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0 her nail. >>ne salon and pick the crops. >> do they think they issue get out of jail free card on racism at the voting booth? as long as you vote democrat? >> yes, they do think that that's exactly what they thinkal . i don't forget, i'llwith be with you again first thing tomorrow morning. foin first x friends weekend.f yo and if you will , i'd love it if you check out the will cain podcast, go download it at fox news podcast. .com tucker will be back next. h >> and welcome to hannity. all right.ork tonight, chaos icrimn new york w criminals now are roaming the streets. we have disturbing new video that shows a violent felon fel brutally assaulting this woman . we showed you earlier in the week a random attack on a subway platforn m near the airport. the attacker previously beat his own grandmothee r to death, was out on parole for a variety of other crimes. beat woman, the victim, i can't believe after that beating she was able to get up. >> now, she may permanentlyanenl lose visioy n in her right eye. she will join us to tellis us about this harrowing moment straight ahead. also later, get buckle up.ckle up. espn. stephe our buddy stephen a. smith will join us . we'll get hi s take on the gruesome injury from last night's thursday night football game. we'll get to that. but we begin tonight inn the washington swamp, nowst inc led by some of the dumbest, most incompetent people on the face ofomhe the earth. >> our economy is in a shambles because of their reckless spending, gas prices. they're going up through the roof again because of their war on american energy. average price per gallon in l.a. today, six dollars and twenty six cents statewide . inst california, six dollars, 18 cents.atew you live ie in cnin oregona $6.. twenty nine cents. washington state, five dollars and 17 cents. and it's only going higher now. our kids have fallen behind in school because of of th their unscientific covid restrictionsei. ation, illegal immigration, opioidpioi fentanyl deaths are atd, s an al time high because of their reckless open border polic policy. we have europe at war because of their weakness and of course, in afghanistan. and now we afghani have vladimin threatening to use tacticall nuclear weapons and today pretty much declaring that much dee third of ukraine is now on and in the wake of hurricanee-to ian , florida's gulf coastve is now lucky to have strong state and local leadershipd locl because obviously the president of the united states is no obvio mentally capable of coordinating anything. >> take a look. whe fema administrator who's become the mvp these days spent a lot of time in this room as well. a fema and an entire workforce. the people directly impactedk fo by hurricane. people d >> and i'm going to usirece thi >> i'm it made landfall yesterday. we're here to talk about america. well, we can. thank you. thank you, mr. president . i don't think he knows the name of his own fema director . w and it gets worse. ea week, this was maybe the lowest of all lows when he attempted to introduce congresswoman that he was supposed to be honoringo who tragically passed away inad an accident in august. and instead of honoring thate legacy, he asked her where she is . >> tak>> i wane a look. i want to thank all of you here for including bipartisan electricians like representative government senator brian, senator booker, representative jack, you here first. jackie thinks she should be here to help make this a reality. >> i want to thank all of you for being here and booker and , uh, where's jackie ? where's jackie ? this g okay, this guy is not mentallyme competent. ntallyfor any job, much less wor the hardest job in the world. that being president .s but frankly, his vice president , she's not much a tter durin muchg this trip to asia. yeah, she made a complete foolcl out of herself and frankly, did, not make our country look particularly good. take a look on . and it's so it's it's 50 meterse away. that's right.. that's so the united states shares a very important relationshipes, which is in alliance with the republic ofrt north korea.h korea. and it is an alliance that is strong and enduring. today and today there were several demonstrations of just that>> sa point, a very important, greatnt great alli alliance with north korea. >> wow. i can't believe it's so close. . 