Mr. Clerk, can you call item no. 1. Item no. 1, ordinance amending the downtown support special use district to authorize a monetary contribution to satisfy required onsite open space requirements, exclude certain features from the Floor Area Ratio and gross floor area calculations, and dedicate the monetary contribution for light and safety improvements at victoria Manalo Draves park. Thank you very much. With the request of the project sponsor, the ordinance sponsor, i should i say, were going to entertain a motion to continue this item until march 20th. But before that, colleagues, if no questions, i would open up for Public Comment. Anyone wishing for comment on item 1, seeing none, Public Comment is closed [ gavel ]. Supervisor tang. Ly make the motion to continue to march 20th. Yes. 2017. Motion by supervisor tang and seconded by supervisorpisckin taken without objection. Mr. Clerk, please call item no. 2 please. Item no. 2, ordinance amending the commerce and industry element of the general plan to update the guidelines regarding overconcentration of eat and drinking establishments in a single area. Thank you very much. Supervisor peskin. Thank you, chair farrell. And supervisor tang. So before we get to the substance of this matter, i just wanted to raise a couple of procedural issues and first, im not pointing a finger to the current chair because we were at the transition, but this happened at another general plan amendment and im not sure you were chair yet or not . As you know, we have 90 days to accept or reject them and lately what has been happening is that they come right at the end of the 90 days. And in this particular one, i think it was transmitted it was approved by the Planning Commission on december 1st, transmitted to us during the holidays decemberte 22nd and the transition of committees and what have you. As a result of that, we dont actually have the opportunity to have very much of an indepth hearing, because this has to go one way or another as a Committee Report for tomorrows Board Meeting. So its not the kind of thing we can ask a bunch of questions and continue it a week and that is a procedural thing as to the general plan amendments, as they come from time to time, it would be really neat if we could schedule them after, i dont know, 60 days or 30 days or 45 days. That is just one kind of comment for the committee. And was actually thinking about the fact that planning sent it december 22nd instead of maybemaybe 2nd and the issue to planning, the last time one of these came along when it got to the full board, we actually rejected it at the full board. Again, were up against a timeline. But at that time, i tried to suggest to planning that amendments to the general plan are pretty weighty, lofty things and that there should be more extensive outreach, particularly to members of the land use and Transportation Committee and maybe they reached out or not . I dont know. But that meeting has yet to occur and im happy after we hear staff presentation to raise a series of policy questions as to whether or not this is necessary, and the best Public Policy . But i will reserve that until after plannings presentation. Thank you, supervisor peskin. To your comments about scheduling, i agree with your sentiment. Now the chair of this committee for the past four weeks i think we were doing our best to schedule anything that needed to be due haste so we could actually have the chance to discuss them before they are approved without our discussion. But to our Planning Department, lets work on that moving forward. Certainly for the next two years. With that. Thank you, supervisors. And just to respond to supervisor peskin, i did reach out to each one your offices and met with your staff to go over it. I think i did it probably a month ago with angelo in anticipation of such a situation. And we did try to get it earlier, but again scheduling was an issue and the Small Business commission really wanted to hear it. Im glad they did. They did recommend approval. So it was worth it. But let me get on to the presentation so good afternoon, aaron starr, manager of legislative affairs and the item is say general plan amendment that would remove specific numeric concentration standards from the commerce and Industry Standard element such as restaurants and bars, seek conal use authorization and similar controls would remain in the planning code. So just a quick refresher on this, im sure you are all familiar with the general plan and planning code, but the general plan is like the citys constitution. It sets goals and policies that are the basis for the citys land use decisions and general plan is required by the state of california. Its official city policy of the city and county, so it is mandatory and not just advisory and the mayor and board have final approval. Ed planning code is the citys land use implementation document. The plaque code contains specific controls such as numeric controls intended to implement the visions outlined in the general plan. The planning code must be consistent with the general plan and the board or Planning Commission may initiate changes. So this update would remove would amend the commerce and neighborhood neighborhood commerce sect of the general plan commercial and industry element and proposed change reyes move specific numeric control for restaurant concentration from the general plan. The describingthrough language more than 20 of the total occupied would be replaced with an overconcentration of, so removing the specific numeric concentration and making it more general and then below, removing 20 and directing the reader to the planning code to actually find the percentage required. And then it was also removed language that caused specific neighborhoods for greater concentration and overly prescriptive spacing requirements and that language would all be deleted. However, similar language numeric controls would be would remain in the balancing code if needed to better respond to individual neighborhoods. So implementation impacts planners would still reevaluate the concentration for eating and drinking uses for cu applications and instead of 2025 it would be 25 and instead of sesaluting the concentration for the entire district called for the general plan only concentration within 300 would be calculated and concentrationlevels will on the be used to inform the departments recommendation and Planning Commissions decision. Other cu findings, public support or opposition and other factors would still be used in evaluating conditional use application. A little background on the Commission Action and outreach, the Planning Commission recommended approval on this december 1st of last year. The Small Business Commission Recommended approval on february 27th of this year. North beach continues to be a destination dining and entertainment zone and that is why it has a higher percentage as compared to another neighborhoodcommercial districts. I think this one size fits all is not the right road to go down. Then the notion of overconcentration, and while section 3. 03 and conditional use that aaron starr talked to exists in the code and there is no definition of what overconcentration means in the general plan and i for one, i just dont see this is necessary. Were all in receipt of an email sent i believe yesterday, from the middle polk neighbors, by their president , moe jamal that speaks to these issues and i for one, just dont really understand why this change to the guidelines for specific uses and again, i underline guidelines is necessary. Supervisor tang. Thank you. I hear supervisor peskin and what he is saying and actually felt the complete opposite, but let me just clarify one thing first. Under the neighborhood commerce section we eliminate the percentage requirement. However, if were looking at eating and drinking uses, and you are considering, say cu, you still look at concentration of storefronts and 25 . I think the cu part is what has really been a huge hiccup for our businesss in district 4 and i know one size doesnt fit all and i agree with that statement and i think that is where this 25 actually has kind of come into place in a slightly negative way for neighborhoods like ours. Where we actually want more restaurants and more concentration. This for example, 25 came up when we talked about a twoblock commercial area. And one of the wonderful restaurants that was going to help revitalize part of our district almost got caught up in this; right . So for me, actually, i think eliminating the percentage is important and in the next land use and Transportation Committee, to see other specific controls tailored to particular ncds or districts and to put in more stringent requirements where that might be necessary, such as the mission or wherever else. But neighbors in the outer ones where im trying to attract more restaurants even to be looked at, even if its not a hardline for commissioners to decide on. I see how one size doesnt fit all, but in my personal opinion i would like to see the percentages removed even for the cu requirement. I know its an unor down vote and im not going to try to change anything right now. So i dont really see that the one size fits all. I see it as taking something that is making one size fit all and allowing more variation per neighborhood, like you are talking about. So in the future, if you wanted to sponsor an ordinance that changed the concentration for your districts, you can do that. But right now were sort of tied by being consistent with the general plan and so this allows that to happen. May i just one last followup question is why did you keep the 25 consideration for the cu process for eating and drinking uses . We are just trying to maintain that control, and what we have actually found is that restaurant concentrations throughout the city are usually much higher than 25 and that, in fact, is an outdated number to begin with. So we would like to go back and sort of evaluate more, with more outreach and go ahead and see what appropriate number is . And if that is one number throughout the city, then fine, but its more nuanced to other districts that would be the out come. Personally i would like to see for the cu requirement for eating and drinking uses to somehow mirror what you did with the neighborhood commerce section in terms of just saying looking at the balance, we understand an overconcentration could, you know, could be threatening to the community. Instead of putting even 25 commercial frontage component . I dont know if that is possible to consider . It is. Our office would be happy to work on yours with perhaps drafting language to that effect. Thank you. Supervisor peskin. Its a little bit like the formula retail discussion where you have some neighborhoodcommercial districts that ban it, some that require conditional use and other areas of the city its permitted as of right. So what i want to make sure is that the underlying admonition in the general plan supports having a diversity of uses and businesses in a commercial area. So i mean, i remember the the old formula retail discussions and some supervisors who were dieing to have formula retail come to their districts, and there were some supervisors already inundated by formula retail and wanted to see no more. And so what i want to make sure is that the underlying admonition in the general plan respects that and i want to make sure this isnt being turned on its head and if folks on want to see higher concentrations i respect that. The dangerous road were going down is and i say this as the district 3 supervisor, is that the general plan has had specific guidelines that specifically call out a neighborhood. This is actually a little bit of the problem that we had over the last general plan amendment that came here, that specifically called out chinatown and this one is specifically calling out north beach. So the road im worried about going down is this seeming need by the department to take out neighborhoodspecific references that are there for a reason. Because indeed, north beach, starting in the 1990s and this has all been statistically proven has seen the loss and this is not just because of zoning, but because the Amazon Effect seen the loss of oodless and this is a parable and last board of supervisors rezoned the old rossys market to be a restaurant and lo and behold, its thank god now our latest cold hardware in San Francisco. We want to have zoning that maintains those kind of neighborhoodsserving uses, and that is how somehow years ago north beach got its designation in the general plan. So im saying why do we have to take it out and make it a one size fits all solution . Supervisor tang. Thank you. To those commentss through the chair to supervisor peskin and to mr. Starr, if this particular reference to north beach is removed from the general plan, that there could be some particular control that supervisor peskin could later introduce specific to north beach . That would actually maybe have the same exact requirement in there . So that its not housed in the general plan, but maybe a legislative zoning change . I dont know. He can introduce an ordinance to do that and make a specific concentration and have the language for north beach. I will say originally when we brought it to the Planning Commission in october we did not remove the language for north beach because representatives from north beach came out during the hearing and taking extension. We didnt come to a consensus with north beach or Telegraph Hill dwellers. They wanted the percentage left in, but from my understanding of the conversation they werent comfortable with their neighborhood being called out. Statistic the staff who did that outreach unfortunately has moved on to oakland, but that is what i understand from the meeting. I honestly dont know the history of it, but i found in my records a letter that i was copied on from october and i have not been able to actually speak to the author of the letter, stan hayes. But he does not seem to say that they wanted north beach taken out, at least that is not how i read the letter. They do raise another interesting thing though, mr. Starr, which is that they believe that this whole discussion is inextricably linked to changes in article 7 of the planning code and thought it would be better if they were heard together . But that option is not before us as our 90 days actually expires march 24th, which does subject to Public Comment we could continue this for a week . And then send it as a Committee Report . Because that would still give us two readings on the 14th and 24th. So we do have that option, if we want to noodle between myself and the department to figure out how to get this right . Okay. Colleagues, any further questions or comments . Well, open up to Public Comment. Anybody who wishes to speak on item no. 2 . Okay. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [ gavel ] so just in terms of my comments and i appreciate the dialogue here you know, from my experience in the districts that i represent, i do i actually tend to side with supervisor tang that not having as much specificity in the code is the way to go. Not all districts are created equal, but neither are the different commercial corridors in each district and being able to do that like were going to do with potentially item no. 3, if this is Going Forward, i think its fair to supervisor peskins comments about taking out an area that he represents out of the plan right now, if you will, and replacing it. Appreciate that concern and comment and would anticipate that would be legislation followed pretty closely here. But i do think having that flexibility, i will say one of the first things that we had when i first came into office there was a ban on new restaurants on fillmore street in district 2 and it was the first piece of legislation that i actually passed here at the board of supervisors because it was causing there were so many empty storefronts and the changing nature i would rather have in the code itself and be able to amend it that way, rather than larger plan amendments. To supervisor peskins comments i think the changing nature of our retail corridors is judging e by the volume of cardboard my family disposes of every week, whether its amazon as parents of three young kids and supervisor ronen hasnt experienced yet, but will soon and our corridors will be ever changing for the foreseeable future given this trend. I would be in favor of putting it forward, certainly to the full board. I have no problem putting it forward with no recommendation, if that would make a difference at all . But im mindful that there is potential dialogue to be had, and well see where our colleagues are on the board of supervisors tomorrow. Supervisor tang. Thank you. So i am also in favor of having the general plan language be more broad. I think that even the language that is in the neighborhood commercial section correct me if im wrong, but i believe it was based on a point in time when a study was done in showing that restaurants were actually again very threatening to our communities and while that might be true in some neighborhoods today, still, in others, i think it may not be. So i think the broader language in the neighborhoodcommercial section. I will look forward to working with the planning staff on further changes to the planning code regarding cus for eating and drinking uses. I actually dont like the 25 commercial frontage language still in there, but we can again work on that next. I would again just in response to supervisor peskins issue about particular neighborhoods, and needing certain things, i agree. And think absolutely we could followup with further legislation to codify certain requirements for particular neighborhoods, if need be . So i am ready to move this forward with positive recommendation today. And i will make a motion then to send this forth to the full board with positive recommendation as a Committee Report. Ill be the second. Rollcall vote. Mr. Clerk, can we do a rollcall vote on the motion . Yes, the motion is to recommend the matter as a Committee Report to the full task force to be heard at tomorrows meeting. On that motion, supervisor peskin . No. Peskin, no. Supervisor tang . Aye. Tang, aye. Chair farrell . Aye. Farrell aye, motion passes. This matter will be recommended to the to affect to appear on tomorrow board of supervisors agenda. Motion isa proved [ gavel ]. Mr. Clerk, will you call item no. 3. Item no. 3, ordinance amending the planning code to create the calle 24 special use district and revising the zum, revising the zoning map to reflect the calle 24 special use district generally bounded by 22nd street, potrero avenue, cesar chavez street and capp street, as well as 24th street to bartlett street. Thank you, mr. Clerk. So this item was sponsored by supervisor ronen. And the Mayors Office, it looks like. And i know supervisor ronen has been working on there for quite some time. Yes. Before even taking a seat on the board of supervisors and i would like to turn it over to her. Thank you so much. Thanks for hearing this item. So i see many people here from the cultural district, latino cultural district and thank you all for being here. What i would like to say if the mission is the heart of the latino community, then 24th street is the center of that heart. Its the special place where parents drop off their children for program and taking tours on the balmy allyell murals and where they gather for brunch at fortune yawn and gallery deraza and these are just a few examples why the board of supervisors in 2014 identified this t as the latino cultural district and this body recognized the significance of the district and while its a special place its also an area facing the brunt of the citys affordability conscience. When we talk about affordability we often think about housing, but Small Businesses are also being displaced at rapid clips that is changing the very nature of our neighborhoods. The legislation that i and the mayor cointroduced and before you today is key to preserving the vibrancy of the district and using land use tools to articulate what characteristicks to see and new businesses coming into the neighborhood. Im pleased to share that both the Planning Commission and the Small Business commission unanimously voted in support of the 24th legislation including minor amendment that i will soon explain. Through the sud we seek to preserve what makes the latino cultural district an transmitingive and dynamic commercial zone. The sud sets aside up to onethird of the corridor for eating and drinking establish thes and makes room for other types of business like retail and personal services that neighbors rely on. And the sud welcomes new businesses that support the rich Latino History and character of the area and are committed to local hiring, working collaboratively with other businesss and supporting legacy businesses like dances mission, that have contributed to the neighborhood for over 30 years. This sud is one tool in a much larger toolbox of standard errorsing enhance the corridor. Soon you will hear from the office of commending and Workforce Development about the invest in Neighborhood Initiative that provides a broader array of support and incentives to the corridor. Colleagues i have one amendment that i will ask for your consideration in adoption after consulting with the Zoning Administrator, his office suggested that we clarify that limited restaurants seeking to become full Service Restaurants are made exempt from the concentration controls that was always our intention. However, the Zoning Administrator thought it would be important to make the exemption explicit. I would like to give special thanks to deyawn Ponce De Leon and lisa pagan, jamim torres and Francois Chan from the Mayors Office of economic and Workforce Development and Diego Sanchez from the Planning Department, erica aguyo and mr. Garcia from the 24th council and marlina burn from the City Attorneys Office and Sheila Chung Hagen from my office for their long time incredible work on this piece of legislation. Colleagues, thank you so much and i will ask for your support coming forward. But i would