What We Do in the Shadows is the vampire mockumentary series based on the movie of the same name that was created by Clement and Taika Waititi. During the show's run, they have gotten some awesome guest stars to appear as vampires. Yesterday, a fan of Kohli suggested he make an appearance on
"Dear @AJemaineClement Can we please introduce @RahulKohli13 as a vampire in the next season of
What We Do in the Shadows," @krystle_marie_h tweeted. Kohli replied with a photo of himself wearing vampire fangs and Clement responded, "This is the best self tape I've seen." Kohli added, "F****ccck, I forgot to slate it. Hi my name is Rahul Kohli and I’m 6ft 4 *does awkward profiles*." You can check out the tweets below: