0 well time tomorrow night.on how long till the machines are giving youes orders tomorrow the google engineer joins us . he said he's seen firsthand how robots can feel emotion, not science fiction. totally real and the best startt with the ones you love. sean hannity takes over now sounds like a sci fi movie and i just hope they aren't to political talk shows or word that wouldn't be bestta they ca. there>> are. all right, tucker , thank you and welcome hannity tonight a hannity investigation into america's two tiered justice system and corrupt d.c.i politicians who excuseer riots that don't advance their political agenda. now this includes a clear i danger this country is now facing if roe v. wade is overturned. weup have left wing groups nowdi signaling direct threats to riot. wit we'll tell you about that . but first tonight , we begin with a major scam nowon ongoing inside the climate alarmists religious cult known as the new green deal democratic party , the socialist party . and as wes speak, the biden administration, they are o knowingly and openly lying tope, you, the american t people,su including their own diehard supporters about one ofpp the democratic party's favorite causes the transition to green renewable energy. remember, they steadfastly, refuse to drill and to frackro and they want to importm oil from iran and venezuela and saudi arabia and opec. >> watch. we have a chance here to make we have a chance here to make renewable energy electric vehicles and not the subsidies across the board. ultimately we really do need to be investing in renewables until we achieve a form of energy independence that is based on clean energy created ennchere at home. american citizens will still be vulnerable to wild price hikes like we're seeing right now during putin's war as minister ryan haso said, this clean energy transitionpu could be the biggest project of oour time, the way in which we can ensure reasonable energy expenses for households is to move to renewables to addressab climate change. >> and i will do a deep dove will expose the truth abouthi these lies becauses as it turns out, this push towards cwhat they call renewables c and green energy and electric carsrs is a massive fraud.t we'll explain in detail. but i in order to really understand this , it is important to first know where do we get our energy from? ever ask yourself the question? we come home and flip on the lights. electricity. that's great. look at your screen. 79% of america's grid is now powered by guess what fossil fuels. what do i say about fossil fuels? the lifeblood of the world's economy that includes petroleum, natural gas and you bet coal. another eight percent is derived from nuclearig powerat plants. liberals hate that too. now currently only 12 percent d of our energy by definition would be from renewables f. so if the administration truly wanted to transition awayns from fossil fuels, they would need to shut down 80 to 90% of our power grid and replace it with what windmills, solar with what windmills, solar unfortunately, that type of so-called green energy is not so-called green energy is not let's take, for example, one wind turbine. it producess less than three megawatts of energy, whereas one natural gas turbine produces forty five and get this a typical natural gas plant has three turbines, which means you could m need what , forty nine windmills to replace just one moderately sized natural gas plant. now keep in mind there are more than three thousand four hundred fossil fuel power plants that operation within the u.s.. any transition to wind into solar would takeec decades and decades and decades and it would not lower the cost at all in the interim and probably thereafter. now each windmill costs more than three point eight million dollars to build, not to mention t thousands upon thousands of acres ofat land that would be needed to be purchased. r and as energy secretary jennifer granholm declared, will require a lot of new resources that you we the american people will have to pay for. >> take a look with thean president's goal of 100% clean electricity by 2035, net zero by 2050. we are going to be able to do that kind of transition with all different a kinds of technologies in all pockets of the country. we're going to need workers to yes, install wind turbinespa and solar panels. we're going to need workers tone build those wind turbines and solar panels. we need steelworkers. we need miners foreed miners the materials to build them. we're going to need truckers and dock workers and deckhands to to transport h them. we're going to need electricians. we're going to need laborers. we're going to need utility workers. workers. transition to renewables is not going to happen under bidenenap and any incremental transitionon will do nothing but drive up the cost of energy all across the boardd. t the only actual way to bring down prices is to produce more gas and oil the lifeblood of the world's economy. i'll say it again in order to appease the climate alarmists cult in his party and pull the wool over your eyes.inistran the administration is now trying to outsource all energy needs overseas. that's why they're trying to do a deal