Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20220415

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0 this evening. as always, thank you for beingel with you. op makee this show possible. we hope you'll say a dvr so you never miss an episode. i'll be out tomorrow. tammyut bruce will be and i hope you have a great passover and a great easter and never let your heart be troubled. thanks for being with us. >>er good evening, i'm laura ingraham and this is the ingraham angle. h tonight we bring you part two of our exclusive with mel gibson and mark wahlberg. you'll hear why they've turned to making family themedily mov. plus their thoughts on a new trend among some men in hollywood. you don't want to miss it. but first, dems don't't care. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> it almost seems vindictive at this point. now a a i'm talking about what the party in power isn t inflicting on the united states runaway inflation, devastating family budgets now crime waves terrorizing our cities. the fentanyl explosion killing thousands of americans every month. millions of illegal aliens brazenly walking acrosss the border. la and ourti own homeless populatin is exploding. how can this be happening in america? we keep asking night after night how low can president biden go in the polls before his team or schumerer or pelosi admit it's time for a course correction, a political party that's actually interested in success and results that whole makinger life better forag the average person thinks would know by now that it was time for a change, but apparently that time still hasn't come. , they stick with the same anti growth pro crime policies that have driven biden to a staggering 33% approval. the latest quinnipiac poll t and i guess they thinkhe that theyca can turn this around by i don't know, appearingpe to feel your pain. >> we understand some realities happening right now. eai grew up in a family, not a joke worth the price of gallon ofli gasoline went up wao the conversation at our kitchen table. it matters. he understands he understands how this impacts people'sin pocketbooks and it creates uncertainty in their lives. the sad truth is a party of o 2020 two is not the party of bill clinton anymore. it's the party of black lives matter or climate crazies and trans activists. so how exactly doess sooe manchinin even fit inside this twisted tent? they seem to be engaged in a brazen act of self sabotage. the democrats are sending mass m mandates when americans say it's time to moveay m on from cd democrats are turning t a the border into an open marketng . the cartels, of course, they're using the doj for vindictive political crusades and they're threatening the states that are actually protecting girls sports . it's insane. and pelosi'san house, it's not even requiring people to show up to vote. and schumer over in the senate apparently thinks it's fine if one of california's senators is just unable to perform regular duties. more on that disaster later in the show. and then biden, he just throws more money at student loan forgiveness, driving inflation up even dri more . and the only thing they change is their messaging. >> the vast number of american people believe that the main reason m for the increase in prices at the pump isn in fact price gouging. >> there is overwhelming support 80% of americans for a windfall profits tax we cannot tolerate in any industry price price gouging. i'm doing everything within my power by executive to bring down the price and address the putin price on okay, gouging putin tiktok none of itg works. even nbc admitted it in reality ,inflation has beenn soaring above five percent for nearly a yearrl and our latest nbc newj poll shows just six percent ofus americans blame rising prices on the russian invasion of ukraine 38% blame president biden and his policies. p the beltway mediaol that did everything in its power too takp down trump and both biden iss obviously now very worried. this all begs the question when will pelosi, hoyer and schumer trudge up to 1600 pennsylvania avenue to tell biden he needs an immediate policy and staff shakeup? why is sha ron klain, chief of staff, still have his job? how about secretary of treasurye janet yellen? i see? important transit'se. already influences at work and i don't anticipate it will be permanent. we see inflation expectations by most measures and by most measures. she those expectations is being well anchored. ld i wouldn't hiren' her to change at a tollbooth. we need a treasury secretary who knows basic economics. ws all those w democrat mega donors? are they happy with thingsut the way they're going now? ?or are they just happy h colluding to censor speechap ifl they are? well, they just don'tov lovee america the way the rest of us do. the only conclusion that the d angle can draw atra this point s that the democrats and their various constituencies out there just don'ties care about y of us then they certainly aren't interestedd in compromie even if it means getting shellacked in november, which wd is coming. and they called trumpic supporters fanatics and that's the angle. >> joining me now is louisiana senator john kennedydy. senator , as i said at the outset of the angle, this seems almost vindictive at this point. >> what's your read or i'm trying to to be more careful now, but i know you can be slapped for telling a bad joke. but in my opinion, unless