Good afternoon. Water companies in england and wales have been ordered to repay nearly £158 Million to their customers. The Regulator Ofwat says its because the firms have failed to meet performance targets such as cutting Sewage Spills and leaks. Some future Water Bills will be reduced to reflect the missed targets. Our Environment Correspondent Jonah Fisher reports. A warning this report contains flashing images. This Report Card does not make pleasant reading for the Water Companies. Targets for reducing leaks are not being hit, the number of Pollution Incidents has hardly changed in the last five years and Customer Satisfaction has continued to fall. Three Water Companies anglian, southern and welsh are rated bottom of the class. The others are just average, with none rated in the top category. So we think the sector suffers from a culture of poor performance, that companies are not taking responsibility for their performance. They are too often blaming the weather or the circumst
Have been dashed after he was knocked out by Daniel Dubois in the fifth round. Hello, im kasia madera. Start with some Breaking News from Sri Lanka. The left wing opposition candidate, anura kumara dissanayake, has won Sri Lankas first president Ial Poll since the country defaulted on its international debts two years ago. That news just coming into us here at the bbc. He won when second preference votes were Ta Ken into account after winning about forty percent in the initial round of counting. The opposition leader, sajith premadasa, came second, with the outgoing president , Ranil Wikremesinghe Trailing in third. Breaking news from Sri Lanka on that election. The left wing opposition candidate, anura kumara dissanayake, has won Sri Lankas first president Ial Poll since the country defaulted on its international debts two years ago. We will speak to our correspondence on the ground. She willjoin us live with the latest on that. We start in the Middle East, where israel says hezbollah
We are expectIng reactIon to come In, but thIs Is the sItuatIon In SrI Lanka. Anura Kumara DIssanayake has one the fIrst presIdent Ial Poll sInce the country had to default on Its InternatIonal debts two years ago. He won second preference votes. When they were taken Into account when he won 40 In the InItIal round of countIng. The OpposItIon Leader came second. The outgoIng prIme MInIster TraIlIng In thIrd place. Anura Kumara DIssanayake heads the natIonal Peoples Power AllIance and It Is a party. That alIgns Includes hIs Peoples LIberatIon front party, a party tradItIonally backed, that has tradItIonally backed, that has tradItIonally backed stronger InterventIon and lower taxes. Its campaIgn for let thIs economIc polIcIes. WIth thIs wIn, SrI Lanka wIll see for the fIrst tIme, a government that Is headed by a leader wIth a strong left wIng Ideology. We are expectIng Anura Kumara DIssanayake to dIssolve the. To dIssolve the parlIament and then call for parlIamentary electIons after ha
DescrIbIng It as an open ended battle of reckonIng. NaIm qassem was speakIng durIng the funeral of a senIor Hezbollah Commander kIlled In frIdays IsraelI AIr StrIke on beIrut. That attack has been followed by a further escalatIon of Cross Border strIkes wIth three people kIlled In an IsraelI attack on Southern Lebanon. And Israel says hezbollah has fIred more than 150 rockets Into Its terrItory. In haIfa, 30 kIlometres from the lebanese border, HospItal PatIents have been moved to underground facIlItIes and resIdents have been told to restrIct gatherIngs and stay near shelters. We start wIth thIs report from our dIplomatIc correspondent, paul adams, from jerusalem. Northern Israel under attack thIs mornIng. Houses hIt far from the lebanese border. Hezbollah are seekIng revenge after days of devastatIng setbacks. Israels AIr Defences In actIon over the northern cIty of haIfa. Hezbollah rockets now reachIng deeper than ever Into Israel. EvIdence across the north that the IranIan backed g