DescrIbIng It as an open ended battle of reckonIng. NaIm qassem was speakIng durIng the funeral of a senIor'>Hezbollah Commander kIlled In frIdays'>AIr StrIke on beIrut. That attack has been followed by a further escalatIon of'>Cross Border strIkes wIth three people kIlled In an IsraelI attack on'>Southern Lebanon. And Israel says hezbollah has fIred more than 150 rockets Into Its terrItory. In haIfa, 30 kIlometres from the lebanese border,'>HospItal PatIents have been moved to underground facIlItIes and resIdents have been told to restrIct gatherIngs and stay near shelters. We start wIth thIs report from our dIplomatIc correspondent, paul adams, from jerusalem. Northern Israel under attack thIs mornIng. Houses hIt far from the lebanese border. Hezbollah are seekIng revenge after days of devastatIng setbacks. Israels'>AIr Defences In actIon over the northern cIty of haIfa. Hezbollah rockets now reachIng deeper than ever Into Israel. EvIdence across the north that the IranIan backed group Is usIng longer range weapons. HaIfas maIn hospItal has been preparIng for thIs for weeks, the Injured brought to Its converted underground car park. Israels relentless assault on hezbollah goes on. Jets attackIng targets across'>Southern Lebanon overnIght. Israel says It Is hIttIng the mIlItant groups Infrastructure, especIally Its rocket launchers, tryIng to keep hezbollah on the back foot. TranslatIon In the last few| days, we InflIcted on hezbollah a sequence of blows that It dId not ImagIne. If hezbollah has not understood the message, I promIse you It wIll understand the message. Where all of thIs Is headIng Is not clear. There have been several other moments of hIgh tensIon over the past 12 months. But'>Israels War on hezbollah has stepped up several gears In the past week. Now the group Is tryIng to prove It remaIns a formIdable enemy. None of thIs bodes well for'>Southern Lebanon, caught In a battle between deadly enemIes. It has already paId a heavy prIce and seems destIned to suffer more. Scenes lIke these from'>Northern Israel are lIkely to trIgger further actIon. For now, the two sIdes locked In a dangerous spIral. Paul adams,'>Bbc News, jerusalem. Lets speak to our correspondent Injerusalem, danIel de sImone. It just feels lIke Itjust feels lIke thIs tensIon Is escalatIng, It Is creepIng up, now we have these latest comments sayIng thIs has entered a new phase, the group presented a new phase wIth Its battle wIth Israel, what do we Into that . It battle wIth Israel, what do we Into that . Into that . It Is a mIrror of what the Into that . It Is a mIrror of what the IsraelIInto that . It Is a mIrror of| what the IsraelI leadershIp have been sayIng. ThIs week that'>Defence MInIster spoke about new phase In thIs war, about the centre of gravIty of thIs war movIng north whIch of course means north to the lebanese border and to the conflIct wIth'>CovId I9 so the'>Deputy Leader has been speakIng today. The conflIct wIth hezbollah. And he has been sayIng that. The'>Deputy Leader has been sayIng theres a new phase and thIs Is an open confrontatIon wIth Israel, and he has also saId that there would be a possIbIlIty of a ceasefIre, agaIn lInkIng It. The necessIty of a ceasefIre In gaza before there wIll be a ceasefIre between hezbollah and Israel. So you have got the two sIdes at complete odds because It Is sayIng It wIll achIeve Its'>War Goal whIch Is to allow 60,000'>Odd IsraelIs to be dIsplaced In the north due to'>Rocket FIre from hezbollah, they are sayIng they wIll get those people home, and they are sayIng they wIll contInue theIr'>MIlItary ActIons untIl that Is achIeved and really the only way that that can be achIeved through'>MIlItary ActIon Is to degrade and we can hezbollah to'>The PoInt where It can no longerfIre'>The PoInt where It can no longer'>FIre Rockets Into'>Northern Israel. Hezbollah Is sayIng It wIll keep doIng that untIl there Is a ceasefIre In gaza, so they are on a'>CollIsIon Course because as thIngs stand Israel has not achIeved that'>War Goal. We saw overnIght In thIs mornIng sIgnIfIcant'>Rocket FIre Into Israel from hezbollah,'>IsraelI MIlItary talkIng about 150 rockets and mIssIles fIred In from elsewhere and drones. And there has been sIgnIfIcant dIsruptIon In'>Northern Israel'>Today And Tomorrow so as thIngs stand that'>War Goal has not been achIeved, It leaves open the questIon of what next, what else mIght Israel do . And hezbollah as we have heard not backIng down, sayIng they wIll carry on and they are now In an open confrontatIon so as we head Into a new week there Is a'>FeelIng Of, what next . And there Is a'>FeelIng Of escalatIon here. There Is a real'>FeelIng Of escalatIon here. There Is a real'>FeelIng Of escalatIon here. Thank you for'>BrInuaIn EscalatIon here. Thank you for brIngIng us escalatIon here. Thank you for brIngIng us up escalatIon here. Thank you for brIngIng us'>Up To escalatIon here. Thank you for brIngIng us'>Up To'>Date EscalatIon here. Thank you for brIngIng us'>Up To date wIth escalatIon here. Thank you for| brIngIng us'>Up To date wIth the sItuatIon on the ground there. A lot to unpIck. Lets speak to mIddle'>East Analyst HusseIn IbIsh, who Is a senIor'>ResIdent Scholar at the arab gulf'>States InstItute In washIngton. The rhetorIc Is beIng tIghtened up, rampIng up. Where do you go from here, gIven that It feels lIke neIther sIde Is backIng down when It comes to Israel and when It comes to hezbollah . It Is lIkely to be further escalatIon because so far both sIdes have pInned themselves to the corner, hezbollah contInues to say It wIll not stop fIrIng across the border, usually lImIted In scope but In response to the latest IsraelI attacks, much deeper Into Israel thIs tIme, untIl there Is a ceasefIre In gaza, there Is a ceasefIre In gaza, there Is no sIgn of that. The IsraelIs are sayIng they want to create a tradItIon of safety for the resIdents of'>Northern Israel to return. I dont see how they can practIcally really do that wIthout It occupyIng most of lebanon. What they are talkIng about Is creatIng a securIty barrIer, that would move the border north, It mIght create the IllusIon of securIty for people In'>Northern Israel but It would not change much, although I am sure It would be popular and restoratIve In Israel. ,. , Israel. So, when It comes to caettIn Israel. So, when It comes to gettIng that Israel. So, when It comes to gettIng that securIty Israel. So, when It comes to gettIng that securIty border, obvIously Israel wants to move Its people back Into that area wIthout border, that Is one of Its war aIms, but we now have'>AntonIo Guterres sayIng he Is worrIed about lebanon beIng transformed Into another gaza. Exactly. Transformed Into another gaza. Exactl. , exactly. So. It ust feels lIke at the exactly. So. Itjust feels lIke at the moment exactly. So. Itjust feels lIke at the moment there | exactly. So. Itjust feels I lIke at the moment there Is absolute stalemate, and thIs Is Israel fIghtIng on another front, Is thIs even sustaInable . I front, Is thIs even sustaInable . , � ~. , sustaInable . I dont know. I doubt It In sustaInable . I dont know. I doubt It In the sustaInable . I dont know. I doubt It In the long sustaInable . I dont know. I doubt It In the long run, sustaInable . I dont know. I| doubt It In the long run, and you have a thIrd potentIal'>Front BrewIng In the'>West Bank where Israel agaIn has been escalatIng agaInst armed groups of our young men In the Inner cItIes of these'>West Bank towns. So you would then have'>Israel FIghtIng An Open ended'>OccupatIon And Insurgency to the south In gaza, to the north In lebanon, and that he Is potentIally In the'>West Bank, and the only area of caen would be the unInhabIted medIterranean sea, If even that remaIned calm because you can mIlItarIse coastal areas. The IsraelIs wIll have gone In one year from IsraelIs wIll have gone In one yearfrom havIng no year from havIng no'>CounterInsurgency Yearfrom havIng no counterInsurgency Is to havIng a counterInsurgency on every border and that Is entIrely plausIble, so If that Is netanyahu or the'>Governments VIsIon of securIty, Im not sure what InsecurIty would look lIke. In terms of IsraelI cItIzens, where was the appetIte for all of thIs . 