you have untreated mental illness, most fair mindeded americans understand that while republicans are not perfect, the other side or at least most members of the other side are crazy. and the leader, of course, of the of the other side is president pat. president biden has been an almost perfect example of ineptitude. the badn administration stands for more governmentnt, higher taxes, more spending, more debt ,more regular nation, a weakerio military abortion on demandn. o they want to turn cops into social workers. the by the administration has mismanaged congress that's mismanaged its mismanaged immigration. that's's mismanaged crime is mismanaged afghanistan and it's mismanaged inflation. but it's for i asking what i mean, there's some smart people in the administration and i think the answer to that is clear to badad administration hn embraced and is being run by the wokers. it's it's easy to recognize the wokers they they hatee george washington, thomasom jefferson, dr. zus and potato. the wokers also hate america and they want to beat the out t of ito and the wokers think they're smarter and moreth virtuous than the rest of us . they think all nonwokers are racist and ignorant and misogynistic. they think they we should shut up and listen to them and let them run our lives and they'll let us maybe eat meat occasionally. and that is a long winded way of explaining why the majority of the american people right now trust the badhe administration b like they trust a kmart bathroom. >> that's an insult to the kmart bathrooms out there, senator , but i'll leave that be. speaking of the inflation problem, earlier today the president suggested once r again that it's notea really his fault putin's invasion of ukraine has driven up gas prices and food prices all over the world. we saw that in yesterday's inflation data, but people don't know is t that 70 percent of the increase in inflation was the consequence of putin's price hike because of the impact o on oil prices 70% and we're not sure where he got that 70% line. the inflation rate was at seven point nine percent in february versus eight point five percent now senator , they're trying to spin this like it's a messaging problem. this is a policyis problem through and through . but they keep doinghey ites obviously isn't working given these disastrous polls for them . >> well, here'sca what the american people seen first. the president blamed inflation on covididio and then he blamedt on greedy business women and greedy businessmen. the president said inflation is caused by unemployment and now he's saying putin did it and as i've said before, i wouldn't be surprised if the white house w triedhi to claim to more than inflation originated in a bat. t buthe the truth is the presidend biden has no one else to plausibly blame but himselfe and all the american people know. well, letan me put it another wy . when a honeybun costs 20 bucks and you're homeless on the beach eating seaweed, most americans are going to blame president biden as they should. senator , it's great to see you tonight as always. tonight as always. thank you so much. thank you so much. and speaking of gimmicks,he the democrats are scrambling tov recover young voters who are abandoning the party enter the student loan forgiveness scam. e were sadd they were saddled with a lotle f unethical and immoral immorally created student loan debt.en and so for those people, wean really want to make sure that we cancel student debt. >> it was a crisis before the covid-19 pandemic and it is an even bigger one now. i can't think of a betterop opportunity to cancel student loan debt. >> now this the fake crisis. a brookings institution studytu says that about a third of the student debt is owed by the wealthiest 20% of households with only eight percent by the bottom quintile and are h disproportionately held by it's held by those who have especially high lifetime earning potential. joining me now is ari white houseormer press secretary, a fox newsor contributor and on the left, a.b. prager,, personality, former left wing activist. ari, this so transparent,, what they're doing with the student debt forgiveness, it's insulting and obviously just adds to ours economic woes, you know, and it's just morally wrong. why is it student debt? why is it was the collegesn wasn't on your card,'t that wasn't your home. that wasn't all that i mean, what a burden. nobody should have to pay any of their bills. it's wrong toay make people pay the bills that they incurred. you know, what about allncurred. the rest of us who do pay our bills, who do pay our debts? unemployment as president bideno loves to point p out, is low. people have jobs. they have money so they need to pay their bills. this is just buying votes.e d the democrats always try toem dc . but it's also anra example of how the democrats are increasingly becoming the party of the rich. these are the well-to-do college graduates master'ste c degree holden college graduates just like they want to bringy back the relief. l if you pay your state and local income taxes, get deduct all those which benefit wealthy people with big houses in mostly coastal states. democrats have changed their roots and their base that the party of the richh, p they're losing young people. they're losing hispanic voters . but this student loan forgiveness has already said that'ss targeted toward the young voters who are saying what