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being denied bail on sex assault charges. after his lawyer hints at what could be his defense strategy after his lawyer hints at what could be his defense strategy today, tuesday, may 17, 2011. captions paid for by nbc-universal television welcome to "today" on this tuesday morning. i'm meredith vieira. >> i'm matt lauer. when arnold schwarzenegger and maria shriver went public with their separation a week ago, a lot of people wondered why it would be happening after 25 years of marriage. we have more information now about what likely contributed to the split. >> in a statement released overnight schwarzenegger says after he left the california governor's office in january he told his wife maria he fathered a child with a long-time member of their household staff. he says it happened more than a decade ago before he was elected and apparently he's provided financial support to the woman and child from the start. we have the latest details in a live report ahead. >> also ahead, a "today" investigation that will probably shock and surprise parents. how far would your kids go to get better grades? a growing number of college students are abusing a prescription drug claiming it can help them focus and study harder and it can be as easy to get as a trip to the school library. coming up, the resultins of our investigation. >> and christina christina agus to us about a difficult year for her and her show "the voice." let's begin with arnold schwarzenegger. miguel almaguer has details from los angeles. good morning. >> reporter: meredith, good morning. it was a week ago today that arnold schwarzenegger and maria shriver announced their separation in a joint statement at the time saying they were, quote, working on our relationship. that news shocked many and we may now have an answer for the split. >> i arnold schwarzenegger. >> i arnold schwarzenegger. >> reporter: former california governor arnold schwarzenegger has admitted to fathering a child with a member of of his household staff more than a decade ago. in a statement to nbc news early this morning, schwarzenegger said, after leaving the governor's office i told my wife about this event which occurred over a decade ago. i understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family. last week, after first announcingi inthe speed of ligh schwarzenegger spoke about the marriage at a los angeles dinner. >> we both love each other very much. we are very fortunate that we have four extraordinary children. and we are taking one day at a time. >> reporter: the unidentified staffer has retired after working for the family for more than 20 years. before schwarzenegger's statement admitting the affair she told the l.a. times which broke the story that her then husband had fathered the child. schwarzenegger has reportedly taken financial responsibility for the child from the start. schwarzenegger and shriver married in 1986. schwarzenegger, a bodybuilder turned actor, shriver a member of the kennedy political dynasty who became a network news correspondent, working for years for nbc news. together, they had four children and by 2003, schwarzenegger decided to run for state office. >> i am going to run for governor of the state of california. >> reporter: shriver defended her husband on the campaign trail after he was accused of groping women during his time as an actor. >> you can listen to people who have never met arnold or met him for seconds years ago. or you can listen to me. i advise you to listen to me. >> reporter: this year the couple faced drastic change and deep personal tragedy. in january, schwarzenegger left office, while weeks later shriver lost her father sargent shriver. in recent months the former governor pursued work in hollywood as the former first lady remained devoted to women's issues. at their last public appearance together ten days ago she was spotted without her wedding ring. last week after the separation was first made public, shriver sent a twitter message. thank you for all the kindness, support and compassion. i am hum bl humbled by the love. thank you. >> in his statement after admitting paternity, schwarzenegger said, there are no excuses and i take full responsibility for the hurt i have caused. i have apologized to maria, my children and my family. i am truly sorry. last week patrick schwarzenegger, maria and arnold's son tweeted, quote, appreciate your messages. small speedboat in life. luckily we own hummers. we'll cruise over it. all will be okay. no public comment today from maria shriver. meredith? >> thank you very much, miguel almaguer. we'll have more in the next half hour. here's matt. >> security is high in dublin where queen elizabeth ii is making an historic visit. just hours before her arrival police found a small bomb on a bus on the outskirts of the city. john yang has details. good morning to you. >> good morning. you see queen elizabeth i in irish green, the first english modern to set foot on independent irish soil ever. this discovery of a bomb on a bus miles west of dublin. officials detonated the bomb safely this morning. this is in the wake of dissidents who want britain out of northern ireland saying the queen would be a fair target while she's here on irish soil. there is a massive security presence. 8,000 national police, 2,000 military personnel. a bigger presence even that's planned next week when president obama visits. >> john yang reporting for us on this story. thank you very much. it's now seven minutes after the hour. here's meredith. >> matt, thank you. we are learning new details about the sex crime case against dominique strauss kahn. he's locked up without bail this morning. jeff rossen has the latest. good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, meredith. good morning to you. this is a man who's used to the finer things in life. what a change she's had. last night, slept in a jail cell about 11 by 13. we have set this up to give you an idea how big or small that is. you can barely walk around in here, let alone touch your hands to both walls. we are learning more about what police say what happened inside the hotel room over the weekend. the official criminal complaint we obtained is so graphic and violent we can barely mention half of it on morning television. what's emerginging this morning also is a possible new defense theory that it wasn't an attack at all but something they both wanted. >> dominique strauss kahn, step up. >> reporter: the power broker in the power suit sure didn't look it monday. unshaven, tired and dishevelled in court, listening to the accusations against him. >> rape in the first degree, sexual abuse in the first degree. >> reporter: a fall from grace in just days. saturday he was living the life in a ritzy manhattan hotel. by sunday, hauled off in handcuffs and this morning, dominique strauss-kahn, one of the world's most powerful men, head of the international monetary fund and a favorite in the french presidential election is now just another inmate at new york's feared reikers island. >> he has no human contact other than a person dropping food and an hour outside by himself in a yard. >> reporter: police say he sexually assaulted a hotel maid twice in his suite at the sofitel in times square. according to the complaint he shut the door, attempted to pull down her pantyhose and engaged in oral sexual conduct by forcible compulsion but his defense lawyer hinted at another theory -- that it was consensual. >> we'll prove in our judgment that mr. strauss-kahn is innocent of the charges. >> reporter: in the courtroom monday the judge called strauss-kahn an extreme flight risk -- no bail. >> the risk would be that he'd leave, go to france and never come back and the french government would not be helpful to the united states. >> reporter: he's married to his third wife, an american-born journalist who flew to new york monday to support her husband. and this with young woman says in 2002 he attacked her. no charges filed. in 2008, strauss-kahn admitted to an affair with a lower level employee at the imf. the press is in a feeding frenzy. he told a newspaper the obstacles are money, women and my judaism. yes, i love women and so what? he said. he worried current french president nicolas sarkozy would try to frame him with a fake rape with the victim promised $500,000 or a million euros to invent the story. the case may turn on the dna, the forensic evidence. police say they gatherered a good deal of it at the hotel room. now they are waiting to see if it matches strauss-kahn's dna. as for the accuser, a 32-year-old african immigrant who lives in the bronx. we spoke with her brother. off camera he said she's in tears, distraught. she has a 9-year-old daughter and works and does everything for her. >> jeff rossen reporting from queens, new york. michelle kosinski is in paris. good morning to you. even as i say good morning we are getting reports now the man has been charged, sent to prison. i don't know if people in france know about reichers island, but it's notorious here. what's the reaction in the press, on the streets? >> reporter: that's all they are talking about. french president nicolas sarkozy asked his political party to treat it with dignity and without emotion. strauss-kahn is someone many here saw as the next president of france so this is the story. his face, looking defeated is on the covers. this one says "the prison." look at this -- k.o. which means knockout here as well. this is a system in which the press are not allowed to show the accused in handcuffs. there are no cameras in the courtroom. i would say reaction ranges from disbelief to outright disgust. to see their vip paraded before cameras, socialists call it inhumane and many here understand the transparency of american justice but say it looks like a humiliating public exhibition like something from ancient times, matt. >> michelle kosinski reporting from paris, thank you very much. meredith? >> linda fairstein was the chief of crimes in the district attorney's office for years and is a crime novelist. good morning. >> hi. >> there are some people in france speculating that it could be a political set-up. meanwhile in this country investigators think they are building a good case based on evidence uncovered at the hotel. the positive i.d. by the alleged victim and the fact that he was arrested at the airport before leavinging to return to france. you have been doing it for some 25 years. you know the system. what's your take on this? >> it seems the immediate outcry the woman made, the crime scene finding, forensic evidence of value in the hotel that the prosecution was building a strong case. the nypd speciale victims unit and d.a.'s unit. they are extremely experienced, aware of false reporting. it's a real issue in sex crimes. i'm not inside the case, but i can't imagine they haven't considered things like whether or not this could have been a set-up. i assume it was examined from the beginning. >> strauss-kahn has admitted a dna sample. combined with what's at the hotel what will prosecutors be looking at? >> that was his hotel room, so his dna should be all over the room. where it is will be significant. if it's on towels and linens, that's not extraordinary. if it's on the clothing of the woman who claims he was attacked that's hugely significant in favor of the prosecution. >> he was accused of sexual assault in 2002 by another woman. no charges were pressed although they may be now. there are rumors. he does have an infamous reputation in france. one woman say she's been cornered by him. how does this influence things now? >> it will influence public opinion. some of it may be used by the prosecution if they are, in fact, legitimate claims. they may not be able to use them on a direct case, for example, if there is a trial. should he take the stand in his own defense and present his good character. then the prosecution can really cross examine him about bad acts. >> let's look at what the defense may be using in building the case. yesterday at a hearing the lawyer said for strauss-kahn, the evidence won't be consistent with a forcible encounter hinting that the two had sex but it was consensual and the lawyers also pointed out he made a phone call from the airport telling the hotel he had left his cell phone behind. why do that if he were trying to flee? how strong is the case? >> the prosecution case looks stronger. the lawyer is extremely talented, really good. the first defense was he has an alibi. he wasn't there. he was lunching. then it becomes, well, gee, if there was sex she must have wanted it and it was consensual. dna won't tell you if there was force. just an exchange. if he cannot get out of the defense part that suggests there was a sexual encounter the defense always goes to consent. calling from the airport is interesting. you can play it either way. he knew he got out of the hotel okay. he wasn't stopped, arrested there. he might have thought he had gotten away with whatever happened and made the call from the airport thinking his power perhaps had worked to prevent the woman from making a charge. hard to tell. >> linda fairstein, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> here's matt. >> thank you. now the insure rishrinking gop the presidential race. chuck todd, good morning. what do you think? >> good morning. the republican portion of the presidential race, the preseason part and the circus sideshow is coming to an end. >> hello, everybody. >> reporter: for weeks, donald trump insisted he was serious about his presidential aspirations. >> they think i'm out promoting "celebrity apprentice." that's not the reason. i don't need the publicity. >> reporter: on monday at an nbc entertainment presentation for advertisers and with the future of the show hanging in the balance, trump ended his flirtation with the white house run. >> gary, you're fired. >> i have decided we'll continue onward with "celebrity apprentice." we'll continue making lots of money for charity. i will not be running for president, as much as i would like to. [ cheers and applause ] >> i want to thank everybody very much. >> reporter: trump had shown strength in early gop polls thanks to support from tea party conservatives who responded to his confrontational style and attention for pushing the conspiracy theory that president obama wasn't born on the united states as trump did on "today." >> i would like to show him show the birth certificate and i hope he can. i would love him to gom come out with a birth certificate. >> reporter: president obama put an end to that talk in april by releasing his original birth certificate and three days later skewering trump at the white house house correspondents dinner as an unamused trump sat in the audience. >> no one is prouder to put this matter to rest than the donald. that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter like did we fake the moon landing? >> reporter: the next night trump's "celebrity apprentice" was interrupted by president obama breaking major news, further deflating trump. >> the united states conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden. >> reporter: trump follows mike huckabee who, like trump, said he'd rather stick with his tv career. >> all the factors say go, but my heart says no. >> reporter: after huckabee the biggest question mark is mitch daniels who's being pushed to run by many george w. bush supporters, and two women who could shake up the race, michelle bachmann and sarah palin have yet to reveal their plans. analysts say the entire field benefits from trump's departure. >> most republican strategists took a big sigh of relief upon hearing that donald trump was not running. >> reporter: under the radar yesterday mitt romney, the front runner on the republican side raised over $10 million in one day of fund-raising. that's the work of presidential politics and why everybody considers him a front runner. >> chuck todd, good to have you here. >> now to the other top stories of the morning by ann curry at the news desk. >> good morning. we begin with heart break along the banks of the mississippi river where residents hope their homes can be saved from flooding. with several flood gates open engineers are keeping watch to be sure no cracks or holes break through further endangering the levee. so far engineers say the levee is holding strong. early this morning nato air strikes pounded two government buildings in tripoli. the strikes at the interior ministry. officials are reporting the libyan oil minister deflected and fled to tunisia. nato aircrafts clashed with pakistani overnight near the border with afghanistan. two soldiers were wounded after progress from senator john kerry's visit to islamabad. pakistan said it would return the tail of a classified helicopter destroyed on the raid on osama bin laden's compound. and astronauts on the shuttle "endeavour" are at work already inspecting the shuttle for damage it could have incurred during lift-off. today they woke up to "beautiful day" the song gabrielle giffords chose for mark kelly on a previous mission. a passenger on a flight to florida monday snapped this photo giving us a rare glimpse of lift-off from above the clouds. another reason to be happy about air traffic control. now back to matt, meredith and al. >> you had to know that was the shuttle or that could look like the start of something bad. >> what a sight though. >> isn't it? >> wow. >> ann, thank you very much. mr. roker with a first check of the weather. it's raining here. >> and it will keep going. let's show you what's going on. a risk of strong storms in the northeast with a lot of rain, flood watches. we'll take a look in the next half hour. rain and snow out west. sunshine from the plains to the gulf with temperatures around much of the country about 10 to 15 degrees below normal. yeah, we certainly fall into that category. our temperatures are 15 degrees below normal today. we have wet weather pushing inland. body cells pushing on shore. the front will sit just offshore at 1:00 p.m. steady rain until 1:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. this is what we are looking like temperature wise. 59 in oakland. 