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Good morning. All right, ladies and gentlemen good morning and welcome to the regular meeting, to my left and tang and yee is excused and our clerk is mr. Victor young and, would i like to thank, who are assisting us with this broadcast at sfgovtv. Mr. Clerk do we have announcements . Please silence all cell phones and Electronic Devices completed cards should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will apioneer on the april, 4th, 2017, board of supervisors agenda, unless otherwise stated. Could you call item one . Yes, would you like to make an official motion to exexcuse. Yes, i will make a motion to excuse supervisor yee. We will take that motion without objection. Thank you. Supervisor yee is excused and now call item one. Item one, resolution approving the leg, 11073 oechlt one, between the smart cart and, acting by and through the commission, for a total term of may 15, to 2012, to june, 2015. The original term expires in june of this year. And the airport is requesting the boards approval to exercise to extend through 2018. The lease before you has two component and the first being a selfserve, luggage cart, where the smart cart provides, 400,000 or 500 luggage parts to rent to passengers throughout the terminals at sfo at a cost of 5 per cart. And this part of the lease generates the rent, and rent equal to the greater of either 25 percent of the annual gross revenues of a minimum annual guarantee of approximately, 60, 673,000 dollars. And that is per year. The second part of the lease, is the customs program. Where the smart cart provides, at least, 1500 luggage carts, free of charge for arriving International Passengers in the customs area of the international terminal. This part of the lease requires the airport to reimburse the smart cart to provide the free carts in customs. And the airport will pay an annual service fee equal to the lesser of either a 2. 7 million service fee. Or 1 dollar and 20 cents per cart used whichever is less. Based on the estimates of the cart usage for both programs during the initial term, the airport staff estimates a maximum net payment of 4. 2 Million Dollars over the two year extension. The a port does agree to better reflect the net payments that were made during the initial term as well as nottoexceed amount for the total contract including twot year extension. I would be happy to answer any questions that you have. Thank you very much. Supervisor tang as a question for you. Thank you, i could not tell from the packet whether there is any plans for the future to raise the fee, 5 is quite a bit to be able to push your luggage around. I believe that this is pretty standard across the industry. The 5 dollars has been and it has been 5 since the 2012 term and so it has been in place for a while and i actually surprised that it was not increasing it is staying at 5, and i think that there may be the fee in there, may be to somehow subsidize a little bit of the three, luggage cart uses because you will notice when the airport pays on the actual cart for the usage for the free carts it is only at 1. 20, but i do believe that 5 is pretty standard nationally. It is not higher at sfo than it is at other places. Thank you. We have a legislative Analyst Report on this item. Good morning, mr. Rose. Madam chair and supervisor tang, on page 4 of our report, we report that under the existing initial 5 year term of the agreement, and that is from july first 2012, to june, 2017, and as you know the board of supervisors approved that agreement. The airport will pay the smart catre fees of 12 million 456 and all in smart carte estimated percentage of 3 million 79 it 010, for the estimated payments by the airport of 8 million. And that is shown in table two. On tpage 4 of our report. Thank you very much. I will be quick. On page 5 as she has already indicated. The airport estimate as a net payment to smart carte over the extensions from july, first, 17th, to june, 30, 2019, of 4 million. And that is shown in table three on page 5 of our report. And our recommendation at the bottom of page 5 is that we recommend that you amend the proposed resolution, and state that the net payment to the airport and the smart carte to the original five Year Agreement term to july first, 2012, to june, 3 0g9, is 8 million. And the next payment by the airport to the smart carte for the term in july first, 2017 through june, 2019 is nottoexceed, 4 million. And for a total net payment nottoexceed, 12 million, 924, 595, and we do recommend that you approve this resolution as amended. Thank you and we appreciate the recommendations for amendments and we will take those amendments but before we take at mendments lets take Public Comment. Ladies and gentlemen if you would like to comment on item one, please do so, at the podium you will have two minutes, you will hear a soft chime, seeing no comment, i it is closed. I will make a motion to adopted amendments and send it forward with the positive recommendation as amended. Thank you. Are you ready to go . How about item two . Ordinance appropriating 12,807,266 of general Obligation Bond interest earnings for the San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center in fy20162017 and placing 392,406 on controllers reserve pending interest accrual and review of arbitrage costs. Okay, we have mr. Joe chin from the department of public works, the mayor is responsible for this particular piece of legislation. Public works and program manage sxer this morning, i want to spend a few minutes to give an overview of the ordinance and to highlight some of the project achievement and milestones on the rebuilt projects since the inception. And on behalf of the public hel and this public works, we are requesting the board of support and approval of the ordinance in front of you today, to appropriate the geo bond interest earnings to add to the budget and of the 12 million, of the requested appropriation, it will allow for the close out of the new Hospital Construction contract and resolve outstanding change orders associated with the project for over 56 subcontractors it has been a long process to sit down with all of the subcontractors and where it comes at a point where we have finalized numbers that we can work with. And 392,406 will also be placed on the controllers reserves. And in terms of project highlights, the construction of the new hospital started over 8 years ago. And with the implementation of the site readiness starting in 2008, with he is ka vagus for the new hospital in 2009 and finally completing being achieved in august of 2015. But it has been a long, long, project. And patient owes fish officiall moved into the hospital in may of 2016. I am just also happy to report that the San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center has also received a distinction of the first lead goal in california. And so at this point, i am available to answer any questions that you may have about the project. Or about the ordinance. All right, thank you very much. Lets go to the budget and lets have the Analyst Report for us. Yes, madam chair, supervisor tang on page nine of our report of the 12 million, the appropriation, 12 million, 388, 121 will be used to fund the change orders in order to close out the existing construction contracts. The expenditure of the 12 million is summarized in table four on page nine of our report. We recommend that you approve this ordinance. All right, thank you for the recommendation. Supervisor tang, do you have any remarks. Thank you, so just to clarify, it looks like the project had 13. 1 million remaining balance from the cost savings but that will be eaten up. So even though you are going to be applying the 13. 1, towards the other things that you still have an additional roughly, 12. 8, or minus the three, 300 something that you are going to put on reserve. And to close out; is that correct . . Thank you for the questions. So let me explain, i believe that you are referring to the table or references the 12. 56210 number and so those are the remaining balance in property ject budget to address other close outs related to the project and mostly for the soft cause and the permanent cost for the construction project. And so, all of that has been ear marked for expenditures on the project. Okay. So then and then on top of that, then you still need the additional for you know the patient and staff safety, and amenities and the nursing station amodification and the licensing requirements and the equipment changes . ; is that correct . . That is correct, and in the Program Budget there is a 4 Million Dollars left in the Program Budget and that has been set aside that we have been working with the department of Public Health to prioritize a lot of the needs and wants. And it has been a long project and as for the long projects we also drives a lot of the new scope and that is part and parcel to the nature of the hospital operation and trying to make it as safe as, and the patients will have a good experience. Thank you. We are going to Public Comment at this time. Any member of the public that would like to comment. Come up. Seeing number, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor, all right. So i think what we, do we have to take a motion to place the 392 on reserve in or is that just embedded in this . It is embedded. Okay, so i will make a motion to send forth this ordinance with the positive recommendation to the full board. Without objection that motion passes. Next item. On the aagain ta, item three. Hearing to consider the release of reserved funds to the Sheriffs Department, placed on budget and finance committee reserve by the fy20162017 annual appropriation ordinance file no. 160628 , in the amount of 135,000 to fund the Body Worn Camera program. This is a hearing to release the 100,000 for the body cameras, it is good to see you chief deputy, good morning. Good morning, and good morning, supervisor tang, i am here to represent the department and, currently i am the division chief of the Custody Operations Division for the San Francisco Sheriffs Department. We are looking to seek the release of some reserve funds, to finance our Pilot Program on Body Worn Cameras, the goal of this is to promote transparency and accountability in regard to our operations up and in the county jail number four on the 7th floor on the hall of justice. The idea of the Pilot Program is to provide a balance of the benefits of the Body Worn Camera and the activity of the staff and reasonable expectation of privacy for all involved parties. We have a unique situation in the jail system where we are under conditions of confinement. We try to provide as much of an expectation of privacy. And we have them up there in the care and the use of the body warn cameras are slightly different in that setting as opposed to the public setting. The Pilot Program and being able to exam the metric and to be able to provide that transparency and accountability that we see. The program itself will envision the use of these cameras on 30, identified deputy sheriffs within that jail. And they would be activated with a button that records, the video and sound and securely up load those bad data through the internet through the cloud base storage. We have a Pilot Program, policy in place right now, in order to insure what i referenced earlier is the expectations of the privacy of the people have in our care, the review committee that we have, i believe that is in your packets. It will consist of the members of our department and, members of the units that our department, employ and the department of public hel and this our legal team in order for us to properly review that information. And i believe that you have the packets that will provided by the sheriff along with a letter that she gave, if not, i have the packets that i will provide and i can give to the clerk. Maybe you could might it be in the efile but we dont have it here and mr. Clerk do you have is a copy for the file . I do the believe that i do. I also have the presentation that we could show you right now. That would be good. Just by way of background, for the folks at home, during last year, the policy of body cameras was being developed and the board recommended placing the 135,000 that we are going to be hearing, whether we are going to prove it or not. The senate on budget reserve, pending the submission from the Sheriffs Department and the final plan, the plan is what they are going to be presenting today. Yes. Sorry for the delay. That is okay. Sfgov tv could we get the lap top . All right. This is what i referenced in the initial presentation and, i dont know if you can see that too clearly. Probably not. I have some hard copies also that you can follow along with. Yeah. The first slide gives an overview of the Pilot Program, to test the cameras, to augment the system and to promote transparency, and the seusss to provide, video and audio with many of the staff and those that we are in charge of the custody and care of. One of the major considerations as referenced earlier was the concerns of expectation of privacy that people have and secondly to that is to be able to insure the proper use of the cameras to gather the information for the viability of the technology to promote our goals and to protect the rights of the inmate and the deputies in our system. I gave some faqs here in regard to what the body worn cap ra is, i believe that you can review those on the hard copy and i dont know if you want me to go over them in terms of the presentation itself . What is a Body Worn Camera whashgs kind of a camera will you be using . That