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Thats correct the lettering has to be vertical. Okay sounds like fine ill move to approve. Second. With modifications suggested by staff if theyre okay with the supervisors office. Very good supervisors a motion be seconded to disappointing adopt a recommendation commissioner antonini commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and places you on item 14 bay street conditional use authorization. Good afternoon. Brittany of the Department Staff you have before you a question for conditional use authorization to demolish a chevron Automobile Service station with a residential building on a property greater than 10 thousand square feet in a c2 Zoning District it is approximately 49 thousand square feet and 42 offstreet parking and 40 bicycle Parking Spaces the corner configuration the project requires the rear yard modifications for dwelling unit exposure that will be heard by the city administrative, however, the rear yard modification is not properly noticed the variance request has been continued to the january 27, 2016, variance hearing and will be heard by the Zoning Administrator at this point given no opposition and that the project compiles with the zoning code with the general plan the department is comfortable moving forward with the conditional use with the recommendation of approval that concludes my presentation. Ill be happy to answer any questions thank you. Project sponsor. Honorable planning supervisor and staff and ladies and gentlemen, im mark im the president addressed founder of presidio partners the 16yearold San Francisco Real Estate Company and the project sponsor been a Real Estate Developer and built on and on over 200 projects were doing over nine hundred projects in San Francisco we had the fox plaza block from here ive lived close to the subject property for the past 16 years two blocks from the property where i raised my too young sons i care deeply about what happens in the marina ive been involved in the community and serving on the Child Abuse Council and services to the homeless and preschooler and was instrumental in helping to get the jazz concert hall builds our company is condominium to building projects in the surrounding neighborhood as with autumn the projects we reached to the neighborhood to understand and design a project that addresses them and anymore specifically in the past summer a Community Outreach meeting with 10 separate meetings with those who wanted Additional Information this rebuttal in receiving 9 letters of support 40 from the neighborhood adjacent to the site and a letter of support from the marina inconsistent association as a result of the feedback if the neighbors we redesigned the building to increase the setback from our neighbor to the east resulting in our building 35 feet from their knowledge that actually is what triggered the split in the variance hearing because it was conforming before it was originally before the building come forward to the neighbors concerns the setback as a result for our goal to design a high quality this that is with the adjacent historic this and have a timely building will be a beautiful addition to the marina architect ill introduce our architect to give a brief oh, overview and ask for your support today thank you. Good afternoon, commissioners and the practice of our small San Francisco firm has been to do and design buildings that are connectingly beautiful the site being located in the center of the aerial view in the lower right hand corner and the unit there is a live called the heritage on the marina any brick building that has great historical character here you can e get a sense the upper view on bay street address the lower laguna on the left as you can see the Gas Light Building on the corner and slightly different expressions take the next heres the slightly aerial justify of the street on laguna the building is designed as four stories 40 feet high and along bay street modules 25 feet typical San Francisco module and bay windows and slots and size to make distributions between the laguna heres the site im sorry thank you. Mark. Site plan so you can see the corner the corner is a mixing tooth in the fabric of the block Human Resources heres the ground level plan the main library is off the bay street to the righthand side and the auto ramp off the buchanan on the ned of the block due to several reasons improves of bike safety and it is the lower elevation the site a 6 feet sloping to the east next a compact one level basement with 42 Parking Spaces next. The elevations the principle materials are brick glass, some metal detailing, and here as you can see on the top elevation that is bay street the vertical slots of glass to give the building a townhouse or neighborhood character that is projected and wrapping the corner of buchanan next so those are the what i call the inside elevation the lower one of the east elevation that faces the apartments weve widened the setbacks as mark said ill call the courtyard view think the top the section on the upper section the twoway to enter buchanan street they help give privacy to the grades activating the street and this is a view in the buchanan side as you can see the garage entering the for ground and lafco at the courtyard we with we call the greenhouse and the peeked roof in the for ground and again, we choose to have a glass her expression on the north side of the building to give the impression that the massaging it step down toward the site and finally ill leave you with this one that is a shot from the you know the principle corner where the two streets enter second and to the side of corner with that, ill leave it to you folks to ask any questions aid last week thank you. Opening it up for Public Comment one speaker card calling names Public Comment . Eugene lynch im the the same block and on the paper it is equal it out out vacant for so long it would be nice to have something go in there the gas station served its purpose at the time it would be a great addition to the block i formally spoke to this gentleman during recess they have their plan definitely together and answered a couple of any questions i would say one issue and this might be more traffic than parking theres a tremendous amount of traffic there the 43 safeway trucks and theres buses he private buses to fort mason and the goodwill that has a lot of traffic people parking anywhere they want and basically breaking the rules parking in the head or yellow zone to congestion on the northeast corners i want to brought to your attention and also i wont see you probable have a merry christmas. Thank you very much. Is there any additional Public Comment okay not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner moore. Sense 209 that particular lot is disruptive to the feeling in the neighborhood the neighborhood it requirement low rise and the street is rather wide and across the street is a huge park in the edge of the park the cause of it being less populated has actually been a problem over the past few years ago seeing this building step in not the loss of another gas station thats another subject but a fabulous project to have at that site i like about it, it is so understated pet e yet so lovnt contemporary it eases youre prospective of architecture i apologize not knowing that is laguna and bay hopefully. Heritage and it is absolutely a fabulous building and coming down and seeing this now blend into to make the building on the corner of laguna a ranch large are Apartment Building tracking would be upgraded to presence of a highend building i couldnt be happier to see that im aware the problems with goodwill there could be providing some people including myself to have coffee on the way we go but to mitigate the conflict with perhaps 28 whatever numbers should have a response that is a collective responded ill suggest we find a way to really ask that there is no furtheres probating situation so for a fall back to have people round into goodwill but thats a 10 minute time im in full support of project and move to approve with conditions. Second. Let me share some thoughts i know the block very good my gather built and developed the building next door it was probable not architectural Interest Rate youre looking for but out find his back pocket in 72 or 73 but obviously the retail place will be great i see parking improvements along bay street with diagonal but what is cool they separate is it from the curve to have a protected bike lane that is great im supportive and i hope you dont find any underpinning problems commissioner antonini. Yeah. I very much like it two in particular 61 percent two bedroom and three bedrooms i was hoping to stay with the brown rust masonry and keep it uniform so one does it was all red but all the same color and the clay black on the window that is long time and the combination make that blend in with an Historic Building so commissioners, if theres nothing further location to approve that matter with conditions. Commissioner antonini commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes 6 to zero and places you on item 15 for case Mission Street it is an Office Development authorization. Good afternoon, commissioners rick Department Staff the the item before you is an Office Development authorization for 35 thousand plus square feet at the Mission Street the proposal the change in use of a approximately 35 thousand from auto garage less repair to office use the basement an first and second floors the proposal will undertaking under take the facade the replacement with a new system stone the ground floor replacement of the windows observe the upper floor with compatible windows and the removal of a guardrail ive provided copies for your review and this incorporate the title block and a title page after analyzing the instead of recommends approval with the planning code in the general plan the project is in a Zoning District that encourages the growths of Office Development and represents 3. 2 percent of office space for allocation and current rates that pays the impact fees and the project sponsor is available for questions that concludes my presentation. Ill be happy to answer any questions thank you. Project sponsor please. If you commissioners john with reuben, junius rose here on behalf of the project sponsor the project the item before you eliminates a parking space to convert to the structure to an Office Building the existing building consists of 36 thousand square feet of paid parking and modern automobile repair use and to exert to a office that was built in 1927 the building is undergoinging and seismic upgrade the project significantly fulfills the goals of vision zero policy and this is for over the last couple of years to eliminate traffic fatalities by 2024 soma is one of the highest levels of death and injury and Mission Street is a high injury corridor the projects eliminates all angling automobile access to the student and 50 foots curb cuts and reduces the conflict of pedestrians and bicyclist and the first policy and an active use for the experience along the street so in short the project eliminates a parking garage and improves the Bicycle Safety and a high corridor and reverse the look of the 1927 building for those purposes we ask for your support. Opening it up for Public Comment. Not seeing any, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner richards and that is a great project for all the reasons all of mentioned he love the look of the, and especially last week the fact their donating a curb cut so i definitely support. Commissioner moore. I have a question for the gentleman have again, you know my propensities towards finding a way to protect pdr has there been any discussion with but and youre client regarding the 101 replacement and identifying new sites or anything like that you know this building is for all intents and purposes to help with pdrs this is near and dear to my heart and oh, someone will take care of this has there been an active engagement in replacing the pdr. Certainly something we discuss during the process because of this exact issue commissioner moore with the sensitivity around the pdr in the south of market it is mostly a parking garage a tire repair tinker with youre Motor Vehicle in the basement and so space the Building Owner had other than the paid parking not an intelligent pdr use outside of that with difficult years were converting to an office space and the kind of use that is not generally consistent with other pdr use on the site the short answer that is something weve looked and we know that is something to consider but ultimately this is the project that the project sponsor settled on. Commissioner antonini. Move to you approve. Commissioner moore. And was p,z e, finance governance over with you said i want to ask the director perhaps that maybe an opportunity for starting to formulate policy we cannot continue to displace pdr even if the parking garage is displaces a number of jobs and employment at the core of protecting pdr we find quite curious by indeed a beginning of formulating how we deal with displacement and where i think we i urge all of us to take that seriously because we are cranking up our discussion on housing how to solve the housing problem we need to Start Talking about simultaneously the issue of job loss and displacement of employment. Happy commissioners just as what we are doing on the front the central soma plan has a oneonone replacement having that discussion with folks in want mission and the mission 2020 and also probable time to come back with an update on pdrs were actually there is actually three or four thousand square feet of space that is under construction or in the pipeline it is the first time weve seen the pdrs use were encouraged that is in any pdrs space being built in the city potential more than half a million square feet so i think that is time to update you and that accumulation how were trying to protect the pdr and the office of Economic Workforce Development has a policy to try to relocation the businesses in the city with redevelopment were sensitive to that on or about were concerned about pdr as well im happy to have that discussion moving forward. And interested if we take a look at our own track read into the record in the last two or three years to see what is it the new pdr spaceless and what the basically only capture what we lost so holding the conversation a little bit what were discussing not effects the decisions right now but in the future of replaceing will make it easier for me to support the Building Design a fabulous no questions there but other issue remains unanswered and commissioner antonini and yeah. I think that is an area where a lot of residential being built not far away in Trinity Plaza and the soma grants not too far in the other discretion is 5 m a other was use sits well, not saying we dont need to protect and promote pdrs but pick and choose our areas that is better stevedored by issues in the existing Parking Facilities there is a a lot of parking in soma that the available. Commissioner johnson. Yeah. Just a quick comment and question so i agree that i think we need to be thinking how we are replacing pdr space around the city and obviously were looking at certain neighborhood and auto garage and weve been thinking about whether else were putting the space the only this thing e thing ill say he definitely supporting forgot about the zoning presentation and auto garage and repair i support that and ill ask a question mean the staff when we have oh, what was the address 553 third street and. Oh, 663. 663. 663 and we end up splitting that halfandhalf between harry reid pdrs and office space did we use the office space for the whole space or just a half. For the half in case 663 came in as a large cap from the project sponsors request and the staff recommendations to reduce it to theyll quality under the small cap and the commission approve a smaller amount so as you what was the the zoning for the rest of that what was left. So the project sponsor from what i understand is trying to figure out that theyre basically allots whatever uses by the Zoning District. Okay. Okay. So theyre trying to figure out what the land use as a place for the other asset building. That was ss o so you as a commission roughly 45 thousand it was a small cap they couldnt put the office on the other floors to the remaining floors is whatever uses that are permitted. Okay got it for this building theyre going for the small office cap for the whole space that cap includes Light Industrial spaces per cap way within the pdrs use their permit as a right so the owner elected to pursue a passenger door spates theyre okay and i definitely support the project for this reason i think that this space in terms of where the neighborhood going is definitely a place for a whether he says uses the way theyve set up the building didnt chapping that structurally so it couldnt have tenants you can use it were looking at when we are mentioning 63 and other areas obviously we cannot bind the project sponsors to do the business and it is separate and if were displacing pdr where are those heavier in 10 words going i think we need to think about that and not pushing it off down the future. Commissioner antonini and move to approve. Second. Commissioners there is a motion and a second with conditions on that motion. Commissioner antonini. Commissioner johnson commissioner moore. Commissioner richards commissioner wu and commissioner president fong so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and places us on general Public Comment when i have no speeder. Any general Public Comment this evening okay not seeing any, the commission would like to adjourn in memory of mary brown and i did see some Service Information or information about a service on saturday. Okay. The meeting is adjourned. Happy holidays everyone. Same to you. Will call. Commissioner katz commissioner adams mr. Kimberly brandon december 8 november 10, 2015 meeting. Motion to approve . Moved and seconded. All in favor aye. The minutes are proved. M3 of the comment and executive session any Public Comment on executive session spewed of the comment is closed executive session. Moved to move into executive session. We will now move into is there a motion t reconvene in open session speaker moved and seconded. All those in favor say, aye. Opposed, nay. Next item item 6 pledge of allegiance. [pleage of allegiance] uptake of lipid of pride to welcome by her former colleague black. Nice to see you commissioner. Please be advised that the ringing and use of cell phones pagers and similar accounting devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised the chairman may order the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible for the ringing of or use of cell phones, pagers or other similar electronic device. Please be advised that member of the public has up to 3 min. To make personal public almonds on each agenda item before the Commission Adopts a shorter period on any item. Item 8 of the comment not listed on the agenda. Was there any Public Comment . Please come forward to the right over here. Seeing none, Public Comment is close. Next item item 8, item 9 a executive directors report. Good afternoon, commissioners. Members of the public was that by Monique Moyer is my honor to welcome you here to the james cruiseship terminal which is our pride and joy. Many years in the making and we had it available for all kinds of activities, but this is definitely our first Port Commission meeting here. So, i want to think commissioner adams for his foresight in suggesting this location. Im glad that all you can out to visit the terminal. And to be with us today. So, we do have a couple things to report on. The first, its my great privilege and joy to introduce to you commissioners, and the public, to new Property Managers without pointed first i like to introduce emily beale. Kimberly, if you can stand please. Emily joined the port at the end of september. Shes been with us just over two months. Shes served 14 years as a Regional Property manner for safeway incorporated where she perform daytoday management of 90 properties, managing a team of six so that sounds about like the normal portfolio here at the port. Without the team of six property remains the same. No staff. Her position with transfer to boise idaho after output since purchase safeway and so that was our Great Fortune because we were able to lower her over to our side of the bay to join us here at the port of San Francisco. Prior to working for safeway, kimberly manage the portfolio for open foresight associates or about 3. 5 years. In doing so she integrates closely with the port of oakland and so gives her a little bit of insight into what its like to be at the waterfront. Kimberly has her bachelor of arts in ethnic studies from uc berkeley. She also holds for californias real estate licensee shes a Friendly Convention credentialed and townsend and were quite honored to have her join the market so please join me in welcoming kimberly. [applause] then, its also my pleasure to recognize and welcome santa over leaf. If you would stand can i feel like im crouching down to get to the microphone. Sorry. Sandra joined as november night. So, almost a month. Tomorrow, right . Shes had the pleasure of serving 14 years at the Mena International airport where she was the principal property owner. She managed by Property Managers and was responsible for generating 90 million in annual revenue. So, we expect her to generate 90 International Airport where she was the principal property owner. She managed by Property Managers and was responsible for generating 90 million in annual revenue. So, we expect her to generate 93 in annual revenue and here at the port. That would be fantastic. Cindy has a bachelor of science in organizational behavior. Shes also attended the university of santa clara law school. She holds a certificate in Concession Management from the Airport Counsel International and we are very very pleased that she has come on board to join us and bring to us a very interesting perspective with her background having been at the airport sector and now the port sector. So that nice intersection between transportation and retail. So, thank you for joining us and please all join me in welcoming sandra. [applause] that rounds out our Real Estate Team for a hot second, i think. Before we have any more vacancies. Next, im delighted if any of you walked up to the cruise terminal from the Ferry Building area, you walked by our newest water taxi landing, which is at peer 15. Courtesy of the exploratory and. Were really delighted and grateful to see the opening of the new landing. Ive no idea where he is manny. Manny, thank you. There are some photos if you put it up for me . Commissioners, as you may recall, arent we exploratory them for the renovation and opening up peer 15 other new headquarters also included the provision to construct a water taxi landing on the south side of peer 15. You can see a picture there. Its very nicely tucked into the embarcadero and up against peer 15 building. It recently opened, and it is a nice sheltered area. It helps to be very very pocketed unlike some of our other water water taxi landing it is feasible from the promenade did not talk behind the building. Im hoping that will increase our ridership. We have already been working to amend our existing operator limits with her to water taxi operators to include this landing site as well as to work with other entities to do small vessel charters. The small vessel being defined as a vessel but less than 60 feet in length and carries no more than 49 passengers. So, we are looking forward to the opportunity to expand peoples ability to get out onto the bay and to move along the waterfront by the date. I want to give special thanks and recognition to first and foremost our partners at the exploratory them for taking on this project on our behalf. We are absolutely thrilled and we hope it is a great amenity for the exploratory them and thank you to dennis, who will talk about in just a minute. Also, thanks to the folks at the staff at the port. New human, a host of others. Thank you all so much for two years of work to get this done. We look forward to talking about yet another water taxi landing in the near future. So, congratulations to all and again special thanks to the exploratory. Which brings me to my next piece of news which is no secret that our partner Dennis Bartow is retiring at the end of this month. Dennis, who is here,dennis if you want to stand for just a second . There he is. He was named executive director of exploratory and in 2006. You have to stand the whole time. Thank you, though. Dennis was made the executive director in 2006. Right in the middle of the exploratory and i think third search for a new home. He joined, i think, right as it became a possibility that they could potentially come and look at the property at the port. Dennis was the one who led their team to what this beautiful building is today. Dennis has led the exploratory and was an Iconic Institution out for nearly a decade. He oversaw the whole project, everything from taking the idea of doing it appear 15, which had been a warehouse, i think that point in time it had been mostly recently used by four vehicles that are part of the mta and envisioning it for this type of a museum use. Creating a entity to raise the construction and management. Overseeing the move. Making a lot of fun out of the move, actually, and then opening it up to worldwide acclaim, which was a lot of fun for all of us. It was at 250 million project more or less and its been in april 23 so this april will mark three years so wasnt all that long ago. Unfortunately, then about two years ago there was a lag in attendance, which cause them financial stress. The exploratory them and dennis managed deep budget cuts proportionally some staff layoffs but then he writes as the budget to about 50 million budget annually helps create a 50 million endowment fund. No, attendance has paid attendance has doubled to more than 1 million visitors a year and i forget how many free visitors they accommodate but im sure dennis will tell us in a few minutes, but very very impressive. The museums membership is up to 44,000 members which quadrupled under denniss term and hes expanded the professional Development Program to include 1200 features each year who come to the museum. 