0 for father's day. go too nice laura ingraham .com the bags, all of that stuff. yeah the tote bags are awesome for a beach. all proceeds for the month of may will be donated for free too matters to the shoreline soup kitchens and pantries. you'll do a good thing too. all right. thanksf for watching this special edition of the ingraham angle. remember it's america now and forever. gregegit's a gutfeld takes it m here to that studio.. we're number one again and again. happy friday, everyone.ne it's almost the weekend, i can tell because cats liver hung up but do not disturb sign. i swear i would stop but i like i get so is it time to declare this national experiment over the one where we handed america over to a guy who gets lost on the way from the toilet to the sink? not a single optimistic photo of joe biden that we can find. a it's all like he's got a migraine. so do we. let's assess the mess right now we see plunging enrollment in public schools, even the ones where hot teachers bang the male students. people are leaving the prisons faster than felons leavingn prisons. in california, gas isacs climbg to ten bucks a gallon. they're talking about rationing. if biden were any farther back into the 1970s down the leg of his bellbottom, the only formula for babiesio that the dems can find is abortion. >> yeah,h, pretty. yeah. thank you . s whichha is a shame because now even men can get pregnant. what do you say a woman is? i believe that everyone can identify for themselvess. do you believe them that menma can become pregnant and have abortions ? >> yes, he's not satisfied. he's got crazy crazy eyes. >> well that's going to ruinnf the nfl sorry. tom brady's day to day with morning sickness. e sodu as our education system implodes, teachers are sent as fetish conferences. i could just see a math teacher teaching kids how to count to twenty while he on his life partners toes to do so. it's real this kid's experience the highest rates of mental illness on record only to be taught by their teachers. but now being marched in lock down will do that to a young person. >>rs just ask bei the jehovah ws tied up in my basement. >> meanwhile, panic dems demand investigation into domestic terror as their disinformation board implodes fasters thanth a chris wallace talk showan. xt >> n as this goes on , netflix grabs all its woke programing. the world's richest man wants a die hard democrat now says he's voting republican . at this point george soros must be having second thoughts. in interestingly, the public seems immune to the democrats ginning up anti republican rage and poor antifa fuel prices are so high instead molotov cocktails writers have to throws shirley temples. >> so what's going on here? are we realizing that ain't right anymore? and iswakingg up this the true definition of being woke makes sense. we let the lunatics take over the asylum and now the streets look like mental hospitals minus the indoorr plumbing smash and grabs continue unabated. storesin shut down as the street drug trade ramps up. that includes fentanyl and the pepcid they stole from walgreens. i'm surprisedst they're not honoring coupon's gang crime turn sections of major cities into no go territories. ey the street poofters, they go anywhere they want to go absolur . >>t oh , and our government well ,they believe the answer is investigating you with the fbi meaning full blown idiots. schoo are you a school board terrorist or a pronoun abuser? did you dare ask why that blue haired teacher had the communist manifesto in one hand and a toy in the other? and what do either of those have to do with third grade math ? and they claim we all follow t the replacement theory but only the left seems to knowno what that is and why. he well, they wanted the votes but they also want cheap labor just like they did back in the fifties. >> a lotth ofe 1850s the statese heading toward increasing diversification forcr demographc changes. that means less red statetechanh future for them.pa i really think because of demographic changes in this country. bec, i think that the democratic party is going to win texas moving forward in thee democratic party is going tod be in power for 3 the next 30 40 years. texans havee>> had on this sortf long term project of of trying to take some red states acrosst the sunbelt and flip them blue as demographic changes are taking place thereng. the demographic change that's r happening in america right now gives the upperigves hand to democrats. assuming one group thinks a certain way with a bunch of racists anyway, i list all this stuff because something's happening. i call it the great awakeningg'n the public's waking upli because unlike the media, you exist in the realin world. you make a living in the real world and face challenges every day in the real d world. so when the public looks at a problem, it's with a mental's dashboard and we see the red engine light flashing tells us that more criminals and fewer cops equal a crime wave that math sops simple e ony a socialist could stop. >> we see focus of the indoctrination, the move to get free, the moves against free speech.tht. we can see it because we have the tools to see it. the dems can't see it because they have only one filter and of course that's race. so when crime goes up they blame racism. kids get lousy educations. they blame racism. when a billionaire buys twitter, , he must be racist when their bread goes stale,ho racism when they get a flat racism. how this? well, when you decide that patriotism is oppression, o you've got tome replace it with something and that's identity politics. that's their replacement theory. but it's like trying to replace sugarto with sweet'n