60 in santa cruz. warm up on the way. just wait until thursday. fathered a child with a member of his household staff some ten years ago. how a high profile couple could survive something like this. but first, this is "today" on nbc. 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[ male announcer ] from pre-approval to closing, citi is with you every step of the way. what's your story? citi can help you write it. coming up, a l respected teacher accused of molesting a young student, but it was all a lie. he'll share his story. >> and an eye-opening investigation on so-called smart drugs stusede clege students for better grades after your local news. there's a place where everyone feels at home. where the company, the conversation, and the food make all who enter feel welcome. a place that feels as warm with a crowd... as it does with just a friend. it's a place you'll find town house crackers. because they're part of what makes your place the place. ♪ welcome to town house. where good times reside. you know that comes with a private island. really? no. it comes with a hat. you see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... 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(announcer) some use hydrogenated oil. reddi-wip's uses real dairy cream. nothing's more real than reddi-wip.nt good morning. it's 7:26. i'm marla tellez. this morning, police in palo alto are looking for a man who fired a gun on the stanford university campus over the weekend. the man fired shots into the ground after a hip hop concert ended. officers tell the daily news they cannot remember the last time they received reports of fire on the campus. they are looking for a burnt orange gold or brown buick. they don't believe the suspect is affiliated with the school. one look at the golden gate bridge behind me and you can see it's wet outside. we have a look at the forecast. >> good morning to you. it's not the main event. we have that to look forward to for the rest of the day. mostly cloudy conditions. fog out there so heavy it's causing the drizzley effect. a rougher evening commute for you as steady rain is on the way. spotty showers in the area now. 59 degrees in san rafael today. 60 in los gatos, 60 in santa cruz. look at how much cooler than average we are going to be. the averages come back toward the end of the week. 76 by friday. 75 for thursday. a break from the rain. are we getting a break in the traffic department? >> no. more traffic in the south bay. the mist and drizzle, regardless of what it is, use the windshield wipers. there's slow downs in the heart of san jose and campbell. the peninsula is moving smoothly. maybe it was hit by earlier rain being an issue there. across the bay is slowing a bit in both directions. the bay bridge toll plaza, low visibility there. >> thank you, mike. the today show returns in less than two minutes. we'll have the next news and weather update in 30. see you at 7:56. 7:30 on a tuesday morning, the 17th day of may, 2011. just take it in. absorb the misery out there. it has been pouring for the last couple of hours. the good news for these people is al says it will rain until friday. >> they're stuck outside. >> we were supposed to go out there. >> not a chance. >> didn't happen. >> inside, very happily inside studio 1a i'm matt lauer alongside meredith vieira. ahead a "today" hidden camera investigation exposes what some call study buddies. >> we are talking about a prescription drug being abused on college campuses to get better grades. we found them buying it illegally in the library at a school. our investigation ahead. >> also ahead it's been a roller coaster year for pop star christina aguilera. a divorce, the national anthem flub at the super bowl, a case of public intoxication. now she's finding success as a coach on "the voice." christina will be here talking about it in a live interview. let's begin with more on the overnight stunner from arnold schwarzenegger that he fathered ale child more than ten years ago with a woman who worked in his home. natalie morales has more. >> there is no comment from maria shriver but over the years the marriage has been the source of much public scrutiny with reported troubles and allegations schwarzenegger had groped women. many say it was maria's enduring support that allowed them to become one of america's most powerful couples. maria shriver, a member of the kennedy family diynasty was a member of the nbc news group. in 2003 she defended schwarzenegger who was accused of groping women during his time as an actor. >> you can listen to people who never met arnold or met him for five seconds 30 years ago or you can listen to me. >> reporter: her support then led to his landslide victory. since then the republican foreign born action movie star and the liberal polished member of one of america's most pressle tee -- prestigious families became a formidable team. maria stood by him becoming one of the most visible first ladies in california as she brought attention to volunteerism and women's issues. that changed when schwarzenegger left office in january. the two effectively began leading separate lives. while schwarzenegger jetted around the world, looking to restart his acting career, maria stayed closer to home, working on her women's empowerment website and spending time with her four children. video of shriver last month showed her without her wedding ring. two months ago on youtube she posted a video talking openly about transition. >> it's stressful to not know what you are doing next. how did you find your transition? personal, professional, emotional, spiritual, financial. how kid did you get through it? >> reporter: after the separation was made public, shriver sent a twitter message saying, thank you for the kindness, support and compassion. i am humbled by the love. thank you. >> according to the los angeles times some of shriver's friends say she was unhappy for years and made no decisions until after her father died this year. >> thank you very much. bonnie fuller is the editor in chief of hollywood dr. gail saltz is a "today" contributor and a psychologist. first of all, he told maria after he left the governor's office. i think that will cause anger in people saying he stayed quiet to protect his political career before he came forward. how do you feel about that? >> he absolutely stayed quiet to protect his political career and his marriage. she was such an asset to him. she stood by him all those years and he knew it would be devastating that somebody so close to them that she had known for 20 years was the person who had cheated with him and he fathered a child with. >> and because she stood by him in 2003 and made that statement and to find this out some ten years later. >> makes her look like a fool. >> when you think about it, he knew this before he ran for public office. >> correct. >> he must have felt he could keep the secret, despite the fact that any public official in this country faces enormous scrutiny. >> he did keep it secret. the issue is when you think about infidelity, what's painful? what's painful is betrayal. this is a different kind and level of betrayal when you keep a secret that you had an affair with someone who was in the home and now there is living proof and you kept that a secret in the service of your career instead of putting your wife's concerns first. >> they are both survivors. what struck me is not maria and arnold so much but the kids. the four children range in age from 14 to 21. i would think as someone who counsels individuals and couples they have to put personal anger aside to keep their kids in a protected place. >> they have to try to protect their children, work it out between themselves. and work as a family so that the children can maintain a good mother and a good father. i would say i feel what's terrible to some degree or will be difficult is this child who believed that one person was his father for the first decade of his growing up who is now going to discover that another person is his father. that will be painful. >> what's also going to be difficult is that i'm sure that maria and arnold's children knew this child well and knew the woman who he had an affair with. so that's very confusing. they were in their household for 20 years. they probably played with this child growing up and the child played with them. so the whole relationship is going to be extremely complicated between all of them. >> go ahead. >> what the shame is -- normally i would say a 25-year marriage, even if it ends i would say is a successful marriage. that's a quarter century. that's really good. unfortunately, this is going to taint all of that. >> we have all seen cases in the past where some marriages survive after this, others fail. is there a rule of thumb? what allows a marriage to succeed and what generally ends a marriage after something like this? >> if people get together and understand what brought them together in the first place and that's still there. and they acknowledge how important the life narrative they have shared together is and that turns out to be valuable to them. to these people that could be the case. to a kennedy family who knows how important a life history is to the meaning of the rest of their lives, that's a possibility. i don't count it out completely. >> ladies, thanks. good seeing you both. it's 7:37. let's get a check of the weather from al. >> announcer: today's weather is brought to you by chevy. every model is backed by a 100,000 five-year powertrain limited warranty. >> we have a mess on both coasts. let's start in the east. double barrel low circling around. circulation bringing in moisture off the atlantic. cooler moist air. look at the rain. we are talking flood watches now and flash flood watches from virginia up into new england. rainfall amounts, one to two inches. some areas picking up two to three inches and locally we could see four inches of rain nerhe text 24 hours. to the west we go with another big system barrelling on shore, bringing rain from los angeles all the way to the pacific northwest. as you get into the sierra mountains we are talking snowfall anywhere from six to 12 inches of snow. some areas locally could pick up a foot and a half. good morning to you. well, we have a full load of clouds overhead right now. we have absolutely no breaks of sunshine coming through the bay. light scattered showers coming through as well. this isn't what we are expecting. the bulk of the moisture comes between 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. 59 degrees is it in fremont. 58 in san jose, 60 in gilroy. as i said before, spotty showers for the first part of the day. steady later this afternoon. up next, "today" investigates a prescription drug being abused by college students. more about that after this. right above your eye. put good. ♪ ♪ bringing heroes home for generations. just another reason chevy runs deep. ♪ ♪ membership rewards points from american express. they're a social currency with endless possibilities. with being fed on. we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. any tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest. no fetching, no friendship till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. so let's plant some perennials that'll turn up every year. trees and shrubs to give us depth. and fill it out with flowers placed in just the perfect place. let's spend but plant more. what do you say we plant a weekend, water it, and watch a summer spring up? more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, roundup weed & grass killer or ortho weed-b-gon max is just $8.88. they took the flat screen. mom: the sound system... dad: they didn't take the computer... mom: maybe it's time for a new one. employee: here's your new pc. and we moved the files from your old computer over for free. mom: our wedding video? employee: uh huh. mom: all the baby pictures? employee: yes. mom: our taxes? employee: yep. mom: that was so easy. dad: now this is something they would steal. vo: right now, buy a new pc at staples and we'll move your files over for free it's that easy. back at 7:43. this morning on "today investigates" the potentially dangerous drug being abused by college students. "today" correspondent amy robach is here with a hidden camera investigation. >> reporter: we warn our children about the dangers of drugs and drinking, especially as they go to college but a different kind of drug is an epidemic on campuses and we found students were taking it not to get high but to get better grades. we are inside the library at one of america's top universities where right here in the stacks -- >> how much? >> reporter: a drug deal is about to go down. >> i can sell four today. >> reporter: the drug for sale, one of the most popular with college kids nationwide. the attention deficit pill adderall. >> it's highly addictive. when you play with addictive substances you get burned. >> reporter: for years it's been prescribed as the go-to drug for kids with adhd, increasing attention span and focus by boosting dopamine levels in the brain. our investigation found many college students are abusinging adderall buying and taking it illegally without a prescription. >> when i'm an adderall and i'm looking at the textbook. i forget everything else around me. >> it's given me the boost to work nonstop for ten hours a day. >> reporter: jenny and mike, not their real names, are college students at the top of their class, thanks, they say, to adderall, better known as campus as the smart drug or study buddies. one university found over half of the seniors took it to increase their grades. >> baseball players take steroids to be the best. students take adderall. >> reporter: it's an academic steroid? >> steroids for school. >> reporter: and students say it is a necessity to handle the load of papers, exams and cram sessions. >> if everyone else is doing it, why shouldn't i get the advantage? >> reporter: of all your friends, no one has expressed feared like, yikes, this isn't my prescription, maybe i shouldn't take it? >> no. they want to do well in school. >> reporter: getting it without a prescription is a felony. we found scoring a stash is as easy as a trip to the school library. we sent a "today" show intern to the library. >> do you know anyone that's here that has adderall? >> reporter: it took her less than 30 seconds to find a student selling it. >> how much? >> $5. >> reporter: watch as he takes us to show her the pills. we said we were out of cash so she gave us a free tutorial on how to get our own prescription. >> i guarantee you with half the symptoms you can google. it's in their interest to prescribe it to you because you have to go back once a month, check in and give them money. >> i went to a doctor and told them i couldn't focus. by the end i walked out with a prescription. >> reporter: it was that easy? >> incredibly easy, yeah. >> reporter: experts say getting good grades with adderall may not be as easy as they think. >> does it make kids smarter? >> no. >> reporter: dr. walcott is from the national institute on drug abuse. she said it stimulates areas of the brain to help focus and stay awake. >> in some instances this type of drug can hurt you. for example, when people want to do creative or i imaginative thinking. >> reporter: creative writing, essays, painting could be negatively impacted by taking it? >> this is correct. >> reporter: in some kids adderall can have a dark side. it's a schedule ii narcotic as dangerous as cocaine or meth. >> for all intents and purposes it's speed. you are putting something in your brain to make you think you're okay when you're not. next thing you know you'll be spinning out of control. >> reporter: that's what happened to ali, a college freshman, an honor student struggling to keep up with school. a friend gave her am adderall. >> you become dependent. you use it one night to study for a test like i did. next thing you know you're using it every night to study. >> reporter: within weeks ali was addicted, buying and taking several pills a day with devastating side effects. mood swings, insomnia, panic attacks and depression. soon her grades began to slip. >> it snuck up on me. i went from being on an academic scholarship to being on academic probation within six months to being asked to withdraw from the university after a year because of adderall. >> reporter: now in recovery, ali said her family had no idea. experts worry parents may look the other way, as long as their kids do well in school. >> it's like a don't ask, don't tell thing. they don't want to know. they're paying for the report card. >> reporter: if they get the desired results, don't tell me how you did it. >> don't tell me how you did it. >> experts say 1 in 10 kid wills become addicted and side effects include psychosis, stroke and even death. never take it unless it is prescribed by a doctor. the risks aren't worth it. >> and kids that learned how to fake the symptoms and get the prescription is a wake-up call for doctors as well. at least reputable ones. >> drug experts say the drug has been overprescribed and that's contributing to the epidemic and the fact that students feel they are taking a vitamin. they think it's safe. parents need to get involved and say this is dangerous, don't do it. >> amy, thank you so much. ahead, a teacher struggling to redeem his career and reputation after being falsely accused of ive erviel w.ung student. interview. first, these messages. