Give high profile vehicles some extra room as well. The wind should continue right into friday, though the gusts probably wont be any worse than 30mp by then. O weekd still lookk great with highsswell into thh 50s bbh days. Our weather turns active again as we head into next week thanks kaj. Crews and families around iowa will be cleaning up neighborhood s after Severe Weather crossed the state. Most of eastern iowa was on tch for tornados yesterday afternoon, when the sun had already set. In des moines, people found the southwe side. High winds blew through and n seconds these massive oak trees crumbled. Strong winds shattered the glass on the second floor an Elementary School. It s base. Y heart just stopped i couldn believe how much damage happened in uch a short amount of time itss unbeliebable. Whether the damage there was the result of Straight Line winds or an actual tornado is up for debate. The nntional Weather Service will be surveying the area to make that official determination. New estimates show iowa drivers have a greater chance of hitting a deer this year. State farm insurance says iowas risk ranks third in the us. The datat shows drivers in iowa have a one in 68 chance of hitting a deer. Last year, it was a one in 77 chance. State fam says it uses claims data and the number offtate licensed drivers to determine the estimates. Deer hunter and former dnr representativ e Joe Wilkinson says the deer population in iowa is holding relatively stable. He estimates hunters will kill about 75thousand deer between now and early january. Hunters play a key role in keeping the deer population from getting out of corol. He says deer are a little morr activeeight now because its breeding season. Does arent ready to breed, they will run this way and the bucks will chase them, theyll go aroud in circles, they dot, theyre not acting like they do the other 11 months of the year. Wilkinson says in the early 2000s the deer population was much higher. Thats before the dnr looseed hunting restrictions. People living in marrn have a better idea of the plans for the proposed mixeduse Public Library project this morning. The Library Board wants to tear down the current building and put up the new structure because the currrnt one isnttig enough forr will have an effect on whether or not theyll have a thanksgiving turkey. Tv9s Forrest Saunders is live in the newsroom this morning. Forrest, will we ve our tradittonal holiday favorites . Dont sweat it when it comes to turkey. At least if youre buying frozen. The National Turkey federation says there will be plenty to go around. Heres why. This seasons frozen turkeke stock was flash frozen beginning back in march. That was before the avian flu outbreak occurred in late aprilmay, the last case in june. Hyvee meat experts say it coulddbe a different story when it comes to fresh, unfrozen turkey. The lost turkey stock was in our area. That means groceries may have to get unfrozen birds from further away. A local hyvee store director says that mimiht impact supply. Theres no guarantee that when everything is said and done and you pile all 240 stores together and place an order, that were going to be able to get everything that were ordering. Joyner said they expect more for unfrozen birds too. He expects the stoos will be payyng anywhere from 40 to 60 cents per pound higher. What that means for you and me is uncertain at this point. Although, some economists are thinking people on average will spend 15 percent to 20 more for turkey this year than last. A coralville man faces charges for allegedly sexually abusing a four year old girl. A criminal complaint says 71 year old Raymond Wagehoft inappropriate ly touched the girl on october fourth. The complaint says it happened while he was watching her in his home, anan the girl later told his wife about it. Wagehoft also faces charges of child endangerment and lascivious acts with a child. Convictions on all three counts could carry a penalty of up to 37 years in prison. A cedar r rpids man admittttd he killed his best friend last year. Yesterday, a judge ruled the judge said an investigator violated bbie littles rights when he askeddabout the murder of shanna beyhl without littles lawyer present. Little is facing charges of first degree murder and Second Degree theft. A criminal complaint shows he stabbed and killed d eyhl on aprr 4th of last year. The complaint says he then took some of her things and traded or gave them away. The judge hasnt set a new trial date for little. Groups in iowa are coming together today to help prevent more deaths from heroin. The Us Attorneys Office in iowa is working with the uis college of Public Health and Injury Prevention Research center. They are holding a symposium today at 8 30 m to talk abouou the rising death rates from Prescription Medication and heroin overdoses. Experts say