like to call up diana Ponce De Leon and Diego Sanchez for brief presentation before your questions. Good afternoon, san juan thank you, supervisor ronen for that introduction. Im there the office of economic and Workforce Development and i will provide a presentation today to provide you with some context and background of what has led to the development of the special use district. As you heard supervisor ronen mention its really a clintive partnership between the city and the community. This is part of the mayors invest in Neighborhood Initiative as some of you may be familiar with we have 25 corridors in the city that we focus in. Its an interdepartmental initiative. We work with departments and develop a strategy and work with the community on informing that strategy of what to prioritize and what to work towards to create healthy economic, vibrant commercial districts. One thing i want to clarify there is two boundaries mentioned one is the latino cultural district and a separate one, which is what is proposed before you is the special use district. The main difference in the blue is the latino cultural district and sud excludes properties facing mission street. The latino art, the mural and institutions and services that they provide, Small Businesses, Diverse Offerings of goods and services, the affordable neighborhood, affordability of goodss and history of waves of immigrants, latino immigrants and different waves throughout the years. Its really workingclass neighborhood and has been since its inception. That possibly started running their business from the ground floor. And many of those have been running for generations. So what makes veinticuatro unique . With the concentration of latino heritage, which is why it was recognized as latino cultural district and also its a special place because of its history, its until businesss and cultural significance and where many generations of workingclass have found refuge in San Francisco and while we have a high concentration of latino heritage assets, there are also many other characteristics that describe it today. Efforts to preserve or retain these assets and what makes them unique does not mean freezing it in time and it doesnt mean were overlooking improvements, Public Safety or cleanliness. There are many example as examples around the city to preserve their existing character and protect their assets from market trends. Chinatown, north beach, and even within the Mission Special use district. Part of character we have a high concentration of businesses along 24th street that have been in the neighbor for more than 30 years. This is only a handful of them. We have about 22 institutions currently that have been serving this neighborhood for more than 30 years. And four are currently on the legacy registry, with one on the way. So while the cultural district is an historic and cultural asset, its also a way that were using it as an economic strategy. The attraction of arts, culture, events to the area, create a natural uniqueness created made up of businesses and institutions and residents and creates an experience that cannot be replicated by internet retailers, and create and opportunity for the area that may lessen the challenges, as some of the supervisors mentioned today that retail faces today and it becomes a catalyst for attracting more creativity and visitors and creating opportunity for workforce and connections across economic sectors. So this is the timeline from when through invest in neighborhoods we began to work with the neighborhood. Each of our neighborhoods has a profile and conduct assessment based on priorities of the area and we go ahead and implement services. This is one of the programs and projects that the neighborhood prioritized to be implemented, and we have supported that and worked collaboratively with them on that. The resolution was passed in 2014 by the board of supervisors and it was recognized while this was symbolic, the next step was to look at what zoningappropriate regulations would be put in place to preserve some of the character that exists within this neighborhood . So its been about two years in the works. The special use district is only one of many tools. It doesnt solve for many of the challenges, but can be used in conjunction with existing services to mitigate these. In general the services and support provide by invest in neighborhoods can be split into two categories. One is business strengthening and the other is enhancement of Cultural Assets and to also make the point, this is not just coming from the city and not just coming from our department in terms of the services that we can provide, but on the ground you have the capacity that is growing of the calle veinticuatro and to look at issues and be engaged in lands use and quality of life and Economic Vitality and arts in addition to everything that the city has provided collaboratively. Currently the storefront retail mix on calle veinticuatro and retail mix of 23 , eating and drinking at 32 and personal services, 34 and we have a level of vacancy of 11 . However, this 11 is the combination of those that are actually advertised to be occupy and some are under construction. So we have 8 that are actually available for lease. This chart shows a general trend of increase in eating and drinking and decrease in other services. It seems moderately spread out throughout the period, 19922014, which demonstrates the stability of the other service areas. So over time its been increasing, but not at a huge rate as you can tell. Here we have had some decrease in grocery and professional services, but at a rate that seemed healthy to this point. In the pipeline for restaurants we can expect four new ones. Two occupying previous spots and two taking the place of two previous retail spaces. So this slide demonstrates all of the information, and more that isnt on here that has shaped the sud, and what went into it. We looked at pros and cons and argued back and forth and looked at data and emails and reviewed and had meetings in the community. So this represents over time this time period of two years that what has gone into it in order to get us to this point. So to maintain the diversity of businesses via use type, these are some of the things that we want to accomplish with the zoning regulations that were proposing to maintain the diversity of businesses, to protect the small storefronts, protect existing retail spaces, protect legacy businesss and promote the prevailing character that makes calle veinticuatro. Making it what it is today. With that, you know, we looked at these are some of the characteristics that really kind of make up the essence of the calle veinticuatro special use district and creating a balance that we believe is healthy in the corridor and one regulation proposed is to institute an eating and drinking thresholds at 32 . New restaurants would be able to go in and by that, i mean those that will change the existing potential retail and professional to restaurant. So there is this would not prohibit new restaurants from coming in. They can still occupy existing eating and drinking establishments. Those are grandfathered in without triggering 35 threshold and were also proposing to trigger conditional use authorization in three cases. One is in the merger of storefronts and currently there is an interim control that prohibits merger of storefronts. Through community input, one of the recommendations was that it become a cu, rather than a storefront merger to allow for flexibility, on that. The second one is required conditional use authorization for a business that will occupy a previously existing location of a legacy business. The third is to require conditional use authorization for medical service, which those types of uses tend to be appointmentonly, and closed off to public and what we want to we want to build upon the traffic on the street, the pedestrian traffic and other uses. This map is just to give you a sense of scale of the 35 threshold would be looking it follows the cu model in terms of measurement, which you all were discussing earlier with the 25 . Its the same type. It applies the same measurement calculation. So you would be looking at from a proposed spot to turn retail space into eating and drinking establishment within 300 and look at that concentration. If it exceeds 35 by establishing the new business, you wouldnt be able to turn it into eating and drinking and this just gives you a sense of what that looks like. Here is a list of existing conditional uses in the gray, those are currently existing and not proposing to change except with the exception of the store front merger. We dont think its appropriate for 24th street and means more mergers would be overthecounter, and they would be allowed to merge storefronts within going through conditional use and we lowered to appropriate scale of 799. Meaning any small storefronts that are merged would go through conditional use authorization. The other two were proposing to add through conditional uses is medical services and for any business that is proposing to occupy storefront that used to be occupied by a legacy business. Unless its vacant for three years. So if its been vacant for three years, that is abandoned and they dont have to go through conditional use authorization. So as part of the conditional use, were proposing Additional Findings on how a business can contribute back to the district. It must meet four out of six proposed findings these represent some of the aspects that are important to the character of the special use district. They represent many of the things that our businesses are already doing, and what new businesses will be encouraged to continue. For example, retailers that partner with local artists and jewelry makers and provide a variety of products that are affordable to a variety of households and incomelevels. We have several examples in the corridor of those that are partnering with each other, providing space for local entrepreneurs to use their kitchens as commercial kitchens and be able to cater and grow from that. I also wanted to provide an example of the allowing of change. This chart is 18 different business changes that have happened over a 2year period. That i was able to recollect and none of these would trigger any additional regulations, those that are being proposed today. The new businesses will be able to come into the corridor and businesss will close and change over time as they have done. On average, the business turnover between 20032014 is about nine a year. So this is pretty standard what you are seeing here. Much of this is also impacted by leases, and terms possibly, but yes, so there is room allowed for change within these regulations that are proposed today. So this is just an example of a barbershop would be able to become an art gallery and visa versa and there would be no additional restrictions placed on that. While the proposed regulations are not a Silver Bullet, and zoning has limitations the sud is one tool to help strengthen and maintain the elements that are so special about this district. We believe we found a balanced intervention inform by Extensive Community and city dialogue. Some regulations some believe that the regulations are too much, while others believe it doesnt go far enough. As a Public Entity we have an Important Role to listen and find the common goals that unify us. Its an approach that we believe that greatly benefits the culture and economic vibrancery of our neighbors and defines the character of our city. This diagram recognizes the strengths, channels opportunities and above all the common goals for the areas as we have heard it. In the neighborhood and in many meetings from many voices. In the center is our commitment through investment in neighborhoods and actions that were talking to support and build upon the special assets within this area. A vibrant corridor that is unique, safe and preserves the cultural history and regulations contained are limited and balanced and will not solve for Public Safety, dirty streets or freeze everyone in time. Or prevent many businesss from leaving or coming. They focus on retaining very specific characteristics that zoning can regulate and make this area so special. They allow for change and provide an opportunity for businesses to contributing back to the area. We ask you to support these measures and we look forward to answering your questions. But before we go on to questions, i want to introduce Diego Sanchez from the Planning Department to provide a summary of the Planning Commissions discussion and recommendations. Good afternoon, supervisors. Diego sanchez with the Planning Departments staff. Supervisors on february 9th the commission heard the proposes ordinance and why staff sipts the land use controls in this ordinance. Overall, supervisors the controls seek to maintain the 24thing street corridor vibrant, distinct corridor and its neighborhoodserving qualities. For example, you have heard the eating and drinking concentration controls build on existing planning code controls for compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. Where existing planning code controls draw concern at 25 threshold, the sud would institute a prohibition at 35 . This is being proposed to help main at the maintain and prevent any one use dominating and maintain the character of the area. Requiring conditional use for the replacement of a legacy business also addresses the need to maintain the areas distinctive character. The contributions of legacy businesss were recognized by the city first in creating the legacy business registry and by its voters in the passage of 2015s prop j. The citys general plan, also makes explicit mention of the benefits of long time retailers that they provide in a neighborhood corridor and in this spirit the sud proposed to extend land use controls to deter the displacement of legacy businesses. Similarly, the smaller storefronts found if the area also contribute to neighborhood character and provide a diverse offering of retail goods and services, requiring a cu requires their losses indeed found necessary and desirable, as well as compatible with the neighborhood. Because certain medical service uses such as a dentist, chiropractor and acupuncturist, tend to close by early evening or see customers only by appointment, pedestrian activity may suffer from a glut of these type of uses, requiring the medical services to secure conditional use provides another layer of analysis, that will help assure that the new uses contribute to pedestrian activity, along the corridor. As a reference, this has been done in other ncds, for example the castro, 24th street, noe and upper Market Street where certainly quasioffice uses that may not lend to free flowing pedestrian activity were made to secure conditional use authorization at the streetlevel. Finally, the sud proposes that all requests for conditional use also be found compatible with the six stated purposes. These are used to help to assure that new us ins seamlessly integrate into the corridor and contribute to its character. The sud explicitly recognizes achieving these stated purposes will be a multiagency effort between the Planning Department, the Mayors Office, and other sister agencies. Supervisors, at the february Planning Commission hearing, Public Comment was overwhelming in support of the proposed sud. The Planning Commission deliberation largely echoed the support as well. There were concerns about the you implementation of six purposes and staff recognized these concerns and reiterated the multi agency between the Planning Department, the Mayors Office and other agencies will be required to realize the goals of this special use district. Supervisors, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to favorible recommend this sud to the board of supervisors with an amendment to exempt existing restaurants looking to add Alcohol Service from the proposed eating and drinking concentration controls that would that is the same amendment being offered by supervisor ronen this. Concludes my presentation, and im available for questions. Thank you. Thank you very much. Colleagues any questions or comments . Supervisor ronen . I wanted to just take the opportunity to call up commissioner William Ortiz cartagena, if you have any remarks to add on behalf commission . Just to add, we heard this, i believe last week on our last session. And were follow the totally have a favor and im biased because i was born and raised on 24th street so i have seen the changes, but that is exactly what we need in our district. Thank you, supervisor ronen. Thank you, commissioner. So lets open it up to the Public Comment and i have some cards here. Sam moss. Scott weaver, gabriela lazana, Rodrigo Duran. Good afternoon, supervisor. I hope all is well today. Im here on behalf of Mission Housing development corporation. Im the executive director and one of the largest landlords of 100 affordable housing, certainly the largest in the mission. We fully support what is being before the board today and the calle 24th district in its entirety. Mission housing has thousands of Square Footage of commercial spaces along 24th street and we do believe that all of the issues being discussed and the proposed solutions to them through you know, through tireless and countless hours of Community Organizing are extremely beneficial for the 24th street corridor and in that regard i want to reiterate we support what before the board today. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, im gabriela, one of the owners of cafe located on 24th street the corridor in question in this session. My business is being in the neighborhood for 11 years now, compared to the rest of the businesses in the area. My business is in its infancy. Its familyownedandoperated. My parents support themselves out of this business. I am here standing before you to ask for your full support on this measure, as without them my business will disappear in a few years. It is very important for me and for my family, and for the neighborhood that businesses like ours, small, familyowned remain in the neighborhood. Thank you. Thank you so much, next speaker. Good afternoon, everybody. My name is Rodrigo Duran and im here representing carnival San Francisco and it is a multicultural festival happening for 39 years now and it fits and happens in the heart of this special use district. I think our theme this year is very relevant to this conversation. Its the heart of San Francisco and carnvale and gabrielas cafe, we support each other for 39 years now. Especially for folks who would like to see these commercial regulations changed, there are places in San Francisco where they can execute their plans. Its a prime example where they would want to go. Just to conclude again, we would like these regulations to take place. We need and we want these Small Businesses to remain affordable. We want them to be neighborhoodoriented and we want them to be culturallyrelevant to the Mission District. Gracias. Thank you. Good afternoon of supervisors, im born and raise San Franciscoan and also with Housing Corporation and to thank supervisor ronens office and john, mary and everybody else who made this possible, working for a lot of years to do this. Were in full support of the special use district, as sam mentioned earlier, we have property on 24th street including section a residential properties. And the residents there do want to make sure that the businesses around them are thriving. These are obviously muchneeded regulations to not only ensure cultural aspects along 24th street, but preserve neighborhoodserving businesses and characteristics of a vital visitor destination as well. In addition they employee a lot of residents and there is even an economic incentive to safeguard this oneofakind legendary San Francisco district. Lastly in a time of increased xenophobia within the american Political Landscape its a civic duty on your part to proclaim directives to safeguard the latino cultural district, especially in a gentfying city and we must be willing to to enact sensible legislation on a national and locallevel and ask that you pass them unanimously. Thank you. I will call up a couple other names. [ reading speakers names ] name is scott weaver and im from the San Francisco tenants unit, the calle vent veinticuatro district and to stabilize the displacement of latino businesses and residents and preserve cal veinticuatro as center for [hraoeupblt ]or commerce and enhance the unique natures a special place for San Franciscos residents and tourists. This is really the first piece of legislation that has come before you specifically related to this particular area. Im also asking that you honor the process that has been undertaken over the last three years to create this special use district, which is actually the first step in a multipronged approach to reach the goal of stabilization on calle veinticuatro. Probably half a dozen Community Meetings, participation by oewd, which has been totally tremendous and the Planning Department, which has also been tremendous, and the various supervisors, from district 9, which you had over the last two years. So im asking also that you honor that process. And im asking that you honor the Small Businesses along the 24th street corridor, who are having very difficult times surviving and have numerous challenges ahead, that the modest commercial controls that are proposed here today will at least help to alleviate those challenges. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors. Corey smith on behalf of the San Francisco Housing Action coalition. We have been participating in this conversation for a long time and i personally want to a lot of map21 meetings and thought it was important to Say Something. The organization has no position on the special use district and believe that transitoriented development is important and 24th street bart station and one of the truly most special and unique neighborhood not only in San Francisco or west coast, but the entire world. There is a lot of differing opinions and priorities and we certainly respect all of that. We share the utmost concerns, i imagine, with everybody in this room regarding displacement in the Mission District. Its one of the things that we need to be actively figuring out how to mitigate . And one of the ways that we believe we can be doing that is by advocating for housing in the outlying neighborhoods and around the bay area as a whole. It will relieve pressure in the Mission District and current Housing Stock that we have there and hope its a place that we can come together and Work Together in future. Thank you. Thank you. Good morning, supervisors. My name is john mendoza, one of the cofounders of calle 24. I would like to thank you for work you have been doing last couple of years and all the ones that you dont see we have been working on this for me its been 20 years. We started 24th street that turned into calle 24 and i would like to thank all of these people who have been doing the work before it even got to the supervisors and before it even got to city hall to get here. We have been through planning. We have been through Entertainment Commission with full recommendation and i would like to say, with full recommendation to the board. To show respect for all of the hard work that we have been doing and this is the way we should go. Thank you. Hi. Im ruth maheny and member of the council of calle veinticuatro and lived in San Francisco since 197 1 and seen a lot of changes that are happening. I was also part of a Small Business located in the mission for 35 years and i really want to urge you, please, please, to support this project, and thank you all for your work. Thanks. Thank you. Hi, my name is Marie Sorensen with calle veinticuatro and the white house announced moring border guards. This is the reason that latino cultural district designation needs to move forward. The mission is the melting pot of latino culture, facing extinction, and nonetheless its an exciting and vibrant area. People from all over the bay area come to shop, eat, and worship in the neighborhood, because it is a neighborhood. Were one of the few places in town that has a neighborhood vibe. Having cultural corridors increases the citys wealth by acknowledging diversity and celebrating all that make us unique. Wouldnt it be boring if all we cared about was cultural uniformity and Property Values . Please say yes to this. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, supervisors. My name is eric, the president of calle veinticuatro. We host carnival and delos mortos and freida kahlo festival, et cetera. We have the highest concentration of latino businesses in 12 blocks and legacy businesss in the mission. We have been working very closely with the Mayors Office and our supervisor, supervisor campos and supervisor ronen the last 23 years working with these regulations. We realize its not a magic bullet and wouldnt take care of everything that we need, but calle veinticuatro has become a 501 c 3 and all of it is what it is going to make this work. We established committees and these are areas that the community specified for us to concentrate on. So well be doing that work with a lot of Community Members also. We have already hire our corridor manager, moises garcia, who is with us today and working closely with the merchants and working around Technical Assistant with the merchants and being the eyeses on the streets. It will help preserve our small spaces and balance retail versus food and stabilize our rents along 24th street and so please support these moderate commercial regulations. Thank you. Thank you. I dont have any more speaker cards, but if there is anybody else who would like to speak, please come and feel free to line up. Huenga. Good afternoon, supervisors. Im the president of the San Francisco council of district merchants associations. We represent 20 associations including the golden gate restaurant association. I think its very important that we have the latino cultural district set up with special use district. I think of japantown and we wouldnt have it anymore without an sud and this is an scene example of what could happen to the mission and latinos in the area. So i urge you to please pass this measure. Thank you very much. Good afternoon, supervisors, peter pap dapulous and im here to urge your support for this measure. While think its many, many years in the making, i think we all been hearing about this for a long time and happy to see it moving forward and want to thank everyone, supervisor ronen and diego and his department, and diana Ponce De Leon, who put in immeasurable hours over the years, it looks like. So i think its a lost great provision and to highlight two that i think are important this. Is an additional level of protection for our legacy businesses that think is really important, because we know they are still threatened even with all were doing to hold them in place and striking the right balance with restaurants and in certain circumstances were seeing areas that overconcentration can have a certain effect and i think this wisely steers clear of that with what it does. I also like its a lot of flexibility, that think will help it be successful in the longrun. So i hope we can count on your support for this. I think its an excellent measure and great step forward. Thank you. Buenos tardes, my name is moises garcia, manager of the cultural district and here to speak to you about the other parts of what the sud doesnt address. We know its not a Silver Bullet and there are many other complimentary things were doing now to help protect the cultural district. One thing that the sud does do is protect our legacy businesses. So while diana mentioned four businesses on the registry, im actively working to add an additional 20 on the corridor, and within the district to get them on the registry. To really alleviate that psychologically fear of displacement that they feel on a daily basis. If they actually dont own their own property. Additionally, to the six purposes in the sud, those are purposes that we already worked with potential merchants that want to come on to the corridor to really become a part of our neighborhood and our community. And to really see how they can be part of this place, that is really special to us. And lastly, another large part of what were trying to do is really be that voice for businesses in terms of marketing. To bring folks back into this neighborhood, who either have never been here or who were displaced to remind them this cultural district is theirs and they should be proud of and they should be able to come home, not just for the cultural events, but really for the neighborhoodserving businesseses that we have. So i please ask to your full support in safeguarding the cultural districts a beacon pride for the latino district and for the city of San Francisco. Thank you. Thank you. Is there anybody else who wishes to speak during Public Comment . With that, we will close Public Comment everyone. [ gavel ] supervisor ronen, any further comments . No, colleagues, i just really appreciate your support on this really important piece of legislation for my district. Thank you so much. Supervisor tang . Thank you. And thank you to supervisor ronen and everyone who worked with. I know a lot of heart went into this thoughtful land use policy here. So im happy to send this item forward, actually first, why dont i propose that we amend page 6, lines 1617 as you stated earlier. And send it forward to the full board with positive recommendation. We have a motion by supervisor tang and before accepting the second to thank supervisor ronen for her work on this, a long period of time, and from the community as well. And would be happy to support as well. Motion by supervisor tang and second by supervisor peskin and without objection. Mr. Clerk, is there any other business in front of us. That depleteses the agenda for today. Thank you everybody were adjourned. [ gavel ] working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrant and dynamic city thats on the forefront of economic growth, the arts, and social change. Our city has always been on the edge of progress and innovation. After all, were at the meeting of land and sea. Our city is famous for its iconic scenery, historic designs, and worldclass style. Its the birthplace of blue jeans, and where the rock holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. Our 28,000 city and county employees play an Important Role in making San Francisco what it is today. We provide residents and visitors with a wide array of services, such as improving city streets and parks, keeping communities safe, and driving buses and cable cars. Our employees enjoy competitive salaries, as well as generous benefits programs. But most importantly, working for the city and county of San Francisco gives employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas, energy, and commitment to shape the citys future. Thank you for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco. Welcome to another episode of safety on today is episode well show you how 0 retroactive youre home lets go inside and take a look. Hi and patrick chief officer and director of earthquake for the city and county of San Francisco welcome to another episode of stay safe in our model home with matt well talk about plywood. Great thanks. Where are we we if you notice bare studs those are prone to failure in an earthquake we need to stabilize those they dont lean over and plywood is effective as long as you nail along every edge of the plywood for the framing well nail along the sides and top and on the bottom 0 immediately youll see a problem in a typical San Francisco construction because nothing to nail the bottom of the plywood weve got to wind block between the studs and well secure this to the mud sill with nails or surface screws something to nail the bottom of the plywood. I notice we have not bolted the foundation in the previous episode thorough goes through options with different products so, now we have the blocking well a xoich attach the plywood. The third thing well attach the floor framing of the house above so the top of the braced walls one to have a steel angle on top of this wall and types of to the top of the wall with nails into the top plate and the nails in this direction driving a nail it difficult unless you have a specialized tool so this makes that easy this is good, good for about 5 hundred pounds of earthquake swinging before and after that mount to the face of wall it secures the top of wall and nailed into the top plate of the with triple wall and this gives us a secure to resist the forces. So you now see the space is totally available to dots blocking that he bottom and bolted the foundation in corneas what the code in the next what the code in the next episode youll see you apply [horns honking] announcer the first step to getting into college is finding someone who can help. For the next steps, go to knowhow2. Org. speaking spanish. well call the regular meeting of of the board of education the San Francisco Unified School District to order it is tuesday, february 28, 2017, roll call please ms. Casco and mr. Cook mr. Haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Sanchez president walton and ms. Eng and ms. Zaragoza thank you please join me in the allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Item a approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of of february 14, 2017, is there a motion please. You move adoption of minutes. Second interest vote ms. Casco thank you ms. Eng ms. Zaragoza and mr. Cook mr. Haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton and mr. Sanchez president walton thats 4 is. Thank you as been announced at the past few weeks complete a speaker card and present it to the executive assistant. Speaker cards will not be accepted if an item is already before the board presentation to the board of education. Importantly according to the board rules speaker cards are not accepted on items before the board presentation to the board of education superintendents report superintendant lee. Thank you president walton good evening, everybody tonight i would like to start my remarks a little bit differently than normal and thats to invite a student who are with us from James Lick Middle School to perform a music cancel number for us or a teaser of an ambitious work from a show that is called just in case tails of an immigrant life at James Lick Middle School and the show allows the students to addresses ignition ways to bring their gifts as creative Young Artists to speak hair truth in a time along with their parent and communities are faced with help alsoness and hope alsoness our student working closely with the directions or directors and professional gift artists to create a one hour show theyre proud of work and the strength that the work has given them the show opens to the 7 00 p. M. On thursday march 9 through march 11 at James Lick Middle School tonights presentation is under the direction of keith jena and music director chavez so students please take it away. For one second and just when our on our own success as is wish of singing but nothing is the same and the winds are two row low and though you try to meet a stranger and though in different lands and what you do but you needed clapping. im sorry thank you you guys for coming i hope you guys will be joining us on march 9 at James Lick Middle School in the auditory. clapping. thank you once again is the if James Lick Middle School. clapping. under the microscopic director chavez thank you so much and break a leg with the show next week so we hope that what we just witnessed will Serve Service as a model for the harmonious fines that can be exhibit in the board of education meeting so at least all practice to continue on the mark that i wanted to highlight a few other feptsz this past thursday i had the honor of attending the annual i think the 4 annual africanamerican honorable role celebration for honoring the students if 3 to 6 grade earning 4 point owe and president walton and commissioner murase and mr. Cook and commissioner Vice President mendosamcdonnell and commissioner sanchez in spirit i hope im not forgetting anyone but the school was represented many members the center team and site leaders as well as parents and other members of the School County so we are were all on hand to congratulate the 3 thousand pollute students that either european a 4 point owe gapping received an award this family celebration was sponsored by the San Francisco alliance of black School Educators that is a volunteer organization of sfusd so thank you, everyone who was part of producing that annual spectacular event on wednesday march 20th century 1 tomorrow added city hall steps from 10 to 11 00 a. M. Students and teachers from access sfusd the arc will be 40e8d a rally to end the use of r word the word is used and it is personal students will be talking about their experience with the put down and asking everyone to join the pledge and the use of that word senator former senator leno our own board of education rachel and other elected officials that will be joining sfusd in support find this National Campaign to spread the word to end the word an march 2, 8 weeks into the High School Students are ready to put on a full course people e meal for 40 people with all entities known as the longs table dinner with the enthusiasm and chess said the students adopted to the rhythm of the kitchen as they explored making dumb links and other wrapped food many special guests if founder to family members and students and finally it is time for schools to start drafting next year priority and bucket at the annual planning retreat on saturday march 4 point everett Mission High School from 1115 it takes input to get this done this process as always includes parent and staff and Community Members and for our secondary students approximately 8 hundred participates will gather on saturday morning to get a broad view of next years budget if myself and other sfusd staff and for the remainder of the morning well meet in the classrooms to look at the data and budget numbers and Start Building a plan thank you for this. Thank you superintendant lee also just again want to reiterate the thanks to our students from James Lick Middle School ill be definitely through for opening day and dr. Murase will be attending as well item c recommendations of commendations superintendant lee. Yes. We super two rave awards recipients and first, the distinguished service ward to valerie dieziegler she is presenting of the award sherry. Maam. Good evening, everyone before i start, i want to thank the Board Members superintendant lee and mr. Sanders son and all the support you give to Lincoln High School and appreciate the teachers and students thank you this is my privilege and honor that the principal of Lincoln High School this month got the recipient is valerie or ms. V valerie is with the Green Academy a civics teacher and not only that but valerie is a true friend she has a heart of gold and built the relationships with the staff but with the students and ive known valerie over 10 years and been a consistent and loyal person and even through the years shes come back and remarked the students remember what ms. V taught this so valerie, thank you for your services to Lincoln High School and a great friend calling names . 1, 2, 3 one more. clapping. im kind of embarrassed i dont know how i feel about distinguished thank you this is very sweet and i dont like to have praise on me if i could id give my rave ward to the students i was lucky to have my career at the Lincoln High School and i reflect unknown the successes came into from the people he work with and the students i get to work with and since i have the mike ill rave about the programs im proud of programs and the opportunity they provide to students and it is amazing to see they go on and serve at the usc thank you for everyone. Thank you, ms. Everyone zigler so our second Award Recipient tonight is rave distinguished Service Award linda. clapping. linda is a paraprofessional at the Robert Louis Stevenson Mission High School and here to present our principal diane. All right. It is my privilege and honor as the principal of Robert Louis Stevenson to announce that rave distinguished award linda linda you are an extraordinary paraprofessional you are nominated by a number of cow for your commitment and presented in and generosity you unskilled fully work with the teachers and all the staff and administration and you always serve with humility a patience and diligence and compassion your sincere he smile are a gift to us all im proud to work alongside of you congratulations linda clapping. congratulations. 1, 2, 3, okay. Ready 1, 2, 3 thank you good evening superintendant lee members of the board of education and enlists ill speak but ill forgot ill read it sincerely thank you for the rave committee for the recipient of this award and to ms. Guy and the teachers at Robert Louis Stevenson for in the meantime, me appreciate it and im grateful id like to express my sincere gratitude to superintendant lee so kind and generous in school to everyone im a recipient of that as well thank you thank you for your time and diane i know you have a busy schedule acknowledgements to a large circle of wonderful colleagues dear friends be and my lovingly family who are here theyve support and inspired me throughout this amazing journey for that the past almost 31 years now and truly, truly grateful for their guidance. clapping. and in closing if i had to have a canvas it would be filed with the happy 13450i8z the joyful faces of children i had the pleasure and fortune to work with ill take their memories with me forever i did say one thing and truly mean this i know you heard this often i go back to the african proverb that takes a village to raise a child those children performed so well, theyre our future thank you very much and enjoy your evening and continued success in our endeavors for the quality of education for your students thank you. clapping. congratulations to both of the rave winners. Thank you so much for your continued and dedicated service item d student delegate report superintendent carranza ms. Eng and ziegler. Thank you. To report back first, the united student resolution we have feedback from the sfusd and well be looking at it and discussing it to start the meetings to get hopefully it will be passed by march like ill say and yeah, we thank you for your feedback and taking a look at it in collaboration with us you thank you, mary is another update for the working group well have a working Group Meeting with the student family and Community Report dependent on march 8 at 4 30 if youre interested we will be discussing next steps for the dress code so that all students regardless of agenda feel included with the dress co Health Curriculum and finally the 20172018 ask the application is Available Online all candidates candidates must taken open franklin and be able to come the youth submit on march 17 so if you know any Young Leaders in making a difference in the Security Guard make sure they know this and reach out to sal or one of us followup from what jessica said on march 17 our youth submit if 9 30 to 2 30 our Student Leadership were giving the invitation cards but well get there so save the date working Group Leaders students speakers theyll share their stories and performances into cross the schools in the district and finally our next meeting is march here to the Board Meeting at 5 if you want to come it is a Public Meeting please talk to our corridors and have a nice rest of week thank you. Thank you students and Advisory Committee superintendant lee. Thank you president walton so, yes tonight we have a presentation from the mitigate we have two speakers from the citizens bond oversight committ committee. Good evening okay so good evening im jen i cant ive been working for the mike net project practicing program for 10 years this is the president of the past and brenda is our new staff member now the young people have a young face to related to shes inspiring so mesoyoung ones to continue studying. Going to school shes grew graduated when i tried to inspire them theyll look at me