Good morning, everyone. This is the finance committee of the San Francisco county transportation authority. It is tuesday may, tenth, 2016. Our clerk is mr. Steve stamos could you please do the roll call . Sure. Item one, roll call. Commissioner campos . Absent. Cohen . Absent. Kim . Here. Present. Mar. Here. Present. Yee . Present. We have a quorum. Thank you. I wanted to thank josh and charles from sfgtv for tell vicing this today and as always. Please call the second item. The consent calendar, 2, 3, comprise, the consent calendar, considered routine and the staff is not planning to present on these items if a member objects any of the item may be removed and considered separately. I see no questions, lets open this up for the Public Comment. Anyone want to talk about consent calendar . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, could we approve the consent calendar, or do we need a roll call . The consent calendar. Commissioner campos . Ab accident. Cohen, absent. Commissioner kim. Aye. Mar. Yes. Aye. Commissioner yee. Aye. Consent calendar is approved. Item four . Item four, state and federal legislative up date. This is an action item. And we have mr. Mark watts. Good morning, commissioners i am happy to be here today, there are six bills that we want to draw your attention to or actions ranging from watch to oppose. The first measure is on page 17, ab 2088 and it deals with hit and run accidents and it deals with somebody who accepts a lesser charge. And i think that a reduced penalty. And we have recommended watch at this point in time to see how this bill fares. Second bill, on page 24, ab 25086, deals with parking as the parking bill of rights according to him and it deals with a number of parkingrelated actives where he is trying to rectify what he believes are bad policies by administered by the cities and counties around the state and we have recommended a watch for that as well and although we have been notified that the mta may be seeking an amendment to deal with one of the aspects that deals with the broken meters. And maybe, limit the period of time. Ab 2602, on page 24 as well. Deals with disabled parking plakers. And establishes a twotiered system. And with distinguished by the disabilities that have severely limited the mobility. And i understand while we are recommending a watch, that the mta as well, is looking possibly to support that in the coming weeks. Mr. Lavine on page 37 of the matrix has sponsored abx124 and introduced in special session late in 2015. Essentially. And it would convert the mtc from the current appointed body. To an elected body of and transition over a period of time. And it is already on the sync with the reality of the time and dates, because it has a date of 2016, for the current law with a new structure to go in place in 2017 and he has not been able to move his measure because it is in special session, and the special session has not convened for him to have the bill referred to in a committee at this point in time. And nonetheless the recommendation of opposed would give us the ability to jump in in case in the waning days of the legislative session, the special session comes back into play, at his bill is referred. And his bill is one of 25. That will most likely and not the center of interest, of the special session. So it is not like we have the legislator would refer them, but you never know what it might bring by way of surprises and so this will put you in position to be prepared to act to oppose. And i just wanted to thank you for that recommendation. Because of our kind of we have the two champions of vision zero kind of on each side. And i think that this is really critical that we oppose those kinds of efforts that are counter to creating safer streets and a culture of safety, but thank you. Sb 951 is on page 39 and this was established a golden gate, patriot pass program. And this is an effort by the author who is from the north coast to try to develop the transit passes partially funded by the state and funded by the volunteer transit agencies to the benefit of veterans, and veteran users of the transit systems. Although, it has got a pretty structured framework in place, it just does not yet have a Funding Source. It depends upon a future appropriation in the budget process. And it does require if it ever gets to that point and it is activated it bo require would require that any of the applicant transit agencies that seek to access this program, would have to match it based on the Different Levels of match, depending on the urban or rural or very rural areas of the state. So, i think that this is a concept we will probably see it come back. And if it is still alive at this point in time and it is to challenge for the authors of finding a Funding Source for it. And last but not least, is senators 986 and this is on page shths 39 of the matrix. And it reduces the penalty for the right turn or the violation. That is the one that i was referring to counter to vision zero i and i thought that you had covered that. I pdz, it is opposed as you point out, it runs quarter to what the city and county are trying to do here and the others in the state. So we would recommend taking an opposed position on that. Other than that, i would be ready to try to answer questions about the 40 pages of bills that you have in front of you. Or anything else that is going on in sacramento at this point in time. Commissioner yee . Just curious in terms of the 986, what is the motivation for this . I mean, we will talk to the authors office. I mean the. Senator hill . Yes. And you know, his staff has explained that they just view it as a very minor infringement and that is and that i think that it may have actually come out of a concept from the citizens in his county that dont like to get the larger tickets because the tickets build up and you have the penalties and the fees. And i think that is the true motivation. It is not bounded in straight poli policy. Where is it right now . It is in the second house, and the tran powertation committee. I would like us at the board level to have a resolution to oppose this. And i think that it is totally counter to our efforts looking at red light cameras of speeding enforcement and then, even just walk the staffers to humanize the killings on the streets and the serious dangers and this is total counter to vision zero as we have been trying to implement too. I had one that my staff highlighted. It is ab 869 and i leave that it is on the over all packet and it is increasing fair evasion, fair evasion, penalties. And as we as a city and our, and i think that our legislative delegation is looking at decriminalizing it. And i think that it is another one that i am hoping we take a closer look at, but it is ab 869. Mr. Cooper, could you talk about that one . You know that bill is was introduced by the district. And they have been trying to take advantage of the administrative adjudication Transit Court process that is in law that has been made available for several years and they have had a difficult time coming up with the thing that is workable and that the court system and the county will work with them on. And so their attempt through 869 was to first and foremost, what they would like to have is a Transit Court with maybe a 10 for evasion, and at all levels but then have the hammer if someone abuses it and does not pay the 10, after several times have the ability to criminalize it. And so it is just an attempt, they have run into a block wall and the bill is parked on the second house floor and so it is not in danger of going anywhere at this point in time. It is also counter to the low income people that the Community Housing partnership and coalition on homelessness supervisor and looking at the impact of fees on the low income people and homeless. And i think that as our effort to decriminalize, for minors and i think that it is counter and so it is a watch and i will not raise recommendations but i am concerned about legislation like that. I would just add sir, that the bill in the present form will not move forward. Okay. If they can find a pathway, then they will have to develop the amendments and present at that point in time. And go back and i think at that point you could weigh in. Way way or the other. I see no other questions, go to the public. Anyone from the public that would like to speak on the legislative recommendations . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Could we take this we dont need to do a roll call, the house has changed. The house has changed. We need a roll call on the recommendation by our legislative advocate. On item 4, commissioner camp campos. Absent. Coen. Aye. Kim . Aye. Mar. Aye. Yee. Aye. The item is approved. Thank you. Item number five . Item five, preliminary fiscal year 16 17 annual budget and work program, this is an information item. And we have Deputy Director. Good morning, Deputy Director for finance administration. And what we have before you today is the fiscal year 16 17. This is your first look and you also have this item come before you at next months finance committee meeting. We have for you a presentation, a 18 page, presentation today to go over the budget and i will present the first half and i have the executive director tang present the annual work plan and wrap it up for questions or comments or any further direction that you have on the annual budget the budget connives tifts of major areas, and the prop double a, and the vehicle registration fees, and our Transportation Fund for Clean Air Program and our treasure island, management agency. The budget will also before the committee in the month of joo unfor approval. We also have line items for capitol expenditures and our operating costs and our financing and our debt service costs. The budget includes attachment a which is our annual work plan. Our attachment b which is our executive level view of the annual budget. We have attachment c, which is the detailed view of all of the different Revenue Sources that we will be receiving in addition to every line item in terms of spens that we will be spending and attachment d will also be including a line item description, and each line item a description of how we came up with that and how to project for the up coming year. What i have here is a pie chart that shows that the total revenue for the fiscal year, 16 17, will accumulate to 125. 8 million, and as you can see the majority represented here are sales tax revenue and this represents 86 percent and the next highest source of revenue is 6. 91 percent and this is our federal grant revenue. And as you saw in the past you had a large amount of federal grant, revenue last year because of the one time parkway milestone, we also have the huge expenditures for the island ramps project. This year in the fiscal year, we are wrapping up the ramps project and that will be completed in september and so this is going to explain why the federal Grant Funding revenues are lower than it was in the past year. We also have our regional Grant Funding of up to 2. 2 percent, and this is a project that are the School Transportation survey and the interchange and the Improvement Study and we have the state funding, and that is our Planning Program and moni r monitoring and the state contributions for the island and the improvement program. We have the interests and revenue and consist of any sublease office space that we have during the year. Moving on, to next slide. Our next slide, this is the history of sales tax revenue. This is the ten year history. As you can see last year we broke 100 million, and they were at 100. 3 million and so we were projecting 100. 82, and you will see that there was a sales tax revenue and we have 62. 9 million and this was really the financial crisis back then and this is when brothers collapsed and some of the other institutes at that time. You guys can help me out with those power points . If you just following along with the slides. We have the total status and this is page six, and this is the next page and what we have from the inception to the date of what has been programmed. There is about, three billion dollars program. And approximately what has been allocated is 1. 5 billion. And what has been reimbursed is less than a million. As you can see here, that we are programming more than we were receiving in reimbursements. And this is what we are used to seeing and this is how we will balance the cash on the debt as we have been issuing. And so as you may recall, each year we anticipated the debt to come in because our revenues are much lower than our expenditures. But because of the speed of reimbursement coming in from our sponsors. We have been able to manage that and basically utilize our resolving credit loan, program, to help meet those cash flow needs. And we are not and we do not have to issue any, a bond in order to meet those cash flow needs at a higher rate. Deputy director, i had a question, do we have projections to 2020, it looks like it is a pretty significant increases. Pretty much from 2009. And is it going to level out . Or are we continuing to increase the tax revenues through the city through 2020 . We have a projection of the sales tax revenues that was just recently completed. And from what i recall seeing, it is a steady increase, incrementally between 2 percent up to 4 percent. Over up to 2020. I dont see any anticipated down slope like what we saw in fiscal year 9 or 10, but that is related to the market as well. So it looks like we might hit a point of almost doubling our sales tax revenue from 2009, to basically 2020. That is not bad. It is possible. Very possible. Okay. Projection from the economists. Okay. Moving on to the next slide. Okay, what we have here is sales tax history and to give you a sense of how high and low our expenditures have been for the last ten years and as you can see here, there is no consistent pattern, there is no projection and no real projection of what we can see as coming up as expenditures and in 2007, we had a huge year for expenditures because of the third street initial operating. And the line and then as each year followed you can see that has gone up. And in 2010, the financial crisis year, expenditures were at 52 million which worked out very well, since the revenues came in at 62. 9 million. Moving on to the next slide, this is a slide that shows you that in this years budget for fiscal year, 16, 17, 440 Million Dollars of prop k fund with the local match of muni vehicles. These are the motor coaches and the trolly buses and the light rail vehicles and the para transit. And you can see that the motor coaches that ve planned, 584, trolly buses 480, for light rail vehicles and 192 and what we have is 152 coming para transit. And with that, that is the Good Opportunity for the executive director to come up and present the annual work program. Thank you. Mresed to present the program. And our agency wide goals are on here on the slide ten and they are the seven board directed goals for our agency. Collaborating with our partner agencies. And even as we build the awareness of our programs and our opportunities, to do business with the ta. And to facilitate our agency and staff development. And on that last one i will note that this is a special year for us as we are taking the opportunity to look in ward to do the Organizational Assessment to prepare for some of the new roles as the treasure island, Mobility Agency and to address some of the Management Systems and policies and procedures and things that are happy to take a look at once in a while and providing the excellent workplace as well as development for them and making sure that we are meeting the city and the regions needs going forward. Forward to presenting to you at the board level as we make progress on that effort. We break it down into three budgets. Plan and fund and deliver and report on that. Transparency and accountability goal. On the planning side as in the years passed we have a rich work program that is provided to us through your direction as well as what comes into the neighborhoods through the neighborhood improvement program. And we are also working with the city, and region on long range planning. Some of the items that you are aware of are the freeway Management Study and work on the lanes to connect, San Francisco to the south bay and through the lane treatments on the freeway for the buses and high occupancy car pools, but we are working on the plan to try to move and shift the folks out of that crowded peak period. And that is an inno vaive use of technology and marketing to help the folks to come in earlier or later in that pique period and avoid that crowded condition, and help us with that. And on the ror door, we want to bring that forward, and by now it is much more than a bus rapid, project and what began as a transit and reliability has really turned into a complete street and safe vision zero project as well. And so we appreciate your support on that as we wrap things up. And our Neighborhood Transportation Improvement Program and i just attended yesterday and we had a great out reach meeting and ta hoeflted the district five, and Community Based Transportation Plan and i saw a lot of great comments, and review by the community. And that is just one example of one project in one of our districts and we have them going on each of the districts and we are able to finish that first effort. I believe in the district. And on the 8th and 16th and 23rd, on the bicycle facilities there. And vision zero i will come back to and that is an Important Initiative that we appreciate, commissioner kim to support there and district six and we are working in the ba. Lboa area to improve safety and the connections. In district nine. And finally this last group here the regional