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Welcome, everyone to the Mayors Disability Council meeting here in room 400, city hall. February 19, 2016. We appreciate you being here with us today. We are going to get started with the agenda and cochair supanich will read the welcome and introduction. Thank you. Thank you, good afternoon and welcome to the Mayors Disability Council this friday february 19, 2016, in room 400 of San Francisco city hall. City hall is accessible to persons using wheelchairs or other mobile devices at grove, van ness and mccallister street ramps. The carlton b entrance is provided via chairlift. Our meeting is open captioned and sign language interpreted. Our agendas are also available in large print and braille. Please ask staff for any additional assistance. To prevent electronic interference with this rooms sound system and to respect everyones ability to focus on the presentations please silence all mobile phones and pdas. Your cooperation is appreciate. We welcome publics participation during Public Comment. You may fill out a card or call or bridge line at 14155549632. Where a staff person will handle request to speak at the appropriate time. The Mayors Disability Council meetings are generally held on the third friday of the month. Our next regular meeting friday march 18, 2016, from 1 00 p. M. To 4 00 p. M. Here at San Francisco city hall in room 400. Please call the Mayors Office on disability for further information or to request accommodations at 14155546789 for voice or 1415554. 6799 for tty. A reminder to all of our guest today to speak slowly into the microphone to assist our captioners and interpreters. We thank you for joining us. Thank you, cochair, supanich. Well now proceed to the roll call. Cochair chip supanich, present, cochair dennys senhaux, present, cochair member kostanian absent. Roland wong, present. Thank you. We will now proceed to action item 2 which the the reading of the agenda. Staff . Item no. 1, welcome introduction and roll call. Item no. 2, reading and approval of the agenda, item no. 3, Public Comment. Items not on todays agenda wult within the jurisdiction of mdc, each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Item no. 4, information item. Report from cochair. Item no. 5, ceremonial item remembering thu phan. Council members and members of the public are welcome to share thoughts, memories and stories of thu phan. A berkeley disability advocate and recent Pedestrian Fatality on market and 7th streets. Item no. 6. Achieving a better Life Experience able of act of 2014. Where do we go from here . This presentation will discuss the recently passed able act legislation in california and how it can be used to help people with disabilities and have more Financial Options and control through case study illustrations, listeners will learn about able account eligibility and able to determine whether it meets their Financial Planning needs. Break. Item no. 7. Information item. Students with disabilities at sledge. Item no. 8. Information item. Beyond accommodation. Opportunities for students, faculty and staff with disabilities at San Francisco state university. This presentation is a brief overview of San Francisco state efforts to provide opportunities for students and employees with disabilities to be successful, engaged in participants in their education an work. It will highlight demographics, services and supports available collaborations with Campus Partners and particular achievements of sf states Accessible Technology initiative. Item no. 9. Information item. San franciscos kindergarten to College Program. An overview of San Franciscos kindergarten to College Program. The first automatic and universal matched childrens Savings Account Program in a Public School system in the country, with funds designated for post secondary education. Item no. 10. Information item. Report from the director of the Mayors Office on disability. Item no. 11. Information item. Report from the disability Disaster Preparedness committee. Item no. 12. Information item. Update on 2016 Youth Commission priorities and request for feedback. Commissioner bernick will give a brief overview of the Youth Commissions budget and policy priorities from 20152016 and recent work and invite feedback and insight from Council Members. Presentation by anna bernick, Youth Commissioner, chair of the Youth Commission Civic Engagement committee, senior, washington high school. Pmp is welcome. Item no. 13. Public comment, items not on todays agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the mdc. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Item no. 14, correspondence, item no. 15, discussion item. Council member comments and announcements. Item no. 16, adjournment in memory of thu phan. We have now Public Comment. I request people who have Public Comment to please keep it to a minimum. Is there any Public Comment . Chip supanich will be assisting me and will read out names. We have no speaker cards for the audience here. Is there anyone here who would like to make a general Public Comment at this time . Do we have anyone on the bridge line who would like to comment . Yes. I was actually going to speak later on item no. 5. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. I suppose there is no Public Comment. Seeing that, well close. Well go to information item no. 4 which is a report from cochair supanich. Cochair supanich . I have a brief report. The coordinating council recently met and is in the midst of formulating budget asked for the board of supervisors and the mayor. It looks like the maybe focus is housing, longterm housing, transitional housing and a lot of good ideas have come up around that, some innovative ideas. In addition, longterm coordinating council is in the process of developing a website. The website will be accessible. It will have features to make the screen black, to bright en the screen and other accessible features will maybe added in the future but we are trying to stay within the requirements at this point with the city and county of San Francisco. I guess thats it. Thank you. Thank you, cochair supanich. We will now proceed to a ceremonial item no. 5. This is remembering thu phan. We want to commemorate the family and express our sorrow for your loss. We saw your emails and heard your cries that you want to express loss of a friend of a colleague. We want to be sure to give everyone time to share their memories on this incredible person. I did not of the pleasure, opportunity to know her, but i hear she was quite an advocate and fought for workers rights. We are going to open to 3 minutes comments for anyone who would like to speak. Linda, go ahead. Public speaker thank you. Sometimes you might meet someone and they change your life. The person might inspire you with their story or they might completely change your perspective in the world or they might be so genuine and so kind that it makes you believe the goodness in people and in turn it makes you a better person. I didnt meet such a person in my life. I had the honor of growing up with her. Thu phan was my sister. At one point we had two families in one house. Our parents emigrated as a refugee from vietnam. She was 4 years old. I want you to know how far she came. She loved living here in the United States because there were so many other opportunities than she would have had anywhere else. I think she was thankful of my parents for giving her a better chance, a better life here. Growing up she touched so many lives. At her funeral she had many friends from Elementary School and high school and college. One thing i heard from everyone at her funeral is how inspired they were by her. For her who used a step, she was very quick to make friends. She took chances and she showed that living independently with a disability was possible. She worked hard to spread her knowledge so others could do the same. She worked to improve the lives of people that helped her to live an independent life, the workers she employed. And when she was just a few years ago, a while ago, she interned at the department of transportation and she taught others about the ada act and how huge of a difference it makes for people with disabilities. She showed them that the ada act is actually freedom and equality for disabled people. You know, she bought a Wheelchair Accessible and talked about it for years. She finally got her Wheelchair Accessible. She wanted to see places she hadnt been able to see before. So, i just wanted to share a little bit about her. Thank you for sharing. Anyone else on the bridge line . Anyone else on the bridge line . Public speaker hi. This is holy phan. Go ahead. Hi, this is holy phan. Go ahead, holy, you are on line. Oh, i was just calling in to hear. Okay. Thank you. I wanted to give you an opportunity to talk, but i just heard that you are over hearing all the lovely comments. Okay. Welcome. At this point, is there any other Public Comment. People would like to come before and speak . Public speaker i didnt know thu very well, but we worked we were part of an organization of employers with disabilities called hand in hand. And her activism, she was a really good speaker. And she knew the inter dependence between workers and employers. So of course i liked her for that. But she was also just a fun woman. She had the best laugh. The first time i met her. I had gone to something called capital action day with her. Which is like a disability rights day in sacramento. So afterwards we were back on the van back to the bay area. And she asked me would you like to go dancing . And capital action day is a wonderful day but like a very very long day. And there was no way i could have been awake. But i really liked her livelihood. And i had so much fun talking to her when i would talk to her. So im going to miss her a lot. This is sasha bit ner. Thank you. Public speaker my name is Jessie Sandoval with independent resources center. She just recently attended one of our Community Activity events and she has been a valuable member of the community for many years. She was active in workers rights as well as disability events in general. I knew her more than an acquaintance. She was more than a friend. She always had a smile on her face and always had something positive to say. I hope she will bring changes to people with disabilities. There are many challenges for people with disabilities in trying to be part of the community and going to work everyday. Crossing the street shouldnt have to be a life or death situation. To remember to bring about changes. Thank you. Thank you. Next. Public speaker good afternoon, my name is nicole, the executive director of walk San Francisco. I wanted to take a moment to remember thu and send regards on behalf of walk sf and remember her life and the crash that took her life. At walk sf we work with the city and Many Community partners to champion a policy called vision zero and your department has been part of that policy and the goal is to end all fatal and traffic deaths. Thus death was preventable and should have been prevented. We will be working with the city and our Community Partners to make sure that happens. We met earlier today with Disability Advocates and one of the things that we talked about that is a really important issue right now is a policy called automated speed foreseement and that would make sure that people obey the speed limit and speed is killing people and that is one of the main things that speed is killing people on the street. That is one thing we are asked mr. Chiu to sponsor today. We are asking members to call his office and send emails for speed and auto enforcement to make sure that streets are safe especially seniors and people with disabilities and children and people that receive crash impact to those communities most frequently. Thank you. Thank you. Next . Public speaker i worked with thu and apologies. I missed a little bit of what was just said. But i know she was extremely cautious and careful when crossing the streets and was very safety conscious of that and i feel in addition to speed enforcement, there needs to be better signage and enforcement on market because i work in the same building and i see this street everyday and im in a wheelchair and i almost got caught several times because its a big intersection and there is no one there when you start crossing an then people are frequently making left turns without looking. I didnt know until the paper that people were making lefts all the time. Thank you. Next speaker . Public speaker hi. My name is ken stein. You knew who i was up until 3 years ago on the Mayors Office on disability. I wanted to first extend my personal condolences to the family and friends of thu phan on this huge loss and to the council and the city of San Francisco for paying homage to the wonderful life. I know you saw the article in twothirds of a planet. Com where some address the policy issues. Particularly relating to how the hard time it is being a driver in this city that confusing signage, constant construction and angry driver grid lock driver. I didnt mention being a driver from out of town, even with a navigator system from out of town that how a nightmare that the signage has no relation to what you are supposed to do and you have arrows turning where that arent there anymore and you dont know what lane you are supposed to turn in. Im an older driver so i