Transcripts For SFGTV Mayors Disability Council 20221118 : c

Transcripts For SFGTV Mayors Disability Council 20221118

Disability commission, welcome, everybody for [inaudible] today is friday november 18, 2019. Welcome. For roll call we have madrid. Sassouni. Present. Cheri al bers. I dont believe she is here. Denise senhaux. Absent as well. Okay. Helen smolinski. Present. Woods. Here. And tannonverma. Present. Thank you. Can you read the agenda, please. Yes. For item one, we have roll call. Item 2, is reading an approval of the agenda. Item 3 is general Public Comment. Item number 4 is the cochair report. Item 5 is report from the Mayors Office on disability. Item 6 is presentation on safety enforcement update. Present bide katetoryin from the sfmta. Upon item 7 the active Community Plan addressing access ability for the city wide bike network by christopher kid from the sfmta. Item 8 is the announcement of the winner of the Bob Planthold beacon award. And that will be announced by denise senhaux. Item 9 is correspondence. Item 10 is general Public Comment. Item 11 is councilmember comments and announcements. And item 12 is adjournment. Thank you. Are there councilmembers present or comment about the agenda in please say yes if you oppose the agenda. Yea, yea, thank you. Any abstains . Okay. Now we are on item number 3 Public Comment. Kate, can you please open the meeting for the general Public Comment. Yes. So. At it time we will welcome the public during comment period. An opportunity for Public Comment at the begin and end of the meeting and after specific items on the agenda. Each comment is limited to 3 comments may be limited to 2 when there are a long queue of people. At the end of the period we will move on to the next commenter. If you want to council to respond after the meeting provide contact e mail information with the subject mdc comment reply request. We will provide additional comments by e mail to this address or by calling. 6699006833 members can join on wareroom and able to comment during the Public Comment periods. If you join the webinar using your computer or tablet or smart phone, click on the 3 dots and click on the raised hand icon you will be recognize when it is your turn. You can use the q a feature in zoom to be recognized or make a comment f. You wish to be recognized type in the box you want to make ape comment and hit send. If you can time it in the box and the clerk will read it for you. If you joined by phone dial star 9 when you want to be recognized. You will be prompt when it issure turn to comment. We welcome successions how to make the meetings more accessible. Send an e mail to mod sfgov. Org if you need assistance, call or sends an e mail. At this time you can comment on nonagenda items. For agenda items you can comment when that agenda item is called. So at this time, if any members of the opinion tindzing would like to make a Public Comment, please, press the raised hand icon. And i do see one member of the public who would like to make a comment. At this time, Vincent Nguyen i have unmuted you. You may speak. Im Vincent Nguyen a seck year pharmacy student at ucsf here with my classmates asking for a policy requiring Insurance Companies to provide Diabetes Management Supplies for those visual low impaired. Diabetes are the leading causes of preventible blindness patients who are visually impaired dont have access to equipment that fits their needs. For example, imagine having to point the location of a blood drop on your if anythinger to measure blood sugar or insulin daily without being able to see. It can lead to limb amputation. Kidney failure and death. There are few devices that can be used without vision and those many are not covered boy insurance entirely or patients spend mons fighting for coverage. Pate when is require insulin for diabetes treatment there are no options, either. Providing equal diabetes supplies should be a right begin who are to manage their diabetes. We are asking for a policy to require Insurance Companies to require supplies accessible for those hor visually impaired. Thank you for your time. Why thank you for your comment. Are there anymore Public Comment at this time . I dont see members who would like to comment. Why thank you. Now we are moving long to item 4. Which is since the mayor disability meeting member sent on behalf of the mdc to the mt aboard regarding the taxi fare increase, which was september meeting. The ditch for people with disability on fixed incomes would lose transit taxi services. And that probably more people with disability for use services should be addressed. Also attended the october mta meeting that addressed this issue. To to i want to note in a doigz that. Sheryl and he i did ask Public Awareness last month. Can you say what you and cheri did together . We did a psa for public for shared spaces accessibility. I would ask if there are anymore reports at this time . No, i have no cochair report at this time. Thank you. Now we are moving long to item 5. Reports from the mayor on disability director, welcome to the meeting. Thank you very much. Hello and good afternoon. Im going to pull up my report. One moment. Okay. The full report will be posted immediately following this meeting. There is a few things i would like to highlight today. First need to local legislation and resolution well is a new resolution that i will be talking about since left time. So resolution 221008. Limiting teleconferencing and remote Public Comment at meetings. Board of supervisors and the committees. This is sponsored by approximate supervisor mandelman. Now it is pending assign am to rules committee being be heard as early as december 12 of 22. If passed this legislation would