core capacity study the up date and the long range Planning Program. These are long range Capitol Improvement and Planning Programs that we are undertaking with the city and region to provide for that long term strategy. How are we going to address the climate needs and affordability and equity and to make sure that we can plan for the Capitol Improvements even as we look for new revenue to build some of those needed improvements. Moving on to the next page, we have our technology and enabled white paper coming up. This could be used on the earlier work, and trying to speak to and capture the work that is happening right now, on the connected vehicles, and technology, and enabled apps and services that are really upon us. And out there. And we need to make sure that we have a strong policy framework to guide the citys regulations and to that sector and a smooth transition, and as we graple with the benefits and the impacts of some of these services. We will provide that to the agency. And moving on to funding. I will just note that we hope that this is a big year for our local revenue. We are pledging our support to bart as bart pursued a regional bond, and we have been working with the city agencies and the regional agencies on a new revenue measure and we await it on the board for that. And we have the fund programming ongoing and allocations ongoing from the prop k and the double a programs and the one Grant Program and the cycle two work is happening together with the region to see where that program will land, but it looks to be similar to last round, which is funding some of the major initiatives here. The masonic bike facilities and the street, and the safeway to School Programs and the like. And in terms of let me see. One more, and one thing that i might want to write and highlight here was the legislative advocacy will be heading up to sacramento together with the chamber to advocate for the special session, and mark watts just presented to you. And i am looking for the new revenues of the state level and advocating for our priorities under the cap and trade. And Affordable Housing and transit. And active transportation, biking and bicycle and Pedestrian Safety projects as well as high speed rail. Okay. Now, turning to the deliver, the planned fund and now deliver. This is going to be an exciting year as we anticipate completing the westbound ramp projects and we have a westbound, counter part coming up this next year. The parkway will seek final acceptance of that project. Each though we have opened it up to traffic last year, and the final works will be completed by the end of this calendar year, on i280, at the park ramps our team is working on the southbound offramp to straighten it out and make it safer even as we working in the district six and nine as well on the ramp improvement projects. Turning to our oversight roll, cal train and electric identification, and the high speed rail and the major focus this year, central subway will keep an eye on that project which is making great progress on time and on budget there. The transbay, center will see the substantial advancement moving towards completing and the downtown, extension will be the new focus to renew that work and to build on the alternatives that Planning Department is looking at in and move forward with the high speed rail. And cal train, and engineering support, there is good work happening in the bay view as well as elsewhere in the city as we provide the work to public works and the San Francisco public works in 19th avenue in particular. Now, on transparency and accountability, the reporting functions as usual you will see some of these take place and we look forward to more collaboration and progress on some of these areas and integrated technology and systems project is knitting together the portable system making it easy for them to administer grants and making that more seamless and accessible, via the web, for example. And we also as i mentioned on the Human Resources side are taking a look again at how do we manage our work program . And how do we provide for the work Program Planning and advancement in mentoring opportunities to our staff because we are seeing quite a bit of pressure from the other agencies and the other organizations as we have been coached a few times this year. And we want to hang on to the great staff at the ta. With that, i will just, we will also, look forward to your guidance, this month and be back for the approval next week, and i want to thank the finance team for a job well done, thank you. Thank you. Miss chang and so this is the first kind of hearing on this and then we are also going to hear it next month as well. Right. Questions colleagues . All right. I did want to say that it is a pleasure to work with the staff of the ta. I feel totally informed and whenever, my office needs information, it is so timely, and i just really appreciate from the policy, to the operational to everything. But i appreciate the staff and then how strategic you are as well and so thank you for the presentation. Thank you very much. I see no questions, lets open it up for Public Comment. Anyone from the public that would like to speak . Steeg none, Public Comment is closed. Next item. Item 6, introduction of new items . I see no comments from colleagues. Lets open this up for Public Comment. Anyone from the public . Public comment is closed. Next item . Item 7, general Public Comment . One speaker. Good morning commissioners for personal establishment. Maybe of the way of resource society. Were to meaningful way comes out from peaceful harmony of humanity. Managing the world with holiness and everywhere would bring in the unity of oneness in heart and the care of the affairs this one, and up to the affair would come under perfect order. Being full with the passionate principals and then all family and social bonds come to order. And criminals are having great harmony and the existence will have no worries of the tragic for the changes being alone the disorder of upsetting of the order, and tours. Being greety for the fame, but the persons integrity, the power and possession, bring in the danger of conflicts, and of the psh putake these matters good consideration. Thank you, Public Comment is closed next item. Item 8 adjournment. Very much, good everyone, meeting adjourned. Shop and dine the 49 promotes loophole businesses and changes residents to do thirds shopping and diane within the 49 square miles of San Francisco by supporting local services we help San Francisco remain unique and successful where will you shop and dine shop and dine the 49. My name is neil the general manager for the book shop here on west portal avenue if San Francisco this is a neighborhood bookstore and it is a wonderful neighborhood but it is an interesting community because the residents the neighborhood muni loves the neighborhood it is community and we as a book sincerely we see the same people here the shop all the time and you know to a certain degree this is part of their this is created the neighborhood a place where people come and subcontract it is in recent years we see a drop off of a lot of bookstores both National Chains and neighborhoods by the Neighborhood Stores where coming you dont want to one of the great things of San Francisco it is neighborhood neighborhood have dentist corrosive are coffeehouses but 2, 3, 4 coffeehouses in month neighborhoods that are on their own thats all right. Good afternoon, everyone id like to call this meeting to order the regulars meeting of the Land Use Committee my name is supervisor cowen the chair of the committee to any right is supervisor wiener the vice chair of the committee and supervisor peskin will be joining us and sitting on the left clerk victor young thank you, mark and phil jackson from sfgovtv for brovrt this meeting marry mr. Clerk, any announcements . All electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the may 17, 2016, board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you call item 2. Carrying on the first sewer place property to the transferred to the Mayors Office for identifying the properties under loyalty for the department of real estate under the requirement of the administrative code and rigging the port San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and San Francisco public works and the San Francisco Unified School District to report. All right. Thank you very much i want to take a moment and thank the dozens of neighbors that written my office and those who joined us this afternoon in the committee and thank you for your time so colleagues what we have here today ill recognition and received a packet from the letters from the clerk from the neighbors for the outlet Castro Police department a beautiful building has quite a presence on the corner on third street i wanted to go on record and pubically acknowledge i chair that the castro station