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Continued practice and documents were unavailable to provide adequate documentation to the specific aspects of the contractor were fulfilled. There was one audit, the 583 million the laguna honda hospital replacement and found that department of water and power was unable to verify compliance with 8 of 34 close out procedures. So what we are saying is that documentation was inadequate for 24 of the items in a contract that exceeded a half billion dollars. That is not acceptable. The civil grand jury request City Departments to proceeds and use a close out checklist and the City Department maintain documentation that contractors have read in complied with the contract. The city is not to issue the controller the recommendation of the policy. They responded that it was not going to be implemented because its not warranted. How can it not use a close out for documentation that contractors have fully complied with the construction contract before they receive the final payment. No. 6, these get quicker as i go along. Supervisor norman yee yeah. Lets wrap it up. The City Employees protection and project manager, 71 in two departments. Department of water and power 40 and department of water and power 31 . What you have over time is that Construction Projects changeover time. San francisco just completed two hospital rebuilds. In the future those wont be as necessary. When you allocate across six City Departments which you have is a mix match of resources. Some scarcity and some abundance and also as we mentioned they use different operating procedures and information systems. These differences could be eliminated if the city were to centralize management and other cities have done this. We are recommending, we didnt have the time nor expertise to benchmark San Francisco so we are recommending a bench mark analysis. Recommendation no. 7. Its complicated and obsolete. More than 20 years ago developed a greater than financial system. It doesnt change online change orders or project updates and basically when we did our interviews, one manager said they need to keep really good emails and trails of decisions. Department of water and power also lacks Data Management system for documentation for change orders. When you have hundreds of change orders you have thousands of documents. What you have are Engineering Projects and changes for negotiations. There is nothing to manage this. Things are no better at the department cities. Department of Public Health does not maintain electronic records of the originally approved construction contract amounts and thus preventing the comparisons with the amended or modified amount and unless the manual review of the contract documents files is made. This is the same department that is the process of completing 1. 5 billion of hospital remodels and have no system for managing. As i indicated to you, one of those projects had over 600 change orders. We are recommending the Mayors Office provide funds excuse me. Its inappropriate for the citys plan to provide expenditures for the next 10 years and no provide any capital for the purchase and installation citywide for Construction Management system. Recommendation 7 is for the mayor to allocate Financial Resources for the development of systems requirements for citywide systems. Recommendation 8, is really important. The city does not have an independent Management Group reviewing construction reports and monitoring adherence to change orders and close out policies. Commission are not independent. They approve the capital expenditure. Department of water and power who has 535 projects that are active when we did this report and a budget the meeting will come to order happy first ever october everyone that is thursday, october 1, 2015, of the San Francisco full board of supervisors please keep the comments down until we start with the Public Comment that is the Public Safety of the board of supervisors our clerk mr. Derrick evans to my right it supervisor campos trust fund is supervisor christensen any announcements mr. Evans devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Thank you, mr. Evans this is a new hyphenated name i want to thank sfgovtv herb and joshua for televising this today mr. Evans only one item on the agendas push item number one is a hearing with the release of the 2015 language ordinance assess ordinance compliance to receive a upgrades on the compliance with the ordinance and requesting the Legal Affairs and other agencies to report. Thank you colleagues flven you is the annual advancing language report thank you it it from the immigrant affairs and staff and all the departments it participated the biggest thanks to the grassroots language assess network for the offer 20 years has been recognizing for increases in bilingual and bio currently staff and better translation serves to the growing population of many people from the parts of world that come to San Francisco but speak english and other languages it is about language equality and equal assess thank you to supervisor campos for his years and years of with work important advancing not only immigrant rights but language equality and services and education as well so let me start by saying that San Francisco language assess ordinance adopted in 2009 was based on on the 2001 equal access to language origins that was pushed by a coalition in oakland and our strong San Francisco assess language requires all public serving City Departments to inform limited english people that seek the services of theyre right to request that interpretation or translation and it to translate signs and materials to provide Important Information about the citys most commonly uncommon english, chinese, filipino and spanish to provide the access to the staff that speaks those languages that recent confuse when i read the rights of people to have staff that speak their language to have translation to have notifications of our rights have right in the city this is because of our Grassroots Coalition and is ongoing training within the department and a point person within the department is critical earlier this year we passed a new ordinance read by supervisor tang i p i cosponsored that amendment our administrative code to expand the strength of our go language assess ordinance to apply to all the staffs not just tier ones autopsy departments must provide that service to the public and rice the plan requirements that is nice and neatly summarized by ms. Mondays or popped and her staff prevailing we defined the tier one of the high volume of the interaction with the public and element English Proficiency all others commissions for a term quiet tier 2 departments the new ordinance that report didnt reflect that in the occupying report due tomorrow from each department will reflect the departments complying with the language assess ordinance i want to do is the data in the reports were analyzing do you still have again, the two tiers so it is really the tier one departments that are focused on but in future language assess reports they have agricultural the departments a lot of work for ms. Ponds and the departments but most of us toward stronger language assess to the city spent the consortiums many residents are unaware of our language assess ordinance and terror rights as limited English Speaking populations it there are is a need for more awareness public education, for not only our occ office but the immigrant Services Office but within the language assess network and City Departments to educating the clients they serve their rights as limited English Population i wanted to say i think the language assess ordinance reflected moving and keep that in mind the notion of equality not just treating people by only english anthropologies only but equality to look at the specific needs of language no matter population from equally to equality and make sure that all individuals what about reached and realize the resources not only in the occ office but in all City Departments to many newcomers communities Language Access is a human right and one of the paths to mooefblg participation in a democratic furjs city to relieve the lack of language assess our priority to take priority since the implementation of our ordinance occ has provided annual reports from my understanding from the 2001 ordinance their supported to give this information to the Mayors Office it has been established and federal, state, and local to insure outline citizens have access in 2001 we were fighting the english only from prop 87 to 227 our visionary assess ordinance was about bilingual staffing in the citys downstairs were focusing on certified staffing and other Police Department that may not be certified by still speak various language your immigrant population understand it is also come to the attendance i want to thank victor and others for their work through the attendance with the discussions with the Community Members that i think we need more engagement from the office of Civic Engagement and as far as theyre concerned, important the explanation of multi lingual communities in the hiring of bilingual and certified bilingual staff today we begin our hearing from the office of immigrant affairs the language assess network has a rep that followups and then a number of communities testimonies during Public Comment but we also have a number of City Departments handpicked. Bob because theyre good examples of the work in their department with that, id like to ask if any of any colleagues have any opening comments i see none ms. Pond is the director of the immigrant affairs and fold by the chinese for affirmative action and is Language Network as well ms. Pond. Thank you supervisor eric mar and supervisors joining me sarah our Society Director of policy assess we wanted to start by saying thank you for your leadership and commitment and our immigrant