this is within what we thought we were buying, we bought biden. my question comes to august. they're obviously going to extend it again. is this going to work? are you guys cheap dates in ?ed you know,w, i would be hard pressed to meet a young person who doesn't love the word free and when it comes tooa studente loan debt, they love to hear that they love to hear that it's going to be forgiven. buthe what about all the other families and studentse who havei already paid off their loans? i didn't force anybody to go a and sign a loan for fifty thousand dollars to go to school. they can keepthey trying to run on this lie that they're going to forgive us to people, but that's all it a isllll. see people like chuck schumer put out on twitter today would be a greatld way to cancel student loan debt. and i want to tell people that's all it's ever going toha it's only ever going to be t a tweet. they're not going to do dd this for you y and you shouldn't be fooledd into thinking that they will. it's the very same thingngte that they do with black lives matter every single election cycle suddenlyevcl they care abt black lives and they're going to do all b this stuff for the black communityty and as son as they're voted in , nothing happens. so people need to startup wakingg up to this . well, speaking of schumer, ari ,he just continues to reveal for a man who's been in congress since the 80s, he continues to reveal basic economic ignorance lot.g >> it's amazing to me that we could just take a burden on people's shoulders so easily, with the flick of a pen the president can do it. studentt is one of the veryou biggest things holding ourha economy back . i told the president this is one of the most important things he can do to help our economy grow. he's just reading whatever thatt person's speechwriter orc whatever wrote for. i mean it'sre that he's reading it no one but ari that'sco the biggest thing we couldul do to like what he said, get the economy going or help itly really. that's their idea for growingng the economy . he >> yeah. n they never talk about economic growth and never talk aboutnm circumstances and the environment to let the private sector boom give peopleenom higr paying better that all comes from the private sector. that'll come from the heavy hand of government. but the common theme. through all of these democrats last socialist policies is that life should be freeeie and that we in the government are here to make sure you have no financial burdens, requirements, needs because the government will forgiveme it can't work that way. this is well, socialist countries i do they give away to much free stuff. wef. as americans are too t sensible. 't we know this won't work. we w know it's not right. y and when you incur a debt you have an obligation to pay t the debt. it doesn'the get more complicatd than that . if you lose your job, you're unemployed. their emergency systemso that kick in to prevent your from having to go under or pay, those bills. but as a general matter, no, you incurred that you pay d a debt now don't borrow what you can't pay back the old sayings of your parents. o my mom used to say don't borrow it. you can't pay it back . yoi'm i've got to say democrats do have some top priorities and one of them seems to be prohibiting hairro discriminatin . a washington post op ed criticsd have argued that the crown actec is redundant because the civil rights act of 1964ig already offers protections against racial discrimination. f thsupporters of the bill rightly point out that clearerr language is necessary. pamela, this is geared toward minority voters, african-american women. i know this is popular t with some of them. will this help stem the tide of black voters who arere also t looking at alternatives other than the democrats? you know, i think they are just grasping at straws at t this point of bill surrounding discrimination around black hair. are you kidding me?diha i have never heard of a more ridiculous thing. and am i saying that people should be discriminated against baseded on their hair? b absolutely not.ut but it is is it a pervasive n problem that we need to be focusing our time or money and our resources on as a country? absolutely not. n and iec think it's because they're realizing that blackar voters are lookinge at the wordh that they're saying and it's not matching up to their actions to. ra sows again, they are grasping at straws trying to push this racist white supremacister narrative that they run with every single election cycle in hopes of gaining those votes back . and i don't think it's going to work now, said ari. arianna,a, what else was said today at the end of another biden speech? this happened first of all,e he went to shake the hand of someone who wasn't there and thenen he kind of does that. what's going on are of course bush would never allow his staff would never allow somethingldik like that to happ. it wouldn't happen. but where's the staff? why does this keep happening? >> well, let me let me try to be kind. as just j maybe he was justus gesticulatig with his hand . maybe it wasn't really in shaking but er i don't know but man laura he's lost his wandering lost on a stage president don't do that . you have crystal clear instructions you finish your turnleou you go out stage t stage right. he was told ahead of time there's usually a chart backstage that actually shows him physically with arrowsws. so he was