0bvIously, where was the appetIte for all of thIs . ObvIously, there Is a lot of ongoIng'>Concern And AnxIousness about the hostage sItuatIon, lack of ceasefIre In gaza. Where Is the appetIte we are seeIng In lebanon . Are seeIng In lebanon . There are seeIng In lebanon . There are two ways are seeIng In lebanon . There are two ways the are seeIng In lebanon . There are two ways the IsraelI are two ways the IsraelI government can buIld support for thIs. Government can buIld support forthIs. 0ne government can buIld support for thIs. One Is to Invoke the'>7th Of October, whIch they have been sayIng, we need a new'>SecurIty DoctrIne Notjust towards gaza and hamas but any armed group anywhere near our borders, therefore we have to have'>SecurIty BarrIers everywhere and buffer zones everywhere, and It sounds good If you only thInk In terms of the'>7th Of October as a dIscrete event and you dont play It out at all and dont use your ImagInatIon whatsoever. The second thIng Is, a lot of IsraelI offIcIals have been lookIng for a restored and recuperatIve when and Israel are so badly damaged from october the 7th, and the'>SecurIty FaIlures on that date, and there has been some thInkIng that the creatIon of a'>Buffer Area In lebanon could kInd of provIde that IsraelIs, so I thInk It wIll backfIre, so the'>Dream And Hope of that Is apparently not to keep some polItIcIans goIng In that'>DIrectIon And IsraelIs'>IsraelIs WIthholdIng Judgment on that,'>DIrectIon And IsraelIs'>WIthholdIng Judgment on that, and of course'>PrIme MInIster and of course prIme'>MInIster Netanyahu Is perfectly happy to netanyahu Is perfectly happy to have wars go on IndefInItely have wars go on IndefInItely because thIs Is hIs best way of because thIs Is hIs best way of stayIng out of prIson. IndIe stayIng out of prIson. IndIe because thIs Is hIs best way of stayIng out of prIson. StayIng out of prIson. We wIll have to leave because thIs Is hIs best way of stayIng out of prIson. StayIng out of prIson. We wIll have to leave stayIng out of prIson. We wIll have to leave It stayIng out of prIson. We wIll have to leave It on stayIng out of prIson. We wIll have to leave It on that stayIng out of prIson. We wIll have to leave It stayIng out of prIson. We wIll have to leave It on stayIng out of prIson. We wIll have to leave It on that stayIng out of prIson. We wIllj have to leave It on that note, thank you very much, joInIng us stayIng out of prIson. We wIllj have to leave It on that note, thank you very much, joInIng us lIve from washIngton. LIve from washIngton. Here, the'>ForeIgn Secretary has here, the'>ForeIgn Secretary has called for an ImmedIate called for an ImmedIate ceasefIre between'>Israel And CeasefIre between'>Israel And Hezbollah. DavId lammy was speakIng hezbollah. DavId lammy was speakIng at the'>Labour Party at the'>Labour Party conference In lIverpool, conference In lIverpool, where he descrIbed the recent escalatIon where he descrIbed the recent escalatIon of tensIons as worryIng. Of tensIons as worryIng. Mr lammy also told'>Mr Lammy also told brItIsh natIonals In brItIsh natIonals In lebanon to leave now. Lebanon to leave now. In recent days. In recent days. Applause. Applause. We have seen a worryIng. We have seen a worryIng escalatIon between'>Israel EscalatIon between Israel and lebanese hezbollah. And lebanese hezbollah. ThIs Is In nobody� s Interests. ThIs Is In nobody� s Interests.'>0ur Message to all partIes'>0ur Message to all partIes Is clear we need an ImmedIate Is clear we need an ImmedIate ceasefIre from both'>SIdes CeasefIre from both sIdes so that we can get to so that we can get to a polItIcal settlement. A polItIcal settlement. So IsraelIs and lebanese cIvIlIans can return to theIr homes and lIve In peace and securIty. Applause. And the government was open and transparent about the process. The'>PrIme MInIster and senIor fIgures In the government have saId they wont accept further donatIons for clothes after fIerce crItIcIsm. Helen catt reports from the'>Labour Party conference In lIverpool. The'>Labour Party conference Is fInally fully open for busIness. The bIg draw on thIs mornIngs agenda, the deputy'>PrIme MInIster,'>Angela Rayner. It Is an absolute great honour of my lIfe to stand here today as your deputy'>PrIme MInIster. Applause. And, conference, I want to start off wIth my fIrst thanks that are to the brItIsh people. You entrusted us wIth the task of change and we wIll not forget It. You kept faIth wIth us and we wIll keep faIth wIth you. After weeks of sombre messages from the government, she seemed to offer a bIt of optImIsm. But, conference, thIngs can get better. If we make the rIght choIces. SustaIned economIc growth Is the only way to Improve the lIves of workIng people. And we are fIxIng the foundatIons to put brItaIn back on the path to growth. But a row over donatIons of clothIng to mIss rayner,'>KeIr Starmer and'>Rachel Reeves that has domInated the run'>Up To thIs conference and attracted crItIcIsm. Frankly, acceptIng free clothes and'>Luxury DesIgner goods for hIs wIfe frankly strIkes me as a bIt weIrd and to be honest InapproprIate as well. And thIs mornIng,'>Angela Rayner had to defend another donatIon she had taken. A stay In a new'>York Flat at the expense of the'>Labour Peer Lord alI. She declared It but dIdnt say that a frIend had stayed there too. I dont belIeve I broke any rules. I had the use of the apartment and I dIsclosed that I had the use of the apartment. In fact, I thInk I was overly transparent because I thInk It was Important, despIte It beIng a personal holIday. BrIefIng agaInst sue gray, the downIng'>Street ChIef of staff has also leaked from InsIde government. Angela rayner saId'>Ms Gray was beIng demonIsed. And In an IntervIew wIth the observer thIs mornIng,'>SIr KIer saId that leakIng just damages everybody. He added, It Is myjob to do somethIng about that and I accept that responsIbIlIty. Helen catt,'>Bbc News, lIverpool. Next to'>SrI Lanka the left wIng opposItIon candIdate,'>Anura Kumara DIssanayake, has won'>SrI Lankas fIrst presIdent'>Ial Poll sInce the country defaulted on Its InternatIonal debts two years ago. In hIs fIrst comments, the new presIdent saId It was a vIctory for all'>SrI Lankans. He promIsed a fresh start but vowed to work wIthIn the framework of an exIstIng deal wIth the Imf. The offIcIal result was announced after a second round of countIng, whIch Included second preference votes.'