the united states of america. what are you doing about it?
sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. what was it? [ sighs ] i can t remember. harris: the nation hits an all time record for the 11th day in a row. $4.59 a gallon for gas. the polls are a warning to president biden, you have become the great unifier against you. plus republicans want to help as they accuse democrats of trying to erase women. the gop now warning that it s working on a bill to protect the biological rights of women. senator marsha blackburn in new york with me. marc thiessen and tammy bruce in focus at the top of the hour. dagen: fox weather alert as colorado braces for a historic spring snowstorm. denver could see close to 5
widely viewed as such. president biden: this is the moment in my view to invest in one another, to deepen our business ties, to bring our people even closer together. this is something the president and i will be talking about on our visit later after this meeting and in the months ahead. but biden leaves behind record gas prices hitting $4.59 a gallon today and baby formula shortage. impending migrant surge at the border when title 42 is lifted and unrest over roe v. wade. a new poll showed biden s approval rating dipped to the lowest point in may, 39% with even democrats growing more pessimistic. biden having to balance foreign policy without appearing to neglect his responsibilities as home. it is an act of courage to jump to the other side of the world when your own country is in trouble. one bump in the road is