Interrupt. The board of supervisors committees convening hybrid meetings in person comment special providing Remote Access and Public Comment via phone. The Public Comment taken on each item. Those in person will be allowed speak first then those on the phone line. For those watching remotely, public call in number is streaming and when connected you will hear the meeting discussions but in listening mode only. When your item come up and Public Comment is called those in person lineup and on the phone dial star 3 to be added to the line. If youor on your phone turn down your listening devices. Each will be allowed up to 2 minutes to speak. We have chinese for item 10 when called well have the instruction in language. Alternateively submit comment in wroiting in the following ways. E mail them to myself the budget and finance clerk. Brent. Jalipa sfgov. Org. If you submit it e mail tell are forkeded and included part of the official file. You may send written comments u. S. Postal service to city hall 1 dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place room 244, San Francisco, california, 9410 two. Items acted upon today will apreer on the board of supervisors agenda of september 12, unless otherwise stated. Thank you, mr. Clerk. Buffer call item 1. I would like to remind everyone that when we have items that have budget and legislative Analyst Reports we will have the Department Presentation first and the report of and then to public upon comment. And for todays agenda those items are 2, 3, 7 and 8 and with that mr. Clerk, call item 1. Item 1, is a resolution exempting from the Competitive Bidding policy the potential real estate transaction involving port property at seawall lot 3 huh01 and pier 5llc for development of a mix use property urging the port and the Fishermans Wharf llc to engage in out roach to affected and interested neighbors. Community members and others to ensure the project is designed with public input and urging with the assistance of staff the City Attorney and other city officials to take all actions needed to negotiate a negotiating agreement and a term sheet with the Fishermans Wharf revitalize. Consistent with this resolution. Members will join remote and comment on this resolution. Press star 3 to enter the line. A prompt will indicate you raised your hand. That will be your queue top begin comments. Thank you. Today i want to acknowledge we have president supervisor peskin here this. Is the sponsor of the item and would like to have opening remark . Thank you. Budget chair chan. And member vice chair mandelman. Thank you for scheduling this since our summer recess. As we saw yesterday in john kings reporting Fishermans Wharf is part of San Francisco that is one of the keys that lace the golden egg a play where locals and visitors from around the country and the world can have an authentic experience on the shores of the bay temperature is a part early and on going history and indeed is a bit tarnished and has plenty of opportunity and i say that as the port of San Francisco and the city and situated cities and place around the state grapple with infrastructure challenges. The port of San Francisco that will hear from shortly from mr. Mike martin, has been exploring the opportunity for revitalization at Fishermans Wharf in and around pier 45 that had infrastructure challenges and business challenge this is is at the heart of the celebrated wharf. The Fishermans Wharf llc has been in front of the Port Commission on a couple of occasions commission and staff a minirequest for proposals and today, i brought with you with the support of the mayor resolution exempting from the Competitive Bidding process, the proposal from pier 45, which if passed by the board of supervisors would authorize negotiations between Fishermans Wharf and the port of San Francisco which would will flult this board reviewing the negotiating agreement and approve it itself as well as steps along the way there are plenty of opportunity for public input and plenty of opportunity for over site in the months ahead. And where that, madam chair and supervisors, i would like to welcome mike martin from the port. And then lou and his team at Fishermans Wharf revitalize. Thank you. Thank you, president supervisor peskin for guiding this through the proechlsz i would like to be added, mr. Clerk, as a sponsor to this. Really appreciate the thought that has gone into this to this point of as a matter of policy it is not usual we have a soul source the plan allows for proposals and i think that time and this proposal is right for San Francisco. I look forward to the negotiation process this is one that has the opportunity and the ability to help revitalize the most important parts of San Francisco waterfront and one that has a tradition and i appreciate the time, thought and effort that has been put in the proposal to not only highlight and exent wait the history and culture but lift up and bring a new vision for what the waterfront can be. There is a lot of really serious people behind this proposal that have a track record of success of investing in the city. And i think that means something when you are bring an unsolicited contract. In this instance. And if we are all being honest, the need for Fishermans Wharf refresh is clear. Proposal in front us really hit its on the head. I want to thank supervisor supervisor peskin for ushering this through and thank mr. Jawedo and his team at a time had San Francisco needs the new vision and help reimagining itself. Thank you other look forward to the negotiation process. Im excited about the proposal in front us today. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Martin. Y good morning, chair chan. Mike martin, port of San Francisco. Pleased to be before to you talk about the proposed waiver of the Competitive Bidding policy relating to the proposal for the Fishermans Wharf revitalized llc it is proposal to develop the triangle parking lot in the center of the wharf, seawall a mixed of visitor attractive uses that both are all trust consistent and intended not only to create now reasons for locals and visitors to come to the wharf but elevate as supervisor supervisor peskin says the history and the organic thing what made it an attraction. It is comprised of giraudo and seth i will invite them up for the proposal at the end. My focus is the press to get here. As was described in the beginning of introduction to this item the Port Commission adopted an updated waterfront plan that includes a process by which port staff seek out take holder input on Development Proposals to provide to the board and inform the decision about waiver of Competitive Bidding. Pursuing that we scheduled 3 Community Meeting in march. We returned to the Port Commission on april 25 to sum rise and get input from the commission about interests in the project. Coming out of that discussion we issued an ask for information from those good in developing the defined proposal. I will talk about this in a minute bh what we heard. After that we return to the port on july 7, presenting the results the Port Commission heard more and adopted a resolution recommending your approval of this waiver. We issued a request for information in may of this year and the request was intends to say, is there development interests. We have a proposal and i think there is a reason for the bidding proposal and that it gets the competitive process to gift estate best possible options for any given development opportunity. The question for interest intended say, are there other interests this have current interests in this investment . Where we see Fishermans Wharf benefit from an investment and it is a sort of in between time in San Franciscos history where investments are sort ofup certain. We received 2 responses to the rfi one from the proposers to augment and explain their vision and received a response if the tenant its the budeen flagship. That did in the indicate an interest in a Development Proposal but an interest in participating to improve lot with better uses. In light of that feedback, we as staff were very recommending to the commission to move forward with the resolution in july. We see that competitive process would without interests is something lose time we would not like to lose. And we showed this slide here not for the details but to say we near an early point in the time line. And if you approve this waiver we go to the port and ask them to approve a negotiation agreement that would kickoff not only Detailed Design and analysis of the proposal but further stake holder discussions to address when were hear burglar when we want to do to safe guard the Fishermans Wharf while we improve temperature figure out where the gear storage and the processing industry can thrive and elevate in the the way the proposal would like to see t. We have 2436 months after will we approve that. Well come become to the board of supervisors with a bit clearer picture that would be a jumping off point for Environmental Review and clarify it further. With these being the backgrounds facts i think we would appreciate your consideration and approval of this waiver. I would like to stands aside and invite mr. Giraudo to come up and say a few words. Thank you very much for allowing mow to come up to talk about Fishermans Wharf revitalize it is an important project to us and you and the city and the people who work at Fishermans Wharf. Im a native of San Francisco not a dwerp. A busy person who believes in San Francisco and tried to give back and will continue to do so. I of course this is an opportunity to work with everyone all of the stake holders. Some whom today restaurant oours from the wharf. Fran families here. We have a vision preserving a legacy and creating a new one. Which focuses on fisherman, fisher people and the fishing industry as it was and should be in San Francisco. And in Northern California the center of the fishing industry. We have done a lot of work there is interests on the part of people in the fishing industry and the Restaurant Industry that provides that work Fishermans Wharf. We believe tla those occurrence expressed the port lead are being addressd and will be addressd and end up with a project that provides jobs, provides legacy and provides pride. To all of those involved. I would urge to you pass this on to the board so we can move this along. And with a goal of being able to deliver to the people San Francisco a new revitalized Fishermans Wharf. Thank you. Public comment . Y lets go to Public Comment. Before we do this supervisor vice chair mandelman. Thank you, thanks to our port staff and everyone worked on this. Id like to be added as a cosponsor. Thank you and lets go to Public Comment. Thank you for those interested in Public Comment on item 1 now is the time to line and up for those joining remotely press star 3 and wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. Seeing no in person speakers here. We have none in the queue Public Comment is closed. Colleagues i think you know always a sole source negotiation, i look forward to learning more about the actual plan. It is my hope that i do believe this is in good hands with more giraudo with president supervisor peskin and the port. That we will find ways to support local business and find ways to support our local fishermen and a sustainable fishing infrastructure in Fishermans Wharf for the longhaul for the future generations. It is time we invest in this and i look forward to this coming become to us with more details and with that, colleagues i would like to move this to full board with recommendation. And like to have a roll call and on this motion. To forward this to the full board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. Aye. Member safai. Aye. Chair chan. Aye. Thank you, the motion passes. Thank you, thank you. And mr. Clerk call item 2. Item 2 a resolution approving a Maintenance Agreement with the city and count and he California Department of transportation for the citys maintenance of on rightofway within cal trance jurisdiction at the southeast corner of 17th and san bruno and southwest of 17th and vermont for the potrero public art project. And the citys indem nifkz of caltrans for reasons of anything oshg mitted by the city under the agreement and approval of the resolution. For those entering now. We are conduct business if you can keep voice