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Here. Next item communication and not aware of any. Okay. I dont think we have any from the board. Item 4 is board of directs new and old business. Okaywe have a new president elect, we know that. I would like to not know. Just in case nobody knew. Next item item 5, executive director report. October 20 meeting approved reduction in lease rates under interstate 80 for the bus service facility. This will benefit golden gate transit which has similar storage lot under i 80 with lease rates set to exspire nucs month. The current lease is approximately 560 thousand per euros year. [inaudible] caltrans informed on the current fair market value the cost of the lease will increase to 1. 4 million per year after twnt Percent Discount. Through the collaborative effort of golden gate district and ac translt and help with caltrans approved a lease term with 85 Percent Discount of fair market value reducing the lease to more than 85 Percent Discount of fair market value reducing the lease to more than a million to 25 thousand a year which is half of what golden gate is paying now. Like to thank director harper who was at the meeting and thank director sartipi caltrans staff for helping come to this. That was a great result for us. Our next steps would be enter into agreement with caltrans and ac transit and take back to ctc and bring back to board for approval. [inaudible] been a strong supporter of veterans throughout the history the project. Tomorrows is veterans day and felt it was important to honor the veterans working hard to development the translt center. From the trades in the field to professional staff 30 veterans are invited to sit torenl for exclusive lunch to thank them. Like to thank [inaudible] for the construction erflt. We are looking forward to. Last month we hoped to receive first dispersement of [inaudible] in late october. We have not been able to come to agreement on the loan amendment per taining to city financing. We are still hoping to receive dispersement later this munthd and talked to leadership in washington and agreed to give dispersement later this month without the amendment officially executed and city financing closed, however, this provided we are able to come to terms with the agreement on the tournament. We have a call later this afternoon to finalize that so the hope is we receive dispersement later this month. I have sarah here and can answer any question regarding this and this concludes my report. On the ctc meeting, we can particularly thank chairman alvarado. He was absolutely masterful. He has a biglike 14 or 16 people and they are justhe just focused and focused and focused and focused and focused and he want going to let anyone continue the item for any reason, we will figure it out now. It was masterful. If any board member wants to see how you chair a meeting or at least that item, it was really good. Everybody helped, but he did it and directed it and where he wanted to go and it was unanimous after he finished. Really good to watch. Okay. Next item. Construction update. Good morning, directors. For this months update we are back at full staff so ron and i will split duty and go 33 the usual items we hit on. So, regarding roont activity, this graph shows a lot of green, green means good. A lot of progress. Pink is all activity in progress at this point. We have about 700 workers on site today, so we continue to bump up and continue to add as we get throughsoever the next quarter or two working day, swing, night shift saturday and occasion alsundays. This shows the rooftop restaurant starting down to the ground level. Beale street, the last train block con crete pour was done the past week so sthra lot of activity throughout the entire above grade portion and below grade there is truminds progress on the lower concourse and train block. The lower con course is heart and lungs. In the graphic a lot are going 3 d which mean thaiz are active or completed so very Good Progress going on on these sites. When you jump to the had bus ramp the graphic shows activity to the cable stay to climen teen through harrison. The graphics are continuing to change and update and lot of progress made. You can see in the picture in the western zone that shows that there is a lut of work on the bus deck. The Water Proofing and concrete makes to either end chbt we started in the middle and worked out so now it is making to the far west end. The bottom left it shows where all the conduit, there is a amazing amount of conduit. If you have been out you know how much. On top the switch gear transformers continue to be installed. There are a lot of those out there as we get towards permanent power. The central focus is rooftop and Water Proofing happening up there. Also the glass canopies over escalators are taking shape. One the skylights has a grade placed on it, a big milestone. A large oval has the framing on top in preparation for the glass that will go there. Also the glass foor has a lot of panels in it. In the eastern zone the light column is taking shape with the skylight. About to have its framing go over it as well too. The awning is making progress in the western and eastern zones as we proguess. In the grand hall the Glass Ceiling which is our Critical Path so a lot of emphasis on that area mptd on the bus ramp, our cable stay, the cables have been stressed, all 7 of them. It has been lifted up and a lot of the false work is gone already. It looks beautiful as you drive down Howard Street but have miscellaneous pieces to come into place to make it permanent soon. Items on the bus ramp are progressing like the retaining wall squz deck work is happening as well. Now, there is a lot ofwe are in transition on the presentation and put all the words up and wont reference them. They are later reading but the main focus is there is a lot of items that will be completed in the next period. Completed, completed shows up through this especially in the central zone. We are in a transition period where we talk more about bus operations, getting that on board. The getting the building up and running. The commissioning of it and the retail cl element ron will talk more in on his operational readiness slide. This is a slide that is focusing on a lot of things that complete in the field as we move into 2017 getting ready fl day one. Unfortunately had one lost time accident, it happened a month ago. A employee as he wastripped on a tray underneath a porta john and ripped thetenedens in both quadricepts so it wasnt technically a work related incident but on the job site so one lost time this year. We wish him well. He is a having surgery and hopefully see back on site shortly. The craft hours sur passed 2. 7 million hours to date on the project so we continue to get very very large numbers with the crafts. While we are on that slide, i always thought that every lost time incident is recordable incident . We put it under the category so dont lose track of a lost time. It is sort of a fundamentaljust the way we report it at this point. You had zero in lost time. We keep them separate. Okay. With that ill turn it over to ron for the rest the presentation. Thanks dennis. Always appreciate the level of detail you share with us in the activity in the field and your correct, we are coming to the end of the big heavy construction and moving more into the grandural activity of mep and commissioning and all that. Exciting place to be. With respect to budget, no real big surprises. It is kind of trending as expected. We spent expenditures went up about just under 28 million over the last month. Pretty much expected in terms of finishic ing up in the next 14 months as expected. Commitment wnt up about 28. 4 million and in terms of forecast estimate of completion we went down 1. 3 million reflective of the favorable bid we received on the network so going in a good direction there. In terms of Percent Complete in terms of budget and contract time both tipped up about 1 percent, so no real surprises there. Um, with respect to contingency cost, it was a light month predominantly on electrical i think about 100 thousand of contingency draw around electrical and this is where we reflect the plowing back into the program reserve, the 1. 5 cost avoidance by having a favorable bid. There ask a number of things in the hopper as you see with the forecast continge aenss use. Just under 3 million in discussion in terms of things and potential contingency draws. Not all of them will become real but gives a idea of magnitude of discussion going on. Mubing mubing moving on to schedule, as dennis reported, last month we received a recovery schedule, so we are really seeing a stabilization of the schedule. If you recall over the months the previous months and current month report we bobbed around because of the issues we rp wrestling with. Not a lot to say here. We stabilized reflective of the recovery schedule and no big changes over the last month. It is up to us to monitor and maintain the current recovery schedule to achieve the objective of being substantially complete by 122217. Even looking that grandural streams of activity they are all well stabilized. We have a bit more work on the roof park as i think dennis relaid in terms of recovery but all in all, ready for its inteneded use is on track for december ofdecember 22, twnt 2017. As going back for a second i want to highlight the bus storage again reflects the normal slippage with ability to settle on the lease and mark mentioned, lease terms have been determined with the bus Storage Facilities, so we are looking towards focusing on that and getting that back on track. This slide here outlines we are dialing in milestones to initiate to get correct with the bus Storage Facility in terms of getting the bid out to bid, getting ready. There is residual ark logical field work that needs to be done. We are looking at 14 to 18 month duration with a trajectory towards fall of twnt 2018 to have the bus Storage Facility in place and obviously that is post operations of the Transit Center, so there will be a interim period we deadhead or accommodations need to be done. Quick question. Is there a reason why we are waiting another three months to start the field work . I think we still need the bid. The drawings are done, i think it it looks like the work is starting observe the contract award. Is this happening outside the contract . Ark logical work . Right. We already [inaudible] our initant is start in january. There is the areas used for parking lot now so need to work with caltrans on entering the area and need to terminate the lease or figure whether we can do some of that work and remain as a parking lot use. Okay. Anything we can do to absolutely. The time from the transit scepter opens and bus facility. That is intent. Why didnt dee the bidding period earlier . We didnt need the lease agreed before the bids go ow so could have done that earlier, right sph yeah, receiving bids there is a timeframe that they hold true. There was a risk there. We didnt have to advertise until there was a commitment from ac transit to fund the lease and ac trandst wouldnt fund the lease without the lease terms. Ac transit indicated they will not be able to fund the lease based on the initial copative agreement the 85 percent is totally unaffordable. Yes. We have to wait for that, so now that we have that resolved still would have beenyou can go out. Not all ac transits fault. Thats my job. [laughter] we try to be strategic and preload what we could. That is how it played out but now that the lease is just about in place in terms of being official, we need to pick up the pace and put focus on that stream of activity as well. I like to ask a question. I was going wait but since we are on the slide, ron you and your team have done a great job on budget and schedule. If i understand i think probably the biggest risk from a financial standpoint is bus Storage Facilities since we havent bid it yet . There is potential for bid bust. Is that my seeing this correctly from a numbers standpoint because this piece the project hasnt been bid yes, there is potential for the numbers not to hit what we are estimating . Yeah, as i say we can get hit by any number of comments out there. We just need to manage to where we are going and this is the largest item missing out there to make sure you hit your forecast. Yeah appreciate that. Good point. Lost site for a while focused on the transitsenter but there is a big chink in there. To manage the risk there will be a major outreach because we can manage the risk. Until you go the number you dont know the number. Moving forward with challenges and we have normalized thinks out there so the challenges are the big threat challenges are quite deminshed from previous months. Again, we always have to wrestle with the schedule and as i mentioned recovery schedule in place. We continue a strategic overtime elements in the floor. The trazal floor has a lot of medal dividers that are design jz laid out in the field. Devised a manner in which to law them out in a modular fashion and get a running start on that and that is just one element in our strategy that decompressed the concentration of activity out in the grand hall, which was for a long time the Critical Path that we have been focused on. So, a lot of thinking along those lines. Training. We started biweekly meetings with ac transit and other Transit Providers. I think we are starting to get dialogue and traction along looking at what their expectations are when they are arrive in terms of training, it provisions, layout of what minor tenant improvement that may happen along those lines. So, as dennis mentioned, i think this presentation will demensh on the heavy construction piece and expand a bit on monitoring or informing on what our thoughts and strategies are insureing operational readiness. I developed about 4 our 5 slides for next months to kind of demonstrate our line of thinking and some of the things we initiated with the transit operators how to tackle thal that challenge. On that issue, i r you working closely with ac tenant impruchb provement . I understand equipment and furniture, yeah but in terms of the wiring and all the stuffthat will be all be done . Exactly. They may populate it racks with their equipment so need to tease that out. Relating to ac transit there isnt tenant improvement there is a prefabicated Supervisors Office to generate drawings. The ti work is related to golden gate transit and one other gray hound. It is fairly minor. I think the most of it is gray hound and golden gate in terms of the second floor build out for their space. It is relatively minor but needs to be teased out and advanced and ready to get a running start with the master lease when they come on board. Trying to get them as soon as possible, looks like early next year, there is not to get too far ahead in terms of the slides im developing, but there are Three Streams of activity on operational readiness. Getting the transit agencies prepared, working with the master lease and others how to operate the building, stationary engineer and housekeeping and security and third stream is focused on retail, leasing, onboarding and ti Work Associated with that. Those are the streams of thoughts and trajectories we are developing to advance through the next year on being operationally ready. I know that there is a lot of phase two impact on what i think was highspeed rail announcement a couple weeks ago they will put in 800 foot train instead of 1400 feet or 1200 feet . We were built out for a much longer train. 600 or 400 meters right . At the moment they operate 400 meeting long trains. 400 meters . Nilthsly initially they start with 200, half a train. 