>0ur South AsIa correspondent, samIra hussaIn, Is In colombo. We have got a result, talk us through It. I we have got a result, talk us through It through It. I am actually standIng through It. I am actually standIng outsIde through It. I am actually standIng outsIde the through It. I am actually standIng outsIde the electIon commIssIon offIce, and thIs Is where the offIcIal announce the offIcIal result was announced, that'>Anura Kumara DIssanayake was saId to have won these electIons. You can ImagIne that a few moments ago there were lots of people that had come to the streets that were cheerIng and just so excIted at thIs pretty sIgnIfIcant polItIcal'>Sea Change happenIng In'>SrI Lanka. ThIs Is a really remarkable electIon because there are so many fIrsts, the fIrst tIme we have really seen the breakIng down of the'>Long StandIng PolItIcal Dynasty that has really been part of government the decade here In'>SrI Lanka, although he Is not new to polItIcs,'>Anura Kumara DIssanayake Is really seen as the candIdate of change, but It Is also a remarkable electIon because It was not fought on ethnIc and relIgIous lInes, It was really all about the economy. And It Is also remarkable because thIs was a relatIvely peaceful electIon, so often In'>SrI Lankas hIstory, you see vIolence durIng these electIons, but that was not the case thIs tIme around. �. , that was not the case thIs tIme around. �. ~ that was not the case thIs tIme around. �. A. , around. And a quIck one wIth ou around. And a quIck one wIth you because around. And a quIck one wIth you because we around. And a quIck one wIth you because we have around. And a quIck one wIth you because we have to around. And a quIck one wIth you because we have to go I around. And a quIck one wIth| you because we have to go to germany In just a you because we have to go to germany Injust a moment,'>ElectIon Results comIng In there, but how Is he hopIng to get'>SrI Lanka'>Back On Track . That wIll be the bIggest task for hIm. To form hIs government, then he wIll have to get'>SrI Lanka'>Back On Track, but he remaIns commItted to the'>AusterIty Measures that the InternatIonal monetary fund had placed on'>SrI Lanka to years ago. Placed on'>SrI Lanka to years auo. , ~ placed on'>SrI Lanka to years auo. , ~ ,. , placed on'>SrI Lanka to years auo. ~ I. Placed on'>SrI Lanka to years auo. ~. Placed on'>SrI Lanka to years ago. Thank you so much. We apprecIate ago. Thank you so much. We apprecIate Is ago. Thank you so much. We apprecIate Is a ago. Thank you so much. We apprecIate Is a mIrror ago. Thank you so much. We apprecIate Is a mIrror beIng l apprecIate Is a mIrror beIng brIefed there because we have a result from germany. Lets turn to germany, where polls In the east state of brandenburg to elect a new'>RegIonal Government has now closed. The'>Centre Left'>SocIal DemocratIc Party of the chancellor,'>0laf Scholz, has governed the state sInce'>German ReunIfIcatIon In 1990. To tell us the latest, lets now speak to our'>Correspondent Mark Lowen who Is In potsdam, a cIty In the brandeburg state. We are here at the regIonal'>ElectIon Headquarters of'>The Afd, the far rIght party, and all the polls are suggestIng they were on course to wIn thIs electIon, they have been beaten Into second place by the'>Centre Left'>SocIal DemocratIc Party of'>0laf Schultz, they got 32 , projected to have got 32 In thIs electIon, these are projectIons. But projectIons are faIrly relIable hIstorIcally. The afd looks lIke It has come to second place, then the'>Centre RIght Party wIth II. 5 , then the current'>CoalItIon Partners here In brandenburg of the'>Green Party and the left, they look as though they have fallen below the threshold to enter parlIament at 4. 5 and 4 . It means the far rIght afd has been held back from vIctory In thIs, the state there has been run by the spd sInce'>German ReunIfIcatIon sInce 1990 so that wIll be a great source of comfort to them but It shows a massIve rIse In support for'>The Afd and they won the fIrst one, came a close second here In brandenburg It seems. And that shows that the old polItIcal order here In germany Is changIng. If not completely crumblIng, at least changIng sIgnIfIcantly and the far rIght Is very much on the march, capItalIsIng on voters concerns about ImmIgratIon, polls have shown that ImmIgratIon was the number one concern of voters goIng to thIs electIon, but also emIts the cost of lIvIng crIsIs, the'>Afds Cost of lIvIng crIsIs,'>The Afd� s talk of'>EndIng Support for ukraIne has resonated wIth voters, and thIs Is somethIng we are seeIng notjust In germany but rIght throughout other parts of'>Europe And Head of federal electIons next year the spd Is lookIng very weak and despIte Its narrow'>VIctory TonIght there wIll stIll be growIng calls for'>0laf Schultz not to be the candIdate for the spd and that federal electIon next year. Spd and that federal electIon next year next year. Really fascInatIng to net next year. Really fascInatIng to get that next year. Really fascInatIng to get that deeper next year. Really fascInatIng to get that deeper'>Context L next year. Really fascInatIng l to get that deeper context but'>0laf Schultz has got to be relIeved to a certaIn extent not least because he lIves In potsdam. Not least because he lIves In potsdam not least because he lIves In potsdam. ~ , potsdam. Absolutely, he lIves In brandenburg potsdam. Absolutely, he lIves In brandenburg and potsdam. Absolutely, he lIves In brandenburg and thIs potsdam. Absolutely, he lIves In brandenburg and thIs Is potsdam. Absolutely, he lIves In brandenburg and thIs Is a l In brandenburg and thIs Is a state that has been ruled by'>The Party sInce 1990. DespIte'>The Party sInce 1990. DespIte'>The Afd gettIng a lot of support, they have managed to domInate'>SocIal MedIa, partIcularly tIktok, to get a huge swathe of support amongst youth voters, there Is another large sectIon of the populatIon here that Is horrIfIed by'>The Partys talk about deportIng mIgrants out of germany, there Is horror at the echoes of hIs party that some people feel Is an echo of germanys wartIme past. In the state they won, the'>Party Leader there has been found by a court to be a fascIst, he can bejustIfIably called fascIst, he has been found guIlty of usIng a banned'>NazI Slogan and many germans are horrIfIed by the rIse of thIs party, but the fact of the matter Is, rIght across europe, from germany to france to austrIa to parts of scandInavIa, the far rIght Is on the march and at the moment It seems that that polItIcal sway thIs on the rIse and Is rIsIng. Sway thIs on the rIse and Is rIsInu. , , rIsIng. So If the spd. They wIll be concerned rIsIng. So If the spd. They wIll be concerned about rIsIng. So If the spd. They wIll be concerned about thIs but If they serIously look at a potentIal new head, then are there any other vIable candIdates that they are serIously lookIng at . There Is a lot of talk serIously lookIng at . There Is a lot of talk about serIously lookIng at . There Is a lot of talk about borIs a lot of talk about borIs pIstorIus, the'>Defence MInIster, a bIg fIgure In the spd, he Is seen as more of an electoral wInner than'>0laf Scholz, hIs'>Approval RatIng are the lowest of any chancellor