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dissent of your 401ke this week, keep in mind that it's actually worse than it appears. whatever you think you have has been devalued by deflation, inflation. so not only do you have less, you can buy less with it. in you multiply that by the entire countryfl, you see why household net worth is declining faster than it has at any tha time in the history f the country. and that's why millions of americans are now no t just about postponi thinking about postponing their retirement. they're considering move wanted avoid to afford housing and dentistry and gasoline,. so the economy, in other words, is not getting better.s it's and no informed person seems toh think it's going to get betterid any time soon. so what does to fi, think of joo who promised to fix it, thinkelh of that will be interesting toen know. unfortunately, when he spoke ins washington today, he didn't really tel. hl us and said he gw as he often doesen, sidetracked about some relationship he had with a 12-year-old and went off about some relationship he had with a 12 year old girl. >> watch this. >> got t i say hi to me. we go back a long way.. she was twelve. >> i was thirty . but anyway, it's hilarious.o bak we go back a long way.g way. she was twelve. >> i was thirty anyway.. was it was joe biden talking tai about who is he talking about? h what exactly was you describing ? he sounded like a late life confession. we don't know.we don't actually , for onc kno. e the white house is not clarifying what joe biden said. they're just walking awayay slowly. he bod and the "new york times" is never going to get to the bottom of it, obviously, not just because they'rehich the democratic partizans, which they are, but because, like yeverybody else, they don't take joe biden very seriously when he talks whatever biden's otherd talents may be , shelling for credit card companies are having michael jackson levely or plastic surgery or showeringg with his daughter. he has a lotwith his d more troe talking.he ram he's not good at that.bl he rambles. he doesn't finish his thoughts such as they are. he makes bizarre, unexplained claimed claims like the one you heard joe biden.li again, whatever you say aboutar. him, is not an articulate man. it's not a partisan point. it's universally acknowledged ak like the illegal aliens he's allowed into this country by the millions. jon can barely speak english. >> some people ask whether youan are fit for the job. think. and when you hear that, i wonder what you think. >> watch me look at your child. >> you know the need to listen ' very to live to live and not. having the money to pay for it. not a joke.it think about it. think about what you think. think about what you think about. >> you'r about. e goin you're going to have make that u all cement. you're going to use that youity, as basis to build on because you need security. have, you need stability for what you have and you're going toin build up stories beyond i mean, this is incredible. this is the united states.od sak >> come.e here, for god's sake. mr. president , here'sis? how would you say your mental focus is which focused? i , i think it's i have a look. >> i have trouble even mentioning even saying town hea myself, my own head, the numbedr of years i no more think of myself as being as old as i am, then fly. w hmm.old i amso obviously, joe biden is ole and senile.n he's seventynile nine . stairs and at that age, sentences like stairs become a challenge. t ju. we're not judging by the wayyon0 anyone who's passed fifty can feel the loss of acuity. if you're being honest, there comes a day when you realize i'm just not going be able to finish the rubik's cube this week. the older you get , the less sharp you become. that's the natural process, or so we have always assumed. but recently we've noticed something that changed our view, and that's something is called kamala harris ors is it camela? she's on tape using both pronunciationslled. a so your guess is as good as ours as a kind of tiebreaker. going to go ahead and call kamala, but it doesn't matter. the point is , if you're not even certain how to pronouncesee your own first name, you're hekely senile. but here'sre's the thing. kamala harris is only 57-year-olds.ears old. she's 22 years younger t she's twenty two years younger than joe biden, young enough to be his daughter, which is tom, d say, young enough to showerr mot with him and too young for most kinds of dementia. so, o course, she's probably medically in her right mind.. and yet, despite that fact, here's how kamala harris actually speaks. e al >> we all believe that when we l talk about the children ofaboute soe community, they are the children of the community.ha and so what we all experiencedco is on an electric school bus, ,o on an electric bus, no exhaust t ,no diesel smell. t >> it is time for us to do. what we have been doing in that time is every datiy, every day t is time for us to agree to look down. i mean, come on , what do you want? what do you want?t he and i look back , i said, sweeto ,you're going to literally see e the craters on the moon with your own. i like i i'mt with your own eyeo i'm telling you, ukraine is a country in europe. coun it exists next to anotherry country called russia.ssia is russia is a bigger country. cou russia is a powerfulntry. countd russia decided to invade a smaller country called ukraine. ukraine. so basically that's wrong. >> so basically that's wrong. banke >> know community banks are inde the community and understand the needs and desires s of that community as well as the talente and capacity of community. it is the perspective of of a woman who grew up a black, wh age d in america who was also a prosecutor, who also has 19 a mother who arrived at the age of 19 from india, who also, you know, likes hip-hop. >> what do you want to know? we could go on. but to be clear, a community i bank is in the community, of course. so it turns out that i we'f anything, if we're beingticulate honest, kamala harris is evene a less articulate than the mannequin whose job she wants to take. and that's odd. it seems a natural to democratic politicians get dumber as they get younger. have they inverted the process of cognitive decline that would seem to defy the laws of nature, but the facts suggests m it is happening. and we know this fro m watchingwatc john fetterman. john fetterman is onlyfe fifty three fifty three by any measure. certainltterman. john fettey the perspective of those of us who arey fifty three seems pretty darn young, really. st hittingjust hitting your str. and yet when john fettermann fer opens his mouth to revealy mocean and brush teeth, he makes joe biden and kamala harris look like william f. buckley on adderall, silver tongued and supernaturallyn anda fluent. check out this war crime. huy. against native language. ut come out and step with us. we will be able to stand with you in dc, send me toso i n washington, dc to send so i can work with senator casey and iamn can champion the united way of life in jersey.t is wrong wit >> what is wrong with demanding fondinr an easy, safe kind ofth their income, a path to a safe place for them to win, eliminate the filibuster, r. get these done, send us back to new jersey. send me to dc for. no, that's unfair. unfair, you say, because j you say because john fetterman th had a stroke this spring. and that's true, by the way.we not that it stopped him from running for u.s. senate fromen b pennsylvania. n and we do feel sorry for him. but even before his current brain damage, fetterman was like this. listening to john fetterman was like hearing car a car backfireu they were loud and jarringcertae noises, but you couldn't be certain what they wer.e. that gunfire was fireworks.defis you didn't know.n' it definitely wasn'tn humans away language. and at the time, fetterman was many years away. social security. you cannot blame alzheimer's from qualifying for socials security. you could not blame alzheimer'ws and even when his words were, strictly speaking, intelligible, they still you added them togetheibleour, madeo sense. in march of 2020 one , to name o one example, fetterman demandedl the release of all twelve hundred people, all of them then pennsylvania for held in prison in pennsylvaniaee for second degree murder. >> watch a conversation that would free close to twelvegacy a hundred people over the legacy. that never makes sense. that encompasses victims in vici flint company encompassess their conduct and behavior in prison. it resource takes a look at the resources that are wasted on that. . it's that too stupid. in the demo so it's hard to avoidat the the conclusion in the democrat yo the leadership level. they're getting dumber as they get youngeknow thir. and you know this from lookinge at the party's future standard bearer, sandy quartet. youngerbe than john fetterman. sandy cortez. she's youn she's young enough to be hisfetg daughter. in fact, she's thirty two. and as far as we know, she enour not had a stroke. sandy cortez grew up in32 a generation that has carried a computer in their pockets since childhood with instant access to every record or fact in history. and then she majored in international relations atev the highly prestigious boston university, which some say is accredited. so shen universi had every advantagey es and she currently enjoysad the greatest advantage of all. wevantage of thought, which is . so you would imagine that sandyu ldcortez would be churchill in yoga pants, a magicianda tawith words and data, a masterf of linguistics and everyday discourse. oh, no, no, she's this theredies are studies that show that women who wear makeup regularly wear like a decent amount ofe in makeup, kind of short toe the office and glam also make a more money. and so at that point, it stopss, being these calculations and decisions stop being about choice and they start beingabou about patriarchy.t pay we live in systems that were largely built for the convenience of men and oftentimes were designedth with the subjugation of women and people in mind. >> so certainly cortez has devolved to the point where