save us from a recession. and by the way, now in a new poll, biden s approval rating is at 32%. that s right. the lowest point in a presidency since nineteen forty eight. it reaction out founder travis along with the co-host of the five or the riviera, although i mean electric cars are fine. i once had an escalade hybrid. wasn t too bad by the way. i love the let s go round and tee shirt clay it was fine. but when you when you break down how you charge it, when you break down, how you build it, when you break down the costos of it, it s a fantasy that they re peddling here . in the meantime, we re going toi beg iran, saudi arabiara and venezuela. does that make sense to you? it doesn t. ut but if president biden could put together a coherentt narrative as you just did, laying it allnk out, i think it would be in a much better place. what he is trying to say and help him translate for the president of the united
0 well time tomorrow night.on how long till the machines are giving youes orders tomorrow the google engineer joins us . he said he s seen firsthand how robots can feel emotion, not science fiction. totally real and the best startt with the ones you love. sean hannity takes over now sounds like a sci fi movie and i just hope they aren t to political talk shows or word that wouldn t be bestta they ca. there are. all right, tucker , thank you and welcome hannity tonight a hannity investigation into america s two tiered justice system and corrupt d.c.i politicians who excuseer riots that don t advance their political agenda. now this includes a clear i danger this country is now facing if roe v. wade is overturned. weup have left wing groups nowdi signaling direct threats to riot. wit we ll tell you about that . but first tonight , we begin with a major scam nowon ongoing inside the climate alarmists religious cult known as the new green deal democratic party , the socialist party . and
Una anàlisi encarregada pel govern a experts recull que el 72% de la població pagaria un impost per ajudar el país a recuperar-se de la pandèmia L Estat només va cobrir el 63% dels costos extres