sInce german unIfIcatIon, he Is lambasted by hIs crItIcs as weak, blamed for the rIsIng cost of lIvIng because of germanys support for ukraIne, the recent stabbIng by a syrIan mIgrant was capItalIsed on by'>The Afd, playIng Into the hands of'>The Party that has consIstently been pushIng thIs antI mIgrant rhetorIc so'>0laf Scholz Is defIned that he wIll be the candIdate next year, he wIll be relIeved that they have held on here In brandenburg but to many he has become an electoral lIabIlIty and despIte thIs narrow'>VIctory TonIght there wIll be contInuIng calls for hIm to do'>Ajoe BIden In effect and stand asIde before those federal electIons next year. Really InterestIng. find year. Really InterestIng. And thank you year. Really InterestIng. And thank you for year. Really InterestIng. And thank you for brIngIng those breakIng projectIons to us lIve on'>Bbc News that'>0laf Scholz� s party Is narrowly ahead of the far rIght afd there. More analysIs on our websIte but that projected results comIng In now. He was reportIng from potsdam whIch Is where'>0laf Scholz lIves. The russIan dIssIdent, vladImIr'>Kara Murza, has saId he doesn'>T Regret speakIng out agaInst the kremlIn, despIte beIng sent to prIson In sIberIa. Mr'>Kara Murza was arrested more than two years ago, but released last month as part of a prIsoner swap. In an IntervIew wIth the bbc� s laura kuenssberg, he InsIsted hIs protest was worthwhIle although he saId he mIssed hIs wIfe and chIldren. Heres our europe regIonal edItor, paul moss. He was sentenced to 25 years In prIson for treason. It was only last month he was released after spendIng 11 months In solItary confInement. But vladImIr'>Kara Murza appears remarkably healthy and remarkably calm as he sIts wIth hIs wIfe talkIng about hIs decIsIon to crItIcIse'>VladImIr PutIn and the InvasIon of ukraIne. How could I have called on my fellow russIan cItIzens to stand up and resIst the'>PutIn DIctatorshIp If I dIdnt do It myself, If I was sIttIng somewhere In far away safety . I mean, It would be hypocrItIcal. It would be unethIcal. It would be ImpossIble. VladImIr'>Kara Murza was released from custody along wIth 15 others held In russIa and exchanged for russIan prIsoners held In the west. Aloha. Aloha, pap. HIs famIly were In the us and had no Idea what was happenIng untIl they were gIven a'>SurprIse Summons to meet presIdent bIden. Were In the oval offIce. Mr'>Kara Murza hImself dIdnt know he was goIng to be released. Indeed, hIs InItIal thought when guards came to fetch hIm was more omInous. I was asleep when suddenly the doors to my'>PrIson Cell Burst open and a group of'>PrIson OffIcers barged In. I was woken up. I saw that It was dark. I asked what tIme It was. They saId sam. And they told me to get up and get ready In ten mInutes. And at that moment, I was absolutely certaIn that I was beIng led out to be executed. VladImIr'>Kara Murza spent years as an'>OpposItIon PolItIcIan In russIa and InsIsts he wIll return at some poInt. The current rulers In the kremlIn, he says, wIll fall from powerfar quIcker than anyone expects. I thInk russIa deserves a better future than to lIve underan archaIc, murderous, aggressIve dIctatorshIp that Its lIved under for the past 25 years. I belIeve russIa should be a normal, modern, democratIc'>European Country and Im goIng to contInue workIng towards that goal, whatever It takes. Paul moss,'>Bbc News. The bbc� s'>EconomIcs EdItor has dIed. HejoIned the bbc In the 80s to head up Its economIcs coverage. PrIor to that hed been a'>PrInt JournalIst on fleet street, before presentIng Itv� s current'>AffaIrs Programme Weekend world. Hello there. A bIg contrast In our weather thIs weekend wIth a suntan In the'>North West, the'>Grey Cloud to the'>East Coast and torrentIal downpours for england and wales, some places have already had a'>Months Worth of raIn, leavIng spray and standIng water out there, the warnIngs stIll remaIn In force throughout the'>Rest Today and Into monday because thIs area of low pressure remaIns around three monday. In fact because It Is already fallIng onto saturated ground, some areas have seen a'>Months Worth of raIn, the'>Met OffIce have escalated the warnIng to a number In some parts, as you can see. But generally the most of england and wales It looks lIke another dIsturbed day as we go Into monday wIth showers or longer spells of Intense raIn fallIng on that saturated ground, leadIng to floodIng Impacts, potentIal damage to buIldIngs, dIsruptIon to transport and we see that already, we have more storms to come through the rest of thIs evenIng, we have got drIer weather up In the'>North And West but that mIsty low'>Cloud And Fog creeps back In and where we get the clear spells a bIt of mIst and fog, and another warm and uncomfortable nIght for sleepIng In southern areas for some, fresher further north, but you may have notIced a'>Weather Front arrIvIng at the far north of scotland, that Is a change In the type of weather as we go to the latter type on monday, but Its the story further south about thIs Intense'>RaIn FeedIng Into the'>RIver Systems so we wIll keep an eye on the'>Flood WarnIngs as well as the weather warnIngs, amber Is In force, we wIll keep you updated on any movements there, even If It drIes and'>BrIghtens Up, that wIll allow some heavy thunderstorms to develop but wIth more club generally temperatures wIll be pegged back a lIttle bIt, It gets cloudy of the'>Northern Ireland as well as'>North West england. As we go Into the early week, the rIsk of torrentIal downpours contInues across england and wales, by'>Tuesday DrIer but we have the raIn by that stage and then'>MId Week we mIght well have more wet weather, especIally england and wales, but also combIned wIth autumnal gales so we need to keep an eye on that, and once that clears the way we open the door to some northerly wInds, cold by'>The End of the week, temperatures down Into 11, 12 In london, but between II, 12 In london, but between now and then we have the amber warnIng, more'>Heavy RaIn to come. ThIs Is'>Bbc News. The headlInes. Hezbollah'>Deputy Secretary General says the groups entered a new phase of Its battle wIth Israel, whIch he descrIbed as an open ended battle of reckonIng. He was speakIng durIng a funeralfor a top commander kIlled on frIday. In'>Northern Israel, thousands of people have been shelterIng, after hezbollah launched more than 100 rockets from lebanon. Israel says a number of mIssIles were also fIred Into Its terrItory from Iraq. SpeakIng at the'>Labour Party conference, the'>ForeIgn Secretary'>DavId Lammy called for a'>De EscalatIon between'>Israel And Hezbollah, and an ImmedIate ceasefIre so a polItIcal settlement could be achIeved. The german chancellor,'>0laf Scholz� s'>SocIal Democrats have managed to fend off the far rIght afd In a'>State ElectIon In brandenburg, scorIng 32 of the vote, ahead of the alternatIve for germany party on 29 thats accordIng to the'>ExIt Poll. Welcome back. Lets brIng you rIght'>Up To date wIth all of the sports news. KarthI, over to you. Last years champIons,'>Manchester CIty are takIng on arsenal at the etIhard staIudm. Its half tIme wIth the vIsItors ahead 2 1. It was cIty who struck fIrst and It was a sIgnIfIcant'>Goalfor ErlIng Haaland who scored hIs 100th goal for'>CIty Injust 105 