population in San Francisco i know youve had a busy morning with some issues that are important to everybody and i just want to say thank you to you for your continuous working on this this chart shows our first slide oh, we have to wait until it comes on language diversity in San Francisco this is a at some point for you have what it looks like for our language population in San Francisco nearly half of our residents speak a language other than english at home and one in every 4 residents is limited English Speaking top 56 languages by individuals are chinese and spanish and followed by filipino, vietnamese and russian then if you look at the language mandates, of course, there are over one thousand laws in the looks at of the United States covering language assess those are the critical major laws and impacters on the federal, state, and local level so everything from title 6 of the civil rights title 4 of the 1964 in the case oils i know that supervisor eric mar is familiar with the president ial executive order and the dodge guidelines to the state laws and the local level San Francisco has by far the largest assess law in the nation that is through hundred percent to our Community Partners and through the work with the board of supervisors and then, of course, our priority with our diverse population following the priorities always at the front is crisis emergency Public School Public Safety situations wherewith we must community e communicate effective with all our residents and all our pointing dont think that we want to communicate with the half hour of the population that speaks the language other than english and provides equal access to Accurate Information the same thing all our residents deserve so this is no difference whether you speak english as a first language or not we see that as very key to our immigrant integration work the equal assess and it is key to economic and civic well move aggressively towards that goal as a reminder standard terminology interpretation is spoken and translation is written in the skill sets they are different right now oracle and staff has to do both of the function and your translators this is norman hes been here for one month his first day was staffing the board of supervisors regular full meeting and i think accident an outstanding job to my left our long time wonderful chinese interpret that speaks chinese and mandarin i want to give an update that on the footprint implementation as you may know were responsible for secondstory any wlaung that is supposedly spoke by 10 thousand or limited English Speaking person or proficient persons in San Francisco it is been chinese and spanish since 2001 and in 2014 we certified physically as awe how third language and they have until december 31st, 2015, to be in full compliance the demand for filipino is not pumpkin u huge but the departments can be much better in field offices like the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development have been good at translating their documents into filipino or occ to provide assistance the biggest challenge is with document translation since vendors use filipino translators that have Different Levels of influencecy for many of the terms dont cellist capitalist of exists and have to be researched i want to shout out to our filipino interpret translator and the unit civil right sandra stand up for a minute said and done draw is oftentimes in the background but the hard work working and pulling together our unit for us po so occ is working with the department to help them standard defenses of filipino documents and in the next week slide over update on the amendments that supervisor eric mar referenced. Ms. Pecuniary damage i want to thank the Filipino Center and others for the strong vaccinecy not only for the inclusion of tagalog and the broadly network as well. Absolutely we have a thank you to the translator to the amendments were passed by the board in march of this year and as supervisor eric mar no more tears so the full sets up of the law applies to all departments that provides information or serves the public we trained occ trained over 50 City Departments earlier this year to provide expensive outreach oneonone by our City Departments the departments see are formally known as tier one today was d day october 1st up to 5 oclock to submit their annual Compliance Report in the next objectivity 2016 that will be all City Departments covered under that law and, of course, interest is a revised complaint process occ is in charge of ref all complaints we work closely with the community and the City Departments on this and finally updates on the latest ordinance 13113 that was authorized by supervisor yee and that is mandating the language assistance pilot for the board of supervisors as you can see were trying to do our best it launched on september 8th with the first meeting we developed portfolio for the clerk of the board and might add that is a total pleasure working with the clerk and her staff their top professionals we all have a lot to learn on the provision of the la p were think finding the protocols need to be tweaked well do that later on in the year our intention to, of course, to increase public proclamation for the mountain tunnel mongol and people of the public im not sure the translation a 13 page introduction at roll call of legislation with 21 pages of item is the best way to provision to meet the needs of our population but were trying to do our best to do both you know we might look at later on how our resources to better benefit our la p individuals that want to participate maybe having more interprets available in different languages at boards meetings rather than at that particular time the documents so hope well cover and highlight the annual report. Thank you this slide give us a it is a quick snapshot of some of the finding from the report that you have in front of you the 2015 report which constituent results from fiscal year 20132014 and a as report from the 26 departments considered the tier one departments the largest public serving departments so as you can see there is some good news and the since the citys bilingual cracking contact staff increased by a third and developing more policies to communicate with their alignment proficient clients and customers and increased 16 percent the not so good news the limit budget decreased by 9 percent by the 20132014 year was not as consist Data Collection and reporting is still proving to be difficult for the departments though our office is work to provide as much Technical Assistance weve seen in terms of the staff that are assigned to the language assess liaisons that effects the quality of reporting weve seen a lot of turnover this slide provides on overview of the citywide access budget for 20132014 or 20142015 the total overall assess budget was 8. 2 million as you can see the majority of that budget was for bilingual premium pay for employees followed by telling phonetic interpretation and finally wanted to highlight a few of the new developments related to language assess occ is making improvements to increase the quality of services this year we trained more department than ever over 60 depths the amendments to the la o and the thirds cycle thoughts interprets training for both the City Departments and members of the Community Organizations power weve implemented a new webbased Data Collection and annual reporting tool which was developed in partnership with the nonprofit zero divide which the departments what store their data and created an Online Repository portal for guidance documents and templates that liaisons can pull up and provide language assess services and meeting the requirements supervisors thanks to the leadership of the board and Community Partners like c aa and the language assess network were able to provide Community Grants for outreach and education in our Community Partners are working with us to help to build both city and Communities Capacity our grant case participate in the annual community interprets training wiper trying to professional lists interpretation that is a profession if we can Work Together with the community and city we can grow over ability to communicate better and meet quarterly with the Community Partners and discuss challenges and approaches and solutions so collective were committed to better serving the la p residents want to make sure that english is not a first language as equal access to a Information Services that is what youll residents and workers and people that go to school and live and work in San Francisco deserve and deserve nothing less than our best thank you and if you have any questions, well be happy to answer them. I have a couple of quick ones from c aa when tagalog or filipino languages reach the 5 percent of the population la p or 10 thousand residents citywide how close are the vietnamese and russian and arabic to getting to that threshold. Thats a good question rights on the tail the last America Survey results. So the census and the more accurate credit adjust to the under count. Neither of the above in the past when the ken us asked daylight questions that was more informative than in 2010 reduced to 10 questions hardly any information about the foreignborn or access the American Community survey is a salvaging one in every 40 households so oftentimes people that dont speak worker absent a first language dont get to participate in that in terms of it is annual but we use the 5 year acs report to it fluctuates into yerba buena and the filipinos the numbers are close to the 10 thousand thresholds we wanted to make sure by the in answer to our question improving hundred and 50 thousand people in San Francisco speak schienz thats cantonese and. Im trying to get at filipino and russian. Russian was at thirteen thousand plus the l e p are almost 84 hundred it is close to you know getting close to threshold not quite