blank stare,s, he has a blank stare. he s shaking shaki hands with pe that don t he s talking to dead people now. i mean, this manople, he s not e is inspiring our enemies. the people that are watchingpl us most closely are iran and china and russiasee be and they re inspired by what they see because they realize that we do not have competentlzy leadership in this country. something very bad is going tois happen in the near future. with this man at the helm have and the people that are enabling him are going ttho have to answer to this, too, because it is past time for somebody ins his administration to step up to the plate and do the right thing and let us know what s going on . there are people there that have a duty to do that. his position tphysico stariat w, cabinet members, joe biden biden, all the people thatn al surround him, the chie surrounff staff and susan rice and everybody else in the west wing, they owe wing. us an thi explanation as to what s goingn on with thi
0 her nail. ne salon and pick the crops. do they think they issue get out of jail free card on racism at the voting booth? as long as you vote democrat? yes, they do think that that s exactly what they thinkal . i don t forget, i llwith be with you again first thing tomorrow morning. foin first x friends weekend.f yo and if you will , i d love it if you check out the will cain podcast, go download it at fox news podcast. .com tucker will be back next. h and welcome to hannity. all right.ork tonight, chaos icrimn new york w criminals now are roaming the streets. we have disturbing new video that shows a violent felon fel brutally assaulting this woman . we showed you earlier in the week a random attack on a subway platforn m near the airport. the attacker previously beat his own grandmothee r to death, was out on parole for a variety of other crimes. beat woman, the victim, i can t believe after that beating she was able to get up. now, she may permanentlyanenl lose visioy n in