with iran. that's why they're sending an emissary emissaries a to venezuela. that's why 's he will bow before the crown prince, the guyys that he says is responsible fors killing jamal khashoggi, the pariah nation of saudi arabia in order to make another big show about shutting down oil and gas infrastructurenf lie for example, pipelines and refineries and exploration permits inside the u.s.. now that's why biden is goingud to saudi arabia in spite of what they say. i promise youl he will be begging that crown prince right there and kissing up to him and kissing his and begging for oil production. we saw the same thing in russia. i'm sorry europe with russia far left germany. well, guessan what ? they have their own climate alarmists, religious cult. they would desperate toco appeae them a. they shut down their fossil fuel facilities. they outsourced all of their energy needs and did billion dollar dealsid with vladimir putin. ul how's that working outbo ultimately was all about optics ,didn't actually improve the environment. i mean, mother earth, does itmoo matter you get a barrel of oil from here or over here? not really. it always was a huge scam. and now with putin's war raging germany, well, the spigots been shut off. now they have to restart their well mothballed coal powered plants look crazy. now this brings us to electric cars. now pay close attention here when the biden administration is in fantasizingion. about renewas and energy independence with renewables, they are begging americans. they are lecturing us to buyng electric cars. they tell us over and over again buy an electric car , take. e last month we announced a five billion dollar investment, build out a nationwide electric vehicle charging network so the people from ruralionw to suburban to urban communities can all benefit from the gasan savings of driving an suv. u undernd my plan, which is before the congress now we can take advantage of the next generation of electric vehicles that a typical driver will save about eighty dollars a month from not having to pay gas at the pump. prices, on the issue of gas prices, after waitingng for a long time to have enough chips in this country to finally get my electric vehicle, i got it and drove it from michigannd to say here just last weekend and went my every single gas station didn't matter how high it was you filled up your ev by charging and you filled up your gas tankle with gasoline and you have the same size tank you would save sixty dollars per fill upy by going electricn rather than using gasoline. >> maybe they would notice the biden inflationon has added an additional six thousand dollars to every american household unnecessarily. c and asan you can see, democratsw want you to believe you buy an electric vehicle. it will bring down the cost for you, the american peoplee and will save the environment at the same time , both claims are totally false. let's tackle the cost t. the obvious the average price for a new electric vehicle is sixty four thousand dollars compared to forty four thousand0 for a full sized car . so from the purchase youoh already, 20 grand in the hole. add in 1 another twelve hundred for an installation of an electric charging port and fifty five bucks a month an additional energy costs and youm will most certainly not be saving any moneyoserta over e entire life of the vehicle. not against them. but i'm justst giving i youvi the reality now. of course any electric car is only as clean as its energy a source. they don't never talk abouter this part, remember. 80% of our power comes fromnl oil, gas and coal. but that's not the only thing to consider. keep in mind the production of these electric vehicles not exactly environmentally friendly. you know, the battery alone is comprised of nickel,cklone is cobalt, aluminum, manganese and all of these need tot be mined from mother earth with heavy equipment that uses diesel.vy equipment that uses many rechargeable batteries are derived from upscalingng wherebo they use slave labor or child labor. and don't get me wrong, there e are some pretty cool electricle vehicles on the market, including tesla. a by the way, i look at a test a friend of mine a swears by his he loves it. but buying one doesn't make you captain planet as john kerry who flies around in his private jets would have you believe. he and by the way, under trump the united states may have never been told this by the climatecl alarmists cult underim donald trump , the united states led the world in greenhouse gas reduction not because of electric cars or windmills instead of clean burning, affordable natural gasbu developed through the free market helped the united states curb far pollution, by te way, where the middle east of m natural gas we have at least two hundred plus years worth of the supply of naturalea gas and that's all we know about ate this moment. now talking aboutnt a phantom transition to renewables is not going to saveenew our economy or the planet we are nowow barrelig towards a recession coupled with out-of-control inflation. gas tax holidayrol inflation. biden is now proposing will not signify can we bring down prices? i'll take it eighteen point four cents a gallonic