We toss it over to morning joe. Of course, president obamas big speech on isis this evening. This morning, though, former president dick cheney will speak on the current and future state of u. S. Foreign policy, and then this. Well, we certainly know it has been on the table. We have been very opened and two weeks ago i acknowledged we didnt get this right. Thats my responsibility. Im accountable for that. Oh boy. Okay. That was a painful, painful interview. Its really disturbing when they realized there was all that tape out there. The thing is they knew the paper is out there with. I talk to some security guys. I said, what happens, in a case like this, what happens . You have an incident, what do they do . They dont say, hey, just show me, get me the videotape that happened right after. They go, you know what they always ask for, all the video, give me all the video you got. What video do you have . Give it to me. They get it. Just show ble the part that doesnt show the crime, itself. Because what we want to see is what happened five minutes after the crime. Does anybody at this table, right, does any grownup in america when they step on to an elevator not know theyre being filmed . Can i just say . Especially at a casino. Especially at a casino. Does anybody, does it ever go through your mind, can i do whatever i want in this elevator, because there are no cameras on from, guess who knows that, also, because hes an adult, Roger Goodell. Guess who else knows that, every security man and woman in the nfl that worked in law enforcement. That worked in the secret service, they all knew. He asked for it. He says they would not make it available to him. He asked for it. Thats just not true t. Commissioner said that. It was not made available to them. And i dont know how tmz got it. But i think you can back you and look at the initial video that was released. I think the problem here, i know you will get into another angle, but its related, is that the official video is pretty good. The initial video is very bad in and of itself. Im just saying. The nfl. He just needed to say. We royally, royally screwed up. Yeah. You know what, this is such a tragedy and it is a tragedy for so many people. I understand this is tragic from the beginning foray rices wife janay. Ray rices battered wife spoke out yesterday. She actually blamed the media and she blamed an outraged public for quote taking something away from a man who she says worked his ass off his entire life. She continued and said, if your intentions were to hurt us, embarrass us, make us feel alone, take kau all our happiness away, you have succeeded. No, mrs. Rice the fault of these stars lie somewhere else, they actually lie with ray rice. Its not the medias fall. Its not the outraged publics fault. Its not your fault that you and the ravens have already apologized for your actions on the night where you were savagely assaulted and dragged out of the elevator like a rag doll. Mrs. Rice, the fault lies solely with the man who punched a defenseless woman so hard in the face that he could have killed her and the fact that some have blamed this crime for something someone else, i mean, and the fact that you are still doing it. Is deeply troubling. I think we all understand how painful this has to be for the family. For the entire family, but this isnt just about one woman or one punch. This is about women around this country who are victims of Domestic Violence and just as troubling as you blaming everybody else but your husband, as an nfl commissioner claims all he did to investigate the attack from inside the elevator. That claim is not credible. It cant possibly be true and that ridiculous defense why Roger Goodell looked so nervous yesterday because mr. Goodell, mr. Rice the new jersey da who let rice walk and the entire nfl have something to be nervous about because this is a crime. Yes, its a crime. Its not going to neatly be swept away like tv series on espn that you just dont like. I think the media can often overplay things and make things worse or go with a cellatious video for the very reason that its cellatious in this case, in this case, unfortunately, i am very sorry for the rises, everyone seems to see in many other ways theyre good people. This, though, is a national epidemic. Unfortunately, the fact that we need a second piece of video to prove that Domestic Violence happened here is sort of sad and the story important because the leadership, every step of the way, let women down. Let women down and, willie, this is a league that has had a problem, mass ogeney for a long time remember what Michael Irvin said when he got busted with strippers and coke, he said, hey, im an nfl star. They have a long running problem and all organizations have their own set of problems, but there is something that needs to be confronted and faced down. The nfl showed how it feels about Domestic Violence with that initial suspension. That said everything you need to know. He got two games for what everyone could see a was a horrible crime. Even before you saw what happened. Outside the elevator. You get four games for spoking a little weed, four games for taking a fertility drug because your wife cant get pregnant. Two games. That set the standard. When there was an outcry about that. Roger goodell said you will have six games. Only because of the initial outcry. Thats how you know how the nfl feels. I hope to god this latest tape changes that. We were discussing before one of the most outrageous days in terms of domestic vika wlens in terms of spikes is on super bowl sunday. The most reported. You are right, the most reported incidents of Domestic Violence. Happened on super bowl sunday. You combine it with the fact, to willies point, how the number of women who watch nfl games and buy nfl paraphernalia and merchandising and how outraged these groups are, the commissioner, he doesnt understand the gravity and magnitude of this moment. Not only will it hurt him personally, owners will understand the impact that could have on their bottom line if mothers and aunts all stop watching. If you to your point, joe, if they instead of blaming the media and being so defensive is get on this issue as a family the rice family, just start talking about it. Talk speaking about it. They have to face it. Become carolinas of the abuse. Thats the only option. And understand the gravity of what happened. And they could help a lot of people if they could stop being so defensive. Roger goodell said the league has been completely transparent about what it knew and when. Yesterday morning, i got into the office and our staff had come to me and said there is new evidence, there is a video that you need to see and i watched it then. Did you know that a second tape existed. Well, we had not seen any videotape of what occurred in the elevator. We assumed there was a video. We asked for video, but we were never granted that opportunity. So did anyone in the nfl see this second videotape before monday . No. No one in the nfl . No one in the nfl to my knowledge. I have been asking that same question t. Answer to that is no. What do you think, do you buy it, willie . I give nfl more security than that. As i said, we were high ranking enforcement guys are telling me they couldnt get a casino to cough up the tape . Im sorry. Its a joke. Maybe the commissioner didnt see it. Maybe they didnt want him to see it. It gives him deniability. Maybe he hasnt seen it with his own eyes. You are telling me, these guy, former secret Service Agents couldnt get the casino to hand over the tape . He was once afforded something that will not be aforwarded him. You are looking at the video that they have access to, where she is being dragged out like a rag doll. So what did they lie about what happened inside the elevator and the story was bought . No, no. Because there is nothing good about that piece of video. So if they asked ray rice, did he say beng anything but i smacked my wife hard . The story was they were byun punching each other. That was his story to his teammates. The thing is, i know it wasnt okay. Nothing was okay. He should have been suspended. He should have been suspended for the year. He should have been gone. But they had there video. They could have gotten this video like willie said. Its all bad t. Baltimore ravens other than wrote a lengthy letter to stake holders for apologizing to fail to po pursue the video more vigorously, he says once they punished him, they stopped pursuing. We did not do all we should have done and no amount of explanation can remedy that. Thats what you should say. Thats what Roger Goodell should say. Exactly. He went on to say, seeing the full video changed everything. Now the head of the new Jersey State Senate is probing the prosecutors handling of the criminal case. That, too, is a big problem like i said at the top. They got to explain why a woman was punched in the face by a huge, powerful man and thats not a battery . All right. Lets move on. We will be talking about this more obviously throughout the three hours. But the president obviously delivering a big important speech tonight and i got to tell you, i keep seeing these folding coming in, i am struck by where america is, this is a war wary country. But they want to go after these beasts and i have got to tell you, i said it at the time, what the hell was isis thinking when they had the gruesome executions that they had . Seriously, you know, we were down at an event like last night, tuesdays children, its a wonderful, wonderful group. Children born on or after 9 11 from victims. With their parents. As we were driving away, i looked up at the freedom tower, everybody that did that either got a bullet in their eye or got blown to bits or are roting away in jail and are executed. It always happens for people that attack us. Why do they think they will get away with it . They always get killed . We always track them down. They always die. When you screw with the United States of america that way you die. Isis has done this with these two beheadings that have galvanized the American Public in a way nothing else could have ever done it. Why were they such idiots . Well, in just a matter of hours, president obama will unveil his plans to confront Islamic State militants in iraq and syria. He will address the nation at 9 00 p. M. Eastern time. Top Administration Officials say hes prepared to authorize airstrikes against isis and syria. President obama has told congressional leaders he does not need law makers approval to talk strikes on militants. However, hes expected to ask congress to authorize the training and arming of more moderate members of the certain rebellion. All right. Lets bring in a White House Correspondent for the journal. Carole lee. Good to see you. What do we expect to hear from the president . We have been pointing out the poll numbers that show 70 or 75 of the american pub slick ready to go after isis. 90 believe isis is a twlet. Does that give the brought the check to go forward with what he wants to do . It certainly does. One of the most interesting things tonight is the country will face a hawkish than you seen the wall street journal poll showed a significant increase in the number of people who support the u. S. Attacking isis and even some 34 who support a combination of airstrikes and Ground Troops, which is something the brought has said he will not do but the bottom line is that the president will talk to a country that is going to be much more receptive to him taking the kind of action we expect him to outline which is a stepped up campaign in iraq and thats going to significantly expand the administration. He is prepared now to authorize strikes going into syria and otherwise expand what we have seen and in the last month in taking on isis. You know, the other challenge for the president here is that he faces a real pressure, there is a real pressure on him because the public is so in tuned into this for him to really clarify his strategy. You guys have been talking about this for weeks that hes sent a lot of mixed signals about what exactly the u. S. Strategy is on isis. This is a moment where he will command the attention of the nation thats clearly paying attention. You showed in our poll that showed 94 of the americans were aware of the beheadings of these two american citizens. Thats been the real game clanging event for him. So the stakes are pretty high for him to get if line with the public which seems to be ahead of him in terms of his willingness to accept military action overseas. Well, lets look at this backdrop a little bit, joe, can you come in, 47 of americans say were less safe tan before the attacks of 911, the highest number since 2002, when it comes to the terror group isis, more than 60 say its in our countrys interest. We had the Washington Post poll that said 70 . 40 support only airstrikes to curb the isis threat. But as carole said, 34 also support some combination that includes boots on the ground in iraq. Is that not unbelievable . I mean, these numbers are high. The president right now, of course, suffering low numbers, the wall street journal has the president s approval at 40. Disapproval at 54. Foreign policy 32 approve. 