there this is followed by vietnamese that is at about 64 thousand and then what about arabic. That is not nearly up there we have if you read the law allows us to identify the population for instance, ma ago works with us we have an estimated 20 thousand mayan rosenfeld in a close spanish not their fairs e first language or english we are working and supervisor campos has been taking the leadership of that and champion that community so were able to work with theyre building of the capacity and working on Getting Better details about the population so we can we are work with the arresting bib community and many of the groups that serve the continuities are grantees well identify their needs and look at the merging population. And laughing the numbers you said you used the American Survey my understanding a census for homelessness and immigrant population the American Survey scare and other methods of surveying but that didnt work for the limits English Speaking population; is that right. It in work in you take the mayan theyre under counted we want to provide support and Capacity Building to the communitybased organizations and this special study when we safeguards the filipino a detailed study was done we talked with the Community Experts and language experts so we tried to get as itch information on the population and because the census done every few years that is more accurate. The ap s is done annually and only tone questions so acs took the places of the long form with detailed questions thats the original one of the incredible source that most organizations use to look at population data. I guess the troubling numbers about is dropping of language assess budget is very troubling given that half the population speaking language other than english i think over 40 percent of San Francisco are people born outside of the u. S. But increasing the budget for bilingual staffing and language assess but not going down why has it drooped 10 percent. Large department that carry the weight of the numbers a larger monolingistic population they serve this any fluctuation on that kind of impacts this entire you know citywide numbers i will will have to our Community Partners work closely 0 so have a provision for a lot of things were trying to encourage the department not about more money and resources. What is confusing the increase in bilingual staff of 31 percent and yet the drop in language assess budget is not 4 one or two percent but 10 percent why is that. One suggestion might be e might be the fact as reported in the prior years included the certified and uncertified the staff not certified not receiving the premium pay that really drop in the budget for staffing is specifically relate to the bilingual premium pay. How did that compare to previous years. I think actually, this is the first time it drops age i know part of it how were murrays so that may fluctuating with the Law Amendment wear separating out, you know who are certified employees bilingual certified that receive premium pay and collecting data on employees that provides bilingual services that may not does it not certified is admonish informal we will have no more data. Thank you ladies he appreciate the analysis i the president to say one of the great example of the network they take oh, supervisor campos. A question question could you tells us which departments the budget has gone down. The department of Public Health. I believe that was the department of Public Health yeah, and theyre a Large Department they impact the numbers they spend more dollars in general. It is a Public Health and who else. We can get back on the specifics. Thats pretty troubling actually Public Health department if their interacting with Public Health department that is a serious matter and then the h ta deals with the vulnerable populations in the city so this is a real concern and you know the fact it may mean they involve the staff not certified it is problematic it talks about the quality of the interaction and it is not about money but Money Matters so i dont know is there anyone from pushing that can talk about that at some point. John is here from h s a but im going to say that h s a is an important participate in serving the immigrant community so i think mr. Murphy can better answer the specific sequesters. Ink the budget in many rights is it reflection of our priorities when it gowns it raise concerns of the levied tax and i think the original equal access to the ordinance is focuses on the frontline of the key departments that subcontract interact with the language groups 0 fire and police and h s a and health care the language assess thank you so much they dont only focus on the prelims of this but use is spirit of law versus nick he lives and Language Quality for other campaigns and the organizing center for example, focused on the School District and won tremendous victories for arabic and other languages for the School District thats an example i want to call up one of the key folks from is affirmative action to give a presentation. Hi good afternoon ill try to keep this brief we have a lot of folks who are here to give testimony in the Public Comment position thats where the highlighting of the human access we have people that will be 12 in language im grace lee the director of affirmative action we have a history we work with the board of supervisors in 2001 to pass the kuwait equal access to the Service Ordinance and in 2009 we worked again, when it was renamed and always worked that supervisor tangs office to pass ordinances from this year as adrian mentioned a citywide collaborative were wrapping up our third year the third year of our network our organizations within the system have been working in the communities for decades servicing guns and providing translation and interpretation support with the network it focuses on the implementation of ordinance is Community Education our prime goal it is actually fairly interesting to know that immigrants in San Francisco have never heard of the assess language ordinance and some folks tells you stories it difficult to imagine another way they have accepted the fact that language is a barrier in their life our outreach and education to address this disparity we provide be working groups we distribute materials and provide the basic information of what the language assess ordinance it and the rights the reference for the supervisors and the departments here ill be happy to i brought the worker o English Version an older version pretty basic and easy so anyone can have a right to understand you have the right to ask for interpreter this is an outside dated version if it doesnt doesnt reflect the latest version to address the gap in the documentation i think we started this hearing, talking about the compliance theory that the supervisors have on their desk based on the selfreporting the Community Organizations in the network were seeing the reality of immigrant have not been documented over and over reflected weve provided quantify and quality data and reports and violations of the assess through our doors were providing dick assistance we often have case managers 3 accompany clients for the onsite translation weve been working on the what we call the thoughts process in line to provide a fuller picture of what assess a looking at that is an audit a Pilot Program for 340r most the Community People had a check list they will rate the interaction and what lawns was provided was there signs pubically posted and the quality of interpretation we did hundred and 90 during the short Pilot Program wear working to analyze the finding and also to scale we want the feelings to be more robust and informative at the end of the day we would like to sit down and collaborate and fourth whether where the improvements can be he find middle ground to make improvements in closing ill say that you really want to echo are supervisor mar said in the Language Network it is a civil rights process not about creating extra accumulation but what the requires or requirements of City Government and meeting the needs of public we acknowledge Language Access is an intensive issue weve made process the fact we have the strongest language ordinance in the country is a testament to it and weve engaged supervisors and have a very committed basis of advocates not going to let go of the issue were here to collaborative and wanted to make the communication with everyone and really want to create the optimal environment with the right policies and practices so the community seize the full impact of the ordinance. I want to ask you, you ms. Ponld talked about the law sons meeting periodically does that involve the language assess too. We meet with occ and the other greets and at each quarterly meeting one department is invited it is a very educational process i think for City Departments to see were not that scary and i have a honest conversation about the specific departments protocol and their staffing limits how can we work with the community to get their information out were a good assess point and thats been a very good process for us. Thank you now we have a number of departments ill try to move as quickly as possible but appreciate the participation from the Fire Department and Police Department and Human Services and the department of management and oewd and rec and park and the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development so first up deputy chief ray guzman of the San Francisco Fire Department thank you for being here. Thank you supervisor eric mar. Good afternoon supervisor eric mar and supervisors thank you for letting me present the San Francisco Fire Departments status of our la o program 20132014 that survey shows hundred and 34 members that were bilingual we feel that that number is low right now we currently have a journal were out to take a survey the current bilingual members as you may know the San