i think we are okay. I dont think that we need to do that. I do have one quick question. The company that is providing the camera, is this the same question that sfpd contracts with . Yes, madam chair, this is the Taser International company. So we will be piggy back og that contract. So, are we getting a deal . I believe we are. The initial asks for us last year as 135,000. I believe and based on the budget legislative Analyst Report, we are now looking at asking for only, 41,000 of that amount. Okay. That is a significant reduction in our request. Right. What we would like to do is fund the program itself right now, for the Pilot Program and hopefully with the data gathered look to in the future, providing this technology to all of our staff and all of our operations. Will you be able to describe to us the process that you engaged with developing the policy and then go over that policy, the departments policy for the body cameras . Certainly. The policy itself. Is still under draft. And we have already engaged in discussions with both of the collective gar binni bargaining units. The Pilot Program has been passed across the table as well. And it has been given the go ahead by that staff in terms whaf we plan on accomplish wg that program, to gather the information and to assuage the staff as to the technology itself and kind of ak la mate them to the use. And we have a program which has been in the Development Since for the past two and a half years, actually. And since the time of the initial development, we have had incidents of a county jail number four, which have really highlighted the need to have this technology present in our system. We had some instances a few years ago, which called in to question the behaviors of some of our staff. This technology will provide us with a method in which we can review the actions of our staff in their interactions to the inmate to provide that transparency. And i dont want to interrupt too much further, but supervisor tang wanted to see the question. Just a piggy back on the same questions of kument that is providing the cameras in terms of the back end, ongoing, support for maintenance of the foodage, and so forth, and are you also, using something similar. Yes, we are. So the technology as i mentioned was a cloud based storage of the bet a that is collected from the camera and that technology is similar and consistent with what sfpd will be using as well. Okay. Did you have any other questions related to the technology itself. Not related to the technology. I think that we are having enough hearings about the technology and, we have been talking about that for a few years now. I wanted to hear a little bit more about the policies, so i suppose if we were to go to. Sure, lets go to our required use activations, part of our policies will outline when, our staff will be required to turn their devices on. As you can see right now, in terms of operations, this will be for what we called extractions when we have to remove people torqu remove, to move them where they dont want to be moved. Altercations involving inmates and, prisoner verses staff fights, the safety placements involving the uses of force or the response to emergency calls. For example, also, to highlight further the use of force included in the required use activation. And listed as follows, defensiveself from the attacks of another inmate, any time that we have to use the physical control, wieb required use activation. Or any other circumstances requiring an immediate response, all staff will be required to turn on their cameras. One note, there is also a stimulation that deputies are always going to make reasonable efforts to activate the camera prior to any contact required in the situations. It is not just that they are going to be trained on activating these devices at the time of anything happening but prior to anything possibly happening. That we will get the full coverage. And there is also, a reference to discretionary use. In our draft policies, deputies are going to be asked to activate the Body Worn Cameras to record any contacts where the recording is not required. And it is going to be recommended that they record any contact that could lead to or be later used as evidence. This is a catchall, in terms of having people activate their des when dealing with people who may be existing negative behaviors or maybe, confrontational in their behavior, in something that will result from a complaint. For me, there are Staff Members or from our inmates. And finally, the wernz that i referenced, we have areas in our jail that which, although there say lower expectation of the privacy under the conditions of confinement. There are still actions that we take to insure that the people still have some sense of privacy. So we want to protect the dignity of the victim and uninvolved parties in these situations. We want to be cognizant of where we are recording things and so anywhere that a deputy would not normally go, we will also be areas that have been identified in our policy. Where they will not be allowed to video tape anything. I have a question. So this is the draft of the policy, when will the policy be final . The policy will be final as it goes, part of the wishes of the sheriff is to use some of the data that we collect and, some of the applications that we have in our every day operations. During the Pilot Program. To infuse some of that information into the policy itself. So that it will be a living document as all policies are. But some of the information that we gather from the daytoday use, will be used to help us finalize that policy. Sorry, go ahead. The actual, Pilot Program itself is schedule to last for up to 12 months. When does it begin . As soon as we get approval. So what, are there any internal steps that you have to go through for at proval process. You come to the board of supervisors and you come to the budget and then it goes to the full board and we vote on it and then you are set and there are no more approval process. One thing that i have not referenced yet, madam chair, is that we have an Operations Plan already set to go, so that once we get the devices there are plans in place for the training of staff to include our vest gayiga investigative staff, in addition to the people that are going to be using the devices and there will also be notifications made to all people involved. Not just our staff, but all of our contract people as well. What is the data review process going to be . Ha wha we have is the review and it will be covered by the Body Worn Camera and the Pilot Review Committee and, they will be tasked at looking at items such as it is training gaps in the use of the camera, and the training gaps reviewed by the use of the camera. Any privacprivacy. And impacts on the the use of force impacts on our use of force and, also, evidence collection for the administrative and criminal cases and evaluation of the security atreefal and the downloaded material. Are there any civilian representative snz yi, so the next slide shows that we will have members of the next panel, members of our own command staff and the members of the unit and members of the department of Public Health. Both from the clinical and the Behavior Health side, of the shot. So that we have more inclusion. So what i am trying to get and you know that i have been a part of the conversation when it comes to body cams with the sfpd and the commission. And one of the main sticking points with sfpd policy, was would the department have the ability to review the data post an incident, and an incident happens, and someone in custody makes a complaint, or something happens. And to the person in custody. And as you may recall, there was a lot of discussion around it and the policy was set with the Police Department set forth was, when there is an incident the Police Department has the ability to review the data first before the Police Commission. And so i am wondering if there is a policy that exists because there is no body that set the policy discussion for the Sheriffs Department. We have the Police Commission as an over site body but there is not the same in terms of civilian oversight for the Sheriffs Department. So, if in the event there is an incident, what is the thinking do you review the policy and, do you review the data first . Or are you turning it over to i dont know, the City Attorney, but the district attorney, and i think that it has jurisdiction in this area if the prosecution needs to take place, can you shed the light or what you guys are thinking. The short answer to that is that we will be looking at developing a policy that will be consistent with what the policy is. And so the short answer will be if we are going to plan on matching their policy. Noechlt when we will see the final draft of this policy . The plan is to have the final draft at the end of the Pilot Program itself. That is being developed as we move along. And i dont know, supervisor tang maybe you can weigh in here sdpshgs usually you have a policy in place before you go to a Pilot Program. And maybe im, im incorrect and i dont know if there is anyone that can offer any advice . No one seems to be able to offer any advice. And as of. And through the chair, would i just say that, having some sort of a draft, i think is important right now, and at the moment, but also i understand the Sheriffs Department and desire to incorporate what, you know, information is gathered through the Pilot Program to also, have a better financial policy in place, so i understand that, and i think at the end of the 12 months, obviously we hope that you would have gathered enough data to understand how you can better roll it out with your own staff and what were some of the things that they identified as problematic, or it could be improved upon. Or even, through the committee. So, i mean, i am okay with the structure of this. Okay, well, im a little uncomfortable with the structure of it. Because i think that we need to have a little bit more of a fine tuning with the process. But i am going to be supportive so we can move forward. And look forward to hearing a report back. Maybe i could offer up a little more. Sure. I mean that we have a draft policy itself and that is what i was referencing when i said that we will be develop and adding to that particular, draft poll sichlt so there will be a framework that we are working with in terms of how we apply, the Pilot Program. And some of the constraints that we are going to have for the staff and when to use it and when not to use it, so there will a documentation on that. I can check with the sheriff to see if that is something that we can share with you as well. That will be very good and i would be interested in doing that. No problem. Lets did you complete your presentation . Yes. Okay. Okay. Lets go to the budget and Analyst Report. Good morning, the staff and as you will see on page 14 of our report, the actual budget for this proposed pilot is 41,341 dollars, if the project was expanded after the conclusion of pilot, the Sheriffs Department estimates one time cost of 210,000, and ongoing, annual cost of 208,000 and both of these will be subject to board appropriation approval. So we recommend reducing the release of 135,000, by 93 stks 666 by the request budget of 41334, and then we can consider this a policy matter because it is implementing a new program. Thank you very much for the brief presentation. And chief, i think that we are good. With your presentation. I am going to open up to Public Comment at this time. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen if you would like to speak on comment come up. Sooes seeing none, Public Comment is closed. At this time i will make a motion to release the did we do the 135 or did you say on41. The dla recommends making the following amendments reducing. Yeah, so we will do that. In returning, and this is the key part, returning 93 stks 666 back to the general fund. Deputy City Attorney . So you are not the budget and finance committee cannot actually return the money to the general fund, it is just going to sit on that reserve until it is reappreciatopriated in the b in july. But this body is going to be acting on reducing the request to 41,334 dollars to reflect the actual cost for the cameras. Right. And supervisor, tang is making would release that amount of money to 41,000 leaving another 90 some thousand dollars on reserve. Okay, so i will restate the motion to release, only, 41,334 dollars out of the total request and the remainder will remain on reserve. Thank you. And i think that this is a hearing so it does not need to go to the full board. It is not going to the full board. The motion is to release, and we will send a letter to the controllers office. Thank you for your time and your presentation, i appreciate it. Next item, please . Next on the agenda,resolution authorizing the director of property to exercise a lease extension for the Real Property located at 1701 ocean avenue with huey lan f. 2004 trust for a fiveyear extension term to commencing upon approval by the board of supervisors and the mayor, at the Monthly Base Rent of 17,950 for a total annual base rent of 215,400. Well, sir you dont look like claudia. Thank you. Chair. I think that you wr the real estate department. Maam i am with the department of Public Health. Public health, got t i represent the tenant. Okay. Madam chair, supervisor tang, and Committee Members, dave, the department of Public Health. My Family Clinic center is in the ocean view heights area of San Francisco. Cited at 1701, ocean avenue, it is a comprehensive clinic that serves 3 years to 59 with mental hel and