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Of speech and freedom of religion my mom let zero self advocacy and believe her voice was never matter. I would like to vote asked my mother in that selection. I currently can. Have to wait another two years next local election and another year for to vote in this is about election. President ial election. I dont have to wait as long as i will. I strongly support this and i hope you will all is well. President breed thank. Great job. Supervisor avalos supervisor avalos through the president , just like my colleagues by parents are also immigrants. They came here from el salvador for political reasons. The war was bad and i guess in the 90s. Interestingly enough am the first person voting in my family and just like at 18 its like a bad time to start voting because that is when you move away. That is when you sign up for a job. That is when you leave your high school. Bernie can i do think its important we start voting at 16 because you become habitual boater and youre more likely a place you could vote and your sheltered. Before today i just agree with vote 16 am an advocate for vote 16 because after hearing all the Public Comment we need to update our problem because by 16 and 17yearolds are able to work and pay taxes and able to overcome hardships, they should be able to vote have some sort of say in what goes on in the ruling in their lives. I really urge the board of supervisors to please cosponsor this initiative. Thank you. President breed thank you. I am assuming were going to call on commissioner davids . On commissioner to be were so pleased to be able to join you in this chamber today amy joined by so many youth members of the public invested in this week. Thank you the members of the board for meeting charlie. Just like supervisor avalos that the motherboard future vote we taken during school hours. I like less members of the board to consider adding themselves as cosponsors of this Charter Amendment. President breed thank you. Commissioner lee i want to thank you all for coming out again did i know theres a lot of ap testing and still same pretty late. I want to share my story of how i became to support vote six and you to be completely honest at first i did not support a. The radical idea first glance it doesnt seem anything wrong with the status quo either. Afterwards, after hurting a Letter Research and presentation about 1829yearolds the voting virtual that deftly and the seeds of doubt in my mind but that was a push me over the edge. What happened was i realize was part of my opposition to vote 16 derived from how society portrays 18 as much, but the marks adulthood for some reason. Because at age 18 would legally independent from our parents. We can sign contracts and make legal claimants in her own name it we get to move away from our parents and its a good ecology a bunch of stuff like this. As research proves, sixyearold thinking as advanced as an 18yearold or even adults when it comes to making logical decisions and because of that eightyearolds allowed to drive to pay taxes if they have a job and other stuff like that. Just because all of the stuff i mentioned involves logical decisionmaking theres no reason for wanting to not be one of these marked the age of six and get i think we can move away from the idea age 18 is the marker of the dollar and just decide the voting age because it should not. Thank you president breed thank you very much and now id like to turn it over to chairman hollis to call on other members of the Youth Commission. Supervisor avalos thank you very much president yee. As aside from being the chair of this commission, muscle one of six mayoral appointees and i like to turnover to them than waiting so patiently to give their testimony for vote 16 testifier i guess i will start. Thank you very much for allowing us to come for meeting today. The time and to great Historical Monument in 20 years of this commission. Ive been part of this whole initiative ever since it was first introduced by johnand ive been glad we present a lot weve had to present a lot to get their support. So its hopeful with me to public ski speaking skills as well. I believe passing this amendment is just the beginning. The more youth voter turnout will finally turn around and you can get out voice what they want for their second i extremely encourage you as a board support this and hopefully it passes and put on the ballot and create this. Thank you for your time president breed paint. Next speaker, please. Testifier i would like to think the board of supervisors Youth Commission, politicking there today. As i approach my own 16 birthday, so think about this legislation. Vote 16 is important issue to me how my college. Some people asked the question can a sixyearold vote responsibly what appears expense of those uplifted. To answer this question we must first look at the benefits vote 16 impact on the young people 16 and 17 and on our democracy. Growing up in San Francisco i dont find a place to get engaged in local city matters. Was until i participated in Public Comment on the topic of creating more medical Marijuana Distribution Centers in the sunset i realized what goes on in our city affects the lives of everyone living in the city that i want to have a say in issues that affect my life in the city i need to participate. I am fortunate enough to be able to serve on these commissions taken a keen interest in what goes on our local government. Not every youth will get to serve on the Youth Commission. So have get your people to be more engaging our local government. The lowering of the age is 1617 for municipal elections were allowed to participate in issues directly affect us as youth group our city 16 and 17yearolds are stakeholders just like everyone else. Also the policy decisions may now have lasting repercussions that affect youth. In fact, as young people will be living in the future created by todays policy decisions much longer than the average voter. Become part of young voters said out of the conversation until the 20s were later. We need innovative ways to get people engaged earlier as lifelong voters. Special because some young people growing up in San Francisco today will face challenges transition to adulthood and remaining in the city. We as a Democratic Society finally 12 by all stakeholders to participate. 16 his invitation to stakeholders to be counted. The act of voting wont stop people to know more about our city north make informed decisions to make contributions. As teenagers going up in the city to feel we count for something. By giving us the opportunity to vote locally encouraging us to take charge of our learning and our transition to become contribute members of our civic life and local government. Thank you for your time. I like to say to the president that the youth are just as responsible and capable of voting is anyone else. We work, we drive, and we were and still are the power behind every social justice movements. Some of us even take care of children whether it be sibling or offspring. Some of us write the legislation that gets implemented through the city for example free muni for youth and summer jobs, plus. Yes, we even pay taxes. Working 20 hours a week for 15 an hour thats 300 and some of my paycheck comes out to 250. What im trying to say, in other words, if we can be held responsible or everything that adults can be held responsible why not let us have the same rights three. If you believe that the youth are the future, like you say you do, then prove it by giving us the chance to prove ourselves. Thank you. My name is grace painting. A mayoral pointing. As commissioner lee mentioned, i had a similar expense when i first heard about vote six and initially i was a little bit unsure and im currently 16yearold high school where i see people doing reckless things i initially thought i know sixyearold who probably wont make the right decision now but who knows if they can possibly do it in the future. Coming here today and seeing one the public turnout and my strengths as a Youth Commissioner has really opened my eyes to the possibility but you can say, do, and in general the power you have when theyre given a microphone to speak and what other ways of them exercise this right of freedom of speech and their power to in general as youth advocates then vote in. Personally, i support this cause because as a person who one, has a summer job and also us to pay taxes, one who now is able to drive and one who can also be tried as an adult am i believe its imperative for us to be given use these abilities adults have in order to make this a more just society into had responsibility and show what we are made of. Hi. Through the president to the board my name is madeline not, mayoral appointee. I dont think theres basically anymore content i can add onto the street i think youve heard from a lot of people a lot of variation but some compelling points. I want to talk about what i see as were the main roles of government which is to represent the will of the people and i think that applies to this in two major ways. The first weight is vote 16. From more people and their input at a very basic level, i think thats awesome and i think that is something as a city that size to be inclusive that is something we should support. The second thing is that the youth have spoken here. Weve heard from so so many people come out to speak and not a single one of them has been against the good im sure that some of that exists but i think that people were against the youth have spoken and i hope we can listen. Supervisor peskin thank you commissioners. Members of anybody thank you supervisor avalos supervisor avalos i will be brief, but i want to thank other bodies for coming together on this Charter Amendment and thank all the members for the public for so eloquently speaking today. We had a demonstration that happened here in our board chambers where to stop business and that demonstration to me was very emblematic of overseeing across the country. We have a whole part of the country that is want to support president ial candidate who has no qualifications whatsoever to be president of the United States naturally evolve because a lot of people have really zero faith in our Public Institutions around the country. But here, today, we have a lot of people want to join and be included in voting and their participation in helping shape Public Institutions. That is what San Francisco has been able to stand for with its decades of supporting young people to be involved in our communities. This inclusion of young people in voting in San Francisco is the next step. Colleagues, please, people came here today to hear what we can do we cannot vote necessarily but we can put our names as cosponsors thank urge you to do so if you intend to vote on this pressure. President breed thank you. Supervisors campos supervisor campos i know there was reviewed commissioners commissioner david, i want to add my name again on the record as a cosponsor of this. So that its clear that the district 9 supervisor supporting this president breed had. Supervisor yee supervisor yee i want to thank all the youth supporters today. Its important that we put this on the ballot for people to decide whether they agree or disagree. I think its going to be based on everybodys individual experiences in my experience with youth is a very capable to make decisions that ive seen over and over and over again. So, i am honored to join commissionerto be listed as a cosponsor of this vote 16 president breed thanks. Supervisor weiner supervisor wiener i want to thank everyone who came out today. It was a very moving in a lot of ways and i had of my name as a cosponsor. President breed thank you. Supervisor mar supervisor mar . It such a pleasure to sit with julian and amazing leader for district 1. I do want to say that could be added as a cosponsor as well. I support the demand the Youth Commission says with a strongly every year at least, to reiterate former president Youth Commission nicholas perskys point that much of the legislation passed by the board of supervisors and in the city has been drafted by young people with passion and encourage the sense of social justice. Im proud to be here with all of the Youth Commissioners and looking forward to this Grassroots Campaign to pass this pressure as moves forward in our city. President breed thanks. Supervisor peskin supervisor peskin i was going to base my vote on how many commissioners rose, butim just joking. I said earlier i came here with half open mind and have to say that the testimony was really quite compelling all evening long. I was originally thinking that i would make a amendment and we would have an interesting debate as to whether or not to start this as a school board only election but i think many of the speakers spoke to that and i found the testimony to be compelling. Im not going to cosponsor this, but i am going to vote put on the ballot. Let me just say a little bit about that, which is to all the youth, to all the Youth Commissioners to the members of this body, i think theres a lot of work that you all will have to do over the next many months between now and november of 2016 so that the measures that commissionerspoke to neither one of which passed in the last decade is not the fate of this measure. So, youre going to need to do what youve done or last two years. You are going to need to take this to the people. Theyre going to need to organize. Juergen have to take what youve done tonight in this chamber will explain that to 450,000 registered voters so another 10 or 13,000 be eligible to register to vote. Its good take an extraordinary amount of effort and i think youve got a little bit of an uphill fight, with that puppy president breed next week to put this on the ballot and let the Voters Decide. President breed thank you. Supervisor tang supervisor tang . Ditto to sweat supervisor peskin said that he were my commissioner said as well. I think it, as shizuoka we stated, ive gone through an interesting trajectory of thought of and so impressed with all the youth that have come out. Again, the diversity and variety of opinions he stated. I too will not be cosponsoring, but i do believe in putting this forth to the voters to decide on. So, i also want to echo i support doing this jointly the Youth Commission hup things a wonderful exercise. I love seeing all the youth here in the form theyre able to participate. I want to thank everyone for their hard work and supervisor peskin i think of more work to be. Thank you and good luck on your exams. President breed thank you. I came into this meeting today with, in my mind, thinking theres no way im going to support this, but im open to hearing what folks have to say. Absolutely, not. Biggest reason why was adamantly opposed to supporting this legislation is because when i was 16 years old i was on a whole other wavelength. You all probably would not have talked to me if you knew me at ages 16. I was really a problematic child but i did realize that there were so many young people in San Francisco that were actively engaged at this level but to hear the testimony of chair avalos, who by the way is a district 5 residence in the speed of district 5 commissioner , its absolutely incredible to watch his growth and to