Indian Institute of Technology Madras has crossed the 1,000-mark in patents generated by it in India and abroad, officials said. The number of patents filed by the institute has also doubled in the last five years with the US accounting for the highest number of patents filed outside India.
IIT Madras has collaborated with VIT Chennai, Queen Mary University of London and Magneto Cleantech to Develop Air Sanitization Technologies to prevent spread of COVID 19 & Tuberculosis.
Bengaluru (Karnataka) [India], June 11 (ANI): The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras Alumni Charitable Trust on Friday donated over 200 oxygen concentrators of 10L of capacity each to the Karnataka government.
It is a known fact that the demand for technical courses is currently increasing. In this context, IIT Madras is launching new courses. The details are as follows. IIT Madras is expanding its technical education offerings in response to rising demand. The Robert Bosch Center for Data Science and AI (RBCDSAI) has announced the opening of a 12-month Postgraduate Level Advanced