1200. Thats 100 on month. Thats another 15,000 online science teachers who learn new inquirybased teaching techniques for schools in the bay area and across the country. Dennis also created a global Studio Department of staff of artists educators and scientists who design exhibits for foreign signs museums should effectively replicating all or some portion of the exploratory them around the world. They train for an exhibit builders and counsel foreign governments great new science museums effectively commoditizing the exploratory and brand which it is really a great attribute. Now, committee has been organized to do the best they can to conduct a successor for dennis. So, good luck to them. On a personal note, i want to say its been just a joy to work with dennis. This last decade i cant believe youre leaving. You come in after man leaving before me but i been very glad to know that you been a part of my tenure here at the port, dennis. It has been a real joy to work with you. Ive learned a lot about science from you but also just your passion for being a member of the community and your joy and delight in being a member of the waterfront , and also just pure being a partner for the port from everything from visiting ships to security issues, to disaster response, and just enjoying the waterfront. Its been a real pleasure. Its hard to ensure and explore time without you being there, but we wish you the best of times in your chapters ahead and look forward to the next horizon for you. So, thank you for your partnership. Thank you for your vision. Thank you for your friendship. [applause] can we invite dennis up to say a few words, please . To the Port Commissioners, its my honor to be here. Really good apartment to really make this all possible. First of all, we are so proud to open up that new taxi dock. Even more excited to hand over the liability to you. As soon as possible. Its a wonderful new attribute and we are have sorts of different programming and marketing ideas how to take best advantage of it together. In my short remarks i just want to say, first of all, thank you for this amazing amazing location. There cannot have been a better new homerodney and others who have this get there in the waterfront. The front porch of San Francisco for the exploratory good a quintessential San Francisco institution. The sony metric you mention either doubles, triples, or quadrupled including the number of School Field Trips and people come for free which is 130,000 i knew it was a huge number. So proud of that. Even more been part of the community. Its only been through this amazing partnership that we had with a part. I did say has been the most wonderful collaborative partner. Ever since the day we signed the lease up in this get these Amazing Research and educational vessels at the end of the dock so we open up to the public. Openness all sorts of things on the street and waterfront into some art and science. Being our partner in every way possible. Even bending over backwards in getting things done and i think record time in certain instances. We have just done nothing from jay and susan and everybody owes. The mens sort of respect and cooperation which is double it back to you. Its off to a great start. Thats not possible without amazing leadership. So, i just have to commend the commission, monique, it really does start with the leadership. Incredible communication and getting together and sharing with each other all the time and solving problems together. We have an amazingi can help skinner and picture without the right in front of the slip in 1985. It was a big highly right in front of our new home. The city was completely separated from this waterfront. Look at it today. But how busy the imparted arrow is today. All i can think of is, the future of the exploratory and i think our city standing here 30 years from now and what you think its when to look like . Because the investments and decisions and leadership they are demonstrating here now today for our city. So, thank you for your leadership. Thank you for my own personal journey. It cannot happen without the partnership that we had with the port. My own learning. I know far more about how construction and engineering that everybody deserves to know and whether you really want to know. But its because of the partnership we have and the vision, and frankly, the kind of cooperation thats made us in his rental part of the vision for the water where partners are like a lease for the 61 years of the lease. We hope that is in perpetuity and whatever we need to a caucus together to get this aligning this part of town we are in. We are all in and i can say that even for my success bit so, thanks again. Monique ward commissioners, everybody for helping us make this wonderful journey happen force. [applause] i can sit here and keep on the superlatives for quite some time. I know directive moyer is a many who grew up in San Francisco going to the exploratory them in and seeing how you just transformed the pier here and what youve accomplished them in the move and the way its now imaging so many other lives and children to those around the world, really to see what youve done here in the model for what this kind of museum can be, i cant begin to thank you for your vision on that, for we saw through and its just been extraordinary. So, just an unbelievable vision visionary and julia partner with the port. Its been an honor to see what youve accomplished and to be able to talk about this exquisite, magnificent museum on our waterfront. So, my colleagues and i would like to San Francisco was i to support presented with a plaque. Thank you for your vision devotion and partnership in launching the new export them at your convenience only from all of us, we wish you all the best in your new endeavors. So, thank you. [applause] why dont you come to the side of the table so we can get a nice picture . So, next on my report is something that is also very gratifying animation get diapers got involved with the port bond rating and credit in 2004. That would be the most 12 years ago. It had many long conversation with standard and poors what the port is and isnt and for at least a decade, maybe decade and a half standard and poors assistant the port should be graded according to its work as a transportation. So, they kept transportation agent. So they kept looking at the port of San Francisco as a transportation credit. Then, in the last decade weve been able to convince the Rating Agency that we really are not a chance traditional transportation credit. So, im very pleased to report that standard and poors has agreed with us and raise our bond rating on our Revenue Bonds from an a to a a with a stable outlook. The stable outlook it really means what i think will happen with the credits over the next three years. Which means they dont expect it to be upgraded or downgraded in the next three years. The reason that theyve upgraded us from a minus280 a they continue see very strong Debt Service Coverage. We been very carefully. Wonderful commissioners adhering to our covenants and making sure Debt Service Coverage is more than adequate. There was a point in the time and the ports of recent history where it was not. We also got strong liquidity, meeting with good access to cash. Weve seen good operating growth and each of the past five years and we have a very unique asset base. On the credit we decide, they still remain concerned by our unfunded Capital Needs. But they do note, we have been very much trying to manage our Capital Needs and target our reinvestment of our acids and very careful way to maintain our financial performance. So, very very gratifying since 1994 to see standard and poors recognize the port of San Francisco as a a rated bond. Congratulations to Alain Forrest and megan wallace, larry brown and don lu and a host of others for their great work and working with standard and pours the expanded credit and congratulations to the commissioners, the staff and the public for the hard work it is taken to turn the port around and make it financially stable. This is an excellent report card for all of us and i hope each and every one of you takes great pride in it. It also hopes to keep our debt cost lower. On the crab season site, as you know, the crap continue to be tested every couple of days. Im reported on this on our last meeting. Most recent test results for crap showed improvement in the levels of demonic acid but theyre still not below the safe level. In some areas, they are below. Some water areas that are below in some water areas they are not. So, it is not been cleared to be fished yet. Crab season normally wouldve opened 21 days ago. So, three weeks ago. One of the levels do come down from acceptable levels thatll take a few weeks for the commercial and recreational opening days to get sorted out. Then, when the crab season opens, the crab boat owners and the Fishermans Wharf Community Health to conduct a campaign to reassure the public that the crab is, in fact, say to each. We can expect to enjoy our local delicacy. The Economic Impact of the commercial fleet here in San Francisco is anywhere from 50,000300,000 pounds of catch. So, its very meaningful product for us. Currently, there are 4954 commercial crab boats in the harbor, and about 3040 of them are permanent berth holders. About 14 of them are transient boats. They are from other areas. So, the port continues to watch and monitor this event regularly and were following the lead of the Crab Boat Owners Association which is taking a very active role, and were keeping our fingers crossed and with the reins hopefully, in the cold weather that stew again, we hope to see the situation resolved. So please stay tuned. The next, i want to point out the schedule for the 2016 Port Commission meetings is attached, or is available and should be in your packets, commissioners and available to the public. Buy things on the table over here. Lastly, i like to complete my executive directors report with a presentation by Richard Meade whos the chairman of the committee for the harry bridges monuments on harry bridges plaza. So, richard. Maybe we wont. Maybe we just postpone that. I dont see richard. So that concludes my executive directors report, commissioners. Thank you. Commissioners, next item Public Comments. Seeing none, next item item 90 commissioners report. Its always been an issue for me that im worried about the port and i felt the devastated of accident recently and i just came back from a driving trip in the maldives and a lot of the islands there because the Sea Level Rises is disappearing. I see the impact tore the people in the maldives in the country and their way of life. The people are losing everything because the sea level rising and i kind of worry about the port and i would have some presentations on Sea Level Rise. I think we had to really monitor thats because its an issue that really happened. There are some people that are basically in denial about it but its something we have to really look at and project. Especially this commission because one day we wont be here and we get to leave this commission and the sports as good as hands as we can for those coming behind us. So, i think moving forward we need to keep Sea Level Rise is something we have to Pay Attention to and get out in front on this issue not with for something to happen. Sometimes we can be reactionary where we need to have a grasp on Sea Level Rise. And it admits its an issue because ive seen it firsthand and it should be a part of our plan moving forward to deal with it. Thank you. Thank you. I think its a note, i think the ports and the Port Commission have really been to some degree out in front trying to recognize the impact of Sea Level Rise and several years ago we require that every new project coming towards us include an item with respect to how the impact of Sea Level Rise will impact that project. So, we were i think forward thinking on that. Not that we have solutions policed we been thinking about how to look at it as we go forward. Commissioner brandon. Commissioner adams i looked up a moment of silence for the victims from San Bernardino and i ask we adjourned today also in their honor. The manager i ask that we have a modem of sounds the victims of San Bernardino. We should add to that the victims of the attacks in paris and beirut as well. A moment of silence. [moment of silence. ] thank you. Just a very brief reports on a trip that i attended in my private life. Executive director, in her capacity as executive director of the ports, with the Bay Area Council going to seattle, where we met with a number of officials in both Washington State near seattle, but there was particular emphasiswas emphasis on a number of different areas, but of significance for us, there were some time spent meeting with key leaders in the area of Ferry Service and water taxi and we actually were able toand authors a photo thats going to accompanydid we get it up . If not okay. But, we had a roundtable discussion and it included the planning director for the Washington State ferries, the managing manager of the Planning Development four. When the bay area. The Washington Ferry coalition. We also met with the director of the King County Department of transportations marine division. We heard about some of the issues that they been addressing in terms of water transit, and it was a great discussion. Looking at ways of applying some of those Lessons Learned, similarities and differences for us, but certainly, one of my takeaways not only was it just the importance of expanded Ferry Service, but the success of their Water Taxi Service as well. In there in the king county water taxi system, it serves just shy of hundred thousand passengers and they have a 99. 3 service reliability. So, as we see increasing traffic impacting our roads and transit system, i think more more important we all think a look at Water Service bus ferries and taxi, can ameliorate an improved transit throughout the area. We talked about different options for funding how they get their funding, and they were helpful in giving us some ideas from specialpurpose tax or in districts ferries and other funding opportunities. Looking at different clean fuel approaches and other things and most importantly how they been successful in putting forward a coalition approach to make all of these improvements and expansions efforts. So, working together with the vendors, the operators, and various others to build a coalition. Working with labor. Making sure all their arrangements are really benefiting in the community as a whole. So its quite illuminating to meet with them and get their perspective and to see how we can take some of those lessons and applied here, and also perhaps align ourselves with them in terms of purchasing capacity and various other things. We also had a chance to go to theim going to blow the pronunciationkey check marine factory where theres actually building one of the vessels that were used in the daycare. Wesley got to see the aluminum vessel is being constructed. We also met with the Washington State secretary of transportation, Lynn Peterson come up and her very progressive approach to green transit and really taking a look at how to prove their network, their conservation funding approach, and then the public ferry system. So, it was a phenomenal trip. It was put together in organized by the Bay Area Council. I appreciate there including our executive director on it and i also was very honored to be able to participants amongst very illustrious members of the community here in the bay area. So, it was a wonderful trip and kudos to the Bay Area Council. Hopefully, if any of you have any further questions you can go to the Bay Area Council site. I know they put up some information or feel free to contact the second director moyer. I know ill be taking a look more about what we learned and how we can best apply to some of the work we are doing it. That concludes my commissioners report. Any Public Comment . Wu next item item 9 update on bowl super bowl liind of port of San Francisco. I cant seethere you are. Come on four. Commissioners, like to introduce to you was from the super bowl Host Committee. Tell you about the activities that will be taking place related to the super bowl l celebration as deeply as it affects the port of San Francisco. So, those who could thank you and good afternoon commissioners. As you say im here to present an update on super bowl l. And the activities they impact on the poor property. I want to start by expanding a little bit of who we are and we are not. So the super bowl l i want to start by expanding a little bit of who we are and we are not. So the super bowl lii midi were originated that were [inaudible] to bring the San Francisco to the port of San Francisco. When not the nfl. Where an independent organization i was formed to bring the bid here and up to host the event. We talked with a number things on behalf of the nfl that include securing and preparing venues. Per nfl events and nfl sponsored events. We prepare the stadium for the big game and a number things related to transportation and also putting on a free to the public experience for our community. One of the most important goals of those commission was to be the most giving. We want to be the most giving super bowl l the most giving super bowl to date. We therefore formed the 50 funds. Already weve given away 5. 2 million to date which is then distribute it to 10,000 organizations throughout the bay area serving more than 20,000. That something thats very important to us and our Fundraising Efforts we wanted to make sure we were putting the Community First and that giving back to the community. Thats one of our key goals. Could you repeat those numbers speak with today weve given away 5. 2 million to the bay area. And basically 10,000 organizations. Thats impacting 320,000 youth. Thank you. This slide shows the presentation of super bowl week. Super bowl sunday is separate s 2016. Italy nineday celebration. It starts january 30. I nineday period. Throughout the week and its very much a regional eventwe take up on january 30 and the opening week is our big bay area opening. Mostly San Francisco with events in santa clara and throughout the region. There are two main public expenses and ill talk to one of them which is Host Committee experience and a little bit but this commitment. Theres nfl expense was stakes placed and then super bowl l which our Host Committee, as i mentioned our. Obligation, which is a free to the public experience. These are the two main public experiences. Their many private events. Including three that the Host Committee will be holding in San Francisco on port property in fact so we have our first event on 30 january in the Ferry Building. We holding an event for the media and exploratory and on tuesday, second of february and then we have our thursday night event in the cruiseship terminal that week. There are events throughout the region. I wont dwell on them too much but we have the first openingnight for the nfl is really that monday night thats when the teams will be in tempe that the big media events at the pavilion in san jose. Then theres a couple of other key events taking place in San Francisco. When i friday the fifth. When i friday, 5 february which takes place on Treasure Island and a second one on 6 february, which takes place at the civic which is televised event. I mentioned the date is 7 february. The activities that they will be in santa clara and the two that i mentioned robbie opened during the game. So the focus on that sunday is santa clara once the game begins. This is a overview of the event taking place on port property. I did mention already the Ferry Building the Host Committee event which we holding which is thewill be conducting the main part of our operation for super bowl l the main part of our operation for super bowl 5023 and then the [inaudible]. For the waterfront. We will be using another private events listed here taken place at peer 70, 18 depart, and peer 48. Peer 39 is also been quite a bit of interest in pier 39 as an event setting. We working very closely with many venues in many venues are poor property to basically ensure those venues are hosting events during super bowl week. Super bowl city i mentioned this to the Host Committees the obligation to put on a free to the public experience. Its a nineday event. It says it says the january 30 and runs through sunday cabaret seven. It starts at 11 am each morning and the closing times vary between three nights until 10 pm but usually 9 pm close except on super bowl sunday where we will close earlier at 3 pm. This is a rendering you may have seen before good we announced the super bowl city back in april. This of rendering it was produced them. Very conceptual but a few key things of note. In terms of road closures, there will be three blocks of Market Street closed east ofdown to stuart street. The southbound embarcadero, between washington andwill also be closed so the event. Northbound, the embarcadero remains open and unpacked it and the letter box outline remains unaffected and running as well. We did a number of things from thessaly aguilar broadcast activation between those broadcast for super bowl l is cbs. They will have quite a large set and broadcasting live every day. Nfl network and cnn will also have booths and be podcasting every day. A great opportunity for San Franciscos waterfront to be televised those nine days. We will have a number of activation, i guess, exhibits an engaging and interactive and also free to the public that of the peppered throughout the site. There will be some food and beverage the week of that pretty minimal. We really recognize an excellent range of food and beverage both at the Ferry Building and in embarcadero for and want to encourage exhibitors to go to those locations as well. Also recognizing there will be additional people coming to town the week. We want to put on a little bit of the food and beverage so there will be up little bit of food and beverage. Therell be music, entertainment and cultural programming throughout the nine days. We will have the nfl will have a merchandise shop as well in super bowl city. This is a slightly more map version of the site. You can see the three boxes of Market Street there the southbound embarcadero and also gary bridges plaza were several activations are proposed. There are four main Public Entrances to the site which would be driving, or sending the sizing and sending people to one of those is east of Phil Anne Davis on Market Street and there are three on the embarcadero. One of the southend atand embarcadero one. The main place on harry bridges where people cross the street from the Ferry Building to Market Street. Then, the third one at washington and embarcadero. The orange sort of shaped on there they represent different activations i mentioned. Theyre not labeled but those are actually representative of the sizes and types of activations that will be coming to an presented in super bowl city. As i said, the main focuses is free to the public it is an entertainingits a family friendly. Its entertainment. Its engaging, interactive activities for people. Something that we felt quite strongly about was opening that previous week into about the committees and residents to enjoy the taste of super bowl l and two have a super bowl l experience before autocrats come into town during the week. Though something without was quite important to us from the start. I have also included in this deck a couple of examples of activation sites that happen you types might see. This is levis. What are partners in summer you maybe familiar with the structure because was actually we purchased also originally a [inaudible] original m. 27 for the americas cup. Much smaller version of it. Thats one of the types of activations that you will see. So theres another one. Another partner of us. They be activating with us a wine lounge. Hopefully open to the public. As you can see, theres more robust timber structures rather than tens. Tense. But reinforced with [inaudible]. As an example of one of our engines structures. Each of those four engines as well been engines structured. The site will be secured. We will have private security put on by the Host Committee 247. There will be bad checks into super bowl city especially in light of recent events. That something our security was always been very important to us, but especially in light of recent events. Would i have a hard look at our plans and make sure they are up to scratch and we work very closely not just with the San Francisco Police Department, but with the private security and also the fbi and department of Homeland Security but specifically super bowl city and the larger events. Then, the last five have this one i like to mention the Ferry Building. We are planning to change the 1915 to super bowl xv also put up a banner. Its been put up before by the world series. Just a Host Committee banner for the celebration. I want to say im thankful for the partnership that we had not just with reports and court staff, but also the Ferry Building, and the many City Departments which an event like this is quite significant and were truly think over the partnership we have with us City Department and have had for the past couple years in the planning of this. Thats all i have. Maybe you could go back to the map slide. Briefly talk about paths of travel for people trying to get to the ferry or traverse the embarcadero . Yes. So we do i think that ashley might come up. They be not. Maybe not . So, as i mentioned, its a secure site that something thats important to us. What we have been watchingwere aware of the impact to residents and communities and we been watching very closely with all the buildings in this area. With one markets, with the federal reserve, the hyatt, Boston Properties in particular. There impacted and also recognizing the huge number of people that commute every day and coming on the ferries that are targeted not just to the financial district, but into muni and around town. One thing that we have put in place, what we put in place on monday through friday, a commuter lane that will take people from the main entrance here at the harry bridges plaza to an exit just a by the hyatt. So, the Host Committee will be doing specifically building a Police Barricade of lane each morning at 5 30 am in the morning that will be secured with private security and backup with sf pd and will putting that in place for committees to walkthrough suite dont have to have a bike check for three hours in the morning for the Early Morning commute. So we can expedite the went to work. There will take those barricades down and clear that the time that we open at 11 oclock in the morning. Again we tried to time this to minimize impact as much as best we can. Opening at 11 am in the morning does allow those commuters to get through at those peak times without having a bad check. In the afternoon, unfortunately, as i mentioned, and you recognize, in light of recent events, the security teams we are working with are not comfortable with people walking through the site that having a bag check while water however, this site is completely open and free to the public, so commuters will be able to walk straight through the site at any time of day. If that is not desired, they can walk around through, and washington street ordeal and Mission Street which is an adds about an extra 67 min. To commute time. So this is something were actively talking about. This is part of our outreach plan we have a huge number of organizations will be working with and i started to meet with and continue to meet with over the next two months. Working closely with our partners with the mta and other transit agencies to make sure for minimizing impacts as much as we can. Will be completely enclosed and certain entry points that the public goes through . The green areas are the four main entrances that we driving to the want to visit super bowl city. Were trying to minimize as much as we can to use the buildings the perimeter. So we can minimize the we other ways for people to get to embarcadero or the hyatt were one market or the federal reserve. There will be other entrances. They will be secured as well with a bag check, were not forcing everybody that just wants to get to work to use one of these entrances. Do you want to state a date the street closures are occurring . Yes. The event takes place on saturday, 30 january and runs through sunday, 7 february. In advance of that and after that will be needing to build the site and clear the site. So, the estimated time and were still working through thisbut we expect saturday, 23 january and then we will be completely clear of the site saturday, 23 january and then we will be completely clear of the site by thursday, 11 february. So the plans on those days will change each day, pretty much in terms of how commuters can pass through the site or the site actually wont be secure properly until 30 january. So not until the day we open. Just to reiterate the embarcadero roadway will be closed 23rd of january through 7 february . 