see how he is a great leader, but more important, how he communicated exactly why its important, which made perfect sense to me. Commissioner plunkett, who is the district 5 commissioner, get quite the compelling arguments. During each and every one of you make comments about your experiences, oh why you think this is important, but how strongly you feel, hearing the public testimony, and hearing just incredible young people i think the city usually in good hands. Its future is in good hands because we have tomorrows leaders showing up today to get involved, showing up today to make a statement. Join up today to fight what they believe they deserve as a right based on evidence, based on numbers, based on facts. Based on taxes based on all the things that we use to make good decisions as policymakers. I really proud of what i witnessed here today and i cant see how i could not support this. Which come i cant believe im saying. But, i will not have my name as a cosponsor because i think theres still work to be done right to also note the costs are in i just want to have a lot more understanding, but i definitely plan to support putting this on the ballot and that the Voters Decide on this issue. There is work to be done. I think its a great start. You all worked hard to get here and you all organized and you brought the information and you didnt just pull on my heartstrings. He really pulled on the fact that this is how good policy is made. Using category using information and giving me good compelling arguments for why we should actually support giving you an opportunity to fight for this at about. Welcome. With that, im going to seeing no other names on the roster and seeing theres no further discussion, chairman avalos i understand would like to take a symbolic vote with your colleagues three kids so, before we go into the vote will allow tab with remarks actually proud of all my colleagues all 16 of you all 11 district appointees, all the other six mayoral appointees. This is truly been a remarkable evening of public policymaking and hearing from the young voice of people one day will inherit this great country of the United States. Its people ever challenge you on your knowledge, your capacity you need only look at the youth that should appear today in the leadership youve taken amongst yourselves to be involved in something that is beyond what is expected of us by most adults. Most adults expect us to go to high school, go to school, do our homework and go to college but we are doing here something the most 16yearolds do not often think of. When i was 16, i was like supervisor breed and i wish when i was 16 i wouldve had the same leadership experience and same passion for politics and for Civic Engagement because i believe the more youth involved in this, the more youth were going to see being involved in the very passionately. Were going to see less youth incarcerated, less youth being separated from families because immigration status. Less use going to have to really think about where the future is going in the country theyre going to inherit one day while the baby boomer generations and all the adults are no longer with us in his will. With that, but surely proud and i will echo the comments from the supervisor. This is not the end of the endeavor. Its only one steppingstone and once it is officially is put on the ballot i want to say to every single youth watching this broadcast inevitable youth showed up today, go out into the streets. Let your voice be heard. Convince the adults that may not see things the way we see you right now, but i believe just seen the supervisors willing to put this on the ballot, i think its evident we can convince the hearts and minds and souls of people to give us a chance. Just like all the mentors that brought the supervisors to this chamber theres not a doubt in my mind one of us were many of us will be sitting in the seats they hold the believe this is the right step into nurturing that development. Thank you. President breed with that, would you like to take your vote yes. Without further ado, let them secondary could you please call the roll call for a symbolic vote on the Youth Commission . I believe we are willing to make a motion, collects three get colleagues . I like to move the Youth Commission work order supervisors to forward this to voters of the 2016 emotion i second that. Mdm. Secretary will call vote, please. [roll call vote] the motion is approved. [gavel] president breed good job. You can clap. [applause] president breed dont tell anybody i let you do that. All right, with that supervisor avalos all entertain a motion to continue the item to the meeting of the 10th or the 17th supervisor avalos wednesday the 10th. So motion to hear this item at next weeks board meeting, which of the may 10. President breed supervisor avalos has made a motion to continue this item to the meeting of may 10. Moved and seconded. Collies can we take this insurance without objection . Do we need a rollcall clerk my only concern is to check with a dell carpenter just about the time frame. President breed is been moved and seconded will be happy to come back and support the board discussion on this on the 10th. Speak up with respect to the contract would that give you enough time to do work you indicated to me that your contractor needed to do . Yes, we are prepared to transition our relationship. President breed we can also continue to the 17th if that will give you sufficient time . Either is fine for the Youth Commission office. Moving forward the supervisor avalos works for the Youth Commission of us supervisor avalos i like to continue have it on the time. President breed so supervisor avalos has made a motion to continue this to the meeting on may 10, 2016. Moved and seconded. Mdm. Clerk to a need a rollcall work and we do this item without objection . Rollcall vote. Please on the continuance clerk supervisor mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye avalos aye campos aye cohen aye farrell aye kim aye. The 11 aye supervisor mar president breed the chart of amendment is can do to the meeting of may 10, 2016. [gavel] president breed is going to get past. Thank you all so much for coming out and thank you to members of the Youth Commission and 22 members of the public. We truly appreciate your advocacy. Well done. There will be a recess for 5 min. [gavel] [recess] him clerk [roll call vote] clerk cohen aye farrell aye kims aye daughter 11 skype. Those items approved unanimously speak out clerk items 35 photos of the state senate bill 1102, by which were the french premises on same home rule powers preclude the city from effectively forcing the application [reading code] president breed supervisor farrell supervisor farrell for the same reasons last week i like to ask president breed supervisor jim but the excuse. Motion by supervisor [gavel] president breed peskin supervisor peskin online 14, i would like to make a correction. If the platform makes this election in the city does insert the word, not bar it , insert word not between does and bar. Make a motion president breed moved and seconded. Can we take that without objection . Without objection the motion passes. [gavel] president breed supervisor weiner supervisor wiener i distributed amendment that would clarify in opposing the legislation we are directing city staff to seek amendment legislation to preserve San Franciscos local control. In speaking with our treasurer and Tax Collector could you have concerns that this bill i think intentionally could prevent San Francisco from administering our own tax program here and so i want to make sure that if were going to move forward we get some minutes. I distributed the medics. They are on page 1, line 7. Page 2, line 24. Again, directing city staff to engage with sen. Maguire to preserve San Franciscos local control president breed thank you. Colleagues, supervisor generators made a motion to amend. Moved and seconded. President breed can we take that and looks without objection . Can we take that without objection . Without objection the motion passes. [gavel]. Vote please call the roll clerk items 35, mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye jammie aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye cohen aye kim aye bartend aye president breed adopted unanimously [gavel] clerk items 37 resolution [reading code] president breed supervisor farrell speak out i circulate a few amendment that you be supportive. I hope we could accept those amendment president breed on site dont have the amendment. If the last item supervisor farrell. Can you specify the line in the location of where the amendment are . Supervisor farrell line 11 and 12 to strikethrough line 19 and 20 strikethrough and some adding 24, 25 strikethrough. And climbed 4 and seven on the back, strikethrough. President breed so, supervisor farrell has made a motion to amend. Is there a second . Moved and seconded. President breed supervisor peskin supervisor peskin nevermind president breed can we take that without objection the . Without objection passes unanimously [gavel] debate on the items amended call the roll clerk supervisor mar aye peskin aye tang aye weiner aye yee aye avalos aye breed aye campos aye cohen aye farrell aye kim aye darlows guide president breed adopted unanimously as amended [gavel] president breed please read the in memoriam clerk todays meeting will be turned in memory of the following beloved individuals on behalf of supervisor campos for the late mrs. Auroraon behalf of supervisor weiner the late mr. Sergioand at this edition of supervisor weiner on behalf of the board of supervisors mr. John paul jp letty and a suggestion of supervisor peskin on behalf the entire board of supervisors for the late eileen hansen. President breed thank you mdm. Clerk. This things is to the end of our agenda. Mdm. Clerk is there any business any other business before us today . Clerk pack includes a business board today. Clerk that concludes our business for today. President breed colleagues, thank you very much. We are adjourned. [gavel] [adjournment] the office of controllers Whistle Blower Program is how City Employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in City Government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of City Government that. You can below the what if anything, by assess though the club Program Website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point Controllers Office the Charitable Program also accepts complaints by email or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide Contact Information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the Whistle Blower Program face of misuse of City Government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of City Government Services Waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form youll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need Additional Information by law the City Employee that provide information to the Whistle Blower Program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf ethics. Org and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that City Government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say Whistle Blower Program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www. Shop and dine the 49 promotes loophole businesses and changes residents to do thirds shopping and diane within the 49 square miles of San Francisco by supporting local services we help San Francisco remain unique and successful where will you shop and dine shop and dine the 49. My name is neil the general manager for the book shop here on west portal avenue if San Francisco this is a neighborhood bookstore and it is a wonderful neighborhood but it is an interesting community because the residents the neighborhood muni loves the neighborhood it is community and we as a book sincerely we see the same people here the shop all the time and you know to a certain degree this is part of their this is created the neighborhood a place where people come and subcontract it is in recent years we see a drop off of a lot of bookstores both National Chains and neighborhoods by the Neighborhood Stores where coming you dont want to one of the great things of San Francisco it is neighborhood neighborhood have dentist corrosive are coffeehouses but 2, 3, 4 coffeehouses in month neighborhoods that are on their own thats youre watching quick bites, the show that is San Francisco. And today youre in for a real treat. Oh, my food inspired by the mediterranean and middle east with a twist so unique you can only find it in one place in San Francisco. Were at the 55th annual armenian festival and bizarre. This is extra special not only because i happen to be armenian, but there is so much Delicious Food here. And i cant wait to share it with all of you. Lets go. Armenia, culture and cusine has had much cultural exchanges with its neighbors. Today armenian food infuses he flavor from the mediterranean, middle east, and eastern europe. This is our 55th year and in San Francisco were the largest armenian Food Festival and widely recognized as one of the best Food Festivals in the area. We have vendors that come up from fresno, from los angeles showing off their craft. We really feel like we have something for everyone in the neighborhood and thats really what it is, is drawing people to see a little bit of our culture and experience what we experience weekend in and weekend out. We are behind the scenes now watching the chef at work preparing some delicious armenian kabob. This is a staple in armenian cooking, is that right . Absolutely, since the beginning of time. Our soldiers used to skewer it on the swords. We have a combination of beef and lam and parsley. And every september over 2000 pounds of meat being cooked in three days. After all that savory protein, i was ready to check out the fresh veggie options. This is armenian cheat sheet. Its tomatos and mint and olive oil. That makes summer food. And what im doing is im putting some nutmeg. It is kind of like cream cheese. In armenia when they offer you food, you have to eat it. They would welcome you and food is very important for them. In every Armenian Community we feel like were a smallvilleage and they come together to put on Something Like this. What i find really interesting about San Francisco is the blends of armenia that come together. Once they are here, the way people Work Together at any age, including our grandmothers, our grandfathers, skewering the meat, its fun to see. Fun to see everybody get together. We call it subarek. Its a cheese turn over if you want. We make the dough from scratch. We boil it like you do for la san i cant. The amount of love and karin fused in these foods is tremendous. They come in every day to prepare, cook and bake bread, all in preparation for this big festival. Nobody says no. When you come them, they have to come tomorrow for the feast. What a treat it is to taste a delicious recipe, all made from scratch and passed down through generations. It really makes you appreciate the Little Things. Its one of the best festivals. Its outstanding, a marvelous occasion. Were outside checking some of the food to go options. I grabbed myself a ka bob sandwich, all kinds of herbs and spices. Im going to taste this. Looking fantastic. One