0 our case, this country with be greater. >> i want to apologize we didn't get to hear from everybody tonight. i promise we will bring you back. it's sad a lot of media outlets won't give bothhhhh >> alisyn: good morning, everyone. it's saturday, january 19th. i'm alisyn camerota. thanks for joining us so early. the manti te'o now speaking out about that dead girlfriend hoax that cap -- cap vacated the nation. how he went wrong and how he was downd. >> duped. >> the journal news finally removes the gun owners from web site. is it too little too late why are they staying defiant even now. >> lance armstrong's apology. >> you supported me forever through all of, this and you believed, and i lied to you. excuse. >> clayton: that happened to me in college a lot. >> alisyn: this has to ring true to you. you had many imaginary girlfriends. >> clayton: meet at the student union and somebody else sent. my name is jeremy you were waiting for marissa she couldn't happen today. women would show up or men show up. this sounds like larger plot if you have all of these people conspiring: the fact that they had a guy answering the phone at certain times and put the phone next to a fake ventilator he would sleep through the night listening to this fake ventilator. it was a way he felt she could cope through the night. guy answers the phone who he thought was cousin or brother and then would put the phone next to a ventilator sound on some computer. i mean, this elaborate hoax. >> would anybody ever admit to tales this embarrassing if he was lying? crossed and a big smile. while he looks more relaxed he also looks more gray. the portrait on the left will hang in all of the u.s. embassies around the world. and all the federal buildings here in the u.s. yes, being president ages you, which is why i am not running. >> his presidency has aged me i can say. >> let's check in with rick reichmuth now who is looking younger by the day. >> he has got the news anchor pose. >> body language is like hey, i'm not open to you. >> back off. >> back off i have got a second term. >> that's probably more like it. here is your temps as you are waking up this morning. not that bad anywhere. enjoy it because it's going to change. i was hinting to this last week there is big changes temperaturewise coming and they are on the way. prescription looking precipitation wise looking good. nothing that's going to cause major problems. we will see lake-effect snow next three to five days. some spots see big snowfall totals. that's in those areas prone to lake-effect snow. you are used to that this time of year. temps much better than where you were certainly earlier this week. these are the cold temperatures that are all bottled up across parts of canada and in towards alaska. look at this here, getting very close to the u.s. northern border. we will start to see the air make its way towards the northern plains and great lakes through much of this week. see that little pink there today? that's just the beginning hint of it temps not that bad anywhere. tomorrow, those temps start to drop. we're going to be only to 4 in minneapolis for your day on sunday. go towards the day on monday and we're not going to get above zero in minneapolis. that will be the coldest you have been in the last four years. 13 in chicago on monday. that cold air sweeps towards the eastern seaboard by tuesday and wednesday. a lot of people are going to get in on it. with that said, not much precipitation. that's the bright side. >> negative 3 in minneapolis. >> let's talk about the debt ceiling because all eyes were on this potential new controversy that was about to happen as we were just past the fiscal cliff. now we are going to hit the debt ceiling debasement now it appears house g.o.p. members are putting forth this idea. maybe a bit of an olive branch saying three month extension in the debt ceiling would enable them to come to some sort of a deal not without caveats on spending. turk turk tied to. the budget. the senate hasn't in three years. unless the senate comes up with a budget by april 15th. no more pay for members of congress. which might be a stimulus of its own kind. >> alisyn: there is a new fox news poll about how americans are feeling about this. all of our budget battles. here is the question we asked. is government spending being managed carefully or out of control? not surprisingly now 83% of you say that it is out of control verses just 11% who say it's managed carefully and those numbers have become more extreme in the past two and three years. >> here is another big question we asked you fox news poll should the debt limit be raised again? of course it's been raised every year. the majority of you said only after major cuts are put in place. 69%. yes, it would be reckless not to raise the debt ceiling. >> which of course is president obama's position, 23% one there because he says this is like we have run up our credit card bill. this is like not paying your credit card bill. we have already spent that money so you have to raise the debt ceiling. some people say stop the madness. whatever the repercussions are stop it, cap it now. if we have to default we will. maybe we can skirt default somehow. seem like majority of respondents feel that way. >> 83% say spending is out of control. of that wonder i wonder how many have idea how big the debt is 16. it doesn't matter in absolute dollars this is the biggest debt that's ever existed and our credited rating has been down graded as a result of it? >> i remember as a kid i don't know elementary school or junior high when bewere talking about the debt it was something like 4 trillion. and our teachers asked us to wrap our heads around that number. try wrapping your head around 16 trillion. i just can't imagine. to pay that down how many years that would take. even with being smart with government spending. >> it's larger than our entire economy just to put it in some scale here. >> that's a problem. yeah. i remember when i was a kid going to the gas station and thinking wow why the time i can drive gas is probably going to be a dollar a gallon. i actually remember thinking that. here is what is coming up. president obama wants to do everything in his power to prevent another shooting, of course, like that one in new town. does his gun control plan miss the mark? we will talk to a gun owner about his thoughts next. >> talk about a tough break. a robber busts into a liquor store through a vent. unsuspecting turn. shelf lands on shelf full of liquor. a "starving artist" has an allstate agent? he got me... [ dennis' voice ] the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance and you still get an agent. [ normal voice ] i call it... [ dennis' voice ] the protector. is that what you call it? the protector! okay. ♪ the allstate value plan. are you in good hands?