like im the grandmother but now brenda it is buff to see what shes doing yeah. Last year brepdz will do presentation and ill be interpreting for here we dont have enough English Speakers ill the interpreting. speaking foreign language. im a month the of 5 children two of them went though the program been a great help for me. speaking spanish. im going to talk about what the migrate education talks about. speaking spanish. in the psychos sense the program started recognizing the unique challenges of the migrate students and dedicated the research to support the families that the program has. speaking spanish. and as you can see you have were not going to read them all so we can make the presentation a little bit shorter because the main purpose of the program at the family Literacy Technology Program to facilitate the transition for the professional Development Including the taken care of for other programs. speaking spanish. we support students preschool Elementary School and high school have a programprogr speaking spanish. we have aligns with other community and who support our students. Oh, you took a little im sorry and serve our students we have Services Health services and emotional working groups for parents so they can help their children and theyre in their schooling life. speaking spanish. this is our teacher with work with the prekindergarten students in their homes or come to the office and she works with those students that or not involved in any programs. speaking spanish. the children are very, very happy with their Teacher Learning on a daily basis. speaking spanish. laughter so this is our our last college trip to uc davis her son is the young man on the left we had a wonderful, wonderful experience. speaking spanish. im very proud of our program during those past years weve had many successes we continue supporting the students with to look towards their University Education and the students who are receiving academic intervene are are making big strides. speaking spanish. we have had many successes and many challenges one the Biggest Challenges in the program is the reduction of the number of students that are being able to quality or stay in the city but were still serving overseeing with lots of love and passion the ones that remain with us. speaking spanish. we want to thank you all for being here and supporting us and our families. speaking spanish. can the migrate familys stand up. Thank you clapping. thank you for coming. speaking spanish. any questions . Comments . Thank you so much for your presentation tonight do threestory have any questions comments oh, im sorry any Public Comment on this item i did not have any cards seeing none, colleagues kristens student delegate ill speak spanish. speaking foreign language. i dont know how to translate that. speaking spanish. mentoring. speaking spanish. yeah what is include on the professional Development Training for staff or mentoring and others like others thought about cultural awareness or history who they are and also about the Community Advisory based on the students population in the school or attracting them i believe the professional development we go to the Regional Office which is in san jose and we get a lot of training what is happening with the families and how we can support them and so many different ways that it is families with enormous amounts of needs so we got a lot of training right now, were you know were just supporting them and getting through the next 4 years and were going to have a symposium form at middle schools el salvador and others and guatemala to come and talk with the families and tell them to be prepared were going to be holding their hands along the way and your question about the students, students are in all schools whatever we find them like hooeld theyre all over the district and not saying were migrate workers and a migrate families we depend upon open h pc and the word of mouth parents liaisons anyone that knows us weve been in the district a long time they know us they send itself the mraktsz and names phone numbers we go and do all the work and students that is a if stay in the schools where theyre at many, many different schools in the district. Dr. Murase thank you for the presentation would you announce the forum with the daytime and location. At Mission High School notifying the Mission High School families and all the migrate education families on the 6th of march from 6 to 8. Oh, speaking spanish. okay so i have to do spanish and english it is going to be in the of from 6 to 8 in the cafe at Mission High School id like to suggest that you connection with the Mayors Office of the Community Engagement and immigrant affairs a long roster of Legal Services to families and they would like to get to information out to the families that need Legal Assistance and all the services. Kevin is taking down that. speaking spanish. so thank you for information well look into that tomorrow morning well call speaking spanish. whats keeping students from qualifying im not clear our for a student to qualify the parent has to go and do farm work and packing in the past 36 months the past 3 years they have to go somewhere anywhere in the United States and come back and they have to bring prove theyve been there the parents have to go and take the children with them because the program is really for the children so a lot of families the father goes and the children stay behind overseeing families cant qualify from the father is a farm worker because they didnt take the children other families are not able to go and do the work right now they cant leave the spaces as easily as before because of rents therefore dont want to lose theyre living space in the city only go for thirty days usually in the summertime aftertime school the families go to leave and bring the proof back and sernd servdy for 3 years. speaking spanish. thank you for the presentation and again, thank you for allowing me to visit i appreciate your dedicated work with the families. We love viewing in our house you saw they come and feel at home it is really, really quite an amazing space grateful inform mission high for opening up that it has made a humble difference and she wants to Say Something. speaking spanish. im thankful for the migrate education that they provide but the Emotional Health they give us. speaking spanish. sometimes, we have problems with our childrens and go to them they help us talk to they teach us how to talk with our children and have them not give up and how to continue towards studying and their dreams we appreciate the support. speaking spanish. especially jena and she just started a month ago. Im happy to be there an amazing experience to work with the youth i share some of the stories thats the connecting point and feel i can help my siblings and doing it for other communities for the students and really find it gratifying to wake up and go to a job thats amazing. speaking spanish. thank you so much. laughter clapping. thank you thank you. Do we have any appointments to the Advisory Committee yes commissioner sanchez for the bilingual im appointing evelyn rodriquez. Item f Public Comment on consent calendar, there is none tonight. And consent calendar can i get a motion and second for the consent calendar please. Any items withdrawn by the superintendent let me establish eye contact with the gentleman that is filling in by the way, for mr. Steel who is unfortunately acquit under the weather so thank you, mr. 0 lopez any items to correct or withdraw on the consent calendar. There are none. Thank you thank you superintendant lee any items removed for First Reading or for roll the dice and superintendents proposals there is a motion that has been seconded on january 10, 2017, can we get a report if the curriculum and Program Committee for one 71 sbe for the workplace Education Plan. I think you were asking for a motion we heard this item and. Send it to the full board with a positive recommendation. Thank you complacence and superintendant lee someone to read the recommendation i believe so i believed dr koffman will present this item. Good evening mr. Superintendent and President Trump im steve the office for the Career Readiness that the board of education authors the superintendent and to approve the Work Experience Education Plan the in order to comply with the federal, state, and local the california Education Code and code of regulations have a 5 local agency must have a Work Experience preplan this includes the responsibility of the teachers with the classroom reductions and communications responsibility of employers with the adequate state working conditions and records require the minutes we include the student be agreement for the granting of credits being accurate records and the rocket of district providing special development for the compliance so for civil rights and nondescription regulations this must be approved by the board every 3 years. Thank you dr koffman no speakers signed up for Public Comment any questioning colleagues student delegates. Ms. Eng ms. Zaragoza. Mr. Cook mr. Haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Sanchez thank you president walton 5 is. Thank you. Ms. Casco item i Board Members proposals 1612 dash 13 a1 commending and encouraging the related curriculum but commissioners emily murase and formal commissioner jill wins moefld in 2016 can you get a report from the budget and Curriculum Committee please the Budget Committee heard this resolution on february 1st it has a small fiscal impact undetermined due to getting teachers to participate in national training, however, funding that i believe that is available for us to apply for so this will impact the Budget Committee gave it a positive recommendation. Thank you ms. Norton dr. Murase read the resolution into the record. Green before i read it i want to acknowledge judge kopp is with us and lead the effort to have the process resolution number oh yes. Mr. Haney. Thank you both. Resolution number commending the korean wear memory whereas in 2009 the Korean Foundation took to build a memorial no commemorate the 2 million men and women who fought in the socalled informational war educate the future generations about the generations and make sure the generation never forgot the cost of freedom and primarily mission was accomplished when the completed memorial was opened to the public and adjacent to the National Ceremony overlooking the Pacific Ocean the korean veterans cross to engage in a war whereas now the memorial is open for future generations remember the korean war to protect south cc rs freedom therefore, be it resolved we encourage one San Francisco the support and faculty and social survives to incorporate the korean war and two the staff and faculty at Elementary Schools to organize field trips to the korean million as part of crime and 3 interested staff and faculty gave me in the teacher training on the korean war scheduled for june 2017 at the maifrnz club in San Francisco and apply for the program that will fund two million teachers to visit korea for people to people connections. Thank you commissioner murase we actually have 3 speaker cards for this item. calling names you have two minutes please come. There is a button mr. President and commissioners im president of the Korean War Memorial foundation as the resolution notes the memorial was dedicated august one, 2016 after about 5 years of raising over 3 and a half Million Dollars for the dedication of the memorial which you will find across the street in the National Ceremony in presidio of San Francisco the purpose of this resolution is to enable and support the teaching of the history of the korean war become a cliche to refer to the forgotten war from june 1950 until july 1953 and it is particularly relevant at a time when history is not prnt not the favorite subject of teachers throughout the United States the war memorial the korea War Memorial Foundation expresses its gratitude for dr. Murase for former ms. Wynns for doing so the program is under the leadership of our Education Committee chairman who coincidentally a retired professor not have history but of mathematics at Lowell High School walt take care ive had the pleasure of observing the first of the lessons which he conveyed a couple of months ago to a class of 80 Lowell High Schools student and my colleagues john stoevenz and don reed and art have observed the ensuing to such lessons that were provided under the tutoring of a korean war veteran himself to be sure as an air force veteran i will note, however, that he is a marine he expressed now adoption for the resolution thank you for your time. Seeing no one else line up. clapping. you actually cant add corrections the number 3 is the National Council social studies teacher an training will not be at the memorial it will be at washington, d. C. inaudible commissioner murase nothing you want to prop. Yes. Id like to amend the resolution to reflect the Accurate Information that the National Council of social studies training it for 2018 in washington, d. C. Thank you 0 commissioner murase and judge kopp. It will be here in 2018. Oh, 2018 in San Francisco. Correct. Okay thank you any additional comments or statements from colleagues be student delegates seeing none, roll call vote with the amend changes ms. Eng ms. Zaragoza. Mr. Cook mr. Haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Sanchez and president walton thats of is. Thank you item j Public Comment on general matters please note that Public Comment is an opportunity for the board to hear from community on matters within the boards jurisdictions we ask you refrain from using employee and student names if you have a complaint submit to a the supervisor and according to the district policy as a reminder board rules and california laws dont allow us to respond or answer comments during the Public Comment if appropriate the superintendent will ask that staff followup with the speakers you have two minutes the microphone is over there and we will call the names in order of how we receive calling names . My name is julie exciting to hear the presentation it is great to see the families are getting support at a time theyre targeted by our National Administration and i wanted to speak today asking the district to approve the resolution that will allow the district to work with arock that allows to approve the mou to work with the high schools ive seen incidents of families being afraid to walk home several families were targeted by them were impacted were not able to return to the country during the time period and one of the the great work that arock does is work with the students to document students of anti racism cross the area and 45 percent of students say theyve heard some kind of anti arab comments from a staff percent 65 percent heard from their peers or other folks so what im hearing there is real challenges for families in the district a lot of the families at the school are not getting interpretation in their language which makes it difficult to support the students while the district and the city has passed a Language Access ordinance that arock helped to advocate for families are not to work in the district without an organization that supports the families and finally we benefit from having a arabic language real benefits and needs and the only argument ive heard and arock mou come from disagreements among adults where the National Politics i havent heard students feeling like they were because of arock so id like to remind the district being newly but side with the students articulated and approve the arock. clapping. calling names i havent seen them stand up calling the names in the order i have. You know at least one the people is on their way will the be allowed to speak in Public Comment is note closed as again calling names . Thank you i also want to speak in support of you taking up the memorandum of understanding with the Arab Organizing Center arock and approve that rather than putting it off and it is not exactly clear why is it put off but it seems like that must be due to International Political issues that effect us locally too but that didnt seem right when i speak as a Third Generation bay area my dad went to local im a bay area native and live in San Francisco im outraged at the Smear Campaign against the organizing center by other members of the Joshua Community here and it is wrong this is something that is exemplar as future citizens the Language Services have been indeliblely helpful that Richard Carranza help to create these opportunities so they should be included still there is really no good reason to deny them the rightful place in the community and city and schools the need is great they are principled dont be swayed please that is important to know that arock didnt get money from the a o u how can you note extend this Necessary Service to the youth i can understand but not wanting to give into that the mayor needs to be brought up immediately and approved im part avenue ballooning number of injuries in the place coming to see a distinction between i dont know if it is related to as on advocate for palestinian right for questioning what is really it is doing people standing up for themselves thats what we want from the students thats when a San Francisco is standing up for dont be stand with arock and let them support the students of this district. clapping. good evening, commissioners i just wanted to speak think on behalf of the arock as well im my kids are at francisco a large number of arab students when i spoke about this last time i addressed you the day after the election there was students that are staten by shaken by the election and crying unfortunately, we have to staff that speak arabic and every morning i have photos i started to take pictures there are couples and waves of kids that stand up in the Counseling Office and nobody to talk with them and basically the Security Guard and say back away go home they understand that i feel like as a educator i dont know what i will do if youre there not supporting the students they deserve support and the fact that arock is available to provide support and support families in communicating with their teachers and theyre willing to do that for free beyond why you want to bar them from the schools especially it prevents city halls from being connected with other students right now their segregated and on their own pretty much i see ill start sending the photos theyre kind of on their own to kind of fend for themselves in a hostile kickoff innovate intermediate at a City Hall School that wants to provide the services but dont have the capacity ive been asking where is the support what is the support not in house in district few few Staff Members that speak arabic or familiar with the community so this organization is willing to provide that note lined with the values of supporting families that are marginalized so thank you very much. clapping. hello my name is carol i echo in support of what the other speakers b said a arock and finding work and how important that work is now i wanted to bring to to your attention my understanding that one, the mou is held up because j. C. Rc the Community Organization council has taken the position is arock has political positions birthday palestinian that creates fear amongst the jewish students im jewish im a member the Jewish Community and i seen this played out before many times in the advocating they have a exhibit of palestinian art advocating went to the city of berkley and said this frielgdz the Jewish Community we want you to deny the funding to the art berkley refused it happens again at sf su to create a mural honoring an arab and a graphic that spoke to the plight of Palestinian Refugees and jrotc and it is in they did that with the home mural in San Francisco and the Art Commission said one the recent incidents at the oakland childrens amount we held an exhibit of art by children and jrotc they claimed this is frightening to the Jewish Community thank you. Thank you so much. Thats the background. clapping. hello my name is katherine im here to support the renewal the memorandum of understanding between San Francisco Unified School District and arock im speaking fast this is an issue on the front burner not the back burner im jewish i have lived in the Mission District for 40 years and my daughter went to the San Francisco Unified School District and an attorney today for good or bad as an chief executive officer in the harvey milk ive been involved in the racism involving the desegregation of the San Francisco Unified School District this last week, i attended the south america for the 75 anniversary of the executive order for prisons thousands of japanese men and women and grandmothers and grandfather the chinese act along with the idea of the native people, etc. Is some of the most shameful momentum in the history we dont want to live in the terrible times i cried after the election for men and women and injuries and muslims we need e need to pull together and support together im part of the an Interface Program makes a Rapid Response were injuries were catholics and profit tents and arock and jewish advise voices for peace over 10 years arock provided Invaluable Services for arabs and families and the Public Schools at no cost as pointed out how can you turn it down we must support the children and their families as others have said i understand youre under a great deal of pressures from the right jewish organizations shame on them decent order jews and krirlgz jews are working together to repair mosques and ceremonies that have attacked by those the same people that shared the chinese inclusion act and think that safer slavery is a good thing a stand with original e ordinary people we need arocks program love over hate thanks calling names . Hi commissioners and cindy im a member of the jewish voice for peace and part of Jewish Community im here as well to speak in support of school board renewing with the mou with arock at the critical time of oppression of the muslims the resources that arock brings to the arab students are crucial they work over the past 10 years for translations for arab speaking folks and