from 2000 to 2013, heroin Overdose Deaths increased by 20 times. Federal and state representatives will be there to talk about different aspects including medical, prevention, and treatments perspectives. Law enforcement will also give their perspective of the increase of heroin uu. Doctors from singapore are learning from doctors in cedar rapids. Nine medical professionals toured st. Lukes hospital in cedar rapids yesterday the group is here all ttis week shadowing doctors and nurses to learn about care integration. Thats the process of moving a patient into the hospital and then through different stages of treatment. So far, the visitors say the trip has been a success. Excellent, i must say. My whole team has been very impressed with what we have seen, what we have heard, what we have learned. We have great discussions every night, after we leave this hospital. The doctors from singapore will next move to the Stanford University hospital in california before heading home. One e rmy reserve e nit in cedar rapids is getting ready to head to afghanistan. The troops spent their veterans day yesterday in training. The cedar rapids based 649th Regional Support group should be in afghanistan by the end of the year. About 35 soldiers who train at the Armed Forces Reserve center are finishing preparations. Theyll spend a number of weeks at an army post in texas before heading oveeseas. This unnt also served in afghanistan in 2009. They spent yesterday bringing soldiers who havent been deployed before up to speed. I think whether theyve deployed or not every experience will be a litttte different. For those who havent deployed theres certainly a lot of wisdom around the organization the rrserve units mission will involve supporting other soldiers in the field. That includes maintaining equipment and facilities as well as working with private contractors that provide services to the military. Oh the ramparts we watched were so gallannly streaming others spent yesterday at veterans day ceremonies. That included the Metro Veterans Council program at Veterans Memorial coliseum. Leuitenent colonel tim carey National Guard was the guest speaker. For nearly 380 years, americans have stepped forward d nd toward the sound of ttle to protect our citizens and our way of life from all enemies foreign and domestic the new horizons band and the Jefferson High School meister singers provided the music. Ready. Aim. Fire shot aim. Fire shot in dubuque, American Legion post six sponsored this veterans day ceremony at the Mystique Community Ice center. The guest speaker was a vietnam era pilot whoolew tubbersstiger, a helicopter on display at dubuques Veterans Memorial plaza. It will be a day full of gridiron battles in eastern iowa. High school footballlteams from around the state will descend on the unidome today for plan on a very windy day. Well have gusts around 50 mph, especially this morning. If today is your trash day, keep an eye on the bins, especially once they have been emptied out. Give high profile vehicles some extra room as well. The wind should continue right into friday, though the gusts probably wont be any worse than 30mph by then. Our weekend still looks great with highs well into the 50s both days. Ouou weather turns active again plan on a very windy day. Well have gusts around 50 mph, especially this morning. If today is your trash day, keep an eye on the bins, especially once they have been emptied out. Give high profile vehicles some extra room as well. The wind should continue right into friday, though the gusts probably wont be any worse than 30mph by then. Our weekend still looks great with highs well into the 50s both days. Our weather turns active again as we head into next week thanks kaj. The word natural is on a lot of labels at the Grocery Store but what does it mean . In todays agribusiness report, the fda wants the publics input. But right now, heres a look at todays opening farm markets. Good morning its. Good morning this is the david geiger. The word natural is on a lot of Food Products in Grocery Stores. And the food and Drug Administration is getting ready to regulate that term. In part because it received three citizen petitions asking about a definition. In a release, the agency says it considers the term to mean nothing artificial or synthetic in the food. So the fda is asking for Public Comment on what natural means with methods of production, processing, and manufacturing. Comments are accepted starting today. Specifically on if its appropriate to define the term natural, how the agency should define natural, and how the agency should determine appropriate use of the term on food labels. This year is a record breaker for iowa. According to the iowa Production Report the statewide average of corn is a hundred 89 bushels per acre. 11 more than last year. And six more than the previous