200 meters long and can fit them in easily. They have not given up on the idea of the longer trains, it is only the initial start up. The announcement was every other station, not ours. What was the length, 200 meters . Yeah. It was 400 and now 200 meters . I dont know how it is supposed to work, it every other station can only support a 800 foot train, what is the likelihood they will run 1200 foot trains or whatever it is in San Francisco . I think you are right, but they wont admit to if at this point. [laughter] they are negotiating in los angeles. I they look at the Transit Center and seeing capacity whether they can store trains there or not. We need to have more discussions with them before we thats why we pay him the big bucks it will be a long day. I just bring it up now. We look at mitigation strategies and i dont know that there might be something even at this stage in terms of what we are building or finishing we can say my gosh if we 800 foot trains lets not get carried away at the end. We havent. We havent built a extension. The end is beale street, not main. That is the next stage. It in the environmental agreement. Even within the building we have much more than we need on a 800 train. We have a little more. Cal train committed to 8 car trains. They are going to 6 right now and it wont be long before they get to 8. Cal trains, how long is a 8 car cal train . I dont remember the exact number. It is a lot[inaudible] theprint stations. I see they alreadyit is it will be a while it will take 10 years or so, unlessif there is a big push on ridership, you can always put trains in, you just use different parts of the train with the stations. Yeah. It is done all over. Okay, just wondered how we were thinking about that and glad to hear we are. We are not building anything at this point beyond what we originally designed. The big empty box downstairs is defined that is how you get a impression of how big that building is because nothing in the way. Stand there while the train platform would be and looks like the curvature of the earth. You have can hear the trains coming. [laughter] that concludes my part. Thank you all. Ready for next item . Yes, police. 50i89m item 7 is citizen advisory update but understand [inaudible] there is nothing to report. With that we can move to item 8. Public comment, opportunity for members to address on matters notd on todays calendar and have jim patrick here with us. Morning directors. Jim patrick, patrick and company in San Francisco. Im concern about the politics the opening of the transbay terminal when the buses complete and operational and may want to think about those magic dates. Are the same date or different . You are going to have a closed meeting with three potential bidders for the master lease. I suggest several things need to be considered. Number 1, the master lee will have to make maybe 20 or 25 leases as he does his job. Can we package those leases toort together such that we have a streamlined Building Permit process in the city . They are a Sister Agency after all i make that work faster. Can we provide financial incentives . We ask the plumber to work over time or hvac, can we provide financial incentives to the lease ee to be done and operational as specific date we think is right . Not sure we are thinking about those things. Notion is we pay over time for this, maybe we can take some of that money and get those guys fully operational. Also, i think the goal should be up and operating and fully staffed in terminal on such and such date. Maybe it isnt the same as a bus operational date, in which case we need to publicly say this is what the strategy is because now if the bus runs, everything runs. I think that is am mental place where people are. Is that correct . As i look at this play out, i dont think it is correct. Thank you. That concludes members of the public that wanted to kraesds and can move into consent calendar. Yes, please. All matters are considered to be routine acted on by a single vote, no separate discussion unless member of board or public request and not received indication a member of the board or public have items severed. Call your item. Motion for approval consent calendar . So moved. Seconded by the supervisors. Any objections . Seeing none calendar is approved. Thank you. Item 10, authorizing the executive drether to execute agreement for state Advocacy Service for 2 years for 216 thousand with an option to extend the agreement for up to 4 one year terms nchlt. We have two items related to Advocacy Services in dx dc and sacramento. The existing state contracts expired july 31 so engaged in a rfp process and the process is described in the staff and results are what we recommend today. For this item for state services and also for the federal item, we saw a opportunity for some significant cost savings because prior to this going back to 2010, we always had two contracts, two contracts in dc and two contracts in sack sacramento and as we go from phase 1 to phase 2 we believe we can have the representation that we need on the ground while continuing with one contract in sacramento and for the next item just one contract in dc. There are a number of major funding streams in the phase two funding plan that will require both state and federal approvals in the coming years, but in terms of the state contract, we believe the firm we are recommending Townsend Public Affairs has the appropriate experience to provide the representation we need. They have extensive experience with the funding streams we will be pursuing and the agencies that will be implementing those funding streams. Um, we did following the presentation in june where we walked through our phase two funding plan with the board, engage in a peer review process. We had gotten our initial revenue projections that were used to inform our phase two funding plan from sperry capital which is a Financial Firm we worked with a number of years. We engaged a ferment called Ross Financial to engage in a peer review of the assumption and methodology that is used putting the reb new projections together. We just completed the review and the results were quite positive and afirmed the reasonableness and validity of assumptions and methodology sperry used to put those projections together so from our perspective the task at hand shifts to implementing all of those funding streams. In addition we want to make sure we are prepared for new opportunities that appear to be on the horizon and believe that is potentially true in both sacramento and dc in termoffs sacramento, there are ongoing discussions about a new transportation funding pack age and this could potentially be one time funding like things that we have seen in the past, prop 1 b and so forth so want to be prepared to take advantage of the opportunities if they arise to augment what we already have in our current phase two funding plan. But again, there are elements of the existing plan that will require state and federal approvals going forward. Commitments made in planning bay area related to things like future bridge tolls and highspeed rail funding and passenger charges we will look at. The other thing i wanted to mention, when we had our first meeting of the new Cost Review Committee in august, there was questions that came up about the nature of the interaction between our lobbyist and citys lob i byist. I reached out the the Mayors Office and walked through how we approach the service squz walking through in the Staff Reports you see today and how we intened to move forward. Got good feedback, concurrence with the approach we are repding recommending and had a good conversation looking for more opportunities in the fuch frr collaboration and coordination on areas of mutual interest, shared priorities. I know that in terms of the state services, the firm we are recommending Townsend Public Affairs have a good and longstanding relationship with [inaudible] which is the city works with. A similar situation for the dc contract. They welcome the opportunity to have the increased collaboration and that can be as formal or informal as the city would like. We could do more regularly scheduled meetings or a as needed basis. I do have with us Christopher Townsend and nick low dulukea and alex gibs from townsend Public Affair squz happy student answer any questions you have as would i. Thank you. Questions . I sort of have my problem with this and i dont know ifdidnt know the mayor s office want in full agreement and this is something they wanted but always had the issue that really the city of San Francisco should have a lot to say about the transportation projects and what is pushed and when and that include us but that is just my feeling. I did want to start crossing swords with the satey because the city has a lot of transportation infrastructure it is trying to do and on this one if we are going on the basis of the alignment they havent figured out yet or not, i just wanted to make sure that thats not happening. If you say that is fine, thats a little bit of relief in that respect we reached out to them specifically in response to that question coming up at the Cost Review Committee in august. The other thing i would say about the rab is regardless of the outcome of the study we need to put the elements of the funding plan in place to move forward with which ever alignment goes forward. Im still not suremy preference and expressed a number of times is take whatever money we have and giveren supervisor peskin and ctc, San Francisco ctcs reluctance at least to give the 6 million, i want to be sure we are husbanding the money in the right way and we are not stretching out. To me lobbyist are something you hire once you know exactly where you are going and doing and im not that comfortable that we do at this opponent. Point. I dont know what to tell them . Keep a eye out for the generalties coming out of sth state . Our apreach is see a stimulus or funding package in sacramento come up and washington dc. Through the contracts we are able to capture 400 million that wnt to phase 1. How do you capture them now . What do you use to capture the money . We have approved environmental document and funding plan that we could use in order to secure funding. If the alignment happens to change later the money stays with the project. The money doesnt disappear. So, why not so we use an environmental document approved to get money if the alignment were changed and it is amended we keep the money . It comes with the project. Vice chair. My question, is this something that can wait a little so that we can really iron out things we are trying to figure relating to dtx and funding opportunity we need . Well, the reason i see urgency at the federal level is that we are poised to enter the new starts pipeline and continue to be identified as a regional priority. We have funding identified for the preliminary engineering and design work happening in the first phase of the new starts process which is process justification. We are anxious to begin the process and also looking at federal loan programs that will help us take fund that flow in the out years beyond construction of phase 2, particularly things like the Redevelopment Area tax increment that need to be captured and brought forward to years of construction. Going through a process like the riff program, which is one of the key loan programs we are looking at for phase 2, it is multiyear process to get through the riff application process. So, there is some urgency related to continuing to move forward with locking in those funding streams. And, it is i think a unknown if a transportation spending package is approved in sacramento when those deadlines would occur and how quickly we would need to move. My recommendation would be to delay this for a little bit. My position is little different in the sense that we are Just One Agency of money many across the country in the federal level and state trying to compete for funding. As we all know there isnt enough to go around and as you alluded there is a changing administration coming that we need to keep a eye on whether they make a commitment to invest in infrastructure or change the rule jz suspect there will be changes in rules at the very least. Unless we are willing to be in sacramento and washington dc and have our hands on the pulse of what is changing, we better have resources to help us to at least stay in line at the very minimum and hopefully get ahead of the game and be ready for when those rules change andfunding becomes available because this takes a long time. We have seen sacramento what two years of extraordinary sessions on infor structure investment and havent come up with anything yet and hopefully in the next year because it wont get any better by maintaining the status quo. I look upon of giving the magnitude what we need and what we need to stay in line and keep the hands on the pulse of what is coming, this is a wise investment. Otherwise we have the potential of losing our place in time and trying to play catch up which is never a good place to be when you seek federal or state funds for transportation and infrastructure. There is a lot of work lobbyist do relating to new funding streams that we are seeking. There were changes that needed to be made to tiffia loan and approval in sacramento needed by state department of finance to move forward with bridge loan. It afs lot of work and meeting with legislative and agency staff and keeping them informed. As everyone knows we had cost increase with phase 1 and had to keep our delegations in dc and sacramento updated and i dont think any of you heard concerns about that because we did a lot of work to make sure they understood what was happening and why it was happening and how to address it and how to proceed with city, mtc and other financing. I guess thats why we have a 9 thousand month cost on this thing. We are doing more than just standing in line i presume. Okay, sorry. I guess i would largely concur with director gee. I think if you look at the history of other projects in the region, im sure it was the case with the central subway, but predates me before the final alignment was chosen the citys lobbyist were at work getting the central subway in line and keeping them there. Orignomy there was talk coming up third and kearny and on fourth and stockton not sure i concur we need the scope drilled down before state and federal funding and policy. Cal train i know had their federal lobbyist engaged in working before the Core Capacity Grant Program existed and because they had some presence in dc as soon as the federal government created that Core Capacity Program they were able to be one of the first in line and that will probably bring a couple hundred Million Dollars of federal funds to the region. Not sure waiting is helpful to our project. There are some things that are maybe imminently upcoming in the extraordinary session that they are potentially will be some proposed legislation brought forward by the chairs of the senate and Assembly Transportation committees within the next month and while the prospects for passage may not be grite, we want to make sure our voice from our agencies and this agency are at the table for that discussion. Likewise, that transition is underway at the federal level and as i understand the person they brought in to lead the transition with regards to transportation isseems that would lean towards support for programs like the riff that are within the new i think the build America Transportation build america bureau. Build america burey. Bureau. I can see a lot of shift moving towards those programs and will be redefined and want to make sure we have a voice so we dont get redefined out of eligibility for them. I think continued voice for this billion Dollar Program at the state and federal level is pretty