on third street centers is no the most feasible site more Affordable Housing development the current site a occupied by the dog patch will historical district and that the building needs substantial investment in order to a restore it to restore it and also to 0 so the recess Central Station will be back to the historical lose take care additionally the building it occupies a large lot not an opportunity to build housing adjacent to the Police Station it is highly unlikely we demolish a high building in other words, to have a High Development and due to the historic nature not likely well spend the Affordable Housing resources to renovate it so the dog patch as you may know is a community doesnt the building more than its fair share of the Affordable Housing inside of San Francisco and it is a provided of mine and the community that developers in the dog patch that dispensaries in the dog patch develop projects that have onsite affordable units which is why the vast wrarts will be building onsite Affordable Housing and additionally the community worked with the department of real estate and the Police Department on the possibility of transforming this buff site into an asset for the community that includes Community Serving spaces like the media space i know the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development and the city administrator will vault but look at this and hear in Public Comment this afternoon and youll recognize the realistic constraint that site has i ask you move it from the list of properties transferred to the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development at this time ill call that naomi who will shed light on the beautiful building thank you. Absolutely good afternoon, supervisors naomi kelly city administrator i want to kickoff this presentation it is myself and john updyke director of real estate and the hoechlz today, i want to give you insight of sewer place by prop k in 2002 impacted by the board of supervisors and amended by the volunteered in 2015 prop k with the city administrator to report back to you on the march first, the Surplus Property that we have identified as the city and mohcd is required to do the Feasibility Analysis by june 1st, the short timeframe a quick overview how well since 2002 and the amendments from the november 2015 real estate were collecting the data from the department that identify the Surplus Properties and they will provide that information to reality the realty will report and produce a report that report came you on march 46 and 46 Properties Located in the city what is new this year is a new prop k standards further independence what Surplus Property is and size requirement of 10 thousand plus one quarter of on acre that xmths spaces that were demonstrated open space and that became operative that reduced the list we that list is being reduced to like 8 properties now that is reviewed by mohcd were thinking how to clean up the process in the future to get this this is new and we want to incorporate the future reports into the capital plan process because the new amendments to the Surplus Property ordinance is ask his to address the schematic and hyphenating needs things of that nature the capital process is better to analyze than just the Department Im going to turn it over to to mr. Updyke to go through the remaining items remaining properties well discuss today. Thank you city administrator john updyke director of real estate good afternoon chair cohen so take into account the first set of properties where no study been performed by the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development ill briefly note those the first group are zoned po s is open space designation with the prop k language the amended ordinance for chapter 23 those will be exempt so this is the perry tool and clipper and those parcels along bos worst youll recall prior board action 2012 a specific requirement relative to the potential sale to the mohcd and a sale to nonprofits to preserve open space so if once again didnt necessity a study and the omits the surplus assets under the definition in the code were moving quite nicely with a proposal process and intern activation that began before the end of last year and continues today so then those parcels left for review that are above the threshold of one quarter acre are simply as the supervisor noted on Castro Police department take to heart the neighborhoods concern i personally heard concerns and in dog patch over the last couple of years in conversation with the Police Commission that had affinity with the respect to the older use and connection with the community and lastly a proportionality at assemblage of 55 and 240 van ness those 3 lots when combined with we have a map up steady the minimum quarter acre site are not designated historically as an Due Diligence object our department in collaboration with the Planning Department an opportunity for further study and could perhaps when we look at the next slide thank you, john afford an opportunity for a joint venture with the two properties sort of book ending the citys ownership on van ness i want to entertain the discussion with that, im going to turn it over to to amanda Mayors Office of housing next steps forgive me i want to give supervisor kim whos the author of this hearing an opportunity to speak if you like supervisor kim. Thank you. I believe that april i didnt see her earlier but district 6 is represented. Thank you this is my hearing i appreciate april was here to give my talking points in november of last year the voters passed prop k that the surplus Land Ordinance more Affordable Housing measure it makes ava priority when a Public Agency worries about to sell or lease unused sites appropriate for housing and sets the Housing Affordability when public land is very old all from homeless families and senior and transitional loss to workingclass and sfoolgz that are struggling to stay in San Francisco to pay marketrate rents in this legislation we put in more details in terms of the types of housing and development we would like to see in parcels that we believe have the capacity to hold more than 200 units not less than 1 3rd 33 of the residential unit must be be affordable for any rental projects that means we expect a minimum of 15 percent to be affordable to households aribnb 55 percent of ami and blow and home overflow room not less than 15 percent for households for 90 percent of original medium area income this is feasible go feasibility but like to see 50 percent has passed by voters in 2014 the residential unit on the property to be affordable to workingclass and middleincome household all restricted Housing Projects should be affordable for the Youthful Life the project the measure set forth a measure for the citys requests and many of what we found since the passage of the surpassed ordinance of 2012 of the 15 sites identified that only two have been development into Affordable Housing and in fact, departments were often not Listing Properties in the Surplus Property report because they didnt want to see it utilized for other uses and want to expand the west the projects we look at so we werent looking we looked underutilized properties or opportunities for example, there might be a public use for plus storage but we can build on top of the bus storage for audible and marketrate housing i want to thank the department of real estate and john updyke for issuing this report since it passed the voter in 2015 that was distributed to the board on march Senior Citizen second this is a public resource and should go for being used for the public good and without this measure much of our pubically owned land is underutilized this is sold for manifest development with that, a discussion of inclusionary housing on site thats the first hearing annual hearing to provide the board and Public Feedback on the Surplus Property list i should add during this process we want San Francisco make sure were getting the full list of real estate by our departments not only ones that are deemed surplus this is something that so go examined by the board of supervisors, the Mayors Office of housing and the department of real estate to determine which ones are underutilized given this jurisdiction the departments themselves often leads to little land and potential sites more Affordable Housing and finally ill mention why this ordinance is too important we know in the development of any housing in San Francisco that land is often a single contributor highest line testimony of any development here in the city if we take it cost away because the fellows own that land we should prioritize the things our voters made 2 clear they want the city to produce affordable and raishg housing we want to look at the balance of the opportunity this is an opportunity to look at the reality Opening Statements to see if a there are sites the board wants to move forward