t. i'll take it. but even obama said that this is a gimmick, kind of like k tapping into the strategic petroleumin t reserve. it's a band-aid. it's a temporary fix after the election they'll put it back in place. >>orar take a look at oil compas like shell and bp just reported record profits for the quarter and we're arguing over a gimmick to save you half a tank of gas over the course of the entire summer so that everyone in washington can pat themselves on the back and say that they did somethinga . i can'tn: believe it.el o obama for once is actually right. meanwhile, obama's former economic adviser larry summers is now not only predicting six pw not only predicting that the us would need five years or six percent unemployment or one year of 10% unemployment to ease inflation fighting inflation. our economy is goinger into a very dark place.e you i see it with your 401k. you seeee it when you go to a gs pump and you see it in everye store that you shop it and by store that you shop it and by secretary wasn't exactly reassuring. takeke a look at the action that the president has taken rescue plan,ident has taken with what we have seen with the historic gains that is going tot help this deal with the recession right now we don't see a recession right now that is not we're not in a recession right now. right now we're in a transition where we will we are going to go into a place of stable and steady growth. is very clear and everything that he can to to elevate, elevate the you know, the, the pain that american familieswh are feeling when it comes to gas prices. >> america's not heading towards a recession. towards a recession. is transitoryy. we the american people are not stupid. now the americans now knowey that's how supply and demand works. kil a they know that lecturing oilnd gas companies and restricting rthe domestic production of energy raising taxes is not going to bring down costs to save us from a recession. and by the way, now in a new poll, biden's approval rating is at 32%. that's right. the lowest point in a presidency since nineteen forty eight. it reaction out founder travis along with the co-host of the five or the riviera, although i mean electric cars are fine. i once had an escalade hybrid. wasn't too bad by the way. i love the let's go round and tee shirt clay it was fine. but when you when you break down how you charge it, when you break down, how you build it, when you break down the costos of it, it's a fantasy that they're peddling here . in the meantime, we're going toi beg iran, saudi arabiara and venezuela. does that make sense to you? it doesn't. ut but if president biden could put together a coherentt narrative as you just did, laying it allnk out, i think it would be in a much better place. what he is trying to say and help him translate for the president of the united states is at its lowest level, although you make the most of what he's trying to say because you know, i know and clay travis knows this audience knows that he's weak and he'sil frail and is a cognitive wreck. but go ahead. you translate for him. he but he is the president of p the united statesre and you kno, energy tax holiday is is h a ridiculous idea. itol is a very transitory feeltw good fixo. for a day or two. but we need to do and what he should do rather than promoting the future will get promoting the future will get promoting a tesla in every garage. what he should be saying is let's produce more domestic oil ourselves. let'ss let's get the supply that will reduce the price. you know, he's oil company. w why don't we ask midland, texas? why don't we go to oklahoma for natural gas? why don't weetura go aheadon pennsylvania, new york and ohio. ohio. yes, and finish the keystone xld pipeline and get nine hundred thousand barrels of canadian w oil a day? >> why don't we do that ? we listen to my idea. the, the oil companies reaping record profits. that's true . that is undeniably true . but how do you get them to invest enough so they canod produceuc more now? so we're not dependent on venezuela and saudi arabia and iran and so forth.yo youo it do it by telling the, td oil companies you keeps, your record profits. we're not going to imposefi a windfall profits tax as the left isas now agitating to keep down on the economy. must produce. how did that work out for jimmy carter? clay travis, you're a historiana . sean. oil and gas companies don't want to invest because o they know the rug is going to get pulled out from under their feet by the bidenen administration as soon as the midterms are here .s they want lower gas prices for five months. they'll say anything that they think scores political points and then as soon as the midterms are here , they're not going to offer them any support at all because don't miss what's going on here, guys ., ultimately this is what the democrats want because se prices need to go up because in order for all of the solar and the wind power in the electric to get remotely a competitive with gas prices. there's a great story in theed wall street journal. a writer there tried to t travel . you guys see it from new orleans to chicago and back on an electric vehicle and it was a disaster she couldn't find anywhere to charge the charging stations, didn'tt work. 