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Disability commission, welcome, everybody for [inaudible] today is friday november 18, 2019. Welcome. For roll call we have madrid. Sassouni. Present. Cheri al bers. I dont believe she is here. Denise senhaux. Absent as well. Okay. Helen smolinski. Present. Woods. Here. And tannonverma. Present. Thank you. Can you read the agenda, please. Yes. For item one, we have roll call. Item 2, is reading an approval of the agenda. Item 3 is general Public Comment. Item number 4 is the cochair report. Item 5 is report from the Mayors Office on disability. Item 6 is presentation on safety enforcement update. Present bide katetoryin from the sfmta. Upon item 7 the active Community Plan addressing access ability for the city wide bike network by christopher kid from the sfmta. Item 8 is the announcement of the winner of the Bob Planthold beacon award. And that will be announced by denise senhaux. Item 9 is correspondence. Item 10 is general Public Comment. Item 11 is councilmember comments and announcements. And item 12 is adjournment. Thank you. Are there councilmembers present or comment about the agenda in please say yes if you oppose the agenda. Yea, yea, thank you. Any abstains . Okay. Now we are on item number 3 Public Comment. Kate, can you please open the meeting for the general Public Comment. Yes. So. At it time we will welcome the public during comment period. An opportunity for Public Comment at the begin and end of the meeting and after specific items on the agenda. Each comment is limited to 3 comments may be limited to 2 when there are a long queue of people. At the end of the period we will move on to the next commenter. If you want to council to respond after the meeting provide contact e mail information with the subject mdc comment reply request. We will provide additional comments by e mail to this address or by calling. 6699006833 members can join on wareroom and able to comment during the Public Comment periods. If you join the webinar using your computer or tablet or smart phone, click on the 3 dots and click on the raised hand icon you will be recognize when it is your turn. You can use the q a feature in zoom to be recognized or make a comment f. You wish to be recognized type in the box you want to make ape comment and hit send. If you can time it in the box and the clerk will read it for you. If you joined by phone dial star 9 when you want to be recognized. You will be prompt when it issure turn to comment. We welcome successions how to make the meetings more accessible. Send an e mail to mod sfgov. Org if you need assistance, call or sends an e mail. At this time you can comment on nonagenda items. For agenda items you can comment when that agenda item is called. So at this time, if any members of the opinion tindzing would like to make a Public Comment, please, press the raised hand icon. And i do see one member of the public who would like to make a comment. At this time, Vincent Nguyen i have unmuted you. You may speak. Im Vincent Nguyen a seck year pharmacy student at ucsf here with my classmates asking for a policy requiring Insurance Companies to provide Diabetes Management Supplies for those visual low impaired. Diabetes are the leading causes of preventible blindness patients who are visually impaired dont have access to equipment that fits their needs. For example, imagine having to point the location of a blood drop on your if anythinger to measure blood sugar or insulin daily without being able to see. It can lead to limb amputation. Kidney failure and death. There are few devices that can be used without vision and those many are not covered boy insurance entirely or patients spend mons fighting for coverage. Pate when is require insulin for diabetes treatment there are no options, either. Providing equal diabetes supplies should be a right begin who are to manage their diabetes. We are asking for a policy to require Insurance Companies to require supplies accessible for those hor visually impaired. Thank you for your time. Why thank you for your comment. Are there anymore Public Comment at this time . I dont see members who would like to comment. Why thank you. Now we are moving long to item 4. Which is since the mayor disability meeting member sent on behalf of the mdc to the mt aboard regarding the taxi fare increase, which was september meeting. The ditch for people with disability on fixed incomes would lose transit taxi services. And that probably more people with disability for use services should be addressed. Also attended the october mta meeting that addressed this issue. To to i want to note in a doigz that. Sheryl and he i did ask Public Awareness last month. Can you say what you and cheri did together . We did a psa for public for shared spaces accessibility. I would ask if there are anymore reports at this time . No, i have no cochair report at this time. Thank you. Now we are moving long to item 5. Reports from the mayor on disability director, welcome to the meeting. Thank you very much. Hello and good afternoon. Im going to pull up my report. One moment. Okay. The full report will be posted immediately following this meeting. There is a few things i would like to highlight today. First need to local legislation and resolution well is a new resolution that i will be talking about since left time. So resolution 221008. Limiting teleconferencing and remote Public Comment at meetings. Board of supervisors and the committees. This is sponsored by approximate supervisor mandelman. Now it is pending assign am to rules committee being be heard as early as december 12 of 22. If passed this legislation would discontinue remote comment boy the members of the public and meetings of the board supervisors except to enable people with disabilities to participate in the meetings the mayor disability is charged with add rising on a workable modification request process and we will continue doing this, however, as you know, as has been brought to your attention in previous reports from me and the public; local low the commune alines for disability avocates asking continuation for all meetings not just not just by people with disabilities by request. The council is encouraged to engage with this item. And really talk about what you think about this and how you would like to proceed. As a results we participate we will have impact on the public engage am process moving forward. Related jfk promenade the next hearing by board of supervisors the discretion of supervisor stefani. However, the the rec and Park Department is expect today begin to advance on accessibility improvements as noted in their above commitments and in alignment with your resolutions in coming weeks. The council is encouraged to monitor this and consider calling for an update on this as well. Related to shared spaces legislation. Alex mentioned that can result in councilmember appbers part of a Public Service announce am around access ability of shared spaces written in collaboration with the Mayors Office on disability and senior and disability action. The vo was in post production and when complete we are encouraged to air the vo as part of an upcoming meeting. I have seen a cut it looks great. So thats exciting. Related to east safety. Supervisor peskins resolution to zer over 9 pen will get an update on that in a while in this meeting. Next,il highlight related to legislation i said this left time i wanted to remind members of the public that the spring of 22uneified accessibility agenda is posted. And there is notice of proposed rule making on medical equip. Other equipment and purn tour. Web accessibility and sidewalks, curb ramps and other pedestrian facilities. In my report well is a link how to participate in each these. You can go to ad a. Gov. I want it encourage the public to take part in that process. In other news and announcements i want to give thanks to our grievance in training coordinator. Last day with majors office of disability was november 10th. Thanks to john who was temporarily assisting with this while we hired for the possession and Tess Bartlett our San Francisco fellow this year who is temporarily assisting as clerk during the meetings, thank you very much for your support. And thanks public for understanding. As we transition and continue it serve you in the best way we can. Also, mod this week launched our new website at sf. Gov mod. Our website is the citys accessible templet and a page that brings disability information from across the city. This is very exciting the first time we had this. Our pages are newly launchd and some are in distinguish am as we continue to make thing better sends feed become to us so we can do that and thanks for engaging we want to hear what is working for and you what can be improved related to the website. In other news the National Letter to request to meet with secretary endorsed by Mayors Office i anticipate a final version will come and i will share and we will pest to the public. You think about what else you might want to agendize for future public hearing. In addition to all of the active, local legislation impacts which are strong low encourage to you review. Well are a view other things i want to mention. One is the ageing and disability Affordable Housing needs assess am. Which the final draft of the report driven boy local legislation and named a partner is currently introduced in circulated to members of the board of supervisors. Department of disability and aging service would like to convene a joint meet width Mayors Disability Council and the commission in february to hear specific low about this report. I anticipate that the report be called for review in public board of supervisors hearing as well. And potential low as early as january. When you have the joint Commission Meeting the council is encouraged to consider hearing an update on another significant disability and aging services initiative. Which is the age and disability friends low San Francisco Implementation Plan and work group part of this meeting. And the remainder of my items are items i have mentioned in the past so i will stop there for now. If you would like to engage with any aspects of this report the council or the members of the public, please feel free to contact us mod sfgov. Org or calling us 4155546789 and join our distribution list by going to our website sf. Gov mod. Thank you and that concluded my report. Very good. Amazing report and i was told that a great site with the we are having mod party going to be december ninth. From 35. This the regular time for meeting was not upon the public since mdc event and public friends are used public space. This is nicole, i wanted reiterate it is