and have the Mayors Office of housing do more work we had a presentation given by our department of real estate and next, we do have the Mayors Office of housing we have teresa to comment on the feasibility methodology. Great, thank you supervisor kim and supervisors teresa from the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development we wanted to briefly talked about the feasibility well be utilizing to be able to look at these sites to see if their feeble for the development of housing. So first, we would look the housing use including historical use and how long as a Community Garden if Community Historical use whether that be for Community Purpose for open space if there is Community Support for conversion to Affordable Housing next would be looking at the size and configuration of the lots is it oddly shaped meet the criteria to truly have a financial project and look at the zoning the housing loud will it recur a laborious process important housing what the zoning and even though height and density how many unit can be built and open space required kind of open space and how much eve in a commercial district the opportunity for commercial veblth development with the Affordable Housing we use the revenue will have gone for retail to supplement the population next well look at site conditions is it occupied by buildings what the topography for example, the corbett site in 2004 prior to the transfer over to dpw a steep site and physically not costly for us to build housing with retaining wall and such and accessibility both by Public Transit or is it a site not assessable because of a lot of ramps will be required andville and toxic site a lot of remediation will be required that adds costs what are the surrounding use and the neighborhood like schools and Grocery Stores and, of course, access to transit especially for housing for the homeless and low income families they need cars for transportation lastly the Development Well look at the physical site to see how many units we can build and sufficient space for developing not only the housing when you support services and Community Rooms and offices for consulting and support and commercial use again, ive mentioned when we have commercial used and the potential for revenue and alternate used can it be used for housing if not housing can we gain from the economy of scale from the site is small sometimes, it facts and circumstances into our feasibility will it cost us a lot of subsidy and a outdoor Capital Resources is it feasible for other source of funding and how much capital money required to with that, ill turn it back. Yes. I have a question. Of course. So over the last 14 years the district plus ordinance is if place prior to the update in prop k a few months ago and since 2004 only 2 of the 15 properties transferred to the Mayors Office of housing were actually are converted into housing for the formally homeless and supervisor peskin district on broadway and samson we recently opened last year and in my district on otis street which we converted to housing for formally Homeless Veterans i love to hear our recommendations how to improve the distribution so land can be expeditiously sold for the usage of Affordable Housing given this rate of production. Both can we what can we do to actually implement this this. One of the recommendations looking at the property that are given to us a lot of the properties from 2003 were small or they were sandwiched between other Residential Property that have not physical benefit depict for the Neighboring Properties or ram amenities of paralyze that mother viable again, a gain from the economy scale we found cumbersome but that was useful to a certain extent the Advisory Committee that we had to form and had to actually go through a laborious progress with the feasibility in the process. How many years was the cac in place im aware the cac in place required by the ordinance. Right so the cac was in place for at least 3 years so. So the last time they met in 2013. No, it was back in 2008, or 2009. The last time the cac met was 8 years ago. Exactly. Eve it was required by the ordinance to continue. We were innovate necessarily getting properties to evaluate a. So and so these 15 buttonup were evaluate in 2008, you mentioned one of the challenges there are no go back through the feasibility with the somewhat cumbersome cac they did then examine the properties since 2008 whats been the holed up or challenge to building Affordable Housing on the remaining properties. We remember not getting a lot of properties to evaluate we were still im asking about the youve developed 2 out of 15 that were transferred otis and brautd. Ill let donna talk about that. What im asking about the disposition those lands were transferred to the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development so when did it transfer what is preventing the Mayors Office of housing from building housing on the remaining parcels. Supervisor kim in 2004 there was a mass jurisdictional transfer of assets pursuant to then in effect the zone requirement from various Departments Library public works to the Mayors Office of housing and as teresa mentioned what were happy this prop k has corrected the crossing process is now in the right orders in terms of well do the study for land for the proper 2, 3, 42004 the properties were transferred and then mohcd contentions with the Advisory Committee and my staffs help as well a review the of the property and that frankly is why a number of properties signatures as eld mri and vermont, ecchymosis of those were to small or possibly sold to the adjoining owner were hostage, if you will, to accounting a transaction we cant dispose of anything less than marketrate or not developableable and they remain in the mohcd jurisdiction weve not retransferred them to the departments. I get it and im hoping this process will provide transparent and move forward with some entering depositions or alternative ways. Of the 13 remaining properties transferred to mohcd in 2004 how many were sold as you said to adjoining property owners. There were no sales effected of the adjoining it is was outreach in 05 and 06 but at a point if you on of the Market Dynamics in 06 the peak of 07 before the great revision not a way to structure it make sense with the city and the potential buyer. All 13 properties are within the jurisdiction of mohcd all the remaining 13 and there awaiting transfer back to the departments that originally had jurisdiction because none of the 13 sites are developable. Or with new outreach will be coming on to my staff in the solicitation process for designation for the Surplus Properties an agents whos sole purpose to deal with those properties and structure agreements not to transfer them into private ownership and put them on the tax roles thats our goal. Okay. It was that would be great so get an inventory of remaining 13 properties and what the department of real estate is suggesting we put them for sale go into the fund for building for middleincome housing and you know maybe some other proposals for the others i should ask because i walk in the Mission Street of our presentation mr. Updyke and the question has come up several times but how you identify underutilized sites and an example you know a hearing held over the summon summon thirty van ness the property youre familiar with a site that currently is used by the city but, of course, is proposed for sale to convert into office or potentially housing bylaw but north yet no noticing not oxens the Surplus Property talk a little bit about i see naomi kelly the city administrator here to answer. Supervisor as i state earlier this is a whole new process what im proposing is move this to the Capital Planning their 2, 3, 4 a much better position working with department of real estate 0 close in hand and mr. Updyke is getting a staff member to focus on this issue working with the capital plan well address the size and the historic needs and many more to determine if this is a appropriate site. Thank you, ms. Kelly. Im happy to add for this particular report those underutilized sites rather than look at a new list we decided to consensus this and look at what weve uncovered from the two civil grand jury and the lyric report looked at over 5 hundred report and identified questionable properties underutilized not vacant but underutilized we began our process with that list and directly with the departments when we were convinced through observation and or reports provided that utilization was stepped up sympathy didnt make the list for the properties not the case theyre on the list i hope that background is he felt. Thank you complooup. Next, we have presentations by your enterprise departments not within the jurisdictions of the ordinance so we do understand those departments have significant land holding that maybe appropriate more Affordable Housing development a