low.o the people who love sugar couldo tell how horrible it is right away. but if your country can't be forgiven based on the original sin of slavery n' ,then you can't be patriotic. you can't love this country. all you can do is destroy it and it's much easier to burn buildings than it is to make them. we see this clearly nower in america. we understand our faults, our blessings, our need for cooperation, unity and love. we understand that identityty politics offers none of that . if you don't believe that , look at our competitors ratings. that's called empirical evidence . . thankfully we're in this together and we're going toth pull this country out of this malaise like a fireman orco a cop pulls a drowning dog out of a frozen lake and we'll dol it whether the idiot in charge likes it or not. with his popularity so lowo and gas prices so high, i wonder what he thinks. >> all right. so gas prices are up. my popularity is down. even i don't care. i don't even care anymore. who cares who likes me? it doesn't matter. my wife likes me. e a friend she's a doctor . and besides, i got a friend, lady gaga. she told me when she wasd in high school nobody likeder her and you know, they made. fun of her and now she's lady gaga. so i'll be like her i my moment i'm only and welco and i just like lego figurine. you'llke immediately forget his face in just a few minutes . but his contributor tomsula so bright spots when she leaves fox news contributor and townhall.com editor katie babblings. he's the biggest name from macungie, pennsylvania because he's the only name from a country pennsylvania tv writer a producer out of gender and like your carry on luggage, she's got two exterior but fits in most overhead storage binin plus contributor catches come. >> how are you doing? doing great, greg. i love a new studio. >> yes, that's right. you know, one thing hasn'tth changed, greg. weinin get water, you get water and a life saver. >> yes, i do. i guess i guess this is what success tastes like. one day you will taste it as well but only if you stick by me. if you ever stray you're dead to me and i will ruin your career. so just like i did to that conan guy or the guy that was his partner, remember that tall the guy? oh , oh you're friends. i meanan you know what ? u shut up. so everything tom everythingdi the media thought would happen under trump is actually happening under biden. yeah. and it's all happening oddly at once. it a great feels unraveling. it and that's the funny thing is's that it's all going wrong and this is when they decide to have the conference. right. sos it's so weird. i don't even know any of that stuff that they're doing but that the whole thing is the thing that's so bad about it is they'read they've made ito normal like now that they have teachers and they're teaching this stuff in school, it's taking the whole mystery of years ago, like if you were a ceo or a high end bond trader, you know, you'd hire a woman to put on heels, step on your back or whatever they do. right. whatever they do. yeah,t i wouldn't know. but now would you say yes, go ahead now what are they going to do? it's like if once they make it normal then the ceo is going to have to do something even crazier. no, i disagree. ceo is going tot get the more mundane you're extreme'szier will become like u will actually pay women to cook you a pot roast at that conference was for the people who were presenting at the conference because i read about it it was like they talked all their fetishes and some of them i involve this and that's like that's only for people who want to talk about that stuff. that's not educational foruc anybody. what we're talking about there was this philadelphia conference for teachersis who teach kids and like all the stuff is all this . th and it was like i was thinking about this like this is what happens when you got rid of the phone lines, right?in this is that's where you would go and talk about this . > i don't use a phone. no, the phone line. i got a phone. always had lots ofth charges from the nine hundred number. yeah. and youe if it's something of course it was the psychic hotline. let's broaden its discussionn. beyond perversion. katie, i don't know how we got there butth with tom here you never know. at do you feel as i do you feel as i do that like a country is kind of waking up or. yeah. going on . you know, i think netflix isli because netflix is a liberal company. the fact that they're a canning all this is amazing. >> yeah. and also oh, yes. i get to say anything i know you're so good at expanding to a classier conversation that everybody just loves it when you look at the polling numbers for joe biden, especially in the direction of the country. 21% of people say the direction the country is great. i'm like who are these people? yes.th like who where are they living? what are they doing? they need to be in chargeev because everything else is not working out for people. but you know, i think people are realizing that when youpo takesi a position as a company, you're alienating a number of people for business purposes. they don't takee the michael jordan stance of republicans by nike shoes toi right. and i think people are justx sick of being lectured about morals from people who don't hold themselves to the same standards, whether covid or climate change, for example. you know, johnge kerry is tellit us we all need to drive electric cars and not travelel. he has a private jet mr. go over he wants for the sake of climate change. so i think everybody i just tiro of being lectured to by people who think they are moral betters and they're sick of it.d >>. i think to say also i think a lot of this ism stuff