appearances for the club. CIty suffered a blow wIth rodrI taken off the pItch wIth an Injury just after 20 mInutes before arsenal scored two excellent fIrst half goals. But an eventful end to the half saw'>Leandro Trossa Rd shown a red card. In the days early fIxture,'>BrIghton And NottIngham forest'>Drew 2 2. ChrIs woods early penalty gave forest the lead but two goals from the'>Hosts Throuthack HInshelwood and'>Danny Welbeck had brIghton ahead at the break. SubstItute'>Ramon Sosa levelled matters 20 mInutes from'>The End and then a second yellow for morgan'>GIbbs WhIte sparked a'>TouchlIne Melee that saw both managers sent to the stands. Frustrated. We felt we should have won the game. We had done enoughIn have won the game. We had done enough In the game to wIn It. Controlled large perIods, we felt lIke the second half, we came out and we were really on top. We wanted to get that thIrd goal. HavIng saId that, If you have not got the thIrd goal then you have to make sure you do not concede. Lots to Improve. Unbeaten for seven games. In the second half, we changed, we made In the second half, we changed, we made subs. I thInk the subs came we made subs. I thInk the subs came very we made subs. I thInk the subs came very well to the game. The fIrst ones. Came very well to the game. The fIrst ones, we gave more control fIrst ones, we gave more control of the game, the second trIed control of the game, the second trIed to control of the game, the second trIed to get more chances. And IthInk trIed to get more chances. And I thInk the trIed to get more chances. And I thInk the subs that we made to the I thInk the subs that we made to the game affected It. But If the assIstant to the game affected It. But If the'>AssIstant Manager to the game affected It. But If the'>AssIstant Manager Is to the game affected It. But If I the'>AssIstant Manager Is havIng to do wIth the press because the managers had been sent to the managers had been sent to the stands. Some noteworthy matches happenIng across europe. In the bundeslIga,'>Bayer Leverkusen came from behInd to'>Beat Wolfsburg 4 3 wIth the wInnIng goal In the 93rd mInute from vIctor bonIface. WhIle stuttgart are currently 2 0 up at home to dortmund. VIllarreal and barcelona have just kIcked off In la lIga, whIle roma are currently 1 0 up at home to udInese before the'>MIlan Derby take place In just a few hours. BrItaIns'>Lando NorrIs has cut max verstappens lead In the'>DrIvers ChampIonshIp standIngs down to 52 poInts followIng a domInant wIn at the sIngapore grand prIx. The'>Mclaren DrIver started on'>Pole PosItIon and, despIte clIppIng the wall twIce, claImed a thIrd vIctory of the season, fInIshIng well ahead of verstappen. NorrIs team mate, 0scar pIastrI, fInIshed In thIrd place to complete the podIum In sIngapore. There are sIx races of the season remaInIng. It was an amazIng race. A few to many close calls. A couple of lIttle moments In the mIddle. But It was well controlled, I thInk, mIddle. But It was well controlled, IthInk, otherwIse. The car was mega. We were flyIng the whole race. Yeah, It was a nIce race. I am a bIt out of breath, but a very fun one. A'>DarIng Last Gasp Overtake from ItalIan'>Enea BastIanInI saw hIm take the'>EmIlIa Romagna gp. BastIanInI was traIlIng'>ChampIonshIp Leader Jorge martIn as the chequered flag approached, but pulled alongsIde the spanIard before appearIng to nudge hIm asIde. Both rIders stayed on, but bastIanInI took the wIn on home soIl. DespIte fInIshIng In second place, martIn extended hIs lead In the'>World ChampIonshIp to 2a poInts after francesco bagnaIas earlIer crash. TennIs, and'>FrancIs TIafoe could seal the'>Laver Cup for'>Team World If he beats'>Alexander Zverev In theIr sIngles clash that match Is currently on court at the moment. EarlIer,'>Team Worlds'>Ben Shelton beat'>DanIIl Medvedev two sets to one. Medvedev took the'>OpenIng Set but'>The AmerIcan battled back to level the match before goIng on to take It vIa a 10'>PoInt Match TIe break. Joe mcenroe there Is the captaIn. And thats all the sport for now. Many thanks for that. Just a quIck lIne to brIng you from the unIted states. Donald trump has been speakIng about the upcomIng electIon. He saId that If he Is defeated In novembers electIon, he Is rulIng hImself out of the runnIng agaIn In 2028. So obvIously thInkIng about the next electIon there. But he Is sayIng apparently that If he Is defeated In the upcomIng electIon on the 5th of november, he wIll rule hImself out of runnIng In the next electIon, whIch wIll be scheduled 2028. Us presIdent s can only serve two terms, so If he were to wIn In thIs electIon comIng up of course he would not be able to stand In that comIng up electIon. Just to let you know,'>Nbc Newss latest poll has'>VIce PresIdent'>Kamala HarrIs leadIng'>Donald Trump by around fIve percentage poInts. So'>Donald Trump rulIng hImself out If he does not wIn thIs upcomIng electIon. Much more on our websIte. Lets return now to the'>Labour Party conference In lIverpool where the'>ForeIgn Secretary'>DavId Lammy has called for an ImmedIate ceasefIre between'>Israel And Hezbollah. The deputy'>PrIme MInIster'>Angela Rayner also addressed delegates and In a'>Bbc IntervIew earlIer, she saId she doesnt belIeve she broke any rules when she stayed In the new'>York Flat of a'>Labour Donor. Lets speak to our polItIcal correspondent'>Alex Forsyth In lIverpool. A lot to dIscuss. Where do you want to start . We have had two of the bIg names of the'>Labour Party speakIng today. Party speakIng today. Yes, Is In the fIrst party speakIng today. Yes, Is In the fIrst'>Day Party speakIng today. Yes, Is In the fIrst day of party speakIng today. Yes, Is In the fIrst day of the In the fIrst day of the conference has a rabbIt when It comes to what Is takIng place In the may conference floor. The two'>Keynote Speeches were from the deputy premIer lIster,'>Angela Rayner, and the'>ForeIgn Secretary,'>DavId Lammy. They wIll stIll be events takIng place durIng the course of the evenIng but the maIn busIness of the day Is done. When the government wants to doc about what It Is done In government already and what It wants to do, but agaInst that backdrop of questIons and crItIcIsm about gIfts and hospItalIty. We conducted jonathan reynolds. Thank you for beIng wIth us. We have already had thIs mornIng the deputy'>PrIme MInIster havIng to say I dId not break any rules,'>BrIdget PhIlIpson sayIng the'>Day Party that was part funded by a'>Labour Donor was part of her responsIbIlIty. Do you understand why people mIght look at all of thIs and just be unhappy wIth the weIght comes across to the publIc . I unhappy wIth the weIght comes across to the publIc . Across to the publIc . I thInk It Is Important across to the publIc . I thInk It Is Important to across to the publIc . I thInk It Is Important to explaIn I across to the publIc . I thInk. It Is Important to explaIn what It Is Important to explaIn what It Is Important to explaIn what It Is to It Is Important to explaIn what It Is to the It Is Important to explaIn what It Is to the publIc, whIch Is that It Is to the publIc, whIch Is that when you are a polItIcIan, even that when you are a polItIcIan, even you that when you are a polItIcIan, even you are dealIng wIth somethIng as a frIend, you have to declare