62 disapprove. Those are defb stateing footballs that i suspect are going to turn around as the president delivers his speech tonight. Goes on the offensive and starts, i think those numbers are low because you have an American Public that wants to see action. I dont remember these numbers. I dont either. Not only in iraq, i dont remember these numbers if afghanistan. Im for support for military action. I remember the outrage across the board. In my 44 years of life have i ever seen a president who has not been entirely clear about his goals and his Strategic Thinking about Foreign Policy enjoying this kind of when they call it enjoy may not call it enjoy they have this kind of support for military action to be taken. This is historic and unprecedented in many ways. It will be interesting to see the president tonight in his heart hoff hearts is not reluctant as a warrior we would want our president to be. He has a public thats ready to act and seek retribution for what happened to those two american journalists. Mica, we always say the pundits always say the politicians always say the think tankers say the president needs to educate the public on the danger of isis. The public is ahead of him. The pub slick far away from this president. Way ahead of this brought. Thats why the numbers have sunk the way they have sunk. He will catch up with the American People. These numbers upsidedown will change, if we go to war in a way with ache i airstrikes, i dont think boots on the ground will do it. If we go to war against the Islamic State and in a way that that is smart that, is focused that, is limited, it will be supported by the American People. Well, in that way. But its got to be focused. We can talk about this more as we break out our conversations coming up. In some ways, he has played it just right looking at the numbers. If you look at his numbers, i find im upsidedown 30 Percentage Points in the polls, i am not right. In terms of support, he has played it right. Let me just say, if you were sitting at the table playing poker bluffing, hes the best bluffer ever. I think being methodical and discerning about the choices you make and letting people also come along with you to make them is a lot better than dragging a nation into war under bad preconditions. I have been supportive of a lot that the president has done. He did not plan this. I mean, but that said, he is in a much better, what was that look about . What was that look about . I didnt say he planned it. I think being methodical, though, is a way of actually pumping everybody along. There is methodical and there is ploting. The president cannot be plotting. Tonight he has to be aggressive. He needs to look forward and tell americans how we will destroy this threat. We will look forward to hearing that. Still ahead, gubernatorial candidate wendy davis will be joining us on set in our next hour. We will talk about the ray rice story and his team to watch the season, teams to watch this nfl season. Plus, Sir Richard Branson will join us in our 8 00 hour. Up next, will you be buying an apple watch, joe . No. No. No apple watch . We will break down owe glow just an iphone that works. Thats what im hoping for. Plus a big announcement, rob ford gets an announcement that may tip torontos election in his favor. Yes. A scary scene forth of las vegas how dangerous flash floods can be. You are watching morning joe. Well be right back. Last night in Lower Manhattan you and i spoke at the event to raise funds for tuesdays children, which are children born on or after 911 victims and their families. A lot were counterfits gerald. They do such great work. These kids are so inspired. As we talked last night, taking the story that theyre the face of and owning it and making something incredible out of it. Terry sears right there to the left. An old friend of mine has been wanting us to come down there what a voice that girl has, amaze zblk they are helping the families up in new town. Its a great organization. I heard you talking about something you saw in the news that its stunning. Now the president of the United States we heard went back to washington, labor day weekend. I said, thats really great. Hes not golfing anymore, right . But its come out. There is a reason he wasnt golfing. Its a report from wnbc. The Investigative Reporter who reports, im reading, i want to get the clubs right that Trump National golf club, wing foot and willow ridge all here in the west clefter area turned the president down. He wanted a tee time. They only gave him a days notice, wanted to play, brought in secret service and cleared the place out. These three clubs according to jonathan deans refused the president. Its labor day weekend, our neighbors play x amount of dollars. Im not going to shut it down. He went back to d. C. Just for the night and came back to new york for a wedding the next day. So the president is like the rest of us. Sometimes its hard to get on the golf course. Exactly. Welcome to my world. All right. Lets take a look at the morning papers. From our parade of papers, the San Francisco chronicle apple unveiled new products tuesday at its vents in california. The tech giants debuted the apple watch. There it is. Which many consider the companys first truly innovative product. Why is it innovative . The product ceo tim cook. Sense ceo tim cook took the reigns after passing after the passing of steve jobs the iphone 6 and iphone 6 plus have bigger screens and a better processor and a physical payment that eliminates credit cards. Its an amazing event to film around this stuff. Why is the watch innovative . I dont know. I dont want to read emails. Do i look leak dick tracy . Youd like. I can see you doing that. Call somebody. The dallas morning news, lawyers for governor rick perry opening their history books to defend the republican, citing the roman empire and its 17th century french king, the documents say perry did not overstep his Constitutional Authority during distinctions between thing as of the governor and those of august us and king louis xiiii. I love this guy. Not as much as i love the mayor of taiwan. Torontos embattled mayor rob ford with support from former boxing Champ Mike Tyson following a city hall meeting on tuesday. No. He has a troubled path because he has 24 hour under surveillance, so the press. So its our fault . Its just that hes living his life as a human being him we have no idea what you do behind closed doors or your habits are or anybody elses habits are. Hes a human being, do you prefer him to be a clean cut guy behind the door you never know what hes doing. Thats what human beings have a problem with being real with themselves. Wow, there are so mr. Things, tyson is currently in canada. This is a south park episode. To perform a oneman show. Its an interesting show, mike tyson the undisputed truth joined their 40 minute clat chat. He said he thought ford was the best mayor in first history. Our quote cut from the same cloth. Okay. Hes reviewed all the mayors in torontos history, done the work. Of course, he has. And then dropped it. Oh my lord. The Las Vegas Review journal a california couple lucky to be alive after flood waters in nevada swept their van down into a ravine. Terrifying video shows the moment the van is carried away by water, oh, as a Construction Worker tries to rescue them,ual into the ravine, flood waters if i would the van. The couple somehow escapes the car before its fully engulfed by the rising water t. Construction worker somehow is okay. All three of them walk away from it. Can you believe that . Wow. There is no reason they should be okay when you look at that video. Its amazing, what a miracle. God. I need to get on the site. How about getting me a raise, okay . Its been a while. All right. Something for me, too. No, willie is here, too, you want to talk to him . Still ahead, a battle of wit between two pressing iss. E. J. Told me to put my hand to your mouth. Its a gentle kiss. Thats what gets me through the morning. First, micas must read opinion passenger. Well be right back. I love it. woont cool chopper shot, new york city. The must read story john meacham. Its lovely this time of year. It is, im going to nashville. We are headed there. I cant wait. All right. Let get through a couple good must reads with marcus, echoing what you said. Janay rice is the most puzzleing and tragic figure in this sordid episode. It is difficult for someone not in domestic vika will ens to stand by her abuser. I feel for janay rice, she should look at hashtag why i stayed on twitter and realize she is the victim, not the dangerous man she married. Now our friend from the moderate middle east must act, radical islam is an existential threat to those of us who believe in the true nature of issam as a religion of peace. We must do more to promote the voices of compassion and respect over the shouts of hatred and fan attism in this spirit. It is a set of values and way after life we will fight to protect. We always ask where are the moderate muslim voices . Thats what you heard after 9 11. You said, herald, for many years, it has been a strong voice and demanding that moderate muslims stand up to islamic extremism and is offered harsh, blunt assessments, even people like me saying that the American Government has to do more to encourage moderate Islamic States and needs continuing. I think the world is coming to him. A different and i would arc you superior, im not muslim, i will stand down, a different version of islam has to emerge in the Global Public eye and what you outlined one would hope would be the foundation for that vision that will emerge. We will get meacham. He wrotes its a wretched moment a. President who for several years seemed allergic to the iraqi and syrian war is being drawn that there circumstances that the scent tickets agree require u. S. Action. We have to do it, says a former National Security adviser and the dean of a group of strategists who met with obama monday night. But he cautions because the conflict is likely to spread into other countries and last longer than we expect. We have to avoid the mistakes we made after september 11th of 2001 of seeming to launch a global war on terror this time he argues, the United States needs to rely on saudi arabia, turkey and jordan rather than making it the United States fight. We say amen. Amen. John meacham, what do you think . I think he is right, obviously. I think there is a sense now that there is perhaps not a single global war on terror that was launched in the midst of tragedy on a day of fire as problem put it 13 years ago tomorrow. But now we have a series of region am conflicts that require mod lated responses, same goal as protecting the homeland, protecting american interests. Weve had two acts of war against the United States and the beheading of these two journalists recently. We have to respond to that. John, are you shocked by the numbers that we are . We obviously expected the American Public to be supportive. We got over 90 considering this group a threat. Over 90 wanting action. You got 34 wanting boots Allegheny County and you also have something that herald and i dont remember, a president that is as far behind the American Publics will as this president is. He has a 40 Approval Rating the lowest in the msnbc poll a. 62 disApproval Rating. I think those numbers clang fairly quickly once we start going after isis. But the president s are not usually the ones reluctantly tracked toer what, are they . Thats true. It is a curious moment in the last 15 year cycle of American History on this. Part of it is what president bush articulated at the very beginning very shrewdly, there was not going to be a battle subpoena missouri moment. It was going to be episodic. It was going to be complicated to quote president kennedy, it was going to be a long twilight struggle. I think the president has two significant audiences, maybe three tonight. One is the broad American People which as you say are more engaged in and taking action than he has seemed to be. The other is the opinion makers, dr. Brzezinski, ignacious, others who think hes moved too slowly. The others are these allies in the region who will have to step up. Amen to that. John meacham. Thank you very much. Well see new nashville. Up next, we will speak to someone actively involved in strengthening the nfl policies. Shell weigh in on the latest ray rice saga next. More morning joe when we return. Joining us now the president of the National Networks kim gandy. Obviously, a lot of people talked to you about janay rices instagram post, where she is blaming her husband. Its obvious from people that may not understand what its like to be a victim of domestic abuse. Can you talk about there . You know, i didnt really find that post surprising at all. One thing that we know is that victims of Domestic Violence say and do whatever they need to do to keep themselves and their families safe and theyre the best judge of what they need to do to stay safe. What were your thoughts . I think most people were outraged when somebody smoking pot gets suspended. Even before we saw the tape inside the elevator, rice for two games. Did, why didnt the nfl get how horribly offensive that was to americans and does the nfl get it yet . You know, i think that a lot of people were shocked by that and at the same you might recall that ray rice got a standing ovation from ravens fans. So there is a lot of confusion among the population in this country about what is and isnt acceptable to this day. Statement i think that were still in the 1950s. Yeah. When beating your wife was just okay. But clearly the fan base spoke up in a big way and the nfl got the message that they had badly messed this up. Mishandled it. No leadership, poor leadership at the very least. Let me ask you, kim, what do you think the rises should do . What would you like them to do with this . Is there something they can do with this tragedy . You know, one hopes that given this breather, if you will, i think he has a year before hes allowed to apply for reinstatement. They have a chance to put this back together for him to get counseling and to deal with his issues and one hopes as one always does that things will be better. So some stats from the centers for Disease Control and prevention, the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence survey. 