this Substance Abuse treatment services. And the clinic has been located at the present site for the last ten years, previously it was a half block down at 1760, and prior to that in the ocean avenue corridor. And we have been part of the Community Based Services Offered through the department of Public Health for quite some time there, i know that your time is short, if you have any questions. Thank you. No questions so far. Supervisor tang. No questions. Okay. Lets see lets go to the budget legislative Analyst Report. Thank you. This exercise the first of two five year extensions the original lease was for ten years, from 07 to 17. And so this will be an additional five years, 2022. And the lease amount is going up from 31 dollars per square foot to 43 per square foot, and it is still below the amazed market value, 45 per square foot, over the five year term of the lease, the department paid, a Million Dollars, and a little more than a Million Dollars in rent, which will be subject to the board of supervisor as proval and the annual budget and we recommend approval. Thank you. Thank you. So despite the base rate going up and it looks like there is no annual rent adjustments during this five year period. Correct. All right. We are grateful to the trust for not increasing the rent during that five year period. Lets go to Public Comment. Any member of the public . Seeing none. Public comment is closed. Thank you. What are we going to do with this supervisor tang. I will make a motion to approve this resolution with a positive recommendation and send it to the full board. Without objection, that motion passes. Next item . Five,resolution authorizing the general manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities commission sfpuc to execute a professional Services Agreement with black Veatch Corporation for Specialized Design Services for design support to mitigate ground, wire, and structure clearance issues with hetch hetchy water and power high voltage power lines in accordance with the sfpucs mitigation program, for an amount not to exceed 12,000,000 over a term of ten years to commence following board approval through april 2027 okay, so we have riche here, no . Actually dan wade. Okay. So just real quick, so this is a resolution that will authorize the puc to execute professional Service Agreement with blackned beach. And for the Design Services for the Design Service for the power and high voltage power line and the amount nottoexceed 12 Million Dollars. The puc selected black veatch for the Engineering Team to specialize in the Design Service to mitigate, a few things. And the agreement is a ten Year Agreement from approximately 2017 to 2027. Right . Yes. That i think we got it. Okay. The floor is yours. You have summarized very well what this is about. Good morning, supervisors im dan, and i am the director of the capitol projects and programs. And as you know, sfpuc operates at 160 miles of Power Transmission lines from what we called the up country facility and the powered facilities that generate the clean and renewable hydropower, to the newer substation on the east side of the bay, there say study completed in 2014, that showed that many stretches of these power lines, actually dont meet current requirements with respect to clearances between the ground, trees, and the other structures that are in the area. And so, it is important for us to implement mitigation measures in order to get the clearances that are required for hel and this safety of the public. And so this rfp that in place. And the board to help to us implement the designs that are required and this is a ten year contract. And it represents about 30 percent of the total budget for this portion of the work. And we you know we, would like to move forward, to enter the agreement with the black veatch nottoexceed, 12 Million Dollars over ten years, would i be happy to answer any questions. Thank you, i appreciate your presentation, i am going to pivot to the budget and legislative analyst. If they have any comments. This will be a two year contract, to 2027, subjected to a competitive process, and the contract is not to seek, 12 Million Dollars of which 8 million will be allocated towards the Design Services for the transmission line clearance, the high voltage clearance, and another four million to be used for deet sign services for ongoing rightofway. Issues. We do have a schedule of extended here on page, 22, and the sources of of the funds are the Revenue Bonds and enterprise, power revenue and we do have the one recommendation, which is the technical to correct the legislation itself and otherwise we recommend approval. Great, thank you. The Public Comment is open at this time. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Thank you very much. And supervisor tang . Okay, so i will make a motion to adopts the technical amendment that was just stated by the Budget Analyst Office and approve as amended, and sebd send to the board with positive recommendation. Next item. Number 6, the Emergency Declaration of the San Francisco Public Utilities commission, and to construct a temporary road around an area. Resolution approving an Emergency Declaration of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Pursuant to administrative code, section 6. 60, to construct a temporary road around a landslide area at calaveras road; with a total estimated cost not to exceed 1,500,000. Nechltd we have dan presenting again. Thank you, supervisors, if you could go to the slides please . I would like to present this Emergency Declaration for temperature construction by pass of the land slide and the background of this is in january when we have had multiple back to back storms, and a land slide oskurd on down slope edge of the 100 foot section of the road. And now this is property that is owned by San Francisco, but alamena county has a right away for the road through this stretch. And so this is the only point of access to the replacement project which is an ongoing project that is part of the 4. 8 water system approvement program for the large equipment and materials to the construction site. And the replacement project, will be delayed until the contractor can once again access the construction site fully. And this is a critical project that you have heard about this over the years for me, and others. And for providing Continuous Delivery of water to 2. 6, Million People in the San Francisco bay area. And this is a photo of the land slides. This is a very narrow section of road. And the land slide essentially cut off access and so the county you know, is responsible for repairs to the road. But they have a lot of land slides all over the county. And this is just one of a number of slides that they need to get to over time. And so, the road is currently closed and they have advised that they will not be able to implement the repairs until the summer of 2017, at the earliest and so we are, you know, in the middle of this critical 7 year construction project. And we finished the spillway last year. And we have finished the excavation. But it cannot go on to service until the new dam is in place, and that will be constructed over the next 18 months and, without the spillway, the occurrence of the extreme flood event can lead to over topping and catastrophic dam failure, so you want the construction project to go through as few as possible. And so, as a result we declared an emergency under section 6. 60 of the administrative code on february 27th. And so, that Emergency Declaration is to horize the sfpuc to enter into agreement with our contractor, and that is building the dam. To address this issue on the road. And we anticipate that it will be about 1. 5 Million Dollars, and we have Funds Available in the construction contract to do this work. And so our request is to approve this emergency contract. And to have the contractor construct the temporary by pass road around the slide and it will continue the project. All right. Thank you. Supervisor tang. Thank you. And so then, once the county completes its work, that it needs to do, then this temporary road will go away. That is right. And the county is not going to reimburse puc or anything for this temporary road that we have to create because of their own delay. No. No. Okay. Well i mean that i certainly understand. They are cooperating with us to make to give us an encroachment permit to tie the teemary road into the permanent road and again they are going to do their own work to implement a permanent solution. Okay. I understand that the contractor is already on the site. The contractor is already on site and the work has begun right after the emergency declarati declaration. We are going to hear from the budget analyst. Yes, the proposed resolution, approves the emergency by the puc and then does allow to puc to enter into a contract for the repairs of the road. The contractor was originally selected for the dam project through a come poetive process, the budget of 1. 5 million is on page, 26 of our report. And when this budget was created by the contractor but the puc says that they did review it for reasonableness for the cost because it is not through a competitive process, and the funds to pay for the contract are in the capitol budget for the dam, and that was previously appropriate ated and we recommend approval. Thank you. How much was previously appropriate ated in the budget do you know . Oh, for the dam . Yes. It has been appropriate ate and reappropriated many times sxts very large, i will have mr. Wade tell where you it is now. Thank you. The current budget of the dam replacement is 810 million. Okay. So it is all right, that sounds good. Thank you, we are okay. Supervisor tang . Thank you. Question for the puc. So, the land slide took place on january 10, of 2017 and the Emergency Declaration was not until february 27th and i am just wondering more than a month passed almost two months, and so i just wanted to kind of see was it. Yes. The time amount to determine that it was an emergency. Excellent question and so, immediately, we initiated the discussions with the county, over their plans to repair the road. And so it took some time for us to meet with them and to get a clear answer from them as to what their plans were. And we requested that they immediately repair the road. And it took some time to you know forks them to get back to us with clear plans. As to what they proposed to do. And it also took some time for us to negotiate an agreement with them where we could actually build this temporary by pass around this road. And now, in the winter, we were not losing a lot of time. Because, we had continued rains and there wasnt a lot of construction going on any way. And so the critical time point for us to have this road in place, is actually over the next month or so. Okay. Thank you. All right, thank you. Public comment is open. And seeing that there is no one here for Public Comment, it is closed. Thank you. Okay, i will make a motion to approve or sent forth this resolution with positive recommendation to the full board. Thank you. Without objection that motion passes. Mr. Clerk s there any other business before this body. That completes at again da for today. Thank you very much, this meeting is adjourned. [music] i came in with her impression of what i thought it was good what i knew about auditing with the irs spears i actually knew nothing about auditing in my mind it was purely financial. With people that audited the pain no one wants to deal with it now i see a lot of time explaining auditing is not just about taxes. Oftentimes most students believe that auditing is only financial whereas when they come into a Government Environment we do much more than financial audits. We do operational audits that were looking at the operations of the department for economy and efficiency and effectiveness. When i hire an intern some of the things that i am looking for first of all is is this individual agile and flexible because i am our environment is so fastpaced and where are switching from project to project depending on whats going on in the government at any given time. Primarily i didnt with audits on utilities management across city departments. Citywide this ods management audit was also been assisting with Housing Authority Audit Program the homelessness audit the it functions [inaudible] were starting any water on the department of Public Housing environment allows i also assist with the [inaudible] program. Then additionally i really enjoyed having staff who have some Critical Thinking skills. Because i believe the basis of auditing is not do you know how to audit, but to have Critical Thinking skills [inaudible] [inaudible] even though ive only been here for short time our quick indepth analysis and Research Analytical skills theres a lot of taking enlargement of information a compacting it a very concise report because weve a big focus on [inaudible] if youre transmitting this information to the audience you need him to be able to understand it. So i work with the Sparrow Program primarily. Broadway stan abused [inaudible] they prepare me for fulltime employment because i knew i could not to challenge myself in order to be an auditor. At the [inaudible] we are a content feedback and communication and they pointed out areas where i need to grow. One of the things i like about working at [inaudible] is that they actually give you quite a bit of autonomy i feel like kevin sage trusted me. The environment really [inaudible] to everyone feeling super collaborative and wanting to get to know one another. Which i think at the end of the date is a better Work Environment and gives you a