down. On the way in. Thank you. Members joining remote low and wish to comment on this press star 3 to enter the line. Madam chair. Thank you. Im going to speak in chinese quick. All right. Well have item 2 this one has budget and legislative Analyst Report and today i believe we have trent teaker. Project manager from upon department of public works for this item. Thank you. Thank you. The presentation on the computer or do i need to bring that . I sent in yesterday. Gi believe you were given instructions to bring it in we have no capacity to share t. Apologies. But i have my notes anyway. So good morning chair and supervisors im trent tiger project manager at public work in the street scape group here to talk about the potrero project for public art work agenda item. A background on the project for those not aware. It is a street scape project on 17th street and around the 101 freeway with san bruno and vermont. It is in construction and anticipated to be completed early 2024. The project includes infrastructure, safety improve ams and aesthetic improvements. And it is o caltrans and the public side of rightofways. The scope highlights as far as the safety end is installing new ad a compliant walks and curb ramps. Concerner bulb outs. New protected bicycle lane. Retaining walls and stabilization on the hill size. New lighting and native local landscaping and terrace retaining walls. And the last item we are here to discuss the public art work. Part of the project the Sf Arts Commission to select a local artist for the installation of wart works a Panel Members from the Arts Commission. Public works and several Community Members reviewed proposals from local artists and the artist future forums selected install sculptors on 17th and san bruno and 17th and vermont. And on to the exact item we are here today. Part of this intallation on caltrans property and need a permit for it. Part of the art work permit a Maintenance Agreement is signed with caltrans and the city. And requesting the board presume to move forward with the Maintenance Agreement and finalize the permit application. Because caltrans requires the applicant to maintain the art work we are expected to perform activities routine maintenance and inspections and Emergency Repairs and removal of if necessary by caltrans in the case they deem it not maintained or up to standard or operations required to be removed the city would remove it. But assuming that nothing catastrophic happens assume it will be graffiti abatement. Weeding and landscaping. Separate low from the agreement with caltrans and the city, the city signed an agreement with the dog pap and northwest potrero gbd to provide maintenance for Infrastructure Improvement and the art work. Under that would perform routine maintenance graffiti, landscaping and things of that nature. Over all, i think this will be a great project that installs to a lighted caltrans space. A lot of beautification the community that spearheaded and got the city rallied and up they are excited for this i hope that we are all in agreement with that today. If you have questions let me know and the project america from the Arts Commission is here if you have questions about the art work or selection process. Thank you. Thank you. Bla report . Good morningful supervisors nick from budget analyst office. Item 2 a resolution that approved a Maintenance Agreement between caltrans and the city for maintenance of public art work on 17th at 2 locations. Most of that maintenance will be done by potrero hill green benefit district with an agreement with them and the city. The Maintenance Agreement the city with caltrans requires the city to maintain the foundation of the sculptor. Not covered by the agreement with the benefit district. And so public works estimates the share of maintenance costs will be 10 thousand dollars a year we recommend approval. Thank you. Thank you for put thanksgiving together we appreciate it. And seeing a partnership with the city and the benefit districts to push this forward i appreciate the funding is not coming from the city and having it. But being done in our public space for improvements i appreciate your work and with that mr. Clerk go to Public Comment. Members of public who wish to speak on item 2 in person lineup now. For those remote press star 3. No one in the chamber and we have none in the queue. Thank you, mr. Clerk. With this colleagues i would like to move this to full board where wouldation. Roll call on that motion to forward this to the full board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. Aye. Member safai. Aye. Chair chan. Aye. We have 3 ayes. The motion passes. Thank you. Call item 3. Item 3 a resolution authorizing the San Francisco public utilitys commission to accept and extend grant funds up to 538,000 from the California Department of Water Resources for the pipeline construction of the San Francisco zoo recycled Water Project pursuant to the code august 21 of 23 through december 21 of 24. Members in personnel who wish to comment line and up remotely press star 3. With item 3 today we have anita. Recycle Water Program administrator if the puc water enterprise . Thank you. The floor is yours thank you chair chan. Supervisor safai and supervisor mandelman and members of the mittee im anita falla recycled Water Program administrator with the San Francisco puc. In the Water Resource Division and im here to present briefly on accepting the extending grant from the california d. Water resources for the San Francisco zoo recycled Water Project. So. A background on the San Francisco zoo project. Half of the zoo water usage is coming from the west side grounds water basin for nonpotable purposes irrigation. Cleaning exhibits and refilling animal pools. On the image on the right, you see a match of what is proposed to be the new recycled Water Pipeline to supply recycled water from the next door west side recycled water stream facility. Project would then transport that recycled water from the west side Treatment Facility to the zoo converting that grounds water to the recycled water supply and conserving that groundwater. So puc applied and received 538,000 dollars for this project. To construct that pipe line from the west side recycled water facility to the zoo. The source of the grant is state proposition one, by the California Department of Water Resources and issued to the association bay area governments. To fund this local project and other local projects within the San Francisco bay area. On this slide, you see the 538,000 that was provide from prop 1 grants remaining 1. 76 million funded by the puc water Capitol Improvement project. And that giveses a total of the 2. 3 million for the estimate for the entire project. That 1. 76 million includes required cost share of 422, 849 dollars. We have a time line of us going in june early 30 year to our commission to allow the gm to accept the grant amount under prop 1. Today we are here to ask for your approval to accept and extend this grant and later this month well be advertising that project so this we can receive bids from contractors. And then december 24 is the end of the prop 1 grant and when we would wrap up our pipeline construction. There are other pieces involved in getting the water over the estimated date of that project would be may of 2025. We are here to ask for your approval to accept and extend this grant of 538 thousand dollars for the prop 1 grant for the San Francisco zoo recycled Water Project. Thank you and im happy to answer questions you may have. This has bla report. Item 3 a resolution that approves accept and extend of 538 thousand dollars grant from the association of bay area governments allows puc to apply that money to a Water Project that allows the zoo to use less grounds water and use recycled water. We detail on page 8 and 9 the total cost of the project is 3. 975 Million Dollars the balance of the funding would be met with water capitol revenues and used to meet the matching funds requirement of this grant. 422 thousand dollars. We recommend approval thank you, with that i would like to be added as a cosponsor to the project. It is exciting. I look forward to seeing more of temperature i appreciate the fact this we have done for golf course in thes park and look forward to see thanksgiving happening in the zoo. Look forward to completion. I would love to see that. With that, supervisor safai. Thank you. Chair. Echo the words you have. The more we can resmile put this recycled Water Projects throughout the city i continuing is important for a lot of the city owned properties. I one thing we heard through the budget process the cost water for the public entities. And i dont know if you spoke to this b im imagining this cuts down the zoos cost of the water that they have to out lay and or the others like rec and park, other facilities does this cut cost water they use and the Service Charges they have with the puc . Thank you. Supervisor safai. Yes. We believe we are not only saving the water but the cost impacts would be not as much to d. Like rec and park who is involved in this project. Can you explain that. If they use recycled water is there the same level charge to the Agency Versus if than i are getting fresh water . I have paul or water resource manager who can address that more. This would be great. This is the Budget Committee you are out laying a capitol cost but something we heard from the city agencies last year. I mean not last year last budget a couple months ago the cost of water was impactful to their budget. Im sures what the recycled water does to their over all budget costs. Good new york im paul at director of water resource at the San Francisco public utilitys commission. Recycled water will be the same charge as potable. It will be the ceremony cost fist the zoo. At this point in time we are working with rec and park. And the zoo on the final cost for the recycled water. Why is that . I know there is more costs involved in transporting water and cleaning the water from hetch hetchy, but this recycled water facility is down the road, why is at this time same cost . When we look at water costs and the realities that we look at the cost of service to deliver all of our Water Supplies. So as you mentioned we have water that come from hetch hetchy, we have water that come from bay area reservoirs. Grounds water in San Francisco. And we have recycled water. We are looking at all of the Water Supplies, how much it costs to deliver the water to customers and it is a blended rate of all of those supplies. Would it make sense if coming down the road it would be cheaper. It is the project itself is an expensive project. And it is over 200 Million Dollars to builted recycled treatment plantful unfortunately, as we start to move in new alternative Water Supplies can be more costly than surface Water Supplies. Site you showed on the map is 200 Million Dollars facility. Between the actual construction of the plant and the pipeline, yes. How many facilities in the steal that serve . It locked like it served. Are Golden Gate Park, which is a thousand acres. Panhandle, Lincoln Park Golf Course the San Francisco zoo, looking at sunset boulevard and potential low presidio golf course and other areas such as national cemetery. Great. Okay. I guess to be continued. Thank you for highlighting that information. And i, too would like to be added as a sponsor and appreciate the environmentedal impacts this will will have. It is extreme low important project. Thank you. With that, vice chair mandelman. Me, to, add as a cosponsor. Unanimous vote today. Clearly watch this go to Public Comment. Members of the public who wish to speak on item 3 in person lineup now. For those remote press star 3. Though Public Comment it is you in closed move this item to full board with recommendation and with that roll call on that motion, vice chair mandelman. Aye. Member safai. Aye chair chan. Aye. Thank you, the motion passes. Mr. Clerk call item 4 item 4 a resolution retroactively authorizing the department on the scientists women to accept and extend a grant from the Blue Shield Foundation 150 thousand terror a 1 year period april 23 through march of 24. For the leveraging collaboratives and Domestic Violence program. Members of the public wish to comment press star 3. Thank you. Looks like we have cameron lucas. Executive management assistant for department of the status of women good morning. Im here to request your support for accept and combend for blue shield of California Foundation women collaborative to end Domestic Violence grantful as a result Background Materials i will provide high level des the d. Status of women engaged with blue shield grant programful lever okaying collaboratives to end domestic vinyls the heeling roots collaborative. Women inc. And Young Community developers. The grant of 150,000 was awarded in late march 2023 and official low runs from april first of 23 to march 31 of 24. The delay in presenting this resolution to you was due to the late nature of the award and administrative delays to create the heeling roots pod cast. To end Domestic Violence with collaboration with government and nongentleman agencies to address the root causes of Domestic Violence and bring awareness. The heeling roots pod cast has round tables with nonprofits and various City Departments to understand and address the economic and social costs of Domestic Violence. The conversations are opportunity for city agencies to understand the needs of director Service Providers for nonprofits to learn more about the efforts of our government to address Domestic Violence and end it in San Francisco. Topics of the pod cast Domestic Violence in the lbgtq community. In communities of color and in the affect on the workforce and other topics. The current stated is to produce 6 episodes that is a floor not a sealing. Fungdz will go toward the compensation of partners woman inc. And Young Community sdpunding of the staff engaged with the projects. Again, i request your support for this resolution and happy to answer questions you may have. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your work and we gallon to Public Comment. Member who is wish to speak on item 4 in person lineup now. For those remotely press star 3 to enter the speaker line. Continue to wait until you have been unmuted. No in person here in the chamber and we have none in the queue. Public comment is closed. With this i like to move this item to full board with recommendation. And roll call. On that motion to forward this to the full board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. Aye. Member safai. Aye. Chair chan. Aye. The motion passes. Mr. Clerk call item 5. Item 5 is an ordinance amending the code to exempt payments by host participate in income Pilot Programs from the Human Service agencys dependenceations regarding the payments eligibility for the county adult assistance programs in the amount of the participates receive. Members remote press star 3 to enters the speaker line. For those who missed my announcements, if you could silence all Electronic Devices not to interrupt us here that will be appreciated. Thank you. Much. Thank you. Mr. Clerk. With this we have presentation by suzie smith with policy, planning and Public Affairs from Human Services agency. Good to see you good morning. Thank you chair chan and supervisor safai and mandelman. I am here today im suzie smith deputy direct for policy, planning and Public Affairs with the Human Services agency. And im here today in regard to an ordinance that would amend the code to exempt income from guaranteed income Pilot Programs from impacting eligibility for cap recipient in San Francisco. For housed cap clients. The guaranteed income project, also, universal basic income projects have been popular it is providing a target population instead of regular Cash Payments over defined period of time without strings. Many of the Public Benefit this is my department gives has requirements associated with them. And the points of guaranteed income say we will give a population money over time and what the participates decide what they want to how they want to spends that money and set their goals. The programs intended to be on top of the social safety net not replace it. This would be machine who is housed and on the cap program. They would not have to have this income count when they apply for cap. Or as part of benefit calculations so they dont have to chos with 870 cap payment versus a guaranteed income payment this. Is sometimely for us because San FranciscoHuman Service agency received a grants from the state of california. To give a guaranteed income filot for youth exiting our faster and juvenile justice system. And we are excited. One of 7 entities that got awarded this grant and california is really ground break nothing investing in large money 25 Million Dollars. In guaranteed Pilot Programs and helping the people reach stability. We are one of the grantees and launching our program for foster youth next month 150 youth who will participate. We want to make sure youth have access to cap and the associated Supportive Services that come with the cap program. Happy to answer questions about this ordinance or the Pilot Program from which thank you for your time. Thank you. Supervisor safai, would you like to say a few words . I want to thank suz and he her team. Appreciate continuing to uplift this i therein are other things in priority this is can distract from this mission. But as we under escort need for guaranteed income and the opportunity to expand that it can help pull people out of poverty and just a small amount know you cited the studies when we had conversations a small amount of support can be the determination of slide nothing severe poverty or remaining self reline and strong and employed and also allow for example children torn in the right care. Really appreciate the work you have done here and happy to support this. Thank you for championing it. Supervisor. Thank you, vice chair mandelman. Thank you, chair chan and thank you supervisor safai and thank you to staff. I like to be added as a cosponsor. Great. Go to Public Comment. Yes. Members wish to speak on item 5. And joining person lineup along the curtains. And for those remotely press star 3. And for those in the queue wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted that will be time to begin comments. No one in the chamber and we have none in the queue. Thank you. Seeing no Public Comment its is now closed. Jury rooms with that, like to move this to full board with recommendation. And roll call, please. On this motion to forward this to the full board with positive recommendation. Vice chair mandelman. Member safai. Aye. Chair chan. Aye. With that the motion passes. And mr. Clerk, call item 6. Item 6, a resolution authorizing approving the lease of 400 square feet of the twin peeks boulevard with the General Services agency. For the california Highway Patrol for annual base rent of 9,000 with interests of 4 . For a term of 5 years 25 year options to renew upon execution of the lease and after approval of the resolution, pardon me. Finding the transaction in conformance with the 8 priorities of the planning code and authorize the director of property to enter in any extensions, amendments or modifications to the lose that dont increase the obligations or liabilities to the city and necessary for the purposes of the lose or this resolution. Members remote and wish to comment press star 3. Thank you. And with this we have department manage director for our Real Estate Division thank you for being here wrochl thank you. Good morning. This legislation request approval of a lose for the state of california on behalf of the california Highway Patrol. Antenna and radio equipment on Christmas Tree point in San Francisco and other entities the state had antenna and equipment at this site since 2007 under year to year permit. This site serves the primary radio cites for the San Francisco and marine ch forks meet 4 departmental goals including preventing loss of life, j Property Damage and managing traffic and emergency incidents. Given the length of the permit and the states desire to remain at the site the parties decided to enters in i longterm lease. The lease is 10 years 25 year renewals rate of 9,000 or 750 a month with adjustment of 4 . A large increase the last amount of the last lease which was 55 dollars a month. No appraisal was necessary all the lines and scombiers equipment and antenna and this is in line with the recommended rate for telecommunication and loses with other entities the state will pay 150 per mont for utilities, increases at 3 per year. Bla did not prepare a property and ask a positive recommendation. Im available for questions. Thank you and seeings no question. No name on the roster go to Public Comment on this. No in person speakers here. And no one in the queue. Thank you, no Public Comment it is now closed. With this i like to move this item to full board with recommendation. And roll call. On this motion, vice chair mandelman. Aye. Member safai. Ayech chair chan. Aye. Thank you the motion passes. Call item 7 andef 8 together. Items 7 and 8. First 7, ordinance authorizing the execution and delivery of certificates of participation in one or more on a tax exempt and or taxable bases and from time to time evidencing and representing an aggregate principle amount not to exceed 7 million to finance and refinance certain improvement projects in the city capitol plan and consistenting of repairs, renovations and improvements to city buildings, streets and works main tained by City Departments. Approving the form of supplement to trust agreement with the city and u. S. Bank trust. National association, approving forms of supplements to lease and project lease. Between the city and trustee the lease of the trustee and back to the city of all or a portion of Real Property and improvements owned by the city and located at 375 laguna honda baptist and san bruno, california together with any other property determined by the citys director of Public Finance. To be made subject thot lease and arrangements approving the form of and notice of sale and intention. To sell the certificates approving the form of official statement in final form. Approving the form of purchase contract and one or more initial purchasers of the certificates the form disclosure certificate as defined grants authority to city officials to take actions. Approving ratifying previous action in connection with hence the finds and repealing and resingdz the authorize to issue certificates of participation of the city established throughout adoption of ordinance 22619 of the city on october 11 of 2019. And item 8 is a resolution approving the director of public works declaration of emergency under the administrative code for repair work at 375 laguna hondza boulevard. Estimateed cost 250,000. Members of the public who will join remotely and wish to comment on 7 and 8, press star 3. I like item 7 and 8 have separate presentation meaning the Department Presentation and bla report and. 8 presentation and bla report. Go ahead. Good morning im olivia chen analyst with Office Resilience planning here with office of Public Finance seek authorization for certificates of participation for the critical resxars street repaving program. The Critical Repair Program is in the third year begun in 21, the general fund cash budget was cut to a third of prepandemic level this is year. Funding with cops helped to maintain a similar Level Maintenance dollars as in years previous. The project for fiscal 24 are listed on a slide and include a combination of needs from street resurface to achieve and maintain the pavement index score at 74. To building repairs officer replaguesment and elevator modernization. The departments are available to answer specific questions about the projects. Nowil pass it to guarantee with the office of Public Finance do discuss the finance plan. Thank you. Good morning. Nice speaking with you today. Here we have estimated financing terms for the fiscal 24cops. Starting with top left not to exceed amount of 70. 17 million. Final term of 20 years and time of issuance. A true interest cost or tic of 6. 42 amounts to average service of 6. 59 million. Like the citys other issued cops the fiscal 24 use a lease back agreement. In which the city lease certain owned property to a trustee and pays to lease back this same property. The fiscal 24cops secured under the existing mysterier lease agreement. A poof assets to secure other previously seefrtz cops. The pool includes the laguna honda camp us and san bruno jail complex additional can be added as needed. On the right side estimated sources and use table. The top 73. 