providing a commitment for arab bic and vietnamese and supporting a case group arab has held working groups to provide other support services arock has received policy o positive assessment by sfusd staff and support from the community they serve i was at the last meeting the Curriculum Committee and was taken auerbach by several members the Jewish Community said the work of arock and the possibility of arab taught da can cause problems an offensive statement and calls into question several jewish organizations have been putting pressure to notary new the mou the issue is about arock position on palestinian has nothing to do with with the work on the ground the jrotc has not opposed the hall cost denial and the treats under the jewish institutions the desecration of jewish ceremonies or they seem to think that preventing children from learning arabic is better than the deeffort now as a jew im shamed to look at this so destroy serves for arab immigrant families paused of political differences. Thank you, maam. Hello my name is martini im a mother of a fourth grader and grattan im on the 9 year of volunteering inside the classroom im here to talk about 3 things they relate to the teacher at grattan elementary the impact on the Community Holding a sign it stand outside off mr. Phillips closed computer lab you can see simultaneously the kind of love from the community im a educator and teach as uc berkley his general passion with the enjoy and curiosity is unmatched in education that ive seen especially at the Elementary Schools and second issue the teachers impact on teachers phil was the glue for media and infrastructure so, now the teachers have to commit the time and commit that time it disproportionately effects go students not with computer they come to school they dont have the reports done by the way, because the computer lab is done and now the leadership at Public Schools and what you guys represent to us and our stewardship of the Public Schools and well hope youll exercise judgment the circumstances and contacts in which the decisions are made in january and february have changed we lien on the fundamental values as well as the city we ask you to consider those as you assess the situation and help us do everything you can to bring phillip back to grattan he is a seriously important part of all aspects we work and what Public School is today take into considerati considerati consideration. clapping. hi, im a member of the grattan 4, 5 team also the board with the generous donations of pta support that allows us to have a classroom reduction im here to speak on behalf of the all of us my grandfather said when this is a problem this is a First Step Towards a solution were on our way towards a solution were having a standoff between administration and upset families and students and teachers over the reputation and career of our beloved phil but want to point out weve look at this as a standoff that that didnt make sense if you think about this amendment wear all San Francisco School District made up of the students to be compelled and inspired and motivated to learn under the circumstances that the teacher did and extra curriculum activities he maintained and sfusd is not a Unified School District without the families to send their families to a second home and a daily basis with the understanding theyll come home smarter and requester the question knowing that the answer will come from recess in the Afterschool Programs then from their classrooms and sfusd is, of course, the teachers that come to school to make a difference we do our best to make it interesting and inspire the love of learning in the students and know that phillip was the first to receive those goals and sfusd is also an administrator that intention that motivates the students to achieve other common goals it is compelling we act as a unit to preserve the intentions of our common goal to create inspired environment that is our environment is mr. Phillip thank you. clapping. good evening my name is abby two daughters currently in attention grattan Elementary School the Community Members throughout the district are coming to us in challenging wakes from violence against the teachers we have a lot to deal with and appreciate the board working hard, however, the situation at the grattan is not one the issues youve heard loud and clear the Community Wants the teacher back a teacher to be honored and i do not like in the district but instead dragged through the mud and treated unfairly you can put this our hands are not tied the district has put countless tools to be used in situations like this i beg you to work with our School Community it together to use the tools to figure out a way for phillip to come back lets support the Restorative Practices that have been been go forward lets acknowledge the relationships are lets gave me in collaborative problem solving instead of saying youre hands are tied or well do better you how about the modeling behaviors and do better a child will not be expelled from school with no justifiable cause but youve done that with mr. Phillip and created an phillip an environment at the grattan the kids are sad and the teachers are scared for their jabs jimbo bob city this can be enforced none the teachers feel safe a bad decision was made by the Unified School District and everyone in the room recognized that it takes courage to make that right phillip model that honest and accountability that mistakes can be fixed thank you. clapping. hi im sorry a third grader and grattan Elementary School and i need you to bring mr. Phillip back hes my bereft grin hes a generous man that belongs at grandstanding hes in my entertain please change our mind about mr. Phillip thank you for your time. clapping. thank you for your work sitting on the board im a kindergarten parent at grattan my husband and i toured 15 Elementary Schools when we were applying and work in education and curious to see how the schools differ weve seen grattan and most of them the computer lab is amazing several friends told me he expected to the Dianne Feinstein high school that is not what i saw that was quite small dark and the computer were not brand new and then i saw him a kind man wearing a chefs hat and apron grinding from area to ear you want to hotdog you should come back nearby 0 child sate typing away on the computers as insects crawled around him, i said to my husband thats no computer teacher thats many right of first refusal he will the lo loveable teacher in the cartoon that inspires her children with learning 17 years at grattan this amazing man no Restorative Practices no communication with his parents and no healing for the children in grief you have the ability to change that, please support our teachers and put the childrens needs first and listen to the childrens needs first, we want mr. Phillip rinse state at grattan. Im also a parent with my lovely wife lastly i was walking down the street and told to go back it is a ugly sentiment people in the room have heard and it is in many area the culture a general feeling of just feeling dismisses and unwelcome it is more important to fight the forces with kindness and love and thats what mr. Phillip was to the school he made us always, always feel welcome he treated our children like our own the school was his own i dont know him we starred school there are but on the Dennis Herrera station of the parents and especially the students i strung u sprung into action i wrote letters and pleaded to all of you to help us the district offered us go nothing notes saying that matter can be discussed no details and course of action just youve been hurt the message is enjoyment clear as a parent go back to where you came from im here to say that im not going anywhere i will be at every Board Meeting in all our 2, 3, 4 boxes every election if you have any questions, well be happy to answer them you throw for your yourselves not demanding my way way but lapd you treat us like adults talking to us anglo that. clapping. we ask handle the details i asked us to believe in the Unified School District we do with our vote and most of all our Children Trust us by communicating with us you might be incredibly surprised with the award when you try. clapping. calling names . Hi i was called earlier okay. Thank you very much im a pesticide tribune as San Francisco general and a member the Jewish Community in to here to ask you vote to approve the mou with arock to support the arab track another San Francisco Unified School District as a citizen of the San Francisco and also based on offhand experience and San Francisco general it is clear we need to support the arab students in the schools and thats arab language track will be helpful for other children with positive images about another culture it way better i dont totally agree with arock position on the interNational Politics over and over the u. S. Rally conflict but think that is very important that the language track is sorted and arock is an organization that can do that so i will is put aside differences and focus on a group of Vulnerable Children that needle the support. clapping. okay. My name is at t kiss paris waters im in the class at grattan i used to have mr. Phillip for converted and homage postage after school when you took mr. Phillip away i was very, very sad cried and cried and had to stay omi from school i dont know your nice to our teachers in our school my mom said i should follow the golden rule you should too how would you feel if someone made you move away from the people you love i think you should send mr. Phillip back the grattan thank you clapping. good evening President Trump superintendant lee be commissioners the board of education my name is susan im the school nurse and school im here i want to be sure our aware of the action youre planning to take that has an adverse affect on galileo staff and more importantly on the students i want you to listen within the context of a paragraph in the resolution you passed whereas sfusd buildings in order to serve the students we prioritize the candidates are deeply knowledge about, about the skills and serve the students addresses committed around quality and social judges Parent Support and hiring sfusd graduates as part of workforce i want to tell you about one the special education in jersey can wrongly wong a special education a graduate of to sfusd with presidio and graduated from galileo from the class of 2009 as a student body president and speaks chains jessica came as a par educator from college when she was working as a par educator awhile working as a par educator the administration asked her to obtain an credential and during the time teaching as galileo got ratings of safety and hive satisfactory shes on the verge of completing this in record time and clearing the credential in special education jessica teaches survives shes well represented by the colleagues im here to ask you to today in the time of not only a Teacher Shortage but especially special Teacher Shortage you can nonreelect a teacher the special education serving the community and serving that well, i ask you to reconsider this action clapping. sorry good evening my name is larry im a paraprofessional special ed at the Galileo High School im here to support jessica nonreelected by the principal shes dedicated her early career to education first, as a perform at galileo and now as a special ed teacher liked and replied by the teachers and colleagues im asking the board to recess tend sends ear or her nonreelect and continue her career at the galileo a great loss for the students at galileo if jessica didnt return next year thank you clapping. good evening superintendents good evening good evening board of commissioners and student commissioners as well so im going to give you the same story but dell it in a different way let ged and create that story with all of you in mind and go ahead and take you back two million years when you were in high school let me take you back to the time when you are that in the 12 grade and elected president of your school and let me tell you that you ended up going to college and you thought about your school where because your school had many teachers were students and school and you feel the teachers were students maybe you want to do do same thing and come back and work as a parent one the will district priorities is africanamerican students we know where the majority of the africanamerican students lie but take on this challenge i want to go there you do much is a go job you know what we want you here please apply for the program we will support you you go ahead and you, your supported by your colleagues and take on the position and get two highly satisfactory evaluations you get another evaluation of satisfactory one by your principal and come back and your principal tells me a nonreelect wait, wait and then how would you feel what would be do you got colleagues that support you and colleagues say hey wait jessica theres been 8 special ed teachers through this department and 3 years turning over 8 we want you here and the principal rather give you as nonreelect and hire someone off the street doesnt make sense i wanted to share that story and put the ending together and finish that story what would your ending look like what would you do how would you so forth that because youre in the place you want to be at thank you for your time. clapping. good evening, everyone my name is david im a Science Teacher for admiration of the jessica a National Board as a board head and organ i share a different preservation in terms of what it looks like for anyone in the classmate he cotaught with jessica and can tells you she was clearly trying to understand not just how to like our vision in terms of Police Vehicle the curriculum assessable for all students and everyone should achieve but the direction terms in terms of science this is a huge goal as a head i want to bring it on the ground floor after 4 years of this been a lot of people not understanding this jessica wong as embraced this and making a difference in the classroom and changing teachers with prior education with unaccessible curriculum making it something that students can get you cant put value on an education and create those relationships not just with the students buses the peers in the the way it impacts a lot for students so it is really one the valuable things at the galileo i hope we can help to grow the school and trying at this point, were in much a critical position in the district to be able to have those Science Teachers that are great for change and understanding how it is supposed to move forward we want to really hold onto those i implore you to change our minds on the non reelect clapping. calling names . Push the button thank you for presenting a few moms im richard a veteran teacher at the galileo temp im a Science Teacher and the deputy head for the pathway programs i came here today because i wanted to express how proud i am of jessica wong who was my student and how delighted to see her as several of our x students come back to galileo to become teachers and be part of the community im also proud to serve with her as a teacher with our staff i dont know the circumstances around being nonreelect i wish i did but your community didnt allow for this i do know that she doesnt have a connection and place in the community another galileo and she plays a role with our students that most people will turn and run away from the challenges shes able to navigate and to bring support to our incredible and im appreciative of ore at our is conditional thats thats all i have to say tonight thank you for your time im going to drive back to the east bay now. clapping. im a shrink im Jacqueline Peter work at galileo an english teacher been there for 11 years someplace im not used to talking to a bunch of adults this is nervous raking the week 10 hours and got to school at the 7 30 i worked through my lunch had to tutor kids and do something during the prep period and work add Afterschool Program to earn extra money to live in the city and here and tired and i am saying that i live in the city i dont earn a lot of money thought about moving and thought about moving away i love where i work i love the people i work with i dont necessarily love how were treated sometimes and we can praise jessica theres a bunch of us doing it shes a great teacher as far as i know works well with her ceasing thats the one thing i know galileo keeps teachers because of each other we all are there because of each other and it is been a rough road for the last few years and i can pretty much tell you one the things keeping me there besides the students are my colleagues, we work the best when we know were being treated well if you say thank you to an employee every once in a while ill get the best work but out of this this didnt feel like a thank you and it seems bizarre to me that in a district where were really short of teachers as a matter of fact we finally filled the last two positions one within the last month or things like that but nonreelecting jessica put users in our position this is really bizarre thank you. clapping. my name is vicky and work at galileo a social studies teacher there for the last 9 years i left one year two years ago with a higher paying job it was a good gig but come back to taechl i missed it i pies that like crazy so when we asked them when the previous position asked me why did i want to come i said initially during the first Job Interview i love hatred the job because i was tired it is exhausting we work all nights and holidays i decided to come back i turned i load of it more than i hated it and missed those kids the loud kids in the hallway but again, im saying this because teaching is a thanksless job it feels that and sometimes, we dont see results until years later jessica wong working in special ed you know, i have to shes formed bond with my students and see the tormentors and given we have a Teacher Shortage and on top of a special ed shortage it also doesnt make sense to myself where shes been nonreelected so i really urge you all a rescinded her nonreelection you, you know we dont do it for the money thank you. clapping. hello my name is aaron bra i work at the galileo ill show you signs appearing about retaining jessica wong i worked at the High School Level and the special education with children with diagnosed for Mental Health be and jessica wong has the skill of teachers that have been teaching over 10 years classroom shes one of my go to people to take my class when i have an i teach and dont let any teacher come into my classroom this special ed was down two fulltime teachers and one on Maternity Leave in february we filled the two positions february long term substances cant do i e p and can do Case Management that meant that my colleagues had to take on 18 and 19, two million i e ps and not paid extra our Department Chair is announced shes not returning because of high cost of living in San Francisco the administration knew this when we choose to nonreelect jessica wong and other teachers are thinking about leaving well enter next year down to be experienced teachers those teachers are in high demand a shortage throughout the state as galileo gets more of reputation about articulate submittals articulatey submittals not based on teachers but personal issues. The district has an obligation to help the students we need to keep the teachers who are good i think want to work with the district thank you. clapping. calling names creative but stand in line im continuing to call names you were before her good evening i promise not to use any profanity the school site Paul Reservoir demands the removal the practicable she lacks the skills to welcome the parents Board Members and staff and the community she fails to address and followup on reports of physical and verbal abuse of students by untrained and unprofessional teacher aids shes unresponsive to questions pertaining to disciplinary protocol and allocation of the title one funds as well as the discouraging input at principle sf u africanamerican Advisory Group and meetings shes intentionally withheld the budget her consensus is to the appropriate or appreciate he created to discourage and limit input that is counterproductive supervisor shawn explains her behavior and new and learning paul rivera notes a experienced administrator definitely not a work in progress last wednesday the gentleman informed me the rules have changed no longer make decisions regarding principal or advice principal assignments or of the 10 percent title one funding our goal is inclusionary and collaboration of all groups and students in the community to create and provide a positive atmosphere at paul rivera i dont advocate the neglect of the immediate needs of the underserved students give me a minute ill wrap up thank you, thank you thank you to our Vice President and scott for two combrantsz she prosecute cured the grant and the africanamerican Student Initiative grant. Thank you, sir. clapping. thank you good evening the manipulating the africanamerican Advisory Group and School Site Council and the at large are at paul rivera stop if assigning our leader for the the upcoming 09 school year we have no faith to serve as our leader shes incapable of caring for the priorities of school in an unbiased manner over the school year watched the school become less and less responsive to the needs of the students and the families she is ill prepared at the parent and Community Meeting failing to answer questions that dont align with her power point we have watched her respond to parents concerns and in an inappropriate and inappropriate manner she fails to answer the basic of questions how to move forward with the students academically and provide angle emotional place for students to learn and grow and thrive instead of embracing the positive change shes shut us down and all e Motor Vehicle and unavailable and unprepared to continue to take on the full demands of a preschool to 8 school this is an upgrade matter and needs immediate attention we dont take this decision lighting the fact our children. Community is suffering from her leadership we have suffered