better workflow. I believe that a really is a great experience because it provides an opportunity to have a better understanding of how government works. I think what ive learned so far is that every audit is unique everyday. Different learning opportunities. The recordation we make in on its i can honestly go home at the end of the day and zack and treated [inaudible] in a better way. Even of not familiar with what auditing is you should deftly find out. Its been really really awesome he was it turns out theres a whole world of auditing that i cannot open file oriented performance and [inaudible] and thats an exciting. Audit is a lot broader than i ever knew before. All right. Good afternoon, everybody welcome to the board of supervisors land use and Transportation Committee meeting for monday, march 20, 2017, my name is mark farrell ill be chairing this committee and joined by supervisor peskin sitting for supervisor tang we have supervisor jane kim want to thank adrian and phil jackson for covering this meeting and mr. Victor young mr. Clerk, any announcements . On the mayor 28 agenda oracles. Okay just to be clear shall we be choosing supervisor tang. Make a motion at your discretion and supervisor kim and seconded by supervisor peskin 0 without objection item one please item one ordinance for the downtown support special use district to authorize a contribution inlieu fee to satisfy the open space requirement excludes feature fraefrnz from the gross square and spent foreign the lighting on victoria manolo draves park okay. Thank you this was sponsored by supervisor kim im going to turn it over to her. Thank you chair farrell the International Congressional hotel approaches my office as privately owned public space in the hotel on the 4 and 6 floor are their interesting in figuring out an alternative for low usage by the public given the floor and offered their interests in renting out this space for private use when the popo was required on the abruptly Congressional Hotel during a time he we were go developing a concept of a usable and privately open space this was one of the bad examples of a popo and wanted to work to figure out a way they can either fee out or found on alternative shugs space in district 68 as you may know district 6 has a few it and smaultd parks in the city of San Francisco and second only narrowly beating district 3 supervisor peskin and so parks and open space are incredibly important to the neighborhoods in the south of market and the tenderloin we spent the last 3 years working on a proper solution to this issue exploring a number of alleyways we can merit into open space and finally after years the Community Outreach realizing after speaking with the Community Month folks want existing open space in the in particularly at victoria manolo draves park is only multi use park in San Francisco now this is the first project sponsor that is seeing out of their current popo requirement and so we spent a lot of time with the Planning Department and figuring out what is the probing appropriate proximate and changing the popos in the south of market they become usable and happy to see the Planning Department has recommended that all popos on the ground floor and insuring halfhour use unlike the project sponsors to build popos in upper market floor is difficult for the public to find the proposition before us today is over years of negotiated fees looking nearby area plans abby seeing what that costs to improve maul open Space Acquisition in jangle 2015 the Planning Department made a preliminary recommendation that identified the acquiring of open space and Park Improvement costs their recommendation resulted in a fee of 2. 3 million vbs of time we dwoefrd that actually, the requirements for congressional was slightly larger than we had originally that the Planning Department had in popo were not acquiring the open space the city cant legally ask for acquisition dollars and capped the fee at 200 and 50 thousand for improvement costs and added 15 percent to that amount and then we had the required open space of 18 hundred square feet resulting in a fee of 2. 5 million 200,000 more than recommend boo the Planning Department two years ago this was before the land use and Transportation Committee in the month of december and we had learned that the intercongressional left a rental proposal for this privately owned public space on the website i want to recognize and thank you to the hotel to make sure that before we approve this inlieu fee we worked on making sure that they paroling accounted and remitted for this as a private function space they were transparent with us they had inappropriate use the space for 6 hundred days between 2016 having an penalty to the of hundred and thirty days of overflow is a penalty of ultimately without actually any indication from us the project sponsor that they complied with the fire code that allows the fourth floor of popo to be a total of one and 80 days per year we worked in the weekend to in of the hotel can use this space as a private dysfunction and expanded the one thousand plus days and this generates a roughly 300,000 the interCongressional Hotel agreed to make a 300,000 gift to the city for the district 68 located park the San Francisco alliance will be the sponsor and the funded sdrblthd by the Parks Alliance were working closely with the supergreen Congressional Hotel to make sure those funds are appropriately used the Community Says one of the needs of the interparks is expanding and making the park usable in the evening with the winter when it gets dark around 4 or 5 oclock that requires the light it is inadequately lighted it opened to a later hours members of the community cant see very well in the evening those fees will be utilized for lighting at park and hope to work with rec and park to implement that as quickly as possible to make sure our baseball and are curiosities can be utilized in the evening and a well utilized park for dogs and while were not building another open space in the district we are expanding the hours as a multi use park i want to recognize the supergreen Congressional Hotel for working with our office over the last years to find a proper solution that has the support of the Community Members and the office of Economic Workforce Development proposal and recognize the p pa with worked us with us to come up with a fee that is adequate for relinquishing the requirement for a popo International Hotel Scott Sanchez for the support for the process over the project and the vetting of the proposal and from the Enforcement Unit for walk through on the office of the Enforcement Office and to the City Attorney for helping to draft this legislation i also see members of the friends victoria manolo draves park who are here today with calling names as well as jane thank you for working with us for a solution in support of neighborhoods and so i was hoping to bring up one of the project sponsor of oewd to go through the history how we calculated the industry payments good afternoon, supervisors aaron from the office of Economic Workforce Development i i guess i was asked to the take a look at the proposals working with the Planning Department represents and the original recommendation he was started with a 5 hundred per square feet fee applied to 4 thousand plus of open space and so when i started looking at it i realized the original are ordinance called for 8 thousand 6 hundred square feet of open space my initial recommendations to immediately file the 8 thousand 6 hundred and in speaking to Planning Department staff as well as rec and park staff and the department of real estate it became clear that while a search to find open space in d6 we can apply this fee to there didnt seem to be anything available, however, the Planning Department staff provided some nearby hard and soft costs fees or hard costs and soft costs they had if nearby plaza and open space projects including the emotional and the mint and the alleyway proposed costs that ranged from 61 square feet to 4 hundred plus a square foot and using the Citywide Development impact fee a negotiated fee not a impact fee there was no nexus study for the fee of this site so using the beacon and looking at the eastern neighborhoods in todays dollars is one and 1 per square feet and using the basic factors of a range from 6 is to 430 in the impact fees and open space from one dollar up to 1,600 a square foot and kind of land in the middle so we can apply a fee that all sides can agree on. Thank you so much. You said the original plans for 8 hundred hundred but built 46 hundred. Did requirement was 8 hundred and 6 thousand square feet my understanding is during the approval of the hotel the Planning Commission recommended is another 4000 square feet my understanding that 4000 square feet was a one time fee that was paid to the contribution to the mid plaza so 4000 to cover the costs of 4000 also just to clarify the Planning Department report identified when the identified the potential represents of the fee of 2. 3 million had said that the supergreen come requirement of popo was 4000 plus and they were mistaken what was the original code requirement of open space was 8 thousand 6 hundred square feet at the time the Planning Commission recommended this was not great open space for members of the public they recommended that the supergreen congressional i guess pay an additional square feet in open space fees. Thats my understanding another 4000 square feet probable 8 thousand 6 hundred and they basically bought out a part at the beginning. Bout out a park they pay a one time fee towards the plazas at the time and in my understanding was that was for the park space in the mountains of the 4000 square feet. Thank you i dont see any other questions from the members of the committee we do have Scott Sanchez our Zoning Administrator from the Planning Department if there are any further questions if not open up for Public Comment. Four speakers none 2 minutes calling names line up on the far wall. Is this so hi supervisors thank you commenting my name is jane im the district 6 representative to prozac and i live a few blocks from the emergenintercontinenta want to thank the group that works tirelessly and staffing will go a long ways to improve the park and large improved rec center will be a help the popos do nothing with the fancy hotels are doing nothing to move the life the mid market has said we have the least amount of open space per person as of 2014 district 6 two tenths of an open space versus 26 percent person in c2 were getting denser by the week it is faulty to allow the developers to create the open space for the neighborhood it is a theyll build what they want with the dark corners heightened inside of trump towers these are not visible from the street and doomed to be a homeless encampment encampment of anti social behavior this was the highest acquisition and the potential acquisition will be coming before you soon we need more than one park we need as much as we can get now not in 10 years 10 thousand new units that were opened in a timely way thanks thank you jane. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. My name is Heather Phelps a south of market arrangement for 10 years work at united playaz and part of victoria manolo draves park it would be really easy to just close this and say the community negotiated a deal in 52007, 8 and see this the deal you said youll do the popos and thats it i want to applaud janes office for drooifld and saying does that space serve the community i think that everyone can agree that didnt serve the community that and so instead of standing by saying this is on the promise that folks shouldnt see out of open space and thoughtfully considering how to best serve the communities and open space and residents this is a great example where community has driven a solution that makes sense with the dmv is a huge safety issue it brings the usable hours of the park it increases it by a huge percentage families are using the park in the afternoon and opens the space for adults in the neighborhood to use it for sports leagues and social events and dogs it really a multiple use park this will be enhance by the kind of improvements my using to approve this not in fear it will set a precedence for other developers but how to best serve the community thank you there. My name is jackie and im working with Betsey Carmichael i started working with them and one of the assignment to find a spot to it had to be at least four blocks and walked around the soma and couldnt find a park for students and patents to meet that was intreps i go in the excelsior were blessed with the parks not one place that felt inviting to walk to school were trying to get the kids to walking and biking to school and not having a meeting spot is difficult in the excelsior it is one of the Biggest Challenges the fact we dont have a park nearby the park is one block away not constituting a gathering space thank you for finding the solution to this space that didnt workout and bringing up light to the park that would be great but keep in mind you need more open spaces in the area and more parks thats all i have to say. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi, im tim a member of the b n d and the rec center and worked with the rec and park reply and people dont realize that south of market has one of the biggest parks in the city but for the hall of justice they tore down the park and the city promised to put up a park but in 1990 when the jean center came up and so that area is also had few open space it was mentioned south park and some it is amazing if you think about it ever since ive been there because of organizations and they deal with this how allow a gang issue in the south of market i worked there for 40 years it is because the kids were playing this park is across the alley from the school and makes it an easy access for the kids after conditional but putting up lights and enhancing the park it will add tenfold to what it was and you know it will maybe bring back it is amazing how the years go by people forgot and transition happens one of the biggest parts of the city was the park thank you very much. Thank you is there anyone from the public that wishes to speak on item one. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Supervisor peskin thank you chair farrell separate and apart what was accounted i know that supervisor kim has been working on it for a long time and i was involved in the original entitlement of this project and here for the december hearing where it seems like the violation was still happening it really raise a large populate question maybe i can ask plans relative to the elizabethcy of the Planning Department enforcement action around the popos in general, you have any ongoing of the monitoring how many popos not use for their original purposes and the Enforcement Actions do you and the department undertake and why did this one take so long. Thank you, supervisor we take it seriously over the past foe years the legislation to approve improve the signage for the popos when that was proposed the staff reviewed it for all the code compliant and found some not in complete compliance with the code since that time a couple of years our staff try to make periodic investigation for the popos we have active closing statement for one popo generally, the enforcement it bans the complaint but try to do the proper enforcement and have been doing that with the popos in t in the Continental Hotel a couple of items not just the popo but the enforcement related to the popo the knowledge of the violation so for the signage that had been corrected what was new information about their use the use of property for something other than the public activating that was more of a few information we never received complained to the office about that use of property for nonpublic uses but certainly under the code and outlined to the project sponsor given this type of outside open space it didnt need to be made public assessable 24 7 for the guidance of popos terraces maybe public assessable continue 10 and 5 00 p. M. And beyond that for private events. And relative to other Enforcement Actions you guys assessed and or correction for penalties. One that i just issued a notice of violation for so if they dont respond under compliance penalties for the assessable property. And relative to the proactive enforcement you have sufficient staff to go and randomly or comprehensively go and check them. Im happy to report excellent support from the supervisors to increase the enforcement staffing back at the time the complaint came in we have before a fulltime staff now more than doubled it with the will enforcement staff on focused issues and signages and shortterm rentals so i think were wellstaffed now we are going to be more proactive in looking how to improve the other tools and well be working with the City Attorneys office to try to improve our be enforcement tools to make them more efficient and effective looking to initiative legislation to make the tools more robust. Between the december resolutions and this committee that the violations were ongoing and in todays hearing my subsequent actions taken by planning relative to enforcement in this case. No issues of notice of violation were issued for the property but had discussions with the project sponsor about prop c and in compliance with the passage of this legislation there will be a path to obviously to make it so theyll not have the popo requirement but legalize the structure and pay out the steering wheels for the process to evade violations on the property. I had the honor and privilege of being worked out appointed to the California Coastal meeting and attend my first meeting they assess heavy Administration Penalty in their law and i have to say it remarkable when you assess some of those and entire communities of violators all of this relative to Public Access to you know the coastal line if you dont say the penalties tools you need this board of supervisors to give them to you im more happy to participate in 3 legislation. Thank you supervisor kim. Thank you chair farrell and just to follow up on supervisor peskins comments we learned some of the violations we did here an enter around the history over the last decade and going to have a hearing hope in april with the Planning Department with the Enforcement Capacity and history as well i think it is a to fold issue one make sure we are writing the legislation and the planning code in a way the city could a enforce our laws this is one issue i think that certainly recommending moving forward the popos are on the ground floor will help in that enforcement arena and second a violation how to support the Planning Department in issuing these notice of violations and something that the penalties fees and so figuring out the resources weve been expanding the number of issues that the Planning Department has enforced in the city recently with the expansion of shortterm rentals in particular that is important to have broader conversation on the enforcement finally i just wanted to ask the committee for ill make a motion to move forward with a positive recommendation i want to thank the members of our community and the south of market so for working with us along with the Planning Department office of office of Economic Workforce Development and also to the congressional helt to bring forward in proposed negotiation that supports victoria manolo draves park and 300,000 for the acquisition and programming throughout the next foe Years Committee members he ask for your support and happy were bringing over two to three years of discussion to a close hopefully today at the board of supervisors. Thank you, supervisor kim and ill say im happy to support in item today, i think that anytime you have you know those popos i agree with supervisor kims comment about the Planning Department staff is Going Forward more for the public it better he wonder whether the popos were not id like highway they were created and the Community Comes together my frustration that item is lined not outside of city a staff but my office has been working on it setting the 2017 budget and legislative Analyst Services audit plan Police Department. And it came forward i dont know what department but want to go forward i would certainly expect Something Better and different if we calendar this we need all the information well in advance with that said, this is a good thing for the community and want the hotels the intercongressional to operate freely and use those spaces so happy to support this so supervisor kim is that a admonition supervisor kim to magnified with recommendations without objection all right. Mr. Clerk item 2 item 2 ceqa findings sewer system Improvement Program, southeast Water Pollution plant new headworks facility. Chapter three 1 including the adoption of mitigation and reporting programs to raise the funding for the ceqa findings sewer system Improvement Program, southeast Water Pollution plant new headworks facility. Okay thank you very much i know the puc is here to speak on this item so lets get going. I believe we have a fingertip presentation as well. Yeah. And john will be preparing good afternoon chair farrell im karen the wastewater entries director at the San Francisco public works and before i move into the details i want to give you a little bit of background about the Improvement Programs and the ahead works facility the map in front is to orient you have the wastewater and be stormwater treatment use within the 49 square miles of the city we operate during dry and wet wleefrn and up and down showing in orange we have two drainage spaces and john, i want to highlight the Treatment Plant to the west the young i did point oceanside up to the northeast the wet weather the north plant and lastly the facilities where the work will be occurring southeast the bayview Hunters Point the southeast control plant that was planned r planned in the 1940s and exclusions in the 1950s thats where the budget will be occurring some of the challenges are odor and noise, visible, maintaining Water Quality as shown the infrastructure schematic safety the wastewater has not been upgraded as the departments in the city and rational liability and now having a Sea Level Rise so our solution for the 0 Improvement Program has 3 components gray meaning building more pump stations and operational green counting stormwater to slow down the movement from the system because it does get overwhelmed and the maintenance for the clean ocean as part of program established a level of service enforced by the commission and guide the project acceleration i want to point you to the first one all of these are obviously important but the ones that focus on southeast plant i think like the compliances with the regulatory permit with the regulatory and the commission of the crome safety to operate in a wide range of southeast plant not been you got were at risk of aging system failing and making us not compliant that is the styling of the urgency were under and the ssip is 6. 9 billion shows the definition of treatment and the Collection System weve within authorized for phase one that is the first column 2. 9 billion to billion dollars of the fund are going to be have found in the southeast plant for facilities if you look at the highlighted like that in yellow that is the new ahead works facility that total is 359 million for this project of the project of the 359 million 200 and 56 million for the construction the Construction Funds are only controllers appropriation reserve that is to the Commission Approval you received in february 28th and your consideration adoption of the ceqa vpthdz im presenting to you today, i want to advise you that the puc is pursuing low Interest Fund for the costs so this is happening in parallel the next the aerial of the southeast plant every skweech is covered an impacted site it is in bayview Hunters Point it treats 80 percent of citys wastewater 24 7 it is a constrained sites by residents and businesses and has caltrans in the back their aging and while we do the construction well be operating the Treatment Plant not a back up plant but id like challenges that we have this is the plant for the future these are some of the new facilities that will be built the blue is the facilities that were back to talk about that another day the green where the ahead works is where everything enters the plant from the north and setting the ahead works it moving large obstacles like tires and bricks and two by for us on the system and has to remove sand and fine grit so it takes up valuable capability an esteeming odor reduce portion so much air is a changing place not got the more than control ulthd for the schematic the standards were different than today so those are located at overview advanced this is a shot of what the new facility will look like a lot of the focus on the grit removal for the fine screening to get that out of the system before that enters the rest find plant and enhancing the control for the status quo control system this is a cut a 3d cut of new head works a challenging facility it has to be able to operate at dry weather and maximize in wet weather the new 200 and 50 million from left to right the facilities screenings and brick handling a a distribution structure and has a control room and electrical facility if we look at the schedule we have received the final mitigated negative declaration from the Planning Department we have authority from the commission to move forward february 2ndyear budget with the committees recommendation well begin construction in august a 5 year construction period now as i mentioned the project has received a negative declaration and determined the project area has a sensitivity for agriculture site if on previous geoagricultural points now at the bottom that was conformed using tier engine for operating the enlistment and diesel not to exceed the pollutant for the oxygen dioxide and lastly in the future when your driving down evans theyre working with the agricultural and the city intervene on the agricultural concept that slide a concept that is approved in phase one and will be turning to the review for approval shortly the gray white patching is an area we are having a public art place for the selection and that art is underway so at this time i wanted to ask for the adoption for the negative declaration the ceqa and the monitoring and reporting program and direction for the controller to release and like to ask the committee supervisors to Carry Forward a motion to correct a clerical error the wrong index code on this page we would like to get that fixed and ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. About the project or the ssip. Thank you very much supervisor peskin. So sorry for my ignorance generally ceqa documents are adopted by the department of decide planning why are we making the findings for the adopted diagnosis. This has the requirement in the funding of the legislation payroll this is an unusual thing pointed out by the manager as well youll be seeing this and returning at other private documents we want to make sure all the dot all the is and cross the ts on this it was wart of the funding. And relative to the correction on line 12 for the