we ran candidates and won 267 seats. this was a tremendous success. reporter: this political consultant believes all politics are local. that s where first-time candidates were people with no political experience do the first step. that s where they learn the small work is really important. that s where real political activism starts. reporter: he splits his time between moscow and washington, d.c. where he moved eight years ago. he worked on american political campaigns, for obama and bernie sanders. that s where he got the idea for what he calls political uber. politics should be as easy as uber ride. we ran the most successful and most affordable campaign ever. each candidate cost us a day, like a cup of coffee, $2.50. reporter: he is getting the hang of local politics and is ready to take the next step.
dollars, they are not producing the fuels we need to put in our cars and homes. megyn: what percentage of energy is produced by solar or wind in our homes. reporter: i don t have the exact percentage, i tell you it s probably under 5%. if you had a solar wind, geothermal the three big alternatives, it probably is less than 5% of our total energy use. look at it this way, under can i show you this. megyn: i love props. reporter: under president obama the price of gasoline has gone these are the numbers, i mean you can listen to the pundits speak, these are the actual numbers. when he was sworn in it was $1.83. megyn: why is he mocking newt gingrich when he says he could get it down to $2.50. reporter: i can. i have one answer that could bring it down a dollar over night it s $2 a gallon higher than when he took office. we use 138 billion-gallons of gasoline a year. 276 bill dollars a year i