intedded to be the meeting for the Mayors Disability Council to meet the public so the public is invited thats all. Yea. Again, it will be december 9, 35 and more information will come. Thank you. Director and now we are moving along to next item. Which is item 6. The discussion e scooter update. By kate San Francisco mta. Welcome, kate. Hi, thank you. Thank you for ticking time on your busy gonadotropin have us here today im katetoryin director of taxi and Mobility Services for the sfmta. I wanted start off with a global comment and i will introduce you to the team. And to say this scooter safety is critically important to us and we get seriously and we have a details and are bust presentation for you today. And that my colleagues who is a Mobility Services planner will be giving presentation. Im here for support and help answer questions. We have aaron mc call off the e merging mobility planner here to support and student intern brady van low. We have a strong team here for you today will gift presentation and thank you for making time. We appreciate it. Thank you. Im going to ask that either i be allowed share my screen or give us one moment. You there . Thank you. Im forest i will present today on the power scooter shared program and updates regarding safety and enforce am. Thank you for having us here today. So. We are following up with the scoot are shared program and desired out come. First, safe Mobility Options that serve the public interests. Showed supporting Transit Service prosecute voiding first and last mile options. And mobility innovation helps reduce traffic congestion, parking demand and carbon e missions and sharing is designed in a way to maintain access at all times. So, mark for identification challenges with the program include a legal and unsafe riding behavior. Sidewalk, double rideings or the wrong way on the street or improperly parked and impacting rightofway. Including on sidewalks. And rider accountability and equal Service Throughout theef city to ensure scooters are available throughout the city. So. Back ground on the program. This year there are 3 permittees bird was scoot and authorized to have 1500 devices on the street, the others have 2,000. The current permit term expires june 30 of 2023. So next year. And during that time, sfmta will be modifying and planning on changes to the current permit program. Just to a Quick Program snapshot with july 21 and october of 22, there was around 2. 6 million trips. There were citations including both parking and riding citation. Under 15,000. And then we were under 10,000 through complaints about the program. Key requirements about the program are out lined in the permit terms and conditions. And they require various things of permitise in the following categories. Safety and rider accountability. Parking requirements and equity focus adaptive scooter program. Low encome plans. Neighborhood distribution, means ensure they are available throughout the city. Community engage the requirements. Reporting requirements to the sfmta. Labor. Including some Scooter Companies have unionized workforce and suspension allows the director of transportation to upon have a suspension of a permittee if deemed unsafe. So some of the commitments we had from our permittees and i like ton if they are incoming we hole them to their commitments. So these are education. Add pop ups. Safety quizes. On Vehicle Safety messaging. Quarter low Safety Training classes. Penalty structures. Fines and suspensions for improper riding or parking behavior and creating intensity unsafe riding permittees will immediately suspend the account. And then additional low, to institute sidewalk technology on the scooter fleet. So this includes technology that when a scooter itself detectses the rider has mounted the sidewalk to slow and stop the rider. As well as provide oddable messaging and to bring the roadway to a halt. Also part of our permit we have the permanent adaptive program, which when permit started there was the Adoptive Program which still continues riders could check out a scooter and then now we require that the scooter require five of the on street float. The adaptive scooter not available through the mobile application. We have various monthly reporting requirements and all 3 permitise committed to the complimentary Adoptive Program for fee schedule drop off and pick up. And here we this is a note on the transportation day that was with Golden Gate Park on the fifth. Scooter permittees joined the board Cycling Program fir adoptive demonstration day. And now a quick summary of where scooter trips are happening most in the city. The top left and right well is graphics showing the trip destination in the city. And the trips total that there are per month exceed the 100,000 currently. Most of the trips are occurring in the northeast portion of the city. So that includes the financial district, embarcadero, soma and the next Popular Union square and other area neighborhoods including the western edition and the mission other popular locations. And so the most trafficked yours in the city with scooter riders, you see that also relates to where we seat most complaints and where the most scooter parking ptitions are issued. They are passed directly to permittees to independent with and integrated with sales force. The permitise the Scooter Company close out the complaints with the photo to resolve the case and then there is complaints data base and public dash boards to view what is happen to trap complaints about improper parking. Parking complaints required to be resolved in 2 showers investigators independent and Issue Citations for scooters that continue to be misparked. As you can see, there are just to reiterate, most citations are happening in the northeast sections of the city where the most riding is happening. And full transparency the sfmta has put, let of this information on our website. So including various public dash boards the top is a screen shot of similar websites so just as a quick over view scooter citations and trips and device its is less than one of trips have a parking citation or per device and over all these numbers are tied to our permit terms and conditions. With the goal of decrease the numbers and ensuring that the greatest number of trips are all trips and thoughtfully parked and without mispurpose lighting the sfmta enforcement staff include 8 staff, generally on the streets 7 days a week. Authorized to issue administrative pen pertinents for improper parked and improper riding. Automatically ask that the device be removed after ticketed. The removal required within 2 hours. And the enforcement act with the sfmta public dash boards. To monitor compliance, we can see where the scooters are in the city and monitor daily trip and make sure that the device minimum is met in the neighborhoods so there is minimal deployment across the city and that the financial district and embarcadero is not where all the scooters are concentrated. We maintain a complaint data base and monthly and quarter low reporting. And have used various sales force tools to improve trapping of the citations and improve reporting and to integrate with 311 to make sure that does get passed to the company to move the experience quickly as possible. And so just some stat about thes improper riding and parking citations. So, for p in the last since the concern term started july of 2021, we issued near low 14,000 improper parking and the city collected over 4 opinion 1 Million Dollars in fines. The upon fine was 100 per citation for awhile then increased to 150. For improper riding, since march 15, the mta began able to issue the citations for improper riding to the companies themselves. Staff, upon 7 upon 63 improper riding citations and collected over 200 thousand dollars in fees. So. Citations and trips this is a comparison of the 3 permittees. And so just a quick summary. Preferred under 400,000 trips and over 1 ends with on this parked or improperly parked scooter. There has been near low 1. 5 million trips and less than half a percent ends with a citation and near low 800,000 trips and half a percent ending improperly parked. And to give you the break down, so as you see here are the chart demonstrates that of all trips in the city, there has been over 2 million. This permit cycle line does a bit over half of the trips. Spend a third and for remainder and then of that distribution have the parking citations are 40 line the most trips but then equal distribution of parking and moving citations near. So, additionally, we can see that our partnership port we also reimburse am challenger for recontroversial from the bay and from port property. At the port there have been improved signage on the promenade where scooters must use the bike way. And autonotices to the port for devices that need recovery. There were sidewalk detections the first else in soma november of 21 on a bike lane curb cuts and low pedestrian traffic. We tested for promise of getting them applications and what worked well and what areas need improvement and staff issued recommendations to the companies on how to improve their technology. By an additional demonstration on the embarcadero in may of this year. The bike way and parking lane and curb cuts and pedestrians and [inaudible]. And our guidance was to have messaging and also to include condition use oddable sounds. Whatever here is Something Like a voice that continues to say no sidewalk riding no sidewalk riding. To actively decelerate signal a device on the sidewalk. We recommended nonverbasm audio sound in the bike way and gps and cameras shows the common type of technologies. I will be clear this was not 100 but what staff recommendations to the company and ensure that sidewalk riding is taken seriously. And technology is upon and improved. And final low we did audit in september when high pedestrian traffic validateed see if bus passings implemented. Fake our recommendations seriously and implement them fully and all of them. That is something we are in talks with the permittees about. A quick sum row for each permittee about how many units of have sidewalk riding technology for what was called, scoot. 