lost he was lost on stage after giving speech and it's it's physically mentally sad to say now are in . >> amela, thank you so much. and remember, if you can'tur watch us live, make sure to setd a series record on your dvr so you don't miss us every weeknight 10:00 p.m. but up next , dinesh d'souza. on why the left is really mad aboutpt elon musk attempted purchase of twitter. and later, part two of the angles exclusive with mel gibson and mark wahlberg. >> stay there. do they have life insurance? no, but we have life insurance ,john. i'm trying to find something we can ford fortunately in only a few minutes select put down john a 500000 dollar policy for only twenty nine dollars a month and his wife and a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty one dollars a month. go to select now and get the insurance your family needs at a price you can afford selective quote we shop. you say guys, it's time to get what you want with help from ageless males, max, the doctor recommended solution for boosting testosterone right at its source while supporting a rapid 64% boost and nitric oxide production which can be handy in the gym and in the bedroom. get the undisputed best selling testosterone booster 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consequences or just letting people run wild on the thing runra run wild. s but she wasn't alone. neocons who want america to fund freedom fighters abroad, well, they're happy to limitdoat freedom here at home. the fedora and warmonger max boot tweeted i'm frightened by the impact on society and politics for democracy to w survive, we need more content, moderationnten and not less. of course, china and russia, they do a lot of moderating of their opposition's content too ,don't they ? and then there's this from axios the world's richest man,pa someone who used tore be compard to marvel's iron man is increasingly behaving like a movie super villain. well, kind of ironic that axios is mission statement it lost a few years ago included a pledge to bring smarterud coverage to the news. joining us now is dinesh d'souza, the conservative commentator and host of the dinesh d'souza podcastti. dinesh, whom do you thinknk washington fears more now the ccp or elon musk? well, you'd have to go with the latter, wouldn't g you?ut the remarkable thing about musk is that he is someone who is on our side and appreciating the importance of free speech. but he's also a cultural warrior and that's kind of a rare combination because typically it'sinat the leftist billionaires who understand the importance of culturale activism and are willing to pute their money even when there aren't big profits to be i think,ut for example, about when jeff bezos bought the washington post asking price two hundred and fifty$2 billion dollars and he didn't care for him5050. washington it was like i owned the washington post. but normally the conservative billionaires nlly l like, well,s the return? what's the return on thisre journalistic ventureur and so on . but elon musk is looking at it as twitter is of all the social, media platforms, perhaps the most influential in shapingt the cultural agenda. that's why he wants twitter and i think the effect of it is going to be electric. another thing, dinesh,al that really, really worriesly hm . well,, it all goes b back to donald trump. watch. i the first order issue i think is the one you're raising aboutw free speech, about what do youy on musk wants todo actually do with twitterwi? lots ofsp people speculating, fr example, that perhaps president trump would bemu back on an elon musk owned twitter. he really believes in a sort of laissez faire version or view. >> this raises question about information, misinformation, disinformation. >> and that's really that's if they're worried about they're worried about trump's influencee and the tattered state of the democrat party . obviouslyarty. absolutely. when the principal of laissezcu faire became kind of a curse word, it applied to economics. g the left was pushing for economic regulation. but even then aten t that time they weren't pushing foror regulating speech. i mean, whatever you think of facto he is the de leader of the oppositioncr party in a democratic give and take the idea that he doesn't belong d in the public debate or it's okay to shut him up. this is such this is so deep u the authoritarian and undemocratic and yet all these peoplend a who who make this kind of statement think that they're fighting for democracy. i like these wimpy neocons tinashe look like they couldn't bench press one hundred pounds are always flexing on going to war and we've got too we got to fight for freedom abroad but they're finee with circumscribing freedom here in the united states, taking their own autocratic stance of limitingg opposition of freedom ofpe speech. isn't that what putin and do all the time? well, this is why you know, in some senses it is wrong to think of these people evenn as warmed over reaganites because in the reagan eraag thee really was the free world and there was on the other sidet a totalitarian world. but now, there's a blurring of the differences. all the old slogans appear meaningless because the very bad things that are being done abroad are also being done here at home and all right. right along with surveillance. dinesh,sh thank . and i want to stay in california now for a second because twitter isn't the only controversy