forecast. If thats right. It would smash the previous record of one hundred 81 bushels per acre. Which was set in 2004 and tied in 2009. Soybeans are similar. Its forecast is at 56 bushels per acre. Five more than last year. Which would break the 2005 record of 52 and a half bushels per acre. And thats affecting storage. In some cases, our elevators are filled up. We have some corn on the ground outside. In some cases thats in uncovered piles. I think as folks go through the countryside sometimes theyll see this big white tarp over piles that are out there you cant see the corn underneath. But we have more of it going outside right now. Well, there was a very bearish report monday for the markets. But everything went up on tuesday. So before the market close yesterday. I talked to analyst jamey kohake to see whats going on. We did have a bearish crop report. Did have a very soft trade yesterday, no follow through today. The report did not seem to be bearish enough for the bears. They were already short, and wanted a more bearish timber, i think to liquidate profits. Todays kind of a quazi holiday though some of the funds are not playing. Today i would just consider a dead cat bounce. I wouldnt read a whole lot into it. And for longer term trend, its still a little bit lower yet as the carryout are very comfortable. Exports are slow. Theres some serious issues obviously going on here in the cattle trade. Some of this trade reminds me of trading pork bellies years ago. You limit up, limit down, limit up, limit down. No mercy markets and its getting just flat out ridiculous. Not a lot of fundamentals being traded. The key still is cash trade. Just like in the grains, the key is exports. The key in the meats is going to be cash trade i think through the end of the year to hold this market together. I actually like trying to bottompit the hogs down in here, weve stretched the rubber band further than i could ever see it being stretched. Were roughly at seven year lows. But we need some fresh demand, some cash markets to hold together. And i think you some very, very short, quick rally there. And thats it for the agribusiness report today. Thanks for joining. Ill see you again next time. Well post a video every day in the agribusiness section of kcrg. Com. Youll find it under the news tab. Im david geiger with the agribusiness report. Trt oc State High School football semi finals start today at the uni dome in cedar falls. Well have full coverage of all the games on kcrg nine point two. Class eight and threea teams play today. Eastern iowa teams to look out for don bosco plays newellfonda at nine this morning. And west delaware plays pella at 8 15 tonight. Again well have coverage all day on nine point two. Head and neck cancers are becoming more common than than they used to be. A disease that used to be connected to older men who are heavy drinkers is now among healthy, young men too. Thats coming up in todays healthy life report. Plan on a very windy day. Well have gusts around 50 mph, especially this morning. If today is the bins, especially once they have been emptied out. Give high profile vehicles some extra room as well. The wind should continue right into friday, though the gusts probably wont be any worse than 30mph by then. Our weekend still looks great with highs well into the 50s both days. Our weather turns active again as we head into next head and neck cancers used to mainly impact men 70 years and older. But now, doctors are diagnosing them in much younger men. Doctors say five times as many in just the last 10 years alone. Martie salt has more. This new development of head neck cancers is something that really has taken us by storm. And by surprise. Not all that long ago, head and neck cancers mainly showed up in older men who smoke and drank. Now, its a whole different story and could see it, and you could feel it. It was protruding. A former College Football star, 57yearold bill fisher saw a sore throat turn into a lump. And then into cancer. Dont. Dont smoke at all. Never have. Just occasional wine. Maybe a margarita every now and again, but not much drinking. These cancers are just now getting the publics attention, thanks to efforts from actor michael douglas. But doctors do know the cancers cause, hpv or human papillomaviru s. Its spread through intimate contact oral sex, possibly even kissing. Bills treatment an intense combo of chemo and radiation. But youve got to catch it early. A combination of surgery and radiation often is curative early on. Dont ignore that nagging sore throat, a lump on the neck, or a sore on your tongue. Dont procrastinate and put it off. Go do something about it. Im martie salt reporting. Trt 1. 