Francisco Fire Department is more diverse we received the citys demographic breakdown there is a bilingual member available in many languages example locates and shifts we have approximately 8 vitality documents translated in the process to have a compliant vendor translate that document we receive that back one of our bilingual employees checks for the accuracy of that document and that document has been used and issued as i would before in back it the Language Line in 2011, i have the bucket in front of you let me switch it. So in 2011, we issued a general order to our members on how to use is Language Line. This was a general order to all the different firefighters and correct. All of our members know that to use this process a challenge with a translation they know that they can call our Communication Center and talk with the dispatcher well theyll put them in touch with someone of that language . Also one of the flyers that are available for First Contact the public can go to our heard that is available at our first preservation located on Second Street we do have some challenges with the training and we welcome you know any appropriate power point or training for our members and lastly the heros a little slide on our current you budget for the la o program. So ill be happy to answer any questions. I see no questions thank you very much deputy chief guzman the next up is sergeant stokes were joined by sergeant kilogram lee and others from the San Francisco Police Department. I wanted to thank ms. Pond and ms. Hooker and the staff for making the reports so understandable with good data and graphics despite some of the unevenness but it makes it easier to follow than previous years and thanks to the departments with the work as well. Good afternoon thank you Sergeant Sergeant with the San Francisco Police Department. Thats a little bit better now so currently for our certified bilingual public staff the department as 2 hundred and 71 members certified in bilingual our totaled bilingual Public Contact staff is 4 hundred and 47 and of those who are certified in cantonese, mandarin of those who are certified in cantonese, mandarin and russian and spanish currently our department has put out a bulletin asking for more certified officers in tagalog so well be testing for that as well as trying to up our numbers without officers that you know are civilian employees that havent been certified as of yet we have translated quite a few of our documents that are issued to the public so like our followup forms and our victim of Violent Crime forms and juvenile know your rights we have training through department bulletins and instruction cards and our officers were actually issued wallet cards to help them with the language we have signs that are pubically posted in all our directed stations so our la p communities is aware we have access for them while our recruits are at the academy theyre receiving limited English Proficiency training and our cadets their updated on the Department Directives not sure if there any questions. I know we have a former police chief but we worked 10 years ago to develop policies not only for chinese speaking bilingual staff but other languages im wondering what how those policies have been developed he know that victor wong from the Police Commission is working and before him overview have on lee im wondering what policies can we point to youre increasing certified bilingual staff and other bilingual staff. So sergeant excuse me. So with the new department bulletins we instruct the officers to step by step way first of all, they need to get try to get a certified officer to the scene now if they cant do that the b m has a log of who is working and which officer speaks that certified language for example, im bilingual and sfrtdz in cantonese so next to my name will say c a n t for cantonese if im working if he cant finds anyone to respond to the scene theyll use the wallets size card and the assess code supervisor campos. A quick quay can you give me again, the number of officers that are certified in different languages whats the number and percentage of officer is that . I dont know that the percentage of officers but currently certified in cantonese we have 97. 97. 19 this man doctrine and 11 in russian and hundred pea 44 in spanish whats the total 2 hundred and 71. 2 hundred and 71 our staffing is 19 hundred plus. Those numbers include the civilian employees as well and the civilian members. So the 2 hundred and how much how many of those are Police Officers are certified. Not offhand only law enforcement. I think that i mean it is there has been progress made hopefully, well focus on certifying more Police Officers i can tell you pie experience with the importantly la i know that we had a cantonese speaking officer who ended up being troofrmd transferred to another station it was hard to play that role especially with foot beats and patrols having bilingual officer is really important it develops a relationship with the community so i think this is something to an objective to increase the number of Police Officers that are certified in different languages knowing what number is. I agree with you supervisor we need more bilingual officers on the street were having thats what we are having translation truit trying to get certified in the academy and having more testing in this month we are working on that we know we need to increase our numbers. Sergeant stokes and sergeant lee for your good work and make a recommendation to ms. Pond and many hooker you when look at the narrative it says the Police Department didnt project language ordinance that far in advance i think if we have a goal ever civil rights for language groups in this city stwe have to set goals if were not if were not anywhere close to what we on the city should be the goal setting and strategies how to get to it, it is important this is a how serious is front line and the police and Public Health the goal setting is critical as i read those narratives that seems not that much seriousness with some departments some have it when our serious you set goals of numbers of certified officers and the overall staff of the Police Department thats my 0. 02 what i see here the next department is the Human Service agency mr. John murray. Thank you, supervisors its my pleasure to talk about the Human Services doing to improve the human assess services we have roughly excuse me. In fiscal year 2013201413 hundred plus of which 2 hundred were public and 5 hundred with or bilingual that represents 36 percent of our employees serving about h and 82 clients 88 proficient in the programs in terms of of our documents translation weve trailed over 90 postponements e documents were forms and notices and Program Materials as well as other materials other than the thresholds that include corresponding and japanese and czech we send this through our transmission translations and check it for accuracy and any corrections back for corrects corrections in terms of tran all you are staff are trained in terms of how to use the language and online resources that include forms and documents as well tutorials how to use Translation Services we have a number of documents close to our waiting areas and have the resource materials to the readers as well represents that aid individuals and identify their languages in terms of budget question i dont believe that the budget is going down 10 terrace it is or percent it is a reflection how the data was gathered as someone completes the plan over a i couldnt be number of years in 2013 i asked for expenditures versus budget and 2013 they asked for budget and expenditures and numbers for 2012 we had a total expenditure of 976,000 for bilingual pay that was included in 20132014 we had 6 hundred and 52 for bilingual pay but a total expenditures of 1 point plus Million Dollars in total bilingual expenditures it is how data was requested and then tracked noted necessarily decreased in terms of goals the agency continues to set goals to improve the website presence as well as Data Tracking and serving common languages Going Forward new things will be rolled out this year to help to improve the access for the toxicology meg in the number of languages including the thresholds language and data assistance for matching clients with the appropriate bilingual staff any questions. Thats pretty high tech using tech in higher languages from victor limping this a a is a great model for documenting the numbers of people that require translations in the process and good tracking of our clients i serve and also the percentages of our staff bilingual and the translation as well that is done what a good mod h s a has as you supervisor campos. Thank you, mr. Chair thank you for clarifying the numbers in terms of what we thought was a decrease explaining that he supervisor mar is right this is a good model thank you for your work. The Detection Department the department of Emergency Development thank you, mr. Simple our. Thank you board chair and supervisors the department of interior management operates the 911 dispatch center they handle the public implication in 20132014 our dispatchers lefthand lane more 20th century 1 millions calls more 13 thousand language interpretation 48 languages represents 48 languages more translated were spanish well interpreted were spanish, cantonese and mandarin about 1. 