important both for funding and for policy reasons. Supervisors . This is not the item that i had concernwise. I have certains with the next item. Looks like we are out voted. [laughter] i move to approval. Alright. Is there a second . Approval and second. Any discussion . No members of public wanting to address you on the item. Okay. Take the roll. Director gee, aye. Kim, aye. Reiskin, aye. Nuru, aye. Harper, aye. 5 aye, item 10 is approved. Just on the side and this i like our attorney to look at. This contract is embarrassing to me. I mean our poor folks out in sacramento have to promise the preservation treated containing arsenic not used mpt i like to find out if we can talk to had city and find out we can have something that is a littlefood Services Waste requirements. It is nice to have something that has less than 62 sections in it for getting some lobbying service squz other things. I know the citys got its things but if you are not building a staircase, preservation wood requirements have nothing to do with the requirement. As does i say about 15 other things like that and maybe we should look at it and make sure that we are not handing out contracts that are silly in their scope. It is just for me a matter of pride, just i draft contracts sus sinktly and if we do that and still get citys yes, fine, it would be nice. Okay. Next item, please. Item 11, authorizing the executive director to execute amendment to extend agreement for federal Advocacy Service for carpy and clay for 1 year additional compensation for 155, 500. This is federal extension of federal contract for one year and [inaudible] the federal contact we have one more one year option to extend and what we are recommending moving forward with carpy and clay which is a existing firm. Supervisor you want to start out here . I think we worked something out that i think that there is a lot of uncertainty about the future of federal funding and like more time to think about what our role in washington dc is. I do feel comfortable with three month extension but at this time wouldnt feel comfortable with a full year. In lieu of my original proposal which is continue the item for a month i feel comfortable move frgward with three month extension. Three months. Comments on that . Ill second it. Motion and a second. Director gree. Director kim, i understand. At the end othf three months what we would look to either do Something Different or extend for another three month just for a clarity standpoint . I wanted to continue for a month to discuss what our goals are and get a better landscape of what federal funding will look like particularly to citys like San Francisco that are sanctuary cities given the president comments about the first 100 day goals so want to make sure we are wisely investing our resources. This is a unfortunate statement not a hopeful statement but i think this deserves further discussion about what we plan on accomplishing in washington dc. That being said, my understanding is we need to do work on existing funding as mr. Bulay mentioned with our tiffia loan so understand those currents needs existing funding so supportive of three months. I think we deserve discussion perhaps next Board Meeting about what we think what the landscape will look like. Thank you for that clarification. Very up in the air. Okay, would you call the roll no members wanting student address on the e item. Taking roll to approve the item for three months. Director gee, we need to vote on the motion first . I was going combine it. We have a first and a second to take the amendment three months amendment. All in favor . Aye. Opposed . No members opposed wanting to address you on the amended amendment. Is there a motion to approve . So moved. Second. All in favor . Aye. Roll call. All in favor aye. Opposed . Item 11 is approved as extension of three months. Item 12. Approving of resolution of appreciation for principle engineer brian dykes. Directors this is mixed emotion i report that brian decided to retire this year. He as soon as we really needed him. Say what brian contributes to us over the years. Brian has been with the tpa since november twnt 07 and 52 years of experience as a licensed engineer and worked globalally and nationally. He works in south africa and europe and worked in the United States on projects in california and Southern California and seismic reto fit caltrans after the loma pree eta earthquake. I worked with brian with caltrans on the replacement for the sipress structure and met 10 years later, 15 years later. He also managed to [inaudible] sicily and milan italy by building the [inaudible] suspension bridge. A lot of experience and lot of help. Brian graduated from empyreal college in london, 1964 and he is great Knowledge Base and advice and guidance so want to thank him for a life of services to the the world and us as well. Thank you brian and if you have anyone[applause] thank you. Actually, my wish didnt come true from that point of view. We never built [inaudible] bridge. [inaudible] got in the way and stopped. Thats why i am here. My last 10 years would have been doing the seena bridge. Now the last 9 years is there biggest project i worked on and been a real fun ride and thank everybody, the directors and also the staff , small staff and worked together well and made life great so 65 long and all most 75, it is time to quite down a little. I will be available if you need knowledge in the future but it is time to enjoy my time with my wife and do traveling. Is that a promise . It is a promise. We can draft up a consulting agreement you will be on hand. That is understandable. I can make that type of a promise. I already discussed it with my wife. Two partnerships. Thank you very much. Thank you, brian. Thank you, brian. Thank you. No members wanting to address you but sure we have a motion. Move for approval. Second. Gee, aye. Kim, aye. Reiskin,i rir. Nuru, aye. Harper, aye. Itedm 12 is approved. At this time you are scheduled to go into closed session. Not received a indication the member of the public want to address on the items listed but have a opportunity to do so now or can clear the room. Okay. Go into closed session. Please take roll call brinkman and, present. Borden will be with us shortly as well director heinicke nolan, present. Ramos, present. Please be advised roger rubke will be absent from todays meeting but you do have a quorum to proceed with business at hand. Item 3 announcement of probation sound producing devices during the meeting. Item 4, approval of the minutes of the october 18 regular meeting any Public Comment boomer . Know mister chairman moved and seconded. All those in favor say, aye so ordered. Item 5 communications. German nolan directors none. Item 6 introduction of new or Unfinished Business by Board Members 52 things to bring up with from the headlines. The first is if we could perhaps get clarification or update on the Service Animal policy. I know that was a new story that was kind of waiting around and i think that its one of those things theres a lot of misinformation out there. You hear a lot of things dogs are okay if they paid up there. Service animals always okay maybe we could clarify that not just for our benefit for the publics benefit. Also for the police will actually have to enforce it if its ever enforce. Then the second one is this is something that we been hearing a lot of correspondence on. The diy street changes being done by an organization in San Francisco and i know there is such a public appetite for Street Safety and while we are diligently working through all of these things i think that the d i y st. Changes are removed from sf mta gets a bit confusing for people so maybe we could get a memo on that and answer specifically some of the email questions that come to us. I just feel that we sort of open to the public to explain how street changes go through and why we would like to see them go faster, what is our policy in terms of the need to go through the process in order to make sure were not only kidding everybody safe with our not leaving ourselves exposed to lawsuits and making the right changes in the right place on our schedule. Members consent will ask director reiskin to come back and report on those items. Ms. Boomer item 7 directors report. Good afternoon members of the chair and numbers of the Board Members of the staff here at. I want to give you a vision zero update. Largely this month focusing on bike lanes. Some good news to report on a number of fronts. First, 4 valencia st. And this is a relatively small section down south of cesar chavez between duncan and save up cesar chavez we will soon be installing the second raised bicycle lane good we have one as you know, a short talk on Market Street between 12 and golf that we did as a pilot with a different geometries. We will be installing our second one down on valencia south of chavez as part of a larger project. I think we may have presented to you at some point that Mission Valencia green project which is led by the puc was doing some storm water treatments as well as a new plaza. Some greenery and other things and this is on the stretch of lancia largely from shop is down to mission. But this second bike lane relatively new here get used in other parts of the world so everyone knows it raises the bike a couple of inches above the pavement so its kind of a partly step between the pavement and the curb to provide more spatial protection and more visible protection for cyclists. Really, for everybody its much easier to see if youre driving or walking as well. So we should have this project done later this month. Until then the bike lane is available for folks to read but the design will change once the construction is done. We do want folks to use extra care during construction but exciting to see this going in as part of this larger project which will make that area a lot nicer and be a whole lot safer which is great. Next on turk street in the tenderloin this is going from mason to poke we will soon be putting in a parking separated bike lanes could this is just months after the first bike lane in the tenderloin when in numbers on golden gate. This project went through a public hearing last month largely with favorable comments and this will essentially be bike lane that is along the curb. We painted it green should you be separated from the moving traffic by a parking lane. Though very much protective biplane and the work will start this winter. We are considering this to be near terminal implements because theres a longer term turk Street Safety project we will continue to work with the community to fully design and finalize and bring a recommendation to you but this interim step will be important easy win for us to make cycling in the structure of the tenderloin much safer in golden gate is one way east. This is one white waistcoat so complete a couplet as well. Just for reference, we do have a few parking protected bike lanes in the city though not that many get we are obviously the one folks know about in Golden Gate Park on jfk drive as well section the 13th and 13th st. And not too far from here. Pastry in the marina and this last block of cold streak at this one on turk will add to the repertoire. Overall, 27 miles of protective buffer bike lanes have been built in the city over the past six years. This one will add to that. Just a little bit south of there, this isnt right per se but it helps for the bicycles and everyone on the street. Our signal shop did great work on seventh and eighth streets to put a larger signal heads in at 12 locations along seventh and eight in the last three months and this was in part to follow the mayors more recent executive directive on bike and Pedestrian Safety which directed us to get nearterm improvements in the ground on seventh and eighth get larger signal heads make it less likely people will run red lights. Obviously red light running is one of the leading causes of serious and fatal collisions in the city so anything we can do to make that less likely to happen is important. This again is just kind of a step forward on larger work that were planning for seventh and eighth streets and this is pretty much the lights for seventh and eighth and so the market will be bringing larger proposals later this year early next year for seventh and eighth street. The great work on our shops to get all of those signal heads i enlarge. The last vision zero item back to Golden Gate Park, the executive directive that i referenced earlier, also, specifically called out Golden Gate Park and jfk drive in particular. As you know we do of the parking protected bike lane on the eastern part of jfk but on the western part we do have folks that are driving quite a bit above the speed limit. Our safety get it shows 79 mi. h above the 25 mile feet limit during the day and even faster during the 19 people are using our part as a thruway and highspeed one at that. Despite last weeks rough weather, our staff and public works crews start to lay asphalt for nine new forums and one raised crosswalk on jfk. So this is all in the western half. He look like the weather is clearing so we should be able to continue working this week. As with the other two, this is an interim step so this is relatively modest number of speed humps to calm traffic on that stretch of jfk while we work with park and rec and all the stake holders of Golden Gate Park on a much broader look at the park and how to make it safer for all four parkgoers, for anyone who is driving, biking and walking their. As you know there are roads in jfk that are very much used as thruways commute routes which is not of course with the park was built to do. So anyone who is interested in participating in the conversation, we do have a Community Open house coming on saturday, december 3 at the county fair building from 10noon. We encourage folks to come and participate and help us work with park and rec to make the park safer. Last thing i want to mention good news on the transit side. The reports that weve got on the cold valley shuttle from the known is that the way shuttle, until we realize nobody knows where the way is come up purported and very very positive and i think i mentioned this at the last Board Meeting we reduce assets for overcrowded trains by around 60 . Really a very market difference from the folks in coal valley and the divorce triangle the lower haight try to make their way in the mornings. So based on that success we will be be introducing another Shuttle Service and this will serve the main line of the subway. So folks particularly at west portal forest hill and castro and turk that often get past up in the morning have relief coming starting next week. The relaunch of the shuttle will be running both in the morning commute hours and in the afternoon hours and we are able to do this because we have been increasing our focus on maintenance of the vehicles for long time we although we had the demand for the service we have not had the vehicle availability or the operator availability to be able to do this. Because we have been focusing on increasing the reliability of vehicles so we have more of them in service on any given day, and because we continue to work on training new operators as rail operators, we are now able to have this new service on the rush hours. We have not really run this kind of Shuttle Service in a couple of years except for special events. But anyone who passes through that area in the morning and im often one of those folks, often cant get on the train were seized j castro and church get on the train. Its great news that this will be ramping up just as we are getting ready to see our first new light rail vehicle come into the city could hopefully at the end of this year and this work just really complements all the