get honked at. I know you are limited as a council and office as to with a you can do but i urge you to keep mtas feet to the fire in terms of policy and Pedestrian Safety. I know that so much of what people have been talking about is the loss of a person who was and the person that people knew, but for me, what i get stuck on and cant get passed is that thu phan was a beautiful young and vibrant person and her life was taken from her. There is no take backs. Just a huge loss that is just incomprehensible. Thats all i wanted to say. Thanks. Thank you. Anyone else would like to Public Comment . Public speaker hello. My name is rowe. Im thus brotherinlaw. When i met her i was quite nervous. Holy, my wife, she told me about her condition. I never knew what to think. Never had i spent my life around someone with a disability. I just loved how much the family loved and cared for one another. Its an honor to call them my brothers and sisters. Thu was a Family Member. What i will also remember thu for was her infectious laugh. What i will remember most about her if she was able to overcome so much, there was nothing i couldnt come across. I am bothered by the knowledge for my son, thu will never be around to teach him. The valuable lessons of independence and perseverance that only she can teach. Thu was a beautiful spirit whose heart was bigger than life. Her loss is not only one for the family but the community as a whole. For thu to overcome the odds that were stuck against her only that her life cut short crossing the streets of San Francisco was extremely tragic. We need to make the changes in the city to ensure safety for people with disabilities who have enough hardships that they must face. That they shouldnt have to endure issues of just crossing the streets. I would like to close with a few hundreds of message that were shared with us. I hope it begins to paint a picture of how truly remarkable thu was. I remember how chatty she was from day one, so friendly. She revealed her independence and there wasnt anything she can do and she never hesitated to advocate for herself and others. She was a pioneer who lived despite her physical limitations. She saw a big world to conquer. She was a nonsmoking advocate and a powerful woman and her death is a huge loss to the community. We love you, thu phan. Rest in peace. Thank you. Thank you. Anyone else . On the bridge line . Public speaker yes, thank you sue garcia. I am thus cousin in san diego. As you hear all of these testimonial, its her future no longer in existence but all the possible people she would have touched and all the change they would ve brought to the community. I hope her death brings about a positive change in Public Policy that will help not just the disabled community, but also the regular walking community. I love San Francisco and i know thu loved San Francisco too. She made it her home for many many years. I want you to understand that yes, there is always short falls and budgets and always other departments not in agreement and everybody has their own agenda, but, San Francisco is known for its walking community. Its a place where people want to walk. We shouldnt feel like when we walk that there is a possibility that we are strolling along in our wheelchair that we will get hit by a car. Im truly sad that thu is gone and i know a lot of people are. I hope something good comes about that no more lives will be taken by senseless Car Accidents and that those that have not been personally affected by a traffic accident, understand that it is, it doesnt just reach or touch 1 person, it touches a multitude of people. Thank you. Thank you. Is there anyone else who would like to come up and speak or on the bridge line . Go ahead. Public speaker hi, my name is holy mitch ner. I am thu phans sister. I would like to thank the council for having my sister on the agenda. It means a lot to us. I know the past several weeks, the past few weeks there has been a lot of support from the news and the family has been dealing with thus death. We have been planning her funeral. She had a Beautiful Service on saturday. The family itself, we dont know exactly what happened because the Police Report is still in process. But i would just like to share a little bit about what you dont know. What you dont know is how much my sister suffered. She had two broken ribs, a broken hand and two broken legs. The death was reported in the news but nobody knows how fast she deteriorated after she was hit. She was lucid and then started fainting and vomiting and had swelling in her brain. They said if they didnt operate she would die. We told her how much we loved her and she actually was saying sorry to the family because she knew how much her recovery would be affected because her bones dont recover once they are broken. The surgeon said when they opened her skull she was bleeding so much that they almost immediately knew she was gone. We saw the aftermath, her swollen body, her broken bones, her half shaved he had. We saw the nurses pump her with blood and heard the neurologist tell us she had no reflex, no reaction. She was brain dead. She was gone. We held her close. We kissed her face. We said goodbye. It was probably one of the hardest things my family has ever done and i wouldnt ever wish this on our worst enemy. We saw our mom and dad cry add we held her. We love our sister. She was our rock. She taught us everything we knew. She taught is compassion. I just want the city to know its not okay that a person who crosses the street is struck and dies and taken away from us. I just want you to know that she was very much loved by her family and we need to honor her by making changes to the city and we need to honor her death by just continuing to make sure that the safety of people in San Francisco is a priority. I thank you, the council for having her on the agenda and letting us speak about our sister. That means a lot to us that shes on your mind. Thank you. Thank you for sharing with us. Its an honor to have her on the agenda. Any other Public Comment . Jessie, im sorry, go ahead. Public speaker sorry. Its hard to talk after that. I dont actually remember where i first met thu but i got to know her taking bart and the bart elevator and waiting to see if it was working and all the time we waited for it to work and i remember she started dating her boyfriend, her fiance and hearing about that and hearing about work and both of us would be running late and trying to get there on time, and thu would text me at 5 00 or 5 30 and say the civic Center Elevator is out so i can have a heads up about my plans getting home and then we got to know each other through hand in hand, the domestic employer and we went to st. Louis together a couple years ago to speak out for the rights of domestic workers. There is a little video that i shot of her on my phone and i remember taking it. Its on facebook if people want to see another video of her. I remember taking it to her because thu was always so hesitant to speak, not that she was a quiet person to speak. But to speak in public, to speak about a new issue. She would get kind of shy. So, no, no, you do it. We knew that thu was such a powerful person and a strong speaker and so we would say, cmon, go ahead. And so she did and of course she spoke passionately. When i was thinking of what to say about her i was coming up with all of these things and i thought oh my gosh it sounds like im talking about this person with this disability that was an inspiration. And she would say, whatever and she would laugh with her amazing laugh because you know, of course she lived her life not to be an inspiration, not to be an amazing disabled person. She was doing things but just to be who she was. And i think not as a, yeah, not as an inspiration but one of those people that had that enthusiastic and energy, and i remember talking to coworkers and other people who met her that people that knew her that she really affected people and she will definitely be remembered and not forgotten, and i will remember working for Pedestrian Safety and for members of the Disability Community i take that very seriously. Im glad to be able to work with the Mayors Office on disability and helping on that and hoping that at least we can get some changes to make sure the city and other cities are safer for all of us. Thank you. Is there anyone else who would like to come up and make Public Comment . If none, we are going to open up Public Comment to the council. Im sorry, was there somebody . Thank you, Council Members, through the chair. This is joanna, the staff at the Mayors Office with disabilities. For the next three minutes i will be a private citizen who met thu like five years ago on the bart elevator. Thu showed me my first designer stylistic to hit the elevator buttons. I met this bubbly person that always appeared very young to me and i was really surprised when i saw she was actually 38. Most people think of people with disabilities of someone looking like to as the inspirational person who took on all the odds and inspired people with her strength and passion. And i agree with jessica. Thu was not inspirational. She was just trying to make a Better Living and was appreciative of her parents bringing her to the u. S. And we learned a lot about coming here for the american dream. Thu was not even a San Francisco resident. We boasted about the fact that we hated living in San Francisco and why would anyone want to live here. Thu came here against all odds to get a job in the department of labor, federal government. We talked about getting a job as a person with disabilities. In the middle of the day, all the trials and tribulations. We rode back to the bart elevator almost a mile away to get an elevator that worked. When i mentioned to one of the bart agents that thu was hit, automatically all of them knew who she was. They called her zip. Not because, because she had this endless energy. So, she was running late for work. We split up because she gets to the end of 7th and market and i get off on the midblock intersection. And trust me, since the past two weeks, i have been more and more scared of crossing that intersection. This is a shame that for the Pedestrian Safety and all of these big issues that need to happen because this is a shame for the person that she is, for the person that shes not going to be anymore and this is first time that i met somebody that i know when all of these traffic accidents that you read in the paper happen to someone i know. Every morning i still look for thu on the bart platform. Thank you. Thank you. Throughout chair carla johnson. I want to share my sincere condolences to thus family for her loss. I also want to thank the council for holding this hearing today, this memoriam so people can come together to speak about such a special person that was lost. I didnt know thu very well. I was also struck by her deep incredible laugh she had, that liveliness about her. What struck me was how incredibly tough she was and what a strong voice and what an advocate and what a fun personality to have in any room taking place. For me, this accident felt really personal because it took place literally at our front door, and too, the person we lost is somebody that i would often see on the streets. Its personal to me as well because of the importance that our office has placed on Pedestrian Safety through our participation and the Vision Zero Task force and offensive coordinator times what our role has been there is to always raise this issue to increase this profile about just how incredibly dangerous it is to be a person with a disability or a senior just trying to navigate on the streets of San Francisco. I really hope that out of this horrible event that what we will be able to do is to come together whether it be with our partners at mta under vision zero implementation or our Police Department on their enforcement piece to make some structural changes to how we design our streets, but also to really improve the quality of the education and the outreach that drivers need to know that people need to be seen. That its very difficult sometimes to see them but they need to be looking. So i thank thu for helping us on that effort. Im just so horribly sorry that we lost her. Thank you. I would like to open you the to comment from the council. Well start with Council Member roland wong. Im sorry that my voice is not very good. I hope you guys can hear me. My condolences to the family of thu phan. Im also, i met thu at the independent living resources in San Francisco. Some of the events i had put together. I believe she went to the ringling brothers circus. Its the first time i met her. I found her to be so lively and downtoearth. I was very very comfortable talking with her and just be with her. I just miss her a lot. Im also a person who uses a wheelchair to navigate around town. And the impact that i had seen is that drivers do not pay attention. They do the famous california roll. They basically go beyond the stop signs and signals. They really dont pay attention. I basically fit near misses and possibly had a heart attack. Its very difficult navigating the streets not just in San Francisco but everywhere else. I want to see really education to drivers that they really need to stop and focus when they are driving. This is really important this is for everybody who travels and just walking the streets. I just want to say im