'vr and the article ended with her saying i've never been happier to pay four dollars and fifty cents a gallon than have to deal with a long range trip right now on an electric andvehicle. and i wish everybody had sixty four thousand dollars as you mentioned, although to go out and be able to buy them.a butbl this is the democrat push. if you're troubled by the price of high gas then go buy for aldo and sean. recently i wentnd to go fill upom my car. somebody had spent four dollars and 50 cents. this was several weeks ago for one gallon of gas probably to be able to get to and from work to try to make it so that theydu could continue to produce for their family that you might as well tell them that they should go buy a dragon and gon: buy an electric vehicle. all right, clay or all the claye . that's my point. there ise is an emergency. there is an emergency now led by and understand the emergency is a political aldehydes. can't even call. he's going to have to sort of a harrel though. he declined. i got a run when we can increase we have for we although he was an energy independence, he gave up leasesc on public lands he killed off keystone xl. he stopped anwr. he artificially reduced the supply. tell him to go back to trump's h impolicy to have more gas recognize. i think y you've got to recognie the exigence and he's got to be flexible. he's got to be nimble. he's got to be creative by not to the extent that he's notho those things here , although he can barely read a , he can't rideead a a bike. he's not flexible and nimble and sophisticated. he's got a is a little sensitive because, you know, he did one say 70 is the new 50 . >> i have read that somewhere. i don't know what we don't helping write thank you day,t. by the way. all right.ou tonight it's clear biden doesra not have a graspsp on the econoy at all or anything else. clay is right in that matter anyway, which is probably why the white house, the biden family are constantly trying to prevent joey from answering any questions. >> take a look yourself like i know that's my daughter. you may recall that i initiated the international class action . we n got one hundred and forty some nations to sign on this. this isbe my son beau. my friend told me, dad, it's going to farmers had our house together and really and we did puzzle's they get mad at medid and everything whenever i answer a questionn i'm not allowed to either. his wifefe is grandkids. i guess i don't know who it ise anyway. it doesn't look good to say l the least, especially sincesp joe is his second in command. kamala harris, vice president. mr. giggler, during the inappropriate moments and having constant words, sals and having constant words, sals the tasksk either. >> take a look at the borderot and not today talking about the significance of the passage siof time , the significance of the passage of time .. so when you think about it, t there is great significance to the passage of time and more parents are seeing the value of educatorsf at say why not paying them now enough. ? it is time for us to do what we have been doing in that time as every day, every day it is time for us to agree. i ask for the asian name is is there sufficient second. a all right. the vice president is so unpopular one dnc fundraiser centered around meeting kamala they had toc slash ticket prics think ithec slash ticket prics couldn't get any worse than the democratic party , look at this headline from fox news .com michigan's gretchen whitmer refers to womenom as menstruating people. joinings us now podcast host monica crowley along with leo monica, i'll along with leo start with you. i don't think are are giggling for vicee president that talks about the passage of time and the passage oft time overe and over again is quite up to o the task of being president. >> dof. no, i don't, son . and we've got a real problem here because the president of the united states clearly most of the timeos now doesn't know what planet he's on. and it's number twos is in a perpetual state of nervous n breakdown. so neither the president nor the vice president t is capable of doing the most important jobs nothe only in m the country but in the world. w soha what we're actually experiencing here is i a rolling constitutional crisis. nobody in the propagandan press wants to point w out the reality of what we're facinghere here ,t the american people see it very clearly and that's why joe bidenoe , his job approval numbers now, sean, are in the low 30s0s couple. harris is in the mid to upper 30s, not muchd better. and that's why you've got democrats now talking roundly about who is actually going tont be the standard bearer goingau into twenty four because neither one of these people is going to be the democratic nominee. you know, leo joy reid complaining that kamala harris was treated unfairly by theis whiterl male media. well, first joe gets a lot she does.t joe gets a lot can you explain our giggling vice president that has a hard time herself communicating to the american people? becausein i'm having a hard time analyzing it? well, no, i can't because first of all, let me tell you right now she's incompetent. she's unlikable. she's unlikable. president. she wasas selected for vice t president for all the wrongo reasons, nothing to do with qualifications. and as far as the jury recommitj the queen of playing the race card, let me be very clear . kamala harris has a approval rating in the low 30s that 70 percent of this country do notf approve of of all differentrt colors and even members ofy. a,her own party . and for a for a vp to lose 11 to 12 staff members, 12 70%an a year, that tells you she cannot manage her own office. finall point, she cut her price for a photograph of fifty thousand to five thousand. she would have to pay mee tote take a picture with her. i'm notd interested in that. all right. 