10th. 10th of every. Yes. Which will include the southbound guideline . Is there a detour . Im not the best person i know weve been working closely with the mta in transit agent that imports are not the best person to respond to transit questions. Im happy to get an answer back to you. From what im aware of so far, the plan is that the bike lane will come over to the east side of the embarcadero adjacent to the Ferry Building itself. Bicycles will be able to walk their bikes to the ferry area because we know thats three weeks that will disrupt them. So well continue to the Farmers Market. We will still continue to have all the activities that we have. There wont be enough footprint there, if you will, to bicyclists riding both north and southbound. So, the southbound riders will have to walk their bikes on the promenade. I believe the vehicles are going to be diverted at broadway to battery. I do know that the mta is still working on that. So washington will be close . Washington eastbound is open. Washingtonsorry. Washington westbound is open. Washington eastbound, two lanes are closed but you can still make the right from the moment to washington. And get onto the embarcadero. I think this is a really good thing. Its only onceinalifetime that you have a super bowl and i like the fact that you reach out to the community. You included the community and that the community i think thats important. I think we all know that San Francisco, were second to the new york and congestion and traffic but with success you have problems. Its a good problem to have and i think itll work out. I can definitely tell theres a lot of Due Diligence and San Francisco, where little city in a lot of ways, but would like to boxer whos allowed to light the punch was a heavyweight. Where in the big leagues now. So im really supportive of this and im really glad of the Due Diligence that was done with this. Of course, they can be inconvenience but like i said we may have never have a chance to have a super bowl here and we [inaudible] which is the hippest city in the United States holds in the super bowl. Thank you. Thank you. Before we get into further comments were getting some of the comments. The number of speakers, but if you do not commit a card, youre more than welcome to provide Public Comment just after i call out the people who submitted a car. You are welcome to come up in the comments as well. First speaker is Troy Campbell from Fishermans Wharf. If you could all line up. Hello. Troy campbell executive director the Fishermans Wharf cbd. I just want to come today to share with you a little bit of information why we were excited for super bowl l at Fishermans Wharf. This event, of course will have some inconveniences. That goes without saying but i think the inconveniences will outweigh the impact. A lot of our hotels are already full. A lot of them do contain blocks of rooms that are being held for espn, for the nfl. But also being able to offer minimum stays which is going to be helpful. We also, i want to say that in the week leading up to super bowl sunday last year, that week was the 10, 27, 33rd worst days for pedestrian traffic at Fishermans Wharf. So, anything that we can get down from Fishermans Wharf from super bowl city in the city during that time will be very helpful. This a very very busy time of year. Were alsoim happy to report peter albert from the mta presented a traffic plan. Peter albert worked on the plan for the peoples plan, the americas cup and he did a bang up job. So i felt secure knowing peter was working on this because hes very diligent in very detail oriented. Theres also, weve also reached out to mta to help with theres going to be ambassadors all over helping people get to and from and explain transportation. We have a team of ambassadors down at the whartons organ be working with mta to get those ambassadors train. So, all the ambassadors run the city whether from the mta or Fishermans Wharf cbd, theyre all presenting consistent information to visitors. Its also very important and were so happy to know the s line will be running because of the major mode of transportation it is only mass transit that comes into Fishermans Wharf so the fact that will be running is going to be very helpful. We want to help in any way we can. I just had the idea sitting here right now that we need to share with other people that drive, that may drive in for the weekend, alternate routes to get out of the wharf. Taking van ness to go donate to hide his great way to leave the wharf. If we can provide that information to our visitors, i think it will help alleviate some of the issues. Overall, i just want to say were supportive. We thank you for your super bowl l, for what theyve done. And to the mta for the concessions and the things theyre doing 12 make it as least impactful as possible, but i think i agree with the commissioner that this a onceinalifetime thing. Were hoping to have 1 million visitors this time in the city when its our least busy part of a year. Thank you. I think you raise a good point. One of the successes of the makeup was signage for alternative routes. So hopefully we can work with you and mta and others can get those other routes going. Next speaker, please. Hi. Patricia holman. Director of executive Office Programs with San Francisco travel. We know that super bowl is going to Bring International and National Attention to San Francisco and the type of positive exposure to our city is priceless. We also know that theres going to be a visitors sponsors nfl vips coming in days before, spending money on restaurants hotels, other touristy attractions. Also, rent out for parties and to activate sponsorships. That type of spending in the region is the type of spending in the region for the tourism and industry, its annually calculated in the hundreds of millions of dollars. San francisco travel is very excited to have super bowl come into the city, took for us to have a positive impact. The marketing thats going to bring it to the city and to the torso and industry, we know that it will outweigh any of the inconveniences. Thank you. Thank you. After its Kevin Carroll, Troy Campbell, Samantha Higgins. Good afternoon. Im ruthless jeffers. Head of communications for the Bay Area Council. Thank you for this opportunity. We are regional nonpartisan Public Policy group formed in 1945. To improve the bay areas Economic Vitality and quality of life more than 275 Member Companies employ hundreds of thousands of workers in San Francisco across the region. I suspect many of them will be having to navigate through the city and enjoy some of the experiences to mark it. So the Bay Area Council also expressed its strong support the great work for the super bowl Host Committee are doing to prepare for this exciting event i know our ceo jim wonderment is proudly serving on the Host Committee Advisory Group was part of the group that secured the event for this region. Super bowl l will support thousands of jobs and generate hundreds of millions dollars in economic activity. Which on a global spotlight on San Francisco and the entire region and help drive you towards him, convention, business, and other businessrelated activities now and for years to come. It is also providing a huge philanthropic benefits including dozens of Committee Social and environmental organizations. Of course, no event of this size encourages without some impacts and inconvenience to residents and businesses and others. We encourage a thoughtful thorough and Inclusive Work that in organizers are doing to plan for these impacts including the transportation and public safety. We are confident that the impact would be minimized during the short time the super bowl is visiting. With good planning and good strong execution we can make super bowl l a win for San Francisco in the region. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioner goodman is Kevin Carroll executive director of the Hotel Council of San Francisco. The Hotel Council members continue to be supportive of super bowl l. We were part of the original bill to bring the super bowl here and hotels commitment to make that happen. Our industry, our council is a nonprofit trade association that will slough hotels now in oakland, done at the airport in the north bay are members of our organization. Along with the 100 allied members which are other businesses that do businesses with hotels. Thats what i think my biggest messages here today is of course is and hope the Hotel Industry do the super bowl here, the attacks are so far beyond the hotels themselves. Our employees live all over the bay area many of them dont live in sense of the scale as well but for them to work, the extra work that can become a part of this, the benefits must we know our guests spend more money outside of our hotels but inside our hotels. So the mayor visiting and spending bills can be other restaurants enjoying the different parts of San Francisco as well. Super bowl ls and iconic event. Where in iconic city. I think the workbook super bowl Host Committee and the port of San Francisco to make sure we can showcase our city and i think thats how i would describe it. When you look at activities and other waterfront will be showcased at it something we should all be proud of. So, i want to let you know the hotel console and our members are strongly in support of super bowl l. We been working part of the mgs group and talk about how to get the communication out to employees and visitors related to all the transit changes that have to be made to accommodate it. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Katie workman is our last part. Then anyone else please feel free to line up behind dd. How can my name is Samantha Higgins on your behalf of the Golden Gate Restaurant Association to show our support for the super bowl festivities. There festivities to support super bowl for do bring huge benefits for the local economy especially restaurants. Were also excited to bring with a Host Committee on semper cisco restaurant week. It [inaudible] last 11 days of generate. Were also intend the Host Committee on transit and how to keep our members informed about closers and how to accommodate guests. So, again were supportive of the super bowl activities because of the benefits the bring to restaurants and others. Thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioner. Katie happened with the San Francisco chamber of commerce. The chamber was is over 1500 local businesses with over 20,000 employees in San Francisco and across the bay area. Were very supportive of super bowl l and of the associated events that will take place in the city before the game and during the game. Weve been hosting meetings with the sfmta and bart, with Property Managers in the area, with merchant groups, both in the area and those that are outside of the area to help advance the dialogue between our members and local groups and the mta and bart about transportation, but the impacts , potential impacts that are going to happen due to the road closures and so on. This is a very important events. These events are giving millions of people into the city. Also, people will be watching who dont come to the event or come to the game, theyre going to be watching this on television and if its anything like the americas cup, its going to bring lots of people to San Francisco after the event is over. I think the economic benefits of these events it can be felt for a long long time. If you saw the broadcast of the americas cup, those images of San Francisco are unforgettable. I did its those images by people to the city long after the americas cup events were over. So, it should be a winwin win for everyone. The chamber is playing a role in that. We are really trying to again provide hosting these days will continue to host the meeting could we welcome folks to come. If youre interested in attending the meetingwe would be happy to have you in the room with us to talk about it but its for important that everybody benefits both the visitors who come because the lead lots of them come into the city for these events, but also for the regular folks who live here and work here and do business here. The opportunities are there and we had to make sure that we can move people around and get people where they need to go inefficiently and quickly and safely. So the chamber is happy to be leaving in that effort and if youre interested in participating in those meetings, please come and talk to me. Thank you. Thank you. Any other public almond . Seen seen other public almond is close. Commissioner brandon rosie, thank you so much for the presentation and that was wonderful. I do think is a once in a lifetime opportunity and i think its a great opportunity for San Francisco and give us a lot of exposure that will help stimulate our local comedy. I also want to know regarding the Host Committee and the 5. 2 million, just wondering how was allocated and how different groups were chosen for it and if theres any way we can understand who actually benefits from it . Rosie, come on back up. Rosie, or pat, whichever you like. Hi. Im Pat Gallagher executive Vice President of the super bowl l Host Committee. Let me answer that. The process from the separate 501 c 3 registered in the money is a application process thats online, open to all organizations who can apply and qualify. So far, the 5. 2 million has been distribute it actually, i wish i had here but theres actually an island to the site and you can see every organization in every community with the money has been distributed. The goal is to make itto keep it in the nine bay area counties. So, this is just whats been distribute it so far. We are hoping to get it maybe as much as double what weve done so far. We have not done that yet, but that is our goal to do that. So, the focus is on use, environmental sustainability, Community Engagement. So the organizations that have been funded we fall into that category. What kind of outreach do you do or how does someone know to apply for it . We have done lots of outreach. Ive easily would done a lot of media announcements. Also, beginning at 50 weeks, which seems like a couple years ago but was in february last year, we began every week to give away 10,000 and a playmaker grant, and then with that, we also produced a video that redistributed in the nbc bay area houses distributed to get the word out. For example, a game changer grants that would done a year ago, there were five grants of a halfmillion dollars each. There were over 150 applications for those grants. The board the Advisory Board to basically whittle it down to a small amount so that the organizations that are out there , it generally have an idea that we havei wish we could give all the money away, that we have a way for people to look on the site. We want to make it as userfriendly for an organization as possible. So they have to go through a gigantic process. We can actually talk them through, online, ashley how to do. So someone is injured they would just go toHost Committee website . You go to the host website or the application is still open. Also, you can see where the money is actually gone. You making your socialmediaaswell spiritedontwitter. Everytimeyougi v ethemoneyoutyouontwitter. Youreo nf acebookwhatelseareyouone . Yelling in the street corners. The easiest way to follow is on twitter. You can do it on twitter or facebook but also online. Our site really excited all. Thank you. Peter commissioner adams. This is an opportunity for us. In San Francisco we have the midas touch. I do want to say the security we live in a very very dangerous world. For americans, weve always takenwe been able to go here and stuff like that but the world is a lot more dangerous. We have to always be cautious and i want to thank you guys for. The police, security and the fbi because we cantwe been able to go out and enjoy these of the good word of visitors from all over the world coming to our great city, and i want people to come and have a great time and be safe but enjoy themselves. Its just really important. Thank you. Rosie, think of your presentation. I appreciate your coming to educate us and highlighting the number of events that we actually taking place at the port along the waterfront. I do think it will showcase how extraordinary are waterfront is good you have to be careful what you wish for. I would keep San Francisco a little bit of a secret but now, it will be wonderful to have more chores here and other scene will be what we have to offer as a city. Most of all, i want to thank the super bowl l group for i think putting Something Better. We often talk about symphysis go doing Something Better and i think this is another example taking this event and figure out ways to give back to the community and get back to the nonprofits. I really want to thank you for that report i hope will now become a trend with that kind of major event. Its really wonderful to see, and is you better results have already come from that. Thats a phenomenal number to be able to give to the local nonprofit community. So, thank you for all that. As always, transit is going to be a big task. I think the more we can start alerting the public to letting them know and they need to adjust accordingly based on obviously unsure of the building had been building somewhat affected by the changing movements will alert their tenants get on the tenet and one of them. Ive not seen anything yet, but im sure i will soon. I think its important to give people as much notice as possible that things will be changing so they can make adjustments accordingly. I think i will ensure we have a wonderful and smooth operating event. Certainly, with the americas cup, when we had that, i think we really learned lessons and such a Medicine Movement of people along are waterfront. Very successfully. People had a great time and as was pointed out it really showcased our city. So, i think its exciting, the kind of revenue it will generate but to appreciate that we have not forgotten that their many of those that dont always share what participate in these kinds of activities, and by providing the funds to a lot of the nonprofits it demonstrates this a chance to do that much better and differently and make us mindful of that. To that end, one thing i do not here and i dont also be any thing along these lines, but whether the be any kind of screening up for people that dont have tickets to the event . Whether therell be able to watch it some location . Sort of a group activity. Weve seen that some of the other sporting events in the of. I dont know if thats part of whats being planned but perhaps well hear more about that later . Again, really just want to just response your comments, actually, the super bowl is protected in such a way there are no large black Public Events to watch the super bowl. The nfl and the broadcasters are encouraging people to private parties and public parties but nothing outside. Thank you. Better for our bars and restaurants in our city then. By thank you very much. Thank you to the committee as i said for making it that much better and make it such an exciting event and the city. Then i just had to comments i wasnt ablei forgot to make during my Commission Presentation that i just again wanted to welcome kimberly and sandra to the port staff. Im excited to have them. Also, say congratulations to our finance team, who is extraordinary Extraordinary Results to get the kind of rating for an agency like ours is no small feat. Willie just kudos to everyone involved in that and want to thank you again for that. Thats it. Thank you. Next item consent calendar item 10 request approval to issue a request for qualifications soliciting as needed real estate economics and related professional services. Is the motion . Sex the Public Comment on the consent calendar . Seeing none, Public Comment is close. The item carries. Item 11 eight informational presentation on events activity at pier 27. 35. Good afternoon commissioners and happy holidays. To you and everyone you. Peter Dailey Deputy director of marathon. On a given informational presentation of special plans appeared . 27 were having a special event on. 27. If you think about just a few short years ago, if we would have a Commission Meeting for. 27 we would then talk about buses and soccer fields and taxicabs and a bunch of stuff in a drafty old warehouse. Peer 27 served as well for number of years as did the Old Administration building which is now replaced by a part. But truly, it was a visual and spiritual barrier of the people from the embarcadero to the bay. Much as changed with a new tunnel being opened with a new terminal plaza. Peer 27 primarily serves as a cruise terminal and cruiseship provides the lion share of terminal revenue, but a fundamental plan element of our finest wind is to market the venue for special brands to maximize the facilities about you. We have replaced replacedwe been through our first year of operation and the terminal has been clouded by the cruise industry and mechanized as a successful model for other points to emulate. This past june, we presented to the Port Commission a status report on the positive financial progress appeared 27 and peer 35 cruise terminals. This informational presentation is another look a special event business which is a quick window generator for the port. The ports cruise business continues that a record pace which it calls and passenger counts at alltime highs. In fact, in 2016 we had 82 cruise calls book, confirms and we are expected to exceed 300,000 passengers for the first time. Commissioner adams has given me thatthese are medical for 1 million passengers in the next day. When i try to meet up. If this commissioner once alluded longer than normal and of few hours the grand business princess will be here and will continue to our mexico for fugitive made also my presentation down a little bit. Customer satisfaction metrics. The cruise lines are very specific in terms of serving their passengers could we had a learning curve when we open the terminal but the good news is recent visit to Princess Cruises is our largest cruise client. They showed up your 27 terminal efficiency ratings have consistently now reached the excellent threshold. While ongoing success will require vigilance and much more work by our team, which consist of support staff and partners with metro crews, and departments with the [inaudible] we should all be proud of what we have a commerce today. With 82 ship calls making her in the coming year. 27 and 35 have wide availability for special events. Even take into account time that is necessary to set up and not down after a cruise call. Mr. Requires oneday metro cruises are terminal operator the required one day for a call and half day after a call for the facility must be vacant. Thus. 27 is booked for cruise operation 170 days leaving 195 days for special events. Consistent with reports booking policy which provides first booking cruise calls large special bands that opens 14 months in advance. Cruise ships are the priority. We have some flexibility as we look back of terminal at pier 35. In fact, to talk what the super bowl we had to shoot it calls for super bowl week the leadership said peer 35 but with little impact bus to allow this facility to be used by the nfl for whether special parties. The cruise lines are happy with it to be part of the super bowl buzz. Our Management Group provides an economic structure for revenue sharing and all lines of business here. For special month metro we shared with the rental revenue equally. Metro for those of you that dont know, provide specialty hospitality in Guest Services for the cruise industry throughout north america. For their foray into San Francisco they partnered withstudios a wellestablished bay area event producer. Metro has now, since it had successful business here, they extended their event operation to new york city with a now manage events at the brooklyn cruise terminal. When there successfully replicating the Business Model here. Special bands that people know in the industry are booked years in advance sometimes takes 2 to 3 years, four years before reaching stabilization. Demand 4000 guest venues in the city remains strong. But surprisingly, there are less and less venues in the city that are able to accommodate that size of people. In 20 oh 15 metro posted at pier 35 and 20 7e quitting to 3. 4 events per month. There were 35 catered events with an average Gross Revenue of about 48,000. Which told about 1. 7 million. The approved annual base production that we presented to the commission was that we would have 52 advanced averaging 23,000 per event totaling 1. 2 million. While we had fewer than events and projected the revenue per event was more than double. The type of the events that we had, heavy obviously tech user conferences. Automotive. Groups, fashion shows, fundraisers, the ranges from 300are currently 35,000 a day. The event they rent the entire building or portions and priced accordingly. This years users of the terminal include apple, concorde technology, Electronic Arts, facebook, ford motor company, google, levi strauss, linked in, nfl, while fluorescent, somehow, twitter and uc berkeley. We hope you forgive them sort but but 2016 continues a positive trend with urging events already booked averaging at 70,000 per events. Other than revenue generated event this agreement with a port call for metro to host a number of Community Events such as this Commission Meeting. At no charge. In 2015 the highlight of our Community Events with the performance by the sentences go symphony of this past july. We attracted about 6000 attendees sat on the grass and enjoy the wonderful performance. It was such a success the company is booked for next summer for another concert. Other Community Events included the dedication for james r hyman memorial which is on and i hope people the chance to look at it on the way out of the building to get we that event from the San Francisco art alliance. Many civic meetings we continue to think that Community Love more and more axes the building going forward. There are opportunities to develop even more Robust Program at pier 27. The gta what we call essentially the parking and entrances, it has a lot of opportunity for events. The big Conservation Development commission permit allows us to host events and inquiries from designers. We have not really got there yet but we anticipate as we go forward that become another area we can expand our operations in. Theres also potential in what we call the pier 27 behind me. The permit allows or requires the port to develop a program to enliven the space to draw the public out to the provide activities free of charge and open to the public. The provision area is needed for cruise operations, obviously, with the bayside viewed we think there are some opportunities to leave the tip of 27 to more community and revenue events that could be public and clearly accessible. Theinitially, when metro took over the facility there were concerns in the community at the americas cup Concert Series that the noise would be difficult. So, metro met with members of the community and established a Good Neighbor policy. That was aimed at ensuring that the nearby residence would not be adversely impacted by noise, litter or disruption. Key parts of the policy included a promise to work closely with the neighbors to ensure ongoing communication. Ensuring that metro provides conduct and phone number to all interested parties that we entered at all times by staff who have the authority to adjust the volume in response to other complaints. Metro has recently amended the Good Neighbor policy to now include peer 35 as has been used in a more intense manner. In terms of noise, the policy states the legal noise up audible outside the peers during the hours of that violate article 29 of the San Francisco police code. Metro in the port will continue to respond to any complaints about public and make sure constructive steps are taken to avoid future issue could we also work with cruise ships that are here to have the cruise avoid excessive use of music or public address systems unless required by drills. Metro tries to limit the use of port [inaudible] amid warning beeps to the operational ability or the Early Morning and night operations. In closing, 227 outlook for special fence is very very strong. We love to work with metro and the community to expand events activity into the tip. Metro is going to market the facility internationally to gain more revenue in order to demand for our facility. With your permission, commissioners, the president of metro is here. He could say a few words and answer any questions you might have. Please, welcome. Good afternoon commissioners. Under executive director money. Its good to hear this report from peter dailey and i just want to echo his remarks. We are simply very pleased with the performance of the terminal as we open the facility about a year and two months ago. We had sincerely hoped that the expectations could be met and we will all worked really hard to make sure that only we could deliver the experience that is sort of presented it also that the cruise industry could continue to validate the investment and the efforts, as well as the community for special events, which was a new community for us. It could be attracted as we wanted. So, the fact of the cruise industry is doing so well, the Customer Satisfaction is peter referred to as being 95 which is at the top of the country, some of the best the sillies out there, cannot match this Customer Satisfaction ratings speaks extremely highly of the partnership weve had. And everybody else and then the events become such a major element of the revenue, again validates what we wanted to see. So, im going to ask john which is the director of operations, who oversees events to give us a few moments of information whether on events. For my part, i just want to say, we can see this potential to continue to move forward. We have a target of an additional cruise line to be brought in here so that we canwe dont have to rely so heavily on Princess Cruises is a primary clients. Caribbean and celebrity is definitely a target for us. Locally, we continue to work with local business enterprises, which are commitment we made, and have had a real over a close quarter million of dollars of revenue would had this first year, with the year which was not extraordinary but was a start. We continue to engage with them in allowing them to be part of this success. So, john if you want to cover a little bit what weve done in 2015 and what were looking at a doing 2016 a little bit. Sure. Good afternoon commissioner johncharge of the events division. First of all, thanks for having us down your volume your phenomenal event is a bu can see it now, but we have an amazing view starting with Treasure Island with a bridge and then you see the city lights coming alive right now as we speak. Its really a phenomenal event facility. Probably the premier event in San Francisco right now. I start working with events six months before the terminal even open conducting hardhat tours. As peter mentioned a lot of our clients with working a year or two years out. We surprised to the terminal opening was our first event two weeks after the opening of the terminal with the San Francisco Maritime Museum and then shortly thereafter, San Francisco giants won the championship also hosted their event here. Became apparent very quickly that having a parttime events person would not fly sweetheart. Event manager melanie wesley. Modicum and you want to raise your hand and say hello . Anyone interested in event. Please see melanie. Then we continue on a roll every sense and also another member to the team, Samantha Davis two weeks ago. Really, the feedback from the Event Community has been phenomenal. In 2015, we did 1. 