Print Edition: June 17, 2015
After joking about looking like wizards in full regalia backstage, the 2015 class of UFV graduates filed onto the floor of the Abbotsford Centre, led by the beat of a traditional Stó:lo drum.
On June 11 and 12, four separate convocation ceremonies saw graduates from all faculties cross the stage, with friends and families blowing air horns and cheering in the stands.
Each ceremony lasted roughly three-and-a-half hours, as over 2,000 grads received their credentials and shook UFV president Mark Evered’s hand.
UFV administration, including Evered and chancellor Gwen Point — who attended UFV convocation despiteD her own PhD ceremony occurring at SFU the same day — opened the ceremonies with speeches. Evered encouraged students to take advantage of technology while approaching life as “respectful and responsible rebels.”