31 of women in the u. S. Have been physically abused. 20 of women. Almost 20 have been raped. 22 of women and 42 of men have experienced severe physical violence at the hands of an intimate partner. Is this getting better, worse, staying about the same . What are the trend lines looking like through Domestic Violence . Actually, according to reports, there has been a 64 decline since the passage of the violence against womening a 20 years ago. So there has been a significant decline which tells you that the numbers were really, really high before that. At the same i think there is more reporting, people are more likely to talk about it. But today and yesterday, absolutely the biggest public discussion i have ever seen Domestic Violence in 40 years in this movement. The biggest. Its everywhere. Kim gandy thank you for everything you do. Still ahead, senators tom coburn and joe mandhin. Was dick kane right and president obama wrong . We have a debate coming up. Its going to get ugly. Is it you and me . No, mercenaries, next was dick kane right . Keep it right here on morning joe. Kid hey dad, who was that man . Dad hes our broker. He helps looks after all our money. Kid do you pay him . Dad of course. Kid how much . Dad i dont know exactly. Kid what if youre not happy . Does he have to pay you back . 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Yes three as he brings his agame the ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com . Okay. Joining us from washington former White House Press secretary and secretary for george wind chill bush ari fleischer, here we go. You are here, we had them in the same room, punches were thrown. Gibbs had bandages on his face. We had to separate them. Lets start with the first question. Gibb by we hope you feel better since. As for the president s Foreign Policy the numbers have come out why are those numbers so low . I there i the American People arulesed to strength and leadership from the president. The president heard his own call when he had to take back his own words when he said his goal is to destroy isis and make it a manageable program. The president has squandered much of the strength of Foreign Policy. He has a chance to get it back. His speech is when he has the attention of American Country on the eve of 9 11 where the president has a tremendous opportunity to reis et the table. Ari, he said the president squandered his opportunity. Do you agree . Absolutely not. I do agree with ari in that the president has a moment tonight that only president s are afforded to reassert himself to get rid of some of the bad optics of august but i think the American People want to see is steady leadership and a plan to deal with isis. Thats what they will expect tonight and what you will likely hear the president to deliver at a very unique moment. Do you think he has been a bit too deliberate. He is called cold, aloof, a professor. Is this one of those times where the public rose up against him because of those personal attributes . They knew what they were getting within they elected him. I do think the deliberateness is reaction to a decade of having gotten into things in a manner of sort of ready, fire, aim and thats not the way this president is going to get into it. Look, well only have history to look back and see whether if going in a month earlier will have made a big difference or not. All right. Guys, heres the wall street journal editorial. Dick kane is still right. Its hard for to you say, isnt it . It doesnt roll off the tongue. I like it. President obama will layout his plan to counter the Islamic State on wednesday night and will judge the strategy on its merits, but the mere fact that mr. Obama feels obliged to send americans to fight again if iraq acknowledges the failure of his Foreign Policy. He is tacitly admitling that the liberal critique of the bush administrations approach to terrorism is wrong. Robert gibbs. You know, its hard to hear. I feel like im in the way back machine, dick cheney in iraq. Look. Maybe the best thing i can say is in all the keeps up, we might finally be greeted as liberators in iraq and dick cheney will in some way finally be right for a prediction he made there i will say this, i dont think the American People are still fighting the bushclan versus barak obama on iraq. I think what they want to see is something moving forward on what they believe is a serious threat not only in iraq but throughout the middle east. Ari fleischer is he still right . I think the issue is will we all be better off will he leave a substantial amount of forces there. That would have prevented isis from coming in in the first place. The answer is yes. I was ambiguous, i was happy we were done. It was a mistake. We should have kept the troops there. Robert nailed it as far as what the American People want. Theyre not interested in this retroactive debate. They want solutions to what is going on there to protect us. I think most americans agree with both of you guys. I am disappointed you are not fighting each other as much as you did. I think this is hopeful. Are both talking about looking forward. Ari, you take care of organizations in trouble, that need help with their pr. What is the one thing you would have the president of the united states say tonight to convince the american beam that he gets it . He needs to ring clear this is a threat to the United States, isis represents a threat to our interests in the middle east, to our countries and nobody can behead americans without paying a heavy price. Thats right. He is resolute we will destroy isis t. Rest of the details about how thats important to execute it well. Thats a moment tonight. Robert, have you done this before. What would you be telling the president tonight . Very similar thing. I think in many ways the people of the United States you see from the polling are very much in tune with the fact that isis is a big threat. Unlike a year ago the president was trying to convince airstrikes in syria because of the use of chemical weapons and 60 of the people said no. Tlair theyre on the side of understanding there is a big threat t. Most important thing from the president is to reassert his leadership if laying out a succinct and clear plan that wont be easy and will take quite some time and what that will entail for the American People. Thats what i was trying to say. Thank you so much. They with us. We will talk to you at the top of the hour. The fact that those two agreed so much. I saw that as a very encouraging sign, america is in the same place right now with this threat and thats really great news for the country. Its great news for the president. Much more ahead. Well be right back. We shall return. I think we found the worst introduction ever. What . Maybe in the history. Really . This is for scott brown. He won a primary up in New Hampshire. You know hes actually from New Hampshire, actually . Well, but hes, there is this whole issue. Le won the primary. There are the rules. You have it. Everybody is supporting him. Heres what the son of former New Hampshire governor said to introduce u. S. Senator candidate scott brown on sunday. Someone came up and said, i love to meet scott. I us as thought. This is one of those things i thought scott was a phony from massachusetts. Yes. I said, you got to sit down. You got to sit down because he sat down, they had the little conversation. He walked away. You no ewhat he said . That guy is a phony from New Hampshire that just happened to live in massachusetts for a little while. Hes more New Hampshire than most people we have in New Hampshire. Wow, a phony from massachusetts. A phony from New Hampshire. Low key. It felt odd. Have you ever had a situation. It doesnt quite work. Did you think that was a joke . Yes. He was trying to make a joke. I would retrack. That was not the worst introduction. It was a little clumsy, perhaps. No, it was bad. It wasnt great. Hes not a phony from massachusetts. Hes a phony from New Hampshire. Never use the word phony. People didnt ask us. Heres a funny guy that had the part in moneyball, im sorry . Jona hill. A little jona hill. Wow. All right. Man, that is a poor intro. The next hour of morning joe. Starts right now. Whoa [ music playing [ music playing ] yesterday morning, i got into the office and our staff had come to me and said there is new evidence, there is a video that you need to see and i watched it then. Did you know a sec tame existed . We had not seen any videotape of what occurred in the elevator. We assumed that there was a video. We asked for a video but we were never granted that opportunity. So did anyone in the nfl see this second videotape before monday . No. No one in the nfl . No one in the nfl, to my knowledge, and i asked that same question. The answer to that is no. While we certainly didnt know what was on the tape. We have been very open and honest i have also from two weeks ago when i acknowledged we didnt get the right. Thats my responsibility and im accountable for that. Whoa. First of all, wow, nor remarks she was tough. She did a great job on that. A very good interview. But roger looked really shaky. I dont know. I think the whole thing is shaky the way the nfl has handled this from the getgo. Theyre not there yet. Theyre pushing a story thats just not believable. They couldnt get ahold of a casino from inside an elevator . Thats unbelievable. Its a story thats not necessary for the action that should have been taken. For the. They didnt need that other piece of video. They actually didnt need it. They never got it. They cant say what the ravens owner said, we screwed up. I like what he said. Why dont i go there now . Because this is what should have been said, mike barnable. Mike, goodell looked like he was about to cry. It was a shaky performance. I think they would have been much better off sending him out saying were not going to pars words, were not going to look for plugs for liability say we screwed up. How hard would this be . Turn the camera on me, ask what happened . Im goodell. All right. Roger, the vaip tape. Yeah. Did anybody in the nfl see the tape prior to . You know what, mike, we were idiots, you know we walk in an elevator, we know a tape is there. We were idiots. We were blind. This caught us by surprise. We made a mistake from the very beginning. We apologize to not only the women victims of domestic abuse, we apologize to miss rice, ourself. We let her down. This is a teachable moment. You hear about a teachable moment. Somebody that screwed up as me and the nfl, i promise you, it will never happen again him im ashamed of what we did. More importantly, im ashamed by what we did not do. See now the question is. What do you are say after that instead of we didnt know about elevator tapes. What do you say after that . But, okay. All right. Well, okay. Thank you for apologizing. Now lets go, as jesus said, go and say no more. Roger goodells inability to say what you just said and to pretty much end it. Which by the way Everybody Knows is the truth. Absolutelyt the truth. It gets to the National Football leaks sense of air goons about what it is. They literally dominate this country in terms of sports followship. They dominate television. This has been going on a long time. You talk about president s that have to change speeches because it might conflict with an nfl game. The nfl didnt even can sell Football Games in november of 1963 after jfk was assassinated. Petro sell said until the day he died, it was the single biggest mistake he made personally and