in silence and refuse to do so any longer want the sexuality leader to be ready for the challenges of a unique responsibility to create a Student Center environment that creates unit diversity and acknowledges the social manner ma matter that all uphold the district values thank you. clapping. thank you. Good evening Board Members my name is jan im a parent of a senior at walberg high school a constitute of 4 years hungry have been heavily involved in volunteers and committees and served as is secretary and Vice President id like to appeal you to help me understand when parents sarah and teresa elected by the parent lagging to be on the school side council were leveraged off last thursday the principal orchestrated a way to kick the two apartment off the council and to immediately stymie i didnt their vials parents are concerned about the compliment and numerous safeties issues about which solutions to improve the vacationed or situations are not shared the original way for the parents to affect the changes through the sfusd so the expulsion of actually parents is outrageous sarah and teresa have been improperly Carbon Dioxide out the blaulz were changed previously a representative couldnt be expelled without cause the bylaws sate they should be pofltd 72 hours it seems to me presumably so communities have can an opportunity to be they meeting for input therefore i contend that proper procedures were not followed i support the two ladies theyre voting members of the council after taking time to reflect mr. Richy and the other lady were not heard during the time the contract was under review thank you for your thoughtful consideration to this serious matter and for your services to the committee. clapping. hello respected friends im sarah here to support in support for a fantastic initiative that the parents have called if you see something, Say Something and i was actually expecting the parents will be here to speak on her behave but some reason so briefly say it is a cleaver female a taxing system awhile students can text and get immediate stance is a awnings from the school there are alleged assaults in the vicinity of the school so the other thing im here to say is the more boarder implications of the situation that demonstrated what could 0 happen with the prestige of those situations and high impact devastating outcomes i hope to be part of that conversation im also concerned there that b b big deal be any normaltion of this kind laenld violence i have no support for such a perspective i failed that is the students and the families dont see judicious and proactive care on their behalf there will be a cumulation of stress and in reference to the practice of trauma informed practices i feel that that is really something we should be concerned about so i do ask you to please support this wonderful initiative if he if you see something, Say Something but we also need to support to do something and we can count on your support thank you for your time. clapping. good evening, commissioners student delegates and superintendant lee ive come susan salmonella united educator come to the malia cohen to notify you to an vents on miracle 4 at admission appealing high school from 1 30 to 5 30 a mass meeting this is a brand new organization assembled by sfusd and dozens of local groups it is a by the way, resistance a powerful new network that will defend our network and more importantly each other by the way, resistance is to defend and being in solidarity with those by President Trumps agenda the first mass meeting on saturday so we invite all of you to come and learn about the network and the powerful acts we all can take to resist and defend and support one another trainings and working groups on locking Public Education and supporting immigrants and refugees and defending Affordable Health care act and the women criminal justice and advancing the compliment justice and childcare availability and translation and light snacks as member of the u e sf as we come to you to tell you we need you to dooushgz to keep our educators in San Francisco San Francisco we as educators are committed to educating and loving and protecting them and their communities and our community and standing together and we hope we can do this together an saturday thank you very much. Item k special order of business initial proposals for sunshine i want to sunshine two proposals before the board the 2015, 2015 for the ibew and the 2014 proposals from the glares architecture metal and Glass Workers Union and local 1021 and local 377 and recovers and local 40 carpenters and local 22 and auto mandarin and local lovingly 8 percent 6 sheet Metal Workers and local one 04 and is journey man and hillary ronens and pipe fitting industry of the u. S. And canada local 38 and tooermz and machinists and common craft to the San Francisco Unified School District we now have a public hearing and adoption i call the public hearings for each the proposals as listed in the agenda superintendant lee please let us know who well hear from. Thank you President Trump presenting is our chief our chief of Labor Relations and good evening students and others we want to im going to announce the proposals for adoption and those are ill read them in order there are 6 that the board of education hold a public hearings on the initial proposal and adopts this has to do with with International Brotherhood of electrical workers local 6 ill read them all and then okay second is that for the initial proposal from the sfusd to the Service Employees seiu local 1021 requested action that the board of education hold a poergz on the initial proposal for the district and adopts the initial proposal the 20172018 initial proposal from the district to the local 39 the board of education hold a Public Housing on the initial proposal and adopts in initial proposal that for 20162017 did initial proposal from the local 21 that the board of education hold a public hearings from the district and documents the initial proposal that the initial proposal from the district to the labors industrial local local 261 that they hold a proposal and adopts the initial proposal and finally that the initial proposal from the local 818 local 377 local 40 local 22, local 1176, local one 04, local 38, local 853 and the local common crafts that is one 4 one 4 the board of education hold a pausing on the initial proposal from the district and adopts this. Ill entertain a motion on all the proposal. Second any comments or statements from colleagues student delegates hearing none well need to vote individually on each the programs so a roll call vote ms. Casco starting with local 6. Thank you many i know ms. Zaragoza mr. Cook mr. Haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Sanchez and mr. Waltons 7 is. Thank you roll call vote for local 1021. Ms. Eng ms. Zaragoza mr. Cook mr. Haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell marry dr. Murase ms. Norton moons and president walton 7 is. Thank you roll call vote on local 39 ms. Eng ms. Zaragoza mr. Cook 0 mr. Haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Sanchez and president walton that is. Thank you roll call vote local 21. Ms. Eng ms. Zaragoza mr. Cook mr. Haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Sanchez president walton 78 is. Thank you roll call vote for local liv. Ms. Eng ms. Zaragoza and mr. Cook mr. Haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Sanchez and president walton 7 is. Thank you and last but not least common craft local 718 local 377 local 1136 and 1104 and local 38 and 353 and 1414 ms. Eng ms. Zaragoza mr. Cook mr. Haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Sanchez and president walton 7 is. Thank you thank you item l distribution of other cycle issues superintendant lee we have an item. Thank you President Trump so tonight we have our annual report about k l w91. 7 fm station that of which 0 sfusd has licensed holder so we have general manager matt martin and i believe mr. Martin has a power point presentation to display good evening and thank you very much for thank you for your time to hear from me this eager go to see you all again and to welcome you mr. Cook and not spoken to you and week mr. Sanchez and good to see you although the president cant call this a state of union but i will, in 2016 k l w celebrated the 75 year on the air in 1941 teachers put this station on the air as the first fm station on the west and were going strong we are an enterprise units the district we raise our own budget 3 4ths comes down from listeners and the balance from federal support for public publishing and in kind supported from the district incredibly value for the high school and the studios also legal h. R. Accounting support special mr. Cook i want San Francisco thank you for the relationship we are also grateful talk about that every year for the for a second this is a district and this is a board that represent that is important to have an editorial firewall between the listening and the station like k l w i can only imagine it is important for the news outlet and have a listener relationship to the listeners is incredibly important didnt mean we cant collaborate with the district to provide district inform on the air with resources or work with students all of which we do but the journalists need to do their work without thats how things work with our station and heard storehouses from other manages working in the stukts r Unified School Districts and thats not always the reason but this is the station broadcast of the district and wanted to you to feel that represents the district well and connected to the sfusd mission to educate the students and the broader public so oh, one the things i want to talk about the importance of k l a what direction what were doing in the history do let you know the station has become known as one of the most preview initiate stationed in public radio when i first started the job when i showed up with public radio the main answer to im from k l w what is it where is that now people associate with with integrate programming i want to talk about a couple of examples one of them it is showing up here is this is a program that in you 2011 november i thought daniel in the bay area and one of the producers came do me and said we want to take the story telling and journalism and want to bring it to the stories of people throughout the americans who speak spanish and make that a Spanish Language pod cast that side that now at the time there was nothing like that in public radio i thought that was an important idea though we do not an english station but put our resources for the first two years it was produced at k a l w studios and grew and become an independent production in 0 november apr says well have the first spanish pod cast their building openly on what established at k a l w and having the stories on the news and considered in the morning edition that was something that started and what you started at the station and also in 2013 we started a program called a partnership between the new department of and k l a w and jouftsz inside of San Convention lets tell stories about life inside the prison and families affected by the fact they have people on the inside of that community that who incarcerated people in them and tell overseeing stories from the perspective the prisoners recorded by a journalist that San Convention has grown and a link that shows you some of the stories but in addition to those stories we continue it carry it really inspired some of the journalist to say we can do incredible things in audio they heard an International Composition for new pod casts called pod quest with the producer that works with them said they decided to come up with a new pod cast expanding on what the san conventiquentin re theirs was chosen to have resources behind it to distribute is to market and deputy it once again something that started here unabated with the new voices on air this is about women changing the status quo started here and chosen as one of the pod casts that you take part in that is a pod cast by the public radio they too are saying heres a great idea we want to support and bring to the broader public and finally lightwell you know about a show were producing with the community and it so on the air for a year do a monthly show in theatres at march 23 and putting in a plug and ill give my email later so and im sorry, i lost any thought here it is a fun show what we do is take on social and political issues the days with funny conversations are challenging go conversations about things that matter that is what were trying to do in this work i realize i skipped over a pod cast on the lower right hand corner this is our host of the news cross current and a reporter in the News Department they have a new pod cast coming out called the student and comes from the africanamerican background and found their conversations go hearing about black identity maybe we can tell the stories and bring them forward and relied to be part of the pod cast they didnt win they were semifinal lifts but picked up were not seeing those kinds of conversations and want to support this kind of work i tell you about that not only because im proud of the work it is important and exciting but to give you a sense the roll like we can play in taking risks and bringing forward voices and really been we do this in the context of the district but has an impact far beyond the community in parts of public radio and part of the media next, i want to tong given that tonight we have the first address of President Trump congress we in public radio continental k l a w feel our responsibility for informing the Community Engaging in the civic dialogue with the humanity it is incredibly important and he can tell you in the months since the election the confuses we are having the increased responsible and wanted to get this right it is powerful when i came to the station in 2001982 as a producer i was the only Public Affairs producer was in a station on a daily basis no News Department no local newspaper like now the growth of the station has met in a moment like there is so many stories to cover from national down to the local so many important conversations we need to be engaged in the fact that the station has grown the capacity it is what i understood the importance of that on the local call many of in you remember the host we had a number of shows about trumps combrnt appointees and a full week of immigration with an immigration policy to bring people that be directed effected by the executive order that came from the trumpet administration earlier this year im proud we are in a position to do and to bring to the community our local news magazine talking the impact of the metrics and rhetoric on people in the bay area whether immigrant and transgender people and women those that kind of reporting and talking about high speed rail and they did an entire half an hour talking about the high speed rail in San Francisco and how it is affected by about the policies and room on the station for voices to come to the Administration Like the sfusd students that travel to washington, d. C. For the womens march a number of whom had their voices during the commentary and reports they took tape recorders and reflections what they were hearing we brought them to the air in the bay area so public radio is important all the time it is incredibly for the district can feel good about being part of supporting this resource we also are really reconnecting with the Educational Mission station the first 35 years of the existence were a training station much more concerned with educating students for connecting with listeners that changed as mp r came on the air and bbc and grow the listeners but in recent years we have been working to reintegrate teaching and education into the work we do not only because of relevant and exciting radio to listen to we oh, yeah, thats where we began the students on the tower putting up the transmitter in 1941 in the past Years Development the audio comedy a intuition free program for adults from the community to learn audio journalism and audio techniques were in the fourths or fourthclass and people in the previous classes. Number have gone on to work in audio for shows hike snapshot judgment or users like reuters weve shown we can bring skills to those folks that serve them in the workplace and it is also been important it is not just about what we can do for people in the audio complained by the way, what they bring their own information we might not to have assess and for the last 5 years have hosted summary or summer interns primarily from burlington high not solely but we have dedicated resources to pay for stipends and hired staff to specifically work with the students in audio journalism in public radio they may not have been in a position to again, the to the place they can have a commentary or a story on the air it is up to our standards we are looking at and applied for the grant of the California Arts Council to expand that so have 5 std students at the station. Minimum keep it at the level were committed and love having the students there everything is about growing through the listener support we like i said 2 3rds of the budget comes if listeners and in in this year we set Ambitious Goals to improve the growth pattern were on and making one time expenditures ill talk about unfortunately year to date june 31st we have the numbers are looking positive so the blue bars with the actual dollars year to date jan 31st comparing the last 4 fiscal years were up by about 8 percent over the last two years and steady support versus overseeing years and also the red line is very, very important to me which is about growing the actual number of donors the members that are supporting this station is up by about 9 percent year from last year our 75 anniversary that was circling people to give you think that also in the Election Year and this Election Year in particular people recognition the value of the service and step forwarding when is great we can stay in line with the combroelz goals and looking forward to my priorities as the leader of the station to complete the work were doing on the space at burton hi as you may know we spent the last 13 months outside of basically in the parking lot of burlington high a couple of visited and finally Governor Brown guess it was last week we make it into the spice burton high is a yearlong renovation process the work is not done a lot of updates to the studios a number one we have new equipment that is to be replaced but really expand what we can do in the space aconfigure from analog ho we do our productions this is a be short time Important Role and another bigger one for me as the leader is policy building with the structure of the districts policy that as a Radio Station as a media entity there is a lot of specific policies internally about how we work from what kickoff how we conduct our journalism to make sure there is or are not conflict of interests who is doing the broadcasting im using this opportunity to move into the space at a time to really think about how to clarify those policies for people inside the station which goingson for a rake of people to people in the Audio Academy who have been around and looking at the policies that communications across from the staff people to the volunteers and trainings the other area that is really, really important is investing in the Development Capacity weve grown a lot in terms of the program and our Development Capacity and if you have any questions, well be happy to answer themably and getting the philanthropic support we do has not grown cosponsoringly we have an Incredible Development team and a gentleman a handling a small amount of people doing incredible stuff and with the programming management would well be in balance and need to work on steering more the resources to make sure we have more resources to get more resources. I know that is incredibly important and finally i talked about this before and talking to i really know the sustainability of the stations financially but in terms of take full vantage the opportunities in serving this community and collaboratively with the communities are will require us to tap sweet spots community for the work we do i have not mad the progress in the last year, i certainly want to move other things heard but consider this really the key to the fire chief the thought station. Thank you loans o lessons how to do Community Around a 50 is adjunct to the station thank them for that and want to thank two other people like i said weve been in the process of rebuilding the studios we have a chief a person that works nights and weekend james hes strapped for time but a big project i cant believe what eave be able to move forward really doing it around the contours and i want to thank phillip pubically and to really is everyone at the station for lisa and others done great work a colleague is something o someone who is a legendary by the way, listener for a long term and donated his time and we are very, very grateful with that, im open up to you all and thank you very much thank you so much for your presentation any Public Comment . Seeing none, colleagues commissioner norton thank you thanks for the report always nice to see you oh, thats the time of year georgia again, im proud for a member and renew my membership this year i want to ask a little bit about some of our financial position because it seems like in the last few years youve operating deficits not huge ones but i can you talk a little bit about that and i hear youre wanting to invest in development thats a thats a great question but where those come from and our opportunity to address that. I really think the opportunity to address it i mean, ill be honest i spent a lot of time this is probably the case for my Development Director working in partnership were spending a lot of time inside and not enough time outside the real opportunity obviously we have an incredible basis of orders some of whom we have been conflicting around the major gifts to do the work and this is my director managed and said we need to open up more of my time not working on day to Day