3 percent of our call volume our dispatchers get train on the continuing dispatch training we provide the Emergency Preparedness material thats why 20132014 that is distributed is it spanish and russian and vietnamese weve added this year filipino and adams the remote translation and developing the protocol in every escalation situation for fiscal year 20132014 we spent 66,000 on interpretation and Translation Services much was looked like for the bilingual employees that performed the services the rest for document Translation Services this may seem like a low amount for tramsz, however, important to note that the state of california provides the bill and this is true for all centers ill be happy to answer any questions. I see no questions thank you, mr. So moved our next the district 2 department of Public Health we have the director of Human Resources and arlene h. R. Quality insurance manager the director of ambulatory services. Supervisors thank you for this hearing he have my person if laguna honda hes over armory care arlene is a key person in making sure we get those reports right Going Forward we have a little bit of a summary we turned in the report for this fiscal year its much improved over the fiscal year prior to that the reports prior to that the person that was pulling the report together went out on to leave before it was due and didnt come back we the our best to put it back but the immigrant affairs pointed the 20132014 figures were similar we realized we had a problem this past year as you may know we were under the Affordable Health care and we have a Network Director and marceline partnered with the new qualities assurance coordinator look at how to improve that report as a result when we realized with had not been accurately taping into the place we provide did swifrz we were providing more services than reporting not doing a good job of putting it together we mentioned the budgeted part that have can be that some years we have to put a lot of translation once we do that translation we no longer have to do that this explains the seizures in the budget another part we had a hiring problem in 20132014 rehired permanent staff the following year in 20132014 we hired 6 hundred permanent staff and last year 8 hundred and 45 permanent staff weve more than double our staff we hired a lot more medical interpreters so we no longer have to do that were actually providing more services then were giving ourselves credit for all see Going Forward much improved services. Thank you as all the departments move forward with the support well be Getting Better data not to name names of different departments some pretty much submitted didnt do much disrrpts the Grassroots Efforts to try to raise an important issue and others cutdown and pasted things from previous years lymph the exact same numbers as the language and is departments Work Together to provide the Capacity Building looking at better day thank you to the department of Public Health department automotive i appreciate the explanation around the budget i actually think that theres a huge benefit to bringing some of those services in house and not contracting how to i think that is actually a positive thing so thank you for that explanation. Arlene how many certified. Currently, we have 75 hundred public crack of which 26 hundred a bicycle and 14 are certified last year, we served hundred and 80 thousands of which hundred plus are identified as bilingual a good 20 percent of the staff is bilingual. Thank you so much thank you. The next is the office of Economic Workforce Development we have france the project manager and regina the director of the Small Business thank you both for being here. Eric i think i might need help again. So mr. Evans will assist thank you for being here and good afternoon supervisor eric mar and supervisor campos and supervisor christensen regina the director the office of Small Business to represent the office of Economic Workforce Development our office is part of the office of Economic Workforce Development so, so 17 percent of the office of Economic Workforce Development staff are bilingual we have language capacity in cantonese, mandarin, spanish, russian and tagalog and also not only work to have the ability to be language proficient but work to be culturally proficient as well and sensitive to the clients that we serve the investment in the neighborhoods include bilingual staff that is dedicated to our commercial corridors and includes direct outreach to the targeted businesses the office of Small Business our counsels provide the language by a walk in and phone and email with email and phone our primary Survivors Services are in spanish and cantonese in addition to english bilingual staff and Translation Services are provided at more than the 15 neighborhood assess points under office of Economic Workforce Development in fiscal year 20132014 a total of 2 thousand plus limited English Speaking clients were served so we are now the departmentwide were participating in the language assess Line Services pubically posted signs are on the office of Small Business the Business Center and the Workforce Division we have in terms of the inside city hall an assess point we have our prominent Public Safety engagement with our businesses that we do have our job squad and france and the Investment Team working with the businesses circle on site and at location public facing staff is trained how to use the Language Line and all staff annually receive written instructions how to use the Language Line if nonfacing public staff is called to assist one corridor is to our the training and reporting for the language assess ordinance and each subdivision has a staff responsible for the subdivision reporting and then both the primary departments primary corridor and some of the subsection corridors attend the training and the department reviews our compliance our compliance at that particular point in time and i even i skipped a page so the outreach documents are translated fact sheets and f a q and loans and finance since program ada grant information a workforce employee participants rights, grinds and equal employee and nondiscrimination forms documents transmitted range again from our in house to the more complex traptd by our in house staff and more complex documents are sent to third partys identified through the list that is provided by occ i have to thank oracle for providing that this is extraordinarily made that easy to get our translation provide for in 20132014 we are oral Translation Services translation features on the website over thirty wlaung opposite in the 20132014 Budget Expenditures primarily went to document translation and oust Language Interpretation Services and then i accident a verbal ive gone through the training and compliance and moving into this upcoming year things we do think we need to continue to focus on to highlight our update our experience procures to all stapling staff and include tagalog to make sure that is much more fully integrated improve our standard device tracking by complies niece and identify telling phonetic messages that need translation and expand language assess added neighborhood assess point to carry out to the demographics of that community as the neighborhoods change and view so do those needs france changing has provided a handout with a breakdown of the Investment Program in terms of the number of businesses that have about think contacted those require a language specific need and have been serviced in those language specific needs and then i just really want to express my appreciation to on the other hand, they help us trembling and while it is not in the 20132014 reporting budget of this year with the mission fire our responding to our Business Needs for us to be able to have an emergency meeting about those businesses occ stepped up to the plate in to provide the Language Services. Actually, i want to thank you for the power points and mr. Chang for the Investment Data and well represented and mom and pop and immigrant businesses that probably are utilized the services of oewd and the office of Small Business and the good goals laid out for next year as well thank you very much. Thank you. The next speaker is resign from rec and Park Department thanks for being here ryan rec e have 60 total bilingual staff across the city in registration sites and permitting Office Available to translate if needed so in addition to providing access to Recreational Activities we provide transmitted outreach for park opposing that includes the flyers and posters and invitations traptd Public Meeting no less and obesity interpretation offered and sign is transmitted in la p neighborhood and early this year we included tool for the websites so as we move forward in the coming year well transparent the hundred and 40 page category that is distributed and finalize the access policy we will institute an l p p and officer hall the phenomenon systems to put those in multiple languages were not all the way there yet like the 49ers well improve and thank you for your time ill be happy to answer any questions. Thank you for your presentation and the setting the the goals the day in the last years the data has been shabby not listings the languages and not listing total departmental budgets im looking at the past couple of years thats not your responsibility but didnt seem like rec and park it treating the ordinance with respects given the people from our neighbors are limited English Speaking even to get on to the summer came list by calling in or using computers it seems like rec and park should be doing more ill say this might be one of the example of much needed improvements when i look a the kind of reporting done my hope that the staff within rec and park will work with o and to make sure we have a fair rec and park system thats my 0. 02 ryan. I can tell you i saw the 20142015 report it is much better in those it is hard to get any worse but hopefully much better. Thank you supervisor campos thank you for the presentation im not clear of sort of what youre doing so you say you have 16 employees that were bilingual is that certified. Of the certified staff currently 5. 5 for the entire rec and Park Department. We have a challenge in the past actually getting the information we have somewhere along the lines of apartment staff and the Additional Survey we initially went attest recreation folks at the points of crack to the registration sites weve not surveyed the parks that make up a Large Population of our staff. So the two thousand plus staff only 5 sfrtsdz. 