of the best ive had in a long time. You know its delicious b i have just enough room for dessert, my favorite part. Were behind the scenes right now watching how all the pastries get made. And weve got a whole array of pastries here. Honey and nuts and cinnamon, all kinds of great ingredients. This is amazing. Heres another yummy pastry made with filo dough. Oh, my god. Really sweet and similar, its lighter. This is what i like. We have a lovely row here. Looks like a very delicious and exciting surprise. Im going to bite into it. Here we go. Um. This is great with armenian coffee. Now were making some incredible armenian coffee. We buy our coffee, they have the best coffee. They come from armenia, specially made. And would you like to try it . I would like to try. Would you like sugar or no sugar . No sugar today. Im so excited. Really earthy. You can really taste the grain. I think thats what makes it so special. Really comes out. I hope you try it. Were having a great time at the armenian festival. We ate, we saw, and we definitely conquered. I dont know about you, but i have to go down to the food. Check out our blog for so much more at sf bites at tums abler. Com. Until next time, may the force be with you. First of all, everybody is welcome and we ask two things when they get here. One, that they try something theyve never tried before. Be it food or be it dancing or doing something. And if they feel like it was worth their while to tell one person and bring that person, that family member, that friend down the street to come with them. Were going to have to do a lot of eating so get ready. Get ready. And you diet tomorrow shouting. . More and more citys high San Francisco is committing to dislocate to end all traffic death that means improving safety for people walking and driving and safety on our streets is everyones responsibility people can make mistakes but not result in injury or death all traffic collisions are preventable as drivers you play a large role that will give you the tools to drive safely on streets a recent survey asks hundreds of drivers about save city introduce driving what did they say watch for distracted behavior and slow down and be patient and check for people before you turn the facts about city driving shows how important to be alert most collisions happen in good weather allowance even at 25 mileperhour it takes a vehicle 85 feet to stop this is almost 7 car lengths slowing down makes collisions less savior when a person is hit by a passerby vehicle 25 minor the chance of death is 25 percent 40 percent that increases inform 85 percent slowing down didnt cost much time driving behind a person takes 9 extra semiautomatic and stopping at the yellow light takes only 30 seconds by hitting someone costs you hours and weeks of our time and maybe a life take a deep breath and take youre time cities Cross America are being safely for walking and driving some streets are confusing heres what you need to know all intersection kroukz of novelist marked some are marked to make them more visible other crosswalks and intersections are raised to the level of sidewalk to actress as speed bump and people are maybe crossing be cautious and watch for people when you approach any intersection advanced limit lines and pedestrian yield signs show drivers where people walk and stop behind the lines at stop signs and for people crossing bulb outs where the sidewalks extends into the street make that tease easy to see pedestrians and remember to slow down whether making reasons and watch for people on sidewalk estimations extensions that maybe closer than you expect and bicyclists may motive to the left to get around bulb outs this gives people a head start allowing pedestrians to enter the crosswalk before transfer starts moving makes them more visible pedestrian scrimmage and stop the vehicles in all directions allow people to cross including department of building inspection scrambles are paired with no light restriction and rapid beacons you turn bright whether the pedestrians are there or the center is activated precede slowly as you approach the beacons especially, if their activated a Pedestrian Crossing light turns yellow before turning sold red back to flash red procedure after making a full stop as long as the sidewalk is empty and, of course, stop whenever the light is red traffic circles reduce conflicts you must stop at the strewn and precede around the raise your right hand of the circle watch for people in crosswalks and people in bikes coming around the circle arrows indicate where people with bikes share the intersections and people have ride to people on bikes have the right to use the lane whether or not in the sharing bike lanes are for people protected by parks e. R. Parked cars and stay out of separated bike lanes unless an emergency dashed bike lanes are a shared zone four for vehicles to change lanes slow bike lanes allow the circles their unusually sprayed before me from other traffic some bike lanes are built to the level higher than the street but lower than the sidewalk they provide a safe separated space sponsor cyclists are around vehicles the box areas are marked with the stencil at intersections act as advanced limit lines for people to garter at a red light this increases the 1r0ir7b9 to drivers people will ride past stopped vehicles at the fronltd of the intersection give them room and stop short of limit line behind the bike without objection and cross only after the green light and people cleared the bike box bicycle traffic lights allow people on bikes to proceed while vehicles are stopped be unaware aware of those bike San Francisco General Hospital but stay alert and only skrans when the vehicle is cleared the intersection lets take a quiz to see what all of learned here we go number one when do month collisions happen did you say in daytime youre correct question two if an intersection is not marched is it still a crosswalk yes did you get it right great job one more before we go on whats one of the best things to do to avoid collisions . You can it take a breath Pay Attention and slow down city streets are crowded and chaotic so seeing everyone every single everything is difficult heres a test how many times did the white team pass the ball . If you answered 11 youre correct but did you notice anything else also be aware ever youre surrounded and remember that is easy 0 miss something if youre not looking for it heres some basic principles driving near peep e people from youre drivers seat it is difficult address our mirrors to reduce blind spots people on bicycles maybe be in our blind spot give yourselves plenty of time to react look out stay on the road from building to building not just curve to curve check driveways and behind parked vehicles for people that enter our path turning vehicles are especially dangerous important people walking and collisions often occur when vehicles are making tunnels when you turn remember check for people using the crosswalk before starting youre turn watch for people on bikes traveling in the ongoing direction always check our mirrors and blind spots patience pays off take a moment to make sure youre clear while it might feel youll save time by driving fast or turning without checking you wont save driving only adds a few semiautomatic to our trip a collision can cost you, your job or someones live heres important things to remember all crosswalks are legal and pedestrian have the rightofway people cross the street anywhere children and seniors and people with disabilities are the most vulnerable think city strits give buses and streetcars a lot of the space or people returning to catch a train dont block the box this creates dangerous situation for people walking how are forced into moving traffic and people bicycling out of the bike lane and people on bikes most city streets are legal for bicyclists even without signs people biking can fall in front of you provide a safe amount of space when passing someone on a bike a minimum of 3 feet is required by law in california and people on bikes prefer to be in the bike lane in for the this is often to avoid accidents give them room people on bikes will stay away from the traffic or watch out for open doors whoops that was a close one expect people to go to the front of the light and pass on the right a tap of the horn maybe useful to make youre preservation known but avoid using the horn it may saturday night be someone vehicles anybody right turns are especially dangerous important biking always approach right turns properly signal early and wait for people biking through the intersection move as far to the right to people on bikes can pass on the left lets try a few more questions who are the most Vulnerable People on city streets . Children . Seniors, and people with disabilities why do people on bikes ride close to travel there to avoid car doors what is one of the most dangerous situations for people walking and riding bikes . Turning vehicles and what can you do to make sure that everyone is safe in any situation . Thartsz stay patient and alert and, of course, slow down parking and loading a vehicle on accredit city streets is a challenge weather parking and unloading always check for people in our mirrors and blind spots and on the drivers side with our right turn right hand this causes you to look 40 on your left for bicyclists when passersby exiting the vehicle make sure about opening the door know where loading zones are if not loading zones available use side streets never stop in bike lanes or traffic lanes. Bad weathering and visible rain and fog or low lighting make it hard to see youre vehicle is likely to slide or loss control in eye i didnt controls and create issues for people walking and biking they tried try to avoid pulled and umbrellas and construction get slippery for people the safety thing to do in conditions whether wet or icy or dark slow down and drive more carefully remember going fast may on this save you a few semiautomatic but speeding may cause you a life or youre job people walking and biking are Vulnerable People can be distracted or make unsafe decisions as a driver the responsibility for safety lies with you a collision could mean the loss of our life or youre job and dealing with the legal implementations could take years or an emotional toll if someone is killed in a crash help us achieve vision zero and everyone can use the streets safely. Thank you for watch and following the important driving tests your remember were counting on you sfgov item number one is the general Public Comment has the opportunity to address the commission on items of interest to this commission not on the agendas is there Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Item 2 approval of the minutes commissioners like to make a motion to approve the minutes of april 19th a motion of april 19th do we have a second second there is a motion and a second Public Comment on our minutes seeing none, Public Comment is closed any any further discussion . Please call roll. So this on the approval of february. No april. Sorry. Is it on here. Just april 19th oh, i have an old agenda commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner perez commissioner thomas and commissioner joseph. Respect from executive director. Thank you very much you guys okay so sorry work in the hallway on an item coming before i i want to update the commission on a couple pieces of legislation your the agenda says to file numbers clean up items ive talked about for a few meetings and in Land Use Committee there was some southern over one part of 3 different parts of the legislation that was george being worked on those just to remind you are the creation of a waveer for loudspeaker permits weve been doing for a very long time a waiver process in the office not codified we needed to make sure we had a way to do this so that was in the legislation as clean up there was additional timeframe for people for an altered grant not able to chief 3 that has been extended you know for two conventional periods for just cause and we have tried to make changes and supervisor peskin has additional kwerpz able to basically keep the file and turn it into two thats issue of notice to go to lulled to manage it without keep the other pieces from Going Forward so you see the today, i building was second reading on the waiver and the extension piece those are on their way to the mayors for approval we dont have a date on the discussion of revision of notice but in the meantime, well notice so well find a place sooner than later and keep you awe braftdz thats done deal i want to let the commission know is a request by supervisor farrell to call for a hearing rewarding the Environmental Impact of land use and transportation recession it has a purpose for the supervisor with respect to those conversation that the board has around housing quite a bit of and also jobs and so when i read that he was reader in that as you may know our conversation continue to go back to lulled what youre talking about entertainment so we know that the value of the entertainment so i is counted we know every time that housing gets put somehow and rezoning we lose the entertainment right we have i called the Supervisors Office and asked if he could be a part of the find analysis and make sure that the Economic Impact of lulled as it represents to entertainment was take a look at as well but the entertainment use generates jobs with all specimens of the Education Barriers to entry in terms of entertainment business are quite low and you can work your way up to owning a business i think if you were how without a lot of education those are the jobs were all tdr in keeping in San Francisco so the Controllers Office theres a lot more work to do so you wont see things happen but i dont know where it about end up but dont want to lose the opportunity if youre interested on our own this file number you can track if and when thai action it ends up at a hearing at some point and well be engaged so theres that. Under the heading of staff and Office Update very long arduous process for it comes to an end there are 5 candidates who have glutton the testing and are scheduled to or getting scheduled to be interviewed on may 25th so hopefully not long after that we will you seek the commitment and hire that person im thinking of mid june of any, no, sir, of any job theyll need and hit the ground running with the fair season right now so we know that there work around the 10 b legislation around that passed last year and lots of things regarding escot with things so picture im excited for that and when that person comes on board we will have to make more room. No room ill have to get an extension. Well squeeze someone in. Join the club here. Okay. He think thats it for me no corrective actions. I have a question just curious between the jobs and the housing which did they find more important. They didnt found out anything they started this analysis so no okay yet and my other question could you remind me about the legislation with regards to notice. So the section we were trying to manipulate was related to it was in determination which is 1050. 