4 million in revenue here. About 30 of the original estimate and one of the examines appear 27 when we have space for clients who cannot fit for this wasnt the right facility for them to come over to pier 35 are vintage cruise terminal to show them another space and believe it or not the warehouse style space is very suitable for many events here. We pose hosted a coffee or for Electronic Arts posted their out a party there last week. So, pier 35 has a lot of potential for us as well. I will say, the goal is to increaseis 27 and 35 in event last week and we had simultaneous events at both facilities. So, its looking good. Thank you. Back that concludes our presentation. Thank you. Do we have Public Comment . Anyone else wishing to give Public Comment, please line up. Im Christopher Christiansen the local 10 and i know some of this presentation was on some of the events for the cruise ship terminal, but one behalf of the local 10 because we are the labor workforce for the cruise ships that come in, and i just want to say that we much appreciate the board of San Francisco and metro cruise for all the court work and diligence they do, and are wonderful working relationship that we have with them. We strive, as the labor, for the cruise ship terminal to be better and support metro and with dignity and value and to make sure that we meet that goal of 1 million passengers in the next decade and that we do very much love working for, working with metro, working with. 27. Its a very very big privilege to come to work here every day. So, thank you. Thank you. Peter. Im sorry. One thing. I was just thinking in terms of special events, with a special event . Is important for people to remember this terminal during Daylight Hours is open for Public Access and the gates are open and people can wander out onto the from the embarcadero to the tip appear 27 along with the apron could really get close to the bay and observe all the wonderwhat vacancy advocate that might be a special event walking out there and having your life. Its very open publicly accessible facility. I forgot to mention that earlier. Thank you. You not to rain on my parade are you . Johnjohn dollinger. Member of the northeast Advisory Committee [inaudible] waterfront planning great and i care about these peers for a long time. First thing i would say, peter, i want to commend you for in last year since this opens work with the committee and others who are down here a number of times try to make sure public space was actually open as you know was not adverse. Providing an exam of come its always been open good i think thats important. Its not Public Access to people can actually get there. Willie, thats the theme of my comments. I would really rain on your parade only in a couple ways. One, the signage is incredibly poor. Theres actually archival plastic signs, but almost no one who walks by these peers or lives in the neighborhood knows this is open space. Who knows are allowed to come down here. Needs are intimidating. Theres a lot of activity. I am form but most people are not good i think the id of the spaces that people should get out. I really want this idea was raised earlier. Urge you to make a top priority of putting real signage here. It would take a must no effort to paint a blue strip from embarcadero along the walkway out to the pier 29 two. All grabbed a paint can and brush myself. Just you are hard. You are hired. An exceptional except the occasional exhibit we have an exploratory and an insight about the Labor Connections to the waterfront history i think would be to replicate in an outdoor way were next to the building. One, i would object to the notion that that space, which is one that would be converted to hide evidence which is adjusted in a memo. The permit does say specifically for dems to enliven the space time the public out to the tip and provide activities that are free of charge and open to the public. The private event that happened in the space metro runs are not free of charge and open to the public. Exactly the opposite. A symphony was fantastic. That really was to media onlyi would not call it, while this is fantastic meeting this is not a Community Meeting in this sense the symphony was. I would not argue that the idea is people invited to enjoy and celebrate just have fun. When i do more of those event . My suggestion would be when i take the 1 for public art motion and applied to this terminal . It would be 13,000 that could at least be used for modest programming to open up the waterfront for everyone. And, lastly i think metro has been doing a decent job. I would encourage them to recognize this is a public building and not theirs and if they can think on their own without having to enforce them a way to open up to public i would appreciate it. Thank you very much. Thank you. Other Public Comment . Please come forward. My name is joe jason. A resident of San Francisco and ivan office and financial district. My comment about. 27 is, i utilized it three times. I was americas cup fan and then after attending once, i started to throw business means that the espresso shop. So i see three business meetings and a total and we could produce quite impressive. Then, the second one i was invited to an event in the Software Developer conference that was here, and the third one was i attended the giants Celebration Party and i want to say, logistics and everything was seamless on all three events. Very well done with security and getting us in and out with traffic. So thank you. 27 and this facility. Thank you. Any other Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Peter, did you something i am done. Commissioner b brandon peter, thank you so much for that wonderful presentation. Stefano, thank you for your words and her membrane are remembering how poor they are to her local community i think everything about this building is a huge success. I think its just wonderful from the number of cruise calls being so successful to special events and the revenue that will help to pay our bonds off so we increase our rating even more. Two other public that this facility springing with the new open space could advance absolutely wonderful. So, i really want to thank the ports that for taking this on and ashley building it and opening it and make it so successful. Thank you. [applause] thank you commissioner. I like i neglected to mention earlier, but i do want to point out the longawaited public bathrooms have been added to the beltway and they are open. They been open now a couple weeks. I hope you will avail yourself of them. These bathrooms are really nice to but theyve come forward as a result of this post. Thank you for your words. Commissioner adams great report stephan, i appreciate you being here today. The sum was never happens. This is like a project that took 25 years in the making to get his cruise terminal here. I was on the First Committee that mayor newsom put together an Advisory Committee we were looking at pier 30 and 32. Theres always good behaviors. The people that make negative comments or whatever, and thats fine. My grandmother used to say [inaudible] in essence saying that theres a great opportunity. This is an icon here in the city. When you walk by this waterfront, this thing just lights up. Its like a light of good energy. Its a good soul force for our city. When you think about we are close to 30 million visitors a year to walk up and down this embarcadero. Basic this iconic place and if you look at the view salesforce, i think they had their convention on the ship and the part on a doctor a week. They did also nightly to go out to our stating. I know youve got to havethere are some places the city began the people just run wild. You just cant. Youve got to have security. But, i would like to see more people come in here and toward this place. To see because this is very nice. And this is something in our backyard. And what we are trying to as a commission to everyone to come out we appreciate this, we want members in this community to realize that there is a poor tip. This is a waterfront. This belongs to every citizen in our city. You dont have to have any money. We want you to come down and enjoy this. This is something we have that we should cherish. Its like a jewel any museum. This is great. I know stephan, gimme within seattle and there was some negative comments. A lot of peopleill just share this story. There was some negative comments about passengers getting on the ship it. Ill tell you like it is. They were talking about the workforce here. Remember of the i o w good on the secretarytreasurer. Local 10, the sacred treasure here kris kristofferson, they worked with metro and they cut down on their own membership is that you know, whats happening down there is unacceptable. When people get up and come to San Francisco they need to see people with a smiling face am a hello, because its good Customer Service. Thats what we are supposed to be about. They told her membership, if anybody goes down to work at this terminal and their rude to a passenger they can come down here to work for five years. Sometimes when you get peoples attention you hit them in the pocket book. You grab their attention. Not just slap them on the wrist. No. You hit them where it hurts i dont stephan remarks and reviews they are giving out from the passengers, they said it regained confidence in coming back to San Francisco, and they said this the best terminal in the United States to come. So, that just shows working together and sometimes communicating and sometimes tough love can turn things around. I just want to say am proud of my brothers from the local 10 for taking that. Stephan called me, money, and we were together to turn it around. We have a jewel here brothers and sister. And people want to say this and that and complain and why that is fun. This is a great and im really happy we have it here and im glad as a commissioner on my watch man when i came into the union the terminal is named after him. As the only terminal named after union leader lifetimes of people think same about workingclass people thats why came from jameswas a little guy about 5. 3. If you look at that the cruise was named after him. Its not the size of the person its whats in their heart. Your commitment that man loves San Francisco. So, thank you. Thank you. Follow those remarks. I just want to thank you, peter, for your present it thank you everyone for being here today. But its been wonderful for us to be able to speak about the successes of the terminal as we sit here and can really enjoy the scenery, the view of the lashley from the site we dont get it though i note the audience gets it to see a little bit of the view from the windows here. This is been such a tremendous success to the ports and i think today highlights even more as weve had speakers from labor to the two metro to ports that are talking about working together and figured out how to make this such a tremendous experience for visitors coming through San Francisco and also great opportunities for locals to have event both private events as well as the Public Events having attended the symphony does extraordinary and the first event we had here was a precelebration of the world series energized eventually one. It was a perfect way to kick it off with one of our major tenants joining us for it having their big celebration there. So, with so many different successes in great amends and i can see more in the future. I know what to get to 1 million passengers sooner than expected. I really want to thank staff. Was a labor of love to get this built in such ontime, on budget fashion after many years of trying to get a new terminal built, and peter, for your stewardship with all the different moving parts and all the other staff that was involved in this. Most of all i want to thank the working relationship that weve had with labor. I o w you put staff and our neighbors. Because i think one of the things we dont hear complaints in the neighbors but we actually hear, all here are primarily thank user creating a grassy space in open air. The opportunity to walk around, to have access to the water and to participate in a variety of different events. So, theres always room for improvement to everything but i think were off to a really exciting start this year. Im sorry to ramble on. I first met commissioner adams on a Blue Ribbon Committee back in the day. We both had a full head of hair it was so long ago. This one guy involved in this from the getgo. Its Public Knowledge now that hes retiring next month. I just wanted knowledge and hes in the audience again by name was john doll who is a project mentor for this project. These behindthescenes lobby with a note view the work he did on this, but also knowledge and public. John, can you please stand please. [applause] thank you. Speaker thank you, john. It was news to us. Yes, thank you peter. Next item item 11 request approval for a second shortterm extension to the operations agreement with chevron usa incorporated loan continued operation with richmond california refinery is a Foreign Trade zone number three subs on site additional sixmonth expiring july 27, 2016. Chevron has been operating the richmond refinery is a subset of the port of San Francisco number three for the past 17 years. That agreement expired at the end of july, this past year. We came to the Port Commission in july for approval of an extension of this operating agreement for a term of five years for three options for additional five years each. At that meeting, commissioners had questions regarding the scale and scope of the Foreign Trade zone program requested further Community Outreach on the impacts of the federal program. It approved a sixmonth extension of the current chevron writing agreement with expired in in january 12, 2016. To commerce these tax. As a result of the poor commissions request in order to expand Public Outreach the port of San Francisco to get it with the city of oakland them up granted porn trade zone jolie held a three happy regional form for parties interested in learning about the benefits of Foreign Trade program. We have over 65 attendees. Presenters from Economic Development, other cities, Companies Working to learn more about benefits representatives of the city of richmond where chevron finery is located. It participated on labor represent oakland and also were invited. Following his regional form, the poor sap made a informational presentation to the commission on october 13 outlining the overall scope and mechanics of the federal program. It answered questions regarding its geographic scope, economic benefits, as well as uniform treatment provisions of federal law. The Foreign Trade zone board of the yes is Customer Service at have federal oversight over applications that grant such as the port of San Francisco for approval. In terms of discretionary approval, the board mandates that each zombie operate as Public Utilities and that the grantee shall afford also may apply for the use of the zone uniform treatment under like conditions. Chevron has chided the not the loyal only oil company the port that generated our grant with. In 2012, the valero refinery and then in 2014 phillips 66 refinery Port Commission approves as of zones had a status to those competing oil refineries. At the october Commission Meeting discussion ensued regarding making sure the company is taking advantage of the them are good Corporate Citizens. Poor sap has is researching ways that we can introduce this concept into future ftc operating agreements within the grounds of federal pit weve reach out to the board in washington dc and i think we can come up with some creative ways to put put limits that answers the commissions concerned into an operating agreement that is within the bounds of our ability. Chevron has requested the current ftc agreement to expire at the end of next month that we add another sixmonth extension onto the current extension expires on january 27. This will allow us to explore with a Foreign Trade zone the concept of how good Corporate Citizenship can be woven into agreements as well as with chevrons was other future operating agreements brought before the Port Commission. Chevron has been briefed on the good Corporate Citizen question on the Commission Package is committed examples of their outreach and philanthropic activities enriching california is was the city and county of San Francisco. This extension will allow us to investigate our options will not interfere with the current chevron operating agreement were decreasing for Foreign Trade on board. Ill be glad to answer the questions you may have. Thank you. So move. Second speaker we have a number of public speakers. First guy that Andrea Bailey. From chevron. Following and it will be bob i apologize for the sake lily from ibw. Dd working. Hero worthy in and showif you call had up. Good afternoon. Commissioners, and executive director money. Thank you for the opportunity to speak your to the Port Commission today on support of chevrons request for sixmonth extension. To us current Foreign Trade zone operations agreement. My name is Andrea Bailey mbe Community Engagement manager for chevron in richmond at the refinery. In my role am responsible for managing and dividing social investments in the richmond committee. These investments are those on economic revitalization and job training. Temerity health activities, all which are lined with the central goals of a Foreign Trade zone program. To support local Economic Development and jobs. Po Economic Revitalization Initiative we pledged 10 million and social investment by helping to create pathways to Sustainable Living wage for better jobs and careers in growth industries. For richmond and North Richmond residents. Your investments and workforce development, Training Programs like wellbeing, process Plant Operator industrial maintenance mechanic, we prepare students for entrylevel jobs in manufacturing petrochemical and other related industries. To our 5. 5 million systemic Education Investment we seek to increase Student Learning in math and science to programs like ourwhere kids adults, and business can become inventors, entrepreneurs, and makers of the future. To our tenure 30 pledged to the city of richmond were hoping to make secondary education possible to the richmond promise program. Begin with a graduation graduating class of 10 2016 we are working in partnership with the city so that every student will be eligible to receive up to 6000 in tuition grant to university, community college, and her technical vocational educational permanent. These are just a few of the many social investment chevron has made in richmond. In fact, in 2009, chevron has invested more than 600 600 million locally creating jobs, helping local businesses training residents, helping nonprofits and paying taxes that fund essential services such as schools and public safety. As i said earlier, one way or another, Investment Alliance with the goal of supporting Us Manufacturing jobs. That is why i hope you will support the port staff recommendation to grant a sixmonth extension so that by working together the port and chevron can achieve a longterm Foreign Trade zone operations agreement. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Pleasure to be here today and pleasure to be able to speak to you. It would be even more pleasurable like this microphone where my mouth is. I represent the approximate 1300 members of the International Brotherhood of electrical workers, local 302 good russell proud members of the construction Building Trades council. We, too, should port shipments sixmonth federal trade zone permits extension. You hear a lot about free trade and free trade pacts and so forth. Freetrade zone concepts allows for Raw Materials to travel into the United States, relatively unimpeded certainly unencumbered initially by some fees and tariffs. Which arent levied where are the more proprioceptive this means us businesses using us workers will provide us jobs which in turn will strengthen the us economy. That benefits American Workers whether they work in these manufacturing jobs are not. Certainly strengthens the economy in the area. This allows us in addition to maintain our competitiveness in the world market. At any given time, we represent 200 workers at the chevron facility in richmond that these are highly skilled, highly motivated and welltrained men and women from diverse backgrounds, and they all enjoy hiking middleclass jobs. Chevron richmond supports local labor. Theyve entered into a project Labor Agreement on a Modernization Project with countless other agreements with richmond refinery. These jobs and these agreements help our local economy here in the bay area and because of this, we recommend extending their sixmonth permit. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon again commissioners. He working with the San Francisco chamber of commerce. The jammer supports the exception of the operating agreement with chevron for the richmond refinery as a form trade zone subsite. Customs relief provided under the ftc agreement prevents maritime activity in the region. These activities create more maritime jobs, increase sales taxes and Business Licensees to provide economic benefits to the whole region. Chevrons longtime San Francisco business. I think some people are not aware of that or forget and theyre very good Corporate Citizen did they invest millions of dollars into San Franciscos nonprofit community, including exploratory and right here on the waterfront. This emphasis go chamber urges the Port Commission to approve the ftc operating agreement extension with chevron. Thank you very much. Thank you. Hello. My name is cairo where the. The second director of for richmond. A corporate sponsored organization from chevron. Im here to speak about how they are good citizens in regards to my organization that i lead. They invested over 1 million over a long back in time to support what we do in the community by implement team and supplementing when the Committee Members need. The way our Community Works were my organization works, we are fed ideas and suggestions by the committee on what we should do, and i cast my staff to bring those things together. To date, weve served over 20,000 people here in richmond. We have placed over 500 individuals with employment not only the refinery but other refineries and other longterm gainful employment. We usewe have received 25 scholarships to give to people. These past two years to go to colleges and those people ever turn back to our committee have gainful plummet as well. In our Health Pillar we support our local Football Team the richmond steelers, but making sure that theyre academically sustainable within school so they can still play. That answer given advocacy tools necessary to help their children be successful at school, and to ensure that the young people know the next thats not only around sports but with other academic choices they can make after theyre done playing football. I support chevrons getting their extension for another six months. I can only speak for what theyve done for my organization and the community, theyve done very great things and you are very great supports. So, thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker. I guess not speaking any other public, . Seeing none, of the common is closed. Commissioner brandon thank you so much for those comments. Its great to see chevron has a much support here in a board meeting. The two commissioner adams i appreciate chevron reached out and crew has large support. One of the things for me i brought up was that corporate bad behavior anytime we signed agreements to something just because a corporation might do good one things in one area that means theyre not doing other things in other parts of the world and other places maybe not paying taxes, destroying communities. The doing a lot of different. So, we just want something that says that the company has corporate bad behavior to have to be accountable. Thats all were saving. So, i appreciate chevron wanted to talk with us and appreciate all the stuff the doing in the community that support the sixmonth extension, but i think with any agreement going forward, anybody with old people accountable and we cant allow sometimes people can throw money out there and people look the other way and thats fine. Im not saying thats happening here, but im just saying corporate behavior can be good in one area combat somewhere else around the world. You get this image of it and youre thinking this company is great and that we do Something Different differently in australia origination overtime. Thats all. Going forward, weve got to hold him accountable because we want the best for the community but also as commissioners would that be accountable and we have our permission for a lease. So, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, peter for the presentation. I think our last meeting one of the things we focus on making sure there was adequate outreach and education regarding Foreign Trade zone. Generally, i think it was some confusion and recognize this is really opportunity to get the word out about what the Foreign Trade zone incorporates, income is and how it operates in the bay area. So, i appreciate there were able to hold a joint meeting with the city of oakland. Another Foreign Trade zone grantee, provide that education to businesses in the community and maybe all to take advantage of the trade zone opportunities. As i think the speaker from ibw well articulated, the advantages of having these Foreign Trade zones provide to businesses in our communities. I also appreciate your comments there were going to look to see if theres some ways within the confines we have under the Foreign Trade requirements, to see if theres any other criteria that we can add to that that because this is a benefitwere not gaining anything by providing these Foreign Trade zone. Its a benefit to the community and given that some of these businesses benefit its an opportunity to see pretty make sure that these businesses are good stewards and the community and within the bounds of the law and criteria we can add something along those lines to all of our freetrade zone Operator Agreement going forward. I also appreciate your looking into that but in the meantime very happy to the port a sixmonth extension of this item. So, thank you. All in favor aye the item carries. Item 12 request approval of memorandum of understanding between the port of San Francisco in this emphasis go Human Services for use of a portion of pure 29 in pure 80s shed a temporary emergency winter shelter for homeless adults during el nino 20152016. Good evening. Commissioners. Executive director mueller. The general public