project number is that what youre referring to. Yes. Recycle. Line 14, page one. No numbers on line 13 but. Well 12. Whats the correct number. C w w ssip example s e i two. It says and thats incorrect. You want it to be. C w w ssip s e zero two. I get it. And relative to Community Outreach any controversy. This one we received no comment on the viral process we had great support on this project i think that the project that is attracting perhaps more Public Interest the project just this past weekend a working group an open house out at a boyer opera houses attended by 40 residents to learn about the projects we have there has not been the level of controversy or questions been support or people realizing that is a project for the Wastewater Treatment a understood and relative to outreach what kind of outreach do you do relative to noticing. Many, many Public Meetings and workshops. We had been 30 or 35 meeting in the neighborhood about this project it is with do you want to come up. I guess what im trying to get at karen month folks think of ceqa documents as going to planning so people in various communities that follow those are following calendar and not following the hard calendar 99 percent go the answer you noticed everybody in the same way that planning notice people for a fundamental document thats what im getting at. We be continuing do the working class forward at this. 2000 on the southeast plant er bike tours we are trying to get it so everybody is aware of what is happening at the wastewater plant. Thank you okay seeing no further questions open up for Public Comment. Thank you i have one card i know that is david pilpal. You are like the soccer star and anyone else. Mr. Pilpal. I want to speak in support i served 3 and a half on the Advisory Committee and 10 years on the wastewater im familiar with this component project that was an important project that took place for the aging infrastructure babe bar screens and other attempts further up the line to remove odor and contaminates this is the first opportunity to remove grit and other materials that interfere with the treatment process so i believe this will improve the efficiency of the process and reduces the oertdz and replace the infrastructure blah, blah that was properly followed and staff karen and others have done great work i support it i believe you have an amendment to the bearing the same title and it corrects the project title under the old Financial System and makes minor changes for about the admin code so i commend that and urge your support have a nice day. Thank you mr. Pilpal. Supervisor peskin. I want to thank puc staff and the deputy City Attorney mr. Pilpal we do have an amendment of the whole before us ill clear on the language on line 12. That comes to us from city staff ill adopt it but not from the public just the chance in the index code i dont know what version that is. This is kind of weird kind of annoying ill check to see if this is on the website at the top that says amended in committee 3, 2017 and today is monday, march 20, 2017, so weve not taken an amendment i dont want to sound like a process queen but on the website how you guys took action before we take action how do you take an action on our on behalf mr. Pilpal is correct it says amended in committee monday, march 20, 2017, how do you guys put something on the website before the legislative body has taken action. We were working on the draft and it was disdisclosed were moving at this time. Just to be clear on page one. Who knows it is amended as a whole no red line and the road to hell is paved with weird stuff like this. So you couldnt ask them to the City Attorneys office or the staff. Ill propose to do this what karen said i will make a motion at line 12 on page one cu w 20 and replace that with c w w ssip c zero two and make that amendment. Just to be clear on line 12 page one well adopt about motion i by supervisor peskin and seconded by supervisor kim as amended. Thank you and then the other line item to move and seconded by supervisor kim and without objection thank you. I appreciate it everyone. Deputy City Attorney Pacific Islander pal. Mr. Clerk, call item 3. Transportation demand Management Program. And methodology and justification documents. Okay. Thank you very much so were on item 3 well go back really quick we have to make a set of amendments to supervisor kim can i have a motion to rescind the vote. On item one. Motion by supervisor kim and seconded by supervisor peskin if i can talk without objection and supervisor kim. My apologies for missing this we thought we contributed this in the subsequent legislation that came in a little bit later i mends in a foul fellow up that the Property Owner project sponsor had been illegally using the private space over the last 3 months worked on a gift to address and remedy the violations that they had been making i had stated that this gift was returned up to 300,000 to the San Francisco Parks Alliance to be used for activation and at the victoria manolo draves park i had submitted those amendments now to the clerk and members of the land use and Transportation Committee to provide an additional amendment we have acceptance of Additional Fund for the victoria manolo draves park or other existing underutilized parks in district 6 at the 300,000 and so that language is now before the land use and Transportation Committee and looking for the City Attorney to see if this is adequate and efficient. John gibner, deputy City Attorney. Yes. The amendment reflected the one hundred thousand dollars for popos maintenance as well and the details are in the copy for the department. Thank you mr. Gibner and so id like to make a motion to amend item number one, to rehabilitate the summary that i have just articulated. Supervisor kim through the chair not to be a process queen to items in a row if you can hand me a copy of that that would be great before i second. Well pause for supervisor peskin. I want to appreciate the members of the board are looking at this before they amend it. Just to be clear supervisors i got these before committees as we raise the committee about who to adopt it. My apologies i was not aware of that the amendment were not distributed to the Community Members well remedy this next time. Not a problem heres in page 3 sub 3 there is two changes one is the board authors a payment in the fee of 2 housing unit 6 million instead of 2. 5 million and at the end of the sentence one thousand dollars for the Maintenance Cost that typically a copy is popos this is the responsibility of the private owner this is an explanation for the 2. 5 to 2. 6 and then the three hundred thousand is the gift acceptance so for pages four or five. I didnt state that when the item was up we worked with the rec and park in coming up with the one hundred thousand to be added to the inlieu fee payment and rec and park stated that 2,600 is the cost for the maintenance of once we installed it we estimated that 31 years is the period of time that popo will be in use poor so the total Maintenance Cost for 35 years is 2 is 91 thousand we rounded that up to one thousand for the inlieu fee payment so the 2. 5 authorizes is the capital plan and the additional 1,000 is maintaining the light as our pd has summarized. And there are to copies so just so you have a copy of the amendments i have read them and can second the amendments. We have a motion to approve number one, by supervisor kim and seconded by supervisor peskin without objection and as amended supervisor kim and seconded by supervisor peskin and we without objection that passes. Thank you were back to item 3 colleagues this item was sponsored by supervisor yee, supervisor fewer and supervisor cohen i see supervisor fewer and supervisor cohen in Committee Welcome to the land use and Transportation Committee and im going to turn it over to supervisor yee well turn it over to you first. Okay. Thanks chair farrell and other Committee Members and i want to thank supervisor fewer and supervisor cohen for cosponsor this i called this hearing today to get a deeper understanding of behind the methodologies of the planning of the city Transportation Demand Management Program which the board of supervisors approved earlier this year i think we can finally agree that the city should doing everything we can to encourage the vehicles miles traveled traveled in cars the at least not the best the best and the least that is the ultimate of Transportation Demand Management Program. I understand the program is ever eventually to choose from the needs Transportation Demand management goal is a living document that is why i wanted to bring the Planning Team to this committee to talk through some of the thinking that allows us the ability to engagement in the process as it develops in my own district we are using Transportation Demand management to discuss the transportation and parking the potential balboa park housing site which is used by the city college as a parking lot want to when the Planning Department brought this proposal to me i thought the study will stud anothers existing impacts and help to suggest Short Term Solutions to the traffic as it exists today of course, i was assured it was part of Transportation Demand Management Study not only the aspect will go future planning and deferring people if driving in the first place so the bathroom, came before i was in the agreement i had many questions about the point system and how the formula works it is is on ongoing process for the community and myself i know that the team at planning and sfmta has studied the data steven i want to provide on overall the that the commission does not tolerate outbursts of any kind and talk about the methodologies and want to thank the staff for allowing us the opportunity to deplete into this and ask for questions before i bring up the staff i think supervisor fewer want opening remarks. Thank you supervisor yee im new to the board ive not been here for previously discussions but i had a question around the options and the thinking behind that im in support of Transportation Demand Management Program i think that it is really forward thinking to do that and i have concerns about the overall city goals and whether or not were looking at other measures besides the vehicles miles traveled and options thinking they can compliment other city goals we have collectively decided on as a board and city so thats why im here today and i hope to learn a lot but again, im concerned about the options and able to perhaps double down on the citywide goals in muni versus with the levers to lose move this initiative were reducing the vehicles miles traveled thanks. Okay so why not get started i have here wade. So im carli if sfmta ill kickoff and wade will from planning will go through the second part. Its all yours carla thank you for having us. Were delighted to be here with supervisor peskin with the Transportation Demand Management Program. With you as you may know we care deeply about and proud of as those of you, we can talk about it for quite a while we appreciate the invitation to talk that it more with you as you mentioned the Transportation Demand Management Program. Was adopted by the board of supervisors about a moa month and a half go went into affect the Transportation Demand management ordnance is the third component of the Transportation Sustainability program and oh, im sorry please it went up thank you all right. Were be looking at the lines so the Transportation Demand management or the shift component establishes reminders for plan use projects to integrate onsite amenities or services into their projects to support site users in making the trips they need to make by sustainable modes modes other than cycling and it links the other to consultant of Transportation Sustainability program by encouraging and 7eleven using transit and walking and biking with the will component invests in and reducing the vehicles miles traveled this is the focus of the lined components and murray measuring a more robust Environmental Review to the board of supervisors adopted the policy framework in approving the Transportation Demand management ordinance the Planning Commission adopted the regulations and various specific detailed of how the program will be implemented in their action to approve the program the regulations are brought dough in a document called the tdm weve been asked to share the details of today an overall of the presentation overall were here to explain the technical aspects of the tdm and the purpose of tdm program and how we define the measure for the purposes of this program to go over the tdm venue including generally in the memo and specifically how points of allocated for measures and let the progress to update the tdm process over time and including two examples of projects how the tdm program applies to those projects and how they will work in light of the details were walk you through so first, the purpose of program the purpose of the whole Transportation Sustainability program to keep the city mo magic as it grows the tdm reduces the vehicles miles traveled that is a core focus of this program so when we talk about reducing the vehicles miles traveled in a Development Project were talking about reducing vehicles miles traveled for that project compared to what would otherwise happy for that Development Project in that location the vehicles miles traveled or v m t measures the amount and distance that people would drive to in using and assessing a site and vehicles miles traveled is a function of diversity of land uses and options for nondriving and driving transportation area those are elements of vehicles miles