5 talked about the notice of the mixed residential articles 7 and 8 of the planning code it looks like it is all places in San Francisco permitting and theres a somewhat in my opinion old fashion leaf letting requirement one and 50 feet around we were trying to just want the in addition to the building using electronic means and without gouge so far down the road to do what 312 requires the Planning Department has an expensive related to it i know that commission may not or in the past hadnt wanted so again, a half hour. The 312 mission costs 322,000 to do. No, i dont know were in the midst of the conversation. Anyone else any questions for jocelyn. Okay. Next up. Inspector burke. Good evening, commissioners sharon burke here a few notes a new complaint for the fires house off of polk street in any experience run as an art gallery were hearing as a cafe and on occasion other space so inspection pauley and i are in the midst of switching district and well be going out on inspections we had a new operator took over 25 norega with the underground grill its called i went out to do on inspection a couple weeks ago and theirs in the process of establishing kayak and in touch with staff in the office in the chambers work on a complaint also over the last couple of years actually not starting the Outdoor Events season im in touch with the complainant and will visit his site it is difficult to contain the sound within their Property Line but see what we can do and mediate and come to an agreement as far as timing and loudness i think i brought up the situation to last hearing we have an empty dwelling next door to 2631st street and the realtors and builds are lodged a complaint against them ive gone out to take exterior and interior measurements to establish what that place sounds like at resting and this weekends they have an event and impair and bring back information we are a fair according to what i saw and sfpd told me went off without and hitch some stages were louder than others and one of the main stages seemed to be with dealing with lower frequencies we asked them to tune down and on howard at the base of the a residential building we have to tuned down as well and after the reduction of sound they were in compliance so all in youll a couple of smooth weeks if i can answer any questions. I have a couple of just curious on the chambers is it at all building at the corner of eddy and possible. It is absolutely is 7 floors up. And youve been dealing with this for how long. Theres been i think first heard of him first summer i came on aboard this is the first time he is willing to talk about an sovereigty visit. Weve been dealing with him since this commission is in essence and the other thick you said developers were talking about the noise. So ive heard in a builder the builder was the first person to reach out to me put me in touch with the realtors theyre attempting to sell the units. Does anyone live in the property. No. So an empty property is complaining about a bar that is what next door and correct. I see. I now have information about the types of sound wall and after this weekends test will bring that in finding with that in the packet you can look at it. Possibly the bshldz is should build a sounds like wall as well and last but not least i find it curious the complaint from residents regarding Outdoor Events and so this guess another ongoing complaint tell me with the residents are located the only residences i know of have gone up fairly recently actually on the other side of the freeway no sound is audible from those residents we have a complaint coming from someone nearby in an office type of studio space so not residential. However, i know that there will be residential going up across the street and trying to head this off and on the doors of communication prior to that building going up. Yeah. So can we talk afterward i have a phone number and do you do a sound test i see their patio this noise was cancelled we the white noise from the freeway that goes right over in the past i thought that was true that note true im a wrong. It varies by weekend ive been other there the freeway cancels things out as you go under the freeway and approach the freeway from the other side the low end extends past the bridge. Okay. Thank you. Uhhuh. One question on the los sent a residential building. A singlefamily. Empty but brings down the value of property. When they remodel the developer should have put in a sounds like thing so it will not bring down the volume of that; right . I am not thats what i would do if i were the developer. In regards to the howard festival on your normal inspection day they were two loud. This was planned i went out depending on sundays either earlier or later in the day as a normal day for me, i try to wherever something large a street fair try to go out in the beginning and stop in the middle and at the end to make sure theyre following the conditions of their permit. This was receptive and cooperate. They did. Inspector pauley youre up. Good evening i stopped by port one a promotion with a local Sports Reporter that was popular but a couple of issues ive seen before around superbowl was noisy on the avenue and their Line Management was not great but those issues have been taken care of i went towards Fishermans Wharf all around the area to make sure the sound was tight and commissioner lee witnessed a couple of months ago everything looked fine good patron screening what you expect from that type of busy partying i did a walk through of pine dinner one of the extended permits that is popular people that ruby skies anywhere downtown after hours i mean it looked fine with a Security Guard there Entertainment Commission permit is not posted they posted their tax licenses and ive finding businesses are michelangelo your Business Licenses singles were switching districts ill ask shawn to tighten up and idle 32 an issue a few 3450gz an minor incident someone get stabbed not inside the bar but proornlz sometime in the evening there was conversations around the security not adequate not having a doorman the day i went in they had a doorman so, i mean, it looks at fine on that evening their permits are fairly posted to the Entertainment Commission permit is posted so everything looked good i made a couple of stops at other places the infusion lounge and talked with the manager i think i mentioned theyve switched management they have issues on superbowl but a dinerer and the manager of fillmore more and managed on Mission Street so theyre in v box complanlts on the norfolk alley one of the things the noise from vehicle code section box ii talked about with them and told me what was going on ive been following up so open this particular night i made sure i went by twice in that friday and saturday night and 235ish to make sure i heard nothing and friday night i heard nothing but saturday night was not close to the complaint i did a flyby on lark they have a one night permit nothing major a lot of times the one night permit nothing to see but good to see sometimes but they were in compliance a couple of complaints we talked about the square blockage before it is the same issue the speakers on the wall i gave them a date which is coming up invocation to remove the speakers from the wall and hopefully it will stop and prevent or eliminate the complainants complaints and ive talked with the manager and were working on that but well see what happens i should have an update next week and try to close that within a week and then be there was one complaint about monroe similar to the issue at one place an owner in the building above a bamboo hut are an apartment on the 16r9 and the secondstory is one apartment climbing u claiming i complaining about noise from monroe an window that faces the ceiling of monroe you heard are hear their noise but bamboo hut is in the basement and one building over contributing to the sound when the intern stages with dealing with that the first thing i talked with the manager and said there is an or a complaint and that were going to try to work out it upgrades figure out what we can do maybe they can talk with each other the landlord selfwant to talk with the venue manage it would be speaking to do. In terms of in the beginning stages i think what will happen ill end up pga that on to go shawn and then well not see that as a huge issue but nevertheless, noise present in the apartment so and his window a shut. His window is shut. Their single pain windows. Something like that so put i didnt around the ends ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Commissioners. On it when you talk about the speakers at the square bar and kitchen if you refusing to take them down and talking you to you hell take them down. Hes talking about hell take them down by the deadline but well wait and see im not sure im not sure what is going to happen ill say in the past sometimes things were said with that particular venue that didnt get done the way it was supposed to. Theyre in agreement theyll move the piano on the other side. There has not been complaint about the entertainment or whatever theyve had only specific about the speakers but not issue we were going to do that they were doing unpermitted entertainment but shes complained about it before the complainant she put up with it for awhile and impacts and they cack to me. Thank you. Anyone else . Public comment on directors report seeing none, Public Comment is closed Police Department questions or comments. Guys anything . Nothing okay moving on to item number 5 which is our consent calendar we have one item Matthew Norris mist mechanical in the amount of an consent calendar item this permit is the bill yard the owner norris is here asking for two pinball machines for his guests to use in his new restaurant and bar i placed to an consent sfpd has not problem and no recommendations and planning also approved it. Okay commissioners any discussion on this. Is there Public Comment on our consent calendar . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed call the roll commissioner lee commissioner frost commissioner perez commissioner thomas and commissioner joseph good luck to you guys have fun. Item 6 this is hearing and possible action for the application for permit under the jurisdiction of Entertainment Commission we have one item and if i kill your names dont kill me it is calling names how did i do any french is really bad i dont know how i pass it in high school. calling names laughter good, huh . Wow. And michael how can i missing mess that up on bush street a place of entertainment and extend permit this one the bar have several years of experience amongst them with ownership and management of drone and tunnel pop and other things it will be a contemporary cocktail bar that does arts and loud amplified music from jazz and bluegrass and acoustic things with approval of the with two conditions they have recommended the denial of extend hours here we go to talk about that the application are the owners. Commissioners good evening ive owned the tunnel top for 15 years and sold it last september also the owner of mandatory discretion iron and my friend used to own a bar michelle were indeed asking for entitlement license well have the late extended hours we are wanting to plead to you commissioners and the Police Department and well most likely ask for an extended hours and the current Entertainment Permit we are seeking like to mention then we are and weve been following the Good Neighbor policy. Youve been putting on the table for the past two years and we ever points your mentioning were following we weve been doing it and with a history with the city for the past 15 years taking care of the neighborhood and taking care of the arent and make sure no dealing with the help of the police or City Government happening or render comments the tunnel top it is prove were here to serve the community and we been full transparency with you guys do do whatever you want us to do and provided to the city a good sense also mention i dont know if you get this paper what we are doing to present the sound to go outside of the building investing 100,000 for stopping any sound out of building id like to mention our commercial rail who will be moved to the next step well not have a complaint from that person and i dont know if you have what were going to put on the roof i have copies for you if you dont it is no sounds like about come out of that building we are inside of the hotel a lobby that communitybased organizations through to get our bath that is a great sounds like barrier on top of what well put and thats what you see friend of mine michael youve all heard about it. Do you want me to ramp on. We want to ask questions you dont have to choose to ramp. So tell me what youre doing after housing exactly. We will our plan and i think what we are hopefully e hoping to do and would like to do with the conversation with the Police Department to approach special events for post festivals the hotel as an interesting situation a lot of the artists who might be booked into town some of them have a rack record of working with some of the booking agents who might book bluegrass and put up people that he hotel or various hotels now this hotel will think e be, if you knower the actors might be, if you knower but we wanted to prove ourselves with a good communication with the Police Department that is important not a shortterm thing but flush out how well approach for example, well is that theres an artist staying in the hotel that artist might be doing a midnight show up to 1 30 or one 45 and have a security plan how we deal with the transition in the post 2 00 a. M. And the alcohol removal we need time to flush that auto so the entertainment is a vital part of what we want to do the after hours had is not vital how to how we operate. So just to be clear youre withdrawing our request for an extend hours permits. We are. Do we need to take a vote on that or if we just dont vote on that at all okay. Thank you. The other thing i want to mention im impressed with how you, you your drawings of the soundproofing are you actually going to do those steps. Were actually doing it, yes theyre starting that and the last question why did you call it fluctuations. It is 3 times faster. Since the 1960s an little known art movement that means flow their idea they were a pain in the ass from the dart is one and 80 degrees this is one hundred and 90 degrees this allows a lot of fun that is the way it is i believe we embodied the way i operate and the drone you know the i consider it to be an experience from the people that walk in part of 2 it music and not enough people approach it as an Art Forum Like vaudeville or sitting up there and playing acele or a peeing contest they have to sit up there and whoever what hold it the longs it. I love funny Little Things it will be quirky and commissioner any other questions. We have the data bar. I know as hopefully. And close in the same area and music is art anyone else that says it is isnt is wrong. One of the savings is john len none and york could on no. I walked on thin ice so thank you very much you have a committee. Yeah. The Police Department and two things are you agreeing that both the Security Camera. We have that in our plans and the second one i was mandate for our staff. Perfect, thank you. Commissioner lee. Your fire your Public Assembly it is 49 right now that should have been corrected an error that you went. The