2.0. re thank you , monica. always good to see you. thank you for joiningng us . when we come back , our own. bill hemmer is live at the big board with the latest on tonight's primaries. and virginia governor glenn young details his fight against the liberal machine when wes continuefi, men over 45. do you have a frequent urgent need to at night? i have good presenting that your lips just an outpatient treatment that simply reopens the to slow with no cutting. yes. so much more here in the dotcoms. ask your urologist about your work all eight hundred seventy five to eleven hundred today if something happened to you what would happen to them. their home, their education, their future. you need life insurance and chances are selectwoman can help you get it for less than a dollar a day. so let's quote found jacob 40 a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only nineteen dollars a month and select quotes found his wife wendy a 500 thousand dollar policy for only seventeen dollars a month. our secret that select quote we aggressively comparison shop up to ten highly rated companies to 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town our very own bill hemmer. he's big hammer, big board hannity, big board stole it. it's still a good age, though, sean give you a quick spin through okay, virginia, alabama, georgia. i tell you what's happeningge in alabama right now. r bigac senate run senate runoff race there between katie britt and mo brooks and it hasn't been called yet, but katie looks like she's going on to an easy victory in alabama tonight . she wins just about every us in thejust about every background endorsed by donald trump member mel brooks who's trump member mel brooks who's he took it back and then he went with katie. it looks like she's going to come out a winner tonight .om a couple of very intriguing house races, john . one in georgia specifically and two in virginia and explain why this is a runoff in georgia congressional district ten . vernon jones was a democrat two years ago. all right. he, he he was blown awayg tonight by mike collins who runs a trucking business. jones was endorsed by donald trump . collins was endorsed by the governor brian kemp. and collins picked up this victory tonight quite handily in the state of georgiav up here in virginia now these congressional races for the house district, republicans targets for november and acans couple of them are plain to see in the state ofth virginia. i'll showgr you why this is a congressional district two. this is v virginia beach. w every military this isto your winner tonight . this is jenkins.ght . you're going to hear a lot about her , sean.r, she's a navy helicopter pilot, nurse practitioner and a mother of four f and an easy winner tonight and congressional aides who she'll advance to take on the plane larryry'l. i'll. tell you that . explain that just a second here . this is also in virginia. le congressional district number seven . no winner called yet very interesting, intriguing race because of redistricting. they move this district to the north closer to washington, d.c. so its sits right around here where you used w to sit around this edge down here on the west side of virginia. this is yes. ali veiga. okay, cheesily eating derek anderson anderson is a green beret. vegaga very interesting background. law enforcement background, lcounty supervisor in prince william county with his big counties across from from washington, d.c. she helpedwi lead the latino coalition in virginia that supported clintono who won last november when this district moved sean , it went from a plus one democrat to about a plus seven democrat. but yet glennnn junkin won 5 but yet glennnn junkin won 5 so again, republicans think they can do some damage here come november. and i'm just f going to finish off here with this comparison here , sean. this is okay. alain luria. she's in district two in around southeastern virginia. she's on the january 6th committee. so she wasn on the panel today. joe biden wonon her district by about five points, but shek won by about six points. and when republicans talk about a climate that is favorable toward them in novemberer, these are districts they look at. they think anywhere between f six to eight pointsor is a possibility for a targeted npick up in november. luria's is in one of those again to face off against the jenkins. and i just want advance isin one that begins in november. this is abigail spane. berger