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. good morning. just now 7:06 on this tuesday. bryan stow is back in the area recovering at a state of the art trauma center. he was taken with a police escort and loaded on to a private jet yesterday. he landed at sfo after 12:00 and taken to sf general hospital where his family was waiting. >> we are happy he's stable physically. where he's at neurologically, time will tell. we are encouraged. >> bryan's family went to a fund-raiser and homecoming party at the beach board walk. they will take turns driving from san francisco to make sure stow is never alone in the hospital. a rainy and dreary tuesday. christina loren joins us with a look at the forecast. >> good morning. we have thick low clouds overhead. in places where you aren't seeing the clouds come through, the fog is heavy, creating a drizzling effect. this is what we are expecting. we are continuing to see light, scattered spotty showers for the first part of the morning. by 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., the main event comes through. it's going to bring the temperatures into the 50s. throughout the day today, tomorrow not a lot warmer. by noon, still nice and dry, mostly cloudy conditions. dog, breezy and by 4:00 p.m., 59 degrees and rain. we don't have to deal with the temps. we are in the 70s for the weekend. 58 degrees. that's it in san jose. let's check the drive. >> it's getting rougher. because of the rain you are talking about, it's the only thing i could think of. it slowed down 45 minutings og and continues to build from the san francisco national airport and toward hillsdale where things clear up. things are slow. slowing on the toll plaza. there's oakland, the northbound side. this is typical as we talked about yesterday. the camera shaking is not. watch the winds throughout the area. blame it on the rain, right mike? thanks a lot. we'll be back at 8:26. go! go! completing an atm deposit in record time... that's a step forward. go! go! with deposit friendly atms, you can make ultra fast, secure deposits with no slips or envelopes. take a step forward and chase what matters. 8:00 now on this tuesday morning, may 17, 2011. our crowd is dodging the rain and doing some dancing to one of christina aguilera's many hits. now she's a coach on nbc's "the voice" and she's in the house. coming up we'll talk about the show's success, personal struggles in the past year and new music she's pouring herself into. i'm meredith vieira along with matt lauer and al roker. where do you go to get your reputation back? >> a virginia teacher was accused of sexually molesting a female student. he was arrested and tried but it was all a lie. he said the false allegation made his life a nightmare. he's here for a live interview. >> on a lighter note, who hasn't planned what they would do if they hit the lottery? a couple from california won $266 million and they have an exciting way to spend some of the winnings. they will be here to explain later on. >> it doesn't include us. first a check of the top stories from ann curry. >> good morning. nice to see you inside. in the news, a bomb was defused in dublin, ireland before queen elizabeth began her first state visit there. the device was destroyed after it was found on a bus. a second suspicious device was soon found after but it was a hoax. the chief of the international monetary fund is being held without bail this morning in one of new york's most notorious jails. dominique strauss-kahn was denied bail after prosecutors warned he might flee to france. he's being held and will be back in court on friday. residents on the mississippi river are gathering what they can from their homes. the rising waters gushing from the open morganza spillway are taking longer than expected to reach the towns in their path. the spillway opened saturday to devertical flooding from baton rouge and new orleans. a criminal trial is now under way of nancy kerrigan's father. mara schiavocampo is in massachusetts with the latest on the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, ann. what a sad day for the kerrigan family. a father dead, his son accused of manslaughter. prosecutors say nancy's brother mark choked his father in january of 2010 causing him to have a heart attack and die, but the family said the father had pre-existing health conditions and they are standing behind the accused. famed olympic figure skater, nancy kerrigan, a heart breaking drama in court as prosecutors allege her brother mark is responsible for the death of her father dan. >> this defendant grabbed his father around the neck with such force and shoved him to the kitchen floor. >> reporter: during opening statements in front of a packed court monday the prosecution claimed mark was angry that he couldn't use the phone and choked his father, causing him to fall and have a heart attack. they say he was drunk, presenting as evidence a bottle of scotch they claim he practically finished off. then more dramatic evidence as jurors heard the frantic 911 call made by kerrigan's mother brenda. oh, my god. i hope he's not dead. oh, my god. please come right away. >> what happened to him, ma'am? >> he fell on the floor. oh, my god. >> reporter: the defense paints a different picture claiming 70-year-old dan kerrigan had existing medical problems. >> he had high blood pressure. he had high cholesterol. he had diabetes and he smoked. that's the evidence of what killed him. >> reporter: the kerrigan family stands by mark. sitting behind him on day one of the trial. nancy kerrigan is on the list of potential witnesses to be called but legal analysts say it would be too risky to put her on the stand against her brother. >> the jury will look at her and say, oh, that's our beloved olympic champion. >> reporter: he cried openly faced with the charges and the death of his father, a loss felt deeply by the family, now brought together in court. we reached out to the kerrigan family for comment about the beginning of the trial, but we didn't get a response. ann? >> mara schiavocampo, thank you so much. it was an emotional day on monday for a delaware girl celebrating her 4th birthday. she said she wanted onlile one thing for her birthday, a picture of her mother, an army captain serving in kuwait. she got more than a picture. she got the real thing when her mom walked through the door. the reunion made it the best birthday ever. can't get enough of that. it's 8:05. let's get a check of the weather from al outside in the rain. >> it finally stopped. at least a little bit of a break. all the folks wearing the kathie lee and hoda pajama party t-shirts. they got a free shirt. not bad. it's soaking wet, but not bad. let's see what's going on today. hagerstown, maryland, our pick city today. nbc 25, rain, thunderstorms and 67 degrees. the temperatures way below normal. in the ohio river valley, temperatures from 10 to 20 below normal. out west, anywhere from 9 to 21 degrees below normal. look at the temperatures working their way into the 50s in the upper mississippi and ohio river valleys. we have a risk of strong storms in the northeast, midatlantic states. wet weather in central and northern california. mountain snows through the sierra and the cascades. we're looking at a little bit of a mess, too. and we have a cutie here. birthday boy? >> gabriel. >> all right. well, he was cute. good morning to you. we are looking pretty good this morning. we don't have heavy rain comingy good morning. i'm marla tellez. some people in san francisco are lucky enough to catch quite a sight in the bay this morning. a piece of the america's cup race just sailed in. today in the bay's christie smith is live at the golden gate bridge with a look at one or two yachts out there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, marla. you can see them better on a clear day but the yachts are beautiful in any condition. they are the usa 76 and a replica of america. a 139-foot yacht. that won a historic race in 1850. what they're going to do is offer trips for singles, groups or parties may 25th all the way through september. even if you don't set sail, come out an see them. again, a little feel for the authentic america's cup yachts and, of course, we are going to have a clear day between now and then so pick one of those but they certainly are beautiful. marla, back to you. >> that is a pretty shot with the f thank you very much thank you ver.ymuch. a look at your forecast and the commute right after this. good morning to you. boy, we got some showers already. they're really not all that intense right now. very light and spotty in nature. we are expecting the steady rain this afternoon and the highs, whoa, not very warm today with 58 degrees in redwood city. 60 in los gatos. see the average highs. we'll hit them later on this week. thursday and friday into the mid-70s with sunshine. let's check the drive. >> slow approaching the bridge. the bridge okay. 880 jamming up through oakland. san mateo bridge smoothly across the water but the peninsula side, slowing big time. we'll return to the "today" show in less than a minute. 8:30 now on this tuesday morning, 17th of may, 2011. we're happy such a great group of folks came to say hi in spite of t of the weather. i'm meredith vieira here with ann curry and al roker. just ahead, saying you don't have time to make a home made dinner? yes, you do. chef mario batali has a restaurant you can prepare faster than you can look up a number for takeout. we'll put him no the test in real time ahead. >> and we'll check out his shoes, too. >> the orange clogs. and we have what would you do if you won the lottery. we have a california couple that won $266 million in a jackpot. guess what? they are giving back to the community in a big way. wow, right? >> yes. >> we'll be talking to them. >> and a reminder, we have the perfect weather. we're kicking off the summer concert series on friday, may 27. one of the biggest stars around, rihanna, got her start on "today." the four-time emmy winner will take to the stage live and give her biggest fans a chance to win tickets to one of her concerts, courtesy of the group live nation. >> all you have to do is come to our concert, bring your biggest and best rihanna sign. the top ten will win tickets to her concert. and they will land you on stage, up close and personal with rihanna. come early and be creative with the signs. >> how about being creative with the weather, making it better? >> if i could do that i wouldn't need this job. let's tell you what's happening. we have a risk of strong storms, rain. sunshine through texas into the central plains and mississippi river valley. tomorrow, sunshine, mild weather down to the gulf coast. more heavy rain in the northeast. mountain snows, rain, thunderstorm in the rockies and the pacific northwest. windy in central texas. good morning to you. well, this live picture of san francisco you can vaguely make out a ship in the background. we have really thick fog creating a drizzling effect and hard to take the difference between the showers that are coming down and the actual drizzle from the fog so the main event, the front that is going to bring about steady rain, it's sitting offshore right now. by about 1:00 it pushes inland. activity turns more spotty at that time. we're going to hit the 50s today. night. on a day like today, do it often on the weather channel on cable, online. now a check of the 100-year-old birth todays with >> the honeysuckle is in bloom and smells so good. such a parasite. what a shame. thomas edison brought it over, you know. he liked it. we have smucker's buddies today. preston root, morristown, new jersey. used to work at metropolitan life insurance for years. so did my dad. a good company. burnie montgomery of columbia, south carolina, is 105. enjoys quilting and attending church. how about that? trust in the good lord and she says you will live forever. we have richard wechsler, san diego, california. one of the prettiest towns in the world. 102. proud w wrwii vet. he received special awards and he's attended his 80th college reunion. moscelene farney of wichita, kansas, 100. lives independently with her two cats. can't beat that for company. takes water exercise. she loves that and she's a happy birthday girl today. we love that. thomas mcdowel of pompano beach, florida. are retired optometrist and real estate developer. not bad for a nice guy. delfina bucci from north providence, rhode island. 100 and loves to dance. a cancer survivor for 44 years. that's beautiful. back to new york. >> all right, willard. thank you very much. now we say hello to austin andrews, the latest contestant to have the scales tip against him on nbc's "the biggest loser couples." austin, good morning. >> good morning. >> let's take a look at the numbers here. you started at 396 pounds. >> yeah. >> wow. >> how much now? >> 235. >> fantastic. >> it's so incredible to walk through the rest of my life knowing i'm healthy and fit. i love it. >> did you think you would get to that point? >> no. i had lost hope. to be chosen for the experience and to go so far and realize it was just coming off week after week is just incredible. >> you showed so much heart. one thing that revealed so much about your heart is something you are doing to pay it forward. tell us about it. >> me and courtney were good friends on the show. we wanted to partner together to work with students and teachers and educators to help people, help kids get the weight off and be healthy. i needed the help. i needed someone to step in for me. i want to be that right now. whatever we can do to help. that's where we're at. >> still think you have a shot at the at-home prize? >> i'm five pounds away from goal. i feel incredible about where i'm at. >> you have already won. >> i have. i'm great where i'm at. >> i love muay thai. i'm training at home with a fighting club in l.a. and i might do an amateur fight at some point. >> meredith likes mai-tais. >> you look great and what you're doing for the kids is so important. thank you for inspiring them. i think you're great. "biggest loser couples" airs tonight at 8:00/7:00 central on nbc. up next, mario batali whips up an italian feast in less than a minute. i'm not sure about that. first, this is "today" on nbc. ...and i just got myself a new bass boat...what's new with you? ahh not much, got a new hat, might run for president...oh! and my new 3 taco combo. i'm serving up three awesomely delicious tacos, crispy golden fries, and an ice cold drink for only $3.49. wow, there is such a strong family resemblance! yeah, we all got nana box's nose (chuckles). >> announcer: today's cooking school is brought to you by i can't believe it's not butter. fresh butter taste with 70% less saturated fat than butter. >> back at 8:39. this morning on today's cooking school, the short order way to make fettucini alfredo. you are starting. let's not waste time. >> the longest thing that happens here is the pasta cooks. then we have asparagus. you take one, i take another. take a mandolin and shave it. >> this frightens me. >> don't be afraid. go like that. keep your fingers away from the blade. >> just like that? >> like that. alfredo is confused in america. >> creamy sauce. >> you're done. we're going to throw fresh