Fire Department is 176. You have to file the assembly permit. Yes. We are. Okay anyone else question. Commissioner perez. Hi, im impressed with your drawings so thank you for share i you couldnt have a question about your Neighborhood Outreach you said you met with the Union Square Business Improvement District what you tells us how that transpired. It was all the businesses of downtown 17 merchant associations with union square and most of the folks were there and mayor ed lee wanted to make a speech but didnt come and we talked to the oldest neighborhood and around that so we had a very Good Community at which we spoke last week to supervisor peskin we have lunch with other restaurant notification and we also went to every single Hotel Restaurant and bar around there was not one business we didnt address i used to be close with the tunnel top before i started we have a very good history. There are no neighbors associations. The association no residents. Two residents within the weather block on the abc one of them is a Resident Hotel and he is not going anywhere hes happy hes living in that hotel were not concerned if someone has a problem well get to that. Okay. Thank you anyone else why not have a seat. Thank you police. Officer mathias nice to see you always nice to see ive met with the applicant and the business as far as them talking about the soundproofing very happy with that but the other part is how it is on the first story of the hotel so even as far as lines if there were a line they can bring in a large large lobby that will easy the congestion on bush street so very happy about that we went over the Business Plan theyre okay with the Security Camera an front making the frontage for the 14 days and in their Business Plan theyve theyre going to do the tips training that is were happy about that as far as the service or alcohol any questions. Anyone thank you Public Comment on bar fluctuation is seeing none, Public Comment is closed so only on the permits not the extend hours that was withdrawn the Good Neighbor policy and the police conditions can someone. Ill make that motion. Perfect do we have a second. There is a motion and a second any further discussion . Same house, same call . Good okay. Thank you and we actually needed to backtrack to the consent calendar we and take a motion on that one. There was no motion sorry about that there is a motion and a second okay Public Comment on the motion to approve the consent calendar okay. Same house, same call . Yep. Okay item no. 7 commissioners questions or comments ive got one this redacted application and stuff any way to update not to redacted so the redacted d is taken out we need the information if the office. Can you repeat redacted. Yes. It is redacted personal information. Do you need that you do so no way to remove those you need them in there for it will be redacted. Thats redacted because the stuff anyone can ask for it and all the different departments so a lot of different hands. Its your call. Okay. Great thats my only question and my only comment is Howard Street fair. So fun. Whos next. We have read this. We can read it maybe i need a new marker weve been able to read it in the past it is probably safety. It is a photocopy you probably are a lazer printer that is good and print the type really sharply so i suggest you whiteout it and mark it black it will be double work okay. Any other questions or comments . Okay. New business for future agenda items i have one item i would like us to talk about an additional for the rdr so can we make sure that thats on the next agenda all right. And anyone we adjourn at 617 clapping. housing everybody doing happy Asian Pacific American Heritage month coming up well, welcome everybody to city hall and want to say thank you for helping us kickoff the next month of great celebrations we have worked out with our Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Celebration committee a celebration of great milestones have been remind we have a lot of milestones coming up whether that is this years forgetting celebration of soulcy city 50 years with the Asian Art Museum aj is here or about next year but 60 years of our sister city yes and, of course, one hundred and 10 years with our japantown so a lot of milestones to celebrate clapping. i dont know if you knew this i celebrated with the burmese just beginning to this about and understand theyre new democracy theyre trying for well have a lot of interest so thank you for every single board of supervisors commissioner peskin supervisor wiener pr katie tang and supervisor yee and supervisor mar am i missing anyone yeah chair hennessy welcome and more importantly to you and sponsors of many different events that goes on this for the entire month i know a lot of you are just representing a whole bunch of groups. By the way, i started meg with sf and that is a whole lot of groups that want to do business outside of chieb but all the Asian Countries and want to make sure our city is wellrepresented in that endeavor 0 on behalf of the city and certainly in joint with our board of supervisors i want to say grksz lets kickoff this we say a great womens submit on june 21st i hope you join us speaking will strong women i want to introduce someone that is cooperating our heritage and has led the effort for the stamps made and on an annual basis and now the section generation if you will, and started all with the great leadership or ms. Chang come on up. Thank you, mayor ed lee thank you, everybody for coming to our Kickoff Press Conference as also very, very excited as weve been anticipating all the volunteers working on that nor a half year it is unbelievable the month of may is finally around the corner so i understand that our city officials have a very, very busy schedule i want to invite up commissioner mondejar and supervisor tang because they have rules Committee Meeting to rush to. I want to take a second were talking about celebrating Community Milestones we have an actual a significant milestone on the board of supervisors this year in a celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage month and ill let commissioner mondejar talk about that. clapping. youll get to see katie and me run to the rules committee in a couple of minutes for this historic Asian Pacific American Heritage month this year i want to say the sister cities the mayor talked to the one hundred and 10 anniversary of japantown and other history of our art and cultural sharing to the world with the 50 Asian Art Museum we are proud of i want to say that apa means is pride about not just being chinese and chineseamerican but ailing and pams with a strong and inclusive Asian Pacific Islander Community that here are supports not only the larger groups like chinese and japan and the filipinos but under into custody groups from the south asian to the Asian Pacific islanders it is about annuity and equity as we celebrate the accomplishments every year 72 hours about pride in any heritage and my community struggled for equality and but not just about power from mayor ed lee to us on the board of supervisors to the school board or College Board all the commissioners that are great but power from the bottom up with so many cobras those utilizing the arts to imperative and educate people but power that e mexicans from the top down by the bottomup and everything in between from mayor ed lee inclusive efforts to raise everyones in the city to we can be proud and everybody can share in the great benefits of this city but those with the least that are rising with everyone and has a voice and power as well so this Asian Pacific islanders heritage month thank you for everyone that put everything work into that im proud and amazed by the accomplishment theyve done over the years thank you very much clapping. okay thank you so much and thank you for being here shout out to claude i think for doing everything we can to help us celebrate in the months of may coming up it is so easy for us to forget how far weve come we at a a take a pause it understand where we came from how far weve come and further to go i think this is so easy to take for grand you know in many other places we may not be able to celebrate we do it no not just Asian Pacific American Heritage month but our asian street fair and parades the largest in the entire country through our Asian Art Museum we bring exhibit and so many ways we celebrate our heritage im appreciative we do this in San Francisco to thank you for celebrating and i wish you a wonderful rest of the press conference thank you. clapping. and claudine, thank you remind me before we run the board of supervisors has adopted apa heritage month im trying to remember we passed a resolution to acknowledge in the first tuesday of every month well be honoring at the board of supervisors the heritage for the future every tuesday first tuesday of may as we we gather on monday 40s for the apa celebration well be doing that in the first month of may. Thank you for helping us celebrate clapping. so i know there are a number of other city officials but maybe wee bit well hear if some of the apa so i dont know if everyone has gotten our press package on the table back there if you havent maybe you can pickup one on your way out to the significant milestones were celebrating this year we have 3 great organizations were celebrating the 40 anniversary of the San Francisco soul Sister Committee and the 50 of the Asian Art Museum and the windshield and 10 and amazing the volunteers felt work on this anniversary i want to invite up the representatives to come up with one minute so lets start with chair the San Francisco soul Sister Committee clapping. good morning, everybody. You know getting involved with that sister sir a an honor a place i grew up in soul contra and my place this is a great opportunity thank you clapping. great example of a brief remark laughter but 40 years of history im sure you can talk about this for 40 hours we want to invite our awesome director of the museum jay sue. Thank you, thank you good morning, everyone first thank you, mayor ed lee and thank you to our supervisors and apa Heritage Committee this wonderful recognize we are honored to be here and celebrating such good company so congratulations to us and in addition to celebrating our 50 anniversary next year will be the citizen annual well have so were looking forward it is fitting that a Golden Gate Bridge is our citys most i cover landmark all servicing as bridges as connectors we bridge the past with today we also bridge the coaches connecting asian art with our lives the lives of our community we know that culture awareness leads to appreciation culture appreciation needs leads to understanding and understand leads to tolerance area tolerance leads to empathy so you it out we were only about art were everywhere important informing who those who have doors we are grateful for your support and all of you who are future members that donors supported by the volunteers were looking forward to welcoming you to our family and you can follow me after the press conference across the street for the Asian Art Museum that is an honor to serve San Francisco and all around the world for the Asian Art Museum is for all were eagerly looking forward to our next 50 years thank you very much. clapping. representing the japantown one and 10 Anniversary Community commissioner teresa clapping. good morning, everyone on behalf of the Planning Committee of one and anniversary japantown in the western edition im privileged to represent them i want to thank claudia and mayor ed lee and all of you for attending were thrilled to be a recipient of the 2016 Heritage Award want to congratulate the Asian Arts Museum and our Sister Committee the one and tenth anniversary is a contribute to our generation and the Second Generation japanese in america we can enjoy the celebration due to their perseverance and trumpet and continue to be only one of 3 remaining japantowns in the United States but look forward to accepting the award on monday and the entire community would like to thank the apa Celebration Committee for recognizing the one and tenth anniversary in the western edition japantown has been longer than than a one and 10 years but were it celebrating in the western edition thank you. Im so lucky me and my amazing a amazing communicated of volunteers if you have a chance and not received it again take the press passage everyones name as a volunteer of the Asian Pacific American Heritage month are here at the back and im sure you know each other and at this time i would like the two cochairs to join me theyre two of the 3 celebration cochairs this year i understand that rich is a cochair but unfortunately cant be here so thank you moving on i see id like to invite some of the other city officials that havent had a chance to greet supervisor wiener. Carmen chu assessorrecorder a Sheryl Hennessy we call thank you, thank you good morning, everybody. Im going to pleased to be here and good to see is. We kickoff our most weve seen and know the during this trial know you know you wanted to thank claudine but i wish i knew the milestone youre reaching on the number of efforts out of cooperated other city hall time after time chaud den steps up to get us together and so today, i want to thank claudine for all the work and really to encourage everybody as you are here to make sure youre letting our friends and families know about the Asian Pacific American Heritage month let them know about the activities and fun things and help us to celebrate the great diversity with that, congratulations claudine for the kickoff and look forward to participating in the many events that happen this month thanks a lot clapping. i also and supervisor yee and supervisor peskin had to go so oil speak for the three of us i wanted to thank claudine those a lot of those events not just in the Apa Community but a lot of communities realize on the people that get the work done and make us donna look good so claudine thank you it is show important in City Government we dont take for granted the strength of our diversity and continually embrace and celebrate it is a huge role in our city has since the beginning of our city and see it is very fitting to celebrate this Great Community and congratulations thank you clapping. i want to especially introduce the chairs of our office of the Small Business commission we know we have no proper security at all because our sheriff is her Vicki Hennessey and hear department it extremely supportive of our organization. Someone that grew up in San Francisco the Apa Community you dont i cant imagine how it is like im thrilled to be honoring i want to the lafayette and jefferson elementary and a San Francisco Citizens Advisory Council i wanted to commends you but recognize the Law Enforcement deputies in San Francisco and the San Francisco Sheriffs Department with having we have 36 percent of our sworn staff is re7d by the community and my privilege to work with them them a shout out to the San Francisco Police Department we have so many great apa officers and thank you for inviting me today clapping. thank you so much everyone that came here so its a very, very Big Committee not just 1 or 16 people in 2004 to thirty almost 40 members strong that represents the ethnic backgrounds is