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waste of an all-star game. >> you've gotten seconds. >> it's flag football. that would be more entertaining. >> we'll see what else is coming up. state stay tight. >> we'll wait for that. all right. "starting point" this morning we're talk tath florida primary which, of course, is tomorrow. it could be a tiebreaker in the gop race for the nomination. you know there's been three contests with three different winners. santorum won iowa eventually, then it was mitt romney won new hampshire, then newt gingrich who won the state of south carolina. now florida, could end all there, couldn't it? >> no, no, no. >> that was a facetious question. it's not going to send it all because newt gingrich said he's going to the end and ron paul says he's going to the end and santorum said he's going to the end. >> interesting. >> yes, it is. florida is nobody's home state. population is diverse. often they divide the state into four, sometimes three, sometimes five different blocks. the one thing that unites everybody in the state of florida is this economic downturn which has crushed the housing market there. this morning we are joined by republican congressman webster of florida, he is in orlando. he has not yet endorsed a candidate. mr. webster, i'm going to have to put you on hold for a second to fix my awed your because i cannot hear a thing. if you will stand by i'm going to ask these guys to fix my awedee, please. question for mr. webster when he comes back -- and i can hear him, is to look at these latest polls. you can work on it while we're doing this. everybody, this is phil who is fixing my audio this morning. he's the most important man right and even more than reporter land and more than will cain. >> i should have gotten dressed today. >> the only man i really love. oh, look at that. audio. audio, i hear you. okay. i didn't even get to my fist question with the panelist. mr. webster, congressman, thank you for joining us. apologies apologies. can i start with you with a poll, if i can. american research group, when you pop it up you can see that mitt romney is leading in the poll by 43% followed by newt gingrich at 32% and santorum and ron paul finish out that race there. this is a poll that is similar to two other polls. very similar numbers. what do you think is happening here? >> well, i think, like you said, this state is far more diverse than the other three states they've had primaries in. you have to build coalitions and seems like mitt romney has done the best at doing that. you can't rely on one little group or two or three. you have to have a coalition of people and you have to have a broad message and his seems to be the broadest right now. at least it's picking up steam, picking up traction. >> and sometimes a nasty message, to be blunt. i think you would agree with me. let me show you the chunk of the attacks that happened over the weekend. let's listen. >> i just think it would be very, very clear, increasingly over the next few weeks. this party is not going to nominate somebody who is a pro-abortion, pro-gun control, pro-tax increase. look, it's not going to happen. >> i think for each of us if we fail somewhere, if we fail in a debate or fail to get support of people, it's time to look in the mirror. my own view is the reason speaker gingrich has had a hard time in florida, the people of florida have watched the debates and listened to the speaker and said, you know what, mitt romney is the guy we're going to support. >> everyone says they're going to stay in for the time being. do you think this damages the party? >> well, i don't like to see people shooting at each other. i think barack obama is the person that we would like to beat in the general election and that's where their focus ought to be. >> okay. we'll move on from there. orlando, tell me about orlando. lots of latinos or in your part of florida. the stories that i've done in orlando focus mainly on the largely port to puerto rican population. when people talk about latinos, they often talk about immigration. of course, puerto ricans can come to the mainland if they want to. >> sure. you have to remember this area relies on construction. that's mapart of the economy that's down. unemployment rate around latinos is 15%, 16%. it's a big concern to them. in the end, pro family, pro life, but also they want a job and i think that message has got to be the message that these candidates put forth is, what am i going to do about the economy in florida? >> congressman, this is maria cardona. how are you? >> great. >> tlvs a poll that came out from about latino mothers. it's going to be a major swing vote in this election. in florida, 40% of self identified gop latino moms say that none of the candidates are acceptable. among the ones that are going to be voting, mitt romney is on top. how do these candidates speak to this very important electorate, which is latino mothers? >> well, i think the point is here that the general election has not started. once we have a candidate i think things change, the message gets clear and the differences become more strident or separated. i think that's the key. the time to go after the -- that vote is going to be probably in the general election. to me, pick marco rubio. >> congressman roland -- >> you're not the only person who has thought of that sir. >> congressman, roland martin here. you said you don't like seeing candidates take a shot at each other here. the reality is, this is why you go through a primary. don't you want them to show