things that we are trying to do given the constraints we have two approve improve the service for the hundred thousand people were more work are riding on the rail system each day. So thats what i have. Happy to take any questions be was thinking. Questions, comments . Anybody else speak with members of the public width i havent received a speaker card and i see no one headed this way or looking interested in addressing it im sorry. Director tried heinicke has something follow up on a question. Just a followup on an issue we talked about would increase service and the Shuttle Service which i know you been announced both the doorway with a cold but also theres been some discussion that the castro shuttle and a senior morris west portal shuttle. Could i just get some clarification on what the new Shuttle Service to the twin peaks tunnel approaching the twin peaks tunnel is . The second question i have is whichever it is, where at the car is a car turning . Yes. We were initially looking at a castro shuttle but looking at the ridership were some of the past ups are, the shuttle is going to go out the aligned to tara about and the second is where its going to turn around. Im not sure what we are going to call it yet but oh pickup not just west portal forest hill but itll pick up the inner part of the l line from 22nd st. 22nd ave. In that will be a twocar shuttle isom . It will have 21 car shuttles okay but not regard to one car shuttle in theres a switch back at 22nd. It across 19th switch and in return bequest correct very good. Item 8 citizen advisory commits oh report the chairman is not here today so theres no reported item 9 Public Comment. Opportunity for the members to address the board. [calling Public Comment cards] good afternoon. Thank you very much for the opportunity speak here today and i want to share some of my thoughts about naming the New Chinatown subway station. My name is chrisi live in tiburon. Ivanoff is up at for several years in chinatown at the corner of pine and grant streets. I consider chinatown to be one of the real gems of San Francisco. The reason i feel that way is because the culture, the people,. Everyone was there its a real community. I treasure it. I am also a following gong practitioner, doing the meditation for nine years. Because of this practice i personally got to know fall people were persecuted in china or family members who are persecuted in china including peoples family members were killed in china as a result of the illegal persecution in china. Many residents in addition to that, many residents of chinatown who are not following gong petitioners have also fled communism and whats going on in china. Theres a lot of people in chinatown who even if theyre not following gone practitioners are very thankful to be safe in the United States. I will add this. The entire community of chinatown come up very excited about the new subway station. Its really exciting. But theyre not excited when they hear about the potential for naming the subway station after rose pak. They consider her to be the equivalent of like the commonest party bully. If you do a Google Search for images online you will see pictures of her with a pack smoking a cigar like a gangster and many of these people in chinatown feel like this is the kind of person they left behind in china. So thats the same image that her wrists they come to San Francisco they see someone saying that it is a who is this. They will go look up on google and thats what they are going to see. So for these reasons thats why i think we should name the subway station after chinatown not after any particular person. Thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. [calling Public Comment cards] good afternoon. Good afternoon supervised. My name is [inaudible] im here to talk about my own spirit is a practicing following gong in my opinion of naming the subway station after rose pak. All my family is practiced following gong and we were benefit greatly from it we become very healthy and positive. My husband has 2 and phd. He was it [inaudible] with lecture and university in china because he shares his own expense of practicing following gong to his students he was forced to abandon his belief of following gong. He did not give up but he [ina felt a lot of pressure a harassment. He had to resign his job and look abroad we start his life. My motherinlaw also practice Common Ground and was also locked up due to her beliefs. For three times. She was brutally treated and spiritually tortured even though she still [inaudible] so the persecution of following gong practitioners called cause use disaster and hurt from chinese and my Family Experience is only one. One example among the millions of practitioners in china. This persecution has already excited a boycott. However, those that supported the brutal and antihuman persecution in china and the try to explore this prosecution to the us. So here in San Francisco name of station after rows back i do not think that will be an honor in will be a shame. It will start a very bad example for the public. So please do not name the station after rose pat. Thank you thank you. Next speaker, please. R [calling Public Comment cards] good afternoon baking for this opportunity to speak minus Michael Mccarthy about event resident and history teacher at local state academy of the arts. Im also up on gong practitioner for eight years. Im here to speak with you in regards the naming of the Central Station in chinatown from sun. Weight chinatown station to send. White rose pak station as you may know the persecution of following gong a peaceful meditation practice based on the principles of truth on this compassion and forbearance is going on in china for 17 years. However the persecution has not been limited to china alone in his seas seeped into American Society along. Rose that was involved in facilitating this persecution and talk to the quest of the chinese consulate. The community of american citizens and following gong practitioners and seriously hurt and betrayed on her is was okay furthermore most actively well but the atrocities that were taking place in china where people have been killed for their organs and sold on the black market. Knowing this, she traveled to china for extended medical state where she received a kidney transplant. She came back claiming that she fully recovered and one wonders why she chose to leave the bay area which has the finest medical technology in the world to china for such an organ transplant. Could you got me working from some other was killed for . I believe its there for people to ask such a question. I sincerely urge you be please do not name the subway station after rose pak. There so many great people that could represent our city in this country. The fed has been a beacon of tolerance and equally. The essays is been a place of refuge for those who been persecuted for their beliefs and believe in, on protecting such rights as freedom of speech rights and husband by naming the subway station after you be bringing a black mark to the city that would cause such great shame and not looked upon favorably by history or the people of the future. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. [calling Public Comment cards] [inaudible] operate at church and market. Additional violations include operations on Church Street a residential street, double parking adjacent to a discontinued white zone and impeding muni and traffic. Genentech and sfo airport dilated a plaque agreement. Sfo airport violation history includes obtaining factors 06002 for display on a vehicle displaying texas license plate k054303. It operated in muni bus owns it on 3 ton restricted neighborhood streets. Sfo airport are operated for your registered vehicles for 77 and 479 during december 2015 without california license plates or a muni packard and operated in muni bus zones. The integrity of the Corporate Community bus program is question. The deal at church and market has been going on but i first noticed on october 12 continue to guide reported it and it continues to this day. I observed it yesterday. Still in violation. I just came from the library reporting it. So evidently, im getting everybodys getting blown off. Theres no integrity in the program. This no discipline in the program. In i suspect that since they were there at a discontinued stop thats been going on since april when you went to the major minor arterial routing. So as a consequence, how come i find all these things in one half square mile. Whats going on in the rest of the city . As far as violations with these vehicles . Thank you and i submit my comments thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. [calling Public Comment cards] good afternoon, sir good afternoon could Board Members. My name is general, business owner. I would also like to address the issue of naming the central subway station after rose pak and express my strong opposition for this proposal. In 2001 i was involved in proposing the city and county resolution to condemn the persecution of following gong in china. Theres a resolution riley came to a vote at the board of supervisors meeting and several of us were there. This is the first time i came across rose pak. During the deliberations before and actually during the voting, she directly lobbied the supervisors are very aggressive and overt manner. Something that was quite surprising to me. She would stand up and walk over to the supervisors during the meeting as if someone just would walk over right now and Start Talking to you. She would stand up and talk to them for extensive periods of time. Directing them to just here waiting towards others and seemingly angry and syria. Sadly, the majority of the supervisors succumbed to her demands and resolution failed at the time. We had a resolution that passed in 2006 but this is the first time it failed. That was a sad day for many of us. Mainly because i knew the result does not reflect San Francisco or even the board of supervisors. But the pressure and influence of a foreign lobbyist basically a proxy of the Chinese Communist party. The language and methods she used against following gong were exactly the same used by the chinese regime at the time. I know myself and many other i know would be greatly offended and enraged at the same time if we were to walk by the central subway station were it to be named after rose pak. I urge you not to call the station after such an individual. Thank you. Next speaker, please. [calling Public Comment cards] her but wonder. What is the difference between sharks and mta . Sharks go after human beings and mc goes after parking stops and bus stops. Now, im really disturbed about the viral termination of bus stops all over the city. The latest victim is good the rt on kerry street. Where individuals if i pointed out before are going to have a physical hardship walking that quarter of a mile. And believe me, paratransit is not being the has been it simply an argument of the board to blowup the concern. Theres been no medical findings. On the hardship the seniors and the disabled and its going to create misery. Now maybe the solution is about the bus is going faster is simply to more buses. Also to address the internal operations of mta. Which is the focus on late buses, missing buses, and those are the things that are i think really important. So in my opinion, its better to fight on my pb up then be under the wheels of mta. Certainly, i will vote no on j and k and yes on scuttle because this board is clearly out of control and has to be brought to heel. Thank you. Next speaker, please. [calling Public Comment cards] good afternoon, commissioners or directors. Im just going to be brief here. I reviewed the march third 2016 minutes from the ct dc California Traffic Control Devices Committee meeting and the minutes from september 1 and a couple of questions for you. When share greenwood required as to whether the installation of the red guillen has expanded beyond an area approved by the committee mister white representing this body, we plied the installation had been specifically in the 247 lines rather than parttime lanes. Im not quite to what that means. Perhaps you can enlighten us. He went on to say sorry this is for item within the jurisdiction of the sfmta could this is the part of the situation is about the red lanes and how theyre representing this situation. He went on to say they only place where the lanes have been expanded beyond us those shown on the map with Market Street from fifth to third for consistency. Why did he fail to mention the red transit only lanes on Mission Street south of 16th st. . According to the map and balboa street ive seen this portion of Mission Street is not included in the experiment so areas. Perhaps theres another map that i am missing . I also read in the minutes of for the last meeting held on september 1 that the members of the committee have received letters from the public regarding red lane experiments and the committee is requesting that the sf mta work with the public to address these concerns. As you know the Mission Street red lanes have been problematic for some time and we are wondering when the sf mta intends to start working with the public to solve the problems into of less than a month to prepare for that december 6 meeting. I will submit this but [inaudible] thank you. Next speaker, please. [calling Public Comment cards] those of the last two people turning in speaker cards good afternoon. Thank you commissioners. Directors. Mark gruber speaking for myself. There is a proposal about the sale of taxi medallions that a belief is supposed to come to this board at your next meeting on november 15. Basically what it would do is open up medallions sales to any and everybody who might want to purchase one and i just want to do a little reality check on this. Because the fixed price of 250,000 is a price i dont think anybody in their right mind is going to want to pay. By way of comparison, in chicago where a few years ago medallions were going for upwards of 350,000 the latest sales have been for around 60,000. In boston, where the value was over 600,000 not long ago, theyre going for about 70,000 and in new york city where the value of medallions was over 1 million the most recent attempt at a sale i saw was an offer for 400 thousand dollars that was turned down by the seller as to little but to put that in context, new york city regulates the dncs in the same manner that they regulates all other Ground Transportation. In other words, these vehicles up to meet the same standards as other Ground Transportation vehicles. As a result of which trips were taxi trips in newark are only down 9 last year. We have seen i dont even know what the fall off here. I know drivers say they lost half their income in San Francisco. So ill have more to say about this at your next meeting but think about it thank you. Next speaker, please. [calling Public Comment cards] last person to turn in a speaker card mister chairman tommerry christmas good luck on all your long wage total plans. Good luck finishing Transbay Center and the hookups. Good luck with the highspeed rail. The closer to reality. Taxidrivers need some restitution. Lets be fair about this. This was a disaster debris saw it coming nobody saw it happening. They need restitution. Lets be fair lets be helpful. 