just so sorry that and what a good friend. Thank you. Thank you, Council Member wong . Cochair supanich . First i would like to express my sincere condolences to thus family. I appreciate your commentary, your call to action and stories and your concern for safety of all. I did not know thu, but from your commentary, i wish i had. I thank you for coming today. Thank you, cochair supanich. Is there any other Public Comment . I want to give people an opportunity who came on the bridge line. I want to give people an opportunity. Public speaker can people hear me . Yes. This is dominic again. Im sorry, i know i have already spoken. I want to say i feel that people are impacted by thus death. We were just getting close around the time she died. We were having lunch everyday. Its just very difficult being back at work and pass the place where we had lunch together and crossed the same street everyday. I know she died getting to work. I dont know if this is the appropriate place to ask, but i have also been trying to follow up with the d. A. And my understanding is that charges havent yet been brought against the motorist that struck thu and that is something that the council should follow up on because training and awareness for motorist is important. Thu was really wonderful and she was a great person to be around. Im sorry. Its just very important. She was taken away from an entire community. After she Mayors Disability Council. Please stand by. Test thank you everyone for your patience. Well resume the meeting. The captioning is back. Again, information item no. 6. Achieving a better Life Experience e able act of 2014. I would like to welcome our director. Thank you very much for your patience stephen dale. Thank you very much. I know we have a small group. We are going to take a program that i usually spend 50 minutes on. We are going to go through about 20 minutes. This is going to be an introduction. In the materials it has the website and we are constantly updating materials on this subject. This is something thats been going on for some time. Let me get you the highlights and maybe if there are some questions well try do that as much possible. The powerpoint is right here. [inaudible] okay. So lets see if its working. Okay, anyway, part of this for those, and many of us that are on different list we are seeing all sorts of email coming up here and i have been working on this for quite some time. Im an attorney who focuses on needs trust and work with the Disability Community my entire life. Im excited about this new tool added to the toolbox. Starting in 2015, office will be able to establish this program. We have been able to put this together and things are changing rapidly. Right now there are no states that have able accounts ready. We are figuring that somebody will, one of the states we are thinking is probably going to be ohio will be up and running sometime before the end of the year. There has been a lot involved in doing this. Its a new tool and im going to run through this as fast as i can here. There is a couple of things of great interest. I will tell you i think the greatest usage of able accounts is going to be for folks with disabilities that are working because the problem always is that that you cant have more than 2,000 if you are on ssi or medical or ihs and some folks that work, they go over that resource limit and it becomes a problem. There is a couple of things with this and we may see changes as time goes on. One of the things is that the disability must begun before the age of 26. This was a pragmatic change made at the last minute because of cbo scores with the federal government. It wasnt a conspiracy or something to help one group or another, but obviously some groups, some disability groups especially folks within the intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, this is not a hard thing to achieve. For folks who are physically disabled this is a problem. Basically in order to qualify you must be on the title two programs, ss i, medical, if you can show that you are under the age of 26, you are automatically qualified for an able account or you can do it with a doctors certification. With details changing rapidly but what we are seeing is the rules are being made by the department of treasury and oddly enough the department of treasury is a different organization, a lot more than Social Security. The beneficiary, if they qualify because of certification you cant use that certification to get qualified with ssi and medical. Other changes made by any person as we are learning any person doesnt mean what we think. As an attorney who works a lot with special needs trust our expectation is we are going to be able to tie this in with special needs as well and in this case, a really tremendous thing. Contributions are not tax deductible. It has to be with cash distribution. It can be earned by tax but not be taxed like any other plan. In withdraws, with indefinite income would not be taxable as well after the traditional 529 plan. Individuals are limited to one able account. So unlike for instance the traditional 529 plans where you can have multiple accounts, you cant have them in this case and there is a lot of rulemaking going on on what happens for instance i have a niece with down syndrome in new york. If i set up an able account and they set up an able account and they are working on how to combine these together. They have contributions for matching location for 529 accounts. For instance in california, a 529 plan can only go up to 530,000. It would take five years to go to that amount. I dont think we will see that able account that will go over 350,000 for reasons i will get close to it. There are two tiers with this. One on ssi, you can have an able account up to 100,000 and still have an eligiblity. If you go over that, 1,000 into your 2,000 resource up here. After that your ssi goes into suspension, but you still keep your medical or medicaid and ihhs as well. For many folks especially persons with disabilities that work off times since the ihhs that is the most important. If the beneficiaries receiving, i pretty much covered that. People with california beneficiaries will not lose medical eligibility when ssi is in suspension. One change that came up originally with the able account they had to be in the state that you reside in, thats no longer true. So for instance you can have an arizona able account and those go up to 412,000. Again, i doubt if well see a 400,000 able account. Contributions have to be cash unless its a rollover. You cant take an appreciated stock. If you had an appreciated stock, you would have to realize the taxes and put the cash in. The exception is roll overs to another beneficiary. In the case of my niece, if we had two able accounts as long as we stayed within the rules. The other one is you can do a rollover during the lifetime of the beneficiaries to basically siblings. The loss of Family Members, if you look at what that means, it means, brothers, sisters, step brothers, step sisters. You couldnt use it for a spouse or a child. What can you use it for . I have seen a lot of criticism about this. Quite frankly, for somebody who needs a lot of special needs trust, its used for education, housing, employment, training and assistive technology, Health Prevention and wellness, Financial Management and administrative fees, services. Legal fees. Expenses for oversight an monitoring and funeral and burial expenses. Most of the folks that i work with, this is what we use special needs trust for. So i dont see much of a problem. What we are learning and for those of you that follow my full webinars that we do, well get into a lot more detail into this. But what we are finding is once again, since this is over seen by the department of treasurely, there being incredibly liberal as to how they apply this. I wish Social Security was this way but they are not. If you are using this for day training, this is not a good vehicle. The beneficiaries have an able account can direct what the investments are no more than two times anywhere in the calendar year and these will be investments with the 529 plan. If you are doing investment, this suspect really isnt really the vehicle. For example i have a traditional 529 plan for my grandkids an a series of various conservative option i can choose. Contributions are after tax dollars and for qualified expenses. If they are not for qualified expenses something not on the list, it could be for a 10 penalty. The policy once again is still underdevelopment. Here is an example. Lets say its 50,000 and over that period, if bob were to use that 60,000 on a down payment on a home there is no taxes and that would be an excellent use for this. If bob were to use the 5,000 for a trip, it would be a 10 penalty. The reason is maybe when i have an opportunity to go through this fully, the department of treasury bends over back wards to find a way to make it work. So, it no longer has to be opened in the state that you reside in. One thing about able is that it changes constantly and there is no longer a limit that you have to open up in your state but there is still a limit to one able account. You can imagine how hard its going to be to track in every state. One of the things here. I have to say, one thing that has bothered me about the promotion is that it is a great tool and oftentimes there is a medical and medicaid link. That shouldnt be the defining part of it but with the remaining assets in the able account, they are first distributed to any medicaid state plan provided to the medical beneficiary and the amount is however how much medicaid and medical they used after the creation of the able account in the material we have a graph because a lot of it is based on the welfare system. We hope to change that. Without a trust they are subject to a lien for any medical they use until after 55. An able account, for an advocate to work on this, i would suggest they really learn about this. Oftentimes people are using medical that they dont realize. In a third party there is no lien and for a d 4a trustor kind of trust we are in for instance with a personal injury settlement. The lien is from birth. What is california doing . In californias legislation basically follows the able act follows with federal legislation here. I have been working with many states on this and what we found is almost all states will have some Disability Organization driving policy for california state on Developmental Disabilities. I know for instance, i do a lot of work for those of you who know me personally i was a speed psych nurses and worked with people with mental issues and a lot of people feel this is only for people with Developmental Disabilities. It is the council and Developmental Disabilities that is driving policy on this. There is the website and that is about the fastest i have done with able account. I will mention one thing that is pretty exciting about this. We were able to, im a member of a group called the special Needs Alliance and one of the stupidest things that if a Family Member helps somebody with housing needs, they take 264 reduction in their ssi. That is the dumbest thing in the world. Able accounts we are able to have Social Security. If an able account pays for housing, there is no ssi. For the special needs trust we have we are able to transfer the money into able account for the able beneficiary and have the able account pay for the housing. Of course its San Francisco, i dont know if you can do that with 14,000. But anyway, thats a way to avoid the reduction. The other nice thing about the able account is that it is managed by the person with the disability and for people that dont have the cognitive impairment, one of the really nice things about this is it does give the level of independence to folks who use these accounts that are not allotted in other tools. A lot of us who work with folks who have cognitive impairments, we are still trying to figure out how that will work. Time will tell. If there is any questions. I know the agenda is very tight today. Thank you. Before i open up to Public Comment, i want to thank you for going through the material in the time that we allowed. I appreciate that. For people watching today and possibly on the bridge line, can you repeat your Contact Information and there is website where they can find out more. Next thursday i will be doing the full hour and ten Minute Program which includes examples and that kind of thing. So the place to go to is achieving independence. Com. Thats achieving independence. Com and there is a page called able. We are constantly updating information on there and i have a very active Youtube Channel and having more and more materials on this and the closer we get to implementation. The question comes up all the time, when will it be available and the answer is nobody really knows. Thank you, mr. Dale, i appreciate your presentation and working with our time constraints. I want to open up now for Public Comment on this agenda item. Is there any Public Comment . On the bridge line . I see we have someone coming up. Thank you. Public speaker i actually have a question and not a comment. My question is i understand this account wont take a deduction. Do you know if they released the regulations and how can we find them . My website has a link to it. By the way, my email is steve dale law firm. Com. If anyone wants to email me, thats