41 million in cop proceeds at sale. Will used to funds our 58. 4 million in costs. 117 thousand in audit fee. 6. 8 million until interests. In costs for that 1. 6 million. Reserve funds. And cost issuance the largest to the radiation and municipal advisor cobond council disclose and you are 514 thousand in underwented writer discount. We included a reserved market provides cushion on the authorization amount in case rates increase or something happens. Including that reserve for market uncertainty at 3. 76 million the 71. Million not to exceed number. October 2019 the city approved ordinance 22619. Ordinance 22619 authorized issuance 94. 6 million to finance 79. 36 million to the acquisition and demo at 814 bryant. 476 street and 828 ethbert avenue n. May of 21 the city issued [inaudible] funded the projects. Due to lower estimated Interest Rates. President projects were financed approximately 22 million less. Todays ordinance includes a provision rescind thank you unneeded aim the projects have been financialsd and no other projects to be spent on. Last of the the financing time line. We extended the on july 24. Fiscal year if the projects proceed as planned. Thank you for your time and happy to answer questions you may have. Any questions . Bla report . Thank you. Item 7 is an ordinance that would authorize the sale of finish. 17 Million Dollars of certificates of participation debt and approve the documents associated with the transaction. The ordinance rep sindzs 22. 385 Million Dollars of prior authorizations that are no longer needed. The this new debt will include 58. 4 Million Dollars of costs of which 25. 6 million for critical reper se and 17. 8 for street resurfacing projects. They are different then and there the capitol plan approved by the board in part because some cop funding was directored other projects or switched out for cash. On page 15 of our report the total debt service of debt authorization is 1 thing. 3 Million Dollars. We detailed the project on page 26 of our report. Debt service by the general funds and transaction is consistents with the financial policy related this debt and recommend approval. Thank you. A quick question in terms of the Interest Rates i know now it it is 6. 44 . How does this compare to 2019. I dont have that it would have been low upper given how high rates risen and the federal fund rate s. I did run it rerun it as of today. I think would be 4. 15 . Yea. Okay. Understood that is really, really good to know. Thank you and do we have other questions about on the critical repairs out of which i think almost half goes to street surfacing throughout the city. And rest are critical repair for our critical spaces like call justice, city hall. And elevators and laguna honda water tank. Lets go to Public Comment of the wait. Actually item 8. Go ahead. Lets go to item 8. The Department Presentation and bla report. Good morning members and supervisors. Looking for item 8 here. Give me a minute to load it up. Give us a second i might be able to get clerk to bring that up. Give me a second. I will introduce myself. Ron almeida city architect and Deputy Director for public works apologize carla short was plan to be here to present this item but was called away. On pinch hitting a bit. To present this item. I. Here with greg wagner the chief operating officer for dph and as well as christine tang, the project manager, spearheading this collection of projects to address laguna honda needs. Thank you very much. We are requesting approval for Emergency Declaration for laguna honda hospital. And so back in april of 2022 the California Department of Public Health and federal centerings for medicare and medicaid, service had terminated laguna hondas certification. Back in august. They did achieve recertification from the efforts at collectively dph and public works got together. Projects were deemed items that may put recertification in jeopardy. It has been quite a scramble of identifying and collecting potential contractors and designers to address the lives projects. Here is a list of project and it has been a moving target. Advanced many of them. And we are looking for approval to move forward. And under an emergency base so we can keep the momentum. I mentioned. Dph has gotten recertified with medicaid. I believe and strive to maintain or achieve medicare as well. So we are not completely out of the woods and trying to keep the momentum going to address the lives projects shown here. Next slide, please. We have made progress and got recertification from medicaid. And striving for medicare. We are navigating the straits of what used to be orbit pod, the Building Department for hospitals. And will will make good cooperation with them and able to advance through a lot of plan reviews and permitting as well. And we had earlier on we had identified the courtyard resurfacing as an item and able to address that with the facilities folks that one is now behind us but we have the remainder on the list to progress. And the freezer is well under way. We are navigating tlum last items regarding the structure anchorage and thats got good momentum and trying to finalize the Emergency Declaration. Next slide. The request is to approve the Emergency Declaration for laguna honda to allow construction related repairs and other emergency work and order for dph to meet requirements. And i understands the budget legislative analyst had suggested amendments that i hear are in progress. To limit it to the list that was currently is listed as well as at the estimated amount of 28. 4 million of the so. And i understand dph and public works accept these amendments. So we can address the immediate needs of laguna honda. I will take questions and thank you. If i may. Go ahead. Item 8 is a resolution approving Emergency Declaration. For repair work at laguna honda. It is an open ended authorize that does not resolution written now does not specify restricted a set of projects or Spending Amounts. These but it does refer to repair work related to the recertification efforts that the hospitals are under taking to obtain and maintain medicare and medicaid certification. We did get a project cost estimate for the projects that require this emergency authorization according to public works we detail on 31 of our report. The cost range from 18. 6 to 28. 4 Million Dollars. And we detail hat projects are and the status is. I think it is important to be clear about what this resolution is doing. When you invoke an emergency under 6. 60 any contracting urg under that all of chapter 6, 12a, b, c and 14b. So it allows the department of public works to not apply the of social requirements that have been written by the board in the code and contracts. And will allow them to soul source them for the projects. Now, the interim director did establish an emergency contracting policy a couple days before this Emergency Declaration was written. That has the department asigning the project manager to each project. And attempt to solicit 3 bids and inspect cost estimates that is a Department Policy that could be changed any time. That reason we are recommending the board if you want to pass this, you limit it by project and or Spending Amount. I reviewed a draft amendment which applied the cap of the Spending Amount 24. 4 Million Dollars and restricts the projects to the list in the resolution and one of the projects the omni Pharmacy Medical dispenser no longer requires the emergency authorization according to my conversation last week with public works and a new project that emergency power that does require the authorization. I think that would need to be swerved out. And the amendment. The other thing i want to point out on page 31 of our report is that many of the projects have been under way for years. In terms of planning. I think that the talk has medicaid recertification. There is a lingering question whether the projects areen emergencies. And whether they can be accomplished using the normal contracting methods. This reason we consider approval to be a policy matter for the board. Thank you. I appreciate the conversation and i understand this you know just having trying to figure out flexibility to get the repair that needs to be done. And so now here is a conversation from when i understands, though and if budget and legislative analyst can nick can correct me but fiunderstands those conversations between you and the d. Public work this is we have limited the scope and dollar are amount not to exceed 28 million. Is this correct . Gi thajs is a good idea and then with this, though. This is i question for you. And so is that also accurate that the cabinet replacement is no longer part of Emergency Repair instead you would likes to list emergency power replacement . Yea. Back had this unfolded in january and yes a lot of the projects have had a long life of trying to advance in the normal process. But it shifted a new world when the revving laters put down the hammer. That really amplified they did in the give us a list of when findings they may finds. Since january it has been fluid but solidified what lists are at the tipping upon point of revving laters to recoil back to uncertifying or not allowing recertification in some case. Okay. I want to point out to colleagues and everyone that in this resolution before us for item 8. Replacement is 2. 5 to 3. 2 Million Dollars. Both funded by fund and certificates on participation can you speak on this about and this deficiency was identified since 2017ful talk about that. Yea and mineed to research greg wagner. But in general it under scores that all the projects have been trying to advance through the normal capitol approval process. And including identifying Funding Source its is serendipitous that item 7 captures the project at normal course of solidifying Funding Source for the water tank and tried to navigate all the differents approval processes. Mr. Alameda explained the cops are upon Funding Source regardless of the of vehicle used to execute. I want to point out well is a difference in the amount. Because in conversations with the budget and legislative analyst. To address occurrence they raised as we put together the estimates we included the amount that would be contracted under an emergency contract. So that would be the construction contract piece. There are other parts of that project this would not require an emergency suburban as funding for dpw project control costs. Other things we have an existing vehicle to use and that explains the difference with the amount you see in the cops. Versus the amount in the report here. One is the full cost and the piece that would be requested for emergency contract. Sum this is up the cost. How much i think the question will come before us again soon. When it come down to Public Health bond. That is going on come before this body and conversation. Laguna honda renovation. What we are seeing is 28 Million Dollars. I see it is certificates upon anticipation and your general fund top move forward with the Emergency Repair. Some of them have deficiency going back to 2010. So this is like more than a decade of repair that supposed to be done. So, how do you rescue swhiel is before us today and the scope work for the bond this we will have to you know determine whether well put forward to voters . Thank you for the question. So for starters nothing on this list is upon the planned geobond for 2024. Everything on this list would be funded via the cops appropriated in the budget. And general fund capitol dollars within dph. So we are not requesting authorize for anything tied to the bond there is a connection between the 2. Projects of major example is the h vac system deficiencies in that h vac system that affect the ability to cool the hospital as we see temperatures around this time of year. And it affects the air balance in the hospital, which has fire safety implications. One projects on the list is the first phase of an analysis and immediate corrections to the hospital h vac system. There will be a follow on project that is one of the items contemplayed for bond funding would being an overhaul of the h vac and the air handling systems in the hospital. So there is a progression where they are part of our 10 year capitol plan. Peeves this is requested here are those pieces that we have identified and as immediate regular occurrence and are funded went appropriation adopted by this board. Thank you. Thank you i think that is the key. This is a key that im trying to tell between Emergency Repair versus really the deferred maintenance we are supposed to do for laguna honda in the bond. Typically thats what you want to do. For the bonds dollars. Supervisor safai. So may be i miss today but were you able to talk about and spes fight projects that qualify for emergency contracting . Yes. And i think this conversation is mr. Minard pointed out is we are working on in the previous version there is a list that said including but not limited to. Right. Now we have the list pin down and reflected in the budget and legislative Analyst Report. And as we are working through. Im sorry on page 31. List some say general fund. Should reallocation of other funds. So i guess im confuse when i thered it sounds like some monies will be general fund some are certificates of participation. Through the chair to bla. Through the chair, the list on page 31 those other projects that public worksment the Emergency Authority for. In terms of their contract. You said this many were on going and had been in the works for a time thats correct. Upon how do they qualify. Can deem that. Thats right this is about contracting procedures not about funding. The projects we show how they are upon funds. This resolution pertains to the contracting process. Require construction not related contracts with the projects. I understand this part we are asked to approve the 28. 