asparagus in there. could bel cel celery, broccoli, anything you like. >> there is no cream here? >> no cream. the true alfredo created where they used to make great movies and there were american actors around. we thought we made it for americans but it's a simple butter, parmesan and the noodles. i have chosen green and yellow pasta. >> why? >> because it's referred to as wheat and straw, the green and yellow. >> you can buy it fresh? >> you can make fresh pasta in less than the time it takes to go to the store but you can use store bought pasta, too. cook it until it's short of al dente. this cooks in a minute. the key to great pasta is understanding that you put a little bit of the pasta water. it makes it seem creamy because the water and butter emulsify. >> do you throw it in there? >> it goes right in the pan like so. you don't have to step back. no one's going to get hurt here. >> just in case. >> i understand. you have expensive clothes on. >> and an expensive lawyer. >> we can throw that lawyer in here with the sauce if it were up to me. >> how long? >> cooks for 30 seconds. add the cheese. >> just dump it on? >> and while it's on the heat the cheese just forms what looks like a creamy sauce. the asparagus has a little bit of crunch but it's not necessarily cooked like it would be all the way through. >> you want some crunch? >> i like a crunch. >> fantastic. >> this is delicious. >> do we grate more cheese on top? >> we do. are you confident with the grater? >> i'm fine with that. >> let's grate a little bit on each one. >> which way? this way? >> exactly. there you have it. >> wonderful. back here we have a couple more things. >> take your pasta. here we have fava beans and fresh greens dressed with lemon juice, olive oil. >> what's that? >> orange marmalade. >> why? >> it makes it sweet and crazy. when you taste the fava beans in the salad which i will give you a spoon in a second you will notice there is a sugary little thing going on. isn't it good? >> mm-hmm. >> we are creating an emulsion here. >> how long have we been doing this? >> less than three. gives us enough time to talk about my next project. i'm working with i created a new job in my new business about how we'll talk over the world of internet tv waves and the internet business has been modified and people are helping me. will help me find new candidates for the position. >> they will help me understand, modify and edit this incredible footage from shows like right here, right now. >> this is a great job for somebody who wants to get into the business. >> it's an introduction into the world of tv and the world of food. >> excellent. mario, you are a genius. for this recipe and more, visit click on "food." up next, the winners of a $266 million jackpot are giving back in a big way. first this is "today" on nbc. [ flashbulbs popping ] [ giggles ] hey! owww! right here! right here! one for me! one for me! this morning on education nation new initiatives to boost college attendance among latino students thanks to an unexpected source. a couple won $266 million last year and they are giving back to their old neighborhood in a big way. we'll talk to them in a moment but first here's miguel almaguer. >> reporter: 11 miles outside of los angeles you will find the blue collar community of pico rivera, a working class latino neighborhood where generations lived for years and traditions live on as well. from mexican rodeos to softball in the park, community pride runs deep here and families send their children and grandchildren to the town's only high school. el rancho high. >> it was a welcominging community. >> reporter: jackie and gi gil cisneros have longstanding ties to the school and the community. >> my grandfather was mayor. my parents went to high school here. >> reporter: the couple became the talk of the country when they won the lottery last year. a $266 mega million jackpot, money they are now putting back into the community in the form of a scholarship. >> going to college and getting your college education is a family commitment. everybody has to be involved. you can't just put it in neut l neutral. >> the graduation rate is good, over 90%. but the problem is the vast majority of students here never go to college. the scholarship is designed to bridge the gap. former el rancho students like sergio silva, class of '94, say they lack resources and family support. >> i didn't have the proper guidance, i think. i was three classes a way from transferring and i just stopped going. >> reporter: for the graduating seniors, scholarship opportunities can play a huge role. >> we dream big. we dream of schools like nyu and big schools we want to go to. sometimes we can achieve it because of intelligence but we don't have the money to go. >> reporter: the money will be there and with it the opportunity for change in this community. for "today," miguel almaguer. >> jackie and gilbert are now at el rancho high school along with the president of the hispanic scholarship fund. good morning to you all. >> good morning. >> jackie and gilbert, you must be like rock stars at that time school given what you are doing there. how many students do you hope to help? >> a lot actually. we hope this could continue on for years to come. hundreds, hopefully. thousands maybe. >> what was your reaction to this, frank? >> i knew in getting a college degree in every household here which is the goal of these wonderful people will not only change the lives of the students but the entire family and generations to come. i was elated. >> probably even more so the parents and the students at this school must have been elated to have the opportunity. gil, when you think about the obstacles for latinos in higher education, what comes to mind? what inspired you and jackie to do this? >> well, kind of reflecting back on my own life and when i went to college. it was pretty much i knew my parents would support whatever decision i would do. but there was no push towards college. there was no college fund. there wasn't money for that. i kind of knew that i was pretty much going to have to do it on my own. luckily for me i was able to receive a scholarship that enabled me to go to college. you know, now that we have the means to do some good, we want to give other students the same opportunity. >> boy, i'm glad you guys won this money. this is a terrific thing for you to do. jackie, have you been able to talk to any of the students there, hear from them what their reaction is to what you're doing? >> no, not yet. this is kind of the first anyone's going to hear about it is on "today" show. later in the morning we'll have a community announcement, slash, press conference, if you will. where students, teachers and members of the community will find out about the gifts. >> are you offering a full ride to students or a partial ride for finishing their college education? >> it's a small amount of tuition assistance. >> the program is actually -- there are two parts to it. there is a community involvement. one person we talked to in the piece there, family. we want to get the family support there. there is a program there to help families understand the importance of college and what it would mean, a college education means but also, too,  there is a financial scholarship portion of it to help kids financially. >> gil and jackie, congratulations on having a life that's going to have a great deal of meaning for a lot of young people. thanks for your great gift. frank, have fun spending the money with the kids. >> oh, it's the kids we are focused on and we are excited. >> up next, we'll catch up with the latest idol to get the trst, mhesegeess durbin. t, mrssegehesaess. t james durbin was voted off "american idol" last week. an injustice was done. i couldn't believe it when you were voted off. were you blindsided by it? >> a little bit, yeah. i'm not going to lie. but a lot of that day i felt like, you know, it was kind of my time to go. >> why? >> yeah. >> well, it seemed like a blessing had turned into a curse, but a curse can turn into a blessing. you know, i feel i had a perfect night the night before. it felt too good. you know? you had an awkward moment with lady gaga. >> yeah. >> we'll leave it at that. >> awkward. >> some folks say hailey deserved to go, especially after she gave a little bit of attitude. >> i don't know. i don't really have any personal thoughts on anybody. you know, they're all friends. >> you have had wonderful stuff happening besides your music. you'll do great, but also a wedding coming up which is wonderful. >> yeah. we have been talking about it. you know, because of the whole idol journey, trying to decide where to have it and this and that. probably post tour. >> i have to tell you. first time on the history of the show, meredith told a fwes she liked his tail. >> talking about this thing you wear all the time. >> i wasn't talking about that. >> oh! >> i love you, james. you're great. we wish you continued success. >> thank you so much. >> good luck. >> and just ahead, a special father's day edition of steals & deals. big discounts on great items for dad. you're a dad. you should know. >> that's after your local news. good morning. it's 8:56. i'm marla tellez. a perk for hybrid drivers is coming an end in the dmv means it this time. the yellow stickers allowing drivers of older hybrid owners to drive in the car pool lane on their own expire on july 1st. it's been postponed whis before but the car pool lanes are so jammed an d the dmv says they ptponedag postponed ai aga look at the all lanes after the break. welcome back. quick note for vasco road. watch for traffic control there. slow drive on both sides of the bay. especially northbound direction. here's the routes. 24 really jamming up heading towards the tunnel. live look at oakland. tough to see. gloomy there. low clouds, mist and drizzle. it's slow past the coliseum. marla? >> thank you, mike. the "today" show continues next. we'll be back with our next news and weather update at 9:26. kra's 9, 900 schools continue to grapple with tight budgets. now more than ever the schools need the freedom to spend money where it's needed. with over 50 different spending mandates from county oversight to maintenance, our process of funding and then reimbursing schools is inefficient, ineffective and broken. under governor schwarzenegger we began to deregulate the system and now nbc bay area calls on governor brown and the legislatures to make the flexibility in spending permanent. assembly bill 18 proposes to do just that, simplify school finance and reduce bureaucracy. california's 43rd in per student spending. we owe it the our kids to do a better job with the money we have. support ab 18 and join our bade. back now with more of "today" on tuesday morning, may 17, 2011. it's been pouring here in new york city. we are amazed there are still people out on the plaza this morning. we want to thank them for sticking around. being here on a rainy day. pretty much everybody gets on television. and we have wet hair. i look like a drowned rat. i'm ann curry here with al roker and natalie morales. on a sad note we are learning more about why arnold schwarzenegger and maria shriver separated a week ago. >> the governor revealed he secretly fathered a child with a long time member of the household staff more than a decade ago, before he was elected. apparently he's provided financial support to the woman and the child. we'll get the latest in a few minutes. >> also on a different note, answers to your diet dilemmas. can you change your metabolism to burn calories? and what's the truth about, quote, added sugar. and if you're going to exercise what to eat before and after the workout. joy bauer has advice. >> you know what's going on. >> i have no idea. >> you're fantastic. >> also ahead we'll get ready for another steals & deals, our popular segment. we have a wide variety of products at deeply discounted prices for "today" viewers. today's theme is father's day. >> yes! >> just a month away. jill martin has ideas to get you started. order now. >> we are trying to make sure she doesn't lose her head over that. >> we have a serious story to start with. a bomb was defused in dublin, ireland, before queen elizabeth began her first state visit there. it was destroyed after it was found on a bus. a second device was found soon after but it was a hoax. the chief of the international monetary fund is in jail at new york's reichers island after being denied bail. he was arrested after allegedly attempting to rape a hotel maid. his political party in france meets today in the wake of the scandal that may oust the one-time french presidential favorite for 2012. well, today the senate foreign relations committee is holding a hearing on u.s. relations with pakistan. relations were strained after the raid that killed osama bin laden and senator john kerry is just back from pakistan where he tried to bolster ties with islamabad in the war on terror. the crew of "endeavour" checked the heat shield to ensure there was no damage from monday's launch. wounded congresswoman gabrielle giffords picked this morning's wake-up song "beautiful day" by u2 for mark kelly, her husband. "endeavour" docks at the space station tomorrow. and in norway, the olympics of facial hair. 200 men from 15 countries competed for best in beard and mustache honors. >> whoa! >> 70 americans were among the competitors. the u.s. took home six gold medals. germany took home seven. a german also won the overall winner. >> oh, my goodness. how much product is in that thing. >> jealous? >> i am. to those of us who are folcally challenged, man. >> that's a lot of mustache wax. >> my dad would have a mustache with food on it. dad, you have to clean your mustache. no, i'm just saving it for later. let's talk about the weather, shall we? >> that's a good idea. fun with camera work. you can see we have a big system making its way up the coast. upper level low spinning, bringing the moisture from from the atlantic. lots of rain, flood watches and flash flood watches and flood warnings as well from virginia to new england. we are looking at anywhere from one to two inches of rain. some areas in the next 24 hours could pick up three inches of rain before it's over. out west another storm system bringing moisture in there as well along the coast it's rain but in the mountains, the sierras we are looking at anywhere from half a foot to a foot and a half of snow in some of the upper elevations. good morning to you. well, we still have spotty showers but we're working with really dense fog out there. so dense it's creating a drizzling effect. the spotty showers coupled with the fog, watch out for slick conditions out there. 59 degrees later on in fremont. not that warm. needing the jacket all day long. we'll be back in the averages hitting thursday. 