fine. There is a manual system and Social Security put out the first set of rules here about a month ago and we have to analyze every word. So the palms is pretty much consistent with the rules that we expect. There is a lot of details and that is what i cover in the full program. Also the department of treasury put out some regulations and those quite frankly are more important to the Social Security regulations. Social security is taking the backseat to the department of treasury. Did i mention its more friendly than Social Security . They absolutely are. Thank you. I appreciate you responding to that question. Is there any additional Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Any questions from the council . I see cochair supanich has questions. I do have questions. I appreciate your presentation. I realize that you kind of skidded through it. But i could be confused, but did you say to be eligible for an able account you have to become disabled before age 26 . Right. I work with a lot of folks with Mental Health issues. When did you first become disabled especially since there is so many people that meet that definition before age 26 but didnt start to get benefits until later. That is a real eases thing to nail down but one day im disabled and one day im not. Okay, thank you. And then has aca had any effect on this as far as benefit eligibility . I dont think directly. Actually amazingly and im certainly a supporter of aca has less effect on the folks that i ever expected. On the investment policy in california is that determined yet . No, but it will be very conservative. I just had a question, what is a d 4a trust . I should be careful about the acronyms. There are two types of special needs trust. For persons who do this work. You have to verify where the money came from. If the money came from an Estate Planning trust, like in i set up a trust for my niece, we are putting money in that trust. Its my money going into that trust. Thats what is called an state planning or third party trust. Lets say a person coming from a settlement or inheritance or from excess wages that belong to the benefits recitizenship recipient then it goes into a trust which is one term for it for litigation trust. I like to call it medical payback trust. In fact i like to call able accounts medical payback. Its just to end the confusion. I think clarity is the way to go. Currently, for instance if you have someone injured and got 100,000 settlement and need to keep their medical ihhs, currently the primary option is a d 4a trust. Belief me, despite the fact that this is how i make my living, there is a lot of problems with it. Its not a simple thing. Thank you very much. Yes. Thank you, questions from staff . Okay. Hearing none, well close this information item. Well be a resource as much as we can and there is a lot of chances also to broaden stakeholders through this. Thank you. The council will now take a ten minu welcome back, everyone. Caption, can we have captioning, please. Thank you. We are going to proceed with information item 7. Students with disabilities at city college for disable d students. Thank you mr. Geoff brown for being here today. Presenter good afternoon. Im also here with my colleague andrea. We are going to tag team here. And another counselor, full time counselor. Our role as students with disabilities programs is to mainly provide accommodations add stated in the students with disabilities act for classrooms and information. We immediate individually with students to review their disability collaboration with their disability and we discuss their academic goals and we provide training in various departments as to address access needs. We work with approximately 3,000 students with disabilities over our school term. We have full services and classes in our department. Some of them are we provide 101 academic and vocational counseling and learning disability assessments and stroke communication class for individuals recovering from strokes. We have an art and craft class, we have theatre arts, job seeking skills, coping with acquired brain injury and adaptive circuit training or adaptive pe course and High School Level learning strategies. Of course students access all classes but these are specific ones the department provides. We have a strategy lab and lecture course which i will pass to geoff to speak a little bit more about and also learning disability assessment specialist and hell speak about what those assessments involve. Thank you. Okay. Yes, so at City College Im just a counselor, a Counselor Program and at college at san mateo im a specialist. Thats where that comes in, but i know how it works at city college. So, like everything at city College Everything is open to the general student population but targeted to student population. We dont call it tutoring because we dont do much content tutoring. There is enough on campus and we are not supposed to replicate something that already exist. But the Strategies Lab is more looking at test taking strategy, writing strategy and some basic math as well as up through algebra. That i think is rationalized because we do serve a lot of people with different learning needs and we have a learning strategy which makes sense to have a separate facility. So students lineup for x number of hours a week during the semester to bring their other schoolwork to the lab and get assistance with memorization and Test Preparation and all of those things. A lot of the students do have some form of learning disability and end up using that service and we have a learning specialist on staff that does assessment. If you are familiar with the assessment process, but even in higher education, there is no law that says you have to provide learning assessments at the college level. Its part of the Community College mission statewide. So city college participates in that and provides learning assessment for current students having current concerns in classes that they are enrolled in. Certainly we get some Community People saying, couldnt i get tested too . They have to be enrolled in city college if you are having some troubles. Its a process. There is testing for those familiar with the assessment process. Its standardized test designed by clinical psychologist that have been used for generations and get revised every eight to 10 years. So we do ability testing and achievement testing and look for processing differences that are statistically significant and discrepancies between aptitude and achievement and look for that kind of a profile where we believe accommodation would whether it be in form of note taking assistance for test accommodation and resources would be advisable for that student. At this point in history, the school is pretty well equipped to provide these accommodations, also we have a full time media specialist that will help students get their instructional material converted to a special format for a special Reading Software if they have some form of difficulty reading or a form of blindness. Because of their skills or their shortterm memory and reading comprehension skills commemorate with their ability. Thats the service. The nice thing thats happening on campus, i know your next speaker. I used to work with her at the state. You will hear from her too. Technology is really making a big difference in a lot of students leaves and the Biggest Technology is the smart pen for students who have working memory issues which there is a lot of students with a lot of characteristics that affect working memory like adhd, learning disabilities, depression, just a lot of those interferences and those students get stressed out in class and those smart pens are great to loan out to students. If you havent seen win you are able to digitally record with the pen and take notes and then strategically go back into your notes and fill in and listen to little bits of the lecture so you are not, you know expecting yourself to listen to the entire lecture. Anyway, getting back to the assessment process, its pretty standard educational assessment like i was talking about ability and achievement testing and at this point in time, its accepted of other transfer schools like sf state to add documentation and history of receiving services. So its a pretty valuable resource that would be expensive in the community that students can benefit from. Its cool that we are able to do but not legally required. Do you want to add anything . What else did you want me to since you came up with the list. Did we talk about these . We described some of the accommodations that are common that students use at school. The most common one is increased time on test where students have additional time to be able to put the information on the test. Its most important that the instructor see what the student know, not how long it took to put it on there and people dont know more because they have more time. It does sometimes take some work with instructors to explain how the integrity of the test remains solid and why this is a reasonable accommodation. The other one that comes up a lot especially this semester, often students are allowed to tape record lectures. Sometimes instructors say, no recording, they have been able to do that. There has been more push back and i have noticed a lot this semester. Instructors get concerned they are going out on the internet and they dont have control over the information and somehow the information on what they say will be misused. We have work to do with teachers and instructors in explaining what city college is required to provide and what is reasonable. And sometimes getting into the gray area of, well if the students are participating in the discussion with personal information, then the student taping well turn it off. We are doing some negotiating in that respect too. Students are also allowed to take their test in a quiet room and we do the proctoring. And the smart Pen Technology is taking over on some of the systems we use and other instances, other students taking classes in the class and taking notes and we caption classes and provide sign language for students that are hearing impaired or deaf and we can print information in all formats in large print and braille and by audio. We have loaned equipment to students like smart pens, audio, software programs. What else . I dont know if its been 15 minutes. I wanted to point out that, i have been working in this field since the early 90s and instructors have come a long way. It a fairly welcoming environment. Its just some individuals you have to coordinate with. The point i wanted to make with is that there is a Large Population of Mental Health students that come and one of them is meeting with students that need kind of like coaching, emotional support and troubleshoot how they are managing a certain requirement or certain thing thats stressing them out. We are not therapist but definitely their cheerleaders and there for all students with all kinds of disabilities including Mental Health disabilities. Thats a population that we serve. We brought some brochures about our department in general and this semester for the first time we brought a brochure about all of our Student Services at city college, the Counseling Services for students. This is a really important step that we are sometimes lost in the background or placed in a place that is harder to find or sometimes we have felt like we werent noticed and that people knew about us. Im very proud i didnt have anything to do with it. So i brought some of these too. We brought some of these services to academic counseling. We can leave some of those with people who would like to have more information. Any questions . Anything i didnt address that you were hoping i would address . I was going to open up for Public Comment for any questions. Do we have any Public Comment . Thank you. Anyone on the bridge line . Seeing none, im going to close Public Comment and open up for any council questions. Cochair supanich has some questions . I have one question. I dont think you mentioned it and i sure you do, but could you describe the relationship you have with the department of rehabilitation . Yeah. Thats a good question. You know, you used to be a department of rehab counselor, i should let ann do this. We work with city college and special services. At different points weve had workability problems with job funding and job skills that involved funding from the department of rehabilitation. At this time we dont have any and they go in the funding cycles and we dont currently have that. Oftentimes we refer students there because they are doing their educational goal and seeking some sort of employment and department of rehab can be a Funding Source for that especially if students are eligible for Financial Aid and even if they are they supplement with books and equipment. We refer students there and in our system of capturing statistics and information we identify students who are working with the department of rehab. Thank you. Another question. Do you still provide Financial Aid for low income students with disabilities . Financial aid as a school and a lot of our students are eligible for it. If you receive ssi, you can get the board of governors fee waiver and that will pay for tuition. For students that might still qualify for the fee waiver and have their tuition paid. Thank you. I dont have a question. I just have a comment. First