discontinue remote comment boy the members of the public and meetings of the board supervisors except to enable people with disabilities to participate in the meetings the mayor disability is charged with add rising on a workable modification request process and we will continue doing this, however, as you know, as has been brought to your attention in previous reports from me and the public; local low the commune alines for disability avocates asking continuation for all meetings not just not just by people with disabilities by request. The council is encouraged to engage with this item. And really talk about what you think about this and how you would like to proceed. As a results we participate we will have impact on the public engage am process moving forward. Related jfk promenade the next hearing by board of supervisors the discretion of supervisor stefani. However, the the rec and Park Department is expect today begin to advance on accessibility improvements as noted in their above commitments and in alignment with your resolutions in coming weeks. The council is encouraged to monitor this and consider calling for an update on this as well. Related to shared spaces legislation. Alex mentioned that can result in councilmember appbers part of a Public Service announce am around access ability of shared spaces written in collaboration with the Mayors Office on disability and senior and disability action. The vo was in post production and when complete we are encouraged to air the vo as part of an upcoming meeting. I have seen a cut it looks great. So thats exciting. Related to east safety. Supervisor peskins resolution to zer over 9 pen will get an update on that in a while in this meeting. Next,il highlight related to legislation i said this left time i wanted to remind members of the public that the spring of 22uneified accessibility agenda is posted. And there is notice of proposed rule making on medical equip. Other equipment and purn tour. Web accessibility and sidewalks, curb ramps and other pedestrian facilities. In my report well is a link how to participate in each these. You can go to ad a. Gov. I want it encourage the public to take part in that process. In other news and announcements i want to give thanks to our grievance in training coordinator. Last day with majors office of disability was november 10th. Thanks to john who was temporarily assisting with this while we hired for the possession and Tess Bartlett our San Francisco fellow this year who is temporarily assisting as clerk during the meetings, thank you very much for your support. And thanks public for understanding. As we transition and continue it serve you in the best way we can. Also, mod this week launched our new website at sf. Gov mod. Our website is the citys accessible templet and a page that brings disability information from across the city. This is very exciting the first time we had this. Our pages are newly launchd and some are in distinguish am as we continue to make thing better sends feed become to us so we can do that and thanks for engaging we want to hear what is working for and you what can be improved related to the website. In other news the National Letter to request to meet with secretary endorsed by Mayors Office i anticipate a final version will come and i will share and we will pest to the public. You think about what else you might want to agendize for future public hearing. In addition to all of the active, local legislation impacts which are strong low encourage to you review. Well are a view other things i want to mention. One is the ageing and disability Affordable Housing needs assess am. Which the final draft of the report driven boy local legislation and named a partner is currently introduced in circulated to members of the board of supervisors. Department of disability and aging service would like to convene a joint meet width Mayors Disability Council and the commission in february to hear specific low about this report. I anticipate that the report be called for review in public board of supervisors hearing as well. And potential low as early as january. When you have the joint Commission Meeting the council is encouraged to consider hearing an update on another significant disability and aging services initiative. Which is the age and disability friends low San Francisco Implementation Plan and work group part of this meeting. And the remainder of my items are items i have mentioned in the past so i will stop there for now. If you would like to engage with any aspects of this report the council or the members of the public, please feel free to contact us mod sfgov. Org or calling us 4155546789 and join our distribution list by going to our website sf. Gov mod. Thank you and that concluded my report. Very good. Amazing report and i was told that a great site with the we are having mod party going to be december ninth. From 35. This the regular time for meeting was not upon the public since mdc event and public friends are used public space. This is nicole, i wanted reiterate it is intedded to be the meeting for the Mayors Disability Council to meet the public so the public is invited thats all. Yea. Again, it will be december 9, 35 and more information will come. Thank you. Director and now we are moving along to next item. Which is item 6. The discussion e scooter update. By kate San Francisco mta. Welcome, kate. Hi, thank you. Thank you for ticking time on your busy gonadotropin have us here today im katetoryin director of taxi and Mobility Services for the sfmta. I wanted start off with a global comment and i will introduce you to the team. And to say this scooter safety is critically important to us and we get seriously and we have a details and