27 years ago there were no wheelchair ramp taxes. We got 70, i believe up to 69 uber and left, none, zero, zilch. Rushed to save 234 min. On our buses. By changing stops and whatnot. Without a real wheelchair lock up the driver sends 23 min. Locking me up and unlocking me up. Lets get somebody locks on all these transit. Some people dont have to use them. Some people its much better to have them. The tariff bill line changes. Why not go with an alternative bus line. A a and b to each one stops at half the stops. Together they stop at all the stops. We save time. Elder people can get there stop. They can wait. For a price thats closer to home for them. Cal osha on the noise. I keep remind myself to call cal osha and say theres noise on the 65, 67, 72 bus lines is ridiculous that i keep forgetting. But someday i will. Im in town, for most of San Franciscos begins chinatown is running why dont we name it chinatown . Thats what most of the visitors know it as. The google buses come i would still like to see them everybody boarding on a muni bus stop. They shouldve a monthly pass. Traffic lights, dedicated arrow turns. You guys should be working on that immensely get there are stops that take 10 min. , fifth and harrison i believe it is to get through. Steam clean rl later lose. Thank you, sir. Mister jim and i was the last one to turn in a speaker card he was theres a gentleman approaching im not prepared or just corrected afternoon my name is double and i have over the past year experienced a troubling occurrence that happens over and over and over again with thyself and muni operators not allow me to board with my people whose a Service Animal. She is registered. She is legal. Ive had her come i have all the papers. I have the proof. She is as you can see a very sweet dog. I keep on unwittingly on saturday theres a video taken by a passerby total stranger regarding this incident of muni operators kicking me off trains, buses, just because of my Service Animal. They say she is not muzzled. This is gone over like i said over a year of complaints numerous times but its been about 20 times officially. Some of the really egregious times that this is happened i filed complaints with the Mayors Office on disability. Starting back in 2015 on 28 december 2015, this the operator would not let me on even after i showed him the, her paperwork. After i treated with him the cop shows up. He also sides with him. That in that instance actually muni supervisor came supervisor fisher and said they were wrong and i was correct. To go really fast forward the reason i am here is i saw the piece that paul the muni spokesman said about my situation and he said im not disabled. Im. Width thank you, stupid actually this issue was raised by vice chair brinkman. Your time is up for speaking but yes, thank you for coming down and talking to us. I did ask asked to give a clarification on the policy but i know important being able to take your Service Animal on nami is and i think this as im sure director reiskin will ask that to direct this overly of a question of clearing up the policy that already exist. So we will look forward to that again i thank you for coming down and im sorry that you are [inaudible] [off mic] your 2 min. Is up again he have to be fair to everyone. Thank you much Service Animals generally weve not just dogs but other Service Animals we can let them know what the broader policy is. He was i think that was the question anyone else here for the public seeing none, moving on to the consent calendar. All items are considered routine could mister chairman not received a request for members of the public eye that any item be severed emotion . Motion to approve all those in favor say, aye [chorus of ayes] ms. Boomer moving on to item 11 under rail counter presentation discussion regarding harvest of the Muni Service Equity strategy. Good afternoon. I apologize we dont have a Powerpoint Presentation and Julie Kirschbaum Deputy Director of operations support. Im here today to talk about the Muni Service Equity strategy. We reached a major milestone, six months ago, when you adopted our first twoyear equity strategy good i am here today to give you an update on progress that weve made over the last six months and implementing that important work. As you may recall, the ajmer called the equity strategy built on but doesnt replace our Title Vi Program which will be receiving a presentation on later today. This is a more local deep dive into the routes that go through some of our poorest neighbors as well as routes heavily used by seniors and people with disabilities give it is a shared adventure that we are on. Were getting a lot of support from our working group of transit equity and Affordable Housing advocates. They have been with us throughout the process and we are continuing to meet about quarterly at key milestones for this work. The equity strategy is one piece in a much larger agencywide commitment to making muni Service Affordable and accessible to all of our customers. As the title vi analysis confirmed, all San Francisco residents are within a quartermile of Transit Service which is about a 5 min. Walk. We are making systemwide improvements like the investments in our fleet better hope helping customers including low Income Customers across the city. We now have over 100,000 people on our free and discounted passes which is i think a tremendous milestone. So the muni equity strategy builds on this sort of Strong Agency commitment. The principles of this strategy are to create transparency, to really help people understand yearoveryear, the services performing. In our focus neighborhoods. We will be bringing you the 2016 evaluation around the generatefebruary timeframe. So we saw a significant improvement between the school year 14 and 15 in hoping to continue that trend. But its intended to make sure the investments are making are working. That we are being transparent about how we monitor those. We are evaluating services at all times of day. Its very likely that somebody for example has a lower wage job might not be on a typical 95 schedule. Were looking at not only how services perform at our peak periods but how its performing at 10 pm and even overnight. We are distilling a tremendous amount of data but out of it we are trying to identify what are 23 key needs. Really keep the plan actionable. To that same extent, the plan is approved in april focus primarily on things that we can deliver within a onethreeyear timeframe so the week is immediate improvements in these neighborhoods. Focused on seven key neighborhoods as well as using our data to identify routes heavily used by seniors and people with disabilities. What was exciting to me including this presentation together is even in the last six months since you adopted the plan weve got a lot of stuff on the ground. Thats really responding to the key needs. For example in chinatown the key issue is always crowding and we have already gotten new buses out and will continue to get more. We increased peak service on the one california which again was extremely crowded. We implemented one of our source proposition a products which not only improved reliability but also reduce turns and save time for people traveling on earth 10 and 12 routes. The implement it a pretty significant portion of the interintermission of lien for crosby we have some current work including bus and curb extensions going in in 2017 get we are already realizing a foreign safety and reliability benefits there. This board approved dedicated transit lanes as was pedestrian investments on 16th st. Which was identified not only as a improvement for the mission but also for folks on the western edition who are trying to get to sf general. Which was found to have significant longer transit travel times than auto travel times. This is a photo of our samson project in ice. You can see the first photo we had one way traffic which means the bus was jogging over the battery which was full of inconvenience and crowd. We now have buses and commercial vehicles traveling the full length of the corridor. This is our Mission Street project which i know youre very familiar with and we are continuing to both draw i think positive results as well as a lot of Lessons Learned from the project that we will apply to how we roll out and design future projects. We also have a tremendous amount of work underway. The one of the these things that we have been challenged by both at risk and john hilley to do is to try to significantly reduce travel time on third street. A key need identified were the bayview was the reliability of the key line for digitally heading towards sunnydale which weve already traveled the entire line of the k. We are looking at innovative ways to reduce the amount of time were spending at signals and we are also looking at enhancements to fourth and king which is a real bottleneck for that route. We are also looking at safety features including a more visible train arriving sign which we hope will reduce the amount of left turns the left turn violations we have. Another kind of more nuts and bolts project. We this winter will be adding more service to the 29 but tickly in the a. M. Thats a route i think we are seeing because of the free free youth pastor were seeing a lot more students using the 29th to get to school were seating crowding you want to make sure we address. We are also seen similar crowding on the [inaudible] despite the fact we have over the last two years increased service on the order of 20 percent. Then we are starting the design process in the Public Outreach process to do a muni ford style project on the 27 brian. Looking at ways we can improve reliability and travel time on a great route to one that doesnt run as frequently as a route like the 14th mission but one that is critical for people traveling to the tenderloin south of market area and getting tremendous amount of traffic as folks are heading towards the bridge. Then also kind of key to travel time in the Western Addition and the tenderloin, is the gary bus robert transit project which will be coming to in this december and real milestone of the environmental certification. This is just an example of some of the signal, the bus train coming signals we are testing on third street. Other work that is underway. We are continuing to roll out our transit signal Priority Program the next corridor will be 16th st. , fulton and mcallister was all go through davids inner equity strategy. We are also under construction on several segments of the nine san bruno which will help with both reliability and travel time. We are going to begin our reach on geneva to try to again bring some of the muni for treatments to that important outer corridor. Then, lastly, we have partnered with the dept. Of public works who for some other trickier curb ramps identified they are actually going to go into the street because of things like sidewalk basement. Whenever we are near a Transit Route particularly one that has reliability palms at the 27th or 21 from to make it possible so we save time without having the bus pulled in and out of traffic and also will allow more room for customer amenities like shelters. Looking forward already to the next update of the strategy, we are looking to take our Data Analysis to these communities. Really hear firsthand what our the keys needs. Rather than command with a plan and saying this is what weve got underway, we are going to say how does it feel . Where are you fast . Where are you slow speakers were kind of trips for transit working for you . Were kind of trips up in transit are not working for you . We will then convert that data with our technical data to see where theres overlaps. Where the community identifies needs we may not have identified we will address identify strategies that respond to those needs. We are very fortunate to have a caltrans Planning Grant for this work. Its going to allow us to do some acting pretty outofthebox techniques. One of the things were going to be doing is going to be doing some focus groups with muni operators who either grew up or lived in some of the neighborhoods that we are focusing on. I think its kind of an interesting way to extend policy development to our frontline staff but also their unique perspective because of those operating the service and also in many cases customers. We are also partnering with communitybased organizations so that we can reach directly into communities three trusted source. And do things like some surveys and focus groups to try to reach people, for example, how will customers try to get to work the which is not a Typical Group that we have strong showing at a neighborhood meeting, but is an important voice in trying to shape this work. This is our overall schedule. As you can see there is an ongoing commitment to implement the strategies that we already have while also informing the next generation strategies throughout reach an additional technical analysis. Thank you. Thank you ms. Kirschbaum. Members of the board, questions or comments . Regiment Brinkman Brinkman i continue to be impressed and thankful for the work youre doing. We were discussing of policy and governance the numbers and some fact some of the new residents of San Francisco are choosing not to get around by car but taking the bus and walking or biking. I said we are so lucky to have that. I call myself and i corrected myself and said thats not love. This is all because of the planning that you are doing that staff is doing all because of these improvements are you making did i see it on the line i write all the time you had an articulated bus to the route and they fill up. You make the buses move faster and they continue to fill all. So again i just congratulate you all of us in the city are so lucky to have this work going on. We may get some pushback on projects here and there but overall the work that we are doing is really helping to keep people choosing to take muni and choosing to walk advice when they can get i have no substantive input. I just want to say thanks for all the work and i see its doing a good job and i really appreciate it. He was thank you good director borden this is important work were doing good a couple questions i know the plan bay area has some equity announces theyve done and that feeds into that large land bay area around equity and communities were trying to make sure access . I think thats an important connection to make. One of the things that has come up recently is the mtc identifies communities of concern so we are feeding back the information that we have done to identify the neighborhoods that we are working on to then feed back into their analysis. Then also i like to know more about some of the groups are working with it like maybe you could talk a little bit about i know you mentioned Mission Street and what groups we can engage with that. If theres a way to get a feedback loop from the people who are using the routes and how they are feeling about it . I know that was an issue round data that had come up before but it would be great item of the city plans to do that . So one of the big next apps is to procure consultants support as well as to identify Community Based organizations that can partner on this work. Whenever we are in a neighborhood we try to work as closely as possible with community leaders. We have also for this work recently expanded to include sf rising on the equity working group, which is a coalition of different neighborhood organizations including [inaudible] and various other groups working on housing as well as transportation issues. Thats great. Also mention the amazing path [inaudible] do we know how many more people are not accessing the passes that we think could be accessing them . That is not something i know. Just from looking into it sounds like its a really great user base which is maybe mighty interesting did ive heard people say theres a lot of users that dont know they have access. Some of it is a linguistic issue we can get that gig i was asked that same question recently maybe it was by you. I think we did look just at census data that we have to try to estimate what proportion of the eligible populations are participating to i dont