While ₹8.66 crore fine was collected in May, the first eight days of June brought in ₹3.33 crore under the Kerala Epidemic Disease Ordinance, accounting for a collective ₹11.99 crore as the lockdown completed a month
516 out of the 629 available beds in 9 centres are already filled
The city Corporation has decided to arrange 1,000 more beds across various COVID-19 First-Line Treatment Centres (FLTC) that are newly set to open.
Speaking at a press conference here on Saturday, Mayor Arya Rajendran said that 516 out of the 629 available beds in 9 existing FLTCs and secondary care centres have already been filled.
“In addition to the nine existing FLTCs, thousand more beds will be arranged soon at the FLTCs to be opened at the BSNL centre in Kaimanam, at LNCPE hostel, Karyavattom campus, CET campus, Samethi at Anayara, Greenfield Stadium and Rosa Mystica School near Kottapuram,” she said.
COVID-19: KGMOA submits proposal for two-week lockdown to Kerala govt ANI | Updated: Apr 30, 2021 16:09 IST
Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) [India], April 30 (ANI): The Kerala Government Medical Officers Association (KGMOA) has submitted a proposal to the state government requesting a two-week state-wide lockdown to avert similar health crisis faced by states like Delhi and Maharashtra.
The proposal also includes other key proposals also relating to new vaccination guidelines issued by the state government.
In the representation given to state Chief Secretary, KGMOA president Dr G S Vijayakrishnan, With over 2.5 lakh patients and over 25 per cent Test Positivity Rate (TPR), Kerala is currently on the verge of a large outbreak. Studies show that genetically modified viruses can be transmitted from person to person through the air. It can spread from one patient to hundreds. The most crucial step in cutting the link to this serious spread is to a
CM says situation unpredictable
Govt. to increase bed availability
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Govt. to increase bed availability
The government is enhancing the health infrastructure to give proper COVID-19 care to as many people as possible in the weeks ahead when the patient load in hospitals is expected to rise several fold, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has said.
The situation had been reviewed and the government had decided to increase the availability of beds with oxygen in all hospitals and at COVID First Line Treatment Centres (CFLTCs), Mr. Vijayan said here on Tuesday. As the situation was unpredictability, there should be adequate buffer stock of oxygen in all institutions, he said.