roiling that state . a new report from the san francisco chronicle cites anonymous senateon colleaguesed who are worried that senator dianne feinstein is mentally t t unfit to serve. for more on that , we turn to fox chief breaking newsrr correspondent trace gallagher in our west coast newsroom. trace. and laura, let me startab by saying we've been hearing concerns for years about the 88e year old senator's cognitive ability and this new report by the san franciscoty chronicle will certainly add fuel to the fire. the paper anonymouslyly interviewed four current senators, three of them being democrats, a democratic member of congress along with former staffers and the common denominator is that senator feinstein's memory is quoting here rapidly deteriorating and that she can no longer fulfill her job duties. for example, the anonymousus democratic house member claimed that duringde a recent meeting they had to reintroduce r themselves to feinstein several times and that she repeatedly asked the same questions. the rep told the chronicle quoting here she was an intellectual and political force not that longng agoou and that's why my encounternt with her was so jarring because there was just no trace of p that . the meeting even promptedro the congress member to suggest an interventionre to get feinstein to retire. but others say her memory lapses are not constant i and that some day she's as sharp as ever. butrpr. one source told the chronicle her memory status is a disservice to the people of california. now mis make no mistake, feinstn still has her defenders like senator alex padilla who says that she remains at the top of her game and house speaker nancy pelosi who said quoting herepelo it's unconscionable that just weeks after losingsing her beloved husband ofs more than four decades and after decades of leadership to our city and state, she is being subjected to these ridiculous attacks that are beneath the dignity in which she has led and the esteem in which she is held. senator feinstein gave a statement to fox news saying quote while i have focused for much ofe the past year on my husband's health and ultimate passing, i have remained committed to achieving resultsd and i put my recordi up against anyone now for context, removing her from office would require a vote by two thirds of the senate. and since 1789, the senate has expelled 15 members. so it's a long shot.t, but if democrats still control the senate next year, feinstein would be the next senate president pro tem a.k.a. third in line laura for the presidency raises a lot of questions today. thank you . and be sure to tune in tomorrowr night where raymond arroyo wills have more on this feinstein story for the angle. but before that he will join us next for part two ofk his exclusive sit down with mel gibson and mark wahlberg. what do you hear their response to a current trend spreading among some the hollywood elite say they're high. mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and 2016 presidential candidate. like many of you, i've struggled to get a good night's sleep for most of my adult life. i wasted at least two hours a day in my life tossing and turning, trying to shut my mind down until about two years ago. that's when i saw an ad on tv for relaxium sleep. i decided to order it and it literally changed my life. developed by renowned neurologist and sleep expert dr. eric celebrity relaxium sleep is clinically proven to help you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed relaxium exclusive triple action formula addresses three key factors that contribute to insomnia. i like that it's non habit-forming. it's made in the usa. there's simply nothing else like it relaxium sleep comes with a 100% money back guarantee. so you have nothing to lose. in fact they're so 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governor's office is delaying the mandate until federal regulators give final approval for the vaccine for youngsters. it's not known when that might happen though. and the man charged bloody new york city subway attack is being held without bail. frank james appeared in federal court thursday to face a charge of terrorism stemming from tuesday's attack that left ten people shot. prosecutors say frank terrorized the entire city. his lawyer is cautioning against a , quote, rush to judgment and wants him to receive psychiatric attention while he awaits trial. i'm actually strohmier now back to the anger angle. the brand new movie father stew about boxer turned priestbo starring mark wahlberg and mel gibson has justt hit theaters for holy week. our own raymond arroyo sat down with the stars for an exclusiveh interview along with director roslyn ross. now gibson wahlberg explained how their own friendship shaped the film and they weigh in on a surprising hollywood fashion trend. t two of our interview mel. >> i know mark told me last time when he was getting into this process of investing his own cash intoo a passion project he called the maestro of this kind of deal . what did you advise him at the time? i said be careful, but hey, it's a good idea.a. it could go anyway. there's no there's no predicting where you'll end up. but i think thi i think he pulle the rightig rein in this case. you know, you've been working on this for years trying to get this project . would you have done it another way, soldd the rights to somebody and let them do it? well, that was never