and ports that. My name is tom cotter import Deputy Director for maintenance. Tonight, i was up with me david quinto who is operations rector for San Franciscos Human Services agency. Tonight, im here to seek approval and request approval from her memorandum of understanding between the port and this emphasis go Human Services agency for the use of a portion of pure 29 and pure 80s shed a for jeffrey emergency winter shelter promise adults during the el nino 20152016 winter. In preparation for the 20152016 el nino winter, the city has made many efforts and when those efforts we been making is to care for the most vulnerable of our population. Early october, executive director moyer requested staff to take a look at properties to see which ones could be utilized for emergency shelters and to assist the cities efforts. In late october the Mayors Office called a meeting with City Departments to reach out to us to do the same thing, to find these locations of it potentially could be used for emergency shelters. The vision excuse methe vision was to prepare sites for the storms and for those sites to be available from december 15 through march 15. Also, to house up to 1000 homeless folks and also to spread this throughout the city and help sites citywide not just in the port but in different neighborhoods throughout the city. The Homeless Outreach was by the Human Service agency and directed towards those shelters that are open and available. What you see here upon the slides right now is the two sites. What we settled on was pure 29 and pure 80 shed a. The shaded area is the area thats proposed to be used. Each one of those approximately 10,000 ft. 2. Within those areas, we plan on doing and Human Services agency plans on doing, is to demise with fencing to put up tents and in our case there will be a structure that will have a wall around the world area,. They would like to have restrooms on site. They will prepare two meals, served two meals the repaired onsite and they will have security personnel and social worker and qualified volunteers from their agency and other city agencies to work as as service workers. These plans have been presented at new agriculture on december 2 and was not a meal but they havent emailed to the committee so they could respond and give any input on the plans. Excuse me. So, clos so the proposed for the shelters excuse me. I was hoping to look up the slides. You can just take the microphone out and come out in front of the podium, if you want. Thank you. The proposed use. The areas will be lined by a fence. Let me back up. The proposed mou and the terms of the mou that we would have the shelters open from december 15march 15, two options to extend the shelters. But itll be 20,000 ft. 2 and pure 29 and him. 80, excuse me but 10,000 ft. 2. Is asking the Commission Ways the rental fees security deposits and the emergency [inaudible]. Again, going to the staffing. The staffing for each shift am a which is all ours. Its 24 hours a day. Therell be at least one social worker, to security personnel and three additional staff. His was being committed. Human Service Agency will provide port staff the single 24hour contact so we can reach into them and you with any issues we have. The Human Service agency should be so irresponsible for setup maintenance and closure of the facilities. Support staff is collaborating with Human Services agencies apt to determine the feasibility of a hotline for residents and businesses to use regarding the proposed use. The current proposal is to use 311, which is used for most other requests for citywide. That is my presentation but i thank you. Im daviddavidis here and ill answer any questions you want. I have Public Comment from tori freeman. Actually, i take that back. Yes. Tori freeman hello. Im tori freeman. The indian basin neighborhood association. Our mission is to preserve the maritime history, Natural Beauty and diverse character of unique ambience of the vibrant mixed use neighborhood. Venue basin through community organizing. We are part of the Bayview Hunters Point Community and i grew up in the bayview. We were wondering, we are in support of herman housing for the Homeless Population, and we were wondering if you are working with some nonprofits in the Bayview Community and who, which ones if you are. Also, in the proposal, it looks like its open during rainy days, but if its not raining, where will the population be located and how will they be served . Thank you. Any of the Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment please come forward. I miss spoke with jane. Shes on the next item. Feel free to provide Public Comment even if you have not submitted a car could just go ahead and line up if you wish to speak. My name is pete [inaudible]. We are in the process of opening a good size arts and Creative Center right across the street from here 80. We definitely are in support of this type of program. Folks do need to have somewhere to go and get out of the elements. We would only ask that you guys encourage the city and whoever the specific groups are that are going to be running these facilities to be as available as possible to neighbors and businesses in the area. Theres not a lot of us down there on that block. Maybe a dozen different businesses in all in that immediate area, but would pay to have access to the folks that actually managing the facility so that we can coordinate and maybe even help some. Thank you. Next speaker. Good evening commissioners. My name is bob harrop. Remember the northeast waterfront Advisory Group. I was there for the presentation that was nato we could to go some familiar with the proposal. Basically i just have a couple of questions and a confirmation. Number one, is during the presentation was mentioned that pure 27 and pure 80 would be one of the last to be opened up in a range you dance. There will be other locations that will be prioritized and so i just want to confirm that is still the understanding that pure 27 and 80 would be a second grouping or a secondtier of facilities to be opened if the need occurred . Secondly, there was a question whether the hotline would be available in case people saw some problems and cleared there would not be a hotline in general to try to do with the homeless from, but obviously something connected directly with that. We assume directly connected with the facility at the two peers. Then, finally, just a question. Did you give any thought to the possibility of getting some notice to immediate neighborhood when the peers were going to be open, just so they the residence and immediate neighborhood is aware of what is available and what is going on . Thank you. Thank you. Any other public on . Seeing none, Public Comment is close. Perhaps before we speak if you could address good points. B2 yes. That evening president katz and commissioners. And director mark. Jane curto director of operations for the government of agencies service. Oh i think this update for to think support for partnering with us in providing these two facilities. In answering the question to me give a brief overview that weve identified 19 sites in the city, 229 and pure 80 are amongst the 19 sites. There are currently in our tier to activation. We have approximately 1000 beds available in the first 14 sites. Their tier 1 activation. We wont know until we actually activate one and go through it whether that capacity is sufficient, or whether well need to add capacity. So that will play bite your. Will stage both by locations at the peers so that were ready to activate those shelters within a six or eight hour per night. The protocol for opening the shelters comes between the department of emergency management, department of Public Health, Human Services agency, the National Weather service. When they predict that we will get sustained rains for more than 2436 hours, coupled with temperatures and wind chill factors, then theyll go ahead and activate the shelters. That upon the Public Health and the Police Department will be engaging people in their and kim and anton which alters they can go to. Weve open the shelters in various locations throughout the city trying to put them in the immediate proximity of the encampments we know about. So if the rain lets up a little bit during the day and they still need to go back into the shelter they can return to the area that they normally reside in. So, this is the last time we had an el nino of the significance was in 1997 , some of you or member those rains. It was substantial. There is predictions that we may get as much as 18 inches of rain in the months of january and february, and possibly march. We dont know with these projections were these computer models will bear out, but thats what theyre telling us. Peter is a good thing we do not have you in the super bowl host. Except i will say looking into a dozen 98 clear period. I just want to clarify with super bowl l. We are hoping that holds true. Via letter better if the niners had a chance to be in the super bowl but i dont think thats in the cards this year. We will be staffing good to be a shelter manager at each site which will be a city employee. Will make all those phone numbers available once we mobilize. There will be cell phones and phones available at each site. 311 is going to be the main contact. Theyll have the number of the managers on said if theres concerns from the committee we can address them quickly. We will have security on site as tom indicated, what at least one social worker on each shift, both people from the department of Public Health and department of Human Services. Actually, our staff patterns since we spoke with tom earlier, we considerably beefed it up soon each shoulder there will be servicing 100 beds and not all the facilities can hold 100 beds. But we would have a staff of 12 for any given shift. So, it is substantial pure we are relying on city workers to do most of the staffing from a private security of course will be there could we have meals on wheels, project open hand and the Salvation Army would being in hot meals to the clients during the times they are sheltered. We dont know if would be opening these for two days at a time, three days at a time, were planning on opening or up to seven should the storm wants that. The cities open for much better response than we had in 1997. For those of you that remember, we were staging people at it the stadium and also down in mission rock. Neither one of those were done very well because the city was not prepared. So, this time we put a lot more preparation into it and we hope itll go smoothly. We will just wait and see what happens. So, im happy to answer any other questions anybody has. Commissioner, i think its important to note what they mentioned that the port facilities are the second round that are about you does not distinguish between round one and two so theyre on call to the Human Services agency as needed. So, we are doing our best to support the humanitarian effort for which there might be some warning given by acts of nature but very little. As dave mentioned, it will be a herculean effort to call city staff in to work all this to the best of their ability. We will be getting a project manager name, but i dont know how far in advance we will to put that name forward. I want to be very clear on that with the public. Yes. Were working with the department of Human Services to come up with the protocols for common staffing. We are calling for volunteers for the shelter manager could open by next week will have a list of those individuals. Will make all that available as soon as it solidified into a plan. Also, i might add, the mayor is announcing all this in a press Conference Tomorrow morning. Module we sit here tonight will be repeated. Thank you. Commissioner brandon thank you good i think its a wonderful effort that were a part of it. I hope its successful. Commissioner adams you know, this is something that the pulls at my heartstrings because as a part of our social fabric. Our social responsibility as citizens to be involved. We are blessed and i know weve had a lot of discussions this year. The new guy came and adjusted the san its an issue that i see every day. We need to have the compassion. I believe the port can play a small way [inaudible] we all need to do something. We can do something im glad that the port, even though its a small part, that we could play parts. Its our responsibility to do this. To the citizens of people that are less fortunate. Anyone in this room could have a downturn in her life and the homes. It can happen to anybody. At one time all the people that are homeless had it together and something happens in all takes is one little thing to happen in your life and you could be out in the street and you can be homeless. How did i get myself into this position . So, this is important to me and im just so happy. I think the guys of bio wp monique was [inaudible] i think you were asking about that. This would meet in shed a. At the moment theres no interruption to anyone. Okay. I want to say thank you and clearly you have my support. This is huge. Ive seen this every day on the waterfront. I see this on this and i know a lot of people wish it would go away. So we have so much wealth. We have over 60 billionaires in the bate area. With so much wealth. We have an abundance. Most expensive city. I mean, sometimes i say to people, you doing the best they can and they say yes, and im really, we cannot do more. We will do more. Thank you. Just to answer the lady from india basin. We have provided over 4300 units of housing to Homeless People over the last six years. Those are mostly in our master lease hotels but we maintain a portfolio of 29 Different Hotels where we are housing people here we are opening new ones all the time. As you can see, anyone walking on the streets can see the Homeless Population continues to grow in San Francisco. So we are hoping that 1000 beds is enough, but will find out. We could go to 14, 1500 if necessary. Well see what happens with the storm. Its also a Good Opportunity engaged some of these people to get them tied with her services to help them get back on the path to selfsufficiency. So, once you have a captive audience you can work with them a little bit. Thank you. Also want to thank you for all your efforts and i toto try and help in what we hope will be unnecessary but im afraid in looking back on 97, babies were planning for a worstcase scenario and will be prepared for that. So, i appreciate that were part of the solution. I want to thank you. And the city for steffens to being for thinking and trying to pin. I try to meet google on their own terms where things which i think we can learn from 97 when we set up the facilities mission rock in particular, where people on their terms and were able to bring in new people that had not Access Services the records were some unique needs for family units, the people have created that traditionally have not been incorporated the shelters that we had, had a handlepeople that would have pets and would not seek our services because that was there for many people there one connection to some sort of humanity. They were afraid of losing their animal companions if they went into a shelter. So we created opportunities that. I think we learned a lot of lessons about how to bring people in and even though it was not perfect and 97, we did figure out how to meet people on their terms and get a number people access the system. That we had not before. A couple thoughts and sort of suggestions. I do think notice to the neighborhood might be worthwhile, but also i think having to appeal to peoples better instincts and that neighbors want to know how to direct people if they see them and some sort of distress knowing where they can direct people. I think there may bei called 311 on a variety of matters and theres subsets of calls. Perhaps there could be for one for Homeless Outreach both for Homeless Individuals that her neighbors. So, people, and say what can i direct this person, who i like to get off the street, it would be possible to have a kind of information as well. Perhaps having some dedicated staffing at 311 that would be over but better versed and this might be helpful for not only the homeless participants but for Community Members that want to know where they can offer the kind of help. Again, i think appreciate the outreach, tom that weve done for the community and the people know whats happening, but i think most of all i want people to recognize that the port is being a good partner in trying to address is commissioner adams pointed out, very serious situation and its affecting all parts of our city and we need to do what we can to be compassionate to those that are not as fortunate. So i want to thank you for your efforts and thank our staff for making a contribution to try to improve on this. I want to say its nice to see other city agencies come together for common cause. See that you dont see that too often every day. So its a good effort by everybody. Thank you. All in favor aye. Apprised opposed dispute the motion carried item 12 request a position for issue request for proposals for retail leasing opportunity up your turn. Building located Chestnut Street added the embarcadero. The two men present, commissioners, my name is mark rosewood assistant Deputy Director of [inaudible] this a comeback item for the last meeting. At the time, you had a full presentation on the item you asked this come back because you had a couple of issues you want to clarify and you wanted some staff time put toward it. So, im here to give you an update. Staff efforts that went on between the meeting etiquette the two major issues that you wanted staff to look after were basically Public Outreach and more specifically Public Outreach with the newanyone some clarification as to the use language in the staff report and kind of how that was going to be implemented with this rfp at pier 29 located building. The first issue, Public Outreach and support staff attended, i attended the new meeting last wednesday. Engaged the new agriculture in a very robust when the discussion. Very informative. Hopefully, answered all questions and dispelled any misunderstandings that the newhad with this proposal. I think everybody at that meeting left it going was very fruitful, informative, and very positive. The two things that we came away with for staff came away from that meeting was that the newwanted couple things to happen. I will report action on a couple items. Those items were basically, number one we want to be kept in the loop. This wanted continuous information about the rfp as it progresses. So, i will basically attend the monthly meetings and give them an update every month on whatever is going on with the rfp. The other area they want to partake in the rfp process. I basically reminded them and reiterated the fact that was always port status intend to have a member as a part of the Advisory Panel that scores and ranks the proposals. So they were happy to hear that. It was actually an idea we told him about quite a while ago, about a year ago. The other part was that, as we give presentations, as we narrow down the proposals to 23 of the finals, we were going to let we would have those files give presentations of the Port Commission and we were going to mimic that and have them see the same presentations so they can get they conduct they could understand who the participants might be and what kind of uses might be. So, the other area of commissions concern was basically, clarifying some of the use language in the staff reports. And connecting that with how that might be implemented actually onsite within operator and we have done that by adding clarifying language to the staff report, which is underlined to make it easily identifiable for you. I think weve answered your questions in that attitude language. If not will be happy to answer those questions. Basically, in closing, i want to say thati want to reiterate port status intent and goal in this rfp. This is kind of a balanced approach to an rfp. We have not done this before. Looking at the extremes that may go on here, if we take one extreme and dont do anything, we could lease the space right now for storage space, Warehouse Space if we could do that tomorrow and be done with it. I dont think that is what staff once. I do figure out the Commission Wants and i really dont think that want thats whatonce. What we want to do is invite the site and bring people in so they can see these historic, marvelous bulkhead buildings. Theres a way to do that to engage the public and bring them in. The other extreme was dir. Moyer pointed out, at the last meeting, we could put this out as a restaurant. A topend restaurant. And be done with it that way. That would not fulfill our goal of basically trying to create a new use. Something that we dont have along the waterfront and something that does not compete with both the Ferry Building, Fishermans Wharf, or replicates things we already have. What were looking for is something creative and new. We feel that through this rfp we are kind of trying to cast a fairly wide a net to capture as much as we can so that we can see what is out there. And be creative. So, thats really the conclusion of my update. What i want to do is, of course, make my recommendation and so i want to recommend that the Port Commission approve this resolution which would allow port staff to issue the rfp and move this project forward. Thank you. So moved. Moved and seconded. Public comment this because ive are jean connors. After that, aye. [inaudible] good evening, commission. Monique moyer executive director and i think im the Senior Property of the Ferry Building and running the retail there after the whole building. The one thing you know about the retail its all about location, location location. Pier 29 undoubtedly is one of the best locations on the waterfront. I think all of us took a very serious look at it when it was activated during the americas cup. I think for a flagship location for a local business, its prime. I love the idea that you guys are looking at local businesses. I also think the guys really carefully considered the uniqueness of the Ferry Building and Fishermans Wharf and what it offers. Im really excited if it becomes a destination for Something Like sf made were local art businesses and i can see the waterford becoming like a Granville Island and vancouver where its a big piece of property. Essentially the waterfront. All these different elements are complement three to each other but have their own identity Grandview Island has a phenomenal local arts identity. If studios there. Dave glass blowers. The people that make purses and bags. Theres weavers. You can go into the shops and have dialogues with the artisans will ask you to spend some money with the artisans walk 100 yards in that Something Like the Ferry Building good its really a phenomenal opportunity in the Ferry Building is much in support of it. Thank you. Thank you. Sorry if i butchered your name. [inaudible] from pier 30. The ports proposed a plan to create a vibrant and unique destination for local residents and workers. 29 bulkhead building that will not compete with existing port retail areas such as Fishermans Wharf and the Ferry Building is a sound alternative to a Light Industrial Parking Facilities on the embarcadero. It is a special building. There is so much more that can be done with pure 39, we do support the ports of San Francisco in her efforts to redevelop a portion of pier 39 into a San Francisco bay area ctr. Destination and well, traction that will create energy and serve to further possibly activate the waterfront could i think thats really the key for beautiful embarcadero that i love scene right up especially this building tonight. Ive been enjoying it. About a year ago we took a walk, a tour, through pier 29 could this challenge is in that building, but it really could become something amazing. Ive talked to staff about different ideas. Again, pier 39 is in support. If we can be of help we are here for you. Thank you. Thank you. Any other Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner adams. I am in support of this. Im glad that you brought it back. Weve had it last month and its kind of like at the end of the meeting when its like a lot of confusion its just a 20,000 ft. 2. I think is a great opportunity. I think we ought to develop its. I think it would add to the luster of our waterfront and i think its long overdue and we had to take something really make something great out of it. So, you have my support and i know the support of other commissioners also. Are you speaking for us . Mark, thank you for much for your report and thank you for meeting. And for continuing to meet with them and make sure they are part of this. They sure were happy with what youre trying to do. I look forward to their spots. Mark, and susan as well, why thank you both for all the work you put into this pit on but im very excited about this. I have to confess i started talking to a few people about it and how do i apply. I think theres a lot of excitement out there and it is a wonderful way that we can add something new and unique to our waterfront thats componentry. I love the Granville Island analogy, but i was can say to little bit like books about the blue greenway thats like a necklace with little jewels along the necklace. One other jewel on the northern waterfront area. Opportunities and places for people to go. Julie she would San Francisco has to offer. Some very excited to see what comes of this. But for to seeing this item move for. Of the two, thanks for going back i know there was some confusion at the last meeting and i think some opt to station and misunderstand on that part of the public. So i like that we been able to clarify and point out its only 20,000 ft. 2. Of course you could would be more than that within that but well get there and this is just a portion of the pier and that we been doing a lot about beach and got positive response back from the public on this. Its really exciting so thank you very much. All in favor aye. Opposed bewkes item carries. Thank you. I am 13 a request approval to select artists the garden and his proposal as recommended by sentences Courts Commission to the Art Enrichment Program allow the port executive director to execute a memorandum of understanding during the port of San Francisco and the sentences Courts Commission for the support property for no fee for the bayview gateway art installation. Good afternoon, commission. Davidwith planning and development. I also want to recognize that separate cisco Arts Commission who is the project manager on this project. We are here to request approval to select an artist and enter new eight mou with the Artist Commission for the use of the land and agreement on the maintenance, liability and vb removal of the arts. This project is a part of the, another jewel on the necklace of the blue greenway, which of the city project to complete the bay trail and bay area water chill and expand the open Space Network from Mission Creek to the county line. So, here is an exhibit of the blue greenway. Again, this site is right in the middle of site number 20, right here. This slide shows specifically where the bayview gateway is, which reopened in september did so here is the site plan on the bottom of the entire bayview gateway open space. A brandnew open space. Some pictures of it. The site for the bayview gateway art is the primary site is on the corner of third street and arthur avenue, which turns into cargo way east of third street. So heres illinois street. Third street. Cargo way and arthur avenue. The primary site for the arts is on the west side of the street, with some componentry portions of it on the east side of the street. Here is an overview of the project. Basically this project is required under existing city policy to the Art Enrichment Program. With few percent of capital costs for city funds go toward the art program. The port working with the Arts Commission selected the bayview gateway site as location to fulfill this requirement from the 20 week part fun. The process to select the artist is used for nearly all the Arts Commission projects and is very comprehensive. Typically includes a request for qualifications, a short list, the panel narrows the shortlist down to three artists and pays them a stipend to develop a concept. The concerts are displayed public and presented and presented to the Port Commission and the southern waterfront Advisory Committee. Then the panel