professionally. Sometimes the show doesnt go on. Sometimes the nfl stops and says, we screwed up. I like what you said. Thats basically what they said. He did a great job, i would add to your comments if he was sitting in the hot seat, he should have said we are going to make this right. We will start several initiatives. It will take years, Domestic Violence is a pervasive problem across the country. We have clearly botched. This we will make it right by doing a, b, c. Here we got the ravens owner. We did not do all we should have done and no amount of explanation can remedy that. Thats what you did. A great job. So we will be stalking about that obviously over the next couple of hours. I wish this show were five hours long. We have so much to talk about. We have polls that are out. You hear that story on willie showed me this story when it rains, it pours. The whole golf thing. Everything is getting to him. So when it comes to golf, president obama apparently is just like the red of us, the president was turned down all actually by several cops. They wouldnt turn me down. Top golf courses over labor day weekend, Club Managers said. The president got rejeblged at three or four different golf courses. We have Mark Halperin and robert gibbs. And a good day for both of these guys to come out. Few polls shows you a growing concern over National Security 47 of americans say they are less spoekt protected lets keep that number up him pike, thats a shocking number. It is. Guess what, they may be right. The majority may be right. I dont know whether theyre right or wrong, joe. I will tell you there i cannot recall a news event so impacting than those two reporters. I have to get the exact number. Jesse rodriguez came up and said those were the most followed news stories over the past decade. I believe it. As far as online that it has as i said the morning after, what fools, what evil fools, i cant even say what they are at isis. They have awakened a country that was war wary. Now they are going to all die because of it. Before if awakening, what it did was inject an element of fear in this country. Fear is contagious. He said he looked back and the president was unable to find brought support in syria, these beheadings as gruesome as they were translate into these are real americans, this threat can come to us. Come to us. Robert, mark, when it comes to the terror group isis more than 60 say its in our countrys interest to take military action against the terror group. 40 support only air strikes to curb the isis threat. 34 want to put boots on the ground and american support of president obamas Foreign Policy strategy has hit an all time low time for some action. 32 of americans approve of his handleing foreign affairs, onethird of democrats disapprove of his approach, another high. Republicans are overwhelmingly seen as more capable of panging the nations Foreign Policy over democrats. When it comes to who can best handle the nations defense, republicans are again favored over democrats by 38 . Mark halperin, the numbers look bass bad for president obama, a lot has to do with the American People there is so unusual. If you can think of an example where the American People were this far ahead of the president the commanderinchief going into war, let me know, john meacham, harold ford, all of us cant remember that time. The numbers look bad. They all seem to be based on the same reality and that is the American People think the president has taken too long to face this threat. Why has he been slow to act . One is he has been trying to build a coalition behind the scenes. Two, he realizes his overarc was to bring american troops home. Can i stop right there . I think these numbers are like vapor, theyre going to disappear into thin air. He will go on tonight and say maybe i did take a little longer. But look whats happened because of that. The American People are behind this in a way they havent been in a long time. Also we got the uae. We got egypt the arab league, list off all of these countries that now support the United States of americas efforts, right . Dont you think if he delivers the speech right, these numbers will turn around quickly on Foreign Policy. I think so. Then there needs to be the follow through. I think the biggest thing that holding him back, his mind goes to that David Ignacious clul that laid a lot of map. This is a difficult operation, not militarily. But what happens after the power of the American Military is inflicted in iraq and maybe syria. What happens to the hearts and minds of the region . The coalition with assad and iran, its so complicated. I dont think hell get into that tonight. He does as i say have a chance to step up to where the public is. Which is reaction to whats going on t. Absolute necessity existential necessity with the Broad Coalition he can build. I have to say there is one of the first administrative addresses i am thinking in the morning i have got to stop and physical out where im going to be tonight and if i have an event i have to find a tv to watch it. Americans are going to be tuned in tonight. I would hope so. I would hope so. Basically, because of the complexity of the issue as Mark Halperin indicated. Robert guy given complexity of the issue, that region, sunni vs. Sunni, shia vs. Sheia, all of the tern internal issues in that area of the world and the fact that the president clearly is not going to weigh out the logistics of when he will start or whether it will be tactical or strategic, what do you look from the president in terms of telling the American Public about if length of this operation, it could be three years, it could be a decade. Whats he going to do . I think thats one of the great Unanswered Questions about the speech tonight. I think you saw him hint when he did the interview with conduct todd over the weekend for meet the press, when he talked about the fact its time for the United States to go back on offense. I think that meant for him politically and leadership and also the American Militarys it increases tempo for airstrikes in the region. I think one of the things that will also be interesting to see. We mentioned these arab coalitions. I think there are mr. Leaders that you degrade american airstrikes and iraq and syria. The question is, can you truly dismantle and defeat isis without some force on the ground and if we rule out american combat troops, presumably, that rules out in many ways european troops, who are those forces on the ground . Are they the moderate Syrian Rebels . Are we stepping up our increasing our involvement with them . Does that mean it extended if iraq, Kurdish Forces . I think there are a lot of interesting and Unanswered Questions on what the military presence will look like okay here with us from capitol hill, congressman keith allison. Change pon, thanks for being on. Keith, its great to be on. Do you support the americans efforts to go in and degrade isis . I think its important to talk about this within a political framework. Putting the coalition together, making sure if iraq the Sunni Community feels it is included in the governance of that country. Sharing in the oil wealth. All these political factors diplomatic factors need to take place so that when you use military force you dont make the problem worse. So, for example, if we would have used military force before we left, we could have made this situation much worse. We are where we are. What do you want to hear from the president tonight so you can go back to your constituents and say i think taking military action against isis is the right thing to do . Again, what i will say is we have pulled together an international force. It is primarily arab led, iraqi led. There is something we are going to be taking care of the details on with regard to turkey, jordan, making sure all our partners are in a role so we are in the in a go it along way with no ultimate way out of this thing. So the fact is that thats what i want to hear. I think that will make for a sustainable peace after one is established. Are you hearing from your constituents what they are saying . You see isis as a grave threat . People were horrified by these executions. Theyre also concerned about what are the homeland implications of a group like isis. Are they worried about these people coming back and what are we doing to stop that . So there are a lot of concerns. Were trying to address them all. At the end of the day the cowboy thing is not going to win the day. Weve got to be smart. Weve got to be deliberate and whatever force we use needs to fit within the overall political framework. That includes even on the homefront. That means we got to make sure we are in a naked relationship, engaging people, building trust, so we can get the information we need to protect people in the local communities. All right. Congressman. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Harold, he says the cowboy thing doesnt work. At the same time, this president does not need to be restrained. No. He does not need to be passive. He does not need to be reserved. He needs to go out of his comfort zone. He needs to be aggressive and pushing forward, he needs to tell the American People in clear Uncertain Terms this is not one of these things where we will sit back and analyze the situation for another couple months. We are going to war, we are going to kill them. Its a proverbial moment where the country is willing to ask questions afterwards. We do take action. I recall when we were in congress and the vote came around about iraq and you had a number of democrats, including myself, support the president and authorizing the use of force, its interesting to hear congressman ellison whose inclination is not about action. He clearly understands where the country he. At the same time he understands that framework involves military action. I think the president has a willing congress tonight. Mike said it best, hes got to frame where were going, how le will do it and give some sense of this time table for the countries for him to be able to sustain the support he has. Robert gibbs, thank you very much. Great to have you on this morning. Still ahead on morning joe, Richard Branson explains the virgin way. His thoughts on leadership in our next hour. Later this hour, check this gubernatorial candidate, wendy davis will join us on set. But first, falling asleep on the job . Oh. The one thing you dont want to do if you are robbing a house. Oh, i hate it when that happens, also when you visit the oval office, we have a pick we will show you. Mel brooks gives hollywood the 11 finger salute. Hello, well explain that next on morning joe. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends. Three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Where the reward was that what if tnew car smelledit card and the freedom of the open road . A card that gave you that im 16 and just got my first car feeling. Presenting the buypower card from capital one. Redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac with no limits. 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Lets get to the morning papers, a few report shows Greenhouse Gas increased more last year than any time over the last 30 years the World Meteorological Association Says action feeds to be taken now before its too late. Were showing picture of highways in america there. We need to show pictures of plants in china. I mean, its a growing problem in coin, in india and developing times. The regulations are loose. Officials in maine are looking for thieves who stole 100 onions. What . They were planned by the classic. Who steals onions . The students were harvesting these vegetable plants the teachers say the produce was intended for homeless shelters. Maybe we should start an onion drive. Ladies and gentlemen, hashtag morning joe onion drive. Burglar in florida was caught when a cleaning lady discovered him cat naping in the homeown homeowners bed. Officials found the man passed out alongside a bag of the homeowners jewelry. He continued sleeping as police took photos of him. Police say it appears he entered the house through a window. Deon davis was charged with burglary of an unoccupied dwelling. I like that hair. The iconic film maker and comedienne mel brooks made his mark on hollywood with an extra surprise on tuesday. Brooks donned a prosthetic sixth finger. He pressed his hands into the ceremony at grammans chinese theater. Thats a sample. Usa today there are more jobs today than any time since 2001 a new survey says there were twice as many unemployed workers for every available job from july. Many Companies Say they cant find enough skilled workers especially in construction. There may be an issue there. You have the samsung watches for a while. The fad wore off for you two. Looking into tabloids the daily news, a really tough headlines and editorials straight ahead the one in front of you. What am i missing here . What are you doing . You got a gym in my face. The daily news, top and right t. Fork post, t. J. You want to go the worst director ever, the New York Post wake up janay. Well, so. Is it true ravens tickets, shes a season owner seats. They got apologized emails. Really . These people, they know how to actually handle a mistake between the comments and thats smart. It really is. We will talk about this and much more coming up with a cohost i cant believe hes here cohost of espns mike and mike. He will join us, mike golik. A rising star in the democratic party. Can she now win because of her new froundz u found political fame and become the next governor of texas . An uphill battle for wendy davis, if she can meet the morning highs, the morning joe coming right back. When salesman alan ames books his room at laquinta. Com, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. And when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens . I think the numbers speak for themselves. 