76 degrees is the average for south bay this time of year. 75 the forecasted high on thursday under lots of sunshine. that's your latest weather. natalie? >> al, thank you. we begin with the overnight bomb shell from arnold schwarzenegger. in a statement overnight he said after leaving the california governor's office in january he told his wife he fathered a child with a long-time member of their household staff. nbc's miguel almaguer is in los angeles now with the details. >> natalie, good morning. it was exactly a week ago today that maria shriver and arnold schwarzenegger announced their separation in a joint statement at the time saying, quote, they were working on the future of their relationship. that news shocked many. we may now have a reason for the split. >> i arnold schwarzenegger. >> i arnold schwarzenegger. >> reporter: former california governor arnold schwarzenegger has admitted to fathering a child with a member of of his household staff more than a decade ago. it came before he took office during his 25-year marriage to maria shriver. in a statement to nbc news early this morning, schwarzenegger said, after leaving the governor's office i told my wife about this event which occurred over a decade ago. i understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family. last week, after first announcing the speed of light, schwarzenegger spoke about the marriage at a los angeles dinner. >> we both love each other very much. we are very fortunate that we have four extraordinary children. and we are taking one day at a time. >> reporter: the unidentified staffer has retired after working for the family for more than 20 years. before schwarzenegger's statement admitting the affair she told the l.a. times which broke the story that her then husband had fathered the child. schwarzenegger has reportedly taken financial responsibility for the child from the start. schwarzenegger and shriver married in 1986. schwarzenegger, a bodybuilder turned actor, shriver a member of the kennedy political dynasty who became a network news correspondent, working for years for nbc news. together, they had four children and by 2003, schwarzenegger decided to run for state office. >> i am going to run for governor of the state of california. >> reporter: shriver defended her husband on the campaign trail after he was accused of groping women during his time as an actor. >> you can listen to people who have never met arnold or met him for seconds years ago. or you can listen to me. i advise you to listen to me. >> reporter: this year the couple faced drastic change and deep personal tragedy. in january, schwarzenegger left office, while weeks later shriver lost her father sargent shriver. in recent months the former governor pursued work in hollywood as the former first lady remained devoted to women's issues. at their last public appearance together ten days ago she was spotted without her wedding ring. last week after the separation was first made public, shriver sent a twitter message. thank you for all the kindness, support and compassion. i am humbled by the love. thank you. >> in his statement after admitting paternity, schwarzenegger said, there are no excuses and i take full responsibility for the hurt i have caused. i have apologized to maria, my children and my family. i am truly sorry. this morning there has been no public comment from maria shriver. natalie? >> all right. miguel almaguer in los angeles this morning. thanks so much. bonnie fuller is here from good morning. >> good morning. >> i know you have been talking about this already this morning. what stands out is that arnold waited until after he left office. it's been a secret for the last ten years. he ran for office back in 2003 knowing this child was his. how do you think he was able to keep this skeleton in his closet for so long? >> it's amazing, isn't it? i think clearly it was only he and the woman involved that knew the secret and they kept their lips zipped. because she was married there was no -- it wasn't unusual that she was pregnant. clearly she had the confidence of maria as well. >> she was a member of the household staff. >> for 20 years. that's why this must be so extra devastating that she was a confidante of mariano doubt as well. >> i think this child probably played along with her own children in that house. what the child must be going through as well if the child is learning of this. >> i'm sure the child is learning about this. probably didn't know until recently as well. and that's got to be devastatinging, too, to think you have a father and it turns out it's somebody else. for the schwarzenegger children, i agree. they probably grew up with this child and knew them, not knowing it was a half sibling. all in all it's a tremendous blow to the family. >> we know maria talked about transition. she delivered a statement on the youtube video talking about changes in her life and what she was going to do next. how will she get through this difficult period in her life? she lost her father this year. now this. she lost her mother over a year ago. she's keeping busy and she's a strong woman. >> she's a very strong woman. she also has a tremendous family support. she still has a large family. she has children and she's very talented. she had a great career. she talked about a videotape about transition and she stood by this man. people trusted her when she said he didn't cheat. now she's got to re-evaluate what's most important to her, what she can do next. i bet she comes back to work. >> bonnie fuller, thank you for your perspective this morning. now here's al. time for joy's diet s.o.s., answers to our daily diet dilemmas. joy bauer has the bottom line on everything from changing your metabolism to the truth about sugar to what to eat before and after a workout. >> hi, al. >> we'll go to skype. this is from maryland. valerie is there. and a friend. is that your daughter? >> yes. >> what's the question? >> can metabolism be changed at all or is there a way to speed it up as you get older? >> yes. great question. there are things you can do to slightly rev your metabolism. first is exercise. cardio, anything that gets your heart going. biking, dancing, walking, jogging will rev your metabolism while you do it and keep your metabolism elevated for a few hours afterwards. most days of the week do cardio. strength training, weight lifting, lungs, planks, pull-ups increases muscle mass. muscle is three times more metabolically active than fat. do strength training two, three times a week for 10, 15 minutes. when it comes to food think protein. our body works hard to digest protein more than carbohydrates and fat. it doesn't have to be gigantic amounts of protein in breakfast, lunch and dinner. and i bet you will have a rev in your metabolism in the next couple of months. >> thank you, valerie. whose your daughter's name? >> leslie. >> first time we have had a co-host for a question. >> i love it. >> kevin is on the phone in california. what's your question? >> hi, al. hi, joy. i'm very confused about the talk about added sugar. is it excess calories that cause weight gain or can excess sugar even if you stay within your daily calorie allowance cause weight gain? >> calories matter most. if you eat a super high sugar diet but you keep your calories in check for your weight management goal the sugar will not cause weight gain. excessive sugar will cause inflammation throughout the body. it contributes to plaque in your arteries. it's terrible for your skin, elevates triglycerides. so regardless of weight status, everybody needs to minimize the sugar. >> thanks for the question. thank you, joy. >> thanks, al. >> up next, steals & deals for dad. yeah. great gifts at great prices exclusively for "today" viewers. i want that one. and the best beachwear bargains. first, these messages. ♪ ooh-oo, child ♪ things are gonna get easier ♪ ooh-oo, child, things will get brighter ♪ ♪ ♪ someday, yeah [ male announcer ] wherever you are, whatever it takes, like a good neighbor, state farm is there. ♪ state farm is there. we can't guarantee she'll always mind her table manners. we can't guarantee she'll be much help with the yard work. we can't guarantee she'll stay out of your personal space - not that you'd want her to - but we can guarantee that petsmart grooming... ...will make your dog look great. try us today. with the petsmart grooming look great guarantee , you're happy... or it's free. petsmart. happiness in store.™ [ female announcer ] there's a place called hidden valley where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can't get enough. ♪ hidden valley ranch, makes vegetables delectable. with "dud," "reject," "flop," "failure," "bust." introducing the mccafé frozen strawberry lemonade from mcdonald's. we're tart and tangy with the sweet taste of strawberry. oh, yeah. how do you like me now? ♪ ba-da-ba-ba-ba sir, can you hear me? just hold the bag. we need a portable x-ray, please! [ nurse ] i'm a nurse. i believe in the power of science and medicine. but i'm also human. and i believe in stacking the deck. this morning on jill's steals and deals, looking ahead to father's day. from cuff links to clothing we have great gift ideas that could be perfect for your dad. we have deeply discounted prices just for you. jill martin is here with money saving goodies. just in time for father's day. this will all get delivered. >>le right. father's day is june 19th. we are planning ahead because if you are like me i wait until the last second. these will be shipped for father's day. we have amazing deals. be patient, go to you will get a code that will link to the company website. we have deals up to 85% off. neither i nor the "today" show benefit. we are bringing you fabulous deals. >> let's get to it. we have great t-shirts and four casual styles. >> this is very in now. 35 to 45 dollars. the retail price comes in four styles. you see right here in the middle is the depot graphic. dark green, black and cream. then the white polo. then the -- gray long-sleeved shirt. here is the gray thermal and another set of tees right there. the retail price is $35 to $45. they are sold in bloomingdale's, nba arenas. mark wahlberg, david beckham, matthew mcconaughey are all fans. the deal price is $7. >> that's amazing. fabulous. over here let's move over. this is for the dad. >> everyone loves these trunks. the celebrity following, the heat's dwyane wade, russell brand, daniel craig. remail $32. deal price, $7 for a two-pack. that's 78% off. >> $7 for two. very good. >> and it's regular shipping. it's not hiked up because of the prices being low. >> very good. now over here. every dad likes a clean close shave. you have gorgeous razors. >> this is not something you would normally splurge on. one of our producers tried it and said it was amazing. the retail is $90 which is pricey. but for a father's day gift, hand crafted razor which holds a gi gillette fusion blade. this little ring is nickel plated metal for extreme durability. there is even a pink one. i have a feeling women will want them. the retail is $90. the deal, $18. that's 80% off. comes in a great box. it's a great gift even if you want to give one. a lot of men wouldn't treat themselves to that. >> i love this. this is the portable charger, doctke docker, alarm clock. >> great for travel. it's splash proof. retail is 159.99 on a rechargeable battery or ac power. it has an alarm clock. hook up a cd or mp-3 player. the deal is $48. >> fantastic. >> that's 70% off. >> finally over here our high end luxury item. it's the cuff links. >> these are soldle at the finest jewelers. retail is $395. they come in two styles in multiple colors. they are both sterling silver. you see them here. all in different colors. so the retail again, $395. the deal price, $59. that's 85% off. >> beautiful. >> they come in a pouch with a beautiful box and there are all different colors. >> gorgeous. >> you see the crocodile em bossed strap as well. >> great. >> casual to dressy, wear it with anything. >> dad will be happy. thank you, jill martin. the five steals & deals products are clothing by sportique apparel, the cotton trunks, five blades luxury razor by e shave, portable stereo aihome and the gorgeous cuff links by justin vanderfair. head to for promotion codes and the websites offering the exclusive bargains to you. coming up in today's kitchen, the right techniques for preparing clams and oysters. we'll show you more after these messages. for those of us who have lactose intolerance, let's raise a glass to cookies just out of the oven. to the morning bowl of cereal. and to lactaid® milk. easy to digest and with all the calcium and vitamin d of regular milk. [ female announcer ] lactaid®. the original lactose-free milk. woohoo! whoa. haircolor is a chore no more! you gotta come see what's new. c'mon! tadaaa! welcome to haircolor heaven. aa-ah-ahhh! courtesy of new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. permanent, dimensional color, now in a delightful foam! just three shakes, foam it, love it! simply saturate hair root to tip, front to back. with tones and highlights. it's foamtastic! home haircolor, make room for foam haircolor! new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. your right color. with less chronic low back pain. imagine living your life with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a non-narcotic treatment that's fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing of the skin or eyes. talk with your doctor about your medicines, including those for migraine, or if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles, to address a possible life-threatening condition. tell your doctor about alcohol use, liver disease, and before you reduce or stop taking cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. side effects include nausea, dry mouth, and constipation. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. time to mix it up with new philly cooking creme. it'll make your chicken creamier, dreamier, with lots of flavor. spread the love in four fabulous flavors. spoon in a little new philly cooking creme. coming up, advice from size orman. that's good. wow. this is really good. great flavor. it's really creamy, it's really tasty. ooh, wow! jamie lee curtis! it's activia. it's delicious. i am shocked. it's hard to believe it's that good for you. it's so good. try the fabulous taste of activia today. taste it, love it, or it's free. and now discover activia dessert. in rich, indulgent flavors like blueberry cheesecake. try activia dessert today. ♪ activia [ female announcer ] there's a place called hidden valley where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can't get enough. ♪ hidden valley ranch, makes vegetables delectable. pizza hut's ten-dollar any deal is back. any pizza, any size, any crust, any toppings is now just ten dollars when you carry out. that's right. the ten dollar any deal is back. but hurry in. this deal is for a limited time only. only at your pizza hut. good morning. it's 9:26. i'm marla tellez. this morning, two tourists are recovering after the roof of a tram collapsed on them at alcatr alcatraz. they were riding to the prison when the roof caved in. after hitting a pipe that was sticking out of a wall. a 64-year-old woman was cut in the face and a 41-year-old man has a gash in his head but the good news is both are expected to be okay. oakland police expect to make more arrests in what they say is the biggest counterfeiting case in bay area. they arrested 40-year-old michelle williams. investigators say they found boxes of social security numbers, fake licenses and phony credit cards inside his hayward apartment last 9:26 9:26. a look at your forecast and the roads right after this. . good morning to you. well, yeah, we have got gray skies overhead. really thick fog, especially by the bay. take it easy out there this morning and we do have a -- yeah. blowing the fog horn out there. chilly conditions. warm air not something to expect around here until maybe thursday. chilly air is pushing in right now. it is going to bring the temperatures into the 50s for today and what we are seeing right now, the very light, spotty activity, not even the main event. 1:00 p.m., the front arrives, moves in. steady rain throughout tonight. by 1:00 a.m., finally getting a little clearing. look at the highs today. 59 degrees. hopefully driving that fast in oakland right now. mike? >> looks like i should have timed that foghorn differently. that was me, folks. we are looking around here. we have some slowing northbound 280 as you're coming up to alameda. we have a debris, mattress clearing from 880 and broadway northbound direction. westbound the east shore freeway, an accident -- disabled vehicle, i'm sorry. just cleared from there, as well. metering lights on at the toll plaza. look at the live shot here. a lighter flow of traffic and rain on the lens for visibility and low clouds. you still have to use the wipers. back to you. >> thank you, mike. you can take us seriously. we'll be back with the next update at 9:56. after much prayer and months after careful thought i have decided that season 25, next season, will be the last season of "the oprah winfrey show." >> the end of an era. after 25 years, oprah winfrey wrapping up her show to concentrate on her new network. tomorrow on "today" we'll take you behind the scenes for oprah's final taping. she's going to announce to us that it seems to meshe's runnin president. >> she could do anything. she's amazing. she has affected so many lives. >> for positive. >> bless her. meanwhile, we'll talk about in this half hour getting ready for summer, despite the weather outside it is coming. if you don't feel you are ready for the sun we have stylewise questions for you. things you can do that are the trends for summer and where you can get them and not spend so much money. >> all right. in the kitchen, are you intimidated by bivalves? yes, definitely. clams, oysters. an expert chef will show us how to master the mollusks. i made a paella and i thought, at what point will these clams open? >> that's not good. >> they did, but it took a while. >> if they don't open, they are not done. >> i need to master them. >> if they open before you cook them, that's not good either. >> unless they are talking. >> talk to us about the weather. >> pismo beach and all the clams i can eat. ann has a brother-in-law who lives there. >> he does. >> we have a risk of storms on the midatlantic. wet weather into new england. rain and snow out west along the coast. we have sunshine through the gulf coast continuing tomorrow up into the upper mississippi river valley. more heavy rain in the northeast of new england. wet weather with snow in the pacific north northwest as sunny and warm throughout texas good morning to you. we have centralized the camera on i-880 in oakland. you can vaguely lake out the cars down here. we have some really dense fog. show you the showers right now. that's where they are, in the east bay. we have a steady stream of rain right now oakland to antioch. we'll see more rain push on shore throughout the overnight hours, becoming more steady in a couple of hours. no break until 1:00 a.m. wednesday when it becomes more smotty. by noon, 55, breezy degrees. weather. >> thanks, al. nbc's new hit show "the voice" has stepped up the competition, moving into the battle round where contestants are on the same team facing against each other in a series of duets and their team mentor picks one from each battle to advance. >> vicky martinez is on team cee lo and made it through the first battle round. >> good morning. congratulations. >> good morning. >> you said it was an emotional experience to get past thatle level. >> totally. >> what was it like hearing the judges say, we choose you? >> it was a whirl wind. i just felt like, you know, my heart was just in and out and in and out. they did a lot you didn't get to see. there were people crying. tears coming down. i was hoping, oh, don't show me crying. >> how tough was nicky dawson as an opponent? you guys were note for note? >> we were friends from the beginning since we got to l.a. and, you know, for us when he put us together we were like, okay, we'll just make a promise to each other that we are going to make it the best song. it's not about battling each other, we weren't competitive people. so this is justle all about having a good song. >> that said, is there something about the dynamic, the pressure, intensity that pushes you to perform at a level that you don't normally? >> i think so. it's like you have one chance to shine. you have to give it your all. they're not doing retakes, oh, you forgot the lyrics. you have to give it your all. >> it's live, baby. >> mentored by monica and cee lo green. not bad. >> congratulations. >> good luck. >> thanks for having me. >> you can catch "the voice" tonight at 10:00/9:00 central on nbc. >> up next, we have bargains on the trendiest beachwear. >> first, these messages. part of my job is teaching my patients how to take insulin. but i've learned a lot from patients who use flexpen. flexpen comes pre-filled with the insulin i take and i can dial the exact dose of insulin i need. i live my life on the go and need an on-the-go insulin. i don't need to carry a cooler with flexpen. novolog is a fast-acting, man-made insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. do not inject novolog if you do not plan to eat within 5 to 10 minutes after injection to avoid low blood sugar. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions, including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect of novolog is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions, body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat or sweating. ask your healthcare provider about novolog flexpen today. learn more about the different insulins available in flexpen at flexpen, insulin delivery that goes with you. you've been stuck in the garage while i've been sneezing from the dust in here, and the pollen outside. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my allergy symptoms. it's the brand allergists recommend most. ♪ lilly and i are back on the road again, where we belong. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. [ male announcer ] get up to $6 in savings on zyrtec® products at on zyrtec® products you know what i want? lipstick that makes house calls. i want someone to bring the make-up counter to me. i want to be the first to discover the latest. and get a little advice from my avon representative whenever i ask. this is beauty that delivers from avon. see how avon can deliver extra income for you. go to or call 800 for avon to become a representative. today we're going to surprise people with the taste of activia. that's good. wow. this is really good. great flavor! it's really creamy, it's really tasty. ooh! wow! jamie lee curtis! it's activia! it's delicious. i am shocked. it's hard to believe it's that good for you. it's so good. try the fabulous taste of activia today. taste it, love it, or it's free! and now discover activia dessert. in rich indulgent flavors like strawberry cheesecake. try activia dessert today. ♪ activia this morning on "today's style" beachwear on a budget. from cover-ups to floppy hats you don't have to spend a fortune to be fashionable at the beach. kate has the scoop on where to find the best beachwear without breaking the bank. good morning. >> good morning to you. >> the trend has to be color this year. >> it is. we saw it for spring, but in summer, who doesn't want to wear color? especially at these price poi s points. you're wearing a great color. >> thank you very much. >> and it goes beyond the beach now. you can throw it over a tank and wear it with jeans. this is calypso for target. it's about $29. it's adorable. >> but to really save money do the dress. >> this is called the two-timer. it's by roxy. and this is the tresz you could wear to the beach but if everybody wants to go out to lunch you throw it on. >> cute under a jean jacket. >> adorable. >> also color in sunglasses. >> this is an interesting way to add color to the look. these are $28. kate hudson has been seen wearing them. >> really? >> the big trend in hollywood -- >> that makes me want to put on a pair. everyone wants to be kate. >> i do. >> she's beautiful. >> she is. >> i don't measure up, but, okay, fine. sandals, lots of color. >> exactly. >> and fun. but you don't have to have color wearing. >> finally flat sandals are in. they look good with the maxi dresses and skirts. at people stylewatch we love this version from mix-it. this is jc penney and it combines the ethnic trend. you get color, a flat sandal and boho chic. >> the whole ethnic trend has been going on for years. >> it's a summer classic. summer is when you want to wear it. designers can't get enough of it. >> let's talk about it. >> beyond the beach. these totes are so adorable. yes, you will want them at the beach but you will want to take them out with you all day long. >> totes are the thing. we don't want to use plastic bags. >> also in summer you don't want to run home to change or grab something. you want to find a bag you can throw in everything and be outside all day. this is from five below. it's $5. that's a good one, right? >> pretty good. >> how about these floppy hats? hats can be expensive. >> they can. these look good but offer a lot of protection. they have wide brims. this is from rumor. uh love the hat. i love the raffia edge. this is from stephanie greenfield. it looks like it costs more than it does. and this is from the gap. i love the chain detail. >> it doesn't feel heavy. probably keeps it in place. that's terrific. jewelry on the beach. not fancy. durable jewelry. but this is a way to up the game. >> a super cute trend. friendship bracelets are so wonderful. they add great color to your wardrobe. it's a little bit of the boho reference and you can customize the look. grab a few from one designer, a few from another. make your own style. these are from five below also. they are a dollar each. >> i love these. the little silk ones are bright. the teenagers will love it. the young people. >> but you can go swimming in them, too. >> they don't bleed. >> exactly. >> scarves. they are great protection and cool. they have the same ethnic feel. >> exactly. you're adding color to the wardrobe. it's easy if you were in a white cut-off and tank top you could add this for color. this is from rumor, old navy. >> very stylish. kate's helping us stay stylish. up next, we have a tribute to a soldier dad andle all who served. plus, coming up, shell fish secrets from an expert. first, these messages. [ giggles ] hey, max. [ announcer ] you can help significantly extend your dog's healthy years. a groundbreaking 14-year study by purina... proves that puppy chow, then dog chow nutrition, fed properly over a lifetime, can help extend his lovable antics up to 1.8 healthy years. long live your buddy. [ laughs ] oh, max. long live your dog. purina dog chow. double dog dare you to try better-tasting than ever purina dog chow. we know your dog will love it. aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. with active naturals oats, it's proven to moisturize for 24 hours. for healthy beautiful skin... and a better day. choose america's #1 daily lotion, only from aveeno. with "dud," "reject," "flop," "failure," "bust." introducing the mccafé frozen strawberry lemonade from mcdonald's. we're tart and tangy with the sweet taste of strawberry. oh, yeah. how do you like me now? ♪ ba-da-ba-ba-ba right? get. out. exactly! really?! [ mom ] what? shut the front door. right? woop-woop! franklin delano! [ male announcer ] hey! there's oreo creme under that fudge! oreo fudge cremes. indescribably good. we get double miles on every purchase, so me and my lads earned a trip to san francisco twice as fast! we get double miles every time we use our card... i'll take these two... matter what we're buying. ...and all of those. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! whoa dude [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one, money magazine's best rewards card if you aim to rack up airline miles. what's in your wallet? post traumatic stress syndrome affects more than 7 million americans each year and as one tv journalist learned it affects entire families. rita's dad was distant and nonresponsive but she never imagined he was once a 90-pound world war ii prisoner of war, a shocking revelation that led her on a journey of hope and healing. she shares the story in her book "quiet hero" which is in paperback. good to have you here. >> wonderful to be here. >> what an incredible journey and gift. this all came after your mother passed away. you found what you called a treasure chest. it was an old beaten up suitcase but it was what led you to the discovery of your father's past. >> to find this old suitcase and my brother and i were going through a storage lock of her belongings and i saw a rusty p.o.w. tag and a red and white bloody fighting arm band and a card with code names on it and the card of an ex-p.o.w. i said whatever pain i went as a daughter not having my father in my life for years is minor compared to what he went through as a heroic prisoner of war. i said i need to reach out to him. >> you were estranged. you didn't have a relationship with your father after he walked out on your family one christmas day. >> yeah. >> so this was really an explanation to you. a huge revelation. >> it was a huge revelation and a deep understanding of not just what my father goes through but what these heroic men and women who fight on the front lines every day. the numbers are staggering. from iraq and afghanistan alone, 500,000 cases of post traumatic stress. we, as a society, need to look at solutions. there are great pioneers out there. chip fisher with fisher-wallace laboratories looking for devices to help decrease depression, anxie anxiety, different things. fapharmacological and talk therapy. that's what i did, pulling it out of my father as a journalist. i have an incredible relationship with my dad today. i hope this book inspires others, not even if they went through war but just if there is a disconnect with a loved one. this book will help you reach out. i got the most amazing e-mail from someone who said, i had not talked to my dad in 30 years. as a result of your book, we are talking. that's why a number of us are on a mission of hope. >> you became a spokesperson for ptsd and you're traveling with the message. >> international committee against mental illness, groups makinging a difference in fighting post traumatic stress. it is believed up to 40% of those who are homeless in america are veterans. we need to make sure these brave men and women don't fall through the cracks and try to reach out to them. in my case with love and care and the persistence of a journalist. >> it's a fantastic read. by the way, proceeds of the book go to various causes you mentioned as well. the book is called "quiet hero." great to have you here, rita. our best to your dad richard. >> thank you. >> coming up next, a cooking lesson that tackles clams and oysters. first this is "today" on nbc. [ woman ] everybody's looking for deals these days, and i'm not talking about saving a dollar off shampoo or two-for-one tacos or something. i'm talking about paying less -- every month. like this deal. [ female announcer ] call today and get the fastest internet for the price -- just $14.95 a month for 12 months with select services. no home phone service required. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] with at&t, i'm surfing at hot spots all over town. ♪ i'm downloading music fast. and watching videos. cute! and the price is great. [ female announcer ] call and get the fastest internet for the price -- just $14.95 a month for 12 months with select services and a one-year price guarantee. no home phone service required. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] i went looking for a deal, and at&t delivered. now, i just need to curb the shoe shopping. ♪ this morning, under the sea. today's kitchen, clams and oysters. as easy as one, two, three. if you enjoy eating shell fish when you go out to dinner, you'll be a winner, but if the thought of preparing them at home intimidates you, you haven't met april from the john dory oyster bar in new york. >> good to see you, al. >> i have never shucked oysters. i have been intimidated. how hard is it? >> not hard. i will show you how. you can try one after me. get your oyster knife to the heel of the oyster, give it a pop. a nice little wipe and there is a muscle to the left-hand side. give it a scrape. >> put it in here? >> turn it up so you have a pocket there. >> a ledge. >> yep, give it a wiggle and a twist. then take off the top, put it in there. turn it around and you have a muscle right there. give it ale little scrape. perfect. >> that's it? >> yeah,le chill it down. >> when you go to buy oysters and clams what do you look for to buy them fresh? >> you want them heavy. if it's a big oyster, you want them nice and heavy. you can't have a light oyster. >> what kind do you like? west coast, east coast? >> i like west coast. they are more cucumber-y. this one's not going to open. >> so give up and move on? >> let it relax a little bit. >> massage them, sing? >> give them a rub. so just put your knife at the top like this. pop it open and scrape. there are two muscles on this one. so scrape like this. >> if you're serving them fresh it's an easy sauce. what is the sauce we are making? >> the sauce for the oysters is a mignonette. this is rice wine vinegar, seasons and unseasoned. one is more fruity than the other -- a bit like you. >> all right, april. >> whoo! then some shallots and a little bit of cilantro. it's very aromatic. give it a taste, a stir. >> cocktails. i love cocktails. >> me, too. you can eat it on anything, cocktail sauce. i had never seen it until i came to new york. people love it. i have chili, horseradish, lemon to make it bright. little bit of vinegar. another pop. and then lemon juice. you can just give it a stir while i get some salt. not too much salt because the brine -- you don't want to kill it with salt. how is it? >> fantastic. >> it's nice. thank you so much. >> hi! >> i love cocktail sauce. >> have some. >> bottoms up. >> we'll have more coming up. april, thank you so much. >> suze orman is out there, raring to go. all that after your local news and weather. twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. good morning. it's 9:56. i'm marla tellez. we see democrats making fund-raiser visits to the bay area but today the most powerful republican will be in silicon valley. house speaker boehner will be at a fund-raiser today at the home of hewlett-packard executive michael holston. last night he was in san francisco. the price tag for dinner and a photo with boehner, $25,000. the long-awaited plan to redevelop treasure island is now in the hands of san francisco's board of supervisors. the board is likely to vote in favor for the financial plan to fund the project when it meets later today but an appeal on the plan's environmental impact report by those opposed will put a delay on any ground breaking. the city wants to build a thousand housing units on the former naval base, costing almost $6 million to complete the 20-year project. it's taken 12 years of many hearings, battles and compromises to make it to this point. our rainy, overcast day over much of the bay area, here's christina loren. >> good morning to you. we are just about 24 hours out now from the sunshine returning to the bay area. so if you can hold on a little longer, yes, it gets better. 