good example the site on 12r50er9 and fulsome that is owned by the puc but well be built more Affordable Housing next to the brand new park that is under construction and that area under eastern neighborhoods with respect to our enterprise and sfusd and city college the board of supervisors may make recommendations of Surplus Properties and transfer but ultimately our enterprise departments and education district have a right to determine if 23 that property is underutilized we wanted them to work with our department and thank you to the departments and sfusd for being here to present and we do have the selfand fold by christen and sfusd i saw david golden that will be presenting on behalf of the School District thank you. Thank you to the Committee Members michael with the San Francisco public works we have quite a few bit of Land Holdings in San Francisco but the majority with outside of San Francisco we do look at 0 the properties ones an annual basis how their utilized and underutilized we like to call them and repuncture r purchase with the hetch hetchy and the waft department to see if they will be lied by one of the utilizes this was the Water Department parcel that we actually traded with the city college for and we did he will that to the rec and Park Department and to the Mayors Office of housing so will be development into housing in the future we conditioned to look at ways we could utilize some of the property that are not needed by the utility and worked with the office of Economic Workforce Development and other entities as we move forward but the majority of our focus has been property outside of San Francisco where we were looking at some of the remnant property the Legacy Properties from the purchase of the Water Company in the 1930s we can answer any additional questions but it is something we continue to do within the personal Property Department looking at the dollar utilized properties. Thank you. I was incorrect been a lot of on behalf of selfmta. My apologies. Ray no problem i have a quick presentation ill pull this up. On behalf of the real estate this is something the idea of users Public Housing is a goal we support and i know as a city agency with the land throughout the city in addressing the housing crisis one of the challenges we face is the fact we have a different property in different locations and first step is reilly coming up with crepe to determine which properties are culpable that teresa discussed and for ourselves given we have such a core important function providing the Transportation Services the first criteria we had was the current function and operation of the site not from a and in certain that instances looking at did potential to enhance the transportation and the ability through substance from the development on those sites we looked at the potential for that new generation as well as others site constraint zoning and from the transit use facility those were outlined in 2013 there the division report implemented in 2014 some of the candidate sites were the upper generated that is adjacent to the park and mta muni station that property is in the process of transferred to mohcd so Development Process is underway there for first and fulsome adjacent to the Moscone Center there is parking garages not operating we have parking garages on 50 percent occupied were looking at those and 20 surpass parking lots may some of the developments sites this present the poeblths and complex some of the muni yard were looking at we have as an agency 2ke79d question and answer want to effort and ask the managers like myself come from the avenue background we hired an analyst to support in and continuing cooperating with oewd and ncd and meeting on a monthly basis on a formal call and speaking with them expertise and skills to the effort a number of Feasibility Analysis a quibble ill go through the upper yard with the geneva and san jose with the Affordable Housing development we have excused with the mohcd was recently updated and in the process of working with bart on a lease option a portion of the facility into the bart station and mohcd actually issued a developer goal in late june at the fourth and fulsome at the northwest of intersection with the ultimate use of family and seniors 85 unit to one hundred and 5 of Affordable Housing we have to work with mta because the federal Transit Administration the funding was involved so the custodial in charge review and received an updated proposal with the federal funds because theyre involved in the Affordable Housing site and continue to negotiate the in terms of the mohcd and done pulmonary outreach as the process move forward and after moh is excused with mohcd there will be outreach and other things to follow surpass parking lots 20 and procured the Architecture Services as well as the Financial Consultant and weve completed this month and theyll recommend the housing and Public Parking for 5 sites one in the market octavia area adjacent to the garage there are two lots in the castro and two in the west portal neighborhoods and do primary Public Outreach as the draft study is released with the outcome being what affordability levels and feasible and whether or not it is feasible given the size of the sites and then finally the muni yards really the critical piece is the operation needs and constraints of the agency all the sites are very much functioning with storage and maintenance and the fleet and facilities are expanding the services, of course, weve done Service Expansion in the past year and all the projections with the light rail vehicles and buses increase the site were landmarking is currently evaluated as the overall update in the Capital Improvement plan and taking this facility offline enduring the construction from to years fits within the Capital Needs in terms of providing Transit Services so following the assessment of how these developments will fit into that Capital Program followup with the Feasibility Analysis and look at it everything from the financing to how like the residential use or mixed use will help with the facilities and to various code and architectural considerations so with that, that concludes my presentation. Ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you and first of all, i do want to appreciate that sfmta has been working closely with planning and the Mayors Office of housing and our office to build Affordable Housing on the fourth and fulsome site we really appreciate that collaboration and partnering over the last couple of years and it is great to see that sfmta is really looking at the portfolio to identify sites so far Affordable Housing given that mta has amenities so it is appreciated i think that is were looking at surpass parking lots and actually interested in the moscone third Street Garage and some cases building on top of the lose like the kirkland bus yard in supervisor peskin district so really use the full possibility of the sites by potentially Building Sites on top of i know that sfmta has hair it process of identifying the sites that are underutilized talk a little bit about that. They were old as part of 2015. Im sorry. A study done for basic the entire sfmta facilities and the criteria i was not part of the discussion as they were reviewed it preceded my time in the department but the first criteria and one of the most important is the use of site and talking to our transit folks whether or not the site woke potentially taken offline was critical and the continued use was critical and another factor for the need of upgrades where the yard theres a need we know the older facilities substantial upgrades so we know at some point those facilities will have to be shut down for an upgrade for major Capital Investments the idea of very well investment is part of that rebuild to make those candidates those sites for candidate sites and other factors are location within the neighborhood zoning, andain size and Development Capacity similar to the alice in the mohcd they have not all properties are create equal so, so those are the criteria to look at the sites and the fact that has we have development and some of the sites are transitioned so a mixed use with the mta uses well do another tasks at the Land Buildings and see if there are other candidates to be added to that list. You may be users one hundred percent but building on top of that use. Yes. In the case with the all sorts of engineering challenges and the complex Development Sites but actually there is things we can look at. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Next we have David Goldman in the director of real estate at sfusd thank you so much for being here we appreciate the School District being here to present on this item regardless of whether or not the ordinance as jurisdiction. My pleasure im david the chief facility over for the School District. As you may know were one of the major landowner in the city we own about 9 million square feet over one hundred and 50 sites the interesting thing about us temporary to public prospective most of the sites are pretty full these days if you look at our Surplus Property list weve created about 9 years three of those sites are returned to active 1k8 sites some of the properties have in fact, resulted ill talk about that in a minute were actually now pursuing new locations for new schools because we projection over the next 20 years were going to have anywhere from 6 thousand to 14 thousand new students in San Francisco Unified School District out of by a eve bayview and mission bay and other areas an existing time for us you should know were an agency you notice of the state how we dispense it operationally is governed by the Education Code and set up to protect go School District from fireside sale so it makes it difficult to Sell Properties need to declare property surplus and once you sell the property the School District can only use it for facility purposes so the continued the School District might want to build a school but if you want to buy textbooks you have to find another way what is not used in the portfolio ill pleased to say were working approving for the first time in many years with mohcd and the Real Estate Office you may know three or four years we sold a major piece of property back to San Francisco state on font street last year we close swore for 1950 mission with mohcd with an affordable project in the works and last month one of the properties we closed escrow with mohcd in real estate 110 is connecticut and part of hope sf and were currently working collaboratively with the Mayors Office of housing on a joint workforce and future Housing Project where we sort of have a site in mind were not ready to go public but hopeful that will come to pass as well so the collaboration is strong if you look at our portfolio of empty land we have only one lot left 7 and lock ton we sell Christmas Trees and pumpkins. Pumpkins. Id like to do something weve not made that much money from Christmas Trees and pumpkins but our community sees it as a preservation of open space with that, ill open up for questions if all the housing gets built were hopefully, well have a lot more kids in the schools. Uhhuh thank you, mr. Golden a different conversation we were on the board of education we were looking increasing enforcement and not quibble growing population it is exciting to talk about building schools versus closing schools that was a conversation 10 years ago so i want to be cognizant of the fact that sfusd needs to consider conserving the sites for population growth and one of the questions maybe not a question but for dissolution with the Mayors Office of housing to look at the you know multi use on a single contributor site were restricted by the 7 by 7 bound so identified a site mission bay is not a great example but other sites we look at schools and housing or maybe other uses that benefit the School District as well i also appreciate the tremendous work our department is currently collaboratively with the Mayors Office of housing and how we increased housing for our teachers who we learned i think in september through the defendant there is not a single contributor home that is affordable to a 40ur8d where both income earns are teachers in San Francisco i think that is stravrl data for the board to hear in the fall and we certainly need to do a lot more to address that crisis for quality teachers here in sfusd we want them to be able to afford to live here we looked to working with you and able to be more creative about the limits existing lands here in San Francisco thank you for the presentation. Thank you, supervisors. And finally our office sat down with city college of San Francisco they were not able to present today but had me clear they were only 3 parcels in their surplus this is the the campus on eddy and balboa so all the other sites are utilized for education and certainly Affordable Housing is slated for tsites. Madam chair thats all our presentation we can open up for Public Comment. Thank you very much. All right. Ladies and gentlemen, i have a few Public Comment cards 5 im going to call them if there is anyone else that wants to speak on the topic item number 2 have not filled out a card feel free excuse me ive been bring to your attention are art is joining us are you speaking on item 2. Are you speaking on item 2 please come up and john youll be following the mayor and calling names mr. Mayor, thank you for being here and i want to thank you for your leadership on the issues and our collective leadership but do you think the two minute going on. You have a soft gong. Ill remind the clerk a rare and not often uses rule that former marries get an extra minute for every year in office and we may of followup questions mr. Mayor. Thank you, again i dont think i would respectfully suggest my history was Affordable Housing and both low middle and affordable of all kinds it has been shared with you with of course, my career will be aware of the acute problems your discussing im here to lend the credibility and respect open an Theodore Roosevelt high school woman a leader in the Dog Patch Community as well as the great castro hill thats been one of the most structural Community Leaders ive ever experienced indeed was with three and four when i was anywhere mayor, i would still be the mayor youll hear here talk about work in the community the old historic Castro Police station and hospital which we need to convert to a Community Facility and open space while protecting and preserving its historic facade this is a balanced needed facility what im were properly adding to the stock of the Affordable Housing and housing in general in this part of the city with enormous projections and continue in the pipeline for the next 10 years were keeping pace with the other kinds of facilities so say you listen to here her i want you to know the entire community is following her leadership in this important project thank you very much. Next speaker calling names . Greetings my name is john a Business Owner that has a corner to the site and wanted to reiterate the initiative of dog patch neighborhood and other communities members will advocate for community e risk nonprofit uses of space regardless of what direction it goes in wed like to ask the city to consider expediting any type of solution so that the property will at least urban design utilized as opposed to ive experienced for 5 years as a Business Owner across the street and definitely want to reiterate the importance of the historic fabric of the neighborhood and specifically retaining that property and the building restoring it as opposed to building something new. David. Greetings david of the castro hill and spend in dog patch a veteran part of my Immediate Community and to urge you to not use the Castro Police station in oswald for Affordable Housing ask you make it available for another purpose when i was a boy and teenager my family and i would across the street from the and the kids in the neighborhood knew we had a safe place for pingpong and billboards and arts and creativities attended event with any patent with low budget musicals prepared by children and adults in the community and exactly how this location will be used in any context will be determined San Francisco is in spite need of Affordable Housing but probably should not turn every square inch of space into housing only people of economic braushld we need places to keep us safe and make life interesting to share with each other and create time together and supervisor cowen piloted out quite a bit of Affordable Housing still coming in dog patch and also especially appropriate given the historical communities nature of this the Police Station and hospital used for Community Purposes like the Community Center thank you very much. Thank you, david good to see you captain and calling names good afternoon horrible Land Use Committee were asking the castro hill should be removed from the conservations for the following reasons dog patch has an making xheerms contributions to the Affordable Housing we agree needs to be addressed navigated the eefrment planning doed code is riskier in our neighborhood any development larger than 5 units have to provide 5 percent of the units belowmarketrate lets go do the math of the 25 hundred units that are being built or scheduled to be completed by 2020100 percent their transbay between 2 will the and 50 Affordable Housing land or funds and as supervisor cowen mentioned earlier the dog patch association encourages the developers to build onsite for the desegregation so despite this robust pipeline of development in dog patch were miss teller lacking the Public Benefits that were promised in 2008, eastern neighborhoods that led to the sonoma of development i quote each plan proposes to provide a full array of benefits