16 the university of Missouri Student arrested for posting threats against black people is due in court today. And as tension continues on campus there, students on iowas campus are showing their support. Stay with your 24 hour news source, kcrgtv9. Its. Youre watching kcrgtv9. Now, is is kcrgtv9 news Early Morning news. The storm threat is gone but wind speeds will be dangerous today across the channel nine viewing area, ill have more in your forecast. Pipeline forum. Some eastern iowans prepare to stand theij ground against a proposed oil pipeline to run through the state. And thanksgiving turkey shortage. The National Turkey federation says dont worry about your holiday bird, there will be enough to go around. Heres a look at on our city like kaj mentioned, some strong winds making their way into eastern iowa this thursday. First, meteorologis t kaj omara has your first alert forecast, kaj. Plan on a very windy day. Well have gusts around 50 mph, especially this morning. If today is your trash day, keep an eye on the bins, especially once they have been emptied out. Give high profile vehicles some extra room as well. The wind should continue right into friday, though the gusts probably wont be any worse than 30mph by then. Our weekend still looks great with highs well into the 50s both days. Our weather turns active again as we head into next week thanks kaj. A woman is dead this morning hit her when she was walking along highway 30. The Linn County Sheriffs Office responded to an accident at highway 30 eastbound and the entrance to palisades kepler state park. This was around 9 30 last night. It closed off highway 30 eastbound from highway 13 to cedar river drive. 28yearold Michael Obrien of belle plaine was driving the semi truck east on highway 30 when he hit her. The Sheriffs Office is still investigating. Strong winds will complicate tornado cleanup in southwest iowa this morning. The national Weather Service confirmed an ef1 tornado near avoca. Thats a town in pottawattamie county. Last nights twister packed winds at about 110 miles per hour. It damaged a grain bin, along with barns and trees on farm. There are no reports of any injuries. In eastern iowa, the storms damaged several outbuildings with Farm Machinery inside of them. This is a picture from north of wyoming in jones county, courtesy of tim ott. And in iowa city, the storms scattered debris across the road. Mathew cover sent us this photo. In knoxville, cleanup begins from some extensive damage. There are downed trees, power lines and debris all over the road. Several homes were damaged, but fortunately no one was hurt. The Knoxville Police chief said it was the worst damage from weather he had seen. Jennifer mcgrath was home alone with the storm slammed her home. To all of you who sent us information about storm damage. Remember when you see news, call newsline nine at 3193659999. Or you can email pictures and news tips to newsroom at kcrg dot com. Today people will have the chance to tell the iowa utilities board how they feel about a proposed pipeline that would cross the entire state. So far there have been multiple protests against the pipeline, but the board wants to hear a lot of opinions. The bakken oil or the Dakota Access pipeline would move 570 thousand barrels of oil a day across 18 counties in iowa. It would come from oil fields in north dakota and go to refineries in illinois. Kcrgtv9s brady smith met with a local group of activists who will be at the meeting. Ann christenson is one of the founding members of 100 grannies. Shell be at todays hearing before the iowa utilities board. It starts at 9 am, and speakers for and against the pipeline will take turns at the podium. Each person gets 2 minutes to present his or her case. Christenson says the pipeline would be disastrous for iowas waterways, and theres no way that Dakota Access the project developer is able to guarantee it wont leak. Theyre putting our waterways more at risk, including the mississippi river. If it leaks, and it will, i dont know whatll happen. I mean, we wont have drinkable water. Christenson says more than 200 people are signed up to speak during todays hearing. But she has doubts that everyone will get a chance at the podium before they run out of time. A White University of missouri at rolla student is expected to be in court today for allegedly posting online threats. Authorities say 19year old hunter park used the socalled anonymous social media site yik yak to threaten to shoot every black person he sees. He is now being held on 45hundred dollars bail for making a terrrist threat. It comes amid racial tensions at the universi of missouris columbia campus. The University Systems president and chancellor resigned this week following protests over inadequate responses to racism on campus by administrators. Some university of iowa students are showing solidarity with those at the university of missouri. More than one hundred people stood on the steps of the pentacrest to chant and share concerns yesterday. Organizers say they also want to make a statement to administrators here. They want more focus on cultural and racial issus on campus, including significantly lower retention and Graduation Rates for black students. 