of all, i want to thank you folks for being here today and presenting and i want to thank you for your program and what you do and especially for people with learning differences and recognizing different styles and people with disabilities have needs and access to higher education. I thank you for that. Staff, do you have any questions . Okay. Thank you both for being here today. Youre welcome. We are going on to item no. 8, beyond accommodation. I would like to welcome our presenter San Francisco state disability programs and Resource Center. Can you all hear me okay . Yes. Thank you. I just want to make sure. Hi, im nicole bohn. Thanks for the invitation. Im glad to be here today. San Francisco State is a great collaborator with city college and we provide many of the same services that city college provides. So what i will do with this block of time is try to focus on the pieces that make San Francisco state unique to the accessibility experience. So, one of the things that i think is really specific to San Francisco state is their commitment to mission and so one of the things that is really important to us is to we want to meet our requirement of law, but beyond that we really do strive to make all aspects of life with working and living universally accessible to give folks greater opportunity to achieve social justice and equity. A lot of places, the Mission Statement is there because you have to have one. At San Francisco state, we walk the walk in that regard as it were. So, what was the other things that makes us unique . Is we are a combined resource place. We focus on resources for students. We also provide resources for faculty and staff employees with reasonable accommodations. We focus on physical access compliance and Public Access and as part of the Accessible Technology initiative that is a csu Wide Initiative which i would talk about in more detail later. We provide accessible instructional material, website compliance and also compliance for procurements so the products that we are purchasing are in the best case accessible prior to the purchase. So, this is a break down of what our numbers look like right now. Im not going through every disability category, but just to highlight we have 1389 students who are enrolled with us as of last week, and it changes throughout the semester. As you might imagine, we have officially our largest category of students who have disclosed disability are students with psychological disabilities. So they have officially jumped over the learning disability category which is typically the largest category. We have a great number of students with disabilities at San Francisco state as well. And then attention Deficit Disorder would be our next largest category by the numbers, anyway. Then our growth area weve seen some definitely growth in autism spectrum disorder. Im very proud of the services that weve been developing in that regard as well. So, some of the accommodations we provide. These are some of the very same things that our city College Folks spoke about. I wont go through each one because weve had already an overview. One of the things that San Francisco state also focuses on as part of being a 4year institution is really helping our campus understand that accommodations apply in the classroom and then also in field place many placement sites as well as places of employment which we have seen a need and our focus. We provide one of the things im very proud of too is we have what i feel is a very Progressive Technology outfit in terms of using technology to help students succeed and employed. Before we would go and get someone a reader or a personal assistant which is sometimes necessary. Our first option is to see what technology is available to help this work and help students and employees be as independent as they can be. So, this is the way that our employee members breakdown. Again, i wont go through each one. We are currently at about 212. I think historically i think faculty and staff employees do under disclose. Im not sure that number is actually representative of faculty and staff with disabilities who are actually working at San Francisco state right now, but this is where we are. Our Largest Group right now are those faculty and staff with physical nonmobility and representative injuries are prominent. We work collaboratively. The services of employees with disabilities are not housed in Human Resources. We work closely with our colleagues in Human Resources especially with compensation and the ability to provide services for accommodations which i think are pretty comprehensive. So, im glad for our collaborations there. I think historically and i think in most work places employee and accommodations functions are very specific in hr and that can sometimes limit the menu of options that an employee might know about. One of the things that we are able to do with the students resource is there is use the same model that we use to accommodate students in order to accommodate faculty and staff employees so they know whats available to them. So, some of those things are and again this is not an exhaustive list but well often do ergonomic workstation or progress assessment and we spend time thinking about adaptive software, furniture and equipment. We provide assistive listening devices and interpreting and caption ing when we need to also and really any kind of tool that a staff and employee might need the same with students accommodations. We are also providing Electronic Materials and instructional materials and occasionally a work schedule modification might be appropriate for someone with a Chronic Health condition who may need an alternate hours of work as part of their accommodation. That is another accommodation that we can provide. That we regularly provide. So a little bit more about the Technology Access that we provide. I think this is one of the places where San Francisco state is particularly well situated partly because of the support of the csu initiative called the accessible Technologies Initiative which is implemented on all 23 of the csu campuses. San Francisco State im proud to say is a real leader in the advances in our initiatives which again focuses on strategically providing accessible instructional materials campus wide, strategic approach to campus websites. So right now we have an accessible website template that has been vetted and is used by all Administrative University websites to the best that we are able to catch it, but we are pretty good. We have a system in place where we are not able to get into the campus directly where you can actually find the campus website unless they go through our Compliance Testing first. That tends to work out pretty well. Because everybody wants to be able to be found, right . So we are really proud of that. Then, we have processes in place where we work very closely with our Procurement Office to determine any high impact Campus Technology. So that would be any technology thats going to be used either campus wide or for a broad number of students. So a piece of technology that is going to be used in every psychology class, lets say, or a telephone system is going to be used campus wide that has an electronic component. We would get that for accessibility compliance before we go ahead and authorize or purchase for that. We are very lucky in that we have in our Campus Partnerships where weve been able to make progress there and in recent months have now moved to the purchasing level so we are catching more and more and of people that are purchasing things and thinking about accessibility before they purchases. So thats really really exciting. As i mentioned we have policies and procedures in place to ensure we have access to our Student Course materials also. And so, weve got one of the other things that i think makes our campus unique is we have some key collaborators. So we really, one of the things thats nice for me working at San Francisco state is i truly truly feel im not in a disability bubble. I have collaborators across campus who are really working towards the common goal which really it sounds a little polyanna, but its really true. Im really happy to have as many colleagues as i do have. One of those key collaborators is the institute on disability which has been recently formed, rein invigorated in the last five years and paul, who some of you may have known, they have really been doing some fantastic things around looking at disability from an academic perspective and the events through their film festivals. They recently had a patient no more protest activity which was very well received. We were able to collaborate with them and in a way where this helps us not just to be thinking about access as part of those legal requirements, but as something we want to do culturally. We have a similar kind of relationship with their Academic Technology department that helps make all of this technology i have been talking about happen and that also i would identify our library colleagues as another great example of building a universal access. They have recently redesigned and reopened and as part of that we have integrated accessible furniture throughout all parts of the library and then an Accessible Technology commons that is a study area specifically for students that is very well used where they can access all of the Campus Technology in a way that is for them, but also integrated where they would have everything that they would need in order to complete an assignment or take an exam or what have you. This is a nice place to study in too. Finally we have really great relationships i think with our department of Capital Planning and development that help us to think about design at the ground level before we bring in the architects to talk about universal design principals whenever we can. In our new building projects we are looking at ways that we can be thinking about access on the front end rather than after the fact. We just had Capital Development folks come talk to us on disabilities yesterday on the project and we are starting some new building with the recreational and wellness center. There is some nice things going on there and some more things coming down the pike soon. Im really glad to have that much attention paid to access in the beginning. Then in specific to some things for the high school to College Transition that San Francisco state does particularly well, we have an event thats held every april called sneak preview where students thinking about coming to the university can come to this event and ask whatever questions they want and really its a time for San Francisco state to really talk about the kinds of access that we provide and all the different services. That is one event we do fairly well. We also have a process for admission consideration on the basis of disability. If because of the nature of a disability Prospective Students has been unable to successfully meet subject requirement is usually quantitative reasoning, but subject requirements based on the nature of the disability, we have a process in place to take that into consideration so that they would still have an opportunity to attend a four year university. We are one of the few csus that still have a process in place for that which i think is nice for Prospective Students. And then also we have a fairly comprehensive new Student Orientation program that helps to bring students on and their disability programs and Resource Center is very involved in making sure we are reaching students right from the beginning and they have the opportunity to come to us as soon as they know that they are enrolled. But they have got, we are very visible, i feel. And my Contact Information. You can reach us via telephone which is 4153382472. Or email which is dprc at sfu. Edu. And website access sfu. Edu. Thank you. At this point i would like to open up for Public Comment on the bridge line . Cochair supanich . You mentioned Technological Advancement called i learn . I learn is a Management System that the campus uses. So, we have a couple things with i learn. We are working towards integrating or we have integrated a program called that we are calling the accessible media quick converter which is kind of a do it yourself electronic converter system that can take i learn documents downloaded from the learning Management System. We do the best we can to educate faculty to make their documents accessible no matter who is requesting them. Lets say a faculty member has put a system to something that is not immediate lead accessible then the student can download the document and it will come back to the student as an accessible document. We have people that do the same thing but that system is particularly integrated right now and our students especially and our faculty and staff are enjoying being able to use that as a First Step Towards diversion and resources can help with other conversion components. Thank you. Does staff have any questions for the presenter . Thank you, through the chair. Ms. Bohn, thank you for coming to speak with us today. I was really impressed with your statistics around staff and faculty with disabilities. How did you gather that data . The data is only of those folks that have children to register and using accommodations. Its not necessarily representative of all the faculty and staff with disabilities, but currently we have 220 faculty and staff who are using