are bust presentation for you today. And that my colleagues who is a Mobility Services planner will be giving presentation. Im here for support and help answer questions. We have aaron mc call off the e merging mobility planner here to support and student intern brady van low. We have a strong team here for you today will gift presentation and thank you for making time. We appreciate it. Thank you. Im going to ask that either i be allowed share my screen or give us one moment. You there . Thank you. Im forest i will present today on the power scooter shared program and updates regarding safety and enforce am. Thank you for having us here today. So. We are following up with the scoot are shared program and desired out come. First, safe Mobility Options that serve the public interests. Showed supporting Transit Service prosecute voiding first and last mile options. And mobility innovation helps reduce traffic congestion, parking demand and carbon e missions and sharing is designed in a way to maintain access at all times. So, mark for identification challenges with the program include a legal and unsafe riding behavior. Sidewalk, double rideings or the wrong way on the street or improperly parked and impacting rightofway. Including on sidewalks. And rider accountability and equal Service Throughout theef city to ensure scooters are available throughout the city. So. Back ground on the program. This year there are 3 permittees bird was scoot and authorized to have 1500 devices on the street, the others have 2,000. The current permit term expires june 30 of 2023. So next year. And during that time, sfmta will be modifying and planning on changes to the current permit program. Just to a Quick Program snapshot with july 21 and october of 22, there was around 2. 6 million trips. There were citations including both parking and riding citation. Under 15,000. And then we were under 10,000 through complaints about the program. Key requirements about the program are out lined in the permit terms and conditions. And they require various things of permitise in the following categories. Safety and rider accountability. Parking requirements and equity focus adaptive scooter program. Low encome plans. Neighborhood distribution, means ensure they are available throughout the city. Community engage the requirements. Reporting requirements to the sfmta. Labor. Including some Scooter Companies have unionized workforce and suspension allows the director of transportation to upon have a suspension of a permittee if deemed unsafe. So some of the commitments we had from our permittees and i like ton if they are incoming we hole them to their commitments. So these are education. Add pop ups. Safety quizes. On Vehicle Safety messaging. Quarter low Safety Training classes. Penalty structures. Fines and suspensions for improper riding or parking behavior and creating intensity unsafe riding permittees will immediately suspend the account. And then additional low, to institute sidewalk technology on the scooter fleet. So this includes technology that when a scooter itself detectses the rider has mounted the sidewalk to slow and stop the rider. As well as provide oddable messaging and to bring the roadway to a halt. Also part of our permit we have the permanent adaptive program, which when permit started there was the Adoptive Program which still continues riders could check out a scooter and then now we require that the scooter require five of the on street float. The adaptive scooter not available through the mobile application. We have various monthly reporting requirements and all 3 permitise committed to the complimentary Adoptive Program for fee schedule drop off and pick up. And here we this is a note on the transportation day that was with Golden Gate Park on the fifth. Scooter permittees joined the board Cycling Program fir adoptive demonstration day. And now a quick summary of where scooter trips are happening most in the city. The top left and right well is graphics showing the trip destination in the city. And the trips total that there are per month exceed the 100,000 currently. Most of the trips are occurring in the northeast portion of the city. So that includes the financial district, embarcadero, soma and the next Popular Union square and other area neighborhoods including the western edition and the mission other popular locations. And so the most trafficked yours in the city with scooter riders, you see that also relates to where we seat most complaints and where the most scooter parking ptitions are issued. They are passed directly to permittees to independent with and integrated with sales force. The permitise the Scooter Company close out the complaints with the photo to resolve the case and then there is complaints data base and public dash boards to view what is happen to trap complaints about improper parking. Parking complaints required to be resolved in 2 showers investigators independent and Issue Citations for scooters that continue to be misparked. As you can see, there are just to reiterate, most citations are happening in the northeast sections of the city where the most riding is happening. And full transparency the sfmta has put, let of this information on our website. So including various public dash boards the top is a screen shot of similar websites so just as a quick over view scooter citations and trips and device its is less than one of trips have a parking citation or per device and over all these numbers are tied to our permit terms and conditions. With the goal of decrease the numbers and ensuring that the greatest number of trips are all trips and thoughtfully parked and without mispurpose light

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