05 47 38 i would like to see Research Done on campus atmosphere, barriers to students of color, classroom atmosphere, microagressions. There needs to be Research Done on all of that and a commitment to finding out why these systemic gaps exist. Bruce says some students are planning to travel to missouri to meet with Students Affected by recent protests. School leaders in gladbrookreinbeck are preparing for the School District to dissolve. Voters in the area will eventually make the decision. This push comes after the District Voted to close the School Building in gladbrook. All of those students moved into two schools in reinbeck this fall. Kids in kindergarten through 6th grade now go to the elementary School Building, and students in 7th through 12th go to the high school. Last night, at the Elementary School in reinbeck, a dissolution commission met to listen to the responses from neighboring districts. Those included north tama, grundy center, dikenew hartford and Green Mountain garwin. Enrollment has fallen since the building in gladbrook closed. But theres been an uptick in attendance in gmg, where the schools are closer than in reinbeck. 51 00 if the majority of the patrons that vote and say no to dissolving, itll continue to be one whole district and then, as time goes by, there can be conversations with neighboring districts, such as operations sharing of staff. Mathis says it will likely be well into 2016 before people in the district will vote on the dissolution. The bird flu this year wiped out 48 million birds nationwide, with nearly 32 million of those here in iowa. Some of those were chickens, but a large potion were turkeys putting thanksgiving dinner on the line. Kcrgtv9s Forrest Saunders us at the desk this morning. Forrest, will we have turkeys for our tables . Lets just say youll have plenty to gobble. This year. The avian flu hasnt ruined turkey time. There will be plenty of the poultry to go around. Heres why, according to the National Turkey federation. This seasons frozen turkey stock was flash frozen beginning back in march. That was before the avian flu outbreak occurred in late aprilmay, the last case in june. According to meat experts at local hyvees, it could be a different story when it comes to fresh, unfrozen, turkey. The turkey stock that was lost, was in our area. Local groceries will have to import fresh turkey from further away and theres no guarantee there will be enough to meet orders. That means potentially limited numbers t a likely higher cost. Until they get into our door, its still a commodity price. We dont know what were going to be at. Were hearing numbers anywhere from . 40 to . 60 per pound higher cost, just to us. Joyner said hell have a better idea of how much that will translate to customers as turkey day gets closer. According to some economists, though, thanksgiving turkey prices at the supermarket are expected to be about 15 percent to 20 percent higher than last year. Well have to wait and see. So turkeys are available. Tv9s Forrest Saunders. Thank you. People on social media have a new holiday coffee cup to discuss this morning. This one has people wondering if dunkin is taking a jab at its in far western parts of iowa, people dealt with snow after the heavy rain. Temperatures dropped in the sioux city area, the falling snow made the roads slick and tricky to drive on. The high winds didnt plan on a very windy day. Well have gusts around 50 mph, especially this morning. If today is your trash day, keep an eye on the bins, especially once they have been emptied out. Give high profile vehicles some extra room as well. The wind should continue right into friday, though the gusts probably wont be any weekend still looks great with highs well into the 50s both days. Our weather turns active again as we head into next week plan on a very windy day. Well have gusts around 50 mph, especially this morning. If today is your trash day, keep an eye on the bins, especially once they have been emptied out. Give high profile vehicles some extra room as well. The wind should continue right into friday, though the gusts probably wont worse than 30mph by then. Our weekend still looks great with highs well into the 50s both days. Our weather turns active again as we head into next week one Popular Department store is struggling leading up to the busy Holiday Shopping season. To shop and its giving consumers some backstage passes. Stay with your 24 hour news source, kcrg tvnine. Its stocks fell yesterday, led by declines in retailers and energy companies. And after years of strong growth, macys said its sales declined more than five percent