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Here with us now democratic candidate for texas governor, texas state senator wendy dives, her memoir is titled forgetting to be afraid. You forgot right to be afraid . I did. It sure seems like it you have had a lot of bumps in the road, people attacking you from your parenting to your stance on some key issues. First of all, a big picture. How is the race going . I this i the race is going unbelievably well. We have a very aggressive ground game going on in texas and the energy and enthusiasm behind this race is like nothing ive ever seen in our state. Its an uphill battle, though, obviously . Democrats havent won state wide in a really long time. I heard you say there are not that general elections that count in texas. You have to reinner gait those that have stayed home a long time. How long has it been . It really was that last race Anne Richards lost in 1994. Wow. We are trying to break through as you said educate the electorate. I feel we have an excited and engaged electorate that isnt typical for texas. Lets talk about the book. You decided to go there. In a lot of ways. Its a really tough book. A lot of people talked about your filibuster. But you while you are reading the story of other women that had abortions under difficult circumstances, you didnt talk about a couple that you had. Two of them. And in both cases, fairly tragic . Yes. Tell us about it. Well, the first was an ectopic pregnancy, which of course is dangerous for a woman. The second was when we were told that our very much loved and wanted daughter had a severe brain abnormally and we had to confront what we would do. You had already given her a name, hadnt you . Kate elise. We went to four different doctors hoping that someone would give us a different ray or a small ray of hope. No. And none could. They told us if she survived to term, she likely wouldnt survive delivery. If she survived delivery, she likely would be in a permanent vegetative state and we did what we felt was the most loving thing for our daughter. Right. When we went through the experience, my doctor provided us with some really good material to read. I wanted to be able to do the same thing for other people that these folks did when we read it. It was very helpful to us. You didnt bring this up in your many hours of filibustering in that moment that really put you in the national stage. Where not . I thought about it. I write about it in the book. I to the about it especially as i red a story that was very much like mine, but i feared if i did, the day would be about me. It needed to be about all those voices they felt hadnt been heard and had been ignored and i was trying to give voice to them. Senator, because of the way you rose to National Prominence with that filibuster, you have been so identified with the issue of abortion. You write about it in the book. Do you think thats hurt you at all inside the state of texas where you go out and thats the first thing people want to talk to you about. Maybe you want to talk about jobs or health care or Something Else important to texans . What i am pleadsed to see as the race is shaping up what people want to talk to me about is education. And i write about that in my book my break through from single mom poverty came through a path made possible by education. And i previously had a filibuster in 2011 to stop five. 5 billion dollars from being cut from our public schools. So im very well known for my fight to create more support for public ed, greater access to higher ed. That really is the central issue in this race. Mark halperin in d. C. Has a question for you. You are not running against rick perry, are you running to replace him against greg abbott the attorney general of your state. Governor perrys big call for his record, big claim is on the economy and jobs. You are talking about education and infrastructure. What are you promising the voters of texas you will do from terms of improving on or keeping up with rick perrys . What kind of Economic Growth and job creation . So the big issue for us is what will we do from this path forward for texas . And education truly is the key, i was watching a story earlier on this show, talking about the inability to fill certain job sectors because of the lack of a Trained Work Force to do that. And we know in texas we got a real challenge with our Human Resources with our capacity to fill those jobs because we dont have the training for the jobs of tomorrow. Thats why ive made it the central focus of this race. Would your job goat under the Davis Administration be as fast or faster than its been under governor perry . I believe very strongly in some of the tools that weve widely used in texas, the Economic Development tools the Public Private partnerships. This was an area of expertise within i was on the city council for the nine years i was there i believe we need to continue to use that. We need to continue to make sure that texas leads the nation in Economic Growth and its my plan not only to continue to strongly urge the use of those tools but to do it in a way thats transparent and accountable. I was very proud in the last legislative session to pass an audit for the first time of the way some of those funds are being used to make sure that our private partners are living up to their end of the bargain. Looking at your pictures of your beautiful daughters in this book. I know have you talked a lot about them. You have been criticized for your parenting skills and choices along the way. I think its interesting, you are right now moving with women in texas. I wonder what you make of that and if you think there is any connection to the criticism that you have received. You talk about making the path possible for everyone through education. Your path to educate yourself was long and arduous and it has really difficult decisions where at times your choin chirn couldnt be with you. You were judged extremely harshly for those decisions. By the way, a man would never be judged for that and you did these things to better yourself and to bring up your family. And yet, its seen if such a different light. Im wondering sometimes if women actually judge that decision. What do you think . I certainly hope not. My daughters are amazing young women. My oldest daughter is here with me this morning and has been significantly helping me. And the product of my hard work. And the product of hard work. We grew up through some tough times together she and i. I think our story is a story of success. Its a story of overcoming the odds. And that was all made possible because of education. Im proud of the path that i took to make a better life. I want to just read one other part of this book. Because it talks about what a moving book. What a remarkable life youve had, whether you are a republican or a democrat and i can say this. Im selling the book. Im a republican. I would not vote for miss davis. But i can still love the book and be moved. Be moved by, i think an inspirational story. This is important. Your mother is a single mother. Shes struggled with thoughts of suicide. Yes. And there is what you write. As she was contemplateing taking the lives, taking her life and the lives of her three young children, an angel came into her life that day, a neighbor who had never come into her home before rang the bell and he sat in the living room. He held my mothers hand. He talked to her for quite some time. By the time he left, she was through it. And she came and collected us from the car and put one foot in front of the other and pushed on for all of us and did a beautiful job of it. She did. There are so many, you know, we always hear about the bad in the world. There are so many angels out there, arent will . There really are. I have been blessed by so many in my life. I truly have. Incredible. Who inspired. Ladybird johnson when asked. She was very shy when she overcame that to do the things she did. She said you have to get so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid. Thats story of my life. It truly is. It sounds like a really powerful book. Thank you for coming in. Good luck. You got to ask her. We always know this. Right. Ask her how many days inle the election. 64. You always know, dont you . You know i had one on before she had a tear away calendar, i had this big magic marker. Oh. Up next. Good luck. Espns mike golic weighs on ray rice and the 2014 nfl season next. Is elon musk single handled creating the world of tomorrow . In there he looks frightening. He looks like a innovators, be every we go to break this friday, we will be talking to legendary film maker ken burns about the radios velocity, intimate mystery. Its his best. All week we will be asking you new questions about that family dynasty. Todays question . Which president appointed Eleanor Roosevelt to the United Nations general assembly. We will give an on air shout out to the first person who tweets the correct response using the hashtag roosevelts pbs. Joe, you make this so difficult. Morning joe will be right back. Before the names theodore, eleanor, and franklin were indelibly etched into the american consciousness. And the course of Human History was forever changed by their individual endeavors. A prominent family made a point of teaching the value of altruism, the power of perseverance, and the virtue of helping out ones fellow man. Dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my future. You. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Welcome back. Football analyst mike golic the cohost of mike and mike in the morning. By the way, could this be the mutual admiration. We love you as well in there we dont get to watch your show all the time. When im on vacation, man, i love flipping back and forth. I like the molten desserts. Mike, heres the deal. We like roger and the nfl. You know what, man, he should have come out and said we screwed up. Nobody here believes that theyre getting the plausibled in they want about the elevator. Its terrible. I like the fact they came out and basically said we blew it they took a lot of heat and said we blew that, we put a new domestic out six and out for the second. Well see how that goes. In this situation, do you think i think they could have gone ahold of the tape . Absolutely. Didnt they need the tape . Thats a great. We brought that up as well on our show. We saw the first tape where she was dragged outside of the elevator. What do we think happened outside the elevator . The story from baltimore is i believe theyre saying when ray rice and janay talked to them they lightened the story a bit about what happened in the elevator. What you needed was the tape and nobody really sought out the ta tape. Where does this go for roger good em . He can say i didnt see the tape. Is that enough . Does he get through this . I think it does. If they saw the tape and lied about seeing the tape and we find that out i think that is it. I think them not getting the tape. I think that was a mistake. I this they could have. They didnt. That was their mistake. We didnt get it. I dont think he will lose his job. It may have been their way of protecting themselves, we didnt see it. Were clean. In my eyes they and baltimore could have gotten it. To that point give america some inkling you played in the nfl of the security personnel around the American Football League and individual teams. These guys are not mall cops. Theyre former february fib, former cops that help out the nfl and teams as well. We know, teams know the guy they will draft in the sixth round had for lunch you know two years ago. So they can find out. Listen, i absolutely agree that they didnt go far enough in trying to get the tape. Do i think they saw the tape and lied about it . I cant believe they would go down that road. They know everybody involved including from the top down will lose their job there. So i think between they and baltimore, they didnt do enough. I think baltimore thought was ray rice was a huge part of our community. We will take him and janay at their word. They didnt go further than that. Theyre doing better no you in terms of their response than