have that number with me but we can certainly get that ive also heard specifically in Africanamerican Community that people dont seem to have the same Knowledge Base about the youth pastor at whatever we can do to find a Community Groups to reach out to those populations would be great. Also i love a truck that the offpeak focus. I wondered if you were talking to any other transit agencies around offpeak. You might be familiar with the pilot thats going on with ac transit and bart for latenight service between 1 am5 am and i dont know for looking at other comes strategies like that that could be another great way because its not just in city travel but its kind of spell trouble that matters we are participating in a regional latenight task force in one of the things were looking at, for example, if sand trends were to consider providing some overnight service where would muni make the connection with sand trends and also making sure the connections we arty make with ac transit are working. So that is something that we are actively participating in. Craig. I think this important work like the intersection always were taught about living for projects talk about how those projects intersect with her equity especially a lens we look at is review project we can go be very helpful for ourselves and the public as well. Anyone else . Director ramos thank you mister chairman and thank you ms. Kirschbaum for this great work. And for your team. Its exciting for me. This is one of the values that drives my work and my service here. One of the things that i am i think that would like to remind people of that have not heard about it is this concept that policy link which is an Advocacy Organization that does this great policy, i believe, Angela Glover blackwell has stated that equity is the superior Growth Strategy because what it does it facilitates not just great social outcomes but also in the long run ends up being superior in achieving economic goals as well as environmental sustainability goals. So to that effect, i am really excited about this. I would encourage you to somehow get this policy located so that more organizations know about the word this strategy i should say i dont know if you can share in the policy link conference they be once every three years or the Transportation Association conferences, but i think this is really a fantastic model that you folks have have created here. And a great strategy that i think were transportation agencies and frankly, governmental institutions should be looking to. Not the least of which mtc and the decisions made there. Building on that, just a couple of questions or observations. I really love the idea of talking to operators and getting their perspective especially some of the once grown up here and how youi would encourage you to broaden that to include were somehow find a way to reach out to staff, your general staff. This number of your staffers that also love and grew up on the system and work in the system that have wonderful insight that ive come across that go beyond your operators. So you might want to think about making a call because there are some really brilliant folks out there that wonderful insight that are not in a position to exercise those ideas. The thing i think would be really exciting to think about in the future as you proceed with this work is thinking about benchmarks and indicators that can really demonstrate how effective we are serving these populations that we are targeting. Its going to be tough. I have not figured it out yet. But i think that its something that is worthwhile pursuit could be do want to make sure as we are changing things up and accommodating peoples needs that there are speaking out about that we are responding appropriately and i see that youve got according to your slides, you got some outreach going out later this in the summer. The grants youre working on expires in 2018. Would love to think of how do we continue this work so that we can build in a sort of how well did we do and where are we on the right track. Really good Performance Indicators are ones that i think we can that are easily measurable for everyone. Like including the people we are trying to serve. So i would encourage you to be thoughtful about that try to be creative to get something that is coined to be well received by groups of people that traditionally are not too keen on writing things down or spun into surveys or what have you. But there might be a good way of getting input with its focus groups or whatever you folks are already doing which has been great. I think that probably the one other thing i think would have been more informative for us and i think this gets to your director bordens point is seen a list. I will get to this in the title vi presentation but a list of the Community Groups. He referred to it in the staff report work here, in this presentation that you are working with partnerships and communitybased organizations that i think the testimony of how robust of job you are doing when the public can actually see see a list of the groups you folks are reaching out to. Its not always clear that all of our bases are covered and i trust that you are but i think that it should be elevated to demonstrate again to other organizations and or governmental bodies what really good authentic engagement and outreach and partnership to use your term, has been exercised in this prospect i think also its also a nod and a acknowledgment to the committeebased organizations and i would also encourage you to reach out to Service Providers as well in addition to i do mean just advocates. They serve an Important Role in the city, but three Service Providers also serve a lot of folks and a special needs that i think merit our attention. But to install them, someplace where it is accessible for everyone i know that a lot of these groups are under resourced as it is. For them to be able to demonstrate and document that they are working with you with the agency, it makes the case for them to get resources that they need to do more work like this that i think is valued by all parties. So i think that is all i have. But again, i deeply appreciate all this great work you have done and excited to see theone last little piece. The Treasure Island community. Ive heard i keep hearing its one of the more Inclusive Communities and really reflects more and more of a diversity of income and folks that might might traditionally be dismissed or not thought of. I think it is it would be worthy of looking into just to make sure that we got our bases covered in providing services to that community. I know that in the title vi stuff as we will see was identified as one of these communities that it is worthy of attention and we are talking about these think it so i encourage you to keep that in mind. Thank you. Anyone else . Boomer members of the public weve got i think three people who expressed it. [calling Public Comment cards] you dont want to speak. Two members of the public dont want to speak. Good afternoon. Bob allen. I want to start by thanking staff and the Senior Leadership providing the resources to do this work at a lot of the folks are not here because were obviously we got from the election. A lot of the groups including the one i came from this morning and a note pops up to raise funds for the system and i think thats why you dont see some of them here today. I do agree with some of the comments. We should talk to julie and the stuff about getting to the trp conference. Some of the other conferences and talk about. I do think its a model in the work thats been done with director ramos in the last any good i appreciate it. Amazing good start. I do think it goes a long way to similar conversation with director peskin we had with it guttural if people see more equitable outcomes in the system i think it gets them were excited about voting could see about that next week. A lot of inserting with the this years election but hopefully will see that manifested in the vote in support for transit in the city. I know there are folks here today not happy about some of the particular projects but the Mission Street project which is very complicated project. I my own concerns about its. I think were trying to work through it and i think we can learn a lot from over doing with that is doing working with Community Groups. But outreach efforts. That we can correct some of the things that happened but also to say think we have to judge of the system and i certainly am critical and i think things are not been handled right but in terms of the totality of the free program the equity strategy and her feelings about particular project and i hope we can can take a little more holistic view what the agency is doing and we can disagree when we disagree broken out a little bit more of a complete view and i think this effort not just the start of it but the full implementation of it would go a long way and will try to do a better job getting more folks to the table to and i think one of the reasons are not as many folks at the table is honestly the scale of the housing crisis is sucked a lot of the organization out of the room. Ida is one recent of these many folks present and hopefully the crisis gets addressed transportation [inaudible] thank you. [calling Public Comment cards] herbert weiner. When you referred to act would he, and people walking a quarter of a mile from the bus stop that means that everyone gets an equal chance. So in other words, if the seniors and disabled cant cover that distance, well, live and let die. It is not a situation of equity. Seniors and the disabled are not equal to those who are physically fit. I think this really has to be addressed. Now i can understand a concern over the areas underserved. Youve highlighted those areas. That is fine but what about people who live outside of the areas. People who also are seniors and disabled equity mean servings inserting everybody. This plan does not seem to do it. Now, the other thing that i am concerned about is talking dialoguing with Community Groups. Should it be within individuals . Leaders dont represent individuals. They can speak for themselves they do not give accurate representation to individuals concerns. This is a quick and dirty way of doing it but its not realistic. There are people that are not going to be represented and voices not going to be heard. This is not democracy. So i think theres a lot of rethinking that has to be done with this. You should really live the word equity and not give it a cursory implementation that you have proposed good anyone else wish to address the board on this one . If not director reiskin just to speak to some of the commons made by the board and alerted of the Public Comment. First of all i think in terms of getting the word out about this, absolutely believe this is very much leading edge kind of work. I give great credit to julie and her team. And the team being not just the city, the mta staff, but the group of folks from the Advocacy Community really pushed us and helped shape this. I think she actually has done some presented at conferences. I think director hilly presented this at a conference as well. We will take that and continue that work. I think this is groundbreaking for the transit industry. It is actually groundbreaking for the city to some extent as will be i recently met with the new director of Human Rights Commission with julie and share this information of what we were doing and i think shes even look at this as a model of the city agencies in terms of Service Provision just want to clarify that. In terms of indicators and resources, i think the framework of the strategy is actually built on indicators but its very much measuring service among a number of different dimensions in these seven words comparing them to the system wide average. So we have very direct ways of measuring before and after. Once weve added that bus gone to 60 foot buses or change the signal priority we will be will to see for moving the needle on the exact things we were that the interventions were meant to address. Then in terms of resourcing the evaluation, resourcing the outreach from resourcing the implementation of the recommendations that come, you didnt fully fund that in this current twoyear budget we are seeking some grants to augment on the outreach side. I will point out for informational purposes only, that the Charter Amendment laced on the ballot by the board of supervisors thats currently prop j the first expenditure category within the transfer to portion is to advance and sustain the equity and affordability work. Thank you. Thank you ms. Kirschbaum. Ms. Boomer spews item 12 approve the sfmta a title 16 title six Program Update and the results of their required systemwide monitoring of Service Standards and policies good aftergood revelatory of force energy for sfmta eight here to talk to about with all my colleagues about the 2016 title six Program Update. Title vi of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides no person in the us shall [inaudible] be excluded from participation in the night the benefits of war be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. The federal Transit Administration which provided a portion of our funding is the one who monitors us for title vi compliance. Our Title Vi Program is hard to be committed every three years with your approval will we will be 70 this Title Vi Program on december 1, 2016. The Program Covers both General Program requirements as was transit specific and all give you a couple of the highlights of the General Program required that Julie Kirschbaum will go into detail on that Transit Provider specific ones but all attachments are in your board package. You may have seen this notice in our facilities or on our vehicles good this is important requirements. It provides for customers their rights under title vi. It states that sfmta ages not discriminate on the base of Race Color National were gendered interactions where they can go for more information and to file a complaint. Its in 10 languages. Languages spoken by the highest concentrations of ltd. English proficient individuals in the city and county of San Francisco. All you can see it on there, on the bottom this will be a tagline or budget is the icon of a phone. Its 311. Directs and 10 language is where customers can go for free language assistance which is a vital requirement of title vi. The list there are some the other place you might see that i may have not mentioned. In addition to our notice we also complaint procedures posted. We have on her website complaint procedures and title vi complaint forms and 10 languages. We also track and monitor title vi complaint with separate compliance process thats within my group. The Public Participation plan language assistance but be covered in more detail by candace hurt the languages is the grant touches on how do we provide meaningful access to those in our service area that we might encounter programs and services may be limited English Proficient and how do we make sure we are using the right programs and services and assistance tools to make sure they can navigate our system. The lane which Assistance Program informs the Public Participation plan which is really what houses are outreach and Public Engagement strategy. The fda gives us wide latitude work does patient plan includes but requires that we go out to the community that we talk to them again candace will get into mortgage on this but we are seeking the viewpoints of low income minority and lapd populations that are important transit decisionmaking processes that we are including them in continuously infrequently and again were going to decide when you want to meet. What works for you . How can we get to a meeting . Do care what topics will