4 million is this certificates of participation a small portion of cop got it. Got it. This is about the looks like the City Attorney. City attorney, i want to make a point of clarification we talked about emergencies a lot this is a specific emergency definition under section 6. 60 for which i department can seek approval for the different contracting process. One emergency system unforeseen occurrence of unyoure yashg insufficient member of hospital beds or lack of or surgical Accident Health orrance later services. To leave patients without hospital or medical service. Thats a specific and unique definition of emergency pursuant which the department is here today this. Is the irrelevant voluntary definition determining whether or not you think services should be funded pursuant top this Emergency Authority. Okay. That makes sense we not crisis this is faced with lug laguna honda with beds and status with the federal government other question is that many of those say contract or selected contract oror or selected, or select anded a couple that will say final design, but almost everyone says contractor selected. In terms of emergency authorization you have selected the contractor what is that you are seek the emergency it allow said you to move forward we go forward in parallel. Those have all advanced since january now the process of Emergency Declaration brings us here for final approval of completing or continuing on this track. Okay. Thank you. Vice chair mandelman. Thank you. And since the topic of Public Health bond and laguna honda have come up i am with congratulations for the progress made this is more a bit dph question. You may not have i gave you no warning this was coming but. How is the population changed since if we roll this become to prior to 2 years ago versus now . At laguna honda . I can give some estimates on the census, so00 autototal bed count prior to any changes was 780 this is 11 acute and 769 i believe accurate still nursing. Since then a change by the federal government presented triple rooms 3 residents this is change rused by 120 beds. Now the census is below 600 in the 5 low 500s and we can get you that number but this is due to the e missions and once we get to the point that recertification is complete and stabilized and begin readmitting the census would increase again. Low 500s now. Gi believe so. Tablths original census of 7 70 minus the 120 gets you down to 650. And the difference between where we are now is due to the pause on admissions. In the 700s now in the 500s. Okay. And has director pickence updated us some point he has talked to us about the conversations dph and laguna honda arnold mixing of populations and different ways of thinking about where folks with severe Mental Illness part of their needs mite might have been appropriately housed and i believe said there is a working group having conversations about that. I was curious about how those conversations are going and whether likely to be a presume from dph about how to more appropriate low meet the needs of people with severe Mental Illness who mite might be at laguna honda still. Supervisor, my apologies you will get me out of my depth as that go to the clinical planning piece. We will be happy to. Have this conversation this is 8111 to the board matters to the Public Health bond but these other conversations and answers i need before im supportive of that in 24. Understood. Thank you, vice chair mandelman i concur and a clear understanding i see mr. Strong is here, too much you heard that. I think mentioned yesterday this we have questions about bonds and the housing bonds and Public Health. More to come for sure and thank you with that. And lets go to Public Comment. Member who is wish to speak 7 and 8 in person lineup now. For those remote press star 3. Im Rudy Gonzalez from the San FranciscoBuilding Trade Council and wanted to weigh in on behalf upon 27 unions to support the issuance of the severalty participation. There has been a crisis on staffing and Public Employees that work every day to care for our needy residents. They try to age with dignity and he health care. These are necessary and there are contracts put in place we have some people out there on site. I urge you to approve 7 and 8 and take the advice of the departments. Thank you for your comments we have completed the queue. Colleagues. Give our City Attorney time to work on the amendments i want to artic plate the goal is to i wanted it clarify that. Deputy City Attorney . Thank you. Chair chan. I appreciate this clarification. If okay i like to take a couple minutes to conifer and make sure we got the numbers right. If you can come back after item 10 that would be great we will refer item 8 after item 10. But with item 7 lets move item 7. With full board recommendation and with that a roll call. On that motion to forward the ordinance item 7, to the full board. Vice chair mandelman. Aye. Member safai. Aye chair chan. Aye. We have 3 ayes on item 7 of the motion pass. With that we will refer item 8 after item 10. And mr. Clerk, call item 9. Item 9. A resolution authorizing a lease of the state california body and through d. Transportation for the rec and Park Department to operate a property under highway 280 on selby street. Initial term of 10 years with 35 year options and base rain of 2,000 per year. Wave 4 yearly adjustments the actions set fourth in this resolution are consistent with the plan and the 8 policies. And authorizing other actions in furtherance the members of the public joining remote low and wish to comment press star 3. And i prompt will indicate you raised your hand and you have been unmuted that is your queue to begin. Thank you, today we have christopher towns planner from the capitol and Planning Division from San Francisco rec and park. Thank you and the floor is yours. Thank you. Good morning im chris towns a planner with rec and parks. Capitol Planning Division of the item before you is a resolution to optimize renewal of Property Police rec and park has with the california state of California Department of transportation or dot. At selby palue minipark. There will be a background of the existing lease and reasons for renewal at this time. A visual over view of the site in religion tote. Lease portion of the park. A summary of the of lease terms and close with a summary of the benefits of renewing the lease at this time of brief backgrounds, the minipark established 1970 and 71. And rec park losing a portion of the park property for rescue rigzal purposes from the state of california dot since the starts establishment. The reason for renewing at this time the result of the fact the existing lease is over 50 years old out dated and simple overly simplified terms the Rec Park Department would like to main taint existing park. And provides a passive open space to the active portions of the park. The lease update requested by the dot to conform to the current park standards lease language and rates. More detail about the park itself. The minipark is small in the bayview. About 12, 500 square feet. Bounds by 3 street frontages interior edge abutting housing. Here is an over view of the park itself. And the over all lot configuration out line in the red. You see the parks comprised of 3 lots 2 are city owned. Rec park upon properties and the third. Owned lot slendz and running along selby street under the elevated 280 freeway. The dot lot is a third of the park area. The park includes a childreny play area accident basketball half court. Small picnic area and open space which is the dot owned lot portion. Park hours 5 a. M. To midnight. Society key provisions of the park updated lease would include the following. Nential term of 10 years with 3 im sorry 10 years with the base rent of 2 thousand dollars a year with 4 annual increases. Grant rec park 53, 5 year options to extend the lease. Maintaining the 4 rental adjustments. For a total termum to 25 years if the options remember fully executed. The use of the of dot owned lost to be used for rec purposes consistent with the rec park mandate. And lastly the agreeable updated leases providing protections for both parties. In closing. The key benefits of renewing the lease include the followings allow for the rec and p use of selby minipark in the current size. And allows for the park to continue to include the dot owned lot portion managed by rec park and passive grassy area. General plan referral approved by planning consistent with the 8 priority policy of the code section 101. 1 with the general plan and the lose update is agreeable fully vetd and supported by rec and park. The d. Real estate, sneap attorneys and department of will transportation. This concludes my presentation and visible for questions. Thank you. Thank you. Ir see no names on the roster go to Public Comment for this item. So in person speakers here in the chamber. And no one online. Seeing no Public Comment typeset is now closed. And i would like to make a motion to move this to full board with recommendation and with that, a roll call. Yes on that motion. Forward this to the full board with positive recommendation vice chair mandelman. Aye member safai. Aye chair chan. Aye. Thank you, the motion passes. Mr. Clerk item 10. Item 10 a resolution authorizing the rescue rigz and Park Department to issue a permit for another planet llc to hold a ticketed concert at Golden Gate Park polo on friday, saturday and sunday following the outside landses festival in 24, 25 and 26. Exchange for fee of 1. 4 million per year a 2 day sxevent 2. 1 for 3 day event a 3 year term commence in 2024. And commitment to hold the 3 musical concerts per year for each year at the polo fields an exemption under the environmental equality act and the general manager of rec and parks to enter in amendments or modifications to the permit that dont increase the obligations or liables to the city and necessary to the purposes of permit or this resolution. Members joining remote low and wish to comment press star 3. A prompt will indicate you raised your hundred when you have been unmuted begin your comments and in the beginning we are working we have eunice of service in cantonese and mandarin. I do see eunice on the line if you can provide the instructions in the language, please. [instructions in cantonese and mandarin] thank you we have sarah from rec and park here. Good morning. Supervisors Sarah Madeline for rec dp parks. To present i proposal for permit 4 concerts at the polo fields. In 2023 our department submitted i balanced budget. Later, in march it became clear the city was facing a larger deficit than projected. We began looking for revenue ideas. Among other things. In may of 2023 we presented this permit to our commission. With plans to bring more concerts to Golden Gate Park in 2024. The rec and park budget you approved this summer includes 700 thousand dollars in this fiscal year from the permit and 1. 