1300 units with technology is based on mapping. Therefore, staff has to map where the bake way and the sidewalk are. It will notify the rider of on the display on the scoot and make an alert beforerousing your speed and coming to a full stop. And a message will pop up to remind riders not to ride on sidewalks that can result in a fine. Have been another round of commitments but the round of commitments before this was that the technology will alert riders on all units. The in app messaging follow up on Safety Education and discipline 50 pass through the cost of citations to riders. Dont do technology with upgraded [inaudible]. And sharing information about riders among all permittees. Riders that break the rules or ride unsafely, the mta encouraging permittees to share where the riders are amongst themselves. A rider who is ridden unsafely before is not just going to the next and do the same thing and finally spin, which i have currently 300 sidewalk riding seck nog equipped devices all of them committed to rolling this out over the coming remainder of the permit. The cam are based technology lets it ws city wide but i believe the units that have walk Lighting Technology are deployed in the areas without the most common. Voluntary no ride implements voluntary no ride zones in embarcadero and again so to share information. So quick just what the slide looking at the penalty structure looks like. Across each permittee. You see some of them share the upon ban rider lists . Some of them given the warning and then escalate between 1040 dollar fines . And then the amount of riders cited . Include over a thousand citations dloes 2 and various subscriptions . And line data as the number of citations pass through rider. So, additional enforcement initiatives in progress include increasing the fine for improper riding. From 200 to 500 on november first. We established a trial no parking zone on the embarcadero as of november first. Improved the 311 app it allow complains to report improper riding as well or we are working on the dog that and roll thanksgiving out in early of 23. As well as updating dash boards with improper riding complaints and on that note, we are working at the permittees which have data on where the riding is happen and compiling that and seeing which intervention works best to decrease that. We are also auditing the devices to make sure hay have the correct lane. Auditing the technology. Encouraging permittees to have Safety Campaigns and increasing our investigator staffing. And to make sure we can accurately give out or to give out more improper lighting and parking citations where needed . And also beginning around this time and the next few months conduct a Share Program evaluation . Which will look at in when ways do i permit the conscience need to change . What are aappropriate and beyond july of next year quick look at the current no ping zone on the embarcadero. The sfmta issued no Parking Zones geo fencing restrictions from jefferson street to the Ferry Building and each permittee already implemented the no Parking Zones . Staff are working to determine what the next steps might be with this . What is effective . Decrease sidewalk riding and other improper riding on parking issues in the embarcadero . And then other enforcement are concern permit conditions so we if need the director can issue a sum row suspension in the case of Public Safety . And all partial permit revocations nom compliant with permit conscience or misrepresentations and permit applications . So. For next steps we are going to continue with the existing permits until june 30 of 2023. We are working on the evaluation of the permit programs. We enengaged consultant to evaluate the program and make recommendations. Which will include focus on Sidewalk Detection Technology requirements. We will gauge Vehicle Design requirements and best practices for safe vehicles. Renewing our monitor activities. We will be implementing safety and enforcement and will be continuing adding device parking. Infrastructure throughout the city. Um and thats what i have for you today. Thank you all so much and myself and rest of the staff is here to answer questions and to take comments. Ja thank you. Where that move to ask the fellow councilmembers raise your hand and i will call you each of you to consider your question. Thank you that was a thorough presentation and appreciated. Im really heartened to see that sfmta is really all over this. And improvements made to enforcement. I remember when the scooters first came out and was a pedestrian but with purke my daughter in a wheel chair, i felt chaotic the wild, wild west am im so encouraged by the good work. Please, know that and thank you. I have to ask the last picture you showed in the presentation is that a real picture of the woman on the no. I believe this was from [inaudible] and a historical picture. An early scooter. Yea. I believe so. Are that is cool. [laughter]. Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you. This is orchid year a brief comment. Thank you for presentation. And it is good to see steady improvements. And there are still areas of concern and nay not under our jurisdiction i noticed that some scooter riders have injured themselves boy not being attentive as they roadway. I guess my question has to do with do our streets themselves need improvement . I know sometimes there are potholes and leaving the bike lanes as well. So, is there discussion of how the streets can be better prepared to accommodate the modes of transportation . And may be a reason why people go on the sidewalk because it is reliable in terms of smoothness. And so i wander everwonder if conscience of the street are part of what you are looking at what you look at violations of sidewalk riding . I wanted 3 that out one part of my comment. Also, i being not roadway a scooter deaf people are no one for bad balance. And they even the accessible the adaptive ones would be tough for me. I guess my point, though, is, really back to how you prevenn injury due to road conditions. And do you have comment on that in i mean, i will [inaudible] here is really looking in this and scooter specific low. Within the vision zero context. I can say another presentation with device requirements, i mean there is something to be said about the size of the wheel. And so we are looking into you know changing not actual devices themselves to ensure they [inaudible] and then in terms of our streets, we are absolutely aware that most of sidewalk riding come from the fact that part of the trip to park it from the sense of lack of sense of safety on the roadway and we have seen some permittees that streets are protected bike lanes have higher percent of trip and low are percent of time sidewalk riding. And so that information is something wore collect now from the permittees but we want to share out to our street team. And i know additional low, our vision zer over team is looking at you know quick build and in general the collision data of scooters and seeing our streets improvement that need to be doneful i dont know if anyone else on cam wanted to add to that. We are looking into that and christopher should add getting that over to Planning Division for the transportation update. Hi, this is kate and i will add a bit to the answer, alcoholic beverage is we partner with the colleagues on the streets team and so they are engaged with the street infrastructure and it is a focus to continue to expand bike lane and is know forest mentioned that. So i wanted to add that as well and in fact the management of the Scooter Share Permit Program started on the street side and it partnered for a number of years and so that partnership is strong internally. I think that is a good point. Yes, that is manage we are looking at. Thank you. Yes, definitely. It was very good to widen the bike lanes that will be helpful. Hopeful low we can see near vigilence on the evenness of any lane. For cars, bicycles and for scooters. Also perhaps the elevation of sidewalk can be taken advantage of to prevent riding up on the sidewalk. There are people who have their own personal escooter system not fall under the things you talked about here. But these are all nit pick now i do appreciate your work and thank you for sharing it with us. Not peculiarly particular what i was thinking about is i mean hopingil remember and observing but i remember from our last presentation i think 2 months ago. Just about like the care willness of some of the drivers here in San Francisco. And wondering if that is was affecting some riding on the sidewalks as well. Like my partner is visually impaird and hits almost hit several times by people going around corners and intersections and things like that while she was walking. So, just and i dont know does not electric like a lot of things are being enforced on that front. But yea, this thing got me think burglar that. And may be that is the reasons there is so much riding on the sidewalk. Thank you. Helen, would you like to comment. Okay. I promise i sorry i forgot i had a question for forest. Do you keep track, does sfmta keep track of the number of people with disabilities who make complaints. I would be curious if the people complaining and or you know who get injured the disproportionate number of people with disabilities . Il ask my colleague aaron to see if we collect that in 311. I dont know if that is an optional field when you are reporting a complaint or not. Do you know, aaron . Im double checking now. Im positive that 311 does in the ask for demographic information. What are you all do with the money that come in as fines in does it go . Where does it go . The Disability Community . Resources or department . So it goes this is kate again. It is not designateed any community and my understanding of it that it goes in the main muni mta general fund or the general funding or not a Funding Source a general money that come inform we can get you a specific answer. But thats outside of we do. We are policy and enforcement and then when that money come in it is a different work flow at the agency and in terms of Demographic Data, i dont than is collected and i will rely on erin, when we are going to do another survey, i believe we do collect Demographic Data part of the survey and so that is if we dont we will circle become and have that conversation but we have conducted a couple of surveys we requested the scooter permittees to do surveys and so that is helpful and Important Information for us. Yea. Thank you. I would think if you find it is disproportionate of people who are old and disabilities that may be the money goes back to improving safety for that community. Okay. Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you. Before i go to this topic i have called to all sidewalk and what happens do you guys identify scooters on the sidewalks and how do you guys enforce that, that because i live on the side of sunset and i see a lot of scooters parked on the street. On the sidewalk. And i use a power chair and it is hard it get around. And the second thing is that im du say about limited speed on the sidewalk or if the scooters get on the sidewalk should stop on the automatically . I missed that part and then i want to ask that if i can this is the last question. Is that if will evaluate mull pull times we have been told that mta cant revoke the permit. How do you guys done haor willing to do that . Without any hesitation . Or how about i start and forecast be the clean up crew. So you were talking and i will start with the go back reverse order. In terms of revocation of a permit that is something that we do have the authority to do. We dont do that lately t. Is a big deal and we have to build a case and there is due process as there should be. And so if a revocation does happen, then likely would go to sxael so it is a very lengthy process but we do have that authority under the permit. And so we have not revoked we have had certainly had disciplinary action and we had a situation hacame up with scoot at the end of their last permit term and we did not revoke because it was at the end of the permit term but did not issue them a new permit until we assured that we had a thorough investigation and they cleaned up the situation. The disciplinary matter. So that did occur. And thats about the revocation. Sidewalk speeds. Just to be super clear it is illegal for scooters to ride on the sidewalk. So there is no speed with which we would say it is safe or okay. And in terms of guidance, related to the Sidewalk Detection Technology, there is some best practices for a gradual slow down. So there may be discussion of speeds to slow down the device so it does not cut and cause the rider to fall off. We dont want that to happen temperature is not tinded be the ride are can continue riding slowly on the walk it is intended to signal this is okay and you cannot roadway on the sidewalk you need to get off. That is the sidewalk question hope im answering and then how enforce am happens . We do look at hot spots and the data, we look at the complaints that come in and thats why we wanted to have information. We are trying to get information out to the public on how to make a complaint that is important to us. And so we do rely on the 311 system and the team is out on the streets daily and they are enforcing daily with the so i encourage everyone who can and able to call in to the make a complaint by 311 or use the app, there are multiple ways to make a complaint. And so i encourage everybody to do so. And yes. The enforcement there is on street enforcement and our team is out daily. I hope that answers everything . Thank you for the answers. I just want to my question regarding sidewalk safety. The first question i have was am i noticed you focusing on the [inaudible] area. What happens if someone leave or parked the scooters in this sidewalk and inside of those hot spots and [inaudible] how do you mitigate that issue. I just want to curious the last of this incident that one scooter hit a disabled person. And i just wondered see if there was a discussion of the limit of minute someone get the sidewalk. It detects how do you [inaudible]. Rely on the company. They can loyal lie to you guys or how do you make sure those okay. Thank you. So, for enforce am in neighborhoods outside of the of downtown core, we do the team guess and works city wide. And so if there is an improperly parked device in your neighborhood, please, call in. Or e mail mta there are ways to enforce and coverd that but ways to make that complain. We do get them and we do follow up. On those complaints. And so that may happen. And the team is mobile again. Cross the entire city. And then in terms of the sidewalk riding, yes, we test. We audit and check, we have done 2 large demonstrations and where we we invite and ride and test and staff ride and test and those that feel safe doing so. And test the technology. And we i think we have done 3, two large are ones a smaller version and then we audit. On going audit as well. So well is a lot of engagement with the staff and have quite a robust staff that is assigned to scooter safety and enforcement program. Thank you. I didnt i hope that i would like to see some more changes making that scooters get on the sidewalk. Automatically detects the riders. Im sure that it is illegal. People do it. So. Thank you, that im going to pass it to the staff. If any questions for the staff . Thanks. This is nicole im going to go ahead. And say first, thank you, everyone for being here. Thank you to the councilmembers for your Great Questions and i want to get to Public Comment. I had a couple questions myself. First to disclose all of my biases transparent low this team knows and the Council Knows and many members of public know that i was seriously injured myself. By an e scooter last year and i appreciate all of the responsive measures that we have taken since that happened. I than people continue to be injured. And people with disabilities continue to be injured. Toward that i really want to encourage us to look into how we can may be collect the data more robustly. There are ways to use the app top do that we collect disability voluntary. Disability information for those that want top disclose for the shared Space Program when we have disability acsesz violations there that are reported. So i want to encourage the team to look at that. And then the other thing, i wondered and may be this is best for kate. I wonder if you can speak a bit to you said you are bring nothing a consultant to do more work . Can you speak to more to what that person will be doingoir the people will be doing . Thank you. We are making notes and good point. Ashgs knowledge the dast collection point. And acknowledge your injury and just that is an awful situation. Everyone should be safe on the sidewalks. For the consultant this is an opportunity for the mta to step back and have an inspect review of the program on whole and to look at does this program help the mta meet our goals and so when forest start talked about out come we want in the program and the challenges. Right. And the idea with the consultant is that we want them to actually look at is it meeting the goals . Is it we want them to look at the safety of the devices as forest said there may be reasons why people roadway on the sidewalk related how the device is actually built. We want to electric at best practices for enforcement. We want to look at are we doing everything we can do, is this helping and mta reduce Green House Gas e missions. You know is it helping to meet all of those goals and thats the intention. We are working on board the consultants. But we developed a scope of work related to the complaints we heard in the concerns we have in the questions we have to on the other hand everunderstand is this a net benefit this program in or not . And we need to then those are policy decisions for the mta burden to consider. But we take our enforcement role seriously and take the look at the over all benefit and the cost benefit of the program on hold. That is the intension and those are yours that we want to look at specifically of Green House Gas e missions and device safety and forest has another top of mind. Again. Enforcement. What else can we do to keep the program safe. Best practices for Sidewalk Detection Technology. This is a new program. You may recall scooters sdrop dropped in the city in 2018. And mta had to get the authority to have a permit program. Which the board of supervisors and i will thank supervisor peskin for being the lead on this. You know the board of supervisors established the ability for mta to have a permit program and started with the pilot. We come a long way. We have a program that is maturing. And had a lot of lessons learned. When we first or in the first few permit issuances we did not specify a certain detection technology. There was not any at that time. But now given we are a couple years in the program and the service, we want to look to see mt ado we want more prittive watch that and say we want this type of technology. Instead of leaving it to the fees to tell us what their solution is. That is an example when we will look at. Thanks. I think toward also the the proliferation of private low owned scooters i had a request. If the scooter is not permitted, and there is a complaint filed. Does mta handle those as well. What happened with the nonpermitted scooter complaints . Thats a great question. I think i made a note orchid made a point about the deviceers private low ownd and operated and so those complaintses come in but dont have the Enforcement Authority over privately owned scooters. The ability to issue a citation when they block the path of travel we cannot do. We cannot issue a citation based on improper riding on the sidewalk if it is a private scooter. The ability to issue that type of citation to an individual is under the police authority. It is a moving violation. Mta cant stop a rider and issue that citation. We have the ability to site the company for improper riding because they have a fer mitt and site them under the permit terms and conditions. When we are think burglar developing our skeert Safety Campaign we want the message out what we are seeing is that frank low a lot of sidewalk riding is the private scooter rider. And so for our campaign we are working on message and concepts we want to broadly address scooters to get the message out. So again to try to really address those privately owned scooters as well. If we follow the scooter share problems and we have everything perfect. Thats our goal; we will still have the issue with the private scooters. Right. Thank you very much for highlighting that for folks that might not be aware. The last thing is i hope as we continue to develop our Awareness Campaign that the disproportionate impact on folks with disabilities and older adult system somehow part of the campaign. I when you use the word vulnerable when we talk about disabilities people with disabilities are the strongest people i know. Obviously. Right. But when you are in a situation like that you are more vulnerable than the general population. I hope that we can build in that awareness and courtesy as part of the campaign. Thats all i will say for now. Thank you again for coming today. Thanks, a lot. Thank you. Are there others who would like to ask a question . No, i have no other questions. Thank you. Now we are on opening up to Public Comment. At this time, i want to remind the person i need to response to the Public Comments so can you please open the line to Public Comment. Yes. To the public, if you would like to comment and you are joining by zoom, you can make a comment by using the raised hand or by taking into the q a chat. If you are ginning boy phone dial star 9 and you will be prompt when it is your turn to comment. So i will give a mobile home. If anybody would like to raise their hand to make a comment. I dont see any members of public this would like to hear comment at this time. Thank you. I just want to thank you kate, forest and erin, again, thank you for coming and i hope that i just really echo what nicole suggestion that i think Going Forward we have to think about policy of how private scooter users can be more upon careful and more attentive to to just the public and making sure that if they are they should being [inaudible] and i think that it should be a more educational and making sure that the public should know that they can complain about those individuals as well. Again, kate, forest and erin, thank you for coming i hope well see you again in the near future. Thank you for having us. Thank you. With that, im going to have us take a break. 