really an option. i would have done it another way. but i think that everything happens for a reason and in getting rosie to take a crack at the script and then give hero her first opportunity to directe was the absolute perfect way to make the movie. even o my idea of getting sony o release the movie having been, you know, the head of distribution and haven't released the fighter and movies that i felt were kind ofin similar in tone. d oh , kind of came together. >> i want to talk abouts this relationship and you can jump into this mel and mark famously did daddy's home too before where he played your father. what was that experience like? and i'll start with you. w why did you want him to play your dad in this will be a very different daddy, i might add. >> well, you he who better for. the part i think you know, to really kind of understand the subject matter, what wesh were trying to accomplish tonally all this the first time around we just had so much fun and then we were talking about a making something else that he was going t to direct that she had already written the world war two epic. yes. w >> yeah, destroyer. so we were kind of talking w about that and i was stiller kid of trying to push this uphillal and then i came back to them a and here we are. >> why did you want to play-- this , dad? mel, this is a bit i mean, ve he's very understated. he is not the kind off over the top throwing it to the wind daddy that you played them for. youu know, he's a very deep guy. you d know, a guy from montana not overly demonstrative but but but you know, very still waters run deep kind of thing wrote an excellent character. i m himbill , met on the phone. i've onlyim spoken to him on the phone and i'm sure the weight of having that real person look at your performance, it does have to weighe to on you a little bia surepp it does. you know, you you approach itt with trepidation. i mean, you representyo someone and youou know, it isn't exactly the film doesn't represent exactly who he was.whhr >>il he was thrilled at the idea of playing in the movie. i mean, he really got a chuckle out of that and i remember him just kind of laughing and stuff that i thought he might be upset about. >> t well, the brilliants contribution as an audience member watching it i thought was it plays like a comedy for b the first half ofy this movie. it kind of takes everybody by surprise. yeah, that was delivered.y. yes, absolutely. but i took my cue tonally from the real guy from stu. he was an edgy guy and he had rough sort of life experience and he was able to talk to people, you know, in a very relatable way. here's the real question. gu how did you direct these twoys d guys and what did you learnid from the experience you pushed us around? well, he says i know i know the full course of them are such dedicated, prepared but but mostly instinctive actorsmo and there's so nuance. t and i think, you know, it's no secret that both of them bring a level of personal experience to their respective roles that inevitably helps. r mark, there was some reports that you talked to mel and got his advice on the use of t. that violence, how to use it. wass that is that true? did that happen? i mean, i think going to you going to get permission from him aboutim violence is like going to paula deen to ask for more butter. you know, my first thought but we didn't talk about that . >> no, we just always felt like the language and just kind ofd just making it as realistic and truthful as possible, you know? and we've seen i've seen tons of faith based movies. we're kind of getting pushed in that direction and i don't know, they don't kind of seem to move the needle with anybody else unless they've already kind of converted. so we just felt like we need to do something that was edgy and real and when you deserve f these, i just kindul of give you some reasons to be angry. only need one great. >> have to get your reaction tor a few contemporary stories before i let you go. there is a trend among men in your industry, oscar isaac, harry styles wearing skirts in public to career. i know you won't kill on that but i killed it. is that a fashion as you could embrace? might not necessarily be. i dressed up in my my sister's tutus and ballerina costumes for a long time ago. whatever h3n2 you're going to dust off the old william wallace outfit and yeah my skirt that is rose this camer out of your pen, your heart and mind initially. what what what do you want audiencesd to focus on ? i think it's it's subtle but very powerful. is a message that everyone is capable of changing and overcoming the darkest parts themselves to become b a better version of themselves. with you at the end ofhe the day you have no control over the things around you, butr you dool have control about how you handle it, how it hits you and how you behave h and comport yourself in the midst of chaos perhaps. so it's you. . >> it's a good lesson. i love it. t raymond,ha thank you . u we'll see tomorrow night. and dr. peter mccullough has found something truly disturbingng about what he's i hearing from faucin in the white house's new covid director's. >> he explains what it is next day there. if something happened to you, what would happen to them? their home, their education, their future. you need life insurance and chances are selectquote can help you get it for less than a dollar a 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