5 safeguards thats correct. Besides that we have 55 nonsfrtsdz public staff. So 5 that is one quarter of one percent of your employees certified. Correct 2013 no in terms of reporting yes, but we know that we have a long ways to go in terms of getting a better mechanism of gathering the information of who is bilingual on the staff and moving them along to get them certified. Do you have goals or target in terms of what percentage of your staff you want to get to be certified in a different another language. Were drafting our policy were getting there but that is still a process. So somewhere between. 25 percent to hundred percent. Somewhere in between that 99. 75 and where you are. Yeah. Maybe we can Work Together with different agencies and see what the sweet spots on the number. I dont think that one quarters of one percent a a sweet spot hopefully weight get a better number Going Forward. As the park move forward with the june 2016 ballot would could the purposes with the communities median the goals are better language assess ordinance compliance. I mean, thats a very important points this department is thinking of going to the ballots asking taxpayers in San Francisco to give that more money doesnt really create a lot of confidence had our less than one percent a quarter or less than one percent of our employees are certified in a different language i mean it is interesting because you look at some of the numbers that were given to us by occ where is where you have a percentage of those who speak the top la p 54 percent speak think chinese. I dont know what the population of chinese it is about a third to that means that less than one percent of your employees can communicate with some of those folks thats very, very scary. So just we do use the Language Line solutions at our registration sites a tool for the employees not bilingual and also looking at 20142015 and moving forward in the budget we are increasing the expenditures on our la o were going to be expanding our telephone messaging as well as the recreational guidelines. Whats the size of rec and park budget. 42 thank you it is hundred and 62. Million dollars. Millions of what of that what do you spends on language assess. In our previous let me get the numbers this year. You said hundred and 62 million. So far for 20142015 we spent a total of 51 thousand 8 hundred and 20 but for 20152016 we are going to be spent roughly 225,000. 225,000 so on translation language assess do you know what that includes. A lot of that is going to go tars the translation of the guide we send out 5 times a year and the messaging. Making that bilingual. So youll do that the guys are not translating right now. No, but we will be Going Forward. Okay how guides do you put out there how many. I dont have the exact number i apologizes. Not a single one translated. Okay. Once hundred and 62 million so one percent of that budget will be 1. 6 million so again, it is kind of commemorate a faction of one percent if you going to go to the voters where you have a large percentage of voters that are bilingual who are many of them chinese, spanish, how do you justify those voters voting to give you money if youre spending less than one percent of your budget on language assess if youre you know less than a fraction of one percent of our employees speak another language or certified to speak another language thats going to be a challenge. Thank you. Thank you, supervisor christensen. I just want to say in rec and park defense we have to take into account the extent to how they interact with the public rec and park provide information that doesnt engage employees keeping the parks safe and workable is the primary goal and hacking taking heart from the fact in my district the chinese speakers are clustered in small geographic easier we have 1 5th of the open space we have per capital the chance for interaction somewhat limited i will say i think the idea of rec and park having a better comprehensive view is a simple thing to do adding a field in an employee description it just indicates as the police mentions at the did whether people are fluent in other languages that will be helpful and use as a criteria for placing those people in xhuptsz i imagine happening ad hoc but for example, we have a number of asianamerican that he north beach pool for example, that interacts with the chinese communities that maybe happening by virtue where people apply or get assigned knowing the Language Skills of the employees and oozed that for potentially placing certain areas has merit because even maintains staff is often an important interaction point i know i talked with the maintains staff in the district all the time about blocked drains and daniel tree limb at that level seems to have a lot of merit for that certainly seems to be something the department can add in its efforts to better engage the communities thank you so much sir, i look forward to the report that is coming out this coming year and last presentation before we have a number of communities testimony from the office of Economic Workforce Development we have folks but karen henson from their i Human Resources department. Benjamin Deputy Superintendant for finance and administration and Mayors Office of housing and Community Development previously our office was in the tier two category you so wont find any information for your department in the report that you have in front of you thats perhaps because much the citys housing assistants by our nonprofits partners in a culturally and illegal unitly comprehensive way weve made pro is with the language compliance ore is last year and 14 Staff Members fluent in spanish, mandarin cantonese or filipino two retomato Staff Members one is fluent in spanish and additional Language Proficiency on staff in crawl and german and portuguese approximately 25 percent of our Staff Members have influencecy in different languages we have transmitted 16b8 documents into spanish and filipino their recommended to the San Francisco hurrying to nonprofit Property Management in addition to those documents we deployed a bloeft rental application and resource guides into those 3 languages we have deployed the Language Line at our front desk and using the vendors to do document translation as well weve in addition to that work working with the vendors to take care of the quality of the translation the vendors is providing, the translation was very formal i guess the best way to describe it formal and technical as opposed to more common and familiar type of translation that users are custodian to weve been working with the vend vendors to adjust the transcription weve trained 20 Staff Members in the interpretation at your front desk and sign let me eliciting people know that is available our main area of work for the next week next year with the online resources you mean were working on creating a application portal throughout that entire design process with the programs staff and it folks were working to design the site first in english but in a way that is going to were constantly thinking how had will be trailed and designed to be delayed in different languages that is our process preparing the site site for having good language and we are working on refinancing our exist will home page and website and identifying key documents to be transmitted ill be happy to answer any questions. I think youve covered it all it will be great to see the tier two departments into everybody reporting but thank you. Thank you. Now were going to open up for Public Comment i have a number of people that have signed up already calling names . Compliance for affirmative action and anna from the omar from the organizing center and garcia from the a clients of the African Advocacy Network and from the Bills Program and a number of members in any order line up that is right side theres a soft buzzer with 2030 seconds to go. Thank you, supervisors for your holding this hearing and language assess im anna im the language assess corridor im a member of the Language Network of San Francisco as part of my outreach and education and rights both among the members and Spanish Community at large were doing outreach in more than 8 different languages it is extremely important most of our Community Members does not know they have the right to aspect speak the language they are comfortable with outreach and education are circle for the individuals to feel empowered to demand their right to assess the services in their language this needs to go hand in hand with the agencies they expand their own capacity to serve the community we have exerted providing supportive support 95 percent of our members are epilepsy English Proficient and have experienced Domestic Violence for the survivors having a language is key to over coming the balance to cannot to escape an environment at hope home there are a lot things to be done theyre facing the reality of our communities experience the lack of culturally responsible services erode the Survivors Trust in the city agencies and perpetuus the Domestic Violence, however, they make a report and have services to the housing and take the steps to living in an nonviolent communities we ask for thirty this this is a key program component. Thank you. Next speake speaking foreign language. sorry im with an organization. speaking foreign language. translation okay and yeah. So i asked to speak to her could she speak two or three sentences she refused im summarize im start with myself as a survivor of Domestic Violence went introduce this a couple years the first communication with the Police Departments and if they dont have viable personnel if speaks my lake anything how much worse the situation becomes the second snaps we visit one of the Environmental