our services and accommodations in some form. So, i mentioned a little bit earlier in the presentation that i feel like this is an area where i think that faculty and staff and employees generally under disclose and that is an issue. But the use of the number of employees that are currently using services. Thank you for that clarification. Where would you attribute your ability to become so visible to actually have employees and faculty reach out for your services . Thats a really good question. I think because, so the total number of full time faculty and staff is around 4,000 faculty and staff. So, when you take the number of 212 and do the math, we know its still not representative of the total number of people with disabilities and the population and the student number is definitely closer to that. But i would say that because of the collaborative relationship that we have with our Human Resources department, they are able to in their new faculty and staff orientation will talk about us for sure. That is a part of it and also because accessibility is valued, its pretty visible. I think that employees are more likely to come forward because they see it happening in other regards for students and they see the approach that we take and appreciate that. It would be interesting to actually do some survey research in that. It would be my thought, i guess. Thank you very much. One final comment. To basically say that it sounds like you have done a lot of work to integrate disability culture with the Campus Culture and that is one of the greatest accomplishments of the ada and its initial inception and rather moving forward. You are truly and example to be followed perhaps as a model employer. Thank you very much. We have more work to do but we are off to a good start, i think. Thank you. Through the chair. I echo joannas enthusiasm for your program and thank you for your concise presentation. Im going to dig a little bit in the weeds here and we might be able to follow up off line afterwards, but we are very interested in you know policies and boiler plate language for how we can make our technology universally accessible across all the different departments that touch website side and Application Development and purchases of equipment and that sort of thing. I was wondering if you can share with us and of course you can email me later any policy or boiler plate language that you have around that so you get that consistent compliance out of it . Sure. I would be happy to do that and point you in the direction of the csus Accessible Technology recommendations because we are using many of the same things. So i would be glad to do that. My Second Technology question was about the i learn conversion tool. Is that just an optical recognition system . Yes. Its conversion and if we need more, then we help with that. Thank you for your presentation. Thank you for being here today and presenting to us. Sure. We are going to move on to information item no. 9. San franciscos kindergarten to College Program. I would like to thank carol lei, the Program Manager. Hi. Thank you for having me here. Good to see you. Im the Program Manager for the San Francisco kindergarten to College Program out of the Financial Office of empowerment of the dharms. You may not be familiar with the office of Financial Empowerment office of the treasurer and tax collect or. Our mission is to the strength and influence of city hall. One of the programs we have is kindergarten college. Its about thinking about financial products, services, combatting practices that are out there. But also that Financial Education and information and encouraging and saving and asset building. We think about what does this have to do with kindergarten and college. Hopefully you will see in a moment why we are doing what we are doing. Kindergarten to college started five years ago, actually working on it a lot longer but it came to being five years ago. We are the first in the country to open a program that was automatic and universal in College Savings accounts to every single kindergarten. You get a savings account to start. A lot of this is why are we willing to do this. It is because that studies shows that kids with college accounts they are likely to go to college and if they have 500 they are likely to graduate from college. So they are really looking at the Program Goals here is to create a College Going culture to build that aspiration for the students. A College Degree brings about a Million Dollars more for that lifetime than someone who has a high school diploma. Thats a lot of money. The other statistic is less than 10 of low income students actually graduate from high school by the mid20s. So thats a lot of brainpower thats lost. We want to bring that up. We also want to reduce that financial exclusion of that those who say i cant afford it. Two, is families that will never be able to afford going to college or even think about it. Its never in their grasp so lets reduce that financial issue. We are trying to increase Financial Literacy because a lot of times now the kids graduate, dont know how to balance a checking account. Credit card debt, just some basic Financial Literacy, that would help our economy and support asset building. You are looking at one in three children born in San Francisco are born with little or no assets. That makes it really hard for them to aspire to go to college. That vicious cycle. We are hoping to do this in a way that breaks the generational cycle. You are low income and you will never get to college, kind of thing. Thats where it came from this whole thing. Just some basic information about the program. We open accounts automatically universally for every child in the School District. There is no paperwork whatsoever. Nothing to have an account. All right . Now, if they qualify for the National School lunch program, free and reduced lunch, low income, they get an additional 50 and they have to fill out a form to give us permission to put the money in there. I will tell you more about the incentives to get people involved and get going on this thing. The accounts are held at city bank, and anyone can make a deposit in their. Aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends and someone who wants to be nice to give money to a child, you can put that money in. Because its at city bank, they can do it in a branch, by mail an Online Banking and by deposits. There is a lot of ways to get that going. As a result of date, we have 22,000 students in all 74 sfusc Elementary Schools that have accounted. 1400 have contributed to their accounts. We have the first to do this in the country. Is it good, or bad, we dont know whats reasonable t only thing we can compare it to is there is 529 accounts and specific accounts for college. Nationwide, its about 3 Participation Rate in 529s. For us right now, its okay, 14 , sounds pretty good compared to 3 from 529. 1. 6 million have been contributed by families. We are really happy about that. But my big happiness moment, my happy dance comes from the fact that we know of the savers, 50. 1 are low income students and families. So we know that this is helping for those who are low income who may not have bank accounts, no other way to save at least they are doing some kind of action. They are taking some kind of action. The total value of all the accounts right now is 3. 3 million, a contribution from the families and the city. Our outreach, we do mailings to families. We do monthly enewsletters. We ask them to come to orientation, parent meetings, Parent Teacher conference weeks. We are there when a school has an event and well present and of a table. We are there at community events. If you know any events that are out there and they are willing to have us, we are out there. We also have Community Partners. This year we have four partners that are out there that are also helping us. There are specific neighborhoods with specific schools. We encourage them to have more partners to help us get the word out. Staff wise me as the Program Manager and covering all schools. I have one account clerk that does basically a lot of data entry and account management and Customer Service and a half time person to work with communications and marketing. Outreach is is tough. We know we need to expand more into the languages and just by having me here, inviting me had me thinking about what are we doing for those who are disabled. So i thank you for that because i realize we dont have things like large print and braille things. We are pretty much dependent on the schools and what with the School Districts. The School District hires the three languages. We provide up to three languages. This year they are looking at six languages. We are looking to expand to six languages. We are waiting for schools to say you must have large print, braille. We try to image them as much as we can. I figure there may be some questions and some things you may want to ask. There is one that i would like to think about or to pose out there if i can get feedback also. Would one part of the program is we automatically open it up, but we also give families 2 weeks before we open the accounts to opt out if for whatever reason they do not want to have a College Savings account for their child, we will honor that. To date is less than 1 . When i figure out who are these less than 1 , ones that are willing to share with us are disabled and wont go to college. I would love to be able to say, how do i answer that . How would we reach out and why wouldnt they think their child would go to college . That is one i would love to get help from. I got one yesterday and im trying to reach that parent to have conversations. There are others that come in and we let it go but the ones that say something, i personally pick up the phone and try to get some information on. One other thing that i do want to let you know, i have to make a decision about who gets the account and who doesnt get the account. They are with the School District and funded with the state or the federal government for it for their education, i will see the account. There are students who are with the School District with special needs. They maybe home schooled, i approved all those for whatever they are home schooled. I know there are some students where the School District cannot accommodate their needs and they are sent to another location, another school that can accommodate. So they are physically not at one of the schools but because the school couldnt satisfy their needs, i approved those. The others and you can tell me that i have denied are the ones that the students have gone to a private school of their own choice because the private school does not have the accommodations or the services for their needs, the School District may supplement that and those, they are going to private school and not really applying to any of the 74 schools but the School District must apply some kind of therapy that unless you can help explain to me, i can justify that, those they would have gone to private school on their own. So those are the clarifications and things that i need and anything i can answer you about the program. I never like to speak for staff but im sure they will have comments on that. So what i want to do is i thank you for being here and presenting. Im going to open up for Public Comment for any questions. Anyone on the bridge line . No . Okay. Of course if any Council Members have any questions. Cochair supanich has a question . Thank you for coming today. My question involves what if somewhere in those 18 years or at the end of those 18 years someone decides not to go to college but wants to access that money, is that possible or do they get it back . Good question. The program right now as it stands they will go 13 years of school. They have until age 25 to access the fund. They can pay for any kind of post secondary education whether its vocational school, college. The funds are used fairly similar for 529, for laptops, books. They can use it for any kind of post secondary education. If they decide they do not want to go to college for whatever reason, they will be able to get their contributions, but any of the contributions that we provided and we provide up to 300 in incentives today, they will not get that. Any funds we put in we consider a college scholarship. But their funds they will be able to get that back. Thank you. Any questions . I have a few. Thank you very much for being proactive and actually i recently got to meet with people in your office and i was impressed at how pro actively you were thinking about disability staff. I just wanted to give you the statistics about higher than 1 3 of students in special education do not have aspiration or do not finish high school and or enter college. Part of that is the culture of learned helplessness. So it breaks my heart when you get that 1 of denials because their children will never go to college either because people feel like their disability conditions are so severe that they will never grow to be young adults or because disability is they will never be college material. So, what i would say is you dont necessarily give people the option. I know we cant do that. I seriously tried. So, and feel free to send those folks over our way, our office. It was very fortunate that you ended up on the tail end of the presentations for colleges and universities. So well be able to help with