15 minutes. It is now 2 25 and i would ask fellow members councilmembers to come back at 2 40. I believe. Yes. 2 40. And again we are taking a break for 15 minutes thank you. We are back live good ahead. Alex. Thank you. Hi. Im alex madrid im the cochair today the november 18, 2022. This is a Public Meeting of item 7, is discussion item. Part of commune plan adjusting and presentation by chris fer. Thank you for having us today. Deb will run the presentation for me. I have to call on from my sell phone when i use zoom. Im thank you so much for having me here today. Mtc. As upon mentioned im a planner with the sfmta. Im the project manager for the new and soon to launch active commune plan. I will give a presentation and love to have a discussion about our upcoming work and ensure we have strong representation from the Disability Community. And part of this slide it is various photos of people on different devices. Scoot and bicycles. Youth and elderly and people using the streets of San Francisco. And, great. Thank you. So, a brief description of active commune plan it is the citys first city wide bike plan since 2009. You may remember the old 2009 bike plan under a lawsuit to do an Environmental Impact report and that caused a lot of trauma with the city. We have not updated since. This the first time really looking at a comprehensive view of bike network and all components. We are preparing for a year long of public engage am starting in january of next year. A Plan Department adopted sfmta in march of 2024. A practical funded through a cal trance planning grant. What we hope to create is to have a new bike network. Prioritized investment plan. Understanding which streets were priorityidesing for future projects and bh we would move the projects forward. Beyond the network itself and have i range of recommendations for policies and programs. That can come out of this. That are related to encouragement and education. And an access and making sure people have the information and opportunity to use the transportation. And we also. Ed to ensure we have deep engage am with our equity priority communities in San Francisco. I will share more about that later in the presentation. The, areas to focus on is relevant is we are expanding the definition of a bake plan and the bike nest work we want it to be representative of what we say all devices that can use the network. Scooters or electric skate boards. A photograph of one on this slide and includes mobility devices. And devices that people mobility and disabilities use. To potentially use the bike network. We want to make sure we are having a strong focus on how we can create those conscience that people would want to use. For the broad ranges. So upon the goals of our plan stated broad low we want to support the Climate Action plan. Support vision zer over activity and policy to e eliminate traffic fatalities for all users of the streets and use this plan to advance equity aline our projects with values and needs of each community in San Francisco and by doing so we and effectively deliver project and ensure people have all options of mobility open and available to them and to help improve peoples lives through that access. I think when we talk about access we want to we have support access we create a network hacan support all the range of devices that can use that network and want to expand the the range of people who can use that network as well. And create the conditions people safe safe, comfortable and welcome. And an acounsel okay path to implementing these. We dont want a plan that sitos a shelf we want to go out and deliver the projects and make people lives better. From the w we have done. So. We have a very broad team we are working with. We have an sfmta team that spans a broad number within our agency. We have convened a Technical Committee of other city Agency Representatives which includes rep 7ations prosecute both our Accessibility Services and the sfmta as well as the Mayors Office on disability. We have a Consulting Team we brought on through an rfp we ran last year and the lead is tool design with out reach and Translation Services by innerethcaand conducting city wide approximatelying and survey w through vmc research a polling firm i will talk about this later. And a company safe streets Research Help with analysis with collision history. We have a range. Contracted Community Partners we brought on as some applicants when we first, ployed for funding for this project. And these are partners that are going to help us with targeted and engagement work in equity prior communities in San Francisco and we view them as coequal partners especially for the work done in their communities. We will work with it is [inaudible] problem in mission and outer mission. Bayview commune advocates. The Tenderloin Community benefits district. So many am and soma in western soma specifically. And the new Community Leadership foundation with another organization they sponsor call rbi flux to work in western edition and fillmore and lastly we have the have the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition partner for assistance with our city wide broad out reach. Really the fact nayou will see this we have a very aggressive out reach commitment and we need to put a lot of folks out on the street to make sure we are living up to the commitments and reaching people. We can go to the next slide. I wanted share what is the work we are doing. And these other tasks we have and the first is understanding the existing cannot bike network in San Francisco and that revolves around doing data collection. Reviewing past plans adopt in the the city that is an e normous task we have a working document that is over 120 pages at this point reviewing over 80 different plans and policies. That influence the life network or asspekts of bicycling in San Francisco. We also are updating a tool calls the Bicycle Network comfort index on the right side of the slide is a photograph of the latest update of the bike network comfort index in 2017 tries to understand and grade the level of comfort this people experience when riding on different streets in the bike network. We understand that riding on a on a protected bicycle lane is a different experience than riding on a roadway with no bike facility. But on the network and has high speed traffic and so i thank you is a valuable tool for the public and for our own planning and decisionmaking how we understand how the bike network is working and inknow upon tended work. Most of this work is already completed. And we are starting to wrap up the pieces and witness they are we will share them public low. The next slide. We have a task to do of a broad ranging analysis of the bike network and bicycling within San Francisco that starts with i Bike Network Analysis which is our attempts to help understand how the bike network is functioning today. Westerly it is used and not being used. And where it is over performing or under performing and these different maps we have on this slide one representatives the mode share of maam were bicycle to work against the existing bike network from a report in 2019. Another map that shoes the location of bike parking that is throughout the city and another one showing the results of a survey we did the city wide survey on bicycle conducted in 2015. And so, this Analysis Task revolves arnold understanding the conscience of the bike network and conducting calling an Equity Analysis we will do in with our commune based partners that is understanding and trying to quantify the how the bike Network Experienced by different user groups. This includes people of color and people with disabilities. And how that is a different experience than it is experienced by the residents at large. We have a Collision Analysis we will do building off of the analysis for the high injury network. And then we have a later on in the plan once we have a draft bike network will conduct a Network Connectivity analysis we understand you know from the recommendations and the proposals that we have for the new bike network how does this change and improve the access that people have within their own communities in ways they did not dont have today. And lastly the last item on the task is when we call a residence emdense preference survey conducting with our contractor emc to do specifically focus group across San Francisco to really have a good clear understanding about you know why people bicycle. Why they dont. Other devices they use. Their levels of comfort with different types of streets and facilities. Whether they would be willing to use them or not and intent is to gain a more unimpeachable snop shot how San Francisco feels about the bike network and how they use it rather than relying on a survey that is on line they get sent out to certain groups or types of people responding we want strong costabs for communities of color or people with disabilities to understand how the bike network is experienced different low by different people. The next task. This is our public out reach slide. The different ways we will conduct out reach throughout the entire 2023 calendar year from january of this year or coming year through 2024. We develop happening a public out reach flan in conducting Community Interviews with lead and elders in different priority communities to really clearly understand how we need to conduct our out reach in ways that are going to be effective and meaningful in different communities and will use that input to update and adjust our public out reach plan. A commitment to city wide out reach include first city wide events that will be distributing all across the city. And in addition we have 24 different events in per inship with our Community Partners in our 6 priority communities. Nose are events. They have a lot of say in how that work is done and how the community is engaged. What was the format and venue what time of discussions to have to create something productive to compliment that on the ground we will have interactive web tours use and will ensure the tools are all accessible for the Disability Community as well in order for people to provide input in a broad range of ways. We plan to have 2 phases of public out roach the first half of the year focus on understanding peoples needs and values. And priorities in terms of both the bike network and things like programs and policies and accessibility. And then the second half of this coming year we will focus on bringing the draft recommendations to the public to vet them in a comprehensive way the recommendations that will make up the draft plan have strong public support. The first everfor the will be a series of goals and visions statement. And that we will clearly express and represent not just the policies of the city but the priorities and goals and needs of the communities we worked with throughout the year. Tell include a draft bike network. This will be an updated and new proposed bike network that will end up dictating prioritization of projects. And implementation over the next 10 to 15 years. Tell include recommendations for bicycle ping and other types of support facilities. One of the photos we have is of a bike coral on street area where it is blocked off for people to park bikes of a broad ranging set of policy and program recommendations. That is like you heard in the previous presentation all of the policies that are set up around enforce am or scooter share cutches. That is one aspect of the policy structure this we would look at in terms of everything that would be touching the bike network and how does it work and how we encourage the goalless we set for ourselves. That is how we would looking at a pol and program section. We will be developing information around implementation and the costing of all of this works. And how we fund it. And another area that is of interest for the nbc is that we will develop a personal mobility device guideline that is trying to get down in the technical aspects of how do we design a bike net w that is explicit low for the purpose of a broad range of motional devices the scooter item we need wide are bike lanes for different device. I think we have a strong interest in our work in how do we transform the bike network to an asset for the Disability Community. Whether adaptive bicycles or other devices. We need tong about those users in mind when we think about how we design our bike facilities and networks and the policy this is we put in place to help support those users. And then pull thanksgiving together in a simple do you mean in draft and final plan to make sure to circumstantial lit with the public in the fall of next year. And we can go on to the next slide. In terms of bring thanksgiving to approval, there is some bodies you have to take this through no matter what and that includes the Bicycle Advisory Committee the sfmta policy and governors commit eye and probably 2 hearings the sfmta board. I think we have anies in making sure this is i plan that goes through council and committees such as yourself this is something where we will need to begin our approval path probably in the range of late 2023 to ensure we can get our plan adopted and in march of 2024. Another thing to mention especially given the lawsuit for the old 2009 bike we will seek exemption under sb tw 88 which provides exemption for the types of plans specifically. Hopeful low that will spare us some legal headaches in the future. The next slide. So that is largely our presentation. I think my interest today is before we begin any of our public out reach work i want to ensure that we are getting input on how we engage with the Disability Community and with nbc throughout the coming year. There will be a lot of work and a lot of out reach. A lot of events and we want to ensure we are having meaningful ways to engage with the Disability Community and providing pace for the mdc in the capacity that they want to be involved. And so i think that im happy to take your comments and im sure well is a lot of clarifying questions as well. But im very excited continue working with you all and to bring this worked for and hopeful low find ways to make the bike network in San Francisco something this is far more expectancyive and accessible and broader use than it is today. Thank you. Im going to tournament to my fellow councilmember if there are any questions for christopher . Go ahead. Orchid here. Thank you for your presentation it was very combchlg im a cyclist myself. And i had not realized the extent of when you are planning to do. I like to find the bike paths that are flatter, less hill and he like to see wider bike lanes. Because i think that will be a change given our small streets. And also streets that are very busy like valencia, between that is it 18th and 21st. It is a busy corridor. Well are restaurants. There are on street parking, bike lanes. And other use of the street. And i definitely seat that can be improve in the terms of safety. I do appreciate the research you have done. I look forward it seeing more in what i mentioned. I want to mention there is diversity in the Disability Community. And were also difficult i think to attract some members of the Disability Community it may be a topic they see not irrelevant havent to them. I hope to see more and interested in what happens. Thank you. Orchid. Are there any other Council Members wants to ask a question . I have question for, question for one question is that Going Forward, do you are you going to be are you going to have a focus group on this issue . And i hope people with Disability Community is part of that focus group. Whatever you want to call it. But i think it is very person for us and the stele to making this decisionmaking with this particular issue. Thats one question and the second question is that i learned this Going Forward that like to ask us to participate on whatever you are going to do. At this time, it is hard to say what i what is it that you specifically needed. Some document, i hope im making sense. So thats, that is my 2 comments questions for you. Yea. Absolutely. Thank you for your comments so i think in terms of what we are asking for from the disability commune especially during or out reach work, so it will evolve and change as the out reach process progresses. And you know in the first half of the year, we are really focused on trying to understand the means and the priority and it is challenges. Of different folks in San Francisco with regards to bicycling and the bike network and the use of other devices whether that is input around you know the facilities the bike lanes and you mentioned bike lane width or the routs or parking or access to bicycle in the first place. You know one of the examples that i always bring up is in the tenderloin there is a lot of sro housing people dont have the room or the pace to store a bicycle. And so if we are not creating solutions for longterm over night storage in that community, it is hard to ask people to support bike lane projects. Because they have no way to use them. And so we need them to look at what are the solutions we can bring through this plan. To help facilitate access to the bike network in other communities it motorbike that people dont have access to bicycles or shops where they have get repairs done. Men they dont have access to education. Education opportunity. May be they dont have access to information and encourage ament so they understand there are people that skate board in the community. Than i can use that network and it is important for people to understand that this is a network ment for them and their benefit. And without this type of communication, you know we can end up losing out on connecting with those folks. There is a broad range of things we can be doing and we want to start understanding in the first half of our out reach with respect what things we need to be looking at and what things we need to prioritize and the challenges we mode to address. And in our second phase of out reach work tell be focussed on bringing recommendations to the public. To get their input. And understand, are we prioritizing things the right way . You know like a draft bike network and things like what policies and policy actions we need in the city to facilitate better out come. Or what new programs do we need to look at. In order to give people access to the things they want. That would allow them to peel comfortable and confident using the bike lanes. That is the. Broad answer to what will be asking for. In terms of input. And i think that we have a really strong interests in ensuring that there is a strong representation of you know the various needs of the Disability Community temperature is a Diverse Community with different needs. There is, lot of potential for us to irrelevant refrain the way that we portray and pursue bike network projects. We need ways that can be a benefit to the Disability Community sometimes they are viewed as odds. I think to what extent we finds solutions we want to pursue that. Thank you. One thing that come to minds is that a lot of people might not know that can use the bike lane as the and but i think it will be good for us to educate the public and the community that people with wheel chairs can use, of course, it is a touchy subject but something to explore. Thank you. Now im going to staff if any staff has questions. Because thank you christopher this is nicole speaking. Thank you for this im excite body this and i want to elevate what orchid and alex said. One of the challenges to out roach that im sure we need to continue thinking about many folks with disabilities dont see themselves as potential low part of a bike network or a recreational network. So one things we need to do is think creatively about how to roach people in a way they want to engage and see themselves impacted. One of the questions i have toward this is is there move am or thought toward moving the adoptive rescue rigzal biking program from a rescue rigzal program only into a program that is more geared towards commute access or other Recreational Use in the bike lanes themselves. Separate from the special events we hold a few times a year. Yea. I think that is a fantastic idea and i thank you this is the vehicle where we can identify those types of means on the policy and program level. And figure out how we prioritize them for actual implementation. And i think this it is the type of feedback and input i want to capture because you know, this is i think this is our best opportunity to, too, make those Program Changes on a city wide level rather than program by program, project by