a growing communities im fortunate to be working with at this time i want to say that in addition to the Mayors Office support and i you all the city agencies we really, really appreciate our sponsors our celebration every year through a civic celebration wouldnt have been possible our financial sponsors and again their we cant thank you enough we do what we can and so youre on our facebook and apa. Org do that well we really appreciate that because this business and Community Partnership is part of what our celebration is about and very important two years ago when we celebrated our tenth anniversary we thank those sponsors the 3 that worked u. S. S. In the last 10 years they were wells fargo and at t and others this year every year we added new sponsors were very, very protecting shout out to say those sponsors key mr. Eco where is he i call him mr. Eco r key and learned more about him over seven hundred products i thought two or three this is not i was correct they have over seven hundred products and then we have very, very delighted to have total mr. To the laughter thanks thanks as a company this is the first time that to the will have a presence were delighted the Mayors Office has select San Francisco to have their first showroom in the Northern California area so we look forward to seeing the showroom across from at t park we look forward to visiting in the grand opening and thank you to the bank for coming in and other new sponsors is the gentleman from that new company and cal berth the American Beverage Association it really takes a it takes a village to work with us to make that work at this time i want to especially invite our heritage champion sponsor wells fargo who singles the year 2004 has been with us and continue to be the champions supporting Asian Pacific American Heritage month with us is mark youre good friend and Senior Vice President of the Northern Area wells fargo. clapping . I. E. , i was expecting you to introduce me as mr. Wells fargo morning im mark Senior Vice President the Marketing Manager for wells fargo in the by a and a bay and as claudine said wed be prouder to obtain one of the founder sponsors of Asian Pacific American Heritage month wells fargo is involved in efforts like this weve been there from the beginning to see this and as a company rooted in history one hundred and 634 years were very, very happy about this theme of 14rk9 the milestones its been mentioned but the 230g9 anniversary of the soul sister and the 50 of the asian art and the one and 10 of the japantown i was thinking about this this is 200 years worthy of history so thanks to the 3 a organizations for the milestones in the histories youve created will continue to create so congratulations clapping. apa is not just for apa it is for all americans it is not just for history that is written but history that continues to be wrimg written a couple weeks ago the board of supervisors passed same house, same call . For the filipino town even Mission Street the milestones there is milestones written we thank claude begin and e define and the volunteers of the Asian Pacific American Heritage month and our cochairs the whole Village People lake this make this city happy Asian Pacific American Heritage month and congratulations. Thank you, mr. Wells fargo. laughter . Thank you wells fargo so we really appreciate the longstanding relationship not a one, if youre here we expect and how you have a good time connecting with the Community Last year, we had folks joining us were returning thank you, mr. Dean clapping kim so you wonder to continue our support please talk to kim so, please look through our website our facebook and press packet to see all the people that make that happen the cities are very, very important part of this Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Celebration i see there are quite a few of the roechts today starting with the manila sister city paulette and richard clapping the sister city associations representing and brother hocking city Sills Committee sister thank you being sponsors this year did i miss anybody oh, and e reign reilly thank you. clapping. so really takes a big effort this year in addition to our sponsors our Community Sponsors we also have other thirty some Organizations Community organizations joining our efforts as Community Partners i know think that Everybody Knows that in this room knows the Asian Pacific American Heritage month most of the San Francisco may or may not so it is our obviously to promote that awareness and thank you chris wong and thirty some organizations working with us and thank you clapping. all very important so and all the commissioners that are here i know that like half the room are commissioners im not going to miss everyone i was at this time going to invite kim the chair the Asian Pacific American Heritage month to join us but unfortunately raymond has to go out of town a note a few years ago the Asian Pacific American Heritage month was a 4 for c3 nonprofit was established to secure resources and to sustain celebration every year so the nonprofit is a very, very small board and all the members here id like them to join me e republican reilly, from at t scott are you missing so, yeah valerie was under the weather so it is a very Small Organization but we work very, very close together and work with the heritage Planning Committee so weve decided this year since it is so presenters the support of businesses and the nonprofits were out there fundraiserings day to day we decided every year were going to show some appreciation for the businesses and have organizations that reached the 5 year milestone so we have 4 businesses and organizations today id like did represents to join us we have a small token of appreciation and id like to ask our artist to join us this is what she created linda was one over our apa recipients last year and continues to be part of our family the First Organization we want to show our appreciation the academy of arts ive been there for 6 representing the academy is Rebecca Delgado clapping. thank you and next one up oh, hes already here scott. All right. clapping. and the third one is Japantown Merchants Association unfortunately, our richard cant be with us today and last but not least we video Parking Corporation recommended by rose chung on the board clapping. thank you, thank you for your support, huh . So just a couple housekeeping im delighted to share well be at herbst theater on monday at 5 30 for the ceremony within the announcement of the event the event every single seat was taken we actually, the theatres seats nine hundred and one thousand people on the list we want to ask you have whom you especially that have reserved seating arrive very early and give you a seat unfortunately, if your seat is not opted out by 415 we have a lot of people that need to come and see this so it is important and after the ceremony well environment everyone to join us well have a great reception and so we really hope youll tell all the friends if you have not registered be there earlier first come, first serve so we hope to pack the herbst theater during that half an hour and have a full house at city hall what is so special at city hall not only the great beverages but this is also the year we started to have community exhibits and Public Information tables we hope to create an opportunity for our community to get to know each other we hope that aside from coming for the guarantee food and wonderful drinks youll invite the Community Tables with that, are there any any questions about our celebration . If not thank you so much for coming and the would the members of the Asian Pacific American Heritage month well take a Group Picture so you, you will go through there and try to do this efficiently thank you, everyone thank clapping. i think we have more companies anywhere in the United States its at the amazing statement were not trying to be flashy or shocking just trying to create something new and original were one of the things about the conduct our you enter and turn your your back and just so the orchestra. The most contrary composer of this time if you accountability his music you would think hes a camera come important he become ill and it was crazy he at the end of his life and pushed the boundary to think were not acceptable at this point for sure it had a great influence he was a great influence on the harmonic language on the contemporary up to now. I thought it would be interesting because they have e he was contemporary we use him on this and his life was you kill our wife you get poisons all those things are Great Stories for on opera. I was leaving behind a little bit which those collaborative dancers i was really trying to focus on opera. A friend of mine said well, what would you really want to do i said opera what is it not opera parallel. Why isnt it are that i have the support now we can do that. I realized that was something that wasnt being done in San Francisco no other organization was doing this as opposed to contemporary we are very blessed in San Francisco to have organizations well, i thought that was going to be our speciality you create a conceptual idea for setting the opera and you spear ahead and work with the other sdierndz to create an overview vision thats the final product felt opera. I was very inspired to work with him because the way he looked at the key is the way i looked at sports looking at the daily. So much our mandate is to try to enter disis particular work theres great dancers and theatre actresses and choirs weve worked with and great video artists is a great place to collect and collaborate. I had a model they have a professionally music yes, maam assemble and as a student i benefited from being around this professional on and on soccer ball and as a conductor id be able to work with them and its helped my growth i had a dream of having a professional residential on and on soccer ball to be an imperial it operates as a laboratory we germ a national the ideas technically and work with activity artists and designers and video all over the on any given project to further the way we tell stories to improve our ability to tell stories on stage. Thats part of the opera lab i was to investigate that aspect of renaissance and new work so thats why this piece it is important it was a renaissance composer. There were young people that are not interested in seeing traditional opera and like the quality and its different it has a story telling quality every little detail is integrated and helps to capture the imagination and thats part of the opera how we can use those colors into the language of today. So one of the great things of the stories of opera and story combined with opera music it allows people to let go and be entertained and enjoy the music instead of putting on headphones. Thats what is great about art sometimes everyone loves it because you have to, you know, really great you have to have both some people dont like it and some people do were concerned about that. Its about thirty something out there thats risky. You know, disliked by someone torn apart and thats the whole point of what were drying to do you never take this for granted you make sure it is the best if you can. Hi today we have a special edition of building San Francisco, stay safe, what we are going to be talking about San Franciscos earth quakes, what you can do before an earthquake in your home, to be ready and after an earthquake to make sure that you are comfortable staying at home, while the city recovers. The next episode of stay safe, we have Alicia Johnson from San Franciscos department of emergency management. Hi, alicia thanks to coming it is a pleasure to be here with you. I wonder if you could tell us what you think people can do to get ready for what we know is a coming earthquake in San Francisco. Well, one of the most things that people can do is to make sure that you have a plan to communicate with people who live both in and out of state. Having an out of state contact, to call, text or post on your social network is really important and being able to know how you are going to communicate with your friends, and family who live near you, where you might meet them if your home is uninhab hitable. How long do you think that it will be before things are restored to normal in San Francisco. It depends on the severity of the earthquake, we say to provide for 72 hours tha, is three days, and it helps to know that you might be without services for up to a week or more, depending on how heavy the shaking is and how many after shocks we have. What kind of neighborhood and Community Involvement might you want to have before an earthquake to make sure that you are going to able to have the support that you need. It is important to have a Good Relationship with your neighbors and your community. Go to those community events, shop at local businesses, have a reciprocal relationship with them so that you know how to take care of yourself and who you can rely on and who can take care of you. It is important to have a batteryoperated radio in your home so that you can keep track of what is happening in the Community Around and how you can communicate with other people. One of the things that seems important is to have access to your important documents. Yes, it is important to have copies of those and also stored them remotely. So a title to a home, a passport, a drivers license, any type of medical records that you need need, back those up or put them on a remote drive or store them on the cloud, the same is true with any Vital Information on your computer. Back that up and have that on a cloud in case your hard drive does not work any more. In your home you should be prepared as well. Absolutely. Lets take a look at the kinds of things that you might want to have in your home. We have no water, what are we going to do about water . It is important for have extra water in your house, you want to have bottled water or a five gallon container of water able to use on a regular basis, both for bathing and cooking as well as for drinking. We have this big container and also in peoples homes they have a hot water heater. Absolutely, if you clean your hot water heater out regularly you can use that for showering, drinking and bathing as well what other things do people need to have arent their home. It is important to have extra every day items buy a couple extra cans of can food that you can eat without any preparation. Here is a giant can of green giant canned corn. And this, a manual can opener, your electric can opener will not be working not only to have one but to know where to find it in your kitchen. Yes. So in addition to canned goods, we are going to have fresh food and you have to preserve that and i know that we have an ice chest. Having an ice chest on hand is really important because your refrigerator will not be working right away. It is important to have somebody else that can store cold foods so something that you might be able to take with you if you have to leave your home. And here, this is my very own personal emergency supply box for my house. I hope that you have an alternative one at home. Oh, i forgot. And in this is really important, you should have flashlights that have batteries, fresh batteries or hand crank flashlight. I have them