that and well look forward with the collaboration. The other issue about private schools and accommodations. Children with disabilities or sometimes related to race and gender, we know that. They end up in special education classes and dont always get the same opportunities. I want to make sure that your accounts cover everyone because if they are enrolled including special education sometimes the special education kids dont get the same access and the parents of the kids dont get the same access. Clearly and most importantly when you are talking about communications with your family and parents in creating that Culture College growing culture, how about the parents who actually have disabilities themselves and issues like having multiple languages but also having sign language interpretation on your events and reaching out electronically letters are great but what about your parents and families are part of the Digital Divide . Right. And then oftentimes the School Districts have a very adversarial relationship with disability rights issues. So, you may not be told by the School District that you need to provide things in accessible formats or whatever, but as a proactive outreach, you educate each time you do Something Like that and that happens the standards because kids will never go to college because of a disability. We look forward to more collaboration with you. Private schools are not required to provide accommodations. Sometimes children go to private schools as a settlement with the School District because the School District did not meet their needs. So, its not necessarily a testament to their ability to pay. So you just need to do a little bit more investigation in that before you make a plan. I will be happy to help. Great, thank you. I would love to meet with you. Through the chair, thank you very much carol for coming and giving us this presentation today. Its such an Incredible Program for the students of the city and a great opportunity to have a better education and opportunity for a better paying job so they can live in San Francisco instead of fleeing to the suburbs. I think joanna has covered a lot of questions. I will ask one simple question. Have you considered putting a check box on our property tax forms so people can make contributions to these accounts for people that arent able to make a contribution to the account as others . I would certainly put money in an account. Im trying to look to other cities to volunteer and put funds in there. Its on the to do list with many others. Its a great idea where people can actually donate and volunteer with funds. We would love to support your program in anyway possible. Thank you. Thank you for being here today. Due to time constraints, i would like to suspend information item 10 report from the director of Mayors Office on disability and item no. 11 which will be my report on Disaster Preparedness and go right into our next presentation. Information item 12. Updated on 2016 Youth Commission priorities. I welcome the commissioner. Thank you very much for having me. Its good to see my former work colleagues especially after a busy semester as a senior so far and its still going on to this day. Im here to go over our former budget and policy priorities for 20152016 as well as 20162017. Weve had about 13 priorities we should go over. Among them the first one is of course lowering the voting age to 16 or 17 years of age. So right now, we are very, my Community Engagement committee is very committed to this priority. What we have done is for the core of a healthy democracy. The u. S. Has a poor voter turnout with other democracy. And at the same time we face the economic and ecological challenge with young peoples leadership is dissolved. The neighborhood with the most children and family have the lowest voter turnout which is the bayview and silicon valley. In january of 2015, when our former Youth Commissioner Joshua Cardenas introduced it at the yc meeting lowering the voting age and proposing the resolution to board of supervisors. It was introduced in march of 2015. Under consideration by rules committees, under rule consideration by rules committee for the november 2016 ballot which we have really done a lot for. Research shows voting is habitual. If someone calls for a first vote they are more than likely to be a lifetime voter. Trust me, 18 is crazy. Age 16 allows young folks to vote in a community that this know and care about. When they are older they will vote in higher numbers. Those have the ability to make responsible voting decisions and understand politics. 16, 17, increases voter turnout among parents as their peers over 18. Young people sorry, acquire adult civic responsibilities at 16. At the age of 16 and 17 are under way in austria and as reported by controller and elections. A national and statewide conversation proposed for statute constitutional amendment with the voting age for primary elections and includes 16 and 17yearold in school board elections. San francisco has the opportunity to build on its reputation of innovation and commitment towards democracy by the first major u. S. City to lower the voting age to 16. Weve been giving people the chance to exercise votes for the first time t Youth Commission is uniting the board of supervisors to placed a proposed Charter Amendment before the 2016 ballot. Priority 2. Offering grants covering applicant fees for San Francisco applicants. Provide additional funding and offering grants to San Francisco applicants who face barriers paying efficiency included in the mayors budget and funding for Mental Health services for immigrant minors. Priority 3, ensure equitable access to Neighborhood Parks with recreation and open space and for the board of supervisors to consider the outdoor bill of rights hearing include access, teen access and affect the reservation on teens. Extent and extend lighting when revealing the rpv bucket and the equity space analysis and proposed parks set aside legislation under consideration for november 2016 ballot. Priority 4. Ensure Police Officers are trained on effectively interacting with youth. It was a call to the mayor and board of supervisors and Police Department to implement this critical and timely new training for all Police Officers. With a priority for sergeants and patrol officers that address topics and policying tactics unique to juveniles. This training should offer practical communication skills and best practices for working with youth that are grounded in developmental psychology. Topics that should be included are adolescent, cognitive development, Mental Health issues among youth, recognizing and interacting with traumatized youth, and disproportionate Police Contact with youth of color. Priority 5. Ensure regular review and analysis of outcomes of sf p. D. Referrals to child protective services. New 2015 Domestic Violence protocols gave rise to concern about collaboration between Law Enforcement and cps in nonabuse neglect and nonarrest situations. Urgd creation of clear Data Collection and sharing capacities via cps, sfpd, mou. Urged periodic reviews of the outcomes of dgo 609 to assess its affects. Priority 6. Support the committee are now meeting dcyf oversight committee. Priority 7. 17993 sf children and youth have incarcerated parents in 2010. Helped hold board of supervisors hearing in june 2015. The Police Commission passed protocols for handling the arrest of parent and created training video. Former sheriff implemented the new policies allowing 16 and 17yearolds to visit their parents in the county jail. Priority 8. In 2015 held a youth town hall with midmarket Tech Companies now submitting formal recommendations on youth gauge many and employment for future cba processes. Priority 9. The federal goal to end homelessness for youth by 2020. The Youth Commission and the larkin street yab partnership. 1902 Homeless Children in transitional age youth were counted in San Francisco. Also in 2013, 2357 homeless school aged youth enrolled in the district. There are only 350 beds available for Homeless Youth in San Francisco on a given night. The yc prioritizing on site Counseling Service on case management, Substance Abuse treatment and outpatient medical, education, Reengagement Program and job placement and transitional housing. Priority 10, in San Francisco, there are between 5,000will,000 disconnected transitional age youth. Mayors office of housing tay housing workgroup created a tay housing plan in 2007 calling for the creation of 400 dedicated theay Housing Units by 2015. Yc urges identification of the remaining 158 units. Priority level. Yc urges city to ensure the existence of a city college that is dedicated to serving the needs of diverse students and to take all possible measures to support the restoration of the democratic governance and robust and meaningful Student Leadership at the college. Urged the city to continue to explore the means of supporting the college, especially by investigating and ways to reduce and reverse drop in enrollment. Urge the city to begin to consider a plan for cc sf and the response in a case for another decision by ac cjc for College Accreditation in 2 years. Priority 12. Urge the board of supervisors to hold a public hearing addressing the impacts of the antiabortion message antithe citys efforts to educate young people about their reproductive rights and health. Urged the board of supervisors and mayor to prioritize public messaging efforts that honore productive choice and peltsdz during the annual anniversary of roe versus wade when the they are on display. Finally priority 13. The yc urged city to identify and dedicate Funding Sources to support mrems of 12n competencity training. Urged for the collection of information on Sexual Orientation and gender identity to intake forms across youth serving city departments beginning in the upcoming fiscal year. Thank you very much for having me and for your time. Thank you, ms. Burnett for such a detail information on the commission. I would like to open up this information item to Public Comment. Any Public Comment . Anyone on the bridge line . Okay. Seeing none. I would like to close Public Comment and open up to Council Member questions and cochair supanich has a question. Cochair supanich . This is just a quick comment. This is a very ambitious list of goals and i want to thank you and the rest of the Youth Council for your attention to detail, your knowledge of civic processes. The detail oriented message you are sending and also the inclusion of everybody in your goals. So thank you very much. Its good to see you again. Thank you. Staff . Thank you very much for your presentation, commissioner. Every time weve heerd heard you speak before this body, im continually impressed by the graph that you bring to all of us and your efforts. Thank you very much for what you are doing. There are so many things i can comment on, but i will comment on one and that is about Police Interactions with youth. I want to know if you are aware that the department of justice is initiating a series of listening session in the next 2 months in San Francisco to hearing from residents about their interaction with police. If you havent heard about that, well send out an email to give you information about times and dates in case that was a forum you wanted to participate in. Thank you very much. Thank you very much for your presentation. Thank you very much. We are going to move on to Public Comment. Item 13. Items not on todays agenda but within the jurisdiction of the mdc. No Public Comment. Bridge line . Then to item 13. Correspondence. We have 2 pieces of correspondence. One was an email by ken stein who was here earlier about a planet in honor of two font. A second piece of correspondence was a letter that the council was cced on from a member of the public regarding Current Issues with their daily office with Customer Service issues. Thank you. Discussion item no. 15. Any Council Members announcements . Is it possible for me to add something. I wanted to add an additional piece of correspondence that went out today that was about recommendation and support that Council Member kostanian be reappointed to the in home serves Public Authority governing body. Thank you. We are going to move on to discussion item 15. Any announcements . Council members . Okay. Seeing none, i will move on to adjourning the Council Meeting in memory of thu phan. Thank you, everyone for being here. Have a nice weekend. [ meeting is adjourned ] cedillo leaving welcome to the february 17, 2016 of the San Francisco board of appeals. The presiding officer is board president gerald honda and he joined tonight by her Vice President frank fung, commissioner lazarus swig and bobby wilson did to my left is deputy City Attorney thomas a when dividing the board with needed legal advice tonight. At the controls is gary pantera. Hes the board legal assistant and him Cynthia Goldstein the boards executive director. Were also joined by representatives from the city departments that of cases before the board this evening good with San Francisco Public Works Bureau of streets and mapping. We are also at the table is senior building inspector representing the department of building inspection and building and this writer Scott Sanchez also are present in the Planning Department and planning commission. The board was to turn off or silence all phones or other Electronic Devices so will