project. This is where we establish the higher level priority and policy statements where it can act as an accountability mechanism for the sfmta to say, we have these policy actions went Community Plan we need to priorityize them for real action. And i think that am you know the changes to the adoptive bike program absolutely one of them. I would love for us to explore way tos make that a more broad low based program. Great. I know that new york and chicago have had success with adoptive commuter ~esque, i dont know enough about the programs status today. But there has been success in other steles and i see it having success here if we do appropriate out reach. One thing that was learned and the degree out reach the more successful ways to reach the community in particular is it go to Community Based organizations. Specifically. I wonder if there are have you are there disability groups on your Community Plan yet or is there work toward developing the group. I know that the cheri albers Council Number member is not present today i do know the organization that she works for is interested in accessible biking as well. And accessible recreation. May be you could speak a minute to the way that you think thinking about reaching Disability Community members. We have a lot of interests in rep. Bedding ourselves in to the organizations and programs this are already in accomplice rather than asking people to come to us that the be our general approach to our city wide out reach work as a whole. You know i fund that to be more effective than my other work than you know hosting an open house and asking everyone to come down. I think beyond you know the individual work with individual organizations i think you know it is i do have interests in figuring out what is an appropriate way to keep the organizations engaged at a higher level. I think you mentioned and i think alex did as well about having a sort of like counsel representation of sorts. And you know i think that is something we have to figure out how well would build. In an effective way. Keep have a technical Advisory Committee made up of city Agency Partners and meant to represent that expertise like for folks that work in public works or the fire department. I think there is an argument to be made for you know an Advisory Group that is made up as well of of critical stake hold and representatives as well. Different communities and different needs. And then i had a final question, thank you and a final question about the bike lanes you mentioned you will look at 00 autoones highly utilized and the ones that are under utilized. Is there a thought to re designing the primary bike network in response to under versus over equalization . Yes. The the plan well have a new proposed bike network. Which i think to a large extent will comprised of the existing network we have today and identifying what changes to the facilities we want to make. Upgrading a regular bike lane to protective bike lane. I think within that, there are also opportunity for us to understand and identify what pieces of the net w we take off of the Network Today and what other streets we might want to addon. I think that is really something worth pursuing and knowing in terms where people are using the streets. Whether went net w or not. And i think we have seen that with our bike counter program. There are bike counters we installed. You know 10 years ago. That now dont get use because people dont ride that route anymore. There say better route somewherel. It is important for us to understand how the network is used. Where it is successful and not if there is a great facility nobody is using it is important for us to dig in that deeptory understands why is that . And is there a gap somewhere else that makes people not want to use that route or other factors involved. Are there other pieces that we need to focus in terms of programming or communication or relationships with different communities to unlook the potential of that part of the network. These are things we want to dig into part of the city wide public out reach process. Great. We will partner on this and help with out reach and as much as we can. Usual this is likely discussed but seems to me that we would want to be specifically think burglar what people with disabilities would want with this the opportunity to sidewalk riding and total low when we have sewn is not from the data we have a High Percentage of violation in the areas where there are no bike lanes. They happen where there are bike lanes too, but we have in the areas where well is in the a bike lane a higher percentage of folks riding illegal low on the sidewalk and so thats a matter of detail i would encourage us to look at as we are looking at what would help most with the network. Thanks for your work. There is really exciting things coming forward. Thank you. Upon yea. I think to that point im interested in working on what are the wide range of strategies that get the devices off the sidewalk. And part of it is improving the network. Part is enforcement. Part is education and encourage am work and messaging with the public. And there is a broad range of things. Even as simple as i know in oak land bike lanes they have a stencil for a bicycle and i scooter. And that being sometimes be a difference with somebody choose to use that bike lane or riding on a walk if they have a visible reenforcement, oh , can i be here. You know once we combine the Different Solutions is with we see real progress. Where when people see themming i think they are like low to comply. So thanks for that. Thanks for me. Thank you. Others staff questions . I do. Im a member of the technical Advisory Committee that chris mentioned and of they are serious about this direction the project has taken. Just building on what nicole said, that could be a stencil access ability on the bike line that will commute a lot to people. One thing i wanted to mention for the council to be aware of and have been menninging this to chris in addition to looking at and exam i think to include more access for people with disabilities and personal mobility devices we heard from the Disability Community about bike lane behavior and bike lanes and about safety of pedestrians with disability and crossings. Where there are highly used bike lanes by dmutors. And so i think tell be interesting to look at that question and examine it in light of know what culture San Francisco wants to encourage. With respect to both pedestrian behavior and cyclists or people who use the bike lanes. I also thought that was interesting over lap with the last presentation. And this one and i think that one thought that came to my mind is that i think in kind of Public Education campaigns and i think the city needs to promote the idea of request people with disabilities and seniors um as active participates in the city. And people who the city wants to encourage getting out of their sxoen being active and all the different ways as pedestrians as users of bike lanes and all of that and i think you know part of the problems may still be due to a mess of disability that is part of ablism that people are not talking about and dont care to be active. And people are not expected in all the places where everybody else is. So i think that is something to bear in mind. But i think it is exciting. And i think it is also great to see you know a city project coming to this early in the process and talking about how to engage and asking questions. Rather than waiting to come at the sdpendz say, this is okay. There are things people with disabilities are aware of that are not in the upon consciousness of people who dont share our experiences and that is true amongst each other our community is diverse. So any how thank you very much. And this is great to see. Thank you. Are there any more Staff Members comment and question . Okay. Now i will ask to thank you for it is public government section. Yes. So remindser to the public you can make a comment boy using the raised hand feature on zoom. Or by typing your comment in to the q a chat box and if you are joining by phone you can comment by dialing star 9 and tell prompt you when it is your turn to speak. I dont see members ever public that would like to make ape comment. 10 seconds. Again again thank you for coming i hope this is the first step and i hope we will see you again in the near future. Absolutely. I will continue to follow up with deb and he nicole on when the right time is for us to come become. I think you are really great partner in this work and want to make sure there is ample opportunity to help shape this plan. Thank you for coming. Thank you. Now we are moving to item 8, and announcement of the winner for alex if i might chime in here. I know im minor in the participate list. We arranged with the winner to be here. She did when i spoke with her earlier she mention third degree she is this afternoon attending an Advisory Committee meeting and was expecting to be able to join us around this time. And something may have come up that is keeping her. From joining so i guess i would like to suggest this we hold off on that since we would like for her to be here to accept the award and make comments. And go on with the rest of the agenda. If she joins we can change the order. Of items and i think she is. Jessica just joined okay good. Never minds. We were talking about you, jessica i know i was in another meeting and watching on sfgovtv so i could jump over. Thank you for coming. And i just going to read my script about you. Okay. Bear with me. So, again this is item 8. The man was and individual with a disability who lives and works in the city and county of San Francisco. Who leadership and who is Guiding Light in the Disability Community. Past winners of the award have included alice wong and the late bob. This year the name is has been changed to bob landhold award as a team to bob who passed away in so thank you jessica. Here name was selected. Giving a voice to seniors and people with disability in San Francisco. Organizing members of the Disability Community to have an impact and in San Francisco advocating for seniors and people with disabilities to secure finding so thats about jessica. This award education and community and advocate on behalf of seniors and people with disabilities. Her leadership you are and your staff do amazing work. Issues and concerns in the community. Thank you for your hard work and achievement leading seniors and disability action. Do have you any speech that you would i think anyone who knows me which is all of you of course i have something to say. Thank you am so much to the Mayors Disability Council for the honor. I real appreciate it. It has really been an honor to be working with the disability and Senior Communities in San Francisco and as part of senior and disability action for the last 10 years. 