reconvenes mirv use the Public Comments on the three individual artists and their concepts and recommends an artist for selection. The panel recommended cliff garten as the selected artist. The Selection Panel represented the board of commission, commissioner brandon. The Arts Commission, Community Members local artists and art professionals. And that is who sat on the Selection Panel. The artist, again, cliff garten, this social element calledhes completed more than 50 sculptures about us and canada and the civic sculptures of disobey named best in the nation by the americans for the Public Arts Network and incited for Design Excellence for the American Society of landscape architects. Cliff describes his inspiration foras the essence of bayview is really a creek as a geographic threshold to the neighborhood. The scripture suggests that Wikipedia Community the land is in a constant state of change, yet it is solid and enduring like a Bayview Community. The sculpture will be constructed using blue polychrome brown stainless steel mesh and a warlike form, narrow at the base is biting at the top. In the evening 11 lighting to be landscaped as well. Again if you took the evolution of the creek and its watershed and projected it horizontally to create this form that echoes the historic creek and watershed into the form of the creek today. So, this is the blue bronze and the stainless steel rat with the lighting and landscaping. The next two slides showed list rations of how the sculpture or flipbook on the east side of the street. Including some of the landscaping and the scale. How it would look in the evening. So, this is driving southbound on third street. What would look like in the evening. Thats how it would appear if you are driving in a car. The mou is for a 25 year license to use the property and were waving the fee because this is again a project thats required by city policy. Its also located on the site with the port cannot receive any revenue for the adjustment public open space. The art will become part of the civic Art Collection and with that the Arts Commission will be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep and liability of the arts in the mou will include a provision should you ever need to be removed that we have an agreement between both the Arts Commission and the city on how they would be removed and where it would go. So, the next steps if you prove this art for the Arts Commission to bring this in front of their visual arts subcommittee, which is subcommittee of the Core Commission to prove the actual artwork in the Arts Commission will continue to work with the artist to find the sculptural elements of it were hoping to have it in place by early 2017. One of the things ill mention is some of the work that mary is doing with the artist is how to integrate the eastern side of the intersection to truly make this a gateway apiece into the community to talk about the use of lighting, landscaping and other elements to tie the two pieces together. With that, mary and i both available for questions. Thank you. So moved second speaker youre saying in case with come back for more money hopefully, not that with her to keep the door open if needed. Monique does not. Thanks. Commissioner brandon thank you for serving on the committee. It was great. I think we have a wonderful partner in the Arts Commission and theyve just done a great job to bring this wonderful art along the waterfront. I had the opportunity to sit on this committee and because of some small glitch, we had to do it twice. Both times we chose the same artist. So this was meant to be. But hes a wonderful artist come and it was a hard selection because they such a large group of artists that are absolutely wonderful. Its hard to make the decision but we did it twice. Im really looking forward to it. Any Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is close. Thank you commissioner brandon. Im excited to see the work that came out of this. I love the way it echoes the water in the creek and as soon as you get sidebyside that was interesting to see the vertical version of the creek. Adams all those in favor say, aye. Opposed, nay. The item carries. Item 13 request approved extension extension of a special event known as the yard in excess of 90 days at poor property at sewell lot 337 pursuant to least number l14 1980 between the port in china basin ballpark company. Thank you. One second look at the presentation loaded. Today im pleased to provide an update on the financial programming aspects of the yard and the special that you previously approved for small portion of sewell lot 337 johns lot parking letter of good weather today youre asked to consider that leverages existing infrastructure built on [inaudible] since the art yard open since in the spring of this year. Thats pretty much for my introduction. I want to now introduceto recap what occurred at the yard to date. Was open in april this year and to showcase what lies ahead at the site. So, that i like fran and following the presentation was was to answer any questions you may have. Thank you. Thank you. Jack there with the San Francisco giants. Before getting into todays item, i do want to take a minute and acknowledge the Election Results from november for mission rock. We scored a great victory. We did make the world series this year, but we had a good consolation prize. Its a real tribute to the dedication and work over many years between both our organizations, the giants and the port, starting with commissioner brandon who chaired the subcommittee that kicked the whole project off to members of irans staff that worked hard with us in particularjust look at the results were overwhelmed. 174 of the vote. We want every single present in the city of county and San Francisco and we want any percent of the vote and many the precincts surrounding the site. So the outcome was really fantastic and surpassed even our wildest dreams. With that, the yard. So lot a as you know is large surface parking lot facility. Its underutilized. It will be transformed the mission rock project before him our goal is to put it to good use with an eye towards the future. Thats particularly relevant for the item before you today which is urban soccer and the yard update. The yard opened in april of this year. Before i get into that and to interview some people here today. That you may or may not know. Sarah hunt with the giants, lori nichol will operate the art and our newest addition to our staff bosco maps here in the audience today. But the guard opened in april and its really blossoms since its open. Its become a popular destination, particularly for the neighborhood and people who live and work nearby. It has retail food and beverage and cultural programming. Petes coffee, food trucks from off the grid interview regarding, the whole beef which is a barbecue concept. We have a popup retail jury by sf made. A number of local enterprises present. We are programming such as yoga, Farmers Market, phil knight music events, kids arts and crafts and a lot of activities at the site and to be part of the neighborhood and today we are excited to tell you about our newest venture, which is urban soccer. With that im an attorney over to fran welp will give you more details about the yard and urban soccer. Thank you, jeff. Fran welp with the giants. I can before you left you to seek approval for the yard so thank you for that. Its been a really fabulous concept and happy to be here again today to ask for expansion of this. So jack mentioned a number of different tenants and programming partnerships that we had. I want to just provide a little flavor visually. I think you can hear about these things, but still when you picture lot a i cannot like i do. I wanted to provide some images for you the successes weve had over the last six months at the yard. As jack mentioned it opened in april so we just completed our six month of operation. We have had many thousands of people, i think already, through the facility. So, in addition to the food and drink offerings we have at the beer garden, and in the courtyard area, we have focused this year a lot of providing programming opportunities specifically towards families. Mission bay has a growing family population and in general, this part of the neighborhood of the city has a need for additional family experiences, which urban soccer will also address him that we didnt look at over the course of the year. Our passive recreation opportunities have also been well received by people who look out over china basin and the San Francisco bay. Its unique Vantage Point that you have upon the steps that you can look out towards the bay. Our active or Creation Users continue on a weekly basis. We have good camps that the north face. That hundreds of people participate in those. We have free yoga on weekend mornings when weather is good. Its incredible viewpoint. Im not sure i could hold a position about getting distracted by the boats in the distance but its been a popular amenity at the yard and brings people down on weekends and then they will stay and have lunch or meet up with family and friends afterwards. We also have music on saturdays and sundays throughout the summer and fall. Which was a big hit yearround. So, earlier this year we tried we have a lot of the small permanence, but lets have some bigger events and see if they work and test out our operations with them. This is an image of the first movie night at the yard. We showed jaws. Put over 600 people attend. People were on the deck, in the beer garden, in the courtyard and lots of families and kids running away from the sharks in the water the we thought it was a huge success and hope to replicate it next year going forward. We have a lot of positive Community Feedback for this. In partnership with the Farmers Market at the Ferry Building they can go down to the yard and we felt three out of the four Farmers Market popups which have childrens activities like pumpkins painting and read a pie baking contest before thanksgiving. Once again, just really showing to demands this neighborhood had for services and for community and for programming was very strong. Overall, so the Small Business opportunities we have markis with us today from open the folk open scope studio. They were the architect for the yard here in San Francisco. Our second major regional partner was a container fabricator which were the alternators were came into the port of open. We were looking at new york, North Carolina and oakland provided and selected the open one could we definitely made a concerted effort to keep the yard impact local. Weve had over 10 tenants to date. Most of them have been Small Business. Either their first or second place in the city and of course programming partner. Weve had many more those come through over the months. Laura runs our social media elements so she can speak about some of these better than i but my favorite quotation that we have here is so that they turn this parking lot into the yard. It really shows the impact you can make which of with just a small piece of the site can really change peoples perception of this part of the waterfront can Bring Community down. So, other goals we identified last year developing this concept of the yard, we met a lot of the of them and i think no one will continue to strive towards is reaching Financial Sustainability and as part of that, that involves having more people come down to the yard, increasing the exposure citywide, generating new tenants relationships and were here today to seek your approval on one of those ideas for next year, which is urban soccer. Enjoy today by josh fraser here with his family. Hes the founder of urban soccer urban soccer was founded to really bringtheres a lack of soccer fields in San Francisco. The very popular sport. As a acute lack of Recreational Activities for those youth and adult leagues in the city. So, all around the world people Start Playing soccer in smaller fields. They have to take up as much space. So the concept is 515 street soccer style. It can be done in a much lower smaller footprint. So this would be licensed at would have from urban soccer through the league through the yard. This is the proposed location for urban sock. Adjacent to the yard. It would take up approximately 11,000 ft. 2 and hold two different soccerwhich can be printed at eastwest. Five on five. The portion in yellow is outlined because its flexible space and be also used for additional event opportunities were potentially parking on game day with the rest of [inaudible] the conceptual design is flexible to allow us to use it for soccer when theres demand and other uses it the soccer is not there. Soccer would be yearround, seven days a week. It would operate youth and adult leagues, instructional tournaments and also just free open pickup play. Here are some of the details that you have in the staff report as well run the financing am happy to answer any more specific questions about that. One keynote, that i would make, its the same minimum parameter rent that we have at the yard the same concept applies here so if the port paid industrial rate which is . 40 a month per squarefoot comeau which translates into that 52,000 a year the fee that would come into the port. Our first step is coming to you to seek approval so we have not had detailed conversations with port staff about design and permitting yet but here some concepts about what this space could look like some viewing platforms and warmup area. Towards the yard. The soccer pitches is adjacent. So, that was the completion of the yard update for programming in 2015 and the urban soccer expansion of the yard footprint proposal. Any questions will be happy to answer. Thank you. Moved and seconded. Public comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is close. Thank you for a wonderful presentation at exciting suck. Just reminding about the financial because im having a hard time following that. Yes. As fran mentioned, the way our lease is organized, were structured, special events of this nature have a minimum rent requirements based on the commissions approved perimeter rental rates that the yard occupies the soccer five can you start with the first [inaudible] and how this is going to consummate that . Producer. The yard today i forget the exact Square Footage per member the rent. About 17,000 per year. The rent for the jar extension today would be approximately 52,000. 03. Those are those of the rent combined that the port will receive at a minimum. As you may recall the yard deal, we presented you the first time also included at some called upside protection so the yard do as well as we hoped it would. That component meant that when the giant recruit the original investment in the site open about that point the board will activate a 25 net annual revenues. How much do we lose in parking revenue . Thats a surprisingly encountered with the last six months. Parking revenue to the site were parking demand for the site has been less than 1 of the law. So we anticipated that the lot as it had in your pass will be fully subscribed and that these loss spaces would potentially indicate a decrease in revenue. The demand that was witnessed over the last six months has not told the lot even on game day. So, there has been excess capacity to absorb the spaces that were displaced by the year. So that component can come into play the parking revenue. How much parking revenue to be loose in order to place the yard there . The yard itself wu yes i think that number we were target with 70,000. I was the projected amount of revenue. If it was without yearround yes. It was fully subscribed we had to turn away vehicles that was the risk. Okay. So, now wu x now that didnt occur that 70,000 was not in play as far as potential lot so the port is really looking at the minimum rent for the yard. Its a 77,000 Revenue Total Revenue Total perceived. So i guess to answer your question was a loss in parking revenue that wasnt disappointed. Said another way the yard had not exist a parking revenue at the site wouldve gone down this year because theres less occupancy. Because of the yard a revenues went up by 77,000 over what would have been based on parking occupancy because we were able to, if you will, we sell those sites of the yard. When we came to you before we thought we will be will to maintain the 1 occupancy and Gross Revenues at that level. Thats why were having trouble, with a number because there wasnt a lost directly attributable to the yard. The loss was a trivial to overall reduction in parking revenue. We wouldve experience it with or without the yard. Thank you. Speaker now, 52,000 minusis a 26,000 wu there is a potential jam the parking space is occupied by the soccer field. So, it displaces 53 parking space. The most places commute place on game day is demand the goods. A number though spaces can be reclaimed on game day if demand dictates. I guess what im trying to figure out what is in the net increase in revenue to the port based on this new soccer . Its back to the 52,000. Thats all we can guarantee the port will receive. Or some other things the patronage of the soccer field will generate additional revenue for the yard. Maybe we hope. People that revenue should flow through and help reimburse the initial investment which gets us closer although right now we dont want the estimates say they will get to reimbursement in corporatization will relate to get up every little bit helps in the soccer field in the patronage it will bring to the site will help reverse the initial investment and towards participation. I guess what im try to figure out, i know we have a certain amount of minimum parking thats feasible from the site. Right . No wu x we have a certain wu x . As a percentage wu x . When we lose spaces are both good out goes down . I understood we are trying to calculate. Maybe jack can help. How many total spaces Parking Spaces, other overall if you recall . Weve approximately 2000 give or take spaces in lot a. We historically sold out most of those spaces on game day. But we saw in 2015 was a departure had nothing to do with the yard come up with all the streets under construction and things happening, people making choices to park other places. So, we actually did not sell out a lot for any of the games in 2015. So, this happens to be a winwin. So we didnt sell out a lot for any of the games in 2015, we didnt lose any parking revenue as a result of the yard, but the yard economic structure was to protect the port in case there was any loss. So its a winwin. In this situation. Those spots are not being used for parking, the being used now for productive uses for the yard. So as it turns out its a winwin. We will see what happens going forward. We spec in 2016 may be similar. In 2015 in terms of the choices people make, whether they park in the lot. If youre coming from the east date with the northbay, traversing from downtown to that location is bigger and a little more difficult, so people are choosing other locations to park. So well see what happens in 2016 and on an ongoing basis, but its a good thing in that we have a little space in the lot weve used it for the yard which is the use that the community and everybody uses views as a positive addition and protects the port and generates additional revenue for the port. That support would not have received but for the yard. With all the construction going on actually hard to drive in San Francisco soap a lot before taking Public Transportation perhaps . Yes. Were our fans are making educated choice. When, for example the central subway for the muni, the tube for the muni shutdown for construction and people then shift their move from muni to car went back to muni and that her fans we can email our fans or community about transportation but i know renee puts out bulletins for the port as well. So, our fans make informed decisions. I think what we saw in 2015 is a reflection of that. We still believe that we will sell out the vast majority of the parking lot for events in 2016, but there has been a little bit of dip and you can understand why just traversing the city and what the circumstances are. So, in this case the yard is a winwin and takes advantage of the space. Its not really the parking are not impacted by the. Thank you. I think this is great with the soccer league. Will the community were any organization ever use the soccer field was a just private . Absolutely. I met asked rush to respond to the question expand a little bit. Urban soccer is a partnership with street soccer usa which is a community facing. So, just all hands to you. By ms. Josh fraser. Im owner of urban soccer park and were working on the partnership with the yard. I sit on the board of street soccer usa which is a notforprofit organization that goes into homeless shelters and essentially invites them to play soccer. Then put some on teams in the picture that you saw earlier the small cited field is our term and that we have every year. At the civic center. So, essentially, we have 22 teams that come from all across the country from 16 different cities and that all made up of former Homeless Individuals that of and up join the team at the carrot at the end of the stick is to travel across the country and play soccer. Street soccer usa is 75 of their participants get off the street within a year of joining the organization but so its a super successful organized. So, theyre very running on league when all the money that they make running the league gets funneled back into their notforprofit for running street soccer usa. Thank you. Commissioner adams. Soccer is the largest port in the world. I think this is a really innovative concepts. Clearly, the case of San Francisco is changing. I think what i really like about this, and the johns, you guys have done this and i just want to say thisthe community has grown with you. You created a culture. Thats extraordinary. I think thats so important. Even from the boat that you got from the public, that speaks to. This being worked very well thought out. When you look at the pictures and know whats going on here empowering the community. You are empowering families. Youre giving people something to do. Youre bigger than just a baseball organization. Youre creating Something Better which is all sitting this community that brings everybody in everybodys involved. Theres something there. I think this is good. You know, its like a magic. I do know what you guys got to have the midas touch. Whatever you guys are doing you doing well. The will to use a lot more of it. Thank you. I echo my colleagues. Thank you for all you do. The yard has been a success. So take lessons from spirit in me to start something and continue to see how it grows and not only the immediate results but over time start to see the impact. I think were sorely seen the yard or more as the word has gotten out more more activities that are pressing the soccer fields are one more piece of that puzzle in terms of drawing people and creating something. I know weve long thought, how do we figure out a way to add some Playing Field space for people in the area. So having the opportunity of soccer fields i think a wonderful wonderful thing. Just a couple clarifications were questions. I guess, as i and senate were going to get an additional rent payment of approximately 52,000, so worstcase scenario, we lose 26,000 in parking from davies but thats made up my innocence, is made up because you got the 56. So, at worst we are getting slightly over not close to 30, twentysomething thousand. But then if we do get revenue on those other 27 spaces during game day, which are paved over thats innocence additive to the 52,000 rents. So no matter what worstcase were going to make some additional rent on the site that we would not have made otherwise. Not counting the revenue generated by having more people down at the space, participating at the yard and also parking. That is correct, commission. Its an estimate for another number i like to leave you with the people that play the game to come down to attend and play purchase date will park and generate some parking revenue. So their patronage as well. Were estimating 56,000 per year but thats an estimate that is additional revenue that would not otherwise come to the site. Thank you. A couple questions i have. It looks like urban soccer is bearing the 00,000. 01 expenses. Will they continue to bear any expenses or how will expenses be covered years two and four. . Yes part urban soccer will pay for the Capital Investment all the ongoing maintenance and and their two revenue fees at least pay to lease the space. And urban soccer so in terms of signing up how the fields are used, they can be open to the public at any time to sort of spontaneous . Corrected the lead pickup play designated timeslots. Josh may be better about the specific timing of it but usually designated times, felt the designated times, instructional time where people can come and take classes and then also just opened pickup. Join the team and complete. Just a little mocha appreciate preach the homeless to get them involved her call we destroy the one of players so i appreciate how its going back to us. I guess its our data figure how we can be better participants in the citys fabric. My other questions are answered. Just excited. I probably should not say this but congratulations on the election. Thats the good news even though we did not win the world series i guess you shouldve expected to. High bar has been set. Thank you. Thank you very much for your presentation and for your work and excited to see this space continue to get enlivened and i know where transit first city but for those looking for Parking Spaces because the word is out that this is the place to go if the time and it parked near the financial dish. Easy walking distance. So, thank you very much. Thank you. All in favor . Resolution 13 be carried. Im 14 new business. Commissioners, perspective new business i just like to start by saying the page to aimee cassanofor hosting us here today and all hard work they did to set this up and are friends at sfgov tv been so factual to come uptown or downtown, however you want to phrase it,. I think you all did a fantastic job, think of the public to the those of you from this neighborhood for showing up, including of our colleagues at the ilwu. Thank you for that. Commissioner adams i noted your comment about Sea Level Rise which as we pointed out earlier, port staff continues to work on this with the city family and will be more coming forward, i think in the first quarter, directly from the mayor. So we will continue our work on it but will keep it on our calendar to the extent that theres something new to tell you that isnt the mayor is can a share as well. Thats all i captured is there any other new business, commissioners . Commissioners . I would personally take the time to thank you support staff i know a lot of times you may not think the community or the commissioners appreciate it we appreciate your commitment for the long hours you put in. Your hard work and your dedication. He will need to say things and i always believe that and i want to tell you appreciate all the hard work. Its been a long year and i noticed in the its kind of hard because so many people come through here and so many people have their own agenda and you try to work everything out so works for the betterment of this community the city of San Francisco, and you sometimes good days, bad days but i just want to say, thank you so much. I appreciate all the hard work you do. Probably dont say it enough but thank you. And at times youre away from your finger i see a lot of the staff weight at night with monique here. You have to do and you go beyond the call of duty under sometimes think about retiring. Things like that. I just want to personally say for myself, thank you for all you do for us , for the citizens of San Francisco and working with us as a team to try to make things better. Like i said, thank you and happy holidays to you. Happy holidays to everyone. Thank you commissioner adams. So, we are now adjourning in memory of those who lost their lives in the recent attacks in southern california, in paris and a baby. Beirut. Is there a motion to adjourn . Moved and seconded. All those in favor say, aye. Opposed, nay. Havent holidays. And you, commissioners. Thank you. [gavel] good afternoon. Welcome to the Vision Zero Committee of the Transportation Authority board to our special meeting for thursday, december 10th. In the afternoon, my name is supervisor jane kim and im the chair of the committee. And may we take roll call, please. Item 1, roll call. Commissioner farrell. Present. Farrell present, commissioner kim . Here. Kim you present. Commissioner mar. Mar present. Commissioner yee, yee absent we have a quorum. Thank you, i know supervisor yee is on his way to committee meeting. Can we please call the calendar . Calendar, items 24 comprise the consent calendar. These items are considered routine and staff is not planning to rent or prepared to present if desired and if a member objects any item can be removed and considered separately. Thank you. Is there any discussion on the consent calendar . Seeing none, call Public Comment on this item . Any members of the public who would like to speak on this item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed on the consent calendar. Mr. Clerk, please take roll call. On the consent calendar, commissioner farrell . Aye. Farrell aye. Commissioner kim . Kim aye. Commissioner mar . Aye. Mar a, commissioner yee, yee absent, the consent calendar passes. Thank you. Can we please call item 5. Update on use of parking control officers to support vision zero. This is an information item. Thank you. And i do see sfmta here to present on this item. Good afternoon, sfmta enforcement manager. Today i would like to give youn update on our progress towards enhanced enforcement in support of vision zero id like to cover items such as citation trends, which respect to three key citation types. Ill talk about the top locations were focusing on or have been focusing on and speak at some length about our deployment decisions, strategies, tradeoffs and challenges. This reflects the citations for the period of 2010 to november of 2015. And as you can see, 2015 compared to 2014 if you look at the intersection gridlock citations, we increased our issuance of citations of about 200 over last year. Blocking the bike lane, 97 and double parking about 34 increase. The next slide represents the topten locations which we are focusing on intersections gridlock or blocking the box. Do you have a copy of this, because i cant read this on the screen . Yes. I have maybe two. Great. In the future, it would be great to always have hard copies for Committee Members. I apologize. Because sometimes our screens are not very clear. Let me get you that. Thank you,. I apologize for that. As you can see we starts supervisor kim as you recall back in July September of 2014, we initiated a pilot to focus on south of market and bay bridge approaches. And since well, as early back as january 2014, you can see almost 19,000 citations have been issued at approximately 114 different locations which represents about 2 of the total citywide intersections. We have moved we continue you to look at different intersections and move as necessary. We have actually moved some of our enforcement efforts downtown, Market Street corridor and also north of market this slide and the next couple of slides i would kind of like to talk a little bit about our assignment strategies decisions on how we deploy our officers . This slide represents our core enforcement assigns we also call them details. The core details such as general enforcement, meters, disabled placard enforcement, rpp, residential parking permit, boots, law, yellow zone, street cleaning and toll, transitonly line with frontfacing forward cameras. Abandoned autos, over 72 hours and tow and dispatch. As you can see, the core assignments tend to fall into the center or between the peak a. M. And p. M. Commute times. 