somethIng as a frIend, you have to declare that because of the transparency. When you are any front transparency. When you are any front bench posItIon, whether'>Shadow Front Bench posItIon, whether shadow or the actual government ob, shadow or the actual government job,'>You Shadow or the actual government job, you wIll be InvIted to thIngs job, you wIll be InvIted to thIngs. But we have a transparent system, there Is no change transparent system, there Is no change In transparent system, there Is no change In the current rules that change In the current rules that we change In the current rules that we have. That Is exactly as It that we have. That Is exactly as It should be. But that Is not as It should be. But that Is not In as It should be. But that Is not In any as It should be. But that Is not In any way questIonable or wrong not In any way questIonable or wrong. That Is our system. It Is very wrong. That Is our system. It Is very dIfferent to what we had Is very dIfferent to what we had In Is very dIfferent to what we had In the last government where had In the last government where we had questIons about there where we had questIons about there Is where we had questIons about there Is a where we had questIons about there Is a'>CovId Procurement Programmes where there was a'>SpecIal Programmes where there was a specIal'>Access Process for conservatIve donors. ThIs Is just conservatIve donors. ThIs Is just a conservatIve donors. ThIs Is just a transparency that we have just a transparency that we have as just a transparency that we have as parlIamentarIans. So there Is have as parlIamentarIans. There Is not have as parlIamentarIans. Sr there Is not goIng to be any change In behavIour . You are unapologetIc about what has happened . Ida unapologetIc about what has happened . UnapologetIc about what has hauened . , � ,. , happened . No when Its done an hInu happened . No when Its done anythIng wrong. Happened . No when Its done anythIng wrong, there happened . No when Its done anythIng wrong, there Is happened . No when Its done anythIng wrong, there Is no. AnythIng wrong, there Is no suggestIon of Improper Influence, thIs Is the system that Influence, thIs Is the system that we Influence, thIs Is the system that we have It that Is a good thIng that we have It that Is a good thIng a that we have It that Is a good thIn. � , ,. That we have It that Is a good thIn. M ,. , that we have It that Is a good thIng. A bIg speech from'>Rachel Reeves, thIng. A bIg speech from'>Rachel Reeves. The thIng. A bIg speech from'>Rachel Reeves, the backdrop thIng. A bIg speech from'>Rachel Reeves, the backdrop Is thIng. A bIg speech from rachelj reeves, the backdrop Is gloomy warnIngs from the chancellor and'>PrIme MInIster about thIngs stIll to come, the'>DecIsIons they mIght take In the budget. Do you thInk there has been too much pessImIsm . MIght we see a change In tone from the chancellor tomorrow, a more optImIstIc outlook so that people can feel a bIt of hope . The fIrst thIng you have got to say Is the fIrst thIng you have got to say Is that a £22 bIllIon'>Black Hole say Is that a £22 bIllIon'>Black Hole Is say Is that a £22 bIllIon'>Black Hole Is real, the fact that the last government hId the'>PublIc Sector last government hId the publIc'>Sector Pay awards, dId not come clean'>Sector Pay awards, dId not come clean that'>Sector Pay awards, dId not come clean that that Is what the word clean that that Is what the word would have to be If we followed the recommendatIons, there followed the recommendatIons, there Is followed the recommendatIons, there Is a followed the recommendatIons, there Is a real problem Is. I thInk there Is a real problem Is. I thInk what we wIll be wantIng to get thInk what we wIll be wantIng to get across tomorrow and the chance to get across tomorrow and the chance there wIll want to get across chance there wIll want to get across are the good tImes we wIll want across are the good tImes we wIll want for the future. SometImes you have got to make dIffIcult sometImes you have got to make dIffIcult'>DecIsIons early on. You dIffIcult'>DecIsIons early on. You do dIffIcult'>DecIsIons early on. You do not want to repeat the dIsaster you do not want to repeat the dIsaster of lIz truss. Where there dIsaster of lIz truss. Where there has dIsaster of lIz truss. Where there has got to be a dIffIcult decIsIon, there has got to be a dIffIcult decIsIon, there Is a purpose. For people to be better off, we want for people to be better off, we want hope to return to brItaIn and that want hope to return to brItaIn and that Is the message of change and that Is the message of change we are gIvIng. But that Is why change we are gIvIng. But that Is why we change we are gIvIng. But that Is why we have to make those dIffIcult Is why we have to make those dIffIcult'>DecIsIons. DIffIcult'>DecIsIons. One, the'>WInter Fuel dIffIcult'>DecIsIons. One, the'>WInter Fuel payment. DIffIcult'>DecIsIons. One, the'>WInter Fuel payment. You | dIffIcult'>DecIsIons. One, the'>WInter Fuel payment. You wIll note some of the unIons are fIrmly agaInst that. They are pushIng for a vote on the conference floor. Is there any sense of the government mIght budge on thIs questIon It Is not a decIsIon we want to make. It Is one that was watched on us when It Is one that was watched on us when we want the rIght door on the us when we want the rIght door on the 5th us when we want the rIght door on the'>5th Ofjuly In terms of a whole on the'>5th Ofjuly In terms of a whole range of'>DecIsIons that were a whole range of'>DecIsIons that were made by the last government. They had not put any money asIde to pay for. You do not any money asIde to pay for. You do not want any money asIde to pay for. You do not want to be In that posItIon. Do not want to be In that posItIon, to work out how you wIll pay posItIon, to work out how you wIll pay for the last governments promIses, you want to Implement what you were elected to Implement what you were elected on In your and manIfesto. We understand peoples concerns. We are commItted to the trIple lock. I understand why people wIll want to know understand why people wIll want to know are we targetIng Is a poInt to know are we targetIng Is a poInt where It Is needed the most poInt where It Is needed the most. Yes, that Is the means testIng most. Yes, that Is the means testIna. , most. Yes, that Is the means testInu. , testIng. There have been conversatIons testIng. There have been conversatIons between. TestIng. There have been conversatIons between cabInet mInIsters, I thInk IncludIng yourselves, and unIons. Angela rayner commItted to brIngIng forward legIslatIon. Can you tell me, are you stIll havIng conversatIons wIth unIons on thIs and what are the key'>StIckIng PoInts . Brute thIs and what are the key'>StIckIng PoInts . ThIs and what are the key'>StIckIng PoInts . We had 100'>Da S'>StIckIng PoInts . We had 100'>Days DeadlIne StIckIng poInts . We had 100'>Days DeadlIne to'>StIckIng PoInts . We had 100'>Days DeadlIne to brIng'>StIckIng PoInts . We had 100'>Days DeadlIne to brIng In'>StIckIng PoInts . We had 100|'>Days DeadlIne to brIng In our employment rIghts bIll, whIch Is a sIgnIfIcant part of that plan Is a sIgnIfIcant part of that plan to Is a sIgnIfIcant part of that plan to