50 meters, ma' great job.. kamala, as usual. now, the next in line to be your president would be eighty two year old nancy pelosi. and while nancy constantly c finds a way to outperform the stock market, well, her job performance as speaker. . yeah, that's always lacking. here's her take on what she's calling hurricaine iran. >> take a look. lion >> almost 19 billion dollars for fema's disaster relief fund . some of that need it a rightwa y for for iraq and but in but it's more will be needed. hurricaine around. and the same speech she touted u the merits of immigrantsin sou staying in southern states because she needs them. >> she wants them to pick our fruit and vegetables. take a look. n fl you see, even in florida,f some of the farmers, the growers saying, why are you shipping these immigrants uph? north? we need them t o pick the crops down here. >> yeah, why>> s send them to martha's vineyard? why send them to d.c. or new york or her state? tatea sanctuary state of california. what a truly stupif cad thing to say. and insulting, frankly, to allla the legal immigrant working people to come into this country, obey our laws, respecto borders and sovereignty, and work on a variety ofveof pre professions all across the country. now, after decades in politics, pelosi, biden, harris, they've all lost touch with reality. they don't understand the ramifications of their god awfu awfull policies. they don't have any empathy for you. the american people. re they are totally insulated from any and all socio economic the hardship, and they lack alle toe the moral courage tove ever admt failure and reverse course. in fact, joe biden's biggest concern at the moment is thatitl italy is soon going to have tha a conservative prime minister that believes that you ought to be ablought e to call yourself n italian, a christian, a mother and a woman. at a closed door fundraiser, biden said that she is thes th quote, the reason why i'm sorean concerned that democracy is at stake. the people in italthe pey voted in jail and while the whitend house is moaning and groaning about a new european leaderning who is abon a woke european socialist, americans here at home have biggerhere fish to frn in just two years, this ineptnat administration and of course, their climate cult, they have nearly destroyed the american dream. for all of us here with reaction, former senior counseormer sel to president tr kellyanne conway, along with texas congressman, former whit, e house physician dr.son,k ronnie jackson. kellyanne, with thirty nine dayel39 days away from ele, day, jen psaki is right. if this election is a, th referendum on joe biden, the climate cult and their hoiled policies and how they've wrecked all the progress that we made in the four years under donald trump, then they lose. if it's about all the other stuff, the they will fare muchio better. which way is the country going ? to go ? >> i think this is the most uncomplicated, straightforwardre issues that i've ever seen ienne three decades of doing this on its rising costs, rising crime. you still have a lot of people n concerned about education hav and say they have a fundamental right to say whereght to sildren their children go to schoo gl t and what is taught there. >> e see what we see on tv every night, runs counter to what the democrats, beginning with joe bidenmocrats and kamaa harris, want us to believe. they want us to believe what they say, not what we see.. we see wild people out of control, arbitrary committing crimes. we see the cost of everythingupd going up and out of control. owe see the report that one of the fastest growing new groupsr of homeless in our country aresa single moms who have a job. >> they actually a have a job ot means of support, but they get behind in the rent. this is joe biden' s america. now, the key to republicans just squeaking by with a few a seats and maybe a 50 50 senate or fifty one forty nine senate and having a monster night. is this having an affirmative positive message that's doablemg and accessible and actionable? the commitment to america,commit a nation that is safe in economy, that is strongthis government that is accountable, and the future that is free.anau and number two, sean, tobite a your point about biden, pelosi, harris and the rest in pennsylvania, john fetterman has to eat and own all of his own statements. he's pro criminal. is he's anti fracking. buanti-fg but het he has to be d with the biden harris administration. same thing with raphael warnock, in georgia, out of nevada. adam laxalt has to do that with female democratic senator who has three names and no accomplishments everywhere. accoo , people have to be held to account as democrats askts maggie hassan, who's running for her political life for reelection in new hampshire, the following question, when kamala harris stood in north korea looking so foolishn, embarrassing an entire nation of free people. but at the dmz, she said she sounded like she was on tmc it l look like a caricature. ask maggie hastin if she's comfortable with that level of leadership. leadership. the but the ability to make everyde democrat out there ownthe fa the failures and the flailing of this administration is thea w key to a monster victory in a few short weeks. >> ronay between kellyanne and myself, we have six decadesh thisxperience and i agree with her. this will be the biggest choic l election in our lifetime. >> this matters. and yeah, we can definitelyl point out all of their failures, but i like the commitments with america are because they're pledging energy independence. they're pledging t o control the borders. . they are pledging to bring back law and order and safety and security. they're pledging choice in education. they're pledging a better ec, got than the inflation the recession that biden gots us in. so i think those promises, those commitments, thenthey d they either follow through or they don't they don't follow through. they get fired.he pri i think thosnce are the principles that will bring america back . >> absolutely.