right here. Good. Excellent. That is great. Additionally, you are going to want to have candles a whistle, possibly a compass as well. Markers if you want to label things if you need to, to people that you are safe in your home or that you have left your home. I am okay and i will meet you at. Exactly. Exactly. Water proof matches are a great thing to have as well. We have matches here. And my spare glasses. And your spare glasses. If you have medication, you should keep it with you or have access to it. If it needs to be refrigerated make sure that it is in your ice box. Inside, just to point out for you, we have spare batteries. Very important. We have a little first aid kit. And lots of different kinds of batteries. And another spare flashlight. So, alicia what else can we do to prepare our homes for an earthquake so we dont have damage . One of the most important things that you can do is to secure your valuable and breakable items. Make sure that your tv is strapped down to your entertainment cabinet or wall so it does not move. Also important is to make sure that your book case is secure to the wall so that it does not fall over and your valuable and breakables do not break on the ground. Becoming prepared is not that difficult. Taking care of your home, making sure that you have a few extra everyday items on hand helps to make the difference. That contributes dramatically to the way that the city as a whole can recover. Absolutely. If you are able to control your own environment and house and recovery and your neighbors are doing the same the city as a whole will be a more resilient city. We are all proud of living in San Francisco and being prepared helps us stay here. So, thank you so much for joining us today, alicia, i appreciate it. Absolutely, it is my pleasure. And thank you for joining us on another edition of building calm down. I see so many friend here today, so many wonderful people. It is warms my heart to be with you. I want to start off as all events do with the thank you because no event happens by just talking heads. So, i 1st want to thank the mayor, mayor ed lee and staff at the Mayors Office. He will be here very shortly. [applause] i also want to thank my colleagues, the Department Heads and i see so many of you elected and appointed so if you would stand up and be recognized, vicky, mohammed, come on you guys. [applause] thank you guys. These are not my goals, these are the cities goals. They are all of our goals in the room. I also want to thank our commissioner from the commission on the environment. If and are in the room will you please stand up and be recognized . Past commissioners as well. I know we have past commissioners. And finally, i want to thank mystaff, the colleagues in the department of the environment who are phenomenal. [applause] and of course our sponsors. Normally you have a slide full of logoes. This is the logo of telegraph hill. This is our nob nab thank you david [inaudible] i want to acknowledge the companies that made today possible. Nesty, sales force, united air lines, blue shuld of california, star bucks, [inaudible] urban fabric and venivate american thank you for your leadership and support. And of course friends the urban forest. [applause] so last year we celebrated earth day out in San Francisco at giant stadium and this year we bring it back to city hall to reflect the year gone by. This is a year of tremendous intensity of the effects of Climate Change, indonesia, california, so many areas had record break forest fires and fiji has the largest typhoon in history, here in california, elnino and a dud and not getting us out of the drought. Everyone in the room knows the problem statement so wont spend a lot of time bringing us down. Instead what we want to do today is talk about the things that we are grateful for im truly grateful for what happened in paris in december. The first time in history, 195 countries came together and made a commitment, they made a public commitment to reduce their Green House Gases and did so not just by signing a document but saying we are coming back in 2 years, we are coming back in 5 years, and well tell the world how we are doing. So there is a element of accountability that will drive the action we need to see and tomorrow as i understand it, president obama will sign the United States of americans commitment to reducing Green House Gas emissions. [applause] another point of inspiration has come from a unlikely place, pope fransss turned into one of the most effective climate chamians in the planet and what i truly appreciate about the pope is he reminds it it is not only vt environment, Environmental Justice and social justice are linked. He says we must hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor and that is a reminder for all of us every day whether we think the work we do. Im inspired by the work of callees and city departments. I was at a talk given by john martin at the airport and told the audience San Francisco International Airport reduced Green House Gas emissions 38 percent at the same time air travel has grown by 40 percent. That is amazing. There are stories like that in every city department. Today we recognize there is lots to celebrate and of course there is more to be done. But today this morning we are going to celebrate the people that have been the people pushing, the leaders. The people who wush their organizations, push their communities and push this city to do things a little differently. Frangly, a lot differently. We call it the mayors earth Day Breakfast but this is everyones earth Day Breakfast so it is my chance, our chance to thank all of you for places the value you do on the environment, on our future, and on our communities wellbeing. You inspire all of us. It is not only of course everybody earth day but will take everys action from the large bureaucracies like ours to the smallif you are part of a green team will you raise your hand . Thank you. Those are the people and organizations who are moving the organizations. [applause] from faith based communities to grass root organizations every person, every business, every individual we all have to take action. Tim obrian i dont know how many read the book, the things they carried, it is a standsered book in schools these days, he said very moving to me. He said story telling is the essential human activity and the harder the situation, the more essential it is. I cant think of anything harder or daunting than the challenges of Climate Change so perhaps what we need most today in these times is to embrace the art embrace the ancient art of story telling. I so the theme of today is what is your story. Because it is going to take all our stories collective lay to create that hope and they will be stories not of dispair but of optimism and action and there are so many stories in this room today. And some people have name tags that say ask me about my story. Ask me about roots, ask about [inaudible] and encourage it is a great way to get to know somebody is be inspired. Read their name tags and ask for the stories. There are so many stories we can share but it is urpth day breakfost, not lunch and dinner so we had to choose 4 stories that reflect our cities climate goals setting [inaudible] land fill inseneration, 50 percent of trips. [inaudible] 100 Percent Renewable Energy and starting to tackle natural gas for heating kwr cooking and looking at fossil fuels in the transportation system. Finally, rooths, roots, the power of nature to pull carbon out ofthe air. How we plant trees stwr put com post on the lands and how to increase fertility. Here is my favorite zero story, kcvu diz a story an the Postal Service and looked at San Francisco post offices and said there is a lault they are throwing away so our commission on the environment said they can do better than that so wrote a letter to post master general and said we are disappointed and here to help. Contact us, come to the table and well help you make a change. The post office gave us terri balcum. Tery you here . Well do thisen your honor. The post office gave us terri and we gave them stephen, stephen [inaudible] from the commercial zero waste team and the two worked tirelessly together and it paid off. Zero waste was implemented in all 3 2 of their facilities to the tiny ones of [inaudible] to the evans facility and you can imagine what that took. They trained 3500 employees and put 300 new stations in all of their facilities, all of their offices and that ledreduced to trash service by 70 percent, saved 200,000 in waste bills, that is a success. [applause] what this proves to me is even Large Organizations which are not known for being agile and responsive can make a difference because at the heart is the leadership, the commitment and no how and we have the ability to bring all 3 of those thengs to the the table. 50, this story about 50 is a special one to me because it doesnt stop at the transit it grows and grows and shows how a leader with vision can start with a nugget of idea that can have ripple effects throughout a communesty. Jackie [inaudible] i know jackie is here. Jackie, where are and . There she is, yay jackie. Jackie is a very special member of excelsior community. She isnt content to leave things as she finds themso leaves her job after 25 year jz says how can i make my community better, what can i do empower people and show people their actions matter. She understands one person can make a difference and that even small actions can have a profounds impact. She noticed something, she noticed the local part was in walking distance from 3 schools. That seems like a nice consequences so brain stormed with safe routes taschool folk squz out of that brain storm came the excelsior walk and roll hub. Tuesday mornings kids from all those schools with their parents come to the park and jackie isnt just leaving them there she brings food, snacks coffee for adults, prizes, and their communethy is made and when it is time it go to school, they lease the hub. Some parents go to work and others take kids out or walk or roll or scooter to school. Jackie took this idea of Building Communities and healing the planet and took it a step further because she said im not convinced this is all we can do, we can do more. So, what does she do . She gives those kids supplies to collect litter on the way. Mohammed this has to warm your heart. [applause] she is out there making sure that those kids while they are healing the planet walking are also healing the planet through zeery and sure she sorts everything in the bags and makes sure it gets in the right place. So, lets hear it for jackie. [applause] here is a story about strong leadership and what the will can do to change the world. Geo hawj, Providence Baptist church in bayviewso i think if you ask him he wouldnt self declare as a radical environmentalist, but he is a real pragmatist and he is helping move close toor 100. Providence baptist, Huge Community asset, notices a need. There is a lot of homeless around them so they create in their church a homeless shelter for 125 people. The problem is it got to be expensive. Their energy bills went up, the cost of giving that service was not budgeted for, so he had a idea. Why dont we take a look at how we can save money and so what he did is convinced his skeptical congregation of over 700 people it is wurkt to install solar panels. Our document Environmental Justice program worked with the church to identify funding. The solar panels were installed and the church is a 7ing 40,000 a year on electricity bills. [applause] so that money that was spent going to pay for electricity instead went back to support thg community service. This is what it means to be a Climate Action Environmental Justice champion. Of course [inaudible] doesnt stop there because he understands that if just Providence Baptist does this nothing realally changes and so he is the chair the interface counsel which is over 800 clergy and teaches congregations beyond his own fwht impact of Climate Change and understands Climate Change will impact low income communities and takes it on himself to be the teach squr inpersation and be that leader. Geo lodge like pope frances understands the nature of climate environment, social and it is that spirit that is truly going to heal this planet so thank you [inaudible] hawj. [applause] final ly, roots. Many of us the noise of a jackhammer early in the morning isnt music to our ears but there is one guy who believes this is beautiful music and that is a guy named marks major. Markus, are you[applause] every time markus or Climate Action now hears a jackhammer they get excited because that means concreate is broken up and asphalt is leaving and permitinantly removed and have a opportunity to put in a organic garden, a sidewalk landscaping so that loud sound which drives me nuts for markus and his colleagues makes all those late nights and meetings and public aexperiences worth while. His leadership with Climate Action now he is transformed 21,000 square feet of concrete into organic gardens. [applause] i also notice when i put the slides together Something Else is growing for markus major, check out the facial hair. There, there. Clearly all that organic mulch must be good for growing beards. He is transforming our landscape and he is supporting our roots goals. And, he is teaching our youth. He is teaching the youth in the community the importance of this work, the importance of caring for the planet and the power of capturing carbon. Markus major has a special place in my heart and it isnt just because he educated youth, promotes bio diversity and takes action on Climate Change, the thing that brings markesclose to my heart is he worked for us. Look at the facial hair here. Clearly this is good for facial here. He was on the school ed team and he was [inaudible] whatever he 92 eded to be to get the message to kids. So, thank you markus major and Climate Action now for supporting roots. [applause] what markus is doing is not only heal thg planet, but building the leaders of tomorrow because the student that he trains, that he inspires will be the teachers and decision makers. And that is a common theme for zero 5100 routes. All these leaders didnt stop with their action, they decided to go way beyond. Way beyond their own [inaudible] so we are fortunate to have those inspiring leaders as our models because together they make lasting change. I want to share one last story about a leader who trully inspired me who is here and that is our mayor, mayor ed lee. [applause] i know as city administrator and hepd of public works but when i met him as mayor two years ago while applying for this job, i was struck by something about this leader and didnt even understand the significance of it perhaps until now. Like some of the other leadhairs we heard about, like pope frances and gl hawj and markus major, he understands the importance of caring for people and the planet. Those ideas are bounds together mpt the choices we make on our environment impacts people and People Matter to mayor ed lee. As public works director and city administrator he kept our city running. As mayor, he knows we need to plan for our future now, today, and he understands the role Climate Change will take in shaping the city of today. He knows that the policies we