traveled but an individual project cant affect the things that a project can effect are the kinds of amenities offered and how much other things we care about the vehicles miles traveled in San Francisco is you know from the transportation perspective for the reducing the vehicles miles traveled is critical to reducing the congestion and demand on the roadways that is a limited reservoirs in San Francisco and not expanding vehicles miles traveled reduction also has a benefit of environmental benefit of reducing noise and Energy Consumption and air pollution for local pollutants and Green House Gas emissions and vehicles miles traveled reduction also is closely aligned with the vision zero reducing the motorist trips and distances is critical to reducing the x pours to vehicle crashes and injuries and to get into that a little bit more that might not be an intuitive concept to but well show you a couple of studies that are referred reveal a fundamental relationship between vehicles miles traveled and safety multiple traffic and safety studies show a correlation between higher b m t and crashes but of causality between total miles traveled and crashes so more b m t more crashes and more serious and fatalities in San Francisco were serious about in fact, the vision zero representatives came and testified in front of the board of supervisors saying that the tdm is an important tool in the tool in the tool box so to remind you the way the Program Works every project has to select from a memo of options in order to accrue enough points to achieve its required points the target so we identifying would measures should be in this memo of options first, we had to define whether or not the tdm measure for this purpose of this program clearly the project programming is reducing the tdm so the measures have to be measures that effectively reduces the vehicles miles traveled they have to effect the trips of sited users retained and workers that are visitors to cite and under the control of Property Owner because this is something were asking the developer and the future Property Owners to be responsible for so the rules we identified the measures to evaluate for inclusion in the memo was during a litter review of what tdm measures have out there that are demonstrated to be effective looking at the planning code for what were already requiring and how to build off the existing requirements and looked at it other injured across the country in best practices in terms of requirements and Transportation Demand management measures implemented voluntarily that could be are great tdm measures that will be challenging to assure and monitor for compliance as you may recall in insuring the projects are delivering the measures that theyve committed to a core component we want to make sure that every measure in the memo that was something we can describe how you can be compliant and we the city will make sure your complying im going to turn it over to wade from the Planning Department to get into the details of the memo and how the points are allocated well both be available for questions. Thank you carli and good afternoon, supervisors im wade senior planning Planning Department great to be back here again to talk about the tdm hopefully on acronym we all know and im going to pick up where carli left off in that once we choose the measures that met the tdm measure put them into a category as shown here those 8 categories car share and delivery and familyfriendly, highoccupancy vehicle and information to communication, land use and Parking Management those 8 categories contain 26 tdm measures some of the measures have additional options what different requirements and this resulted in 6 of options all of the options have been allocated points reflective based on how ritualistic in reducing the vehicles miles traveled this we used a variety of different sources to assign the points for we look at other literature some works was a comprehensive report done by the California Air pollution transfers how effect for reducing the bmt and the Ongoing Research by the California Air Resources Board as part of nfl 375 land use and Transportation Planning requirements and an example of where we look to other jurisdictions and the research they did in washington, d. C. There was some research around how effective bike share in if environment and tried to apply that research to San Francisco and looked at it other Academics Research as well that was on top of what we spent two summers in San Francisco particularly looking at the effect parking space supply had at the vehicles miles traveled at individual Development Sites based on the results of that research that echoed research that we have read statewide and nation wide that more people are driving we looked at two other jurisdictions to see they how they weighed the factors and by looking at the Expert Opinion how effect they were some manufactured like the messengers that carli mentioned around familyfriendly not really literature whether or not they reduced the vehicles miles traveled but banks our professional opinion we felt they can needling we cast the point value for any measure that didnt have the dabbed evidence so the nursuntil we collect fora to see if theyre effective. That resulted in the memo of options with a point allocation that you see here im not going to go over the measures but highlight a few of them based on conversations weve had the first ill mention is improved walking conditions to options here both are allocated one point and then we acknowledge that walking conditions and connectivity have important, however, an spentsz that an individual developer improves the Walking Around the site are limited there are circumstances but get into situations with a Development Agreement where a development can influence those circumstances are rare and this is because most walking conditions improvements were requiring area for quarter wide improvements to really reduce the wlt effectively with that said we district staff to look at those measures a little bit more the walking measures that is and we tint on doing that along with the measures that are on the memo one of the other measures is the shuttle bus measure we heard a number of comments on the process i want to highlight this measure it bans literature proven to be quite effective thus i point value quite effective at reducing the vehicles miles traveled but we dont anticipate this measure will be selected except for rare and unique circumstances and this is because this measure is very costly the frequency requirement of running the shuttle as defined in the measure are quite effect frequent is a large operational cost and unique in that it requires really city staff Vincent Van Gogh and approval of this measure we want to make sure from the developer has suggested this measure that there are no hazards associated with the location zone that measure is not duplicating a Public Transit service that is near the site there would be some vetting associated with this measure and then i want to mention on this memo there are some items that are geography based a unbundled parking and parking supply and health food and underserved areas by chair manipulating based on the geography of the site and characteristics youll get points for those measures pr and we intend on updating in memo over time as we discussed previously and supervisor yee mentioned that the tdm seem like is dynamic we want to be up to date in that dynamic fold we can update those measures this can occur as carli mentioned the board of supervisors adopted the policy and then the Planning Commission adopted the regulation there are certain amendments that what require the Planning Commission approval those are outlined here staff will be conducting research to see how effective the tdm measures are over time whether new ideas that warrant conclusion in the memo or clarify measures to make sure theyre more effective all of these amendments will be data driven in regards to vehicles miles traveled production we intend on reporting those to the Planning Commission and as request do in the board of supervisors after one year and every 4 years we also will be reporting on things like the frequency measures that are selected theyre effectiveness and inside of projects that are subject to this so that concluded the Technical Details i wanted to run through two project examples to illustrate those a little bit further both examples i want to stress are hypothetical but they may reasonably reflect the projects in two different geography locations the example demonstrate the geographic pointed values in some of the measures ive referred so the first project will be located at ocean avenue with 60 units 40 percent booemz and onsite affordable unit and one space per parking space per unit and based on those number of Parking Spaces the target we didnt go into some the presentation but there target is 17 points that is the number of points that project has to achieve to comply with the tdm program ill show 3 slides for this example all the slides have images from a webbased tool it you all member of the Public Developers can use i have a link to the tool on the last slide so for this project the project will get 3 points between the geography based measures on unbundled parking and parking supply and unbundled parking as well as another measure bike parking are planning code requirements so this is something that arbitrary mentioned those planning code requirements are effective at reducing the vehicles miles traveled were giving credit for that and select on this slide car share that is above and beyond what the planning code requires so the Property Owner here will be required to provide more car share spaces and also car share membership for each unit combined on the slide the project is halfway has 8 of the 17 points to get the rest of the points sort of scrolling on the webbased tool need 9 more points ive selected familyfriendly measures and between the combination of those car share and the percentage of two bedrooms on the site the project will get two more points what were demon a tdm package other measures are are signage and the project will get points for the amount of level of fundamental to combined with this project have a number of measures that will become their tdm. And quickly ill go through another example it is similar in sort of character but smaller in size and in a different location here at geary and 6th street this t has 40 percent unit onsite Affordable Housing and 40 Parking Spaces so again the project is one parking space per one unit and given in project has 20 fewer Parking Spaces from the previous a target of fewer points shown on the slide is 50 points so and in example the project will get additional points for the geographic location for unbundled parking and zero points for parking supply and selected some additional bike parking for the project and car share parking again on this slide it gets 7 points and then on the last slide to get the additional 8 points ive selected slightly different the amenities and again familyfriendly amenities and a measure that didnt require space in the building and this is contributions incentive . In this events a subsidy to each unit in the building for a muni pass a transit pass and again the project will get points for onsite affordability and combined the project meets the territory of 18 points so hopefully, this priority a better explanation of the details of the tdm project were happy to discuss further and that concludes my presentation. Thank you thank you wade. Any questions here for any Public Comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Chair farrell Public Comment is closed. Just to be clear anyone want to comment on item 3 seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And i have some. Can we ask about the shuttle piece that you gave an example for for the ocean avenue well, yeah youre probably bordered that particular site but the shuttle piece for a shuttle that is coming out of the balboa and, of course, the motivation for students to also students get out of their cars if one does a shutter there how does that work what kind of place would you assign to that and one, is that the shuttle is not necessary because of the Public Transportation or whatever can you respond to that before so i heard several questions let me make sure one the question is the balboa came forward and said we want to achieve your points through a shuttle how will we evaluate you may or may not thats would be one of the questions and another question how to design that Shuttle Service you asked how does that work im not sure the other part. How does the point system work. Oh, okay so assuming we said, yes how will the point system work the first one to answer whether we how well evaluate it is you know mta did is working on Guiding Principles for private transportation of all types of and those principles are like reducing congestion and bmt and accessibility and equity and transparent of labor standards and monitoring and impacts on sfmta operations and revenues so we will evaluate the Shuttle Service, however, it was described by the project sponsor they will likely give the routinely and the power and the frequency well evaluate it whatever their proposal based on the principles and criteria that were we will set up now say we said sure there is a gap in transit accessibility or assess there all the your operations are great you have perfect places for loading and unloading and committed to Safety Practices for the operators e in terms of their points there is basically two and the points are you get more points for the