>> shawn, you're right. abs got a lot of work to do. goi i mean, we're going to make it. we're going to we're going to fulfill those commitments. commt and waiset and see. but everything joe bidenoe biden touches domestically doy is exactlynall right. it just goes this many wrong. and this man is going be 80 monh years old next month and he looks absolutely horrible. absehe looks like he's going to fall asleep at any minute. when he speaks, he slurs. s speech shuffles. blank stare,s, he has a blank stare. he's shaking shaki hands with pe that don't he's talking to dead people now. i mean, this manople, he's not e is inspiring our enemies. the people that are watchingpl us most closely are iran and china and russiasee be and they're inspired by what they see because they realize that we do not have competentlzy leadership in this country. something very bad is going tois happen in the near future. with this man at the helm have and the people that are enabling him are going ttho have to answer to this, too, because it is past time for somebody ins his administration to step up to the plate and do the right thing and let us know what's going on . there are people there that have a duty to do that. his position tphysico stariat w, cabinet members, joe biden biden, all the people thatn al surround him, the chie surrounff staff and susan rice and everybody else in the west wing, they owe wing. us an thi explanation as to what's goingn on with this man.we and we need answers because this is this is leading us downf a path of destruction, both domestically so and internationally. and i really think something bad's going to happen inoing the near future becaus t near fo >>t have leadership in the white house. >> i have no i ide have a. i don't think anybody can sayy t with any certainty who's really making all the decisions in that white house. all right, kellyanne, ronnie johnson, thank you both. also tonight, more bad news for the economy in august. r the a key inflation gauge actually accelerated evend an more than we expected.d and meanwhile, biden's trillion dollar student loan forgiveness plan that's already being scaled back , by the way, i believe it's on konsta after all the pandemic's over. het us ce emergency orders to do so anyway. there are a lot of legal concerns and a fear that it was the cause of inflation and itwo. will make inflation get even worse. here now with moreh , the foundr ,the committee to unleashprospe prosperity, stephen moore, along with fox news contributo r tammy bruce. tammy, the heritage foundationth says the average householdd is is paying seven thousand two hundred dollars per household because of biden inflation. it is destroying the poor, the middle class people on fixedmiddle c income.e most, they're getting hurt the most, aren't they ? s claimple, the democrat to have the most compassion fory ? exactly. when t and of course, when this began, we tried. ew you tried fox news tried tod to explain that, in fact, inflame and what's attacks on people that it was going to take your money and redistribute ito in a certain way. you were going to be gettinglesr less for the little bit of money that you had. and this, of course, is after and during and after a pandemic . just as one example,pa a verndef basic staple for everyone.or some are up 60% eggs, something that you could serve everyone in your family, that your kids like, that you could havebr breakfast for dinner, something veryeakf. basic like that is that we are used to that is healthy, that this kind of dynamic, itthk creates a shock from everyone. yes, certainly the financiale fa marginalized, which oft impact the first impacted, but to , because it's not just food, it's everything else. even and of course, it's also impacting wages. so these are the same peoplefori who have who ran for office, condemning the republicans, condemning the work of donald trump, condemning trump's economy and what they have, ever ushered in here. every enemy of this country is laughing at the democrats have done more damage to this nation than enemies have over the last several decades. certainly, al qaeda couleverd