710 a. M. And 37 p. M. The second chart reflects what we call special assignments. These are assignments that are not they usually start out as pilots and they become either permanent or the duration is much longer. One specifically to focus on would be the shuttles, tech shuttle programs. You can see that is the blue line there. That is on the managed on the a. M. Peak and p. M. Peak times. And there is not much enforcement in the middle or the core times. Other programs that we have put into the special assignments include things such as muni forward, safer Market Street, powell street for the cable car, and central subway, and many more. It takes quite a few pcos for these different unique assignments and resource needs fall into the nontraditional out of the core times. What this chart indicates is the total after nonproductive time pcos assignment. So on the horizontal, the times, vertical are the number of pcos and reflects mondayfriday, week days. Typical week day we would have a maximum of 200, but on average after vacations, we end up with 150 pcos working beats monday through friday. This final slide is Global Positioning satellite with our handheld devices the devices we issue citations. The orange [tkots ]s being double parking citations for just one month. Month of october of this year. And the blue dots are bike lane violations that weve issued citations for, again during the month of october. Ultimately what we would like to do is monthly and even longer periods of time is use this chart in conjunction with incidents of accidents and look at where we can assist in redeploying our staff to address those areas which are of largest concern or have had numerous accidents. Filling those gaps, in other words. Additionally with gsp, well employee what we call a geosensing tool. And actually be able to reportout better information by district. And that wraps up any questions . Thank you, cameron. We do have questions from supervisor commissioner mar. Before that just really quickly back to the last slide and im sorry you missed when you said this, what are the orange dots and blue dots . Orange dots are double parking city citations and blue dots are bike lane citations im glad were citing cars for blocking the bike lanes of i its really important and i get a lot of feedback on had a and im curious how many blocking bike lane citations were given in october . Almost 300. 300 . Yes. Is that like roughly the average . That is about the average, yes. Great. Thank you, commissioner mar. Thank you. I know we have had the Police Departments data district by district, but is there a way to use the gsp gps data to look at districtbydistrict enforcement . I could answer part of that question and let command maddox answer. To the degree that they have a hand held device with gps capabilitieses they could do that . If you have the gps data here, it could easily be separated into each district; right . Yes. With numbers, like the police have provided, oh, absolutely, i see what you are saying. Yes, sure. And i know that Police Officers can issue similar citations. Is there a way to get the data that combines the parking control officers with the Police Officers, and the total citations . Yes. In the key enforcement areas like the intersections you mentioned, but also on a districtbydistrict level too . If they cite using similar traffic violations such as double parking, they could be included as part of our data. I think what we found when looking at the police data is that some districts like the Richmond District station was doing a really good job on fulton and key places where were trying to slow speeds down you and make it safer, but im just curious if there is a districtbydistrict approach that involve the police and mta and others that is very wellcoordinated is my suggestion. Good suggestion and were working towards at least getting the mta data, which is the majority of it is has gps coordinates as we cite as part of the handheld device. So we are working towards developing that ability to geosense it, basically put the boundaries by any way we want, whether its district, zip code, however we like. So that is underway. I know that you are focused on the key dangerous areas by the data that you have. So i know its not necessarily looking at areas that isnt as dangerous. But it still would be good to look at districtbydistrict data, i think. Data i have shown is citywide and not focused on those current areas of dangerous incidents that occur, but what we want to achieve by using gps and that data on top of the incident data. And if with can get pd data theirs is gpscapable, we could do all three. Am i right that police have the same authority with the parking citations as pcos or is there any difference with what police can cite versus what pcos do . They have more authority than we do for these violations. Ours is strickly strictly to parking ordinances. Okay, commissioner wiener. Thank you, madame chair. My apologies, im going back and forth between the rules committee today. So i apologize i missed your presentation, but i just wanted to come in and just ask a couple of specific things. Thank you for continuing to work on Traffic Management including double parking and blocking the box. And again, if you mentioned any of these specific areas in your presentation, i apologize. So first i noticed for quite some time now that along Market Street at 3rd, 4th and 5th, the box blocking is terrible and sometimes it takes muni buses multiple cycles to get through, even though its only a few cars ahead of them, because the box blocking is so bad. Or even for the 30 or 45 to make a right turn from market at the end of as its going to southbound. And i have never seen a pco or any mta personnel or any Police Officer managing those intersections, not once. Im not there 24 hours a day, but im there as a pedestrian and muni rider on a fairly regular basis and just repeatedly seen this happen and never seen an mta personnel there. Can you comment on those specific intersections . Certainly with respect to Market Street, we are we djia a deploy a lot of pcos. Part of is for blocking the box enforcement and primely focus on that on Market Street. Well have pcos there at a. M. Peaks to do other things such as Pedestrian Safety, assisting muni through the intersections or across. But yes, we are not there all the time. I think with safer Market Street we have added more pcos to do that. Withrispect y respect to the other line issues would have to look into that. Its my experience 3rd, 4th and 5th street along market and i understand there are times when you do something at certain times of day and you cant be there 24 7. But this is just an ongoing issue, i think with boxblocking and also double parking there is not enough and you have to do it more, or the behavior is never going to change. And a few hours for a couple days a week doesnt cut it and these intersections are just examples and other ones south of market that also through the volume equally significant. But because Market Street is such an important transit spine, perhaps more so than any other street in the city. When you have ramped up boxblocking at major intersections along Market Street without any Traffic Management, it causes major problems, so i really encourage the agency, i dont think you have enough pcos doing this work. I think you need more and i would encourage you to do that. The other specific example is upper market delivery trucks. And i have seen it with my own eyes, but also regularly get photos that constituents send me with very large delivery trucks that are completely blocking the bike lane and half of the traffic lane. And if you have ever been, which im sure you have been on upper Market Street, in the castro, especially during rush hour, going like morning rush hour eastbound, its a sight to behold in terms of the sheer volume of traffic. And you have only two lanes of traffic and then the bike lane. So when you have delivery truck that is blocking the entire bike lane and half of one of the traffic lanes, it causes a big problem. So im just wondering what activity has been along upper Market Street in terms of doubleparking enforcement . Upper market, we have also focused not as consistent as we would like or as frequent as we would like. With respect to some of the larger trucks, as we have talked about in past, with respect to doubleparking, or, well in a bike lane to the degree that the large vehicle is a commercial vehicle, that doesnt have anywhere else to park, we allow some discretion and lets the driver know that they have to finish up quickly and move on. Whereas others, if there is a place they could have pulled into, an available yellow zone and choose not to, then we cite it. So as far as frequency, its true, we havent done, as much as we could upper market. Weve spent a lot of time on intersection gridlock, free entrances and south of market and more recently shifted some of our resources to support market. Could you send the data to my office for doubleparking citation over the last six months and along castro street, now that we have widened the sidewalk, there has always two lanes, one northbound and one southbound, but weirdly wide and encouraged rampant double parking and we have seen a double hall parking problem continue and i would also like the data on castro street. Thank you. R thank you, commissioner wiener, any other questions or comments . I had a question on the graphics that you showed on 5, 6, and 7. I was wondering why the peak of your staff deployment is actually in the middle of the day, between it looks like 10 30 and 3 00 versus rushhour traffic. Depending on the assignment such as meters. Okay meters is obviously the big ones meter time, yes. We build up the staff primarily for the meter times and locations, as well as rpp is the same. Okay. So when were looking at kind of dont block the box, and those types of enforcement, that is actually occurring during rush hour . That is correct. Okay. Great. Its really great to see the data in terms of what sfmta has been doing and i do appreciate it, because its something had a we have asked sfmta is to dedicate resources to Traffic Management, which has certainly become a bigger and bigger concern for our residents as streets become more congested and i certainly want to concur with supervisor wiener our residents want to see this and we want to change behaviors so people are changing the are rules. So even if they are moving slowly, moving through the intersections. We certainly hear a lot about cars block the bike lane, and i experienced it myself on the bike. Forcing us out of a bike lane, which safer to be in and putting us into vehicular traffic. I think that its really important that we create a culture where cars respect really the minimal space that we give to bikers, who are doing a lot for our city by being on think bikes and not in their cars. Thank you for being here. You are welcome. I want to recognize commander maddox is here to answer questions if you have any on enforcement and i also wanted to open up Public Comment for this item. Is there any Public Comment for item no. 5 . See nothing Public Comment, Public Comment is closed [ gavel ] this is an informational item. Thank you so much sfmta for being here today, and for your work on this. We look forward to continuing to work with you on continuing this work in our district and throughout the city. Thank you. Mr. Clerk, can you please call item no. 6 . Item 6, framework for identifying next generation of vision zero priority projects. This is an information item. The mayor and i announced the completion of 13 miles of improvement along the network with public works and sfmta, as well as the completion of the 24 vision zero projects three months ahead of schedule. And an additional six projects that will be completed by february 2016. Tom maguire is here, manager of sustainable streets to identify priority projects moving fore, initiatives to advance the goal of vision zero and [kph ] Committee Members and mr. Maguire has a series that sfmta is looking at for feedback on. Thank you, and thanks for acknowledging that great day we got to announce we both reached the 13mile milestone and delivered on 24 and 24 ahead of schedule. So im going to give a quick overview of a couple of things we accomplished in in 2015 and informs the work that we do in 2016 and what we think the work program for 2016 looks like and how we want to frame that and how we want to talk to the public about the work were doing and how we want to talk to you as our city leaders and policimakers for the reasons were making the choices that were making. To start with as supervisor kim said, were really happy with my we reached that goal at the end of november goal. We also of course finished the 13miles of improvements along the highinjury corridors and its important to take a moment to remember that the 24 and 24s with was a really important challenge we set for ourselves. But that was just a fraction of the overall vision zero work were doing and just a fraction of what were doing on highinjury network. The 13 miles of improvements which span ran the gamete from complicated concrete like the oakland bikeway to simple painted safety zones and signal changes. 13 miles and we know well reach that goal again next year. We also have a were also doing safety work off the highinjury corridor with the safe routes to school and Community Members who are concerned about speeding in the neighborhoods and were working in the city on projects like that and not missing opportunities to coordinate with agencies like public works to do things like paving program. When public works repaves streets with we look for opportunitiesment likewise 2015 we launched our large vehicle training video and the were the only city in the country that has specific training materials aimed the drivers who drive our most dangerous vehicles, trucks and large vehicles and telling them specifically how to operate in a complicated multimodal city like San Francisco. We have gotten great feedback [ inaudible ] on the enforcement side, from this months quarterly update, sfpd is focused on the five goal and seeing really steady improvement in the percentage of citations for those five violations that cause the most collisions, most injuries, and fatalities. So what have we learned from accomplishments and successes and inform what we do in 2016 . We have learn a lot about the challenges of accelerating project delivery and coordinating across departments in a way that i dont think has been true before, mta, Police Department, Transportation Authority were all rolling together in the same direction and were really were more and more aware if were going to reach vision zero, if were going to have not just the output of all of our projects, education projects look good and out comes, with zero fatalities by 2024 and by attacking no. 1 cause is excessive speed. When we talk about our work program for 2016, the key framework to share and leave with you is we want make sure all of our actions are chipping away at excessive speeding on streets because of so many of these crashes and fatalities. I dont think anybody here will be unfamiliar with this. We all know that the likelihood of fatality from a Motor Vehicle collision increases dramatically when speeds increase. A person hit by a car at 20 Miles Per Hour is 10 chance of dying, a person hit by a car at 40 Miles Per Hour has an 80 chance of dying and that difference between 2040 and between obeying the laws that is how we want to move from that culture of speeding that we have, to the culture of safety. So starting with Engineering Projects that well be looking at in 2016. Again commitment we have made through the mayor and to this board is to deliver at least 13 miles of Safety Improvements on highinjury Network Every year and we know this year we want to focus again on speed reduction and excessive speed control. There is some general areas in which these programs fall and well give examples of each of them. The most complex are the transformative projects around safety and multimodal goals and collaboration with other projects that were doing in the city to transform streets. I want to specifically note traffic signal timing this year and not forget the majority of streets that we touch, the way we incremental progress on the streets fastest is continuing go large with the walk First Initiative and well be continuing in 2016. Here is some examples transforming corridors these are not projects that were going begin or end this year. All of these projects are multiyear efforts and i think everyone on this committee is has at least one of these projects in their district and has been help using helping us get the word out about the importance of safety on the streets. Building van ness brt, and transforming streetscape at polk street were trying to seize the once in a Generation Opportunity in the highcrash corridors when we spend money to reconstruct the streets we want to make sure were building streets to address crash factors and that meets the communitys expectations for highqual ility streetscape. Polk, masonic avenue and van ness and others in the planning stage, but all reach significant milestones during 2016. Mr. Maguire, can you go over each ones expected milestones for 2016 . Okay, i will tell you everything that i have on that. Working from the bottom van ness avenue. This is for the brt project . Yes, the brt, we call it van ness brt, but its 14 extra large bulbs and turn restrictions so that will be a much safer street. Polk street, substantially completing a number of blocks of fullon streetscape reconstruction. Raised bikeway, ped concrete bulbouts and major reconstruction projects there. Masonic avenue will also be in construction. For Market Street, the milestone in 2016 is to reach a locally preferred alternative for the environmental process. What does that mean . That is basically that is a planning goal. Were not going to achieve ceqa plan or let a construction contract, but going to in 2016 have an actual plan for what better Market Street will look like . Okay. So youll have selected a locally preferred option alternative for Market Street . That is the goal for 2016. Okay. Lombard street is completion of design to meet the caltrans paving schedule. Caltrans will be repaving the street between 20172018 and the goal is it complete the design process. So were ready for that. Golden gate avenue is to launch the Planning Design process. Columbus avenue is to implement a number of shortterm measures that will improve the muni flow, the bike lanes on columbus, as well as painted safety zones and some early construction opportunities to improve some of the tricky intersections of that street. And for 6th street . For 6th street, for 6th street, im actually going to ask one of my colleagues to step up and give a bit more detail because its such an important project. Would you . Good afternoon, luis montoya, livable streets. 6th street has been the Environmental Review process and supervisor kim, we worked with the community to come up with Concept Design to go through a likely lengthly multiyear Environmental Review process. Is also concept and design . Its actually just Environmental Review in 2016. We have a concept. Well be doing the Environmental Review, including traffic analysiss and working with the Planning Department and consultants. Design wont be able to start until after that. Okay. Commissioner yee. These traffic corridor transformation projects for this year, were these similar in nature . I thought it seems like the way you are describing these projects, they are at the design stage, or they are in the vision stage, or they could be in the Community Input stage. And next year you are go coming back with the same ones that is a were moving to the next stage . Is that sort of what we have thought of these projects would be described as . Im a little confused with this . Its a good question and as i talk about some of the 13mile commitments i can make that clearer, but to be sure that im clear about the fact these are the most ambitious Street Project were doing in San Francisco. These are not projects like i said that will begin or end in 2016. Were going to deliver 13 miles of improvements on highinjury network, a combination of concrete, signal timing, paint, road diet and all the tools that we have. These road corridors are highestprofile corridors and they will make up a subset of those projects. But i dont mean the biggest thing that were bog going to look at this year, but maybe got a little lost in the 24 and 24 discussion. We want to make sure as advocates and policymakers have been reminding us, we just dont want to count 13 miles of incremental improvement, but aiming a high bar and not taking our eye off the ball. So maybe within a couple of slides i could maybe answer your question a little bit better . So next set of opportunities are opportunities to coordinate with the Muni Forward Program and again, there is just a few highlights on this map we expect as i said to do some early implementation action on columbus avenue, as well as break ground on van ness brt. So streets with high priority for transit can be high priority for pedestrian vehicular safety. We know Traffic Signals are a great tool for controlling vehicle speeds and managing the flow of vehicles along signalized corridors and lower speed limits and separate pedestrians and vehicles from places where chronic turning collisions are taking place. Well be installing 40 pedestrian countdown signals in 2016 and im really excited to say that we just found out we got a grant from caltranss from their highways Safety Improvement program you that is going to allow us to do a signal retiming of the entire grid both in soma and the tend erloin. This is an opportunity to look at Traffic Signals. What does it mean to adjust signal timing . That means we can look at entire streets and look at the progression of signals and looking at opportunities to slow the speed at which the signals allow traffic to pass through and allows us to look at pedestrian intervals at intersections where we havent been able to because of congestion. But taking a networkwide approach to bring those into the signals. So allowing us to put more lead pedestrian intervals throughout these neighborhoods. I just have to say they make a huge difference on folsom and 7th, allowing pedestrians to cross before allowing cars to move in both direction and i notice that as both a driver and pedestrian. For an intersection like that, what is the process to get a lead pedestrian interval at the intersection . There is a few different ways that we implement them, but it comes down to intersections where we can use the existing we can work within the existing timing and carve extra time for pedestrians by holding the traffic for a few seconds. There is intersections and im using golden gate as an example, where the intersections are closely spaced, the Traffic Volume is fairly high and there are things, like muni, that we would want to maintain a flow of traffic through the corridor. Where we have to look at the entire corridor for van ness to market. So that we slow the traffic down in a corridorwide way. We immediate to do we need to do that before we carve out the time for itas. Not to be simplistic, but what is stopping us from putting ipl everywhere on every intersection and giving pedestrians opportunity to walk before cars in either direction . Good question. Many of our intersections have 60second cycles. Total amount of time allotted across the entire timing pattern, its very hard to slice up. Even those 36 seconds that we give to the pedestrian without shortchanging another crosswalk or intersection. We dont want the situation that we create it on one or more legs on crosswalk, but dont have enough time for pedestrians, especially pedestrians who need a little extra time to cross to get from one curb to the other. Doesnt lpi give pedestrians more time to cross . It does, but when you start taking away time from one approach to give it to another, you could run into the problem where you need to extend the entire cycle and maybe even by a few seconds and that is something that has to be done on a networkwide basis because if you dont you would be encouraging dangerous Driver Behavior. To use folsom and 7th because we were just talking about and putting lead pedestrian interval into place, what happened to put that in the ground and changes in the neighborhood to make that a reality . I dont have the exact timing. I only ask because i dont understand at all what you said prior. Im sorry. I was hoping an example would be helpful and i didnt understand your answer at all. So there are intersections where the signal timing pattern is such that we can do things like we did at 7th and folsom without making a difference to the way vehicles flow along a sequence of intersections, say from folsom, the length of folsom street and simply carve