5 million in the next fiscal year. From the permit. In addition to being a budget beens the concerts have benefits for the rest city. Small business and Retail Shopping in neighborhoods at this festival over 80 straunds and embarrass participate. And there are men Additional Hotel nights bookd and restaurants gone to, generating more sales tax. The permit before you today is a 2 or 3 day concert held the weekend after outside lands starting in august of 2024. And going on for 3 years. Using an existing portion of the outside lands infrastructure, we aim to minimize impact on the park and allow neighborhood access to the park. Unlike the outside lands events which is a festival this permit is prosecute poseed have one stage and i single musical head liner. You see on the slide before you, the polo field concert footprint is 1 third the size of the festival footprint. With this smaller size we are able to allow vehicular access on chain of lakes, highlighted in the map below. And that road is closed for outside lands but open for the polo field concerts. One stage allows us to reopen mark, and beach hill. As the load out for outside lands begin at the same time and the stage the polo field stage would stay a little longer. In addition to having benefits for our department permit contains a couple other goddess free downtown concerts at civic center, and Embarcadero Plaza and another planet enters in the an agreement with muni where by people who attend the corn certs and have a wrist band will get free municipal tow and from the concert this is key to ensure people are not driving and keeping cars out of the neighborhood and the Community Benefit fund exists for outside lands will be enhanced with 10 thousand dollars per concert meryear for d1 and 4. We had Community Engagement around this concert. The principle was presented to our commission in may. We have 3 Community Meetings one a Community Lead meeting we staendzed this generated hundreds of e mails and many press stories. So we believe that people are aware and that opinions have been aired. The result of the conversations and many conversations we had over the years about outside lands lead to a level of support this we if he felt address most of the issues that have been brought up. They include similar supports to those around outside lefthand sides including shuttles and focused ride share locations for pick xup drop off. Sound mitigation. Community hot line will be up for Quick Response and addressing of issues. And the clone up crew for after the concert. We appreciate your consideration and im here for questions. Thank you. Thank you. I dont see name on the roster. Before we open to Public Comment i like to remark it is not my intention to hold this item up. Today because i recognize the benefits of the concerts bringing to our over all city budget and the vitality of the concerts would bring to the downtown areas i appreciate another Planet Entertainment and rec and park that have come to the table and really improved this proposal after i voiced the concerns and i appreciate that effort. However i have occurrence that the department has not present a concrow plan to address the concerns that our residents the richmond had time and time again. Regarding upon events like this. That close off large swells of p for weeks at a time for private events. The address addressed some support city mitigate some impacts we see from the august 9 Community Meeting in the richmond that we still have a long way to go. And eastbound with out lands going on more than a decade. Looks like we have to address things like residential parking availability. Road access. Noise control. [inaudible] mitigation including vandalism, closure and impact on wildlife habitat. I want to say i think that i dont think that you know i am in the majority of the opinion, with my colleagues. Not just on the board but perhaps this committee as well. But i appreciate the ability to be able to sends this out today it is timely in order for rec and park and another planet to start to plan out the polo field concerts. I want to vote it out however, representing the richmond and the west side i adopt to vote out without recommendation indication that these on going concerns remain unaddressed. With this said, i appreciate people turning autopsy and go to Public Comment. Member who is wish to speaks in person line up on the curtains to your right and for those remote press star 3. If we have speaker this is wish to dmoent lineup on the curtains, please. Instructions in cantonese. Thank you. Yes. Do keep it down so speakers can be heard. Thank you. And with this yea. Start your comments. Good morning. Im Joanne Desmond with the stage employees local 16. Our members represent the entertainment workers who work outside lands concerts. Throughout outside lands or members enjoy good paying jobs and contribute to the pension and health and welfare. Extending this event not only serves our members but builds our reputation as a world clasS Entertainment venue we urge your support. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Next speaker, please. Im andrew ben end pedestrian local 16 stage workers. My colleague mentioned our members, staff outside lands in great numbers. And i wanted take a moment and talk about the local community and impacts to the local community because our members are part of the local community there the neighbors in the richmond and sunset and many workers walk to work at outside lands. Our members graduates of high schools and colleges in the bay area and San Francisco residents. We see this 34 day extension of outside lands add another concert a win for all san franciscans. Putting needed money into the rec and park budget. But moreover every dollar spent on a 606 dollars goes to the economy and for those of us this were fortunate to go to the Community Meetings we all heard from local residents businesses depends on events lo thick to provide with income at a trying time for this San Francisco economy and san franciscans. The Trump Administration and for our members it is vital this this concert you believe,llowd and encouraged to happen. Thank you. This evening next speaker, please. Good afternoon im [inaudible] im a food vend in outside lands. Working with them for many years since 2011 a loyal member with them. Throughout the years another planet has been great taking care of me and workers. When i hear the stories how that help p and rec they have been positive. For me over all it helps our business continue. Working in the food business in San Francisco people working from home it has been gone. We lie on outside lansdz. And given that from hearing from the seniors and everything, it just to me sounds like a bit more days to get so much merchandise im with andrew when he said we are recovering from the pandemic every dollar helps the community and the over all thing. I dont think a lot a couple more days i know well is issues with parking and reheard it through the senior meetings. I believe believe that the team will figure it out to make everybody help and over all make this a positive event with backtoback weekends. Supported mow and wife and family and workers who get jobs for being in festivals like this and prosecute languages and helps us out for our business and the upon community and my family. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon we come up together we are not going to take all the time i want to thank the Budget Committee chair chan, supervisor safai and machine man for the work you put in here. Look. We have a greatest wraep this City Department. The City Department does a great j. W. On workforce develop and want administer a transparent and acountriability path way that has result in the the people that im standing with now journey level people. We dont get volved in these conversations for us as we move to 2024 and 25 and 26 given reassessment conversations, we will start participating in conversations that we think could result in negative impacts to workers who deserve our support. We are encouraging by this and support the permit and asking you, lets not have in be a campaign of good people against other good people lets make sure the issues are really the issues. And not efforts to stall or delay or deny were horticulturalists we take care of this land and that wildlife and asking you if you have question what is is going on outside headquarters and in the park, reach out to myself or anyone of us. Thank you. Im toby process a chief steward with local 261. I also worked at ocean view play ground a d 1 residents. Go tigers and an example the successes of career path way programs. Im kenned rap im supervisor of the Gardener Program at rec and park. I was born and raised in the sunset and grew up with shows like this i live on the other side of the stay and still go to shows like this. This make our city fun. This makes me want to stay here and buy a house, so i did. I encourage to you support adding more concert this is is had makes San Francisco, San Francisco. Why im anthony travis. Im resident of San Francisco im a homeowner and here to tell you im here to say parks that we have in San Francisco is wonderful. Most of all these concerts that coming here this we want to present to you all here, we need these concerts. They works for us and our community. Our budget and helps. You know helps keep everything run figure you do away with this we gotta figure out where we will get money from to do other things for the city. We need this money. We need these concerts to create revenue to be able to support people housing. People jobs and everything that we the people need in the San Francisco. Im here to say that we need your help to support us and support the parks. Park and rec is a wonderful place and just to keep it going we need the concerts going. Thank you for your time. Im a shop steward for local 261 a Natural Resource specialist for rec and park and grew up in the richmond and still live there with my kids. I commute through the park almost every day. I get to seat impact both to our neighborhood, my neighbors and Friends Family and i work with supporting the wildlife and i urge to you support this. Because it would acid a huge benefit to rec and park and the communities. Thank you. Good morning. Im beth and gardener with rec and park. I calm up throughout aprenticeship program and resident of the richmond and live at main entrances to the outside landss concert. S Entertainment mitigated impact of sunset and benefit from support these paid progressing solid jobs for san franciscans and the benefits the concerts brings. Thank you very much. Thank you. [inaudible]. Jury room good morning supervisors im apaolo wallace if 2085 i have parts one a person and a professional. Nile father was a musician in the 60s and 70s played bass with grateful dead and performed at polo groundses in the 70s. This is a strong tradition i like to seat concerts continue. Music festivals bring alost good times to the city with the doom and gloom going on. Outside lands brought happy ness and needed good press to the staechl not counting what [inaudible] did. Secondly for the teamsters support another planet union work has been taking a hit we got google trade show and said that will be the last. Sales force is threatening to go to vegas. These are staffed union and put food on the table. A life line for working families the city cannot afford to lose. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im sam peterson i live in mid town and a representative. Nonprofit the San Francisco social venn rue alliance representing Small Businesses im here to express support for permitting another planet. I believe that manufacture music and events are good and another planet has done a great job. I want to focus on the cultural and economic benefits to the city not just ape and outside lands what i saw last month outside lands was a ton of visitors from other west coast cities in nashgsdzs spending machine and he enjoying our city in a well behaved matter. Met people from seattle and l. A. And coal valley, san diego and the mission. And they are having i great weekend this is i valuable breed of tourists i love the folk who is come here for pier 39 and the Golden Gate Bridge tourists seeking out arts and dining is another matter. These are all people hor influencers in their communities and come back with stories about San Francisco. If we can keep some portion leer throughout week tell be a boom to the businesses. To me thkdz be an arts week and events all overnight city would benefit with our hotels, restaurants and barsful another component is the timing of early august. It is my belief the trends of inference france headed out of town for july and august is only become prosecute nounsed. I work with Business Owners and i regular refrain the city gets sle over the summer before School Starts coming become in session. Some shared ideas of closing for fourth july week. The economic boom would create is [inaudible]. Thank you. Time lapsed. Thank you. Im tim a resident of the richmond with my 2 children and wife. Im in d1 i believe you are my supervisor i want to voice support for the extension of outside lefthand sides i took my daughter there this year. She love today. Her highlight of the summer im often thinking why do we still keep our family in the city why are we raising children in the city we need more events and live music it is a positive for the communities. Yes it is successful and as a residents can be a hassle to traffic thats buzz it is success and will people are coming to the city and enjoying the weekend. We should have felony more weekends of live music not just one. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im colby clark im a resident of the Richmond District. District one. And you live with an earshot of the polo fields. I lived in San Francisco for 25 years and work in San Francisco raised 2 children here. They were one in four when the concerts starred you in they are attendees. It hen fun see this growth. And i guess the points i would like to make is how outside landses the concert got better and better every year. Another planet shown they are committed to improvements and every year when you go there are finish taftic new improvements that shows Good Partnership and the city needs to do more and work with organizations that have shown they will be good partners to the city and i think the second point i like to make is one made by other people simple am we need more people back to San Francisco. Whoefrn visited me in San Francisco said, wow. Not as bad as on the news and the stories and i read in the newspaper. And so i think we need to get people here and outside lands does this and having a second weekend would get more here. I think the case is compelling and i support it. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im Barbara Thompson i have been a residents of San Francisco for 25 years. Im a homeowner in the richmond. Am a supporter of outside lands and attended and enjoy today every year since it started 15 years ago. Our home is 2 blocks from the park i consider our family luck tow have this amazing park so close and we are in the park every day. We feel a few days of increased noise and traffic is reasonable trade off to the support provided that benefits our city and parks and enhances our public image. Im in support adding additional weekend of concerts. More positive exposure for the city. More fundses to cover student budget and income for residents shops and hotels and 3 free concert in thes downtown area. No cost to the city some invoens for residents who is live notoriety pathat is correct it is a good deal. I dont think our board of supervisors presented with opportunity like this afternoon i urge the supervisors my supervisor, and budget chair connie chan to approve this permit which will bring more music, good press and more money, millions to San Francisco. We need to support this. Thank you thank you. Next speaker, please. Im tonya polar a residents of San Francisco and the food curatorator for outside lands. Im here to speak about the positive impact it would have on restaurants and food vendors had a tough couple of years. On a personal net i feel this this event would combat San Francisco is stuck in a doom loop economic contributions and through putting on an incrediblent them show cases the best bay area through art, music and food. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Im nick im a 50 year richmond residentful im getting old. So i wanted say i support the new concert. I mean we were talking couple weeks back dealing with this for 17 years. Of wing together. To find mitigations for the concerts. Things i say they have done are driveway signs uber lyft area. Cleaning the streets and this year they clean it better than in the past. Somebody went under my car and pulled out a bottle i thought this was nice. They had the hot line tow trucks dedicated to the park. There are closed 30th after the festival every get to uber and lyft area. People getting out of the district in 45 minutes to an hour. Bathrooms outside of the park. And the gardeners. They say how much that outside lands will help them and get them material when is than i need them. This is a huge help to the city. District and they have done a lot over the years. To see them go for another concert they will do more and help more i know this i worked with them. On the personal side i took my folks to see paul mc cartney. Somebody they loved and to a place where i played soccer when i was young they sat through the figure to see me there. They did anyway. I stook them to their favorites there the joy of this is when this brings. Joy to San Francisco and dont we all need more joy. Thank you all. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im isabelle a San Francisco native. This is my sister oftena and lived in Outer Richmond for our lives. Going to outside lefthand sides for 8 years and the few types a year everyone come out to my part of town and show my first spot in thes richmond. And after the pandemic when the store fronts on balboa close today med me help to see everyone coming out this year. Im confidence it would help for the concerts for next weekend. Im drive nothing and out of the richmond and the chain of lips is the easiest way to get through the park. And it being open during the second weekend would mitigate the issues. And i think Golden Gate Park hosts concerts and brings out different people. Hello im anna. I would like it offer support for the extended weekend of outside lands. Im a musician myself. I study music in school and an interest in the musical history of San Francisco of which the Golden Gate Park is a staple of. And i feel blessed live where i live close to the p and close it recognized musical performers. And i noticed that Planet Entertainment taken steps to make accommodations for Outer Richmond residents. I have noticed congestion and blocked driveways but i think with ride shares something they taken advantage of to keep the our streets less empty. And so i would very much life to have another weekend of this go down. Im andy olive grown up in sunset. Thank you for hearing us out it herb a long day. We are here in exciting times for the Entertainment Community and i think it is an exciting time for the city over all. Im a dad of 2 girls and a coowner of 2 Small Businesses in the outer sunset. One is petes pub and other is [inaudible]. You get this buzz in the city before outside lands happen when the giants are going to the world series. You feel it everybody is excited and talking the build up in the businesses the weekend before outside lefthand sides we get new faces. Leading up to the weekend you have new faces coming. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im brendon lange and im an out are sunset resident and director at gardens of Golden Gate Park the partner of rec dp park that manages tea guard sxen botanical garden. I want to support the poley field proposal. I think this is the joyful, positive beneficial activities we need to welcome. And another planet hen a partner to the gardens as a sponsor of flour piano event. It kicks off on friday. And also offer an opportunity to out reach on outside lands. I want to express our support for the polo field concerts. Thank you. Im sascha in the Outer Richmond. Raised 2 kids there and im going to a lot of the pointses have been touchod i will address 2 points that i believe mrs. Chan addressed. Concern for her and residents. This is park access. Im a user of Golden Gate Park. I run, have a dochlg jog the dog and i nundz there is plenty of access during set and up break down sometimes it force mode off my normal route and this is great i explore. There is ocean beach. There are trails and the heights park next to the golden gate one of my favorites i have not felt the use of the park has been lacking or use of the out doors or spaces or park in general in San Francisco. In addition, and important low something this gets here locked in who benefits official low from this. Outside lands is the some of the San Francisco usd schools. We have 5 schools that are participating in renting out parking spaces. And i think that this left year we made 26 thousand dollars over that weekend. Which is our dig biggest funds raiserings. Thank you for that. And with another weekend of this. This could be our largest fundraiser of the year. This motive not sound like a lot of money but to us this is a chunk of change. In addition to that, we also let the paying customers use our bathrooms. That does also alleviate the use of the streets as a toilet which i know happened. And when i printed out a map this morning of the other schools i see it listed 5 schools in the richmond and sunset that could be doing the same. So. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. [speaking upon cantonese. ] thank you firefighter your comment. Hi. Please. Eunice. [inaudible]. Sorry. [muffled] california renter association. And i support this principle we have concert, in the city and now we only have a couple days of live concert that bring a lot of revenues for our city and spending and this revitalize the economy. Thank you. Thank you. And before i ask the next speaker to start comments we have a standing rule that no one is allowed stand and signs rowels on signs, also. So, you can hold your sign no higher than your shoulder as language as you are not obstructing the views of people behind you. The throw ladies standing, please, sit down. Can i ask eunice to advise the audience this if you are here you must be sitting. I strong low passport this venue for the concert i did in the understand, lot of english. I know a lot of people like them. Because i think every time the concert attract many i believe is a great success. I strong low support this. Thank you. Hello im kwon. I speak chinese. [speak chinese] [inaudible]. [muffled] strongly approve the [inaudible]. Live concert. Because it attract a lot of people and also a lot of places in the Golden Gate Park is not fuely utilized if we utilize it and we will bring a lot of revenue for the city. And [inaudible]. I support it. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello im [speaking chinese] hi. My last name is [inaudible]. I strongly support. I believe the revenue brought by this concert will help with rec and park and [muffled]. Thank you. Next speaker, please. [speaking chinese] [inaudible] [bad audio] thank you. Next speaker, please. [speaking chinese] [inaudible] [bad audio cannot understand speaker] thank you. Next speaker, please. [speaking chinese] thank you. My last name is kwon. I support the concert and because our economy is in poor management and declining. This will bring in more revenue to support the economy. Thank you. Next speaker, please. [speaking chinese] hi. My last name is chan. I think i strongly support this proposal. And i think our beneficial process and long process and i think we dont need to wait for our park and rec and muni. Lets go start it. Thank you. Next speaker, please. [speaking chinese. ] my last name is kwon. Im from the california renters alliance. And thanks to the leader who [inaudible]. [inaudible] and everybody can see sf is [inaudible] more activities [inaudible]. [choppy audio] thank you. [speaking chinese] hi. My name is [inaudible] and in San Francisco [cannot understand speaker, bad audio]. It is time to reform [inaudible]. Thank you. Last call for anybody who wishes to provide Public Comment. Seeing no speaker here in the chamber we have 12 members of public in the queue with 8 in line. Mr. Lamb, can you unmute our caller, please. Hi. Good morning or good afternoon supervisors, thank you for opportunity to speak on this important resolution. Im patrick gradey im a long time sunset resident. Homeowner and i my wife and i going or we live about a block from the park. And on the south side and enjoy the park and really enjoy the outside lands festival every year and bluegrass and without that we have been impressed every year where another planet the city, local communities as well as parks and rec, make adjustments to improve the experience both for concert go and residents. We are impressed with how they how the outside lands festivalers put on. You know i do speak to local friends in the neighborhood. And our neighbors from the sunset and richmond and the vast maker support outside lands. Many of them dont go. They see the benefits to the local community as well as the city. I strong low support this resolution. You know primarily for the clear economic benefits this it brings to the city. To be the park. And to the local communities. Incredible package this will deliver and bring some additional free concerts downtown. Will be a good benefit for downtown as well. The i will say another planet you know you have a really good partner there. They are thoughtful, responsible partner as well as a local per in. And finally, outside lefthand sides we have friends come in every year. Great time. I apologize for kuth you off. Thanksgiving patrick gradey. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon chair chan and members the San FranciscoBuilding Trade Council we support the entertainment unions you heard from a couple represents and soeshgd my comments with brothers of paolo and vince well is a tremendous amount of economic benefit you heard from the public than i ren joy the concert. Im think burglar it as a Public Employee cochair about the impact to the budget. A tax on unionized workforce this is struggling to meet the basic needs to have basic city service rec and p has i balanced budget and encourage to you move this forward with positive recommendation to the board and i want to say thank you to supervisor chan, your leadership struck a balance with legitimate and important occurrence of the neighborhood and the community not just festival goers and you think have take into account the fiscal impact to an Important Department that continues to deliver world class rec and p experiences for inference inference and visitors. Thank you to chair chan and we counting on your leadership and that of our colleagues. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im representing the San FranciscoParks Alliance in support of this proposal. Ps Alliance Vision for every public space and park to be welcoming, communication connections and belong to everyone. We believe in public spaces bring people in their parks. Building community and ownership and keeping our public spaces dynamic. We worked with the rec and Park Department for the 50 dwroers bring joy and life to parks. We believe that the events proposeed take place in golden gate and downtown plaza aline with this mission. This program of events will support our downtown after the impacts of covid19 and increase revenues. We would like to thank them for their efforts to ensure all parties are happy with the plans and call for the focus on traffic and noise mitigation fist Richmond District and the maintenance of clear cycle route across golden gate p to allow access for all park users. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. This is arm morgan with operating engineers. Good afternoon toed board. And chair chan. Eate ref now this later create more work for workers. And a great event for residents tourists and local businesses and restaurants and hotel its is a win win and im all for it. Thank you for your time of im a residents of the outer rich manualed in the sunset going on 14 years. The reasons i live close to Outer Richmond is the park. And what another planet and park s and rec propose is awe some im supportive of it. What it does for local economy is grit. It does in the close our parks and it is set up to be of safe i felt safe at these event and think another week magical importance this helped the left 1213 years outside lands gone on. So im backing this. I think that most of my community is in support. And i appreciate that you can hear me today. Thank you. Im raffle a residence genetics of denned of d8 in the castro. I know people got used to a quieter San Francisco since covid thots not what San Francisco is about. Used to be tourism. We need to bring this back. This is an exciting opportunity to collaborate a bunch infrastructure for the outside lands festival from into another weekend and increase the economic benefits from the program of to the city and tax revenue and the local restaurants and hotels around the festival and dun town. We need to do everything to bring tourism back and make at this time number one industry. Thank you. Mr. Lamb. Yea. Im abraham i report local 40. In San Francisco. Rec and park with another planet i billion dollars in the economy. Im john im a representative of local threat the will plummer and steam fit are union in the city. Enter nothing a contract with another Planet Entertainment company to host concerts after outside lands will generate revenue this is crucial for the rec and Park Department to maintain programming. Avoid cuts to service. This partnership would bring benefit including good jobs. Support community and enhance opportunity helping address the citys significant budget deficit. Thank you. Thank you. Hello we can hear you. This is local 61 represented up to 5500 members we support to have the concerts in the city of San Francisco they bring a lot of revenue. To our citys dead. If you are good. Concerts to bring money to the city. Park for p and rec. Thank you. That was our left speaker. Public comment is closed. I would like to discuss earlier before we open up for Public Comment like to make the motion to move this forward. To full board without recommendation. I do see the majority of colleagues will be in support of this. And moving forward. Again without recommendation indication on going occurrence not addressing the richmond and look forward to move this forward and address the concerns in the year to come. 3 years to coming. Supervisor safai. Um thank you, h chair chan would be my preference to be in support of this but im happy to defer to you on this. I want to express my support near had proposal. Appreciate all of benefits that this provides and it is an extension of something this has a Tremendous Positive impact on San Francisco. We heard from home grown resident who is have employment and mall businesses who benefit from and included in the economic benefits it is in the outside benefit its is local Small Businesses which are still struggling to recover. And provides a path way for aprenticeship and opportunity to organize labor a phenomenonal asset to our assistant district attorney. Because it is not just about having labor jobs but having the opportunity to put the people in positions to really be employd and consistently when the economy is recovering i appreciate the work done. We heard from labor, plumbers, guard ins. Stage hands. Everyone. That was here today on teamster. Others everyone. That has benefited and long with Small Businesses im very much in support for a very minimal cost to the city. I know there are costs with staffing but general low the majority of the costs is born by the promoter. And i think it is prosecute mote theyre made a similar to the way we started the day with the Fishermans Wharf, made us a strong statement about commitment to San Francisco and helping to revitalize the economy there. So. Im happy to be added as a cosponsor and supporter of this. And will continue the conversation at the full board. So everyone understands there are 3 ways we can vote on things here. At the board. One is it say we are declining. And that would be not a positive recommendation and second a positive recommendation and then we can sepdz it out without recommendation and the board will vote and feel positive there will be support for this i know chair chan is in her district and will continue the conversations with some of the occurrence she has. I of course this it is well thought out. Appreciate the investment in the hard economic times. And thank you the have i benefit for our city. And just as a note, we are doing something similar in the southern part of town with the due south concert series. We have 4. We startd that 2 years ago after covid. It is has been a success and agreeing every year. Minimal impact and all of the same am people benefiting are in the southern part of the city. We appreciate that as well and the partnership with rec and park and the Parks Alliance. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor before i call on vice chair mandelman. The reality about when we have our meeting on august 9, there were 1 huh human resident from thes richmond they are richmond resident this is came out and overwhelming majority of them voicing concern and some of them are not against the concert itself. It is really they already have outside land and bluegrass and to have additional concerts and impact on the neighborhood, is something that i think when we are doing here at the event the mir and rec and park and another planet is asking the portion of the richmond residents to pair the brunt of the neighborhood impact. For the rest of the city. Look, i think that part of the conversation like to seat benefits. Not just prevailing wage i wish he had this for downtown area. But also yes. Thereupon is some support for our Small Businesses. There are challenges with the mall businesses, too. With the concerts not on polo field butt outside lands where people not have in and out privilege. They are really inside a concert all day. When they release in neighborhood there are neighborhood impact including Small Businesses. Both outside landses and for this additional polo field concerts during the august 9. The Community Meetings im seeing that to come to fruition. Too bad it does in the seem like we can get that together today. And having a concrete plan we can present. Become to the public. So i look forward to seal the conversation. Vice chair mandelman. Thank you for placing this on the fwnd and heavy lift nothing terms of protect the needs and interests of residents of the rich monds. And i would like to be added and thank you for, luthanksgiving to go forward without recommendation. Thank you and with them roll call. On that motion, forward this resolution to the board without recommendation. Vice chair mandelman. Aye. Member safai. Aye. Chair chan. Aye. We have three. Motion passes. With this lets refer become to item 8. And yea. We. Just a reminder item 8 is the resolution approving the director of public work declaration emergency. For repair work at laguna honda and rehad been center. With that like to make a motion to amend and colleagues, our deputy city if. Attorney a professional work. Amendments before you. And those amendments when we discussed earlier to limit not to exceed to 28 Million Dollars and the left of reper se its strike out the cabinet we place ams. The help and guidance of the deputy City Attorney that we are going to reference in the legislation itself referencing the budget and legislative Analyst Report. So it would we have a clear scope what the repairs are about. So with that could i have the like to make a motion to amend and roll call. On that motion to amend the resolution by the chair, vice chair mandelman. Aye. Member safai. Aye. Chair chan. Aye. We have 3. Thank you. The motion passes. And then i like to send the amended item to full board with recommendation and with this roll call on that motion to forward this resolution to the board with positive recommendation as amended. Vice chair mandelman. Aye member safai. Aye chair chan. Aye. Thank you the motion passes and mr. Clerk do we other items . This concludes your business. Meeting is adjourned. Commission members, please respond when i call your name commission aquino present committee commissioner. Drew present commission. Scott is absent. Chair brackett present commissioner scott is absent, but all other members of the commission are present. Madam chair, we have a quorum. Please note that the commission has one vacant seat. The next order of business is item two announcement t