both of her races, sean, berger both of her races, sean, in virginia just by razor thin margins. okay, she's up for reelectionha nowt in a district that again is more favorable toward toward democrats d. es biden won her districtt by point. she won by lessss thanag a poin. and again, this is one these targets that republicans see come november and we'll see how that works. but if it holds out now at the moment, yes, vega will take on spane burger to fight it outg in congressional district number seven . there's a lotigt of historyis in that district over the past 15 years. so we'll see how ittla goes. but that's the way it lays at the moment tonight . nine thirty it has to be theem hammer bigme board becausese i can't do what you just did i as well as youou just did it.u. so thank you for that . i've right now down to the commonwealth of virginia, republican governor glenn young and he continues to be stonewalled by the state's far left machine as he stands up to the failing biden agenda here to explain more , virginia governor glenn young is with us first, i want to applaud you. we have laws on the books 18 usc 15 07 that prohibits people from intimidating and harassing judges and a lot of supreme court justices now live in the commonwealth, northern virginia and have been urging the democrats in the atocommonwealth to support you o protect them and they're not going along. why not watch on first? s thanks for having and virginians elected me last a november to go to work and we went to work right on day one . we've had it we've had incredibly strong legislative session getting parents reestablished to make decisionso about masks on their childrenn and with explosive materials in schools t to get them out of their kid's curriculum. and we just signed a budget today. it lowered taxes by four billion dollars in funds. four hundred million into law enforcement. and oh, by the way,ll we'll have the largest education e budget in the history of virginia and we're promoting school choice with taxeic credits enghelab schools. sonths we've had a great first five months. but i am really frustrated that the amendment that i sent down to mimicmi to copy the federal statute that us general garlandute that us will not enforce to keep will not enforce to keep should not be allowed to picket and protest in front of our us supreme court justices and try to influence them. and that's exactly what that law saysy is punishable with upv to a year in prison.t i want t that law in virginia. l i couldn't get ity most recently, but i'm going to keep trying and we're going to safe. and we're going to we saw we were able to stop an assassination plot against justice cavanaugh . we now know the doxing of every justice has taken place in the case of amy, amy, connie barrett, these people are barrett, these people are where her children go . they're telling people what church she goesgo to what church she goesgo to that to me is beyond intimidation and harassment. it is a directnt threat to their safety and of course a threat to the judiciary at large . >> you can't get democrats to support that . >> we can't get democrats to support that . and i'll tell you, sean, we'ren doing everything we can with w our state police and with local law enforcement. and governor hogan and i watched what happened with that with that assassination attempt on justice cavanoughh, and have gone to work again to to implore us attorney general garland to enforce the law. but we've got ample resource is parked right outside ofo our justices homes to make sure' that they're safe. i speak to them i'm 100 percent focuseds on keeping them safe and this is paramount in our administration and without the help from democrats in the senateen, in the house, in virginia, we can still do so much to keep the justices safe. but i'm going to send that bill back down in virginia will at one point incorporating its code, these exact same laws. soso joe biden will address the country tomorrow, two o'clock eastern time .es so he's scheduled to talk about gas prices. i'm sure we'll talk about oncek again tapping the strategic petroleum reserves and maybe eliminate the national gas taxmm . i believe for i him it would bet gimmick because i think the minute the election is over , the institute the tax again, regardless of the price of gasoline, but you're doing it in aa way to really help the people of virginia. you don't have an election coming up, but people now paying five, six dollars a gallon for gasoline add that to forty forty one year high ofo inflationf. everything we buy and every store we go to is costing us a fortune. ly and the average family cannott afford this economy of joe biden will it work? >> john mccain everywhere i goor ,all i hear is governor , help us inflation is the silent thief stealing our hard earned money. that's why i'm so proud of this budget. we signed to a four billion dollar tax cut for virginians four times larger than any tax cut ever voted for in virginia. and we're going to see this immediately impact virginians with, with eleven hundred dollars of tax cuts for the typical virginia family in year one thatia doesn't comee close to overcoming this biden economy, which is