Programs the department in the city and we want to talk to someone in spanish they said none was available and if someone was available we waited a hour and a half it was hard to assess the information and the thirds area is that im a student at city colleges i try many times to learn english it is difficult ive tried to learn the City College City College before you i lost any job my First Priority to be responsible inform myself and family so from the resources that are being opportunity if there are departments opportunity though the city and mandated to report then bhauntd by the budget Analyst Report and the ordinances to actually provide services theyre not doing it by that this board has amend the situation punishing them will for the provides the services they need to do their job. Can we have a round of applause for norman for the great interpretation today. Hello. speaking foreign language. good afternoon. Im a parent advocate. speaking foreign language. so im here to share my story before i do i want to say thank you to you supervisors San Francisco is unique it is one of the few cities in the cry that as language ordinance. speaking foreign language. say said to share my own experience about language assess at San Francisco General Hospital he had done gone with my daughter she went in for a broken arm that was hard to translate to you had to rely on my daughter to translate. speaking foreign language. so in ive also had other experiences from the daytime there seems to be bettered language assess services during the daytime but at times ive had to wait a long time for Language Services over the phone although phone is helpful not the best for capturing how im feeling. speaking foreign language. the second issue i wanted to discuss around Police Reporting i found it is difficult to find cantonese speaking Police Officers that take reports if i dont go to the vallejo station i was told to do any reports online there are multiply issues a lot of the Community Members dont know how to go online and others could a have access to computers. speaking foreign language. my last thing want to share assess around city hall actually, im going to a lot, for my superintendant or other Services Services it is difficult to find. Thank you next speaker. I should call more names calling names next speaker. Oh, so we need interpreter maybe you can wait and the next speaker come forward thank you. Hi, im carolyn i work for the bill Housing Program and our program one of our main goals to help people apply for Affordable Housing and particular the nonrestricted profit i go and help people apply for hours and drop off to your housing application to the locations those manifest development that are ethnicity inclusionary housing and first of all, i want to you i or say i feel like i see a lot of krlth insensitivity to some of the below grade leasing staff especially towards noneveryone speaking applicants ive seen those who dont speak english turned away because they dont thinks when the application is due or what were the guidelines and given an english application so i want to recommend perhaps training the can remember sensitivity training for some of the bmr developers but encourage the verpz to hire the bilingual staff for their Leasing Office and the bmr applications are office has noticed errors in the complaint forms have been ordinances but; correct . Those errors there would be focus groups with Different Community Group Housing groups to make sure the housing application is clear and correct and the post lottery process that denial letters for why respond is not you know given hours is in english and applicant only are 3 to 5 days to respond by the time they come to our office that past the deadline 0 looking at those procedures and eviction notices and recertification those needs to be translated as well. Thank you very much so we have a translation now. speaking foreign language. so im a member of this oxygen since 2 years ago. speaking foreign language. so i want to talk about my experience that have been negative in the language assess ordinance specifically within this spot check. speaking foreign language. so ive dub that and gone about this in person and by phone. speaking foreign language. also, we visited the pool on 19th street at valencia a worker and i. speaking foreign language. this was a very negative experience just due to the fact we asked for information in spanish. speaking foreign language. this was are a but this year what a little bit different i went seeking information in spanish. speaking foreign language. so again there was no bilingual in spanish staff member to provide me with the information but that person what do you mean me through the information himself. speaking foreign language. unfortunately, the information i required was on this in english speeding i also made a spot check francisco Police Department seeking general information. speaking foreign language. the officer who picked up the phone call that answered the phone call in spanish told me i was lucky he or she could over the information in spanish. speaking foreign language. and he told me he was lucky she got him normally hes in a parole cruiser what if i had an emergency and called his number. speaking foreign language. he said to start taking english classes speaking foreign language. in no point did he highlight or refer me to the english language or Services Within that. speaking foreign language. i wanted to share that one place we had 0 positive experience my coworker and i were at Central Nervous system please wrap up. speaking foreign language. so both went immediately through reception we traveled to different floors that were people that spoke spanish and people were friendly. Thank you thank you. Next speaker good afternoon. Please pull the microphone closer. Good afternoon. I understand english but im going with. speaking foreign language. thank you so she says i came to a after obamacare started i used to be cover by healthy San Francisco i made timely money that was free and helped me i got a letter that said that now i have to pay i didnt understand why the lady at San Francisco general was nice i couldnt understand she gave me a paper and said to call a number i went to a to help me per we called the number they said that because now covered california is available i no longer quality qualify for healthy San Francisco since then whenever i have questions about the medical insurance and medical bills i go to a n i dont understand english he lost a lot of money from my medical sacramento i brought the bill statement to a n two times they helped me get reimbursed before the Expiration Date i lost almost 20132014 and after meeting about ms. Larry irony personally called will why i no longer qualified for healthy santa fe San Francisco reprovided the client with an explanation, however, knowing that the clients was in everyone she couldnt understand the explanation in english so maybe in the future San Francisco General Hospital can make an effort for implications and services in languages i worked with with ms. Loraine to try to understand the utility bills and even trying to see what resources are available out there and most recently weve been studying for the citizenship tests thats been hard we have different al bets that is a Huge Investment but perhaps not have a citizen class but maybe the city in the spirits of Civic Engagement invests money no translating citizenship tests for us. O so aa n is the African Network whats the language. She speaks tagging began but most speak others and arabic. Okay. Thank you next speaker. Good afternoon supervisors im louis the current chairman the San Francisco Youth Commission im here to office space show any supports for the language last year the youth nonexistence commission took a instance with commissioner sanchez amendment to do away with the tier one and tier 2 clarifications at hearing we have with the committee a hearing on the childrens bill of rights in this hearing we emphasized strong need for access to have those with limited proficiency the same assess and hope that rec and park will take the recommendations of me and my colleagues on the other hand, that is encouraging to see so Many Services like Human Services to serve the computes it is a new policy that many departments are getting used to with ms. Polk street leadership many ive governor gotten to know will help the departments with the constituents of San Francisco to lead them to the bet of their capability. Thank you commissioner avalos for being here and good afternoon. Im omar here to speak about the language assessable for arabic and want to say we work closely about the immigrant choice countries facing desire economic situations our service is focused on providing legal saviors to complies with clients with legal representation and advise our searching for housing and employment as well as trying to get assess for social services those countries suffer if economic harding park the number of refugees is increasing and needs the supports from the city and county of San Francisco in recent years the months the warner has circulated with bombing campaigns that resulted in massive loss of life as a result, the families with relatives in the bay area have been forced to mist from the war torn countries and weve announced the programs for people that are residing in the United States for the past year most of them dont speak arbitrary and dont know how to navigate the departments weve worked to help the peoples if yee map that want to prefor citizenship that results in their distrust with agencies that brings me to the issue of accessibility for arabics in the city of San Francisco with respect of time im to end with thanks to the San Francisco Ethics Commission the increase in the Arab Community visible not tenderloin thats an indication the city need to find the space and time