10 and a half years to be exact. And we have all gotten a lot done together. And one thing i love about sd a and doing this work in Community Organizing is the need and the ability to take an innersection will prop to recognize that disability communities are broad and diverse and the people who are the strongest in figuring out solutions other people most impacted. The disabled people. Colors. Poor people, et cetera and the we can did so much boy building power with other marginalized group outside of disability communities. And i think some of the highlights of the w this we have done are establishing supportive home. The Home Care Subsidy Program for people who dont qualify but are not rich. And wing free muni for people with disabilities with china town and other groups fund figure rentals and people with disabilities and we helped create senior operating subsidies and push until we get disability subsidies as well and fighting against covid rationing and fighting for access to vaccines highlights the purvasive ablism in so sight and the im excited work with other groups on a big ends ablism campaign in the next year. When i was think burglar bob and found ano picture of him with his yellow crutches at a press conference we cell britted winning more time to cross the street. And that was a big campaign. Lead by my coworker who just retired. And it was a huge success an accomplish am for whoefrn fought. And bob was part of that. I was thinking bob and i always had a rocky relationship and i love that i was saying this to worn of the Board Members and she said between two intelligent fierce and passionate advocates the friction of 2 twigs that creates the fire. I thought that was really beautiful. And and obviously you know in terms of the name of this award being a beacon there is so much ahead of us. Right. And i think that that the Disability Community is often looked lead the way on issues. Transportation, you know. I dont need to tell this group things have been hard and hard issues to figure out and assesz needs and the fact we are having the conversations. Is great. There is so much work to figure out in nursing home transition and staff at current and former bipoc staff pushed me and our organization to address racism in White Supremacy in our organization and beyond and now i think folks are look to Disability Community folks to figure out how to do hybrid events and teach each other. Im really proud to be working with all of you part of the communities. And thank you so much. And thank you for your work and we will go forward. Thank you jessica. I have a meeting glad to be here, thanks. Moving to item 9. Which is information and i can correspond where do we have a respond. At this time. Yes. In since the last meeting, received 2 letters um they are both from howard shaft in. And they were pretty lengthy. I am going to summarize them. They were sudden along to members as well. The first letter was sent on october 18th. And it referred in length to the mdc resolution about closure of jfk drive. Stating that almost none of the access and safety recommendations from that resolution were met. Before the recreation and parks commission. And adopted and the mayors signed the Golden Gate Park safety program. Inform the letter, he pointed out that almost none of the access and safety improvements have been implementd and pointed out that rpd spent 200 thousand dollars on jfk drive in the recent weeks removing lane markings, murals on the pavement. Acquiring [inaudible] and installing dozens of chairs and hosting beesh gardens and food trucks. He states that in his letter that all of this speaks volumes about San Francisco City Government priorities and about recreation and park diameters lack of commitment. To access and fairness. In his letters urges urged councilmembers and others who the letter was addressed to to vote yes on prop i and no on prop j. And reiterated that rpd is not implemented access ability measures despite the pending election. The second letter was dated october 31st. And in that letter he expressed disappointment that sent an announcement out to the public and rather than the recommendations in the resolution on jfk drive. Aushged out on the saturday before the election. Included prop i and j and in his Opinion Holding the event before the election was an attempt to influence voters. And he stated that this similar to the recreation and Parks Department on jfk drive before the election. And went on to again state that the rpd has in the installed safe code compliant curb r. S and several pointers and along jfk drive. Nor accessible for wheel chair accessible nor addressed the dangerous crosswalk on stanion and the rpd parking lot. Again the summarize no others were forwarded to you. And that is all of the correspondence. Other business. Now we are going to the general Public Comment. And general Public Comment at this time. I do see that one member of public would like to make a comment and just as a remindser if any member does want to comment they can use the raised hand feature on zoom or chat in the q a feature. Or if you are calling you can dial star 9 and you will be prompted. When it is your turn to speak. I see a hahn raised and it is a call in listener 4152252080. I have allowed you to unmute and you may make your comment. Yes on item 8. I hit star 9 when you hit item 8 and there was no Public Comment. If it is okay i would like to do a Public Comment on on item 8 . Is this okay . This is today is just yes. Go ahead. Go ahead. Please. Okay. The retiree of senior and disability action and and jessica layman and i am proud i was on the hiring commitied when jessica honored work with her for 2 years items like free muni the crossing timing for people with disabilities shell she was the one who took seniors to network and put the d in it for disability and we became on her leadership senior and disability action a Strong Organization in the past and expanded to seniors and disabilities. And thats why im proud to have worked with her for 10 joers and thank you all for recognizing that. Of i wish she was here i will tell her after. And thats all i have it say. Thank you very much and have a nice weekend. Thank you for your comments. Are there any Public Comment, general Public Comment at this time . I do not see any other members of the public this would like to comment at this time. Okay. Thank you. We are moving to item 11 discussion item councilmembers comments or announcement. This is orchid a brief comment. I wanted wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. And we all look forward it a better year in 2023. I hope that you are all safe over the remaining months of 2022. And i look forward it seeing you again soon. Thank you. Orchid. Thats all i had. Thank you. Are there other councilmembers that have an announcement or comment at this time . No. Thats okay. I will echo orchids comments about wishing everybody a happy thanksgiving. And i am still so smiling ear to ear about jessicas speesh and how nice her colleague who was on the hiring committee 10 plus years ago made comment. Jessica, we are happy to award you this and again, thank you for all your work over the year. Thank you. Are there staff or councilmembers just th is debbie. Previous the next meeting on january 20th 2023. Whether we are ready for another year or not it is coming. Thank you for that. And last item adjournment want to remind is it im sorry this is orchid we continue check what format will we continue on zoom. Yes, we are for the time being we remain virtual. Yes. Okay. I want to saying before i adjourn the meeting i wanted to my remind folks that we are having a Holiday Party open to the public on december 9 from 35 and more information will come. So red for that. Second i want it wish everybody a happy thanksgiving and be safe and please dont eat too much. [laughter]. And um again, just want to remind folks the next Public Meeting will be january 20 at 14. On zoom. So, with that any objections go to adjourn the meeting. Yea. I seconded the adjournment if necessary. Why thank you. So thank you for this staff and thank you for the information and happy thanksgiving all. The board of San Francisco waterfront stretches 7 and a half miles and while it seems it will always be there, our waterfront needs us. San francisco faces coastal flooding due to Climate Change with expecting Sea Level Rise up to 7 feet by the year 2100. We also need to strengthen the wateren front gaest urblth quake risk. The Waterfront Resilience Program is leading a city wide effort to adapt the waterfront kaess this unique combination of risks. What is at stake . Small businesses nearby housing open spaces and attractions and initial historic district, mare i time and industrial use, transportation like bart and muni, critical drinking and wastewater utility and Disaster Response facility. Guided by robust Public Engagement process since 2018, the port and city and federal Agency Partners have developed waterfront adaptation strategies for public review and engagement. Adaptation strategies are a combinationf construction projethss and policies to defend San Francisco against flood and earthquake riskbs to create a resilient sustainable equitalb waterfront for the next 100 years. Well need to use different approaches dependling on the unique characteristics of each neighborhood and shoreline. Continuing to defend locations against current and future flooding at the shoreline while defending further inland in other locations to create space for our expecting future fwluding. The port is committed to insure adaptation strategy create students for San Francisco historically underserved communities. We want residents to engage in Decision Making and benefit directly. We have a once in a generation chance to defend waterfront jobs, housing and public spaces from floods and earthquakes and reiman jts with more pub luck open space, better access improved mobility somewhere enhanced ecology. Join the port of San Francisco and let your voice be heard on the future of our waterfront. Learn more at sfport. Com wrp. Good evening welcome to the november 16. 2022 the San Francisco board of appeals rick swig is joined by Vice President lopez. Commissioner lemberg. Trasvina and eppler. We expect deputy City Attorney who will provide legal advice. The boards willing assistant and im julie the boards executive director. Well be joined by the city departments presenting before the board this evening. Tina tammy

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