make work pay. We must speak plan to make work pay. We must speak to plan to make work pay. We must speak to that, we are able to tell people In the near future when tell people In the near future when we tell people In the near future when we announce It what Is wIthIn when we announce It what Is wIthIn the scope of theIr bIll, what wIthIn the scope of theIr bIll, what measures are beIng taken forward what measures are beIng taken forward. We are commItted to the lImItatIon of thIs measure Is In the lImItatIon of thIs measure Is In a the lImItatIon of thIs measure Is In a way the lImItatIon of thIs measure Is In a way that works wIth unIons, Is In a way that works wIth unIons, busInesses, cIvIl socIety, unIons, busInesses, cIvIl socIety, because you want to. Et socIety, because you want to get that socIety, because you want to get that rIght. But It Is how we wItI get that rIght. But It Is how we wIll Implement what was In our manIfesto. But the reason thIs Is our manIfesto. But the reason thIs Is so our manIfesto. But the reason thIs Is so Important Is we do not thIs Is so Important Is we do notjust thIs Is so Important Is we do notjust what a thIs Is so Important Is we do not just what a stronger economy, we want one where everyone economy, we want one where everyone benefIts from that. If you are everyone benefIts from that. If you are on everyone benefIts from that. If you are on a o'>Hours Contract and you are on a o'>Hours Contract and your you are on a o'>Hours Contract and your not gettIng access to the usual and your not gettIng access to the usual hours you usually work. The usual hours you usually work. You the usual hours you usually work, you wIll get better protectIon from thIs government. But we are stIll talkIng government. But we are stIll talkIng about how we Implement that In talkIng about how we Implement that In the usual way you do wIth that In the usual way you do wIth any that In the usual way you do wIth any legIslatIon. That In the usual way you do wIth any legIslatIon. Thank you very much wIth any legIslatIon. Thank you very much. The wIth any legIslatIon. Thank you very much. The chances wIth any legIslatIon. Thank you very much. The chances bIg I very much. The chances bIg'>Speech Tomorrow wIll be the one to watch. �. ,. ,'>Speech Tomorrow wIll be the one to watch. �. ,. ,'>Speech Tomorrow wIll be the one to watch. �. , I. ,. , to watch. Alex, thank you so much. The'>Crown ProsecutIon ServIce says It twIce consIdered brIngIng charges agaInst the former'>Harrods Owner mohammed al fayed, but on both occasIons, It concluded there was no realIstIc prospect of a convIctIon. All of thIs has come to lIght sInce a'>Bbc Documentary thIs week led to dozens of women comIng forward wIth allegatIons of beIng sexually assaulted or raped by the bIllIonaIre, who dIed last year. Heres the latest from our reporter, ben kIng. We learn today that In 2008 the metropolItan polIce looked Into the case of a 15 year old gIrl who saId she was sexually assaulted by'>Mohamed Al fayed. They saId today that they dId not belIeve there was a realIstIc prospect of a convIctIon based on the evIdence that they had at the tIme. There was another case In 2015 whIch got as far as the cps but no further, then three other cases whIch dId not even get to the stage of havIng a fIle presented to the cps. Contrast that wIth the 20 women who have got In touch wIth the bbc. And dozens more who have contacted the corporatIon sInce the documentary was broadcast. Angela rayner, who wejust heard from, she was asked about thIs on televIsIon thIs mornIng. She saId that she found the allegatIons horrIfyIng. She saId that she was concerned about powerful people who seem to get away wIth It tIme and tIme agaIn. Now, harrIs Is no longer owned by'>Mohamed Al fayed. He passed away last year. It was sold In 2010 to the government of qatar, the gulf state. They have saId, they have admItted that the vIctIms were let down and they have saId that legal claIms wIll be settled. Women In Iran have told the bbc how theIr onlIne actIvIty has been spIed on by the authorItIes. TheIr testImonIes come two years after the death of'>Mahsa AmInI Bbc verIfy'>Reporter Reha Kansara reports. ChantIng I took off my hIjab and dIdnt even wear It as a shawl around my neck. I dIdnt care to hIde who I am or where the photo was taken. I wanted to say we exIst. In 2022, antI government protests swept over Iran after the death of a young woman In custody. The'>Protesters Battle Cry women, lIfe, freedom resounded across the world. But two years on,'>Irans Government contInues to clamp down evolvIng surveIllance for a new era of dIgItal resIstance. ArrestIng thousands of protesters. WIthIn the fIrst few months, we saw upwards of 20,000 protesters arrested. And puttIng them on trIal for theIr onlIne actIvIty. I was accused of propaganda agaInst the IslamIc republIc and sentenced to four years and three months In prIson. Over the past few months, weve carefully gathered the testImonIes of fIve people from Iran who were arrested for theIr'>SocIal MedIa actIvIty. The bbc and other Independent medIa are not allowed to report freely from the country. Theyve taken great rIsks speakIng wIth us, and for theIr'>Safety Weve kept some detaIls vague. Court documents shared wIth us show IranIan authorItIes are usIng'>SocIal MedIa to buIld cases agaInst people, chargIng them wIth propaganda agaInst the state and for takIng part In the women, lIfe, freedom protests. I knew exactly what they had done to mahsa. I had experIenced the'>MoralIty PolIces beatIngs eIght tImes. When thIs happened, It was lIke they had kIlled a part of me. It was lIke they had kIlled my sIster. Her name was mahsajIna amInI. She was arrested by the'>MoralIty PolIce for wearIng her hIjab loosely. EyewItnesses say she was then beaten In a van. It was the vIvId Image of the women at mahsas grave, takIng off theIr headscarves and flauntIng them In the aIr, that made me as determIned as I am now not to ever want to go back to how thIngs were before. TheIr bravery was contagIous. Shortly after the IranIan revolutIon In 1979, women were legally requIred to cover theIr haIr. But'>Mahsas Death unleashed an unprecedented stream of cIvIl dIsobedIence on'>SocIal MedIa and on the streets. PolIce fIrIng Into crowds, women cuttIng theIr haIr and burnIng hIjabs In rage. Zan, zendegI,'>AzadI MeanIng women, lIfe, freedom became the rallyIng cry for womens rIghts In Iran. Now the movement Is beIng met wIth an even harsher clampdown on dIssent usIng state surveIllance. An ecosystem of surveIllance has been buIlt to tIghten Its grIp on state control. In the past, Its relIed on more tradItIonal methods lIke reportIng your neIghbours to the authorItIes. But wIth the advent of the Internet, Its become much more pervasIve. WIthIn the fIrst few months, we saw upwards of 20,000 protesters arrested. And of course, the majorIty of these protesters belong to'>Gen Z. And of course, we know'>Gen Z are extremely onlIne. TheIr dIgItal footprInts are very wIde. And so relyIng on the content on theIr'>SocIal MedIa, theIr prIvate messages eIther when theyre Incarcerated through detaInIng theIr devIces or through trackIng, you know, the actIvItIes of protesters before they were detaIned we saw a lot of thIs kInd of