516 out of the 629 available beds in 9 centres are already filled
The city Corporation has decided to arrange 1,000 more beds across various COVID-19 First-Line Treatment Centres (FLTC) that are newly set to open.
Speaking at a press conference here on Saturday, Mayor Arya Rajendran said that 516 out of the 629 available beds in 9 existing FLTCs and secondary care centres have already been filled.
“In addition to the nine existing FLTCs, thousand more beds will be arranged soon at the FLTCs to be opened at the BSNL centre in Kaimanam, at LNCPE hostel, Karyavattom campus, CET campus, Samethi at Anayara, Greenfield Stadium and Rosa Mystica School near Kottapuram,” she said.