she. doesn't even bother to make political arguments. sh ae whines about men as shestk applies eye shadow in the ladies room. d everyjust like to do it. >> every restaurant ind expect new york city on a saturdayu night and then expects you to support, say, banning passenger cars as a result.passenge >> so we make fun of joe bident all the time, but even senile je old joe biden can mustere than more than that. again, how do so once again, how do we explain this will ? in effect, democrats are challenging the core premise of charles darwin. devolving. their devolving. loaded picture of himself enjoying an ice crea uploaded a picture of himselfuta enjoying an ice cream cone without any ice cream in it.ny i cr really, the presidential debates are goinates wilg take m two years from now.n now, we've always said c obviously they'ran'te going to p bi handle it. now we're beginning to thinkdenh they're going to stick with joe biden because he's clearly the smartest person inwe don't k we're no leadership position att priv the democratic party. >> now, we don't know.y to we're not privy to the but candidate is chosen, and the discussions, but when that a candidate is chosen and appearra on stage two years from now, wce know exactly the argument that person will make because it's an president of the united states and their news for the first ever anywhere, the 45% president of the united america. states of america. >> that's whero that's where wee headed.er r if you no longeres respectpectr with all, you no longer use language and they won't and you're left . with merely a primal scream. >> bet on it.jaso that's coming.n whit o jason whitlock is the host of fearless and a keen observer of linguistic reality. he joins us tonight. o jason whitlock, thanks so much for coming on .f den being out i we have made so much fun of joe biden being out of it. obviously, he very muce h is , but he still is more impressive than the people who will replace him. >> he is . enj and tucker, as much as i enjoyed that monologue and understand to some degree, th you're being tongue in cheek and just pointing outd the obvious and making fun of these people. and some of it made me laugh looking at that. part o but this is very serious.f it, i and part of it, when i was toou you, i started thinking about biblical scripture and i script about where the democrats are and they're godless policies. r gothat they're beholden to.d n and i started thinking about romans one verse, twenty two professing themselves to be wise. they became fools.ves to and that's what we'rehing a witnessing. we're watching a of people tha t think they'rhee the smartesty of people in the history of the planet. they think that they don't need. god . they think the god's truths is irrelevant. and they're becoming foolsd by led by fools. foo they have reprobate mind.ven to they their minds are given to gs a wickedness that happens when yo logicu ignore god's logic. that's also from romans verse twenty eight . if you guys want to go look itis up. but it's so obvious too obviouso everybody, even their peers, even their supporters, someone like a bill maher, long timeloni comedianme c, big platform, big. brand, always the lefties were,m watching him pivot in real time to mocking his own base every friday night on hbo. insan and it's because that's how outlandish and insane and how corrupted their minds are and how foolish they look.te can't resist, week that he can't resist week aftere week after week making fun of ss these people. they think they're the smartest god. people on the planet. t they think they're smarter thahe god . they thinky ca n and they can decide who's a man and a woman.y ca they think they can castrate our kids. hey can dr they think that they can drag our kids to drag shows.d doesn' they think that god doesn't matter. they're fools.we'r. and we're witnessing it. and you're exposing it night it. after night. and i love you for it. tucker: so thank you.your you've been in the media all pel your life, so you've been around people who probably don't share your political views or may vote differently from the wayy from the you vote. vote you mentioned bill maher. do you know i'm just interested in other people like him, lifelong democratic voters who are realizing this is just not what i signed up for at all. i know friends of mine because>> i have friends of all persuasions and i know that now that trump has been out of office for two years and they can't just answer every question with what about trump p ? those people are now, speechless. they don't have anythinge speec to say other than. >> yeah, i know. i get it.ble. and i'm not comfortable. things and they know that the things ot that are going on because i putr it in their face, i send outi sd some of your monologues, i send out libs up, tiktok.k videos. i send out all o videos. i send out all of this insanity that they and they're much quieter now. wt about trump? now that they just can't say,whs well, what about trump? o there's one gr on right now. it's not trump's fault. there'p g s one group pushinggru us towards this insanity.p allo there's one grouwip allowing our borders to be unguarded and lettining criminals justcomm flood our communities and border towns. 