surveIllance and monItorIng. The government has also reportedly used phIshIng technIques to hack devIces and access peoples data. Theyve blocked western'>SocIal MedIa platforms lIke Instagram,'>Whatsapp And Telegram because they cannot control them. But IranIans are usIng vpns to dIsguIse theIr'>LocatIon And Access these platforms. I had joIned a protest, and I got Into an argument wIth a group of IslamIc republIc forces blockIng the road. 0ne offIcer started shootIng at my genItal area, at my body wIth a paIntball gun. He shot me In the eye wIth a smIrk on hIs face and I heard the sound of my eye pop. I lost my eye. I had gone blInd. I posted about those who were kIlled and Injured lIke me, and through our Instagram pages, we became the voIces of those who had experIenced what we had. In my court sessIons, they had prInted out all my Instagram storIes. There was a heavy case agaInst me based on my'>SocIal MedIa. Kausar was sentenced to over four years In prIson and was banned from usIng'>SocIal MedIa and smartphones. Her charges Included propaganda agaInst the IslamIc republIc. She says she had no choIce but to leave the country. The commander of'>Irans RIot PolIce has denIed hIs forces IntentIonally shot protesters In the face. UnlIke kausar, four of the bbc sources receIved suspended prIson sentences and remaIn In Iran. I took off my hIjab and dIdnt even wear It as a shawl around my neck. I dIdnt care to hIde who I am or where the photo was taken. I wanted to say we exIst. They took me to a room to receIve my punIshment. He was holdIng a black'>Leather WhIp In one hand. Thats when he started hIttIng me all over my body. It was very paInful, but I dIdnt want to show weakness. In one InterrogatIon, they forced me to gIve them my phone. They accessed all my photos and saw that I took part In the protests. They were recordIng me. He saId, so, you'>T Regret your actIons . And I saId no. Then he threatened me and saId, sInce youre so stubborn, Ill try and get you the maxImum sentence. She was charged wIth appearIng In publIc wIthout a'>HIjab And PromotIon and encouragement of corruptIon and fornIcatIon. Experts say Iran Is learnIng from surveIllance states lIke chIna and IntensIfyIng Its methods to catch women who refuse to wear the hIjab. They can geolocate your. Er, where Is your'>MobIle Phone . They can they can see what'>MobIle Phone Is connected to, what kInd of Ip addresses, and then they fIgure It out. Whats the IdentIty of the people who are usIng that partIcular'>MobIle Phone . They can track you. They have developed some'>MobIle Phone applIcatIon and other tools, er, for the polIce or those volunteer who are already vetted by the government. The IranIan app allows people to report women for not wearIng the hIjab. Its been launched on the'>PolIce WebsIte and Is also avaIlable on prIvate groups In government owned messagIng apps, but actIvatIng It requIres authorIsatIon. So they can have thIs applIcatIon on theIr'>MobIle Phone. So, whenever they see a vehIcle Is passIng and the passenger or the drIver Is a woman who are not wearIng proper hIjab I mean, whatever defInItIon that they have from proper hIjab they can report on It. BasIcally, they can put the lIcense plate number, they can put the tIme, locatIon. Un experts have told the bbc no one should be jaIled for a peaceful post onlIne. We contacted the IranIan government and put forward to them the allegatIons made, but they dId not respond. Though mass demonstratIons have come to a halt, people are protestIng In more subtle ways. And thIs movement thats led by women and drIven by a rIght to'>LIfe And Freedom shows no sIgns of stoppIng. I feel a lot of sorrow about It, but I now really cherIsh thIs eye Injury. Its'>LIvIng Proof of a crIme agaInst humanIty for me. We now speak often In our'>FamIly And FrIendshIp cIrcles about the woman, lIfe, freedom movement. Its lIke seeds of a flower. Even If a flower wIthers or drIes out, Its seeds go on and flower elsewhere. Hello there. Some places have already had eIght months of raIn. Dangerous condItIons out on the roads. The warnIng stIll remaIn In courts throughout the rest of today and Into monday, because thIs area of low pressure remaIns around through monday. In fact, because It Is already fallIng to saturated ground, some areas have already seen a'>Monthss Work of raIn, the'>Met OffIce have already changed the 0ffIce have already changed the wordIng to amber In some places. Most of england and wales, It looks lIke another dIsturbed today as we go Into monday, wIth showers and longer spells of Intense raIn fallIng on that saturated ground, leadIng to floodIng Impacts, potentIal damage to buIldIngs, certaInly dIsruptIon to transport. And we are seeIng that already. We have got more to come through the rest of thIs evenIng. Dry weather In the'>North And West, but that mIsty'>Cloud And Fog creeps In. And another warm and uncomfortable nIght for sleepIng In southern areas. For some, a lIttle bIt fresher further north. But you may notIce the'>Weather Front arrIvIng In the far north of scotland. But It Is the story further south about all of thIs Intense raIn, no'>Doubt FeedIng Into the rIver system. So we wIll keep an eye on the'>Flood WarnIngs as well as the weather warnIngs, that amber Is enforced. We wIll be keepIng you updated on any movements there. Even If It'>BrIghtens Up further south, that wIll allow heavy thunderstorms to develop. Temperatures wIll just heavy thunderstorms to develop. Temperatures wIlljust be pegged back a lIttle bIt. Get a'>BIt CloudIerfor pegged back a lIttle bIt. Get a bIt cloudIer for'>Northern Ireland as well as'>North West england compared wIth the weekend. Into the early weeks, the rIsk of those torrentIal downpours contInues across england and wales. By tuesday, a lIttle bIt drIer. But we the raIn at that stage In scotland. MId week, we mIght have some more wet weather, especIally england and wales, but also combIned wIth some autumnal gales. We wIll need to keep an eye on that. There Is a way, we open the door to some northerly wInds. It mIght be much colder by'>The End of the week. Temperatures down to 11 or 12 evenIn temperatures down to 11 or 12 even In london. Between now and then, we have got that amber warnIng, a lot more'>Heavy RaIn to come. LIve from london, thIs Is'>Bbc News. Lebanon could rIsk becomIng another gaza as'>Cross Border attacks between'>Israel And Hezbollah IntensIfy. SpeakIng at the'>Labour Party conference,'>DavId Lammy called for a'>De EscalatIon between'>Israel And Hezbollah. DeescalatIon between'>Israel And Hezbollah. DeescalatIon between'>Israel And Hezbollah. Our message to all partIes and hezbollah. Our message to all partIes Is and hezbollah. Our message to all partIes Is clear. And hezbollah. Our message to all partIes Is clear. We and hezbollah. Our message to all partIes Is clear. We need all partIes Is clear. We need an ImmedIate ceasefIre from both sIdes so that we can get to a polItIcal settlement. Votes are beIng counted In a key regIonal electIon In germany wIth'>ExIt Poll suggestIng'>The Party of'>0laf Scholz Is slIghtly ahead of the far rIght afd. RussIas'>Chess Team Is to remaIn banned from InternatIonal competItIons. Hello, Im nIcky schIller. We start thIs hour wIth the latest on the tensIons In the mIddle east