put in place, the goals we set, the investments we make are what will make the difference between a thriving city and a catastrophic mess. We got examples of both to look at throughout the world and he understands the power of cities on that international stage. In fact, he is incredibly proud to stands up and talk about the zero 5100 roots goals and his eyes light up whether in the vatican or talking to city staff or talking to children. His eyes light up because he understands the critical importance of cities. The importance of leadership whether it is local scale or international scale. So before the mayor joins me on stage, i want to welcome the mayor in a little bit of different way. I would like to introduce the reding Elementary School second grade who has written the mayor and all of us a song. [applause] [children single] [applause] [applause] does that make you feel a obligation . Yeah. Wow thank you mr. Mayor. Thank you. Wow i finally found a group of people im a little taller than. [laughter] wasnt that nice . Thank you very much for reding elementary. That is a great song. [applause] debbie well have to adopt that as the department song. I want to welcome everybody to our vatican in San Francisco, the epipooals palace, thank you for attending the 16th annual earth day event in San Francisco. Congratulations everybody. [applause] to the second graders what a great perfornlance, i love those t shirts. Look like we will get good score frz the warriors too. This is one of my favorite times of the year, it is not just because it is a time when the warriorerize setting the record season when it is a even year and Everybody Knows what that mean frz our giants. We want to address all our responsibility which is Climate Change. I want to thank debbie and entire staff of department of environment for not only doing the work but reminding every department we can Work Together and do if better for this entire city with our Business Community, our non profit community, with our entire relationship of the world and yes, debbie i was excited to join other world city leaders in paris and the vatican, not only to discuss but make our own contributions and announcements to the worlds recognition that Climate Change is serious and real and scientific and all must participate. That is why we understand the importance of taking action and witness it first hand through our work on zero 50 and 100. With zero waste, i know we have been at 80 percent for a little while. It will be in our life time i truly believe well get to 100 percent if we Work Together and do everything we need to do. Would you like to do that in your life time everybody . 100 percent deversion. [applause] we are at 80 percent and this is still why our city is gow gring and growing at a rapid place and it is remarkable we keep that percentage there and figure out the rest in the very near future. We are proud of the other goal. Did you know we have already reached 50 percent Sustainable Travel just this past year . One year ahead of schedule. Thank you everyone, the transit authority, transportation authority, muni, all of the people in car sharing, ride sharing. Want to thank everyone for accomplishing a year ahead. That gives great incentive to do even more and we know we can do better. It does want stop there. As you heard when we were in the vatican we took the opportunity to announce that our entire diesel fleet will move over and has in fact with the cooperation of Municipal Transportation Agency and buses and dpw and heavy trucks we now are all on renewable diesel. [applause] thats a great step forward and working to support of course our electric Vehicle Market. In fact, San Francisco is the most successful electric Vehicle Market in the United States and will continue to be so. Thank you for all your support. [applause] we will be increasing availability and use of electric vehicles and also the infra structure it needs to have particularly focused on the under served. We will double the current level of access to electric charging station tooz city owned property and improve access to charging stations in multifamily buildings throughout the city. We are also going to change our municipal light duty vehicles purchasing policies to support this very goal. When we say the city is green, we mean our brick and mortar as well. How about a city that has now over 6 million square feet of lead certified municipal properties. Thank you to the building owners of San Francisco and developers that wirk with them. Last year city hall became the oldings buildings in the nation [inaudible] thank you to city hall managers. Our good city work force working with department and environment. When we welcome the Record Number of visitors particularly this past year with superbowl and ever increasing conventions that we have, we welcome them to our world class city each year as they fly through our airport. We just recently refurbished one of the major domestic terminals of the airport, terminal 3, it is now lead certified. Thank you very much to sfo. [applause] not only that, but all the lights you see here today and every Municipal Building in the city are powered by 100 percent Green House Gas 3 hetch hetchy, puc. Thank you very much puc. We get more water up there too. And of course i want to thank you the puc and leadership because we have now begun implementing the clean power sf program for San Francisco. We already starting with our commercial and move into our residential very soon. We are doing this smartly and create local jobs at the same time. Thank you to the puc. [applause] stopping Climate Change requires we reduce Carbon Emissions and manage our eco systems that remove carbon from the at mosphere and that is why we created a very aggressive but very realistic program of zero 50100 and it is achievable. It has achievable goals to mitigate Climate Change and adapt reality of our changing climate for our city. We have seen in the last few years our planet earth is changings a well. Our Sea Level Rise is truly rising. We are experiencing more intense storms and i want to give up a blessing and thanks to the people in houston because they in the heart of it and see people trying to get out of their home jz get services. That is a example of the severity of Climate Change and the Sea Level Rise. More frequency. We will see more of that. We will experience more flooding across the country and erosion of the beaching as we know alock the Pacific Coast and our own ocean beach. The days of ectreme heat are common acurns. Ladies and gentlemen for the earth day let us pledge we will note sit in inaction. Inaction, the cost will be 75 billion dollars in infrastructure alone that by 2100. Inaction doesnt just put our city budget at risk, it puts all of our communities at risk. To me these very kids ask us to make sure we do our best to lead them a better planet to live and work on. That is why in collaboration with many of you and our departments as well, we convene the Sea Level Rise coordinating committee to develop a Sea Level Rise action plan. Earlier this week i released the city wide resiliency strategy called the resilient San Francisco as part of a grant from Rockefeller Foundation and we established the office of resilience and recovery and thank you patrick for your good work in that and our on a national scale. In june our city will host the 7th clean energy minterial and bring the International Community and Business Community together to help accelerate a global transition to clean energy. We are making progress, we have lot of work to do but inspired very much by the very kids that tell us we got to do this and we got to get it done in their life times as well. I want to say again, a big thank you to everyone and before i close, ill take this opportunity to announce that ill be hiring or having on part of my staff tyrone [inaudible] who many know and work with at the puc, they will become my environmental Senior Advisor and vooa chance to work with all of you. He rill bring in 12 years of speenchs and work wg water and Energy Issues and especially as they relate to Climate Change issues as well. [applause he may entice me to have Chinese New Year costium representing a animal of some sort. Also want to take this opportunity as well, i want to acknowledge and thank a friend that has been a frnd to the city for many years. Department and environment know him well but everybody here knows him and it is somebody who Just Announced leaving of the epa, gerled bloomenfeld. Gerled are you here . He is probably riding on a bike. He will take a Pacific Coast way trek that all of us will probably watch and learn from him and definitely invite him back to speak with us and continue to be a great council. To all of you congratulation on 16th earth day, thank you very much for coming together and working but mostimportantly thank you for helping implement 0, 5100. Congratulations. [applause] okay. Well now my presentation. We are all most done but may need some help on the presentation side. Things are frozen. Okay. So, that was amazing. I also have one more thank you and then well wrap this up. This is a partnership. What makes San Francisco amazing is that we got phenomenal residence, phenomenal businesses, motivated city staff and leadership. We also have some of the most bold andadacious elected officials in the contry and i saw supervisor peskin and know the staff and colleagues of many supervisors here today so let us give a big thank you to all of the board of supervisors for helping adapt the policies we need. [applause] so, in closing, this has been a day about stories. We have heard some storiesthank you, wow nope, not going toi can wing it the last two minutes. This is a day about stories. We could have told so many but we only told a few, but we dont want to luce the power of the stories of every wnl in the room. Im not going to make yoi come up and speak because that would be incredibly painful. Instead ill ask you to do something right now. We believe in reuse, we believe in sorting so want everyone to take their name tag off and i want you to take the paper part out of your name tag so you do a separation exercise here between paper and plastic. Notice on one side it should look familiar, have your name on it. If you turn it around it says, what is your story . On tables around are pens you can borrow a pen from a neighbor, and this is what we ask. Because what we have got is create a chorus of action, a chorus of stories not the silence of appathy and dispair. In order to create that chorus it starts here. Tell us, tell us something you are proud of. Tell us something you need from us of the department of environment ear city to make it happen. Tell us a barrier you overcome and you are proud of. Tell us how you have committed to zero 5100 roots so we can share your stories and well know they are yours because they have your name on it. Take a few minutes before you leave, before you network and close out this amazing day to share your story with all of us and the world around. Thank you so much for each of your leadershipsment. Thank you for joining our department today. [applause] i love teaching. It is such an exhilarating experience when people began to feel their own creativity. This really is a place where all people can come and take a class and fill part of the community. This is very enriching as an artist. A lot of folks take these classes and take their digital imagery and turn it into negatives. There are not many black and white darkrooms available anymore. That is a really big draw. This is a signature piece. This is the bill largest darkroom in the u. S. There are a lot of people that want to get into that dark room. I think it is the heart of this place. You feel it when you come in. The people who just started taking pictures, so this is really an intersection for many generations of photographers and this is a great place to learn because if you need people from different areas and also everyone who works here is working in photography. We get to build the community here. This is different. First of all, this is a great location. It is in a lesspopulated area. Of lot of people come here just so that they can participate in this program. It is a great opportunity for people who have a little bit of photographic experience. The people have a lot, they can really come together and share a love and a passion. We offer everything from traditional black and white darkrooms to learning how to process your first roll of film. We offer classes and workshops in digital camera, digital printing. We offer classes basically in the shooting, ton the town at night, treasure island. There is a way for the programs exploring everyone who would like to spend the day on this program. Hello, my name is jennifer. My name is simone. We are going on a field trip to take pictures up the hill. Cmon, cmon, cmon. Actually, i have been here a lot. I have never looked closely enough to see everything. Now, i get to take pictures. We want to try to get them to be more creative with it. We let them to be free with them but at the same time, we give them a little bit of direction. You can focus in here. That was cool. If you see that . Behind the city, behind the houses, behind those hills. The see any more hills . These kids are wonderful. They get to explore, they get to see different things. We let them explore a little bit. They get their best. If their parents ever ask, we can learn they can say that they learned about the depth of field or the rule of thirds or that the shadows can give a good contrast. Some of the things they come up with are fantastic. That is what were trying to encourage. These kids can bring up the creativity and also the love for photography. A lot of people come into my classes and they dont feel like they really are creative and through the process of working and showing them and giving them some tips and ideas. This is kind of the best kept secret. You should come on and take a class. We have orientations on most saturdays. This is a really wonderful location and is the real jewel to the community. Ready to develop your photography skills . The Harvey Milk Photo Center focuses on adult classes. And saturday workshops expose youth and adults to photography classes. Working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change weve been on the edge after all were at the meeting of land and sea worldclass style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the citys Information Technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at San Francisco General Hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house Senate Regional wearout system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of San Francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the citys future but for considering a career with the city and county of san francisc so lets embed do you want to embed and lead us off. Ill go ahead and call the roll. Some quiet we have a lot of people i know you all have coworkers you want to talk to lets go ahead. Roll call director brinkman pr director borden director heinecke is expected and dr. Murases director ramos director rubke and director nolan is absent with notification item 3 please silence all

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