in its latest quarter. Macys has piles of unsold goods in its stores as it heads into the busy holiday season, so its offering shoppers a new option. Its called macys backstage. It will compete with tj maxx, marshalls and other offprice chains. Walmart is making some changes to its black friday strategy. Its ditching doorbusters. The retailer will open at six pm on thanksgiving and all the online and in store deals will be available when the stores open, instead of a different deal every hour. And following the uproar over starbucks holiday cup, Dunkin Donuts has unveiled its seasonal coffee cup design. The cup has a green and red holiday design and says joy in red letters, similar to previous years designs. While the cup doesnt explicitly say merry christmas, some on social media are questioning whether the design is a jab at starbucks plain red cup. Its heres a live look at . . . On plan on a very windy day. Well have gusts around 50 mph, especially this morning. If today is your trash day, keep an eye on the bins, especially once they have been emptied out. Give high profile vehicles some extra room as well. The wind should continue right into friday, though the gusts probably wont be any worse than 30mph by then. Our weekend still looks great with highs well into the 50s both days. Our weather turns active again as we head into next week now heres scott with sports. Volleyball tournament. Josh has more from the cell. Lets kick off the action with springville taking on sidney. 2nd set, orioles trying to fight back, Megan Wagaman with the kill. Springville down 2215 then its Jordyn Johnson with the kill just inside the line to tie it up at 22 all but sidney stops the momentum and would sweep the orioles in 3 sets also in 1a, tripoli making its 9th consecutive trip to state. 3rd set, Kennedy Drewis gets the kill off the block. The panthers take the 3rd set 2517 to lead 21 in the 4th set. Hailey waddell rises up for the block. Then on the match point, waddell lets it rip. Tripoli advances with the 31 victory in the final matchup, janesville facing the defending champion holy trinity catholic. Gillian gergen goes with the floater and it lands in the sweet spot the wildcats keep spreading the ball around. This time its Kennedy Meister splitting the defense with this kill. Janesville advances with the 31 victory. Josh go to kcrg. Com for highlights from class 2a and 3a. It was signing day and there is a bohannon headed to iowa. They had six athletes sign letters of intent at linnmar. Stephanie jenks cal track. Amber decker iowa track,a. J geers penn wrestling, jared printy western michigan hoops,amanda ollinger will play for lisa bluder and guard jordan bohannon will be a hawkeye just like his dad gordy who played football at iowa. He is just happy one of us went to iowa. Another eastern iowa athlete signed to play hoops with the hawkeyes today. 67 230 pound Power Forward Cordell Pemsl of dubuque wahlert. They had 9 athletes sign at iowa city west adain keen swimming mizzou, Mark Mcglaughlin swimming nc state, track athletes tia saunders and will scott iowa,. Matheew snieder uni, softball players taylor libby iowa, and adara opiola uni and 67 forward Tanner Lohaus will join his brother uni. Another center megan maahs of western dubuque. Congrats to megan for signing and all the athletes who worked their tail off to make this a special day. The hawkeyes are 11 point favorites over the gophers saturday. Heres more with coach ferentz. Looking at minnesota they seem to be Getting Better especially Mitch Liedner who has some great games recently how do you defend him . It is tough because he is a big strong guy so when he runs it he is tough to bring down and he can slip right by you and another thing he does a good job of throwing the football. They probably throw the ball deep more than anyone we are going to play. How do you handle last years game do you watch for motivation is for teaching . It is involved in our cutups so it will show in our teaching tapes. We havent spent a lot of time just like the maryland loss we have tried to just focus on this year they are a team. When you watched the indiana game film did it seem like josey jewell had their play book. It is kind of how he plays. He does a great job film study and preperation so he knows right where that ball is going. What ran thru your mind when you saw cj turn into superman . Well first of all i didnt know he was capable of that he did a great job on that play it was a phenominal effort. A john elway moment from the super bowl. It is kind of repressentative of our team they are doing anything they can to win. George kittle returned the favor in the cattycorner endzone later in the game. Good thursday morning to you from tv9. Youre looking live on our city cam. Its november 12th and this is

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