58 degrees today in san jose. averages are in the 70s. we'll see the 70s back on your day latter portion of the week and weekend. check the drive right now with mike. >> all right. slow around the maze and the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. continuing to improve. we have a problem, though. early start and continues slowing southbound 101 heading towards 92 and the san mateo bridge connector there. a new accident just reported 92 southbound and adds to the slowdowns off of that side with the headlights on. smooth drive. look at the camera shaking. high wind advisory just canceled for the bridge itself and obviously gusty conditions there. back to you. >> okay. thank you, mike. next news and weather update in about 30 minutes at 10:26. the "today" show returns in about a minute. captions paid for by nbc-universal television hey, everybody. we actually made it to booze day tuesday, the 17th of may. it is dreary and nasty outside. that doesn't matter, we are going to have a party here. >> and we are going to have a party on thursday. >> we are not going to get out of our pajamas for it. >> we know sometimes you guys are in bed at this hour in your pjs and watching us. we decided wouldn't it be fun if we had our own pajama party. >> we'll have some guests. we won't tell you who they will be because we haven't booked them yet. no, we have them, they know who they are. >> earlier there were people on the plaza wearing in the rain our pajama t-shirts that said, "welcome to pajama party." >> they've gone home to get some sleep. i didn't hear the news until i walked in to the hair and make-up room this morning. heard the sad news about, that arnold schwarzenegger admitted to fathering a child ten years ago with a woman who worked in their household staff. we thought at the time last week when they announced their separation there must have been some catalyst for it. >> maria is a great friend to nbc and a great friend to the show. she is one of those people when she walks in the room you gravitate toward her. >> so is arnold. a very strong person, as well. >> i was thinking when you hear about something like this, i mean, he admitted to fathering this child. this is someone, the woman lived in their home. >> was married. >> was married. you can only imagine maria was there for milestones in that child's life and her kids shared in that child's life. you can't help think what are people thinking? >> i was shocked but not surprised. i think a lot of people feel that way. the details are shocking but i don't know. i don't know why i'm not totally surprised about it. here is the thing that surprises me. the woman continued to work in the household for another ten years. she only retired in january, which is when arnold left the governorship. it's just weird on lots of levels. >> the other thing that surprised me is, he had, according to his own admission, he had the child before he was running for governor. knowing when you run for political office you are under the microscope. the idea that he wasn't worried or he didn't think it was going to come up, which actually it was kept a secret. i'm surprised given the way the press is about those kinds of things that this thing wasn't unearthed somehow. there is always a small detail, always something that is out there. >> i don't think there is some double standard because somebody is a movie star as well as politician. somehow the moral lapses of movie stars, people in the entertainment field are not as shocking to us as say a this might be. arnold did release a statement saying -- >> he said after leaving the governor's office, i told my wife about this event which occurred over a decade ago. i understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family. there are no excuses and i take full responsibility for the hurt i caused it. have to apologize to maria -- i have apologized to maria, my children and my family. i'm truly sorry. i ask the media respect my wife and children through this extremely difficult time, while idea serve your attention and criticism, my family does not. >> i like the last part of it. i think the press could not talk about how maria has been humiliated. i can't stand reading that. she didn't do anything wrong. he humiliated himself. he devastated her. i think we should use the verb properly. you know? >> a lot of guys wonder why women get so lathered up when we hear stories like this. a lot of people there was a physical, a chemical reaction with tiger woods. how could he have done that? i think because the infidelity rate is so high in this country, if you have in your history any, any of that, it brings back all that stuff. you start thinking he did what? suddenly your baggage becomes that story in a weird way. when people are asking why is everyone, it's not you, he didn't do anything to you, but everyone can't help thinking about their own history. >> their own story. i know more people than not that have been cheated on. it's just, when it happens to famous people and then again, there are children involved. now we thought they had four children, there are five. they perhaps grew up playing together and not even realizing they were half brother and sisters. >> we are going to discuss this further. we'll have gail sultz and bonnie fuller who will fill us in on what she has. okay. >> i don't know what that said, do you? >> i do know what that said. >> we talked about this 8-year-old little girl who was given botox shots by her mother. so she could compete in her beauty pageants and such. we wondered at the time what would happen. she has been, human services has come in from san francisco, launched an investigation and taken her away. we don't know where the child is. her mother defended herself saying many other mothers do the same thing in the pageant circle. 8 years old. >> if there are mothers giving botox to their 8-year-olds and it's a normal thing, we need to know about it. that is ridiculous. can i say i've got the giggles because you know that sign you couldn't read? will you hand me that sign? first of all, i'll show it to you in one second. i was asking tammy who is our senior producer on this program if we had special video. >> yes. >> we are going to talk about this memorabilia that is here. it was going to come into play. this is all from, what is this from? >> the hard rock cafe has a 40th anniversary. they are going to, all this memorabilia is going to go on tour. >> this secret note i will revalue comes after we were trying to figure out what to show. this is ray charles. it's a "playboy" magazine. ray charles couldn't see. so this is a "playbook" magazine in braille. >> how do you read the magazine in braille? >> i guess you can read the stories. let's face it, everybody reads "playboy" magazine for the stories. >> then i couldn't help about thinking what happened with kathie lee yesterday. there was a segment where bobbie thomas where bobbie thomas put her hands on her cans. i don't know what was up, she wouldn't let go. i want to show you the piece of paper tammy handed me. >> have bobbie boob video. >> yes. have it. >> just want you to know. >> i was looking at that. i told you i thought i had cataracts. i got my eyes checked. i don't have my glasses yet. don't you love when they say maybe it will be a day or two? it was a week ago. anyway -- >> this is marvin gaye. this is also on tour. this is his actual address book with secret phone numbers. in there there is prince's phone number. >> some of the jackson family. >> we have a phone. >> we were going to call it. call prince. what could he be doing? >> what is the area code? >> i couldn't see the note. >> this is madonna's "like a virgin. ""who could forget that? this was the very first thing given to the hard rock, eric clapton's guitar, which is awesome. this is literally the beaded jacket michael jackson wore in the video. >> he was so small. >> actually. yeah -- i don't think i can. sort of. look. how amazing was that video though? if you look inside, it's a backstage pass to see liza minnelli. >> are you serious? >> yeah. isn't that cool? what else is there? buddy holly's glasses back here. >> i'm getting no answer on prince's number. i'm just letting you know. okay. >> maybe i could break into this and use buddy holly's glasses. >> speaking of music, we are getting tons of contestants for our contest "the voice." now we are up to 300. >> whoa! >> we'll let you listen. we can't see some of our contestants. go ahead. we're ready. ♪ a few stolen moments ♪ is all that we shared ♪ you've got your family ♪ and they need you there ♪ i'm beautiful in my way ♪ god makes no mistakes ♪ i'm on the right track baby ♪ i was born this way ♪ don't love yourself in regret ♪ love yourself >> we heard four of them now. >> we can't wait. we are going to have so much fun. you still have time to enter. go to klg and give us a couple minute video, a capella. we'll pick and choose. >> we have a fan update. don't we? >> our pajama party on thursday. we want our fans to join us. take a picture of yourself watching the show in your pjs however crazy they are and post them on our facebook page or go to our website. we want you to join us in this experience. >> invite some of your girlfriends over. >> we already are. >> we are, but they should. have your own parties. >> you are so clever. >> i know. it isn't fair. it's booze day. >> it's watermelon. >> more shocking news coming from the arnold schwarzenegger household. [ giggles ] hey, max. [ announcer ] you can help significantly extend your dog's healthy years. a groundbreaking 14-year study by purina... proves that puppy chow, then dog chow nutrition, fed properly over a lifetime, can help extend his lovable antics up to 1.8 healthy years. long live your buddy. [ laughs ] oh, max. long live your dog. purina dog chow. double dog dare you to try better-tasting than ever purina dog chow. we know your dog will love it. i bet it could last through some artsy foreign film. good idea. let's go. did i just say that out loud? [ female announcer ] feel fresh up to 5 times longer with scope outlast. still feeling fresh? oh, yeah. [ female announcer ] what will you outlast? pizza hut's ten-dollar any deal is back. any pizza, any size, any crust, any toppings is now just ten dollars when you carry out. that's right. the ten dollar any deal is back. but hurry in. this deal is for a limited time only. only at your pizza hut. [ chanting ] do it! 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[ male announcer ] we won't be beat. we have low prices every day. on everything, backed by our ad match guarantee. save money. live better. walmart. just a week after announcing their separation, arnold schwarzenegger dropped a bombshell, admitting to fathering a child with a former member of their household staff while married to maria schriever. >> busy morning for the two of you. nobody wants to wake up and hear this news, least of all a wife and mother. >> that's right. it's sad for everybody. the truth is, nobody is a winner here. betrayal, which is what we are talking about is only amplified when it's more, when it's a secret that is a decade long and been living out because you've all been under the same roof. >> why do you think he decided to -- we don't know, but why do you think he decided to tell her now? >> was the press on to it? >> i don't think the press was on to it. "los angeles times" broke the story, so perhaps they were. this is a secret that stayed secret for ten years. perhaps the woman who was involved worked for them 20 years but recently left. maybe she felt it was time to say something. maybe she felt it was time to tell her child who his real father was. you don't know. >> i wonder what happened to her marriage, as well. she was married at the time. >> exactly. >> the press always has such a microscope on people running for public office. why do you think in this case, you didn't hear whispers of anything like this. why do you think that was? >> clearly, the two people who were involved, arnold and the household staffer kept their lips zipped. she was married. it wasn't strange that she might be pregnant. i believe she must have had maria's full self-confidence. maria never suspected anything, otherwise she wouldn't have had her, possibly she was one of her close confidantes. >> a lot like the shania twain thing, but with a child is worse. >> we are talking about with these children and it's a horrible thing, tell us how you think this will be impactful for all the kids involved. >> a lot of your identity comes from, who are your parents? am i like them? this rocks the world of your identity. >> they are older though, right? the youngest is 13. >> that is a formative age. that is a really critical age visa vie a parent. that is not a great thing. of course it can be overcome. children can be resilient. i would frankly, if it were my children, i would get my children help to understand what is going on. >> and the 10-year-old. >> this child is the one i would be, frankly, most concerned about. actually who they are in their minds may have, not just who their parents are, but who they are may have changed. >> we don't know if it is a boy or girl or if this child was told at an earlier time. the child may just be learning about it, as well. >> i think that is likely. >> if you think about the elizabeth and john edwards case, her oldest child elizabeth was very angry with her father. maria and arnold's children may be furious with their dad. it's one thing. they would have heard cheating rumors, but their mother stood up for him publically. >> in these kind of cases, you know which things work later and which things fall apart. given your history, what are you thinking? >> i'd have to say from what i've seen, you really can't say. it's what's in the hearts of those individual people and it's really individual. i think it has everything to do with how valued and how well functioning it was for a period of time. did it really blow up now or has it been a long suffering? >> we have to go. sorry. thanks so much. >> whether you've got a car loan, student loan or mortgage, you want to hear what the guru of personal financings has to say. >> does she have a prenup? [ male announcer ] there's a place where everyone feels at home. where the company, the conversation, and the food make all who enter feel welcome. a place that feels as warm with a crowd... as it does with just a friend. it's a place you'll find town house crackers. because they're part of what makes your place the place. ♪ welcome to town house. where good times reside. now make it official. tell us what makes you a covergirl on facebook. the next generation of easy, breezy, beautiful is you! rockin' it for 50 years! it's time for "today's money." we've got answers for your financial questions. >> suze orman, host of cnbc's "suze orman show." many of you want to know which bills to pay first. >> nice to see you. that is the question people are asking left and right. let's start with alicia. my husband and i about to apply for a home loan. we are both u.s. navy vets. i have a high monthly payment for a car loan but a small amount to pay off. i heard it's a bad idea to pay off your car before buying a house. should we pay it off to get approved for a higher home loan. >> here is the problem, you guys. everybody gets advice from people who don't know what they are talking about. it drives me crazy. here is what i'm going to tell you right to your face. are you kidding me? the key here is you want to have a high fico score. the higher your score, the lower your interest rate. if you pay off your car, less money you owe means you have a better fico score. of course pay off your car. whoever told you not to is a little, if you know what i mean. >> what if it's her mother? you just upset the family situation. >> your mother that is giving you idiotic advice. >> my husband and i are in our late 20s and owe $40,000 in student loans and pay $700 a month. we have an $1,100 mortgage and $15,000 in savings. we would like to move within the year. would it be better to use our savings that pay down our student loans or for a down payment on a new home? what should karrie do? >> what do you think? >> is $15,000 going to be enough? >> oh, my god, you got it right! >> that is what she is about. >> you thought it through. that is what you are not doing. you need an emergency fund. you need to make sure you have money if you're going to buy a house besides the down payment on a home. you need an emergency fund. truth of the matter is you need to save this money no matter what you do. forget either of those two things. you need the cash, stash it. build it up. >> one from danna. you mentioned 2012 is not going to be a good year in the market. >> who cares? the world is coming to an end. >> i have my iras mostly in mutual funds and bonds. where would be a good place to move my irss. i'm 61 years old and plan to work five or six more years. >> you think five or six more years is going to be enough? if you think all of you are going to retire at 67 or what you may not given be this economy. therefore, you need to make sure that your money is very safe and sound. not so much in what it's investing in but what it gives you. are you in exchange traded funds or individual stocks with high dividend yields so even if the market goes down and price goes down, your income stays the same. that is the key. that is what