just driving inflation beyond virginians and americans capability to payt for it. but ar but as a governor that ws sent here to get thingshe when e can lower taxes and we can fund law enforcement and we can in law enforcement and we can in with companies like boeing and raytheon and lego moving to virginia to put virginiansvi who want to work hard in these great jobs. we've had a greatad first five months and i am proud of what we've done, but we've gotn: a lot more to do i and i've got to give you credit too. you did restore r school choice in the commonwealth of virginia. well done. le well done. le thank you for being with us. all straight ahead tonight , the far left pro-abortion groupsd called jane's revenge. they are now threatening a night of rage. roe v warned as roe v. wade is overturned. well, let's biden's going to do anything to stop it. well, we'll check in withith senator ron johnson of wisconsin next . straight aheadad, what can i do to fix it?ro i canl- do more crazy. can you control. have a nice day, alec. taking. the stairs. that's how you more with which helps prevent asthma attacks to some breathing. it's an add on civic type of moderate to severe asthma that can improve the set of breathing in as little as two weekss, reduce or even eliminate or sterilize. and here's something important that can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. w get help right away if 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can watch the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere fox news radio america is listening. s soo the supreme court did notn release its hotly anticipated abortion decision todaytoda, but there was still a heavy yoere was still a heavy outside of the court. now ask yourself, is the biden white house committed to making sure that there aren't going to be riots when that decision finally comes down? weid know that they didn't take advantage of donald trump's twenty thousand troops that he authorized on january 4th in anticipation of big crowds on january 6th j. nobody wants to talk about that because far left groups like jamesik revenge are now calling for violence. take a look at your screen. you seerrse those fires there nw in d.c. today they read quote the night the supreme court of the u.s. overturns roe v. wade hit the streets you said you'd riot. and adding to our oppressors if abortions are unsafe, you're not eitherer. remember, this is the same group that has takenen responsibility for attackson on pregnancy centers and said on pro-life centers and said americans with reaction. wisconsin senator ron johnson, his reelection race is imperative. all right. so we know it's illegal tol intimidate and harass a a judget is in it against the law also to make a terroristic threat. and isn't that a terroristic threat? well, sean, it is outrageous that you don't have to buy an administration and condemning this intimidation and you don't have democratsstra speaking out against it. and ifer, you remember chuck schumer on the steps, the supreme court threatening justice gorsuch and kavanaugh saying you unleashed the whirlwind, you will pay the price. you won't evenayin know what hit you. ha sean, turn the tables. can you imagine for republican congressional leaderf had uttered those words, issued that threat against a liberal justice? at against a liberal first of all, that republican congressman person would notn be in congress. they would have had to resign c in shame and they certainly would have been elected majority leader of the senate like democrat senators like chuck schumer. so again, it's outrageous that democrats don't condemn this threatened violence, the real violence that we had t one of our family action groupsn firebombed in madison. finally the fbi to start investigating this . but this is way too little too late. so the january 6th committee has sworn testimony under oath that in fact peoplefa in the rom were there when donald trump authorized up to 20000 troops as required by law. moveses toequired by law. nancy pelosi and muriel bowser. they steadfastly, in spite of intelligence reports, refused to call in the guard. now. but we have this threat. is the country going to be prepared for what might happen, what they say they will do? well, again, what we'll see is democrats just won't condemnch the protests which will probably turn to riots and violence that they didn't do during the summer of 2020 when you had 202 over two thousd law enforcement officers injured, two million dollars worth of damage. they didn't condemn that . they just concentrate on january six . and of course what shows that community is a total sham is nobody's asking the question they should be asking why wasn't the capital prepared? why wasn'tca better protected and who's responsible for the lack of preparationsi security? k weno now know there were warnins sent directly to schumer's office on january dir 5th. we know the capitol police had intel two weeks before. we know the capitol police chief requested it himself r eq six times. na none of that has come out in the hearings. senator , you're raisedri senator , you're raisedri they are to take control. how's your race going? real well. they've