get you coming in, first at the last highlight i will talk about and headed over to julie, is the fta also was to make sure that for nonelected committees and councils transit advisory bodies, that we are paying attention to making sure they are diverse. We talked about they want to know the diversity of these advisory groups and they want to make sure we got the right recruitment tools in place to make sure were keeping on on the diversity on. How can doctor julia. Thank you. Julie kirschbaum with operation support. The Title Vi Program update also has extensive transit requirements. It requires us to provide our Service Standards and policies which we also as an agency bring to you and published in our shortrange transit plan periodically. We are significant as shaped by the transit effectiveness project as well as some of our city charter goals including ontime performance. He also prepared demographic maps and charts to understand the demographics of our ridership. We have a enclosed documentation of our Public Engagement process for title vi transit policy. Which we stopped in 2013 with both extensive board review as well as stakeholder review. It also asks us to catalog any fair or Service Equity analyses that we are done in the threeyear period. So every time we bring a Major Service change to this board or eight there changed to this board, we evaluate it to make sure that it doesnt create a disparate impact or disproportionate burden to the stakeholders. Then what ongoing to focus on today is also includes Service Monitoring to make sure that our services performing in an equitable way. The key part of the Service Monitoring fta does not cause what our standards should be. They realize that in some communities having a bus every 60 min. Is a reasonable minimum headway. In San Francisco youve chosen a different path. For example on our rapid routes we have a policy weight of every 10 min. A connector routes like the 37 corbett for example a minimum policy of every 30 min. Good in many cases we provide more frequent Service Based on demand. So the fta does not tell us what our policy should be but we ask they monitor to make sure our policies are not being more effectively administered in higher income were less minority neighborhoods than in low income more minority neighborhoods. Our Service Standards are tailored to the type of routes or the type of vehicle. So for example we honestly can carry more people on our 60 foot buses that are 40 foot buses. We strive to be at about 85 of what we consider full from a planning perspective. Just by way of comparison, something that like crush load, like the end of outside lands is probably about 125 of our planning capacity so we try to allow room for variability. For ontime performance from their frequent routes, we are focusing on gaps and bunching. Because typically youre not looking at a schedule when you go to buy the 38 geary on routes that come less frequently we are looking at scheduling adherence and what percentage of our routes within 85 percent on target from policy headways come i think i recover those from service coverage, we have a citywide policy that all residential neighborhoods will be within a quartermile of muni service. The fta also requires that we design two areas of Service Policies could i think the difference between standards and policy and policies tend to be less quantitative. The first is for vehicle assignment. We have a policy it mta that our vehicles are signed in a way that doesnt discriminate but also responds to the technical limitations of the route. For example 60 foot route would not go on a tight hilltop neighborhood. Right now as part of this policy is concentrated our newest vehicles at bus divisions like woods which have the highest percentage of low income and minority routes. Then excitingly, as we youre the kind of completion of our fleet replacement we will have a really young fleet throughout the system and that something we are seeing every day is newer and more reliable vehicles out on the streets. Sf mta defines minority and low income and twoway street when were doing a spatial analysis like looking at shelters, we use the census data. Any census tract that is more minority or more low income that are citywide averages we would consider him a nordic census tract. Based on the 2014 American Census data the city is 51 percent minority in about 28 low income. Any census tract that is a higher democrat but then that would be considerable income by margot minority suspect the routes were very fortunate that we have very rich data set where is actually interviewed our customers so we know route by route what percentage of our customers are minority or low income. Systemwide, about 50 of our customers self identify as a minority. About 51 of our customers are from households that make less than 20 of the federal poverty level. Per household 04 thats about 65,000 a year. This is a map based on the census analysis anywhere in blue is showing a census tract that is higher residence who self identify as binaries on the citywide average. Then this is the similar map but looking at folks living in low income households. Im very pleased to report that throughout this analysis did not identify any categories of disparate impacts for minority customers were disproportionate burdens for low income residents. This is when we compared routes across all categories. I am also pleased to report that we had to findings from last train three years ago we were able to address. In 2013 we identified that there wasit was more likely much more likely they would find a shelter in a not minority neighborhood but in a minority neighborhood. We have closed that gap within our 8 threshold and we have increased the number of shelters in minority census block groups from 58 to 62 we are continuing to push that out. We are prioritizing new shelters in minority and low income neighborhoods were ever positive shelters are a little tricky because thats [inaudible] not the decisionmaker. Its decided to wait dpw hearing but we are incorporating them into his many new projects as we can and also working closely local businesses and residents to put in shelters particularly where were getting community request. He also had a finding that our policies are headway minimum headway policies did not align with our conditions and that was in part because we are in a transition period. We are updating our policies to match the guidelines from the effect of this project. Though so through this updated analysis we now found that 90 percent of our routes are meeting our policy headways that there wasnt any more or less likely to not be meeting them for minority and low income routes. Those were the two findings we addressed it then our last piece of our presentation, we want to focus on the Public Participation plan as well as our limited English Proficiency burden, and handed over to candace sulu will walk you through that with you. Thank you julie. Chairman nolan directors good afternoon candace is to medications director for sf mta. Its really a good walk you through the Public Participation plan and also talk a livid about the language assistance plan. So following what kathleen talked about which was one of the requirements that the fta guidance that we will maintain a Public Participation planted the purpose of this plan is to provide a framework strategies and tools that help us ensure we are effectively communicating with the public with information that they want to know in the way they want to engage on issues of Service Changes, fair changes, as well as decisions that were making in the transportation space. I think it is really interesting to look at the approach that weve taken this year in 2016. Last report was done in 2012. But in this case, the agency took a robust approach to conducting this work and really try to engage all the best practices that we want to see happening on everything that we do here in researching the Public Participation plan. This effort i want to acknowledge was led by kathleen [inaudible] as well as the Communications Division and in conjunction with the Comptrollers Office who did a lot of the reason. So this works. And karina garbo from the Comptrollers Office is here to help us to answer specific questions later. So this slide was to through some of the methodology oof the plan. Again really robust set of work. There were over 4700 people participated in an online survey. So the core keys is quantitative survey and Qualitative Research 4700 people who were part of the survey taking process but to get to that 4700 people and beyond, it took out reach to over 200 communitybased organizations did we reach out to their members and continued continue to push the survey out. In addition to the quantitative work that was Qualitative Research done as well. With 13 executive interviews with members of these Community Based organizations representatives i should say. As well as nine sessions with a focus group. That just hope contextualize all the information electing to really ensure there was a rich Public Participation plan. A number of diverse opinions were heard. Theyre all contained in the report actually quite larger more walkthrough some of them but we could spend a day going through all the information that we found which was i think really hard into a good i do want to appreciate this board and patented to because i know this was presented over the last two years to you all and you provided a lot of crates which input which we were able to include in the research. So some of the commonalities are listed on this particular slide. Even though we did take some preferences depend on the Demographic Group we were looking at were talking to at the time, some things really rose to the top across all the [inaudible] the key one is the sf mta website is a critical source of information for customers. I think sometimes its easy to forget that because its a page that is there and thats available as a site to research but actually got a lot of live information on a. Consulate being updated and that people use as a resource for information. As you might guess Service Changes and fair changes are great interest to our customers and they continue to tell us that they want us to prioritize that information. We also learned again rising to the top that when we have beatings we want people to participate in that we need to make it convenient for them both in time of day and in proximity to where we are asking people to go to a meeting. We will talk more about that later. Just a couple of highlighted charts that came out of this research. Again youre seeing here Service Changes of interest just under 70 the people across all demographics being interested in that information. There are changes was kind of the next highest area of interest and then Construction Projects a little bit lower. It was interesting to note that for English Proficient respondents they are more interested in Service Changes but 72 of them are interested in Service Changes and those with less English Proficiency are more motivated by [inaudible] change. We also noted that higher income respondents are more interested in Construction Projects that are low income respondents. In addition, how people are actually able to provide comments act to us is something our survey work delves into a bit. Most respondents were about 60 percent prefer to submit their comments after a meeting via email on a website or iphone. Even during a meeting but more of them after meeting and in particular, younger participants have that preference. Younger participants also lower awareness of our meetings. Those things may be somehow correlated whereas older respondents tend to birth her for providing feedback by speaking publicly we see some of that weve had Public Meetings that there is a generational difference in preferences when people engage with us in that type of setting. Again just some highlights. Again more in the report. So some other insights that we had are listed here. You are pleased to see in many cases that the information that came out of this research was actually thinks were at it we start to experiment with some of these techniques based on other research that we have done in past years. This helped us see it was alignment with what we some of the techniques we have been trying out of late. For instant always a number of multimedia communication tools and strategies to reach broader audiences were currently doing that that something replays through this research could weve also been looking for opportunities to reduce barriers to information by making sure that we provide a number of translations and that we are working harder to reach low income and minority populations by working with communitybased organizations. Some of the things we could do more of however the casino this is a work in progress we have a ways to go, is that we need to work harder to customize the information to groups of people. People are telling us our regular basted the stakeholders are telling us they value when the outreach that we are providing to them is customized to their neighborhood with to their group. They want to attend meetings that are personally relevant to them personally is held in locations convenient to them and times that work for them. Again very specifically annotated in the research. They also indicated stakeholders have indicated update would like to see you all sf mta board in particular as well as staff attend meetings in the neighborhood. This was seen as more than just logistical convenience and i do want to make this point that was more about symbolism. At about tone and demeanor of how we are working with the communities that we hope will be engaged with our work. And that we need to be engaged with our work in order to make changes that are really truly for them. So there was this sense of ensuring that we are respecting authentically respecting, the needs of the community and we are there in the community with them. So this element is very symbolic. There was also this one comes from interviews with communitybased Organization Leaders that they would like to see sf mta prioritize the interest of the public and to work harder to communicate information using various channels including email some to we currently do, working with schools as a means to reach audiences particularly hard to reach limited English Proficient audiences, and their neighborhood meetings. With regard to the point about prioritizing public interest, this is something i think that we need to work harder to make that point. And to connect between how we view our approach to our work in the Community Views our approach to our work. Finally, sf mta stakeholders place a high priority on technology and the feedback that they have given good we make sure that feedback loop is actually in place. When we are working with them on plans, Service Changes and fair changes. So now im what you move to the language assistance plan. This again is another part of the title vi requirements that kathleen i think is executed this is about customers who of limited ability to read, write them a speak or understand english very well. Again another large body of research to help us understand how to communicate with these groups of people. This research was actually severed from the Public Participation plan of research so included again working with communitybased organizations to do interviews to conduct focus groups and many which were in language either through translation or conducted in language in the language of the group presented to. And in addition to these groups it also included Quantitative Research with customers and Quantitative Research with staff. So wellrounded body of work. The approach follows a four factor model which