needs to happen here. >> especially with world events. and catastrophic things that are happening in the world. you think the price of food will go up like crazy. >> of course it will go up. >> and fuel. >> what can people do about that? >> plan for it. oil goes up. when oil goes up, the price of plastic goes up. when plastic is yoplait, all these things. the cost to deliver the food goes up. when oil goes up, it means people start researching ethanol which means corn goes up. the price of food is going to skyrocket. skyrocket. >> dig their own gardens this summer and plant. >> you plan for it. things are only really bad news when you haven't planned for it. >> when do you think you'll see the price of food going up? >> right now. they are going to have to do it slowly but surely. they are about 40% under budget. >> we have time for one more. >> over budget, i should say. >> i'm entering my last year of college and will graduate with around $60,000 in student loans. i've been saving $10,000. i'm not sure whether i should use that money to pay off a loan debt now, invest in a mutual fund or save it? >> you're young. you have $10,000. you're going to need money for a first and last to rent a place, car payment. take half of it and put it in a roth ira. within the roth ira keep it safe and sound. you can take any money in a roth ira out without any penalties or taxes. if they need it, $5,000 safe. >> who is better than suze? nobody is better. >> nobody! >> you can get more advise on "the suze orman show" saturday nights at 9:00 and midnight. >> you're off to shoot with miss oprah. >> you new united center with miss winfrey. >> actress and mother of four takes a comedic look at her bad body image. >> can you tell which little one is dressed for less? smoky eyes look amazing, but creating them? that's a whole different story. introducing new almay intense i-color smoky-i kit. first, sweep the smoky eye color across your lid. then add the crease- accentuating shade, and a highlight under your brow. only from almay. only for me. ♪ call on me, brother ♪ when you need a hand ♪ we all need... brawny now comes with a money back guarantee. when you want a paper towel that can do it all, lean on me. ♪ when you need something strong ♪ brawny never lets you down. it is 10:26 now. good morning. april showers bring may flowers and apparently plenty of dumping snow in the sierra. the snow is catching many drivers off guard. this is video along 880 where a big rig got into a tricky spot yesterday. the chp says it will not move the rig until the weather improves. nasty weather is putting a damper on the amgen bike race this week but organizers hoping today's third leg of the race goes well. cyclists are racing from auburn to modesto today. stage one was canceled sunday because of snow in tahoe. stage two set to start in squaw valley yesterday but mother nature had other plans forcing organizers toshac to 73 miles. we'll see the weather in the bay area after this. good morning to you. well, the showers are intensifying at this point and expecting more of the same in the next couple of hours. pretty consistent rain on the way starting 1:00 p.m. lasting all throughout tonight. time finally a break from the rain 1:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. sunshine returns for tomorrow afternoon. mike, how do the roadways look with this moisture coming down? >> we have had some incidents related to the weather. not been a big deal. for tuesday, not quite so bad. we'll show you the south bay where 101 and under tulle the slowdowns there and 880 northbound from 280 up towards 101, very slow. we had the last remains of the car fire incident going on there at the interchange clearing from the roadway. should clear up here over the next half hour, very nicely. south aver the mountains and redwood, a report of a big rock in the lane. we're clearly going to have somebody clear that and also slow heading over the summit. groom my conditions likely there and look at this. the view of the golden gate bridge. toll plaza slowing. unusual. probably a shift change going on. but there are still wet conditions all over the bay. watch it. >> thank you, mike. thank you for being with us this morning. renext.hahow.tixt tatndst ao t a mother of hour who had one foot on the red carpet and one at costco. >> lisa ann halter with her new book "the best thing about me ass is that it's behind me." >> i had a tv show with the same word and my mother said why do you do everything with that word. >> it's been a life issue with you. >> how did you know? >> tell me about your issue. >> from the book. >> you're right. everyone has their own personal, you know, the title is the best thing about my is it's behind me and i don't have to look at it all the time. i had a lifetime of body shame about it. everybody has their issue. norah ephron had her neck. everybody has their personal. >> i thought it was interesting your dad took you to weight watchers when you were 12. >> apparently i was big mama lukin and i didn't realize it. we come from an italian family. four words you never heard in my family, no thanks, i'm full. look how flat my stomach looks. >> and your puppies are doing fine, too. >> can i tell you the self-esteem wackamol i went through for what to wear. you guys always look perfect. do i show my arms, not show my arms? >> you're still dealing with this. >> i put it on my website. what do i wear? what about these shoes? this is my diet now. i don't diet. i don't believe in it. all these people who struggle and go up and down. they can't wait to turn the tabloid. kirstie alley, she is big, little, losing, dancing. i wear big shoes and big hair. that's my diet. >> why? >> they put everything in proportion. >> thank you, kathie lee. >> big tude. >> what is this about having a young lover of yours? >> who told you that? >> we heard from your publicist. >> you have to in l.a. i went through a hideous divorce. >> you have four children. >> that i know of. thank you. i've got a couple in the teens. one big boy who just moved back home. i don't say his age because he's just a good friend now. >> somebody else's kid. >> we don't celebrate my birthday. it's now called second mother's day. the big boy came back because that's what they do now. he pursuing his dream. could that include getting out of my basement? >> and a job. >> no rent. not even the cell phone bill. 10-year-old identical twins. you're right. i'm a celebrity-adjacent working mom. >> what about the lover? >> yeah. he is a great guy. i had a hideous soul-sucking divorce. >> the answer is yes. >> right to my self-esteem. >> are you justifying a guy who is 12? >> he's slightly older. i will say a young boyfriend is like having a very enthusiastic puppy with a laptop and 24 hours a day tells you you're hot. what's wrong with that? >> it's all in the book. it is very, very funny. you're a wonderful actress. we need to see you more in the movies. >> did you hear that? >> we'll dress your little ones for less. 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[ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. good job girls. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. good job girls. ♪ new hershey's drops. a lot of hershey's happiness in a little drop of chocolate. pure hershey's. ♪ i fall away [ female announcer ] never let the sun catch you off guard. moisturize with eucerin everyday protection spf 15. it's a light, non-greasy lotion that not only moisturizes your skin, it also protects it from uva and uvb rays. put the health of your skin first with eucerin everyday protection body lotion and eucerin everyday protection face lotion with spf 30, only from eucerin. well-dressed celebrity kids decorate the pages of some of our favorite tabloids. not everybody can afford designer duds for the pint-size people in your life. style expert for "the find".com put together couture and low-cost couture. see if we can tell the difference. >> we'll put you to the test. >> i don't see too well these days, but we'll do our best. >> we are talking splurge and steal. we are bringing out one of our favorite people. senior producer tammy and her 11-month-old daughter ashlynn. first up is dana. >> what parent doesn't love dressing their little girls in pink? totally adorable. we wanted to show you two great designers who are working it in pink today. now it's up to you to decide who is wearing the steal and who is wearing the splurge? >> i'm going to have to say the splurge is ashlynn on the ground with tammy and the bow. >> i'm going to say the other little lady. >> 50/50 split. hoda, you're incorrect. ashlynn is wearing a lovely look from burrberry. our brid is wearing calypso from target. $258 and little brynn only $58. >> that is amazing. >> i did not say the expensive one was tammy's baby. >> i thought you said that was the steal. >> no, i didn't. did i? that's not what i meant. >> i said she was crying because she had to wear the cheap one. >> i was right. >> for once. >> we are all winners here. >> where are you going? >> next up we have connor and christopher. they are ready for a day in the city with mom and dad looking hip and cool. >> there is a $600 difference between these two is that right? >> take a look. >> let's see. come this way a little, honey. >> he's got gucci over there. that one. >> that gave it away. >> you gave it away with the gucci shoes. >> christopher is wearing our splurge. it is gucci head to toe and armani jeans. connor is wearing old navy, h&m, gap. $675 down to $53. >> it's wasting your money, isn't it? >> next up -- you've got to go. hey, girls. >> from our gorgeous little girls here. who is wearing the steal and who is on the splurge? >> eden's got the most expensive outfit on. >> i'm going to go with this one, i'm sorry. >> devon. i'm going to go with devon. >> 50/50 split. what did you think? >> eden is the most expensive. >> you're wrong. i'm sorry. >> i don't like games. >> only when you're not winning. they are adorable. >> devon is wearing our splurge, little marc jacobs, stella mccartney and prada gold flats for $354. compared to eden who is wearing carter's and old navy for $33. a lot of these fashions you can go onned finds ishop app. >> they are ready for hamptons get away in these looks. >> who is olivia? >> i say it's not olivia. >> i think jacqueline is wearing the most expensive, too, because of the shoes. >> you are correct. >> jacqueline is wearing stella mccartney for kids and jack rogers pink sandals. olivia is wearing calypso for target. $250 for the splurge. around $30 for the steal. >> let's bring out our last two. bye, guys. >> we need to be tom cruise to afford the close. >> look at you two. hold on. don't look at the shoes. >> you've got to look at the shoes. >> nautical beach look for these boys. >> cheating. cheating. you already cheated now. >> he's the most expensive, the first one. >> i didn't cheat. >> i think they are all adorable. >> he is wearing burberry and top siders which made a comeback. griffin is wearing head to toe old navy look going $565 to $79.50 for the steal. >> it's incredible. >> thank you so much. >> look what i found, i found ashlynn. >> thank you fork troupers. >> next, grilling steaks indoors. [ male announcer ] bell helmets, mongoose elbow pads, a pillow pet, and cotton balls. [ tires screeching ] you're doing great. [ tires screeching ] [ engine revs ] guys, come on. she's not that bad of a driver. [ tires screech ] [ engine turns over ] [ male announcer ] only walmart has low prices every day on everything you need. backed by our ad match guarantee. save money. live better. walmart. you're gonna want mr. fuzzyman even more now that we've discovered beneful playful life. with real, wholesome ingredients like beef, egg, and even oatmeal. extra protein for strong muscles. so you're ready for anything. you think you're getting spoiled. but it's so good for you, too. [ female announcer ] beneful playful life. healthful, flavorful, beneful. dream big. beneful is awarding a $500,000 makeover for one very lucky dog park. ♪ a question already! my mom says cable can't bundle cell phones. you mean wireless voice service? nobody does that. mom says at&t does, so... uh...uh... [ female announcer ] get more bundle choices than cable. call to get u-verse tv and internet, plus your choice of home phone or wireless voice service starting at 89 a month -- our lowest price ever. switch today and get the hd-ready dvr included. i bring you... mr. roy, with u-verse tv, you can record up to four shows at once on a single dvr and play them back on any tv. ms. jones has u-verse! [ female announcer ] so call now to get three services starting at just 89 a month. switch today and get the hd-ready dvr included. and u-verse has more hd channels than cable, too. i want at&t. -me, too! -yeah! who wants to talk to a fireman? i do! [ female announcer ] choose the bundle that fits your life. at&t. twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. it's time for "today's kitchen." we are getting saucy throwing steaks on the grill indoors. >> chef of capital grill one of our favorite restaurants brought mouth-watering meats for every taste bud. >> these days we have to grill indoors because it is a tsunami. >> it is gloomy out there. >> you picked three cuts of meats. >> i did. we picked a bone-in ribeye, strip. >> this has the most fat on it. will that be the tastiest? >> yes. >> what kind of spices? >> here with the rib-eye we made a seasoning based on dried porcini mushrooms. for the new york strip we have seasonings based on kona coffee. for the filet mignon we have dried ancho chilies. >> do you cook them differently or is it the same process? >> they can be cooked differently. the loose likely to dry out -- >> is going to have the most fat. >> there are some differences. the leanest is probably more friendly to the lower degrees of doneness. here i've taken brown sugar, salt, smoked paprika and combined it for the filet mignon and plop it on the grill. >> hey, hoda can do that. >> here we have the kona sirloin. making the seasoning is simple. based on the kona coffee, a little parmesan, freshly ground black pepper, salt, little bit of dry mustard and just a little bit of sugar. >> you're not helping us out in the caloric department. >> do you rub it or roll it in? >> roll just like i did. >> how long does this guy have to cook on the grill? >> this guy already cooked. >> depending on the temperature of the grill, probably will cook a steak this size about 15 minutes for medium rare. as we are grilling what we do here, this one is done. >> i wish we had more time. >> we have a great singer coming up. we only had two of them, right? >> let me pull this rib eye back here for you. >> i have the filet, right? >> that is so good. >> delicious. >> right here is the rib eye. >> we've got to run. jim, thank you. >> that is jim nuzzi. chef to the stars, we love him. >> christina perri is downstairs. you know her song "jar of hearts." christina perri's hit song "jar of hearts" has been downloaded a million times. >> her cd is called "love strong." listened to it this morning. ten months ago this young lady was actually pouring coffee waitressing at melrose place. now you're a major star. we wish we had more time to talk. here she is singing "jar of hearts." ♪ no i can't take one more steps towards you ♪ cause all that's waiting is regret ♪ ♪ and don't you know i'm not your ghost any more ♪ ♪ you lost the love i loved the most ♪ ♪ i learned to live half a life ♪ ♪ and now you want me one more time ♪ ♪ and who do you think you are ♪ running round leaving scars ♪ collecting a jar of hearts ♪ and tearing love apart ♪ you're going to catch a cold ♪ from the ice inside your soul ♪ ♪ don't come back for me ♪ who do you think you are ♪ i hear you're asking all around ♪ ♪ if i am anywhere to be found ♪ but i have grown too strong ♪ to ever fall back in your arms ♪ ♪ i learned to live half a life ♪ ♪ and now you want me one more time ♪ ♪ and who do you think you are ♪ running around leaving scars ♪ collecting your jar of hearts ♪ ♪ and tearing love apart ♪ you're going to catch a cold ♪ from the ice inside your soul ♪ don't come back for me ♪ who do you think you are ♪ and it took so long just to feel all right ♪ ♪ remember how to pull back the light in my eyes ♪ ♪ i wish i had missed the first time that we kissed ♪ ♪ because you broke all your promises ♪ now and now you're back ♪ you don't get to get me back ♪ and who do you think you are ♪ running round leaving scars ♪ collecting your jar of hearts ♪ ♪ tearing love apart ♪ you're going to catch a cold from the ice inside your soul ♪ ♪ don't come back for me ♪ don't come back at all ♪ who do you think you are ♪ who do you think you are ♪ who do you think you are >> wow! christina perri, awesome, doll. wow! god bless. >> thank you. >> stay with us tomorrow, everybody. >> we are so happy right now. >> i'm on tour. lo u she igoing erou hp. look her up.

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