is a luxury in good times. right.t. and nowtime they brought us intd bad times and that's got to go. we're getting out of that . i've noticed. yeah, the mainstream media nowow covering hunter biden. it seemsha to me that now they'e even deciding that they chose the wrong horse and they got to get him. yeah, you know, i don't know.mi and igh think hunter might be ti one percent that still supports joe biden when they do those polls. yeah. hunter biden and the anchors at cnnn. yeah. and that's the entire percentage that are still still supporting joe biden. they live in the same place. >> yeah, but they'll yeah. we're having depending on what you're into. right. tom maga. oh because they they've turnedi now to hunter biden story i guess is okay to reportt on now. yeah exactly. one.not for no. and i think i think what's happening is they are they areno panicking because the democrats see there's no way out and i mean they had a number ofey opportunities as well. i think they're going to countin on the roe v wade thing helping them out. butou it isn't moving the dial t all. they're hoping, you know, anynyh kind of thing, the racism card, anything. it wasas clear that that roe v. wade league was to gin people up for the election. they nothing else goingng for them right now. yeah. nothing elsee to get their base going. even his own party isrt turningn against him now. yeah, it's kind of exciting cat, isn't it?t?ri thrilled? it takes a lot it takes a law to thrill me. knows this lady.. oh yeah.>> hi. yes. i think the problem with biden it's a double barreled shotgunel problems because he's an emptye vessel and then and what filled the void was wokingham. socu if he was this incompetent there might have been some moderates to take his place. ta he's an empty vessel and was replaced by something even worse. which are these like infantile minds who want to destroy anything that's successful? yeah, it's just so strange what they choose to focus on like less than one percent of the population is trans.pe anrc even smaller percentage of that is trans men and even smaller percentage of that is trans men. people born women who transitioned to men who will get pregnant. right. and then evennth more of a percentage than that is thoseu people who would give itpr how you talk about pregnancy, right. it's such a small which means hassey about something else, which i think it's self-serving because it's an easier-s way for them to say look how caring and compassionate we are and howat much, you know, better educated and smarter i am thanse you t are because it can't it mathematically doesn't make sense that it's about what they . y itt yeah, it's you cannot actually i think that they deliberately do not do a head count on this because they wouldn't break triple figures. it's w probably like ten or twelve really quote pregnant men. thank god they're okay.th yeah, well i guess you know all right. if someone toldd me identify the man i'm pregnant, i'd say the same thing. i would say any time someone , lls me they're pregnant which is just okay. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. i just don't invite me to the baby shower please. and we're good. >> good. that's what i found. you can't do those. just walk up to a man and congratulate him on being pregnant. have the most if i'm offended i do have to i say i'm very funy going to in all of the chest beating pregnant men for not making up for the baby formula. >> yeah, sort of exactly. you know, chest beating of a baby's, you know,. awful. >> all right. up next , would you stab in the back over the face mask that they laughed you're college wasn't built for me, didn't care if i had to work a double shift or if my kid had a fever. deadlines, a deadline. i want to set the deadline. i'm to take a test when i'm ready. i want to be cautious on 90% speedups when i know my stuff. i went to university that cares about your sources on your graduate undulating wgal and on top of university of you. so your home is expensive and stressful. so we set out to create a better home school experience with a network of the most successful real estate in america. it'll sell your home for as little as a two percent commission. the icing on the cake would be ideal agent was that we say twelve thousand dollars in commissions we would definitely use ideally got the whole process was so positive for us . excellent, excellent service getting right to the point hiring ideal agent . i wish we would have known that sooner and we would have saved six months of of time and mortgage payments that would probably never happen. we would have just come with it first. they were so stress free the whole process was amazing and i would definitely recommend we certainly recommend ideally to our family or friends. it's just because we are not a discount. these are topical agents that'll get you the best result heart attack giving out life insurance. no, but we have life insurance ,john. i'm trying to find something we can afford. fortunately in only a few minutes select put down john 500000 dollar policy for only twenty nine dollars a month and wife and a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty one dollars. go to select post.com now and get the insurance your family needs at a priceso you can afford to m let people e shop. you sa substation's issl it so much time it makes really easy and seamless. they can order everything you need, slap the label into the box. it's ready to go for cost pajamagram like work cutay in half just like that .es go to ship 5 station .com slashv and get two months free. do you struggle to fall asleeper and stay asleep? 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