nr have imagined even the attacks on this country did not thrust us into this kind ofright desperation. and right now, you've gou thavee experts, according toto t the intercephet, saying that we're giving ukraine one hundred and ten million dollar ukrais a day.. that is there.that that's an estimate. and we're fighting over at some point how much money to give florida and otherican hurricane affected states . so s who aretates. this this bin administration really concerned about? the new global environment or the american people? if or you just look at things on on the ground here, it's certainly not the american people and it's not the american family. they're demonizing whilel of our they send all of our money, it seems abroad. ay i can't say it any better. you're dead on accurate and people are suffering as a result. you know, if i were t writeif ir the book, stephen moore, and it was going to be called how to record an economy for dummies, everything they're doing would shorn that book, i don't know, short of an election win in november and thirty nine days. and then w he have to winac the white house back in 2020 four short of republicanslicans getting back in power. i don't see an answer. well, first show, you're exactly right. i mean, if people always ask me the hat is what a biden administration administration doing on the economy intentional --l and i say i dont think it's intentional, but ifal it were intentional and you didf want i to destroy a country's economy, you do two things. one , first, you would destroyov its currency. and when you've got inflation out of control, that's wha tncy does it destabilize your currency. and the second thing you would do, sean, is destroy its energy supply. and that's exactly what happened ss exac. it has happened underbiden. joe biden. now, here's what i why i'm sowih frustrated with our current situation. by the way, the numbers justoneu came today confirming i might suggest we going to go intoin recession. we're already in a recession, sean. come on . the first two months of us ,is a neo quarters of this year, we're negative. that was confirmed wasc today. we are i we're in an economic morass.nana we're in a financial meltdown right now. t now asas a country.ggest and myfr biggest frustration,hiy sean, i think this is somethingu you agree with is this was wit completely unnecessary. weh is should be booming right w as economy. we came out of coal.,d buant if donald trump were still president , we wouldn'tio be talking about a recession. we wouldn't be talking aboutn, e inflation. weul wouldn't be talking about these four thousand declines of family incomes. the economy would be booming. and that that is , i think, my greatest regret about what's happened. and when you put people like gran buttigieg and people like jennifer granholm in charge of the economy, they can't get usen they don't have any kind of experience. they know not what they're doing.e doing. and who you talked about you talked about the presidentce pri and vice president . you're right. they don't know anything aboutan the economy. but who doesythingwho does? runt everyone who knows anything about how to run anything in this white house. nobody use? . >> steve moore. well said, tammy. bot great job, as always. thank you both.t now to a brandt from all right. now to a brand new report from john solomon at just the according to his findings, the biden administration is now giving millions of your taxivat dollars to private groups thatau then turn aroundnd and target and censor social media posts that they misinformation. misinf apparently, i'm on the list. or joining us to explain, the editor in chief of just the, john solomon, you know, it seems as much as i tryy and stay off o this, i end up on them anyway. john , i'm o n this list. apparently you're on this list. fox news .com is on this list for fox is in general on the list. what you >> tell us what you found here and the you know, is thisnation a donation in kind? and and what about the money thatha flowed back from the group once the democrats got in power? >> yeah, this what happened is is the government in the form of the department of homelandpat securityment in the state department, made a deal with aa consortium called the election outegrity partnership, and the goal was to outsource the jobcim of censoring social mediaedfina during the final four months of2 the twenty one , the electionlin or liberal leaning groups got together. toge and creatpcket stnershi and they set uysp a ticket systm and federal bureaucrats could the there and politi a ticc and censor that censor thatput get that off the internet, puta a warning label on that,that to. why they would go to the social media companies to do that.? why did they do that? agency di because the federal agenciesd did it themselves a good chancev they would be