not disturb the proceedings. The board schools of presentation are as follows. Appellants and Department Respondents are each given 7 min. To present their case and 3 min. For rebuttal. People affiliated with these parties must conclude that comets within the seven or 3 min. Period. Member of the public not affiliate with the parties up to 3 min. Each to address the board and no rebuttal. Please speak into the end of the microphone. To assist the board in the accurate operation of minutes grass but not required to submit a speaker card or Business Card to boards that when you come up to speed. Speaker cards are available on the left side of the podium. The board welcomes your comments and suggestions. There are Customer Satisfaction surveys on the podium. If you have questions about requesting a hearing what tools or hearing schedule please speak about staff during a break or after the meeting or visit the board office. We are located at 1650 mission st. And suite 304. This meeting is broadcast live on speed tv cable channel 78 and as we broadcast on fridays at 4 pm on channel 26 dvds of this meeting are available for purchase from sfgtv. Now, we will swear in or from all those intended to testify. Please note a member of the public may speak without taking it out pursuant to the rights under the sunshine ordinance. If you intend to testify at any tonight hearing and wish that the board give your testimony evidentiary weight, please stand, raise your right hand and say i do after youve been sworn in or firms. Please stand out if you plan to testify. Raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony youre about to give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth . Thank you. Pres. Honda and commissioners, is one housekeeping item. This has to do with item number five appeal number 15 201. This is for suspension request at 6 39th ave. The parties have requested a rescheduling to march 15, 2016. This is to allow time for the appellants to obtain legal counsel. So, if the board is inclined to do that will need a motion. Any Public Comment on this motion . Seeing none, we have a motion to move this item to march 16. On that motion of commissioner fung aye, pres. Honda im a aye commissioner wilson aye, swig aye. That motion carries 50. Thank you. Moving back to item number one in all Public Comments. This an opportunity for everyone here would like to address the board on a matter thats within the board subject matter jurisdiction but is not on tonights agenda. Is there any general Public Comment . Seeing none, will move to item 2, which is commissioner comments and questions. Anything from the commissioners tonight . Item 3 is the board consideration and possible adoption of the february 10, 2016 minutes. Any additions or changes to the minutes . Can have a motion . Motion. We have a motion to adopt the minutes. Any Public Comment on the minutes . Seeing none, no Public Comment to adopt fung aye, lazarus, aye, honda, aye wilson aye. That motion carries fivesecond item deal item number four is appeal number 16 001. Arjun singh doing business as Spice Affairs versus San Francisco Public Works Bureau of street and updated at 214 battery st. 46 geary st. And 99 posted appealing the denial by december 29, 2015 of them will for food facility permit. Denial permit application because all three locations on close proximity to existing restaurant. In addition parking a truck in those areas for long durations will contribute to more traffic congestion. This is permit application number 13 0004 and we will start with the appellant. Thank you, you have 7 min. To present your case to the board. First, i would like to about the three different occasions. The first overhead, please. If you could speak a little more directly into the microphone that would be helpful. The data i put a diagram for 214 battery st. The only two restaurants on battery street in a three block space and only two restaurants would be the [inaudible] and on battery street, three blocks there are no restaurants doing business. Also in the three block radius is no Indian Restaurant in the area. Battery street being a oneway street is most of traffic leaving San Francisco so it doesnt have any congestion in the mornings. I sent out a public notification to all vendors within the radius and they did not write any objections to the permit. The second one would be 99 post should i understand this is close to the [inaudible] but i like to propose 6 pm11 pm of operation at this time all the restaurants are not doing business at that time. Post rate is also a oneway street. In the morning we would do business. There will not be any traffic in that area. At 46 geary st. In the to box him operating street theres only two restaurants. [inaudible]. Fall into the radius and the other restaurants to not have objections. There is also no Indian Restaurant. The width of the sidewalk is 10 feet. And its more than allowed for a traffic congestion. Our food truck is a most 22 feet. If its in one parking meter. So we mostly ask dpw at requires two locations to part the food truck but we actually minimize the truck thats very small, 20 2p. 22 feet. Regarding the public hearing the decision was made in favor. We would also like to reduce the operation from 103 pm. Thats five hours a day to avoid traffic congestion. To accommodate dpws request for not operating for long hours of the day. These hours will be ideal as were coming and going from work. For all other notifications is good feedback and they would like to have a restaurant in the area. Theres not a lot of options for indian food in the air. All the people in the area do not have an option for a quick lunch. So that might have something thats quick and easy to access and the food truck would be ideal for that. San francisco is a great city of restaurants for the best location being in downtown San Francisco. This took us a long time. Even though the planning permit approved in march 2013, but it took us 2. 5 years to apply for the until it was denied. The reason it went back and forth so many times in this 1. 5 years is that we want to make sure the dpw guidelines are followed and making sure we provide it to talk with is no congestion in the area. As for the notifications as of dpw requires notifications to all businesses and the radius to see if theres any objections related to this location. Consider the 75 feet radius only one restaurant in the two locations. Theres not a lot of restaurants on the same street. And having a wide sidewalk and no indian food in the area, we would like to respectfully request the board to make a decision on our behalf. As of dpw also does not how far the restaurants need to be for us to qualify or not qualified to the to location should so we are assuming as long as its not in that 45 feet radius and the 75 feet radius restaurant the same kind of food, we are okay but we still try to keep our food truck away from a lot of big restaurants. Just on the two locations were no restaurants and one of the things dpw said, we were operating for long hours. So we would like to minimize those hours to 25 hours 25 hours a day. A limited traffic condition and at that time not a lot of people are leaving and coming into San Francisco. That should be adhered ive a question, subject are you currently operating any mobile facilities at this time . No, im not would you personally be running these operations . Yes, i am. Thank you. We can hear from the department now. Good evening, commission. Public works. Just to speak in regard to 13 appeal 16 001. The applicant first applied for this permit under 13 mf 004 in february 13 23rd. In regards to the plans this being a 2. 5 year long process, it has taken a long. However it should be noted several other locations were originally on the applications and because several of those locations did not meet code requirements, there were several iterations and revisions and subsequently, the Current Location which are on this appeal today were applied for in march of 2015. After confirming that these three locations listed met the general location requirements set forth in article 5. 8 of the public works code, they decided to move forward with the required notification in the 2015. After notice there were quite a few objections. I believe five, total but a few objections included livered communities as well as the Business Improvement district, which is several different players involved. Those objections were received and therefore public hearing was set for august 5 in 2015. So, per code, the director of public works is allowed to assign a designee to conduct the hearing and after the hearing officer conducted the hearing and all information was provided to the barman of public works the Bureau Manager as well as the City Engineer the City Engineer subsequently denied all three locations as all three locations are in close proximity to existing restaurants and in addition parking a truck in these areas are these long durations, which is virtually any them12 am will contribute to more traffic congestion. The reclamation from the City Engineer was also given to apply for locations and other underserved areas with less restaurants. So, just under the basis of this. Part 4e of public works code was that the guidelines graduate regulations robbery mobile phone facilities and public right away. It allows the director and his or his designee to review all pertinent information. Run the application and the validity of the mobile food facility following the hearing. Therefore, the City Engineer is allowed to review this and the basis for the denial is as follows. The board of supervisors ordinance 11913 regarding mobile food facility permitting and the rightofway was created to provide and expand the range of convenient and interesting Food Consumption opportunities for mobile food facilities and underserved less congested areas of the city. At different times of the day and evening. So, take a look at these locations, all three of those locations are exclusive to the downtown area and n. Of market st. Very close or in the square Business Improvement district and union square area. There were plants made by the phone stating the number of restaurants within close proximity is approximately 23. However, this is incorrect. If you book within exhibits b1, b2, mp3, you can see that leave at least 10 restaurants at each location within the 23 block radius from the proposed locations. Additional, public works encourages food trucks to operate in Standard Vehicle Parking Spaces following that same ordinance 119 additional, public works encourages food trucks to operate in Standard Vehicle Parking Spaces following that same ordinance 11913. I quote, the city must exercise care and Public Safety in addressing appropriate locations for food facilities to discourage unloading and top of zones for spaces for regular service. And existing businesses and the board of parking associated with dad to vehicular congestion for off Street Parking thats more special when occupied by these facilities. The public works has allowed foods to operate in yellow zones. Weve done that so on a casebycase pasted with a condition that all mobile food facilities shall abide all parking restrictions and controls. If you take a look at these particular box you will notice that on percent of the parking on this box is commercial and yellow loading. With the exception of one on jury, i believe, was a handicap space. They do fall within relatively extended period of time is the original request was between 8 am12 am. In addition to that, several of these existing businesses and restaurants during this time are open during the requested times, which does not follow ordinance 11913, which request we provide options at different times of the day and evening. Just one last point i want to address. It was mentioned there are no very many similar food options in the area. I want to make it clear that that is no longer similar foods and like foods is no longer part of the ordinance so that should not take precedence in your decisionmaking. Im available for any further questions you have. Mr. Shaw, i think that was the question i was going to ask. The type of foods. The other question would have been a proposed time change by the appellant, would that have affected the hearing officers decision . It likely would have. I can speak for the hearing officer but i assume it would have. I believe many of the complaints received during the hearing with that the operation was occurring during many of these business hours. Many of these businesses is going off of google are open between 10 am6 pm in the fall directly within their timeframe. Procedurally, how would that work in terms of actions by this board . Does he have to reapply with a different timeframe . He would have to reapply good i believe, so once you go after 6 pm you do have to do a large notification that there are additional requirements. I believe its not only a groundfloor tenants anymore. Becomes anybody that an Horror Stories as well. However, i do believe he did apply until 12 am so i dont think an additional notice would be required in this case. After 8 Pm Additional notice is required but he did apply for after 8 pm. My question on the permit holders i notice that although he has the rotunda Neiman Marcus cafe is not in this listed on there at all. Im sorry, on

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