's obvious whn it's it's obvious what's going on . >> and i hope the sounds you describe is their conscience is awakening because we really do need them to to speak up jason whit against their own party, i think, at this point.u very >> t. much. thank you. so during that covid pandemic, t you may remember the government tried to shut down virtually tha every business in the countryn a except the ones that pay them big campaign donations. planned parenthoodrenthood, liql stores, amazon and google, one of the organizations n they tried ty hard to shut the down was the ufc, the fastest growing sport in the unitedunito states .wn with a man who we just sat down with the man, h who runs the ufc, dana white, he's the president in las vegas, and he told us why he held fights where he kept his business going in his sport, thg operating despite the covert shutdown. >> watch media does nothing.- ns they never built anything. them f they don'tor a nobody dependsit on them for a paycheck. i carel they do is sit back and criticize. i'm goin more abg to kill peopl. i care more about money than. i do human life.and "the new yoi i heard it all.n imagine, was and the "new york times", >> a lonan imagine, was blasting me daily, had long and fascinating interview with dana white. if you don't, who dana white is probably most influential, certainly the most influential man in sports and a smart man.en we're going to hear the whole thing monday right here. also working on a documentaryy on him in the ufc for tucker carlson. ister.which is coming up this wg monday 8:0 but again, it's worth watching monday, 8:00 eastern, so guy the pillow guy, mike lindell, was just apprehended by the fbi and had his phone seized at, an a fast food restaurant. and of course, the left lovee d it. it couldn't explain why alan dershowitz is a liberal de democrat. he did not love it at all.mocra and he's going to join after the break to explain why it's really striking the amount of control that china already has . we're going to wake up one day and we're going to ask, how did this happen? and the answer is we let it happen. china knew very clearly what they wanted from brazil. they know brazil can play a key role in their rise under the biden administration. china is replacing the united states as the dominant power in our hemisphere. china will build ports. they'll build roads, complex infrastructure. they basically say just billions of dollars. and here's a few million for your family. we want to control your country . the chinese government has spent billions of dollars buying brazil's natural resources. are you worried about the level of chinese investment in brazil? if another country controls your natural resources, it's not really our country anymore. and there won't be anything we can do about tucker carlson, originals, the china take over brazil streaming now on fox nation. sign up at oxidation, .com, get top dollar and sell your home fast. >> with the very best real estate agents and ideal agent we thoroughly research top agents in your local market. we analyze the results. we personally interview them and negotiate a great commission on your behalf. as low as two percent. >> i think to be the ideal agent , somebody who's already vetted the agents and have somebody that is top notch, that saves a whole lot of work and a whole lot of worry. call today or visit idealagent.com, the best agents at a great commission guaranteed the singer is back with cd historic new costumes every week and every episode. tommy lee, tom the coach , tom brady, the mask singer wednesdays on fox and watch any time on hulu might be the last time we ever see aaron rodgers against tom , two of the best quarterbacks ever to play the game. going head to head. it's a legacy type of game. it doesn't get better than this. i hope it's absolute fireworks. the nfl sunday on fox great deserved great beat hope. get them with you, tenzer. the only topical prescription treatment indicated to help reduce diabetic nerve pain of the feet. great feats, the everyday, ordinary things that seem extraordinary when your feet feel better to tender is different. one thirty minute application can provide up to three months of diabetic foot pain relief and it works with or without other pain medications. castanza can only be applied by your health care provider teutons. it can cause severe irritation ,eyes, mucous membranes, respiratory tract and skin. patients may experience pain and burning upon application and following removal of contents reduce sensation in the feet may occur. the most common side effects were redness, pain, or itching. work utensils apply if any of these side effects become severe, tell your doctor immediately. talk to your doctor about how q10 may help reduce pain in your feet so you can get on to your own great breakbeats, do tons of great feats, deserve great feats. >> brian kilmeade, dan bongino, lawrence jonesfive days with zen