Financial accounting so we can look at the higher level for the staff with the large donors i mean when it comes to the defic deficits you know is really been around weve grown weve taken opportunities around programming i think that would have been a mistake not to tampa them up but at the same time, i on the fix is on the revenue side but im also in a place we cant take on new projects we can expand and are stephanie not just the development but our management capacity so im trying to hold the line it is hard there are a lot of opportunities. Focused on how to take on the revenue side i think that you know in the scheme of the burr were a Small Organization but it is figuring out how to take the time and other leadership of the station. You dont want to be the downer i think that is great the investment i think there is great things doing so all good but it comes at a price so well be not doing our job if we didnt look at that it is wise to invest and shore up the refers the trend im not alarmed but is another year you start to see that. Thank you comprehends commissioner Vice President mendosamcdonnell thank you i enjoy hearing the work and im grad you had a chance to come out and dr. Murase do the if you have any questions, well be happy to answer theming effort is great and excited to see your new face we are a the bungalow. When we get things zipped up youre welcome i think in april well have it all. I definitely want to come out and hang out with camille you know that. laughter . And then i know one of the things weve talked about over the years is more programming about our schools and i did connect you with someplace that was interested in doing some going to the school and doing stories im wondering how youre thinking about that or how we, incorporate more stories about students one the students we were talking about over the weekend was the the affirmative for the school of the art and big deal been cool to have a moment with him, i want to just think about that for the first time weve hired some part time b loaders education so not solely in San Francisco so were putting effort targeted saying okay how can we decade that we definitely have had ivy think we need a line of communication you, you know about stories in the district in a way we may not know necessarily i know there are definitely minded when jeff has pitched things our direction we cannot take up all of them but definitely the set of students that went to washington for the womens march that was a good example kate heres an opportunity and actually first brought to us oh, you want to publicize this were interested in empowering the kids so maybe thats i think that will be part of approach in terms of the what are the examples making it clear so people in the district know heres where the ideas come and so on our radar. Yeah. I i get it your bay area but we own the station so i guess to me it is almost like it becomes you know an even tuesday story because this is our station and i feel like we dont like youll not know that is ours were cant give to anyone else and i really would love to see more stories we have emails that go out on the new feed regularly that, you know, that highlights all the stories throughout the schools and i dont know if you receive that but that is you know a good way to do that we believing and highlights a bunch of things im not looking for i know you have to do news worthy news i think we want to be able to highlight sfusd you know the Radio Station commissioner murase. First of all, i want to congratulate you, mr. Martin because i often say . My First School Board you need a line of credit to keep the station going it has controversial i was getting emails why are you funding a Radio Station when the schools have a gap but it was a wise decision you managed to bring the Radio Station from the brink and recognition you for your personal leadership leadership in you know really e reenabling this station but i want to build only commissioner nortons concern about revenues and the Unified School District recently started the on 50 is sparks school if you need Technical Assistance we have that here at the Unified School District we have a new leader that works on the private giving so we have that resource here so i think there is a lot of opportunity more than a Partnership One of my questions he asked several years ago was whether you had an Advisory Committee because clearly you were shouldering everything and sounds like you condition to shoulder a lot when you might benefit from having a team that perhaps has network that can help with the if you have any questions, well be happy to answer theming end ever things i encourage you to pursue the having the governing board, and, secondly, building on commissioner Vice President mendosamcdonnell commit id like to see more content but like to know you have gifts in and out of our station but making the guests available to burton between the community and the operating nationally recognized are station recently and a Committee Meeting we were discussing the internal designation that is not what i like to see would love to see more of a Community Around the station the high schools i appreciate that the students have summer internships at the station it is labor intensify to see the interns at the station but 0 another resource another way in which the station can be for the school to perhaps have some of our speakers in the classrooms or an assembly you know come out that would be a big event for a school and to bring some benefit to the benefit to the school beyond the internship will be great. Ms. Eng. Thank you for the presentation and having so much original content and casing with the school Board Meeting and mp r with the content as well i wanted to communitybased in the back of commissioner murase her students have a connection to the Community Whether the neighborhood businesses i think outside the box pretty important, and, secondly, you talked about hiring students during the summary i have a friend that actually did that last summer really enjoyed it so a comment to hire more students from various backwards to expand the program if you can i know a lot of students at the would benefit from the program thank you very much. Supervisor coke. Thank you for your presentation and also want to commend around the organizations so i can only imagine to come out and ask for support and then have to rebuild to so congratulations and a variety of programming that you offer and i wanted to just hear our initial thoughts based on the recommendations of commissioner Vice President mendosamcdonnell and commissioner murase can you respond. So the i mean the idea of trying to leverage some of the people coming into the station with burton this is great i like working on a campus like when we managed the leverage connections with the students in the station requires coordination you make the things happen were having a guest how will we set up the opportunities i think a great conduct and working closely with the Arts Commission Academy Teachers this is a a good place to do that every student does this job i think that to me is a doable idea i like that bringing it into a clamor. I agree that will be a good thing. Putting it with a little bit of work and think about doing Something Like that i think the question how we covered the Unified School District and bringing forward Unified School District stories i think that is more and more challenging i have a hard time asking my News Department teacher youre in charge cover the Unified School District they wanted to covered that is not way i want to ask my new employees to do but not meaning there a cant be other forms of the supporting the stories and maybe look at that out of journalism perspective there is journalism different responsibilities there obviously in a basic way talk about the lunches and talk about the events coming up in the district so there may be a way to do that i think it needs to be outside of the news and Public Affairs because their youll have a report what is news worthy and also to be able to report the things news worthy and not necessarily what the district want us to support i have to been what form that might take to think about what youre suggesting i know there is undone work about representing great stuff happening in the district so in terms of i mean speaking to your ability to turn the stations financial situation around im sure you can create a way to address the concerns and what we think is a reasonable timeline that present some of those suggestions to follow up lion 60 or 90 days to talk about that. Youre saying well be doing our budgeting process this is a good time to do that 60 days 90 days tell me the format. Commissioner Vice President mendosamcdonnell. Id like to see something in the next 60 days thinking around it and other ideas that be be awesome. To clarify around the budget questions. No no about how you can incorporate the School Districts in news and other things even what commissioner murase recommended to be connected to the school there is great teacher stories and things that are national and hooifltd you know, i know that is good. Item m consent calendar resolutions there is none tonight. Item n vote a consent calendar that was there is a motion that has been seconded under section f voted ms. Casco. Thank you ms. Eng ms. Zaragoza mr. Cook mr. Haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell except for item k11 that was retracted. Thank you dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Sanchez president walton thank you o consent calendar severed for boards immediate action 13 item p now introduce and assigned for that the committee for the superintendent proposal for First Reading for the record no Board Members introduction tonight item 172 adoption of board policies adult student boundary that is going to be referred to rules and policy and legislation may i have a motion and second to the resolution. So moved. Second. Thank you we have Public Comment on this item president from u e sf. Okay. Im here to speak to the proposed policy on adult student boundary overall the proposals are reasonable and i think they makes sense wear committed to students safety and insuring conduct of all the employees but we are very concerned with a couple of issues the first to the extent that any of the impacts impact the safety issues beyond the scope of bargaining and like you to go through them one by one and see if any should be subject to and stepping back broadly we really ask you consider as the policy written not gone too far in the context of the extreme Teacher Shortage so have a written policy that includes 0 prohibiting a behavior that is touching students without a educational purpose not funny but shocking to me as a human being parent a teacher a person in the district to think our district will have a written policy you cant touch a kid without an cycle purpose i challenge anyone to be in a clamor for more than a day without a need not a human need but part of teaching is being human and a good part of being teachers we know the boundaries but the most effective teaches have an element of being a human i cant hug my kindergartener when this kid needs a hug for a version for Mission High School and high school and i worry about this will have an chilling affect on in the district and coming to the district i mean, i do permanent know teachers in the district for many years who have modified the way they behave because not wanting to be subject to you know undue discipline so we really urge you to step back and consider that particular sections of the guidelines and as you go moving towards adapting a policy that meets the purposes meets the students purposes were a caring proliferation and we need to act appropriately without going overboard and mr. Paying educators and really cannot im afraid if you cant touch a kid in San Francisco a young teacher saying thats enough ill go somewhere else thank you. Thank you item q introduction of proposals for immediate action, there is none tonight. Item r Board Members standing Committee Report from the curriculum and Program Committee mr. Haney. Thank you report from Ad Hoc Committee School District and ms. Mendozamcdonne mendozamcdonnell. Yes. The joint committee we should have a joint thats worth reporting here we go. So that the School District city college was great to get back together we have several new commissioners that are coming over from city college and alex and tom are joint Committee Members we had a chance to get to know each other an overview on the partnership multiple partnerships we have together including the bridge to success the cc p t the catholics trust and Early Middle College enrollment great and looking forward to meeting more regularly and commissioner Vice President mendosamcdonnell you want to continue with the building, grounds, and Services Committee. Another wonderful meeting we had an update on the plan intern superintendant lee provided us with some Additional Information on where we are on the teacher housing plan we also got information from an Organization Called the housing down Payment Group that are looking to provide loans to teachers for housing and also got an annual report and updated on the 2011 local program and got great outcomes recognition rewith weve got a lot more work to do. A packed agenda 3 action items the approval of the Work Experience Education Plan where we heard about some the incredible work happening in the district around offering Work Experience to many of our students and see a huge increase in the number of students that are participating in the way narrow participating that was forwarded with a positive recommendation we heard the authorization to grant in terms of a renull for the high school we moved with a positive recommendations and heard the Korean War Memorial was approved tonight and regular update on the School Quality index and heard an update on the Computer Science and digital promise initiated and a lot progress in xoond the Computer Science hearing about a doubling of the number to the Elementary School and a initiative existing work and heard when the digital Promise Initiative that is the one to one id Pad Initiative that is passed through of the to middle school and an update on language pathway in vietnamese and mandarin part that that update is looking at the sites for the school and for the program and ultimately an ongoing discussion in terms of findings an appropriate site for both of those lunge programs at the Elementary School and High School Levels and then we heard in support of the commercial sexual abuse integrate into the curriculum. Just the Budget Committee will meet tomorrow at 6 00 p. M. In that room. Updates on policy and rules and legislation. Ad Hoc Committee committee on student. Well mediate an march 8 International Womens day at of p. M. And exciting and exhilarating Ad Hoc Committee personal matters and affordable will be thursday at the of p. M. Any other updates on commissioners commissioner Vice President mendosamcdonnell and commissioner sanchez. Building, grounds, and Services Committee for march there will not be a meeting in march we have a spring break well take a break ourselves. And rules committee is next monday the 6 at 6 00 p. M. Thank you item s other informational items there is none tonight. Item t memorial adjournment i call a recess to the a will from the are you renew notice for a principal not renew notice for a sunday night principal and u i by a vote of one nay gives the authority for the stipulated amount and in the matter of one case of anticipated litigation the board has given the direction to the General Council has given direction to the General Council item w sorry ill read out actions from tonights closed session the board by a vote of 7 is approved inaudible . Say that again. Thank you for reading that out item w the meeting is adjourned clapping. well good morning and thank you all for being here im ed reiskin the director of transportation and cant tell you how existed and speak on behalf of everybody here to be at this milestone after many years somewhat our decades ever planning to break ground on a transformative project for one of the citys anyhow unique and special streets i there is a way this works folks without whom we wouldnt be here ill give an opportunity to speak and afterwards go out and literally 0 break ground i want to acknowledge folks not speaking im not sure theyre here by representatives from Nancy Pelosis office and senator harris and there was a lot of work to be done at the freshen over the years and leader pelosi in particular was a huge comment thank her and stare half and at the state level hearing from the state a strong will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting with the transportation and our legislatures want to acknowledge supervisor chiu and Supervisor Scott Wiener and a lot of folks made that happen but really the lead for this project has came into from right here in San Francisco and one of the hallmarks of our mayor has been to forge collaboration amongst city agencies within the government and with the community and because of complexity of that project there were probably a dozen city agencies and newcomers state agency and the federal government as well as important stakeholders including some of the ones that occupy the building around where were standing it took that kind of collaboration in other words, to get to this point i want to start off by introducing the mayor of San Francisco mayor ed lee. clapping. thank you ed reiskin good morning, everybody. Welcome to the groundbreaking of our van ness corridor bus Rapid Transit i want to say thank you to everyone on stage and offstage since 2003 with the prop k been working hard to get this project done well and right a lot of Community Groups thank you, again to the mta to the commissioners, staff, who working hard to get a lot of views settled but our county transportation agencies and state and federal partners that are part of funding and vision zero of of this our regional mta as well because the state road were still on a lot of people here talking today and ive been told in no Uncertain Terms to keep my remarks under two minutes ill let them talk about all the benefits of bus Rapid Transit and all the advantages as a city what im also exciting to talk about is that were going to have better lighting along this wonderful avenue closing in the very lengthy distance for people to cross better lighting, better walk abilities more bounce on the street will be improvements i think that People Living and walker users this corridor will have a great benefit but also existed to say as your formerly c p w infrastructure person in the city excited to see four more miles of water sewer piping underneath more miles of sewer and stormwater pipelines underneath they wont leak nor break theyll be new 2000 new feet of our auxiliary water system been also underneath this is try infrastructure and i think im making a point that is when we tear up the roads and side medium and do all the traffic relayed improvements were now improving as a city while were there lets take care of what is underneath we never do the that in the past ive not seen an vastly improved and safer avenue an avenue that serves thousands of People Better because of bus Rapid Transit but all the other smart things were doing to include and work underneath while we have at the medium and sidewalks opened up thats Real Progress for a city like San Francisco and, yes well take that as a thank you with that my two minutes are are up lets get the dirt digging and the project done thank you. clapping. thank you, mr. Mayor that is from to have a mayor who was a public works go director not on exciting stop i like hearing the mayor get exist bye about the sewers and other things and the benefits the lighting benefits and go, of course, the traffic and transit benefits a project of this scale was dont happen without the locate leadership were pleased to be joined spy the president of the board of supervisors would grew up not far from the street a great leader and supporter of transit in district 5 and across the city please join me in welcoming president of the board of supervisors london breed. clapping. good morning, everybody. Well, ive had the prestige of riding the 47 and 49 along the van ness beyond a reasonable doubt or corridors when i went to Galileo High School although the next generation of young people wouldnt use the excuse that muni was late when i did back then we are doing what we can to make sure their arriving on time 16 thousand people that use this line gets to work on time and school and get to their designations and thats what this project is about yes, we made mistakes long ago before any any of us were born when we didnt underground the Traffic Systems that is expensive along the central subway and the bus Rapid Transit is reliable it is not underground but a way to speed up up the line and based on the initiatives preliminary numbers that will change the travel time by over 32 percent thats big that is big when you rely on muni to get you back and forth every single day to our example work and designation one of the most important projects in the city and i cant wait until that happens because it is going to make a huge difference address isly with improvements comes sacrifice so for the next 3 years well have sacrifice do send me emails complaining when it is done youll thank us to create something great for the future thank you all so much. Thank you supervisor president london breed. One of our Main Partners is the community of Transportation Authority they lead the first phase the planning and get United States to e got us to a point theyre a Strong Partner and were pleased to be joined by now the chair of the Transportation Authority who during his first couple of terms in office sat at the Transportation Authority when the project was coming to light please help me welcome chair the ta Commission Supervisor peskin. clapping. thank you, ed and by way of the history didnt start during my first term in 2000 behind us this was the firebreak from the 1906 San