This was called 245 Split and if I added a letter that’s the gap with a down LB. 245 Split A.
And they also ran a 404 Tite front with a pinched DE, which I called 4-3 Tite.
Continuing with my convention of naming their 11 personnel formations by the position of the H (slot) receiver—”Gun Wk” for in the slot weakside, etc.—when he lines up inside I’ll call out the gap. So this is Gun Str B (H receiver is in the B gap of the TE’s side).
Substitution Notes: A lot of movement at guard. Filiaga got the start at LG and rotated with Keegan until Zinter left at the end of the 1st Q. Zinter came back at the end of the 2nd Q when Filiaga went out (after stepping on McNamara), and it was Barnhart & Zinter until halftime, then Keegan and Barnhart until Keegan went out, then Barnhart and Filiaga, then Filiaga got re-hurt late and it was Barnhart and Atteberry. [After THE JUMP: The UFR that never ends]