including open space and public transportation, improvements, straight improvements and facilities but to date the city made little progress the community did the work themselves in 2008, the boys club built a basketball and built a new preschool and open space 2012 Progress Park and many others so my point being this property especially due to the historic status been a tremendous Affordable Housing in the neighborhoods should be dedicated to the community and we have done a lot of work on the property ourselves. Did you want to speak. Good afternoon, supervisors im angelica im with soma thank you supervisor cowen youre leadership in having this item on the agenda today you know San Francisco is a small city 7 by 7 mile and land is definitely extremely precious its been adopted by the development thats why a nobrainer that city and county city sites comes back to public goods this is right now, were in a housing crisis it is important that Affordable Housing is built for san franciscans and remind the public at this housing crisis crisis like Fourth Street and van ness and other sites are very important to be dedicated back to the Community Land is more valuable for the long term public good than the money from selling at soma weve seen evictions and tenants getting hazarded but people begging to find housing like one family who was forced to live in an sro and due to the sro units have maximum amount of people being able to live there here fame had to divide itself and move into two or three other buildings therefore their family is not together and the children are away from the parents and the oldest children are watching the siblings this is not the kind of families we not to see families grow in San Francisco how county look forward look forward to working with mohcd on transferring the site of 4 children for investigating the thank you. Thank you. Jerry. Was not faster enough good afternoon members of the public thank you for your time i want to continue on what carting republican was seeing with the italian building it could be fabulous it is mirandize into we in the 15 years weve lived in dog patch nothing has been done to help that building other than a fence up and reactions to fires set by Homeless People living in the building and it is definitely a building that needs to be saved and the time is well past for it to be done we have funding lines weve identified and think we can get this done and ask you remove it from the surplus list i have two letters one from the dog patch and another from a neighbor who was not able to get it in. All right. Well take those letters and put them in file. Perfect, thank you. Next calling names . Good afternoon, members of the land use im charley with the viral and economic all rights thank you for holding this hearing weve heard over the course the ordinance has been relatively modest over the last decade but learned it is successful that results have been impactful over the last 6 months the Mayors Office of housing has been in a unique position compared to the last decade with the issuance the public land in the xhoishg and 1950 mission a formally School District you site a puc Commission Sites in the balboa that is formally an mta site this came about after years of advocacy efforts to win the city as a partner to develop new Affordable Housing open space now that that is happening it feels weight that is exactly what we should see more howe how to keep the momentum doing we need tools to make that happen the city to reours like the Planning Efforts and candidates that the city for the privatize the lands keep them in the public realm and turn to the mission and expertise to develop the Affordable Housing and the city to land bank eve we dont vote resources a prime example the balboa reservoirs why not the reservoir on the list 17 pubically owned Public Education facility with many work families severely impacted by is the housing crisis is once in a generation yet the city is proposing manifesting development on the site we understand the policing requires the fair market value but not fair market Value Housing and make sure it is considered as public lands thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you for your time im jessie and id like studio say im excited to be able to move on the Development Sites so far Affordable Housing much needed Affordable Housing not only for the opportunity for the housing of people like teachers that cant afford to live in the city but the parents of children in my area of work in district 11 an immigrant and low income with a lot of families with children that be going to the schools and from the housing that is development not assessable and affordable to the families we risk a lot more than we risk losing the culture diversities it is under attack by the housing crisis in fact, according to an article in the examiner weve exceeded the marketrate housing and way, way below the hours assessable for low income and moderate earns one sites i want to highlight piggybacking on what the previous speaker the balboa reservoir this is going to have potentially hi impact on the ability to provide Affordable Housing for protecting very protecting folks in San Francisco but to date the process is double theyre not regretting the Community Pressure i want to highlight the high profile of this pubically owned site and echo as development of the Affordable Housing assessable to protecting and moderate income earns and not marketrate thank you. Thank you, supervisors and thank you for hearing this item thank you also to the Enterprise Agency represents for coming forward and speaking about properties under their jurisdiction i wanted to give my name is fernando with the Community Housing successors e organizations we working closely with the supervisor kim office and worked on the prop k one thing from the folks from dog patch as advocates more Affordable Housing we want to respective the work youre doing to preserve that building as a Community Center one thing ill add if you want to see fantastic work the affordable workers did ill invite you to look at the third church of science it is run by tndc with the work as a compensate lyric for having the Community Check out booker t. Washington in the western edition i think one of the things about prop k it talks about prioritizing Affordable Housing but talks about other uses and one of the things weve heard is how critical across the street if as a indelible opportunity site for developing Affordable Housing right here in the vicinity of city hall we need to look at alcohol what i think ill hearing as well as the mta put for the tremendous resources that are available under the mta in both bus yards and parking garages and parking lots that might be codeveloped as Affordable Housing while maintaining the critical uses been the ground floor a lot of work to be done finally want to reiterate what we wrote in the capillary mrs. Dont prioritize public lands please keep public lands public land. I want to give you a foul and reiterate the fact that every time supervisor kim and the Land Use Committee talk about Affordable Housing you set the rate for protecting and protecting housing the percentage of medium at 55 percent which is a total of 41 thousand plus a year in order to be eligible to apply for the Building People in protecting brackets range from 18 thousand to 30,000 a year were not eligible to move into those apartments you did the same thing with the civic building that is about two blocks next to the department 9 Public Housing the Percentage Rate is 40 thousand plus a year people in the income brackets are not below protecting housing rates and you did that would be 5 m claimed as protecting and Affordable Housing and the lot income at 4 and mission is 71,000 a month and the seniors and females from the Filipino Community accompanying her for 5 m and have them thinking because of this measure theyll be able to move both Affordable Housing you built that building after completed the same seniors filipinos deaccepts that applied to move in and told not enough income that was 71 thousand a year its not fair im still upset and disappointed you advertise protecting but you set the in case for accessibility at that high rate its disgusting. Supervisors im jim im on the board of the civic center i want to make a couple of comments and in the Civic Center Historic district now the Historic District is not a bunch of buildings but includes the 1912 plan by john howard and has restrictions it calls for all the buildings facing city hall to have a 70 foot cornice line above and architectural requirements what im getting at that property cant be used inform build a cheap building because of the requirements of the Historic District so that is a concern so i want to bring to your attendance safety theyre growing in the area and includes t

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