Francisco earthquake o were on time and on budget so with little disruption there will be disruption weve been doing a lot of outreach with the community to best manage and might mitigate one of the unique aspects of this project as you heard most of us feel like van ness is a San Francisco city street that is our street and while that themselves that way technically this is the state highway so the street didnt belong to us this street belongs to the state of california so were very grateful to have as we do with the federal government a great partner in the State Government maneuvered in the leadership of the district 4 director of caltrans who with his staff we work closely at the levels of detail to make sure that design will work for the state highway so i want to thank him and his staff for the great work and please join me in welcoming for caltra caltrans. Thank you, ed good morning mayor and supervisors and distinguished guests and agencies and staff and members of the public it is a pleasure to be here today to join all of you as we break ground for the first brt project in San Francisco weve been wanting to reach this milling and reaching this point in the project is reflective of the tireless work for the federal and state and redeeming level those who had the vision for the project those who helped fund it can and the great staff of all agencies that naektd in through the maze of approval necessary for us to reach this point as was stated earlier van ness project brt utilities the dedicated places separated from the paragraph on the u. S. 101 will be used by muni and golden gate Transit Route 101 and then van ness is a regional important route serving 45 thousand people driving on this road everyday and helps navigate those people from the peninsula to the south side and to the north and also obviously the main street in the city of San Francisco lined with mixed use and other mixed use spaces that will enhance the traffic separation within the two mile corridor that will separate transit from auto and stations between traffic times reduces the delays and increase the ridership and improve the safety and increase the transit reliability on behalf of caltrans we thank you for inviting us to be here to celebrate 24 event this project when completed will make van ness more important to these who will use it more efficient and sustainable Transit System moving more people and helping to improve the quality of life of the residents for this great city id like to recognize and thank all the agencies staff that working hard on this project to deliver this and especially id like to thank my staff another caltrans can i see all caltrans people stand up please and be recognized. clapping. as ed said youll all the agencies working hard to solve the problems and the issues that were raised to us and the development of the project congratulations to the city and let this project get started thank you thank you so from federal so state to local that the partnership is expensive one throughout the many Government Agencies as mentioned but again really the led agency that gave birth to the project really got the process going back in the 2000 was the Community Transport authority they lead the initial planning and our as the chair said a funder of the this project were pleased to be joined by the executive director of Transportation Authority tilly chang. clapping. good morning, everyone sew so much and ed and for all of you for being here on this happy day mayor ed lee, supervisors and director brinkman and excuseme. Supervisor peskin thank you for mentioning the state and local partnership the whole vision weve had to transform this street that deserves a great transportation design here we are can you believe that congratulations to you this is a team in the region and the state and the federal government that will build the first full featured brt line in San Francisco the van ness corridors Improvement Project is going to do nothing less than transform this corridor into a worldclass complete street and a model nation wide and in the world and sets standards of fast reliable trait for muni our vision was codified by voters in 2003 when they approved the citywide Rapid Transit buses that turned into this as long as and muni forward approved by 75 percent of voters thank you to the transportation bond and prop a and prop b and thank you for your support for great transit and transportation in the city local funds in fact, comprise a walk e whooping 52 percent 52 percent are were so grateful for the federal Transit Administration for the 75 million for the caltrans providing active transportation and Highway Maintenance and Operation Fund but 52 percent local providers through the transportation measures as well as the puc are really the anchor the anchor for the project and the support and the trust theyve pla theyve placed i want to recognize the team the cac the Advisory Committee that convenes 27 times to offer 6 years thank you so much ill not name you but cross 4 district thank you. Please give them a hand that work is led with the Advisory Committee and any group providing that important outreach and input into the project a including the business Advisory Committee all over the place thank you candice and your Communication Team for leading that vertebrae robust outreach we want to thank, of course, the Board Members of the agencies past generations to the point they guide the work as well our staff director reiskin thank you for your partnership and the puc and Mohammed Nuru and director kelly and john haley the city traffic engineer and others working with teams with the staff on district 4 we had endless discussions many debates buses also including the collaboration go compromise in some cases it came down to interest is that; right . And speaking of the p. M. The project managers peter where are you. clapping. youre our hero. Thank you for your leadership and phase and the prior phase working with bob and sherry and others michael and rachel you lead the project design and development for the past 10 years and the team that peter and others assembled youll take us into the future thank you for your consideration and in and the robust design for the construction effort Going Forward for future generations to come thank you, tilly if we tried to acknowledge all the folks that put their blood, sweat, and tears we could be here all day truly so many people from the agencies that have worked hard to get us to where we are one that is worthy mentioning jose was someone i remember mohammed and i went up to sacramento he did a lot of work in his tenure and acknowledge him as well and lots of folks go no longer with the city or state of federal government had a hand in that within our agency not a part of the organization that was not part of this from the traffic engineers to the finance folks communications assessable services, safety, of course, traffic folks an incredibly strong team effort working across the agencies water and sewer and puc the great planning and financial folks at the Transportation Authority, the Arts Commission not too many city agencies have not touched this project and ultimately with all that good work it came down to the sfmta Disorderly Conduct to put together this funding and approve the project after that the environmental document was finalized wouldnt have been possible without the without sfmta and i see a couple members of the board calling names and currently now under the great leadership of the chair of the board of sfmta please join me in welcoming Cheryl Brinkman thank you, thank you im excited this project includes the benefits for all road users and practice the goals of sfmta transit were helping not only muni but go not only golden gate riders as well as this project will improve both frequency and reliability for all the transit users for people walking well have safer and friendly streets to achieve a citywide vision zero goal at circulations improvements and smoother pavement there is a high need for this project not only the 16 thousand muni riders that supervisor president london breed references but 8 house golden gate riders use that with 24 development coming online those riders will be joined with people on foot and on buses thank you all very much. clapping. thank you Cheryl Brinkman the shoves shovels are being sharpened but thank you to my partner in the streets of San Francisco our public works director to say a few words theyre the partner in delivering projects there are unique aspects of working with the public works support were using a unique mechanism it is called the contract approach different than your typical lump sum low cost build public works has had a lot of experience with this bringing to our support that experience for this long horizontal project as well as great design support and support in many ways please help me welcome the director of the Department Public works Mohammed Nuru. Thank you. clapping. ed and thank you for your speakers as you can see are true testimony on everybody working together to make a project come through and in public works how rare do we get an opportunity to do a lot of things it in one project new sewer lines and water and bus platforms but also the beauty of project its the landscaping the sidewalks and the adu the connections from the ramps all making one cool project so many people with the design especially i want to thank caltrans it is their highway and all the agreements and new york city and the possible words we had to do yes louis was instrumental i remember one day at 4 oclock in the morning we went to sacramento and fighting over just to make that project come through today is a reality were already started the work im excited and happy that the project is moving forward it is going to make a huge difference and commissioner london breed made that clear it is a different time our city is growing we need accommodate the growth from public works i want to thank our engineering staff calling names theyve been on the project making sure that everything is happening because some of the work and from the Landscape Team calling names they have been part of landscape will be new trees and new plants night connection itself when you walk or ride youre bicycle so we appreciate all that and for the Environmental Compliance and everyone that worked hard to make that project it is a great example of Rapid Transit and it is first here in the bay area im excited about it, too so thank you very much and thank you, everyone. clapping. thanks mohammed when he was talking about agreements what comes with agreements lawyers a lot of legal work with the Funding Agreement and the permitting i want to announce the City Attorneys Office a number of firms with the h ac b and others and, of course, our construction general contractor will be a publicprivate effort but kind of last but more for the voice for the community for all this great work and all the great work for all the levels of government this project is not for us but for the people we all serve the people that live and work on the corridor and travel two or more and the corridor those are the beneficiaries of this i mentioned because alcohol, tobacco firearms scale and complexity we have two Advisory Committees and a Business Committee their guidance is important so ultimately it is they are serving were pleased to have the chair of the citizens Advisory Committee here to join us please join me in welcoming alex wilson km. Thank you for the construction workers wouldnt have been possible without the group thank you for making this happen im a little bit surprised was under the impression 3 van ness was my road in any neighborhood and the voters have you approved this i see that as definitely all our roads when i moved to San Francisco in 2009 traveling van ness was a part of route i radioed it and craved critical upgrades to van ness for the major corridors and because it is a part of my neighborhood i wanted more efficient buses and safer sidewalks augusts a clear crosswalks and better traffic lanes so the traffic can move for efficiently were all here today throwing paper because we love and care about our city a city of doers we index what is broken and strive for improvements from tech and corporate to the nonprofit were the epic center of solutions the van ness project is a small example what it means to be a san franciscan to fix and improve by a what is not working our neighborhood will serve as an example to other neighborhood and drivers and pedestrians and businesses and residents me all of us, will benefit from the van ness Improvement Project our road will be savor your buses will run more efficiently and our pedestrians will have beautiful sidewalks to stroll down as a neighbor i look forward to more trans investigating van ness i look forward to the journey thank you very much. clapping. thank you alexs and thank you for the correction the state owns the street but the streets belong to the people of San Francisco and the people of california thats a good reminder were ready now if you didnt get a goody bag grab one ask the folks the leaders to dawn their helmets well move and break ground ready set go. Okay. Ready get set, lets get to work. Yeah. clapping. let the work begin thank you shouting. . More and more citys high San Francisco is committing to dislocate to end all traffic death that means improving safety for people walking and driving and safety on our streets is everyones responsibility people can make mistakes but not result in injury or death all traffic collisions are preventable as drivers you play a large role that will give you the tools to drive safely on streets a recent survey asks hundreds of drivers about save city introduce driving what did they say watch for distracted behavior and slow down and be patient and check for people before you turn the facts about city driving shows how important to be alert most collisions happen in good weather allowance even at 25 mileperhour it takes a vehicle 85 feet to stop this is almost 7 car lengths slowing down makes collisions less savior when a person is hit by a passerby vehicle 25 minor the chance of death is 25 percent 40 percent that increases inform 85 percent slowing down didnt cost much time driving behind a person takes 9 extra semiautomatic and stopping at the yellow light takes only 30 seconds by hitting someone costs you hours and weeks of our time and maybe a life take a deep breath and take youre time cities Cross America are being safely for walking and driving some streets are confusing heres what you need to know all intersection kroukz of novelist marked some are marked to make them more visible other crosswalks and intersections are raised to the level of sidewalk to actress as speed bump and people are maybe crossing be cautious and watch for people when you approach any intersection advanced limit lines and pedestrian yield signs show drivers where people walk and stop behind the lines at stop signs and for people crossing bulb outs where the sidewalks extends into the street make that tease easy to see pedestrians and remember to slow down whether making reasons and watch for people on sidewalk estimations extensions that maybe closer than you expect and bicyclists may motive to the left to get around bulb outs this gives people a head start allowing pedestrians to enter the crosswalk before transfer starts moving makes them more visible pedestrian scrimmage and stop the vehicles in all directions allow people to cross including department of building inspection scrambles are paired with no light restriction and rapid beacons you turn bright whether the pedestrians are there or the center is activated precede slowly as you approach the beacons especially, if their activated a Pedestrian Crossing light turns yellow before turning sold red back to flash red procedure after making a full stop as long as the sidewalk is empty and, of course, stop whenever the light is red traffic circles reduce conflicts you must stop at the strewn and precede around the raise your right hand of the circle watch for people in crosswalks and people in bikes coming around the circle arrows indicate where people with bikes share the intersections and people have ride to people on bikes have the right to use the lane whether or not in the sharing bike lanes are for people protected by parks e. R. Parked cars and stay out of separated bike lanes unless an emergency dashed bike lanes are a shared zone four for vehicles to change lanes slow bike lanes allow the circles their unusually sprayed before me from other traffic some bike lanes are built to the level higher than the street but lower than the sidewalk they provide a safe separated space sponsor cyclists are around vehicles the box areas are marked with the stencil at intersections act as advanced limit lines for people to garter at a red light this increases the 1r0ir7b9 to drivers people will ride past stopped vehicles at the fronltd of the intersection give them room and stop short of limit line behind the bike without objection and cross only after the green light and people cleared the bike box bicycle traffic lights allow people on bikes to proceed while vehicles are stopped be unaware aware of those bike San Francisco General Hospital but stay alert and only skrans when the vehicle is cleared the intersection lets take a quiz to see what all of learned here we go number one when do month collisions happen did you say in daytime youre correct question two if an intersection is not marched is it still a crosswalk yes did you get it right great job one more before we go on whats one of the best things to do to avoid collisions . You can it take a breath Pay Attention and slow down city streets are crowded and chaotic so seeing everyone every single everything is difficult heres a test how many times did the white team pass the ball . If you answered 11 youre correct but did you notice anything else also be aware ever youre surrounded and remember that is easy 0 miss something if youre not looking for it heres some basic principles driving near peep e people from youre drivers seat it is difficult address our mirrors to reduce blind spots people on bicycles maybe be in our blind spot give yourselves plenty of time to react look out stay on the road from building to building not just curve to curve check driveways and behind parked vehicles for people that enter our path turning vehicles are especially dangerous important people walking and collisions often occur when vehicles are making tunnels when you turn remember check for people using the crosswalk before starting youre turn watch for people on bikes traveling in the ongoing direction always check our mirrors and blind spots patience pays off take a moment to make sure youre clear while it might feel youll save time by driving fast or turning without checking you wont save driving only adds a few semiautomatic to our trip a collision can cost you, your job or someones live heres important things to remember all crosswalks are legal and pedestrian have the rightofway people cross the street anywhere children and seniors and people with disabilities are the most vulnerable think city strits give buses and streetcars a lot of the space or people returning to catch a train dont block the box this creates dangerous situation for people walking how are forced into moving traffic and people bicycling out of the bike lane and people on bikes most city streets are legal for bicyclists even without signs people biking can fall in front of you provide a safe amount of space when passing someone on a bike a minimum of 3 feet is required by law in california and people on bikes prefer to be in the bike lane in for the this is often to avoid accidents give them room people on bikes will stay away from the traffic or watch out for open doors whoops that was a close one expect people to go to the front of the light and pass on the right a tap of the horn maybe useful to make youre preservation known but avoid using the horn it may saturday night be someone vehicles anybody right turns are especially dangerous important biking always approach right turns properly signal early and wait for people biking through the intersection move as far to the right to people on bikes can pass on the left lets try a few more questions who are the most Vulnerable People on city streets . Children . Seniors, and people with disabilities why do people on bikes ride close to travel there to avoid car doors what is one of the most dangerous situations for people walking and riding bikes . Turning vehicles and what can you do to make sure that everyone is safe in any situation . Thartsz stay patient and alert and, of course, slow down parking and loading a vehicle on accredit city streets is a challenge weather parking and unloading always check for people in our mirrors and blind spots and on the drivers side with our right turn right hand this causes you to look 40 on your left for bicyclists when passersby exiting the vehicle make sure about opening the door know where loading zones are if not loading zones available use side streets never stop in bike lanes or traffic lanes. Bad weathering and visible rain and fog or low lighting make it hard to see youre vehicle is likely to slide or loss control in eye i didnt controls and create issues for people walking and biking they tried try to avoid pulled and umbrellas and construction get slippery for people the safety thing to do in conditions whether wet or icy or dark slow down and drive more carefully remember going fast may on this save you a few semiautomatic but speeding may cause you a life or youre job people walking and biking are Vulnerable People can be distracted or make unsafe decisions as a driver the responsibility for safety lies with you a collision could mean the loss of our life or youre job and dealing with the legal implementations could take years or an emotional toll if someone is killed in a crash help us achieve vision zero and everyone can use the streets safely. Thank you for watch and following the important driving tests your remember were counting on you

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