violating the constitutionio. so they created a little plausible deniability. they created this thing, the breadth of this is the largest single censorship operation. fedeli cen, known or federally encouraged in the history of america. that's what all the experts aree telling me today. nearly 5000 targeted. >> yeah, it sounds to me like an enemies list. it sounds to me like now almost like a sophisticated provida or organization that they've createpravda od here. and then there's a money flow as well. i yeah, i didn't mean to numbers interrupt you, but it's just the numbers are amazing. >> you're on the list of twenty plus influences. they target. i'm on a list of twenty plust, journalism or institutions. they covered five thousand nearly 5000 euros, nearly2 mill twenty two million social media posts. we'rioe targeted by this operation in four months. when it's all done, whenhs they've managed to get all thise censored and labeled. and it's all, by the wayns , all conservatives right there. you can't find a single liberal in here. here you can find liberals filing complaints, but you can't find them having their content censored. theminthe biden administration, as soon as it takes over, turns around and gives contracts to o some of the partners in thise pe program. several million dollarrs in thss like a reward to them. but what it does, it allows them to continue on .game f now they're boastingor they're back in the game for the twentyhe 202, twenty two mim elections. the federal government, a liberal interestm electi workg together, the sense of yours and mine, everyone else's free speech. >> we'll follow up on this. story. john solomon, great job. just the m. all right. when we come back .days a thirty nine days away from the midterms, the republicans te are now up mos against some of the most extreme candidates ever to dixon is showing she could literally beat the radical governor in michigan.f michigan gretchen whitmer, also washington senate candidate tiffany smiley, also neck and neck against patty murray p in the stateat of washington. is that in play? 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Landfall Yesterday , Congresswoman , Lowest , Director , Lows , Sea , Honoringo , Wall , Look , Brian , Honoring Thate Legacy , Booker , Representative Government , Electricians , Accident , Tak , Jackie , Reality , Uh , Representative Jack , Job , Vice President , Guy , World , Foolcl , Wor , Ntallyfor , Tter Durin Muchg This Trip To Asia , Country , Take A Look On , Meterse Away , 50 , Alliance , Relationshipes , Republic Ofrt North Korea H , Point , Demonstrations , Greatnt Great Alli Alliance , The Way , Line , Job Performance , Speaker , Kamala Harris , Ma Am Al Great Job , Stock Market , Nancy Pelosi , Eighty Two , Rightwa , Hurricaine Iran , Disaster Relief Fund , 19 Billion , 119 Billion Dollars , States , Speech , Merits , Fruit , Vegetables , Immigrantsin Sou Staying , Hurricaine Around , Fl You See , F , Growers , Farmers , North , Auph , Tatea Sanctuary State Of California , Immigrant , Laws , Respecto Borders , Martha S Vineyard , Joe Bidenoe Biden , Work , Politics , Kamaa Harris , Sovereignty , Professions , Touch , Awfu Awfull , Esocio , Hardship , Ramifications , Empathy , God , Alle Toe , Courage Tove , K We Didn T Thin Imow Ford , Tha A Conservative , Concern , Reverse Course , Mother , Failure , Fundraiser , Ablought E , Italy , Prime Minister , Closed Door , Christian , European Leaderning , Thes Th Quote , Democracy , Jail , Whitend House , Stake , Groaning , Sorean , Abon A Woke European Socialist , Italthe Pey , Administration , Counseormer , Reaction , Tr Kellyanne Conway , Climate Cult , The American Dream , Ineptnat , Easel , Biggerhere Fish To Frn , Two , Election , Texas Congressman , The House , Oday , Referendum , Former Whit , K Ronnie Jackson , Ele , Thirty Nine , Policies , Progress , Way , Choiled , Donald Trump , Stuff , Muchio , Four , Crime , Right , Schoo Gl T , Issues , Uncomplicated , Costs , Whereght , Education Hav , Children , Straightforwardre , Three , Out Of Control , Joe Bidenmocrats , Tv , Support , Everythingupd , Homeless , Cost , Report , Single , Moms , Groupsr , Garesa , One , Republicans , Monster Night , Key , Seats , Brent , Fifty One , Forty Nine , Hiy Sean , Government , Number , Message , Commitment , Safe , Brest , Factionable , Strongthis , Free Anau , Tobite , D , Statements , Pro Criminal , Fracking , John Fetterman , Biden Harris , Buanti Fg , Pennsylvania , Life , Accoo , Maggie Hassan , Senator , Names , Everywhere , Question , Following , Accomplishments , Reelection , Running , Foolishn , Democrats Askts , It , Leadership , Ability , Everyde , Caricature , Level , Ask Maggie Hastin , Ownthe Fa , Dmz , Failures , Monster Victory , Thea W , Flailing , Decadesh Thisxperience , Kellyanne , Choic L , Ronay , Commitments , Lifetime , Borders , Matters , Energy Independence , Inflation , Recession , Education , Back , Security , Promises , Safety , Law And Order , Choice , Thenthey D , Ec , They Don T , Principles , Goi , America Back , Pri , Absolutely , Labs , Shawn , Oman , Absehe , Exactlynall Right , Wrong , Commt , Speech Shuffles , 80 , Enemies , Stare , The , Russiasee , Tape , Don T Exist Pe He , Shaki Hands , Manople , Something , Ttho , Helm , Stois , Somebody Ins , Competentlzy , Tphysico Stariat W , Chie Surrounff , What S Going On , Plate , Cabinet Members , Duty , Susan Rice , Thatn Al Surround Him , Everybody , Explanation , Both , Wing , Inoing The Near Future Becaus T Fo , Goingn , West Wing , Thi , Downf A Path Of Destruction , Anybody , White House , Decisions , More Bad News , Certainty , Inflation Gauge , Ronnie Johnson , I Ide , Dover , We Expected D , Pandemic , Student Loan Forgiveness Plan , Het Us , Ce Emergency Orders , Konsta , Cause , Concerns , Committee , Contributo , Fear , Foundr , Ditwo , Moreh , Unleashprospe Prosperity , Householdd , Household , Biden Inflation , Poor , Heritage Foundationth , Tammy Bruce , Seven Thousand Two Hundred , Seven Thousand Two Hundred Dollars , Most , Aren T , Fixedmiddle C Income E , Few , S Claimple , Compassion Fory , Attacks , Money , Ito , Bit , Tod , Everyone , Family , Example , Something Veryeakf , Dinner , Eggs , Verndef , 60 , Kind , Impacted , Shock , Dynamic , Which Oft Impact , Witthk , Financiale Fa Marginalized , Peoplefori , Who Ran For Office , Food , Wages , Everything Else , Damage , Democrats , Enemy , Condemning Trump , Toto T , Gou Thavee Experts , The Intercephet , Couleverd Nr , Kind Ofright Desperation , One Hundred And Ten Million Dollar , One Hundred And Ten Million , Aretates , Bin Administration , Estimate , Otherican Hurricane , Things , Ground , Environment , Demonizing Whilel , Everything , Suffering , Better , The Book , Result , Doing , Dummies , Writeif Ir , Power , Republicanslicans , Book , I Don T Know , Answer , Election Win , 2020 , Show , Hat , Saifal , Ithec , Wha Tncy , Currency , Energy Supply , Ss Exac , Underbiden , Situation , Come On , Justoneu , Intoin Recession , Country Ggest , Myfr , Somethingu , Neo Quarters , Tweh , Meltdown , Nana , Wit , Wasc , T Now Asas , Weul Wouldn T , Family Incomes , We Wouldn T , Pce Inflation , Declines , Talking Aboutn , D Buant , Coal , Four Thousand , Experience , Charge , Regret , Dusen , Jennifer Granholm , Gran Buttigieg , Anything , Nobody , Brandt , Both T , Who , Abot , Doesythingwho , Tammy , Presidentce Pri , Well Said , Brunt , Censor , Groups , Pnews Com , Social Media , Millions , Brand New , Target , Misinformation , Findings , Misinf , List , Chief , Editor , Group , Com , Donation , Thatha , Thisnation , Deal , Consortium , Form , Department , Election Outegrity Partnership , Homelandpat Securityment , State Department , Guysp , Cticc , Ticket Systm , Twenty One , Goal , Electionlin , Bureaucrats , Jobcim Of Censoring Social Mediaedfina , Creatpcket Stnershi , Otoge , Chancev , Social Media Companies , Internet , Agenciesd , Odi , Deniability , Constitutionio , Puta A Warning Label , Experts , History , Censorship Operation , Breadth , Me Today , Fedeli Cen , 5000 , Organization , Numbers , Provida , Money Flow , Createpravda Od , Influences , Social Media Posts , Institutions , Journalism , Twenty Plus , Twenty Plust , We Rioe , 525000 Euros , Five Thousand , Twenty , Twenty Two Million , Liberals , Liberal , Thise , Complaints , Content Censored , Conservatives , Operation , Done , Awayns , Whenhs , Dollarrs , Contracts , Game F , Partners , Theminthe Biden , Reward , Boastingor , Thise Pe Program , Game , Elections , Story , Free Speech , Mine , Sense , Interestm Electi Workg , Everyone Else , News Co M , Twentyhe 202 , 202 , Twenty Two , Governor , Candidates , Tiffany Smiley , Midterms , Senate , Gretchen Whitmer , Memos , Republicans Te , Neck , Stateat Of Washington , Discomfort , Hydrating Polymers , Tray , Strain , Dryness , Moisturizing , Penetrance , Ingredients , Greasiness , Products , Muscle Cream , Hank Norton , My Name , Irritation , Odors , Hi , Try Penetrant , 100 , Veteran , Immune System , Military Base , Loved One , Managing Partner , Thyroid Disease , Liver Disease , Illness , Wars , Kidney Cancer , Gulik Law Firm , Napoli , Manufacturers , Drinking Water , Bases , Firefighting , Chemical , Exposure , Fire Suppression , Lawsuits , Pigface , Becauseia , Disease , Firm , Claim , Fires , Litigation , Nappily Skutnik , Information , Veterans , Base , Rights , Service , Relaxium Sleep , Sleep , Night , Health Crisis , Sleep Deprivation , Blood Pressure , Cardiovascular System , Formula , Feeling Refreshed , Risk , Control , Health , Bottle , Sleep Call , Doj , Eight , Zero , Age ,

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