East of here, that burned in 1960. It was built a lot larger than it was needed because they decided to house the Division Headquarters at this location at that time. An Industrial Area because of the railroad. There were a number of peripheral businesses that supported the railroad. Close to 2000 people were employed here. In sanere two yards bernardino. The ayard and the byard. The lower part shows the switching tracks and the upper part shows the shop facilities. Those were the largest facilities west of topeka. They could rebuild any steam engine or diesel locomotive, repair cars, anything that they needed to maintain the railroad. Some of the items down here, an , somenta fe lincoln pin of the tools and the measurement devices that they used in the machine shops, two boiling plates off of locomotives. In the next case, the products that were produced at the shop here. Back then, there were no airlines. The only way to travel transcontinental was the railroad. There were 26 passenger trains a day that came through San Bernardino. 13 eastbound and 13 westbound. The Railway Passenger service was the only way to commute from the east to the west. Now that has been taken over by airports, but the bigger the depot, the more trains they have. They have accommodated a lot of people with restaurants and other services. Harvey depot, we had two houses. We had a harvey house that was open 24 hours a day. At the east end of the depot, there was a harveyette, which was a more deluxe dining area that was open for dinners. Fred harvey was a restaurant to restauranteur. Eventually, he took over and operated all the restaurants for the railroad out here. Responsible for finding a lot of the food that was served on the dining cars. We have different china from different locations along the fred harvey routes. We have silverware that has fred harvey on it. We have a milk bottle that fred harvey had read he would produce his own milk. We have some menus and other artifacts here. There is a twostory structure that has 12 bedrooms where the harvey girls would stay. Uniformstheir certain that they used and they were the waitresses. They were the waitresses in the harvey house. If you were a harvey girl, we were told, you had to live here and you were not supposed to date. In aght now, we are replica of a station, where they had a telegraph office for issuing orders to the movement of trains. All of the stations, whenever there was a major citing sighting, had one of these depots with a window just like this. The train operator would sit here in front of his typewriter. Had anr the dispatcher order for a train coming in either direction, he would get a hold of the operator and have order an order on this form to issue instructions to the train about meeting and passing other trains or anything respecting track conditions where it was necessary to slow down. Before the advent of the telephone, the train owneroperator had to use the morse code. , theat was being sent operator would get his typewriter out and put the form in and type of the orders for ordersin type up the for the train. The lights were to let the train operator know when the train was approaching. When either light went out, it told the operator that a train was about six miles away. Owneroperator would get a hold of the dispatcher and let the dispatcher know in case the dispatcher had any orders for the train. Ordersdispatcher had after the train order operator typed them up, these handles were at stop. And they remained at stop unless the dispatcher had an order. If there were no orders, the train order operator would pull this back and give the train a clear signal. That meant that the train could go without stopping. Otherwise, they had to stop until they received orders. If a dispatcher had orders from the train, the train order operator would type them up and hoop. In this when the train came by, he would hold it up and the firemen would scoop it up through his hand with his hand through this hoop. This is the switching machine. It was made in the 1950s and installed in the Dispatchers Office in fresno, california. It controlled from fresno on this end through stockton at that end. What it does, you can see there is a mainline all the way through it and it keeps track of where the trains are. It allows the train dispatcher to make trains go in the opposite direction or put an inferior train on the siding. It is controlled with these levers. Row are the signals. There are signals in between that are called intermediates. These are controlled signals. It is a more efficient way to meet fast trains before they used the telegraph office. It used to be an office like that at each one of these towns along the way. They would get written train orders that told them where to meet all caps or pass. Gave options. Here, the dispatcher makes a decision by aligning the signals on trains. Fe moved out in the early 1990s and they constructed the facility across the way here. Most of the major deeds over pair is now done in barstow and the switching is done in barstow. This was the switching and Diesel Repair facility for santa fe at that time. It was a major impact on the community, a loss of jobs. The peripheral businesses and the peripheral businesses that supplied santa fe. Our cities tour staff recently traveled to San Bernardino, california, to learn about its rich history. Learn more about San Bernardino and other stops on our tour at cspan. Org citiestour. You are watching American History tv, all weekend, every weekend on cspan3. 2016 marks the 50th anniversary of the National Historic reservation act. Preservation act. Next, university of massachusetts, amherst, architecture professor max page talks about the origins of the National Historic preservation act in the future of Historic Preservation in america