higher frequency so 7 points for providing 15 head ways during peak hours and less and 13 for 7 and a half minutes head ways during peak or less during peak hours it is really the frequency of service and if you think about the points reflecting how much of an impact on vehicles miles traveled it will have clearly a shuttle is something twice as frequently it is more likely to be a dependable options than less coming less frequently we see that with the transit thats how the points are elevated and assigned if we say check all the boxes just to be clear for the record im not it does for this site but that conveyer. Just curious that was a real site and not the recommendations for shuttles. Thats a topic a different topic. I know, i know. I wanted to trap you guys in having shuttles. Thank you. laughter . You know can so youre assigned the points and so forth and hoping that the developers will then follow through with their commitments and i guess the question is given how difficult it is to and in development whether that is for we have all the regulations and then but we know that the dbi department of building inspection and so forth sometimes they dont necessarily go back and inspect things and wait for someone to complain how will you enforce those elements ill ask wade ill say this is something that sets this apart from neither here nor there anything else in the planning code correct and so. An earlier item today that was talking about complaint and most of planning code is complaint basis weve built into a proactive monitoring and recording to with the various fees associated with the tdm program a developer will have to fee a portion of those fees staff assigned to do staff audits 0 review annual i should say going on monitoring and reporting reports from the developer so right before and to illustrate before it development a occupied prior to the certificate of occupancy Planning Department staff will parlor that physical measures are in place how many car share shares will you provide and how many are there as well as that there ready to implement any programmatic so the transit measures ive mentioned previously the site is opted out and 18 months that is ongoing monitoring reports will be required by the developer or the Property Owner so theyll have to show documents that those car share spaces are there and providing those subsidies and pay on ongoing fee to planning dedicated Planning Department staff just for this effort. I have a question for in regards to familyfriendly elements and how would the impacts be measured differently in the development has hero children your specifically if i understand how have assigned points to take an average or whatever of the conditions and if the development is familyfriendly would the correct number of units and childcare and Everything Else a family will really look for would the points be different. Yeah. Thats a good question if i can rephrase your question from the project said theyll have 100 percent two bedrooms or three bedrooms will they get more points for the familyfriendly measures that is something we hope to study more in the future those measures were actually things ive mentioned in the presentation we dont have a lot of literature to support how effective they are but we think they work and by given the lack of material we cap it at 2 points at this time we hope there is more literature out there someplace and collect our own data i know that the desire for familyfriendly housing is a real one and i think those measures support that but a lot of the other measures are in are not deemed familyfriendly are supported because it is a different category didnt mean it didnt support familyfriendly like im sorry, go ahead. There is the bonus points if you do the both familyfriendly measures and i think that is category option c for the car share and a certain proposition is that 3 or 2. 40 percent two bedrooms or greater two bedroom unit onsite there say you do all those things a mega package bonus points. Labeled in the two examples that i showed. Thank you supervisor fewer do you yes. Thank you supervisor yee. So thanks for your presentation im narrowly it down my concern is that i get youre with mta and planning and this is around transportation and vehicles miles traveled however, i think that i was thinking about how do we see this memo to further other City Initiatives that are equally as important as reducing the amount of vehicles on the road so when i look at those options the option kickoff in the sister low and this is one of my sequesters also that we are planning in a silo were not planning aligned with some of the other goals as Affordable Housing or goals of reduction of vehicles so im also looking at some of the transportation Marketing Services what do you mean and looking at when you say Federal Reserve ill thinking of the implementation of transportation im not seeing more large projects the option to fund a new transit stop and pay into muni to actually have services i dont see any of those options what im thinking we talked about the familyfriendly for low income families dont have cars so i dont see an option of actually having a resale basis within the project for a Grocery Store for example, or a laundromat or those kinds of amenities for families theyll actually need a vehicle to or take a car or use a vehicle in order to do that so im i guess my thing about this my main concern and maybe not so much an objection but a critical thing is that it seems we can, e be using the levers to advance to the citywide measures not in acy low around the vehicles miles traveled how many vehicles miles traveled i think we need to look at this with an eye to reduce the amount of vehicles on the road that reducing the amount of private vehicles on the road or by corporations or run by corporations that are unregulated in the community such a uber and lyft im looking at levers looking at this as there could be other mothers that help us with not just this goal but through a new memorial system were all working together thats my main complained im learning about it honest i i dont know a lot about it but were thinking about it in a low we heard a presentation on the fascinate housing here which actually could be a way to push that forward also you know the value over Something Like bike share membership or showers or lockers like the points system could reflect this is sort of a greater need we give the developers more points for doing it possibly a society it means more so that is my push back on it i know youve that worked a long time and a lot of planning around this i know im coming in late to this so i just want to say i appreciate thank you for all your hard work my push back it a rereluctance to and then the planning around other City Initiative that are also trying it was with little resources this is one of the reasons we used to promote some of the things citywide that it didnt just about vehicles miles traveled that is liveability and will remaining the exit and ruining the families and low wage workforce that serves us in San Francisco when i look at those things im looking at it really is one lens of this measurement and youre just trying to accomplish one thing but id like to rethink this actually, we might be able to accomplish many things thats my comments thanks so much thank you supervisor fewer you trigger another thing i forgot to ask i think there some assumptions here and i cant argue with it one way or another but speculate just something that been in my thoughts and other peoples thought for quite a while a generation of people that are using or owning vehicles less than a generation before at the same time when we talked to not generation of people many of them even though they unite not own a car depends on vehicles not necessary Public Transportation all the time meaning their constantly taking uber or Something Like that this is the taxis thats what is happening and i dont think we do enough Research Arena when what is 40 thousand cars are running around San Francisco driving constantly trying to pick up somebody so and he kind of wondered it is like somebody said well, you dont need a parking space but 40 thousand vehicles running around operating all day long and at least one that drives like sometimes myself from my house to here im parked and im not driving my vehicle around and around and around causing more pollution so this is a tough one i think we need to these indicators whatever you call them seriously we have to look at that aspect because your assumption is that oh, they dont have a vehicle wow. We publics driving less and if someone is telling you in the survey oh, half the time im taking lyft to work it sort of there is no your assumptions out the door basically what is better to have you know 80 vehicles driving around our home running for you if you ask them to drive them or someone to drive and if we can reduce the vehicle usage ever people that live in San Francisco and those that are coming from all over the place to pick up the slack for those not ownership a car that would be great i dont know if that is happening any responses to that supervisor yee. Great observation and the prevalence of for hire Transportation Network companies e has increased obviously in the city over the last foe years were doing the city is doing a number of efforts to understand the began as part of transportation for the California Environmental quality act were curbing undergoing Data Collection at sites to see see prevalence of people using those types of services and you referred to asking people how much theyre using them and theres i think that is also the real benefit of this program right now this program is built absolutely on the fact like you said more parking people more driving as well as the number of other things built into the program but we can update this program over time to rehabilitate the last research if we determine it that you know maybe parking supply didnt have the effect as two years ago as two years from now we can refine overseeing measures and the target based on the research and mta has nothing further to add. I want to say further it will be hard to study those vehicles for hire when their gray or brown listing you. Gray balling you. May i. I want to piggyback on it i will not in favor of my policy that promotes the use or even gives an option for use of private transportation to hire i think that we have not studied it weve not regulated it i think it is in constitution with the Public Transportation and if there was an article in the negotiation times about the reduction of use in the over speculation of the vehicles and so if you want to get serious about vision zero say you frustrating to me we need to write in the policy about concession that will adversely to vision zero goal i mean, i am not a social scientists but i like 45 thousand or whatever uber or lyfts on the road for cars will be more accidents in cars or people driving cars yes when i looked at this i was hoping that your not thinking of actively giving points to partner with a private Shuttle Service like this this is simply not acceptable it is different if you have a Shuttle Service that is notforprofit but thinking about offering 7 points for Shuttle Service that is privatized that actually works in xeemgsz with our own Public Transportation system then i have to say im not against that we have to reassure we will have a Public Transportation system that is viable that is assessable, that is remarkably priced and effect for everyone in San Francisco regardless of how rich you or how how many resources you have to hire someone privately i think we had a trouble taxi system but lets remember hes a and not expiation of labor when i read that that was one of the red flags about a Shuttle Service i thought man that is actually promoting the use of a private Shuttle Service im not in favor it is it i look at what is happening in new york and the place again that is taken over not just uber and lyft but other companies that is needs to be regulated very soon before i mean, i think we should have a hearing on the back of our workforce and the impact on transportation, whats the impact on vision zero and good life and our roads and is maintenance of roads and we havent done that yet so im when i looked at this memo of options that is the one thing that freaked me out you im trying to piggyback on supervisor yee is saying this is needs to be studied and actually should be outstanding it very, very carefully we know that soon there will be Automated Vehicles lyft and uber are working towards feel well not put a slow down it to protect the Public Transportation system thank you. Any other comments seeing none, are you public . We already had Public School sorry i want to thank the staff for coming to this hearing and presenting and im pretty convinced you know staff is working on it considers about this issue and how it can improve the lives of san franciscans and im glad to hear that theres some sense of Flexibility Program and you have absolutely corrected it but a start i think that it will be good for us to have you come back in a year to see what has happened so we can weigh in and point out other things to consider at this time, id like to go ahead and close this hearing okay supervisor yee made a motion shall we file the hearing. To the call of the chair. Well ask for a hearing in the future. Motion by supervisor kim and without objection thanks supervisor yee and supervisor fewer mr. Clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body . That completes the agenda for today. Thanks

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