lydia hu is at fox business at a farm in howe, new jersey. what are you hearing? good morning, bill. these eggs that are getting packaged up behind me are worth a lot more than they were a year ago. inflation data that came out today egg prices for the month of december up 60% than they were just a year ago. they were up more than 11% over november. the average cost for a carton of eggs hitting 3.59 across the country. more than the price of a gallon of gas and some regions higher. 4.59 in new york. higher costs of labor and wages are driving factors here. experts say the main reason for expensive eggs is the avian bird flu impacted every state.
night never get to the places that they had planned on. the question is how bad do people want to get to the destination? that is a question delta asked the passengers the other day were flying to minnesota courts and ports they offered 10,000 dollars, not in waivers but 10,000 dollars in cash to help people change their flights to another time just so they could get some those people on those overbooked flights. rich: and then you how bad it is alexis at laguardia thank you very much. alicia: flying might cost you time and money but hitting the road this holiday weekend is no bargain either for aaa s of the average price of a gallon of gas is a $4.82. state gas taxes are driving that price even higher. claudia s live in angeles with more, hi claudia. hey alicia. i ve been talking to people filling up here for $4.59 a gallon per year really to get the sense despite the high gas prices people are just so ready to take a road trip. they want to make it to that barbecue.
a week ago it was 5.01. a little bit down. a month ago 4.59. a year ago 3.07. it s jumped exponentially. when you hear the president for leases on oil companies. i m going to play a soundbite here where he brings up the leases that they have already. take a listen. oil and gas industry is sitting on nearly 9,000 unused but approved permits. families can t afford that companies sit on their hands. they have over 9,000 leases. 9,000. they can drill they have 9,000 leases. 9,000 leases on public land. they should be use it or lose it. bret: so it s a talking point. he says it all the time, kevin. for somebody sitting at home saying wait, what about these companies? are they just taking these profits? can the prices shoot up that fast?
everything else. derek hunter saying he keeps tell you he doesn t give a damn that you can t afford gas. in addition to travel headaches, gas prices hover around $5 a gallon, average is $4.96, a month ago $4.59, and a year ago $3.07. 42 million are expected to drive over the fourth. airline prices are 14% higher, $201 the lowest ticket price on top of higher prices. ashley: something going up is price of barbecue this summer. cheryl: latest victims of biden inflation, summer barbecue, hot dogs up 37%, chicken up 27%, ground beef up
taking a real hit after hitting the road. ready to go on the road again? reporter: day 11 of the reel family s cross-country road trip. we are heading to the rock and roll hall of fame. reporter: when they left, they were paying 4.49 a gallon, 4.59 in st. louis, 5.18 in illinois. the six week trip costing more every day, driving through the midwest to niagara falls, down the east coast to new orleans, across i-10, back to arizona. they hoped driving would be cheaper than flying and renting cars but so far they re paying 70 to $80 to fill the tank. two weeks ago, $5 sounded insanely high. now all of a sudden that s a bargain. reporter: driving prices higher, a strong economy, end of lockdowns in china, russian oil embargo, and fewer refineries in the u.s., six refineries, a million barrels of