i think the nfl. I think, whoa, whoa, we havent seen the ape is a poor choice forward. Heres the bottom line. They should have done much more. They need to find a way to say that. I completely agree. You larry, they talked about this also here to talk about something. I know why there is pepper on your shirt. Yes, we got that. Can we talk about saint joouds . We played in the liberty bowl against doug flutie in memphis. As a 20yearold, we went through saint juchltd if you walked through st. Jude the childrens research hospital, its amazing, so now 31 years later i got the chance to go back and see the advancements and see how the, what the death rate was and how thats improved and the great work theyre doing. But it costs money. Theyre making great advances, but it costs money because families dont cost a dime. Chiles has been fantastic over the last ten years its been 50 million in donation and money theyve raised and through september 22nd, you go to any chiles anywhere. They have game day money you can buy. Different ways can you give money to add to this donation. September 22nd, the end of it. The net profits from chiles that day goes to st. Judes. We have a lot of restaurants we have to take mica to. She doesnt get out. Shes like ule gibb bonnes. Im taking to you chiles. I absolutely love chiles. You start with dessert. Im with you. The appetizers, a southwestern egg roll. You go from there. I always have the same thing every time. I have the Buffalo Ranch chicken sandwich. I am a creature of habit. That is great. Two moments really quickly. We are running out of time. We got to hear. What is going to win the super bowl . I put denver back in the super bowl against the eagles. I didnt go with the eagles, i want an offense. Can manning step up . It was either the new orleans offense or philly offense. I think denver gets it done in the next year or two. I think thats it. I think thats all manning has. That window will close. Thank you for coming. Still ahead from the ipod to the ipad, now the apple watch. Theyve set the trend for user technology. Is apple still at the head of the digital revolution . Then Sir Richard Branson joins us in our 8 00 hour live. Are you watching morning joe. Well be right back. With us now, vanity fair contributing editor, here to talk about the newest issue, which looks at where the digital evolution is headed. Introducing these people who have a, quote, rebellious sense of wonder. Elawn musk in our 20th anniversary year is our number one. He is has got staggering ambition combined with this dogooder sense of purpose. And hes become sort of taking steve jobs role as the inspirational leader out whats next for him . We, he wants to colonize mars so he wants to send people to mars it of course hes expanded the line of teslas. And then the hyper loop. He wants to get us from los angeles to San Francisco in 35 minutes. Thats a staggering ambition. You know whats interesting, number two, number three, number four, you have companies that have been around for a while, google, apple, amazon. What are they doing . Look what apple Just Announced yesterday. I think with the apple watch, youre going to see for the first time the wheearable categy moving beyond the fitness wat wearers. What about number eight, ali ba baba . Theyve got that ipo coming up. Alibaba is responsible for 80 of the commerce in china. Thats a lot. Youve got the powers that be. Youve got rupert murdoch, the man from comcast, Robert Downey jr. Among them. Yeah, yeah, talk about your cover boy, Robert Downey jr. He is the highest paid actor in hollywood. Hes taking the franchise, the marvel franchise, and its just exploded. Those are the movies that are selling. They work in this country and they work ive got younger kids so ive seen iron man and avengers. Robert downey jr. s role in both of those, its just its pitch perfect. Pitch perfect. You understand why hes paid so much. Because they made ga zalons of dollars. And theyre good, too. Theyre good. Adults can watch. And be entertained by this extraordinarily talented actor. And people go back two and three time, especially younger people, thats where the money is. Also, the money is, one of the aspects of this, the changing nature of cable tv. The different platforms so astoundingly different than the innovation of cable in the early 90s. We compared where cable was 20 years ago to now. Basically the water cooler combination is dominated by cable shows. We thought it was important to highlight, yes, all the technological change but content still matters, it does. Quality of content. Exactly. Well be checking out the latest issue of vanity fair. Thank you. Up next, it may end up being the defining speech of his presidency. What president obama should say tonight when he addresses the nation. We get some poll numbers that were pretty extraordinary. Americans more fearful today than they were before 9 11. I think the table is set for an effective speech. No doubt. He needs to step up and deliver. And then senators tom coburn and joe manchin will weigh in on the possibility of a congressional vote to strike isis. Plus, millions of americans at risk for Severe Weather car report. Which president appointed Eleanor Roosevelt . We have the correct response. Keep watching for our weeklong coverage of ken burns new documentary, the roosevelts, an intimate history. Well be right back. Before the names theodore, eleanor, and franklin were indelibly etched into the american consciousness. And the course of Human History was forever changed by their individual endeavors. A prominent family made a point of teaching the value of altruism, the power of perseverance, and the virtue of helping out ones fellow man. Can you start tomorrow . Yes sir. Alright. Lets share the news tomorrow. Today we failrly busy. Tomorrow were booked solid. 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Well, they should watch because the president of the United States and the commander in chief will be communicating directly with the American People about a National Security priority. The audience wants to know how were going to win. I dont hear the president telling people that tomorrow. I dont have the speech in front of me but i would encourage you to tune in and hear directly from the commander in chief about his assessment of of this Critical National priority. What do you think of that, mika . I think that todd earnest was earnestly looking for an answer there. Nice guy but you . Its a good question . Its a good question. I get the sense after you saw the Major Garrett question you would have asked the same thing. A lot times the president goes on tv and he doesnt break through. We have been before president ial address saying this is his moment, this is his moment, and were saying it again. If you look at the numbers were going to be talking about again, i think people are ready to hear what he has to say. We have nbc news political director, moderator of meet the press, chuck todd with us. Chuck, the polls are really shocking. How a war weary nation is all ready to go in against isis. Secondly, how badly the president s numbers have suffered. Its not just him. Its actually impacting the entire party. We did some issue testing before who better handles which issues. Republicans lead by 35 points on the issue of ensuring a strong defense. Hes on the precipice of doing jimmy carterlike damage to the party. He cringed there when i said that. Sometimes when we speak, he said, even my grandmother jimmy carter right, for some time. Hes in this moment. You made a good point, i think i heard in the 6 00 hour, which is this is a reverse situation. The nations wanting him to come to his side. If he can step up on something he doesnt like doing, which is the theater of the presidency, he needs to have a Strong Performance tonight, because the country seems to be demanding it. Theyre almost theyre begging him. One of the things we found in this poll. Think about the controversy stories weve covered in the last five years. There were democrats saying internal polls show that their numbers, they just happened to go up with some polls after the president went golfing after the beheading of mr. Foley, and said their poll, they lost 6, 7, 8 Percentage Points. Al franken writing a letter, sounding more like joe mccain than al franken. Obviously, we now see the backlash. I dont think my partys had that advantage in any poll. A long time. This is the party of bushs Foreign Policy which is still unpopular. It really is a reactive thing right now. These new polls point to a growing concern over National Security. 40 of americans say we are less safe today 47 than we were before the attacks on september 11th. Well be hearing from the president tonight. Its the highest number since 2002. When it comes to the terror group isis, more than 60 say its in our countrys interest. Look at these numbers. We havent seen those numbers since the days after 9 11. You cant underestimate the role social media has played in those numbers. The viral impact of the beheadings of james foley and steven sotloff, it was epidemic. Fear is an easily Communicable Disease in this country. A lot of that 61 is the fear of isis, even though its probably not as critical as many people think in terms of us here. You really get this just from talking to people. We can do this. We fight back. We are who we are. Theres been sort of a is up la mation of that feeling. Unfortunately, part of it led by the president saying we have to strategy and things like that. Its a pretty complex thing. Wheres the debate about what do we do after . When were done defeating isis, and many doubt were going to defeat isis. Whos in charge of rebuilding syria. Thats the question we still dont have the answer to. Americans support of president obamas Foreign Policy strategy has hit an alltime low. 32 of americans approve of his administrations handling of foreign affairs. Republicans are overwhelmingly seeming more campable, and when it comes to the nations defense, the publics again are favored over democrats. I understand theyre saying these are temporary. Ive been around enough. Weve been around enough to know. To understand they go so quickly. We know what happened there. George h. W. Bush had an 89 Approval Rating at the end of the first gulf war. If he gives a good speech, acts aggressive, these numbers can change. Most of the new erosion are people inclined to support the president. Is essentially the fear, the pride aspect you really cant look at the polls today on september the 9th, the 10th, and say i now have a better idea . No, however, this is a Tipping Point moment. You are thankful the president is addressing the nation and you are absolutely rooting for him. If he does, youre right, he fixes a lot of this. What does he want from congress . Because there are certain republicans well give you more, which i think that is playing a little too much politics. Joining us now, democratic senator from west virginia, member of the Senate Armed Services committee, senator joe manchin. And republican senator from oklahoma and Ranking Member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee, senator tom coburn. These are two of our favorite guys on capitol hill. Are you talking to me . Yes, sir. Cy want leadership. He doesnt need authority in my opinion from congress. We kind of created this situation. Its time for us to clean it up. Its not going to be easy but it will take our efforts to limit this threat. Senator manchin, do you want to hear Something Different from the president tonight . I want to hear who is committed to helping, who has the same fear we do. I would hope hes able to bring that together and explain tonight. I believe if i was president , id want to go to congress. Hes going to have to work with this sooner than later. So thats inevitable. What are you hearing . What are they saying about the president . Well, hes falling in west virginia, so its not the most popular place for him as far as political. The bottom line is, they want to see a result. This is a threat. But they dont see the result of us going in with boots on the ground. I dont believe thats what they want. Thats not what they expect the president. Im not going to do it. Ill ask the same question what are you hearing from your constituents in oklahoma . I think theyre just generally disappointed in washington in total, not just with the president. The lack of leadership, especially in the senate. Can you imagine telling the world we dont have the strategy for something . Even if you dont, you dont say it. Weve created the vacuum. You wouldnt have the threat of isis right now that we have, had we had a residual force left in iraq. The sacrifices that were midmade in iraq are put at real risk because of the bumbling Foreign Policy of this administration. What do we do when we were done getting rid of isis in syria . I think it depends on how it plays out. You have the real patriot, the real syrian patriots, that dont want to be dominated by a dictator. Theyre not radical