the time out of one intersection. There are other streets where the signal timing pattern is such that to change the timing at one intersection requires us to really change the timing at every intersection along the corridor. That is really the difference. That is why the networkwide signal timing will be so great for Pedestrian Safety features. Mr. Maguire, can i say you only on slide 13 out of 23, but let me say that highinjury corridors like geary dont appear on the 2016 list, but i understand there is a couple of projects that have been funded to focus on corridors like geary as well. Is that right . Sure. Yes. I can if you dont mind, i could go to my next slide. I would love to hear that in a moment, but i know it didnt appear earlier as you were talking about all districts being represented. I didnt see that. I also just wanted to say from the beginning, when we kicked off vision zero, it was really a Grassroots Community effort and i think any time we do presentations, i think you have wonderful staff, but i think its really important to acknowledge the Vision Zero Coalition, walk sf and all the Coalition Members who have pushed for slowing speeds and changing the culture of death to a culture of safety and its really important to acknowledge that. I wanted to say that even the slides you took from slide 11, i think walk sf at least for my office to bring the data from the uk and other places that we know if you slow it down, it saves lives and decreases the level of the injuries sometimes when people get hit as well. And lastly, i just wanted to say i think geary is critical because of the first death this year with alfred yee in 2015 and Aurora Benita and safe routes to school and looking at lights for selfhelp for elderly or 26th and geary in front of the Richmond Center that we at least let them know its going to be delayed. I guess tremendous frustration after the death of mr. Yee and we have been told by the mta it will be in august, but now were hearing its going to be many months later. Even the basic decency of contacting our office and Senior Centers around them that have been waiting is really important on the human side. I used the names of people who have been killed, so we dont can be so we have good data, but dont lose sense of the Human Element and grass roots and Community Efforts pushing us for vision zero in our city as well. I appreciate you sharing that and he can come we can come back with an answer. Mr. Maguire, i dont want to dwell on this lpis have been very effective and while it makes intuitive sense to have a study to see how we can put them out to south of market and tenderloin and the fact that we put them in place at all, begs the question, why cant we just do it without a study; right . So im trying to understand ive seen it go into the ground and i want to see more of it and why do we need a study to do it if we have done it without a study . Im trying to understand the difference between when we do it and when we dont . And maybe we dont have to go into indepth right now, but that is the conversation i would like to have at a certain point. I would be happy to bring that material back. So we have talked about some of the more capitalintensive things that were planning on doing in 2016, but its important to remember that the majority of streets to be touched were continuing to build on the foundation that goes back to the walk first efforts dating back to 2013. Our goal again is to get to every single intersection on the highwaycrash network by 2024. That walk First Program has touched nearly 500 intersections todate and that is the program through which were bringing highvisibilities caremarks crosswalks, lpi, and other safety features and doing this kind of work all over the city. Engineering and design side of thing we need to remember that a lot of what our success . San francisco is because linking engineering and design to education and enforcement and policy. Again, to get education and enforcement and policy focused on speeds, in 2016, were looking at continuing to build on the success of the largevehicle training by going to taxi drivers now. In the way that we told our Truck Drivers tips on how to drive safely in San Francisco, we have a professional group of drivers running taxi and want to get to them and do multimedia campaigns targeted at our most vulnerable users and to Link Education and enforcement together. To build on the find ing last year, we found a greaterlevel of stop sign and red light compliance. What we want to do is bring some targeted neighborhoodlevel enforcement to corridors throughout the city, following on targeted corridorlevel education. So again, educating drivers about making them aware about the behaviors that cause these collisions and fatalities and following that up with enforcement and continuing to evaluate our efforts to see are we driving down those behaviors . Are we driving down collisions and fatalities . So that map just shows you the span of the city. Our goal is to do 48 combined enforcement and education events, four times per month, covering 11 highinjury corridors in the city. Each of those would involve approximately 130 hours of focused Speed Enforcement. So this is really getting our Speed Enforcement geting our Traffic Enforcement focused on speed and Speed Enforcement focused on places that we really think we can make a dent in speeding and make a difference in peoples behavior. That is not just because of the results on those corridors burb , but its asking through the mayors legislative agenda and hoping that you in your role as Vision Zero Committee supports that. The controller came out with the report this month that shows some really impressive statisticks about the reductions in collisions, reductions in injuries and fatalities in jurisdictions like washington, d. C. And chicago and new york, which have automated safety enforcement. We want to make sure that when we get to the end of 2016, through the Engineering Work that we do, through the enforcement and education work, we can say honestly, were using every tool we have at our disposal in San Francisco to control excessive speeds. But we need more. We need more from the state. And we need something that works. I think given how challenging that has been, i think barring that, what would be the three next most importantly tools to reducing speed in San Francisco . Ideally we should keep pushing, but in the meantime, what can we do to reduce speeds . Its the progress that were talking about in our plan for 2016, the engineering, enforcement and education. And what is a little different about 2016 and the work that we did in 2014 and 15 is our education and enforcement message will be focused on speed. We focused on the five, but something that were learning over last two years is that one of those five is more important than the others and that is the reason. I think the info graphic you had earlier with the likelihood of living surviving versus having a resulting fatality, that is an amazing graphic to show people. I think when you see that and you see how much your speed matters, and just pure terms of survivability, i think that is incredibly important. In terms of the engineering piece, so because we crafted vision zero together, i get that education and engineering and enforcement with the three major areas, but the top tool you would pursue that is specific to get to a reduction in speeds . We know within our engineering toolbox that certain tools are better at controlling speeds than others. So timing the traffic lights in a corridor. Signal timing. Signal timing i think is a huge ahhah, im just trying to understand what we can support to get to vision zero. What is that the board should be pushing for . You know, kind of given what you know . So signal timing . So signal timing within the engineering bucket. And within the education with the education realm we had some great findings with the stop sign research we did in that area, i think. Campaigns targeted in a thoughtful way at the speeding problem. Okay. I dont want to belabor the point. But you know, i think as we continue this dialogue, for me its helpful to have as much specificity as possible. Because i dont want to keep saying engineering, education and enforcement. I want to be able to deliver this to our residents and i know that is your goal, too. Im not implying that its not. But i want to know what i should be putting resources into . I want to know what i should be supporting, what i should be trying to secure funding for and how i can best support our efforts to get to vision zero . So the specificity is really helpful. I know the Speed Enforcement cameras is a huge priority, but i also know its going to be very difficult to accomplish especially in the nearterm. So understanding that, i want to know what other things that our board can help sfmta push through . So we can get to reduce ing our traffic fatalities, thank you. Thank you. Are there any other comments . Commissioner yee . I want to go back in terms of the 24 projects, how are we going to move forward in terms of identifying . Are we going to able to identify another 24 . The reason i ask, even though we all know that in the city we actually do more than 24 projects, including trying to get some projects in my district done through participatory budgeting, which seem like it should have some priority. But what is helpful for me as i talk to the public is to say here is our goal. Here is some concrete things were going to be really focused on they arent the only things, but i think it gives the public something to hang their hat on to, say oh, okay, i get it. We are serious about this. So are we going to move forward with identifying another 24 and what would be the criteria . I mean, maybe the first 24 that we identified were a little easier than the next 24. I would like to know how were going to really make some choices . Right. So we dont want to just grab 24 projects out of the queue and be thoughtful and say we want to attack the excessive speeding issue and to make sure that all projects that we prioritized this year and come back to you every quarter and were accountable every quarter are addressing that issue. I think its also important that the 24 and 24 were all Engineering Projects. I think its important that were also talking about the education and the enforcement campaigns as campaigns as well. Because i think they have been proven to be just as effective over the last two years as some of the Engineering Work. So what i laid out today was a framework. My hope is that take something of the really good feedback were hearing today to come back with a more detailed list. I appreciate that. Thank you. So seeing no further questions or comments at this time, i will open up for Public Comment on this item. Any members of the public that would like to speak . Good afternoon, commissioners. Im kathy deluca, the policy and program manager, thank you, with walk San Francisco. And and i originally feel like i have so many things to say in response to the conversation that just happened. Commissioner kim, i would like to say that walk San Francisco would like to see leading pedestrian intervals at every intersection in the city and that is something had a we that we talk to mta as well and we see how effective they have at keeping people safe and commissioner mar to acknowledge you for you all the Community Groups that helped to push vision zero forevered. Forward. And thank you, for those who attended the world day of remembrance events, which was a really important time for us to focus on why we adopted vision zero in the first place. So thank you all for coming to that. But my original reason to come up was actually to thank mta staff for completing the 24 projects ahead of schedule. I know that there is a lot to do, and we certainly have a lot more work to do, but its important to celebrate the success that we have had. How many times are things done early . Not really that that common and walk sf appreciates and Vision Zero Coalition appreciates all the hard work of the mta staff and look forward to future projects being done ahead of schedule too. Thank you. Thank you. Any members. Public who would like to speak on this item . Just please come up to the mic. Sylvia johnson. We dont move very fast with bigger wheels and a lot of other issues that were seeing i think sometimes we need a blue light to stop or slow down. So when it turns yellow they have a blue light in between to slow down and proceed because that way they could drive safeer and were seeing with sidewalks, and more bigger wheels will culminate with these issues on lights [speaker not understood] thank you. At this time you will close Public Comment. You dont need to speak at Public Comment. At this time i will close Public Comment. Public comment is closed. [ gavel ]. Director chang . Thank you, chair kim. You just wanted to add my thanks and congratulations and acknowledgment to walk sf and the team here really does deserve a ton of credit and to acknowledge sfmta and all of the agency its are part of the Vision Zero Coalition and advocacy groups and Committee Members, who serve on the task force. The 24 milestone is a pause for success and tim and megan were cochairs and want to thank them for their service and under the general direction and leadership of tom maguire, i think this feedback is important and the continuing back and forth and ability to engage you all and the public and the community in setting the next generation of projects, establishing some of the supporting efforts that the board can also help with next year is very important as well. Thank you, chair kim for your leadership, as well as the mayors as well. Just wanted to also draw folks tension attention to within the project which was on the consent calendar. There is a set of six additional projects. The list is here. Its howard pedestrian and bicycle improvements between 610 streets and safety and street permits from mcallister to union and kerny and sacrament and ocean and geneva, as well as 20 locations where there are highinjuries related to broadside crashes and pedestrian improvements at persia triangle and let folks those are those as well we expect in the next few months. Thank you, ms. Chang. Just wanted to really do look forward to working with the Transportation Authority staff and sfmta on the next set of vision zero projects. And having a specific list. Its great to see what is in the hopper naturally with especially the corridor transformations and im glad that a number of corridors are going to move through. I think really significant points in the design process. For me, this vision zero subcommittee is not about the work that i think is already happening at sfmta. Its really about how can we continue to accelerate and expedite projects that can go on the ground now and helping to identify within what is already going on, things that can move just a little bit faster and that we can actually deliver to the public in 2016 . That is the list that i really want to develop through this subcommittee. I think sfmta is doing a stellar job in general and kind of our longterm vision and plan and our voters have been very generous supporting the funding that is needed to ensure these projects move. I think just that is what the subcommittee is about is identifying what can be the nearterm projects . What can get accelerated or expedited or whatever set of reasons so we can deliver certain aspects of projects to our residents . You know, faster, basically. That is just what i want to continue to push staff on and hopefully had in our subcommittee meetings throughout next year we can help identify this group of 24 projects within the kind of overall vision and longterm planning at sfmta. Thank you. Mr. Clerk, can we please call the next item. Item 7, recommend supporting automated safety enforcement as San Franciscos key legislative initiative in support of vision zero for the 2016 state legislative session. This is an action item. Thank you. We actually spent a bit of time talking about this in the previous item. But it has been the priority of sfmta and certainly my office to help push through an automated safety enforcement at state legislaturelevel, something that we view as really key to slowing down speeds here in San Francisco. And kate breen, Government Affairs director for sfmta and Claire Phillips performance analyst at the office of controller will be presenting on this issue. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you for the opportunity to be before you today. Were hoping for safe holidays here in San Francisco. Appreciate your commitment and leadership on this and partnership with the mta. So per the information that is included there is a lot of detail in the vision zero Quarterly Progress Report across all aspects of vision zero Action Strategy, but with regards to the policy priorities youll see a deeperdive, if you will on some of the work that were doing as it relates to advancing policy changes in particular starting to build support in awareness for the commitment included in the Action Strategy to advance support for state authorization for automated safety enforcement and i do appreciate the comments of chair kim, with regards to the challenge that we faced to be successful in that regard. But we are 100 committed. And i think were starting to see traction with some of our other city partners. Including city likes the city of san jose, that have adopting advancing ase as their priority no. 1 for city transportation. For the work that they have gone to take a deepdive indepth review of practices and Lessons Learned from other jurisdictions, so when we are asked how it has worked in other places and how to be confident in the initiative that were advancing that we have prove across the country its been effective and claire will go into detail on that. While the measures and results vary, i would recommend that you look at that report to see how different jurisdictions have approached this and they all do demonstrate consistently that ase is a proven and effective tool to manage excessive speed and improve road safety. We do have materials that we have developed as part of our ongoing outreach and these materials will be available they are now available on the vision zero sf website and we have a fact sheet and frequently asked questions and this is the kind of material that will be useful to you all in working with your constituents as we work to build support for this initiative. Today in fact, dph took the automated safety enforcement to the state Legislation Committee and it will be included in the mtas legislative program. We have asked organizers like mtc to include Vision Zero Initiative such as this as well and were building what i characterize as a campaign. With that as background, i will turn it over to Claire Phillips who has a loss of information a lot of information to share with you. Good afternoon im Claire Phillips with the cellulars office. As kate mentioned our Office Issued this report last month, november 12th and surveyed six jurisdictions and their implementation techniques on automated safety enforcement. Which is the overview that i will be giving you today. The objectives were to identify how other jurisdictions around the country implemented automated safety enforcement and how to use that to support San Franciscos advance of ase authorization to vision zero Action Strategy as kate mentioned . So were all very familiar with this visual. Again, speeding is a major factor in whether a person will survive a collision with a vehicle. So a person who is struck by a car going 40 Miles Per Hour has a 20 chance of surviving. While if going if they are 40 Miles Per Hour has a 20 of surviving, whereas if a car is going 20 Miles Per Hour, they have a 90 chance of surviving. So really significant factor in how fast a speeding car is moving in terms of if someone is going to survive a collision . As you can see, this issue is widespread throughout the city. This map shows between 2008 and 2012 all of the collisions where unsafe speed was a leading factor. And you can see a bit more density on major thoroughfares such as highway 1,19th avenue, van ness, Market Street, lombard, but overall, you can see this is widespread throughout the city and the speed is an issue everywhere. So automated safety enforcement is the use of camera enforceable at a designated threshold, that camera will take a picture of the speeding vehicle, when its going beyond that threshold and proven very effective at reducing speed and changing Driver Behavior to improve the safety for all road users. These cameras can be fixed on existing infrastructure, much like red light cameras are, or they can be mobile. So they would be placed on vans and those vans could be moved around jurisdictions. And that gives a bit more flexibility of where speed will be deterred with the use of these cameras. So there are many benefits to using automated Speed Enforcement and the ones that i wanted to highlight today are they are able to detect multiple speeders. So you will notice that when in traditional enforcement a Police Officer has to pull somebody over off the road and they are with that person issuing that citation. But there may be other speeding cars behind that vehicle that continue to speed and are not necessarily being deterred by the presence of traditional enforcement. And so one of the main benefits of the camera is that it can identify multiple speeding drivers at a time. And those will be issued citations so people can identify that they were speeding at that area and they would be issued a citation. They can also be placed in locations that a Police Officer could not be for safety reasons. The street might be designed or certain thoroughfares its not appropriate to atraditional enforcement because of unsafe conditions for the officer. So cameras can also be placed in those areas to deter speed in an area that personnel may not be able to be. They enforce its technology that will enforce at the speed threshold and these cameras are accurate within one mile plus or minus what they are set at with the National National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to be accurate within 1 Miles Per Hour and effective to reducing speeds and speedrelated collisions and proven to be a very effective tool i will talk with the jurisdictions and how effective that they would be. So this map shows the jurisdictions that we surveyed. Youll see overall across the country as of last month, 140 communities have speed camera programs. The states that are in green have both speed and red light cameras. The states in blue have red light cameras. And then the darker pink red colored states have neither cameras. Portland, seattle, chicago, denver, washington, d. C. , and new york city. So as i mentioned, and as kate also mentioned automated Speed Enforcement has been found to be very effective and the six jurisdictions surveyed measured their effectiveness in a variety of different ways. Some look at speed and others look at collisions and crashes and others look at citations and fatalities and in all of these, no matter which organization was measured they looked at, they all found significant results with the use of speed cameras. So at least a 30 decline in speeding vehicles were found in all jurisdictions and at least 30 decline in fatalities. So although proven to be very effective, there are a few legislative and administrative issues that when we asked the jurisdictions what their main concerns were from a legislative perspective, that we heard. So california is not unique in that currently speed cameras are not legal. The california vehicle code specifically bars the use of speed cameras, and that is why legislative changes would be necessary. All six jurisdictions that we surveyed after also had to pass legislative bills to authorize automated Speed Enforcement and instead of a safe tool it was a revenuegenerating technique. One lesson that was learned is to engage the public early and let the public know these are effective tools for improving safety and its not about the revenuegeneration. Its about changing Driver Behavior and detering speeding to improve safety for all road users. The other prevalent issue was the idea that the public has everybody speeds and its an acceptable behavior. Triplea has been a safety index in 2013 and asked just under 400 californians if they would support automated Speed Enforcement and found 40 would support it in neighborhood areas, so the public knows that speeding is a problem and we have seen the faster the cars go, less likely somebody is able to survive a collision. Another main finding was that most ase programs are led by Police Departments. However, in two of the more recent jurisdictions that we looked at chicago and new york, they are run by the department of transportation and also programs are stacked with a combination of inhouse. So that would be the department actually reviewing the footage and looking at the cameras, and verifying violations and also contractors [speaker not understood] all of the jurisdictions except for new york city provide notice to the public about speed camera. You will find on new yorks website they cite that speeding is illegal and its illegal everywhere. So they dont think that its necessary to tell people where the speed cameras are going, because its illegal and people should not be speeding. We found half of the jurisdictions fine a reduced amount compared to traditional enforcement and that most of the survey respendents the responsibility is on the registered Vehicle Owner. So its not the driver, but the registered Vehicle Owner who would receive the ticket. Often times it means its decriminalized and it would be treated more as a parking citation. The main revenue findings the main revenues that we looked at cover the cost of the program. In general most direct a portion to Safety Improvements and even those that we surveyed that do not do that and they are finding their revenue goes to the general fund. They suggest to think about directing a portion of the revenue for Safety Improvements and to put that back into education and enforcement and other engineering safety projects. Also encryption data for privacy reason, all jurisdictions have a Privacy Policy and encrypt their data and those policies also extend to the vendor. So youll see a couple of tables in this presentation that are also in our report. I just wanted to mention just a couple of things of note on this slide. And that is that most jurisdictions use a mix of fixed and mobile cameras. Again the mobile cameras allow for a bit more flexibility. So if there are areas of chronic speeding and speed cameras goes into that area and then the speeding decreases, that camera will be moved to a different area that may have a speeding problem. And also, the ase enforcement area school zones is included in the majority of jurisdictions. And most jurisdictions alert the drivers to the camera location. Through the chair kim, ms. Phillips did you look at any other cities outside of the u. S. . I think when we did our budget Analyst Report in february of this year, we looked at 33 cities in the united kingdom, including london, where there is a 20year study that really validates a number of points in the slides. But did you look at cities outside of u. S. . As part of this work, we did not look at any outside of u. S. The reason for that, there were so many good examples in the United States that we choose locations and jurisdictions that we thought were a bit more comparable to San Francisco and for those reasons we just stuck to the United States. Besides the 20year data in london, what studis were done in the u. S. And i know ms. Breen showed us challenges for us in february when we did this similar analysis before i think it was before our neighborhood safety committee. Im wondering what studies we can draw from in the United States . There are white papers, academic papers and the longestrunning program that we looked at was washington, d. C. They have had their Program Going for 15plus years and the effectiveness that we included in the report from washington, d. C. That would show kind of longest perof periods of time and other than there are academic articles that speak to the effectiveness. , as well as london and other cities as strategies you only looked at the speed camera and not other strategis is that right . Correct, as part of the research we just looked at

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