is outlined in guidance from fta to include the number or proportion of limited image proficient eligible to be served on counter by sf mta program. The frequency of which an lapd individual my contact in sf mta program the importance of that program to peoples lives and the Resources Available for outreach to lep individuals. This is what we found. Approximately one in five people in San Francisco are limited English Proficient. A substantial number at about 22 of San Franciscos population. Most of the language spoken our chinese and spanish followed by [inaudible] vietnamese and russian. An arabic was recently added. In other words that released thousand people who now speak arabic excuse me who are arabic speakers who speak english [inaudible] a technical way to say. Lep individuals rarely commute to work in Public Transit and depend on unity for daily activities could impact 91 or 9 10 ride muni at least once a week. Many of our staff are encountering lep individuals on a daily basis about one in three. And typically again those languages are chinese, spanish and filipino. So our staff, are often in a position especially on the front line of engage with people who are limited English Proficient and need to resources to help them. 83 of the people we surveyed who are lep individuals report being satisfied with munis current service. Although they knowledge is an opportunity to do more. And they have told us to the survey that when they are not choosing to use Muni Services is typically not because of a language barrier. Again another test or threshold for fta. Finally, we spent approximately 150,000 a year for document translation and 125,000 for the materials we produce for these and i would say thats actually a conservative figure. Some other things we learn. L ep customers are quite satisfied with our services but still we have some work to do. Some of these things include making sure that we are continuing to promote the additional agenda language assistance tools are better available to customers. Although the frequency of use of these tools is increasing it still points to a need to promote the language bug 311 when which Assistance Available to customers and to continue to provide information in languages that are preferred. In addition to prioritize the information about service and route changes to make sure that when people speak english less than very well that they are able to get information thats directly affecting their ability to get around the city. We also learned that we need to continue partnerships with communitybased organizations on an ongoing seemed to kathleen and through julies talk to make sure that we are using these audiences, these groups of people to reach the audiences who may have more challenges in understanding our communication and then finally, theres an opportunity and a need to train our staff to ensure that they can on the ground and the front line help lep individuals understand our system. A couple of charts just showing the reasons that limited English Proficient individuals might use muni are very similar to what i think any individual might use muni might be using it for your shopping, doctors visits, visiting family and friends, are high on the list. There is some age discrepancies here with older those above the age of 60 but using it more for shopping and doctor visits and those who are younger using muni for going to work and going to school in terms of those who are lep individuals. Again this theme of the website rising to the top of the list is evident in this chart could i thought was interesting that it was a notation that spanish speakers are more likely than any other Language Group to use the sf mta website as a resource. We saw those types of dispersions in the data but generally theres no supplies herewith the website fires and materials being summoned the top language assistance tools that are available to people. Transit operators who speak my language are also quite important resource particularly relied on by mandarin speakers. Those who need Translation Services being able to go to 311 for those services. Whats next . So one of the reasons that i am presenting this information to you is because the Communications Division is responsible for implementing a lot of the Public Participation plan and the language assistance plan. So the mechanism for doing that is our Public Outreach and Engagement Team strategy which we eventually called [inaudible] and how it is a way for us to articulate the standards of our reach and provide guidance for our projects and programs that are out in the community and to outline a process for tailoring a Communications Plan to meet the needs of various communities. So it is our intent to ensure that what we learned out of these two clans the Public Participation plan and the language assistance plan, are built into public so that its institutionalized throughout the organization. It is a way to help staff make sure they have the information and resources they need that are documented in the france us and thats a key next up. In addition, there are some things we need to do to work on to really fully instituted throughout the organization including building and feedback loops that are natural and logical. For projects. All Nine Community input sessions pointed to the need to loop back when we hear information and feedback from communities that we need to be able to convey the weve heard that feedback and how we have incremented or considered implementing the information we received. Then finally, the website happens to be that we are in the process of upgrading our website. So this is something that is very live and happening right now. As a next step. One of the things that we will be part of the new iteration of the website will be better richer language translation. That allow us to use Machine Learning to translate for the most part the entire site to allow those who are lep individuals to get the information in the language they prefer. So that concludes our presentation and i will turn toyour presentations from any of us and so will open it up for questions for Julie Kathleen and perhaps even [inaudible] from the Comptrollers Office. If you have specific questions be was thank you good members of the board, questions were commons . Commons . Very interesting all the way through. Director borden he was either much of the ship airport i think a lot of great findings came out of it and look forward to doing a better job lots of people dont feel like they have the ability to influence things happen. I think the groundhog can effectively have our reach and input processes and feedback loops is critical. I do have a question but a title vi that all the different languages but i do not see braille. We have rail . Braille . Title vi visit without limits Public National origin raise colored National Working and was based on the Supreme Court case that if you denied access based on ability to read and understand english well, that could be determined to be National Origin discrimination in braille would fall under i think ada would not necessarily fall under title vi. Right. I think we would have things in braille as well. Ive asked that people reach out to me who are blind about the Transportation Network in general [inaudible] i can certainly take that back thanks one comment i make about this they suggest a move our meetings around. In my stance has been remarkably unsuccessful both here and elsewhere its a good idea if you like the idea but nobody comes. So i respectfully disagree with that recommendation. I would say were experienced in planning if you had a big project or something of coming then it worked out very effectively. Wasnt necessarily most productive meeting we ever have in terms of people showing up i think that maybe for some of the bigger projects like maybe with geary or prt might make to do a meeting in the communities we hear the voices of the community. It definitely requires Something Like that thats really immediate to the folks because weve done regular meetings elsewhere and nobody comes. Thank you. I just want to say we talked about this policy and governance as well. I appreciate the thoroughness of the outreach and the desire and the success weve had in bringing people in it they speak other languages, making sure people have access to it. We touch weekly on the cost of doing that but again we spoke about this that the benefit to society of making sure that everybody can write our Transit System and everybody can have access to the information is just impossible to calculate that i think the idea that we are expanding that access in making sure that everyone who needs it can get the information they need to write our system, i love it when the operators help out in the native lingo to help somebody out. I think that is just its a lovely part of being in San Francisco to have somebody approach the operator and ask in their Home Language and be answered in their Home Language its just great work on this report and look for to us continuing to do everything we can to reach out and make a Transit System much more inclusive. Is this the form of the report that will be going to the federal government words it sort of a pacific specific presentation to them you need to do . Are they going to get primus the information we got here . He was go get whats in the board packet the title vi packet is a word document will be a pdf theres numerous appendices and attachment we uploaded through their grant system that we upload documents and gets trapped by them. Itll be uploaded as a pdf. It looks as ive no other question it stew is director ramos spews work just a complement this great work. Your team is just youve certainly raise the bar from my observations and i had the privilege of serving on title vi committees and seeing the way that you are doing work is just raises the bar. I applaud you for your efforts and all the work that went into even just this staff report and the presentation, the way that you folks organize the date of the critical points jump out you its just really really great work and i hope youre celebrating in some way shape or form. Width dont worry. It took six months of my life [laughing] we be remiss director garcia was here absolutely amazed. Reports comes in everything is together it is been hours of sleeplessness which it should be. This is very critical because a lot of stuff we also work with the office of Civic Engagement and immigrants of their. There were critical in giving us feedback and reaching out with the directors were amazing incoming giving us feedback we immediately incorporated the included it as an Organization Response to your earlier comment bla p and the fda has 60 days to look at it see if they work it back if theres any Additional Information they need once its done to live on a website and at the back i think its probably appendix a and each plan are the detailed list work in organizations we listed out the geographic map week were going. Wonderful. Thank you director hsu i really appreciate the thoroughness of the report immunity job going into individual lines. Thats really fantastic i did have one question is about how the 2013 survey was done. Specifically, they come on board and are handed paper. With one question being, how do you question of low income was framed . Its relevant because we are actually in the process right now of updating that survey. So both in 2013, 2013 and right now we are doing its an onboard survey. Its upwards of 25 bus house and people are survey. Its a trilingual survey. The current version is in tablet form. Its more in the form of an interview. We are partnering with mtc on it and they found when they did it in other places like bart they got very high, as high as 6070 response rate. Thats why we have shifted to that model. But the survey itself is how does somebody get asked the question of are you low income . What we do is we asked people what is their household size and what we asked them what is her Household Income and then we cross tabulate that to determine. So were not asking somebody are you low income or not. Were using the information they provide in analyzing it. Ms. Boomer number so the public is one person turned in a speaker card. Herbert weiner. Herbert weiner. I will be brief. I notice that its one quarter of a mile to the bus stop in all neighborhoods and this means all neighborhoods have common misery and this is mta democracy inaction. Now you really should ask in the surveys help people like walking a quarter of a mile to the bus stop. I dont think thats been directly asked. I dont think youll get a good result. Now as a result of the Community Outreach i saw that in action at the Mission Cultural center a few months ago. It was quite explosive. Fortunately, no one struck a match. Now this is an example of Community Outreach gone wrong. Significant people connected with mta and mta even left the meeting. You have a lot of work to do with Community Outreach. Hopefully, there will be more less groupthink on this board. People on this board voted unanimously on this decision. I heard very little dissent. Maybe theres some dissent in the back room before the meeting, but i see very little democracy here among the board and we really need some checks and balances. Thanks. And every us wish to address the board on the subject . Very quickly all like the idea feedback. I like the idea feedback in this room. I like. Feedback to Public Comments. Thank you. Thanks. Motion on the . Motion to approve before we vote him and go back to a director bordens point about britain made it may not be for this document be interesting to know what the agencies providing encrypted surely this Opposition Party have a Large Population with the growing population of people with sight difficulties. Members consent we have to director to come back with something on that . Okays with the motion and second. Behaviors because opposed . Thank you much. Ms. Boomer that includes all the business before you today we are adjourned. Thank you very much everybody. [gavel] [adjournment] the office of controllers Whistle Blower Program is how City Employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in City Government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of City Government that. You can below the what if anything, by assess though the club Program Website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point Controllers Office the Charitable Program also accepts complaints by email or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide Contact Information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the Whistle Blower Program face of misuse of City Government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of City Government Services Waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form youll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need Additional Information by law the City Employee that provide information to the Whistle Blower Program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf ethics. Org and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that City Government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say Whistle Blower Program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www. Commissioner president loftus id like to call roll is commissioner president loftus commissioner Vice President turman commissioner marshall commissioner mazzuco commissioner dejesus commissioner wong commissioner melara ask excused commissioner president loftus we have quorum also with us the intern chief of Police Toney Chaplin and joyce hicks. Okay. Good evening and welcome to the wednesday, november 2, 2016, Police Commission meeting im going to

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