islamic fighters. Theyve kind of been lost in the shuffle of all this. Isis, theyre not the true syrians. I dont know if we have an end game. I dont think we can go into a muslim world and direct how were going to restructure them. I believe we should support those who want to help themselves. When we have roberts that the rebels in syria. We have some people who want to support them and arm them. That should give everybody pause. Chucks raising the issue of the end game. Are your constituents prepared for a stay in that area of the world by the United States . Absolutely not. I dont think weve seen anything improved. Unless those people want to defend themselves, who are we to say . Our Simple Mission should be, anybody thats planning to do harm to america, were going to come and get you. I think article 2 of the constitution is what the president s relying on. I dont thing he can do that without congress saying fine, we support that, we will appropriate money for that. We havent seen that yet. Im not willing to commit more men and women and troops on the ground as americans. All right, thank you very much. Coming up, actress judith light will join us later this hour. Were going to tackle a much more serious topic. Thats still ahead. And his methods are unconventional but his success unquestionable. Keeping a billion customers a year flying, means keeping seven billion transactions flowing. And when weather hits, its data mayhem. But airlines running hp endtoend solutions are always calm during a storm. So if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and Cloud Solutions make sure you always know whats coming and are ready for it. Make it matter. So what were looking for is a way to plus our Accounting Firms mobile plan. And minus our expenses. Perfect timing. Were offering our bestever pricing on mobile plans for business. Run the numbers on that. Well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be. Oneseventyfive a month. Good calculating kyle. Good job kyle. You just made partner. Our bestever pricing on mobile share value plans for business. Now with a 100 bill credit for every business line you add. Time now to take a look at the morning papers. The st. Louis post dispatch, citizens of ferguson, missouri, voice their outrage at the First City Council meeting since the shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown one month ago. Hundreds of residents attending the meeting called for change amid accusation, of racism, harassment and incompetence on the part of the police department. Browns parents again called for the arrest of the officer who shot their son. Okay. We get this from the new york times. The trump taj mahal could be the fifth Atlantic City casino could close this year. Trump entertainment filed chapter 11 bankruptcy. Employees have been warned that without significant expense reduction, the casino will likely close in november. A california couple is lucky to be alive after floodwaters in nevada swept their van off the highway and into a ravine. Terrifying video shows the moment the van gets carried away by water as a Construction Worker attempts to rescue them. The worker gets swept under the car bay the rushing water. Soon after the van is pulled down into a ravine, floodwaters fill the van. But the couple was able to escape this before the car was fully engulfled by the rising water. The Construction Worker is also okay. Thats unbelievable. That is terrifying. Lets turn to bill caro carr now. The guy that was trying to help them was caught under the car that also went down into the ravine. Also fine. Thats the system that dumped the torrential rain on phoenix two days ago, then vegas, then utah, now moving across the country. We have additional pictures from the nevada area that also got hit hard. Weve been bouncing across the country with this system. Of course were also dealing with areas in illinois and virginia with a lot of flooding and damage. Virginia had as much as a foot of rain. And then last night, we had severe storms roll across illinois. We had about five tornadoes reported. Thankfully, no injuries, no deaths. Minor damage was done there. And now were dealing with epic flooding in northern missouri this morning. Kirksville picked up 9 inches of rain overnight. 9 inches in one night. This has a tremendous amount of moisture with it. Now, today, all that rain is over the kig area, heading for indiana. Were going to have additional severe storms. Its not going to be an tornado outbreak so much. We have about 24 million people, including detroit, cleveland, indianapolis, at risk of severe storms. These storms make it to the east coast thursday afternoon. If you have travel plans, new york city, washington, d. C. , philadelphia, thursday afternoon, some very strong storms are going to roll through with some dangerous winds. So, this storm is going coast to coast. Its a big one. Lets go to our papers. The San Francisco chronicle, were hearing apple unveiled nobodys excited. Look at these watches. Nobodys excited. Its just ive heard nothing but just a whole bunch of belly aching. And lefthanded people are upset. And why are they upset . Because people like me, because theyre not made for people that yeah. Because theyre made for people that wear their watch on left. Which feature larger screens, faster processors and improved cameras. Good morning. Reporter departing from tradition, apple ceo tim cook skipped the Apple Company updates everythings great. Reporter and jumped right into what he called the greatest phones in the world. These are the new iphones. Reporter the biggest change might be the bigger sizes. And then theres the faster processor, improved cameras, more user friendly messages. We have one more thing. Reporter cook has been criticized for not producing a Truly Original apple product since steve jobs passing. He answered his critics with the apple watch. Its amazing what you can do from your wrist. Theme been undyve been unde for not innovating. You can feel morale in the company on this front rising. Reporter apple says its their most personal product ever. And there was Something Else. Both phones and the watch come with apple pick, a mobile Payment System that apple hopes will eventually replace your wallet. Google has had it in various android phones for a while but people havent wanted to use that much. The partners theyve lined up have given them the best chance probably to make this work. Eyes were trained on apple. And while the laundry list of new ithings will impress the matches, the tech giant has a lot to prove. The question is, will consumers buy it . Cook told Brian Williams during Product Development thats what apples all about. Our whole role in life is to give you something you didnt know you wanted and then once you get it, you cant imagine your life without it. Lets bring in the rioter g writer who covers it. Did he have one of these wow moments or did it disappoint again . I wasnt blown away. I also think a lot of the stuff happening here is really exciting. I actually think the watch is probably the least excite thing they announced yesterday. I saw someone on twitter said, apple has finally revolutionized the bar mitzvah gift. Which i thought was but and we still dont know a lot about the watch. We dont know if its waterpr f waterproof. We dont know exactly what kind of apps it will run. Were not even sure exactly when its going to come out. Theres a lot of question marks. Did they come out with a price point for it . It will be 350 which is steep for a gadget but, you know, people spend outrageous sums of money on watches. Is the iphone as expensive as the previous iphones . It will happen at a couple different price points, you know, starting at around 300 depending on what kind of model you get and how much memory it has and things like that. Kevin, speaking of the new iphone 6s, mika tried to get me to use samsung and there were a lot of things about it but there were also some bad things. The one thing i noticed when i went back to my iphone was it seemed like it was so last century. The bigger screen that samsung had was vivid. It looks like apple has taken care of that. The larger size screen going to be pretty important to a lot of people would get their news now on their phones. Yeah, this was something that apple previously had insisted it wouldnt do. It said, you know, people dont want big screens, they want something that they can, you know, that fits in their hand easily. But then the market sort of proved them wrong. Samsungs been selling a lot of bigger sized phones as have windows phones manufacturers and things like that, so apple was sort of forced into this. I actually think the more interesting part of this is the apple pay wireless payments mechanism they started. I like that. Thats really good. All right, kevin roose, thank you so much. Its not going to solve your problems. Coming up, Richard Branson opens up his playbook up on leadership. He also will talk about why he believes pot should be legal. That too. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. [ male announcer ] when you pick up bertolli, a bit of italy comes home with you. Bertolli. Your house . [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] with the taste of our chicken florentine farfalle skillets for two. Bertolli. Italy is served. When folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. Wait, wait, wait, its wait, wait, wait. Whoa, does she have special powers when she has the shroud . No. Guys . Its the woven one the woven one. 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Its not and in case of an Emergency Landing and the doors here and here thats a glimpse of virgin group. Here with us now, the founder, Sir Richard Branson. Whos out with a book. The virgin way. Everything i know about leadership. So im reading the book and the things we expect to hear from you, which is, you know, you need to create a fun environment, there has to be passion. We expect to hear that from you too. But you talk about the dying art of listening. Explain how thats been so important to the virgin way and building what you do. Well, i believe that if youre running a company or running a department, ill get out, ill talk to the passengers. Ill always get some kind of feedback. You strike me as a guy im going to take in a hot air balloon. But you actually stop, you get out the notepad and you listen. Right, you know what americans have been like in the last detail is what makes for an exceptional restaurant, what makes for an exceptional airline. If i can be sure that, you know, if somebodys orders the kosher meal, they get that kosher meal. I can be sure the cabin crew are wearing shoes that are comfortable for them. All those little details. How much do you get out of talking to somebody on your airline saying, what worked for you what didnt work for you, and somebody handing you a focus group or a poll, right . Yeah, i mean, its i think its just got to be out there and about and living and breathing, you know, what youre doing. And you dont need you dont need focus. You dont have focus documents. You just need to be love what you do. How important is it in making decisions . Think instinct based on 50 years of being an entrepreneur is essential. I do not ask to look at the figures before i launch a new company. If i feel i can go in there and improve peoples lives. I will just say, lets do it and get on. That usually works, doesnt it . Generally more money comes in than goes out. Can you tell us, what do you consider your biggest success . What decision did you make that seemed crazy at the time . Well, i suspect, 30 years ago, from running a Record Company into starting an airline, everybody thought we were completely and utterly mad at the time. But, you know, airlines, you know, International Airlines which is what we started abysmally run. We started with one plane. That end we moved on from there. I suspect that was the thing that put virgin on the map. What about what you learned along the way about leadership . I think the biggest lesson i learned is simply to look for the best for people. If you praise people, if you look for the best in people, its incredible how theyll flourish and if youre the kind of leader that jumps down their throats all the time, you know, you can demoralize a company very quickly. Actually, im just feeding into t. J. Being a terrible director. Im very sorry. I see the greatness in you, t. J. Hows that . Is that good . What i find interesting about virgin group, its actually not just the airline. Youre going to space. Youve got a telecomb industry. Youve got a media industry. Its a sort of empire. How do you see an industry and decide, im going to disrupt it, im going to enter that one . Often, out of frustration. They i mean, i was trying to get from puerto rico to the Virgin Airlines and was bumped. I hired a plane. I was 26 years old. I wrote Virgin Airlines as a joke on it, went around to all the people with bumps and i filled my first plane. You didnt even have a bar in