and budget to increase the quantify and quality of interpretation arabic languages not only the quantify and qualify but to work with arock and those. Thank you, sir thank you. Next speaker. Were almost done with Public Comment thank you. speaking foreign language. so good afternoon and thank you for luger me to speak with im a member of the latino group. speaking foreign language. soy went to the practitioner on valencia to say my perpetrator was violating his arrest order i was in danger of further he sdarns speeding i said i was speaking in english and the desk officer said he spoke on english he said try to talk a little bit in english. speaking foreign language. at that moment someone was intoxicated come in to use the restaurant r restroom he began to assist me. speaking foreign language. thats when i learned the officer was the main Police Station. speaking foreign language. this was because i had a Police Report filed and had is another arrest warrant a retraining order in place. speaking foreign language. so for me this person what a blessing i was able to get any information it didnt have to be like that the officer need to provide for me speeding i preceded to go to brighten and locally was an office that treated me in a disrespect way laughing at me. speaking foreign language. this is a when i saw a sign hey, you have a right to have language assess so i asked for them they said no, no speak english try it. speaking foreign language. so another officer came into the room and asked that officer she was mac me saying it is another one of those for Domestic Violence. speaking foreign language. because it was already late around 10 00 p. M. They made me go back to 19th street and valencia he went there walking. speaking foreign language. when i mention all of what trans pictures and the language they allowed me to actually use it. speaking foreign language. this is not first the last times they made me write any report out in spanish. speaking foreign language. a few weeks later i picked up any report it was completely different than what i wrote. speaking foreign language. because of this my case was closed i lost everything. speaking foreign language. so i wanted to share this with you so it is actual changes are made and the situation can improve thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im mary im here on behalf of the Services Members of the services were funded by the department of aging and did you want services for adults with disabilities the majority of filipino a tagalog speakers and our staff is fluent weve noticed from english to tagalog are two litter i literal it makes that hard to understand so an example of barriers people faces in a Home Service Providers in the human agencies with an ever you are clients scald for a tagalog form but they end up getting an english despite the fact english is their second language they came to us the staff that difficulty for example, the enrollment form theyre trying to describe the things that makes them ineligible to be a provider one example an abusive elderly so they transmitted to in tagalog on the tagalog form. speaking foreign language. which when you translate that back to english actually translates to abusive of someone odors or hoping of the right age it is like those inconsistent and gaps of terminologies are happening throughout the entire come a time in my own interests i wanted to see if it is google transmitted it is exactly had is a barrier for care providers in the program that creates a barrier for filipino adults and people with disabilities to have good morning. Im want to share about the some of the stories we get in our Office Office from members of the communities that have been retrained and learned about the lynnic services if their lapsing they tried try to request they feel like im the second categorize citizen because of the translation most of mens or Community Members tells you horrible stories not just the quality but the attitudes this staff within the departments have when they serve nonenglish speakers communities members that term of getting by is what they try to do they feel that that is more assessable to them and getting away from the second class citizens they try to assess the language therefore youve heard i really ask. All of us to Work Together with the city and departments to make sure that, yes well have the opportunities to provide services in languages and have to do with that dignity and high qualify our members feel safe ill leave it at that i appreciate but work thank you to you as well. Next speaker good afternoon, supervisors beefing director of Domestic Violence consortium im here in the purple the first day of the Domestic Violence Awareness Month were happy to stands with the Domestic Violence victims of today not only can we hear the stories ever survivors but imagine you how many survivors unintentionally or wrongfully andrews theyre not getting their stories traptd or interpreted well, i want to say that we are speaking ive joined Many Organizations on a language assess program about sfpd we meet monthly at Police Station and the groups are calling names San Francisco women against rape and caucus and vance against the violence and the Domestic Violence consortium this is slow geowe have highlights that officer stokes explicit highlight so i thought id talk about it every one adds more that should be done so in 2014 there was a video training done that looked at not only the language assess but abusive and vulnerable communities youll hear if my colleague on that a great train we need employee and post tests and so much more we have it is the tip of the iceberg but in 2015 like the Fire Department they started the wallet cards but what my time is short an issue not discussed yet when is the translation of written Police Reports into native mraung before filed a great first step of a policy we have to make sure that the translators is certified and not delay in getting the Police Report filed thank you so much next speaker hello, im an attorney at the Asian Pacific islander legal outreach i help to Court Reporter the Domestic Violence program youve heard many stories of survivors that have experienced things they shouldnt have i can keep going like i meet with a survivor met with Childrens Services and used her daughter as a interpret interpreter and she signed a plan seeing she was going to do certain things with no transport i love about the Language Access ordinance that basically makes that laser or clear that San Francisco use the integral to any Service Provision that makes it clear anything less than providing assess for someone in their primary language is not service that is imi inadequate that we have to create a culture that says that Language Access is a priority peer r were not doing our job if were not using that that means cutting across departments i see someone that gets the Language Services from the Police Department then didnt get it from children and Families Services or vice versa or they get it from dpw and not another departments when inconsistent that i dont know but that changes the nature of the services and finally part of the cultural has a proactive assessment not just well figured out or lets see when what we know get by asking the persons primary language first and respectfully that. Gas stations on 40 years of legal outreach as well mr. Yip. First proficiency efficient, capability of language in the native or before language they try to have selfexpression for years ill sink. speaking foreign language. singing . Thank you, mr. I didnt think i see no other speakers well close Public Comment colleagues any closing comments supervisor christensen thank you to adrian and the staff of occ and especially norman for after several days on the job doing a great job ever translating i want to say weve captured the spirits of our language equality policies in the city. Thank you to the language soreness from Domestic Violence to womens right to many immigrant rights and others thank you to the departments for participating were proud of having this Language Access to the city we are fortunate to say a grassroots of organizations not only 20 years ago as we advanced the policies but even today, we move forward and even with more departments complying and lastly i wanted to say that looking at tagalog language and russian speaking people and cantonese and arrest lick e bic this might help us look at side thresholds and advancing other languages we will certificate into the future and also Language Access is important for peoples every day lives but under each the departments that assess strong bilingual and multi lingual staff for the future the goal setting is critical so hopefully with the language assess need not weve certificate other departments not only rec and park but the front line departments that are presenting today and others in the city the new report about think coming out in the next several months but it is good about that more and better indicate is use for the up report thank you supervisor campos and supervisor christensen for a fruitful hearing and ask if we can continue to the call of the chair well take that without objection. Mr. Evans any other business. No other business mr. Chair thank you meeting i would like to remind the members of the public that the commission does not tolerate any disruption or outbursts of any kind, please silence the cell phones, if you care to state your name for the record. I would like to take roll. Woning. Here. Wu. Here. Antonini. Here. Hillis. Here. Johnson. Here. Moore. Here. Richards. Here. And for the recreation and park commission. Buell. Here. Low. Here. Lef. And mcdonnell have an excused absence. Thank you, commissioners. Under your special calendar, please note that the joint commissions will hold one public hearing for the public

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