already spent 30% million dollars against me. my website is ron johnson, senate .com. john unibody hasas been great, but i need more support. i really do. ron johnson said that if weea want to save the senate seatci in house, by the way, to do so for the people of wisconsin,,cog that money is not all coming from wisconsin fro. you've been targeted. i think you're number one on the democrats list. senator , thanks for being with us. when we come back , a hannity exclusive investigation into how liberal politicians and prosecutors deal with rioters. h they deal with republicans one way democratic activists very different way. straight ahead, doesn't care that i have to work on 10% i'm not ready. it's not like they're going to move in . i need to work around all this . i feel like the that's okay. a lot is of need to put some your forces on your graduate from georgetown selling you to a nonprofit said university of you. when it comes to real estate agents experience matters. the best agents know how to market your home for top dollar and navigate through a complex transaction. that ideal we created our smart solar system with top rated local agents to sell your home for as low as a two percent 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Constitutional Crisis ,Joe Bidenoe ,Nobody ,Few ,Job Approval Numbers ,Propagandan Press ,30 ,Stont ,Bearer ,Mid To Upper 30s ,Twenty Four ,Giggling Vice President ,She ,Nominee ,Theis Whiterl Male Media ,Leo ,Joy Reid ,Becausein ,Unlikable ,Vice T President ,Qualifications ,Reasons ,Jury ,Queen ,Race Card ,Staff Members ,Members ,Colors ,Notf ,Vp ,11 ,Office ,Finall Point ,Photograph ,Take A Picture ,Monica ,Mee Tote ,Five Thousand ,2 0 ,Fifty Thousand ,Glenn Young ,Ofth Virginia ,Bill Hemmer ,Latest ,Primaries ,Fight ,Men ,Big Board ,Wes Continuefi ,Liberal Machine ,Joiningng ,45 ,Outpatient Treatment ,Lips ,Urologist ,Cutting ,Dotcoms ,Eight Hundred Seventy Five ,Something ,Home ,Life Insurance ,Chances ,Education ,Eleven Hundred ,Quote ,Dollar Policy ,Wife ,Quotes ,Secret ,So Let S Quote Found Jacob ,40 ,Five Hundred Thousand Dollar ,3500 Thousand ,500 Thousand Dollar ,Seventeen ,Seventeen Dollars ,Nineteen Dollars ,Five Hundred Thousand ,Company ,Security ,Comparison ,Rates ,Pay 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,Childrenn ,Decisionso ,Law Enforcement ,School Choice ,Funds ,Education E Budget ,History Of Virginia ,Taxeic Credits Enghelab ,Four Billion ,Four Hundred Million ,Four Billion Dollars ,Statute ,Amendment ,General ,Garlandute ,Sonths ,Mimicmi ,Rule Ofo Law ,Us Supreme Court ,Safe ,Front ,Protest ,Want T ,Supv ,Law Saysy ,Li Couldn T Get Ity ,Justice ,Case ,Connie Barrett ,Amy ,Doxing ,Assassination Plot ,Cavanaugh ,Threat ,Intimidation ,Safety ,People What Church She Goesgo To ,Directnt ,Children ,Harassment ,Judiciary ,State Police ,We Ren ,Garland ,Assassination Attempt ,Resource ,Sofo ,Cavanoughh ,Help ,In The House ,Senateen ,Eastern Time ,Bill ,Code ,Soso ,Strategic Petroleum Reserves ,Gas Taxmm ,Goncek ,Institute ,Gasoline Add ,Six Dollars ,Fly ,Ofo Inflationf ,Fortune ,John Mccain ,Forty ,Forty One ,Money ,Times ,Tax Cut ,Thief ,Budget ,Four Billion Dollar ,Tax Cuts ,Doesn T Comee ,Eleven Hundred Dollars ,Capability ,Ear ,Virginiansvi ,Boeing ,Lego ,Raytheon ,Gotn ,Night ,Sale ,Revenge ,Rage ,Pro Abortion Groupsd ,Restore R ,Right Ar ,Jane ,Let S Biden ,Withith ,Straight Aheadad ,Next ,Have A Nice Day ,Stairs ,Ro I Canl ,Alec ,Set ,Asthma ,Breathing ,Civic Type ,Weekss ,Asthma Attacks ,Moderate ,Reactions ,Numbness ,Breath ,Sterilize ,Tingling ,Chest Pain Worsening ,Shortness ,You Haven ,Superbikes ,Steroids ,Specific ,Specialist ,Accident ,Infection ,Doctorst ,Medicis ,Blood Pressure Support ,Real ,Head ,Supervene ,Eb K ,60 ,Nobel Prize ,Blood Vessels ,Nutrients ,Crystals ,Nitric Oxide ,Blood Vessel Signaling Supermassive Black Cherry ,Body ,Blood Pressure ,Super ,Profession ,Stamina ,Blood Flow ,College Sports Teams ,Friskies ,One Hundred And Twenty ,Circulation ,Product ,Peak Performance ,Olympian ,Triathlon Supervene ,Hunter Kemper ,Superbeets ,First Order ,Teaspoons ,Teaspoon ,Fresh Meat ,Nitric Oxide Indicator ,Tape ,Travel Pack ,Antioxidant ,Shipping ,Returns ,Grape Seed Extract ,Juice ,Gifts ,The Go Energy Act ,Heart ,Money Back Guarantee ,Equity 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,Moveses Toequired ,20000 ,Intelligence ,Guard ,Reports , Condemnch ,Riots ,Law Enforcement Officers ,Protests ,Thousd ,Two Million Dollars ,2020 ,202 ,Two Million ,Community ,Sham ,Wasn T The Capital ,Black ,Wasn Tca ,Office On January Dir 5th ,Warnins ,K Weno ,Police Chief ,Senator ,Control ,Capitol Police ,None ,Hearings ,Capitol ,Website ,John Unibody Hasas ,Seatci ,Weea ,Rioters ,Prosecutors ,Cog ,Hannity Exclusive Investigation ,Wisconsin Fro ,Doesn T Care ,Activists ,University ,Graduate ,Forces ,Nonprofit ,Georgetown ,Ideal ,Way ,Process ,Care ,Guy ,Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ,Sit Agent ,Double Agents ,Properties ,Step ,130 Thousand Dollars ,230 Thousand ,Service ,Obligation ,Treasure ,Memo ,Brain James ,Sweetie ,Robots Touching Feelings Playing Google Engineer ,

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