it. But it got us thinking, you know, People Airlines do bump people. The very next day, rang up boeing and said, have you got any secondhand 747s . Whats next for the industry . Weve got were about to build two very big cruise ships. Were going to do it, you know, were going to try to attract people who would never dream of going on to cruise ships. You know youve got some customers on this side of the table. Im not a cruise person. I think virgin build a cruise ship, people will expect us to do it. Exactly, the virgin way. Exactly. There are very few companies in the world, especially with Companies Getting bigger by gobbling up little companies. Very few companies have a distinctive culture. Virgin is one of those companies with a distinctive culture. How hard is it to maintain that culture . Its not too hard. Theyre proud of the company they work for. They know that, you know, they know theyve got to look after the consumer and enhance the brand. So were building our first city hotel in chicago. The team know whats expected of them. Theyll create, you know, a really unique special hotel. And that will help, you know, help the other Virgin Companies as a result. And one thing that you know, theyre not going to rip up the consumer, which in a nutshell is what will damage the brand. We make sure that the consumer has a Good Relationship with virgin. So obviously culture is everything. Culture beats strategy every time. Do you think youre creating a culture at virgin that survives your retirement . We wont say death, lets not be gruesome. Ive got a pill oh, live forever, thats awesome, great. But do you think youre creating a culture that survives your leadership when you decide to move on . I believe so. I think steve cook is more embracing than steve jobs ever was and actually may be a better motivator of people. I think apple could be a happier company. Steve jobs was brilliant. I think what hes doing now is hes really embracing his employees and actually, you know, theyre working together as a team really well. I dont think apple was absolutely perfect. Its a perfect its a great way of saying steve jobs was a very difficult human being. Thank you so much for being with us. Still ahead, what do you get when you combine the head of one of the oldest and most influential organizations on the planet with an accomplished, twotime awardwinning actress . Thats an interesting riddle. The answer is something you will only see on morning joe. vo ours is a world of passengers. The redeyes. daughter im really tired. vo the transfers. Well, thats kid number three. vo the copilots. All sitting. Trusting. Waiting. For a safe arrival. Introducing the allnew subaru legacy. Designed to help the driver in you. Care for the passenger in them. The subaru legacy. Its not just a sedan. Its a subaru. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. She can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. My mom works at ge. In life, there are things you want to touch, my mom works at ge. And some you just dont. Introducing the Kohler Touchless toilet. I got this. [thinking] is it that time . The son picks up the check . [thinking] im still working. Hes retired. I hope hes saving. I hope he saved enough. Who matters most to you says the most about you. At massmutual were owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. Whether youre just starting your 401 k or you are ready for retirement, well help you get there. As the nation gears up for the address on isis, there are some groups voicing concerns about any military presence abroad. Here with us now, judith light. She recently interviewed the executive secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation whos advocating for peaceful measures overseas. Well get to that in just a moment. Well have your interview. First, lets say hello. Because its been a while. Its good to see you. Youre really jumping into the fray here. Not only that, but i havent seen you guys i dont think since maybe i did other desert cities . Its been a couple of years. In new york . So its been its been a while. You need to come back more often. Well, im in new york a lot. I mean, im here a lot. Im actually here doing a lot of press on a campaign for highdose vaccine, flu vaccine, for people 65 and older. And ive got a new show coming up called transparent. Have lots of things to talk to. Youre not busy at all. My friend, my good buddy. I love judith light. When it comes to your work with the lgbt community, youre well known for that, and well awarded for it. But lets talk about what youre doing now. Why do you want to bring attention to military operations overseas and to peace work . Its really an organization that a grebd friend of ours tha in the military introduced us to. He said, think this is a lobbying organization you guys will find very interesting and very powerful. During the civil right stuff and all of the hiv and aids, i learned that citizen advocacy and citizen democracy is one of the most important things we can all be looking into. He introduced us to this organization, the Friends Committee on National Legislation. They are a lobbying, a quaker lobbying organization on the hill. When we were there last thanksgiving time, which is when their National Meeting is, whenever we went to anybody on the hill, they were saying how much fcnl had impacted on them and their decisions. Theyre not opposed to the military. Theyre talking about cutting military spending where the homeland is still safe and secure, but those funds can actually be used for other things that are very important for all of us. Taking care of our veterans. Things like that. Its not about saying, you know its about peace building and diplomacy and citizens getting involved. So heres part of your interview with diane randal, the executive secretary of the friendy committee on National Legislation. Were looking at these kinds of threats, this extremist behavior. Its important to ask the much deeper questions. What what do we get from bombing. And what are the alternatives. It is absolutely clear that we have to provide humanitarian support to people in crises and we have to do everything we can do to prevent deadly conflict. That is definitely our interest. We dont believe we can withdraw. Right. How do you get people in this country to respond differently . Well, i think part of what were doing, as you know, is we take a longer view as well. We try toed an very date for the kinds of peace Building Tools that the u. S. State Department Might use, that the u. S. Agency on International Development might use, that try to anticipate and prevent conflict before it happens. So fcnl has lobbied for those types of programs. And weve seen some support for them. Our constituents throughout the country have lobbied for them. If policymakers know there are alternatives. I think most elected officials and most people in this country would choose the tools that prevent violence. Obviously, most americans want to go. And have americans fight against isis. Is that a viable alternative . Look. I mean, i think we have to wait to see what the president has to say tonight. I think thats really important. This is not about taking anything away from peoples emotional reactions. We all have an emotional reaction. I have an emotional reaction. Its about finding other ways to talk about it. Other things to do. And diplomacy is one of them. Now when we have the election coming up so soon, i think everybody everybody, to a person in this country, should be talking to their people, to their congress people, to the people that represent them. They work for us. We should be talking to them. Talking to them about what theyre doing. Getting engaged. Asking them questions. Seeing what else we can do in combination. It isnt an either or. Right. Its paradoxical, as we all know. You can watch the full interview at joe. Msnbc. Com. Judith light, thank you very much. Good to see you guys. Come back finally. Yeah. Up next, the stars were out for fashion rocks in brooklyn last night. Lewis was there to catch all the action. Thats next on morning joe. When laquinta. Com sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes . I think the numbers speak for themselves. Im sold a selling machine ready for you alert, only at lq. Com. You can eat that on looks amazing. Rs . Looks like my next dinner party. Thats only 4 points . With Weight Watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. Dine out on favorites or cook up something new. I can do this every day. Join for free and start losing weight now. Learn how to eat healthier while enjoying the foods you love. Get inspired at meetings, online, or both. Hurry, and if you join by sept 13th youll get a free starter kit. Weight watchers because it works. Hey, i notice your car yeah. Its in the shop. Its going to cost me an arm and a leg. You shoulda taken it to midas. They tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. Highfive arg brakes, tires, oil, everything. whistling now for something incredibly bad. Just the worst thing ever. As if you thought this show couldnt get any worse. Got a haircut. He got a haircut. It gets worse with lewis. Last night at the Barclays Center in brooklyn, fashion and music collided. I got a question. Whats in your hair, lewis . I got a little product. Like seriously . Youve got all the oil from my truck in your hair. I appreciate that, joe. So anyway, im association what i was on the red carpet last night for fashion rocks. It was a great event. Take a look. In terms of fashion and music this is a national synergy. Its where the two collide. Our style is individual. As band mates. Today, i wanted to be a little more, you know, keith richardsy. Just love. Love. Shes freak out. She gave me a little back tickle there. Really . She touched my elbow. Music and fashion have always been closely aligned. It makes sense to draw it together for an event. We will do something a bit different. We will do a medley that weve never done tonight. How does your style how is it influenced by music . We grew up in the 70s, a very strong era for artists making statements with clothes. We kind of cage of age to that. Im hungry like the wolf. Ah. How does music influence your designs . It was always the soundtrack in our stores. I can even remember the music that played in my first store that opened up. Oh, yeah, youre the dude from morning joe. Yes, i watched you. I think this guy is cool. You know, mika wear, my shoes. I know she does. She said it once on tv. I almost fell out of my bed. Of course im in bed at that time of the day. But she is so beautiful. She is the most beautiful woman on tv. Im going to get her some more shoes. Mika, were getting you shoes. Im hooking you up. How about that . The most beautiful woman on tv. Oh, please. Right, we all know that. How sweet of him. That was very, very nice. And you do, you love his shoes. And he watches the show. How fun. My daughter wears him too. His shoes are comfortable. And they have rubber soles. Wow, theyre comfortable. Up next, what did we learn today. I make a lot of purchases for my business. And i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. Like 50,000 bonus points when i spent 5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. And i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at Office Supply stores. With ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. Travel, gift cards, even cash back. And my rewards points wont expire. So you can make owning a business even more rewarding. Ink from chase. So you can. So ally bank really has no hidden fethats right. Accounts . Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. No question about that. 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Steve madden calls Mika Brzezinski the most beautiful woman on tv. Now you know why hes so good in the fashion industry. Thomas, fantastic taste. Correct. Right, not really. Thats all you have, correct . Correct. Youre a lot more effusive. Youre supposed to go, yes, mika, youre the most beautiful woman. Correct. What did you learn today . Steve madden, free shoes for mika. Free shoes. I like the rubber soles. What do you like . I learned its going to be difficult for democrats and republicans to come to consensus about whether or not president needs to come to them on the hill for support about isis. I want to thank terry sears for having us at tuesday children, the fundraiser last night in Lower Manhattan. On the eve of 9 11, i think its important to think about the children born on or after 9 11. For children who lost their families, lost their parents on 9 11, this organization has helped really helped keep the promise. It really is amazing. Thank you guys so much for watching. We wish we could go for five, sick hours, but we cant. Now well go to peter alexander. Hes got the daily rundown, straight ahead. A primetime president ial address to lay out a plan to beat isis. Has their brutality and beheadings rallied a war weary coy

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