their medal and prove that they're the best candidate to face obama in the fall otherwise you don't know what you get come november. >> well, i think the charges are a little bit sticky when they become personal. i think some degrees it's become personal. that's what we don't -- stick to the issues. >> one has called the other liar. the other one has called the other one a liberal. those things, talking about sticky. congressman, daniel webster, do i have time to ask you a quick question about the budget. he gave almost a million dollars from your budget. you could see that two ways. one, the budgets are bloated if you have an extra million dollars to give back or on the other hand maybe you're doing the right thing with belt tightening. everybody could find some money in their budget. which is it, do you think, sir? >> everybody can do more with lessor at least the same with less. i proved that when i was in legislature, speaker of the house, saved 20% of the legislative budget and i haven't chinged here. to me there's only a few things that i can't do -- or can do that don't require a majority vote in the house and senate and signature of the president and this is one of them, and i did it. >> congressman daniel, nice to see you, stir. my apologies for the audio difficulties. i blame phil. just kidding you, phil. joint blame you at all. >> giving money back is so rare because in d.c. they say never give it back because you might not get it back. >> in business they say that generally, if minute you give money back in budget they think you don't need it. >> it's symbolic and could work for the voters but more importantly they want to see what you're going to be doing for them, not just give the money back but in terms of policies and politics. >> will cain, do you think this is damaging, all this name sort of mud slinging? do you think this ruling is positiving a moment ago that actually it's a good practice for the general election? >> i tend to agree with roland on this. >> of course you do, will. no shock there. >> my dirty little secret. i actually agree with him more often than he would like to believe. it's a good vetting process. you're putting the candidates through a process that they're going to have to deal with the issues now that are going to come back from barack obama -- >> independents are at stake and they're all sitting there and saying -- >> i'm so sick of hearing about, oh, can we please cater and please hold the independents. i am. they just -- look, they're -- >> i didn't -- >> over estimate how many of them are paying attention right now. i'm going to tell you that, too. >> you think -- you call someone a liar and a liberal and voters everywhere who may be the growing independent voters who will be critical in the election will say, oh, yeah, that's all just politics. who cares? >> yes. >> here's the thing, a lot of republicans point to the democratic primary 2008 between hillary and barack obaobama. here's the different. hillary and obama had passionate followers. none's this candidates have passionate followers. >> people were engaged, engaged. >> girls against boys, this morning as my kids like to say. all right. we've got other headlines this morning to get to. christine romans, good morning. >> good morning, soledad. the mayor of oakland, california, says they plan to seek monetary damages from occupy protesters after a violent confrontation with police this weekend. more than 400 people were arrested there. protesters broke into city hall, breaking windows, damaging structure, stealing and burping american flags. officials say city hall will be open for business this morning. d-day for occupy protesters in d.c. they gave them until noon to clear out two camps near the white house or arrested. a youtube video captured police tazering one d.c. protester yesterday. take a look. >> i have done nothing wrong! i have done nothing wrong! >> all right. in florida, a dense smoke advisory is still in effect this morning. 24 hours after a deadly chain reaction pile-up on interstate 75 near gainesville. ten people were killed. nearly 20 injured there. authorities say zero visibility conditions were caused by smoke and fog from a brush fire that may have been arson. it could take up to ten months to remove the wrecked costa concordia cruise ship from the italian coast. rough seas forced another suspension of recovery operations. so far 17 people confirmed dead, 15 are still missing. and robert gibbs back on the president's payroll. reports say the former white house press secretary has been named strategic consultant for president obama's re-election effort. gibbs has been informally involved in the obama 2012 campaign since may. minding your business this morning. concerns about greece's debt problems push world markets lower this morning. u.s. stock futures pushing toward a lower open this u.s. as well. europe, more corporate earnings, big january jobs report comes out friday in the u.s. and facebook buzz. wow. facebook could be filing to go public maybe as soon as later this week. that's according to the "wall street journal." it would be the largest tech ipo in history. facebook looking to raise $10 million. that would value the company between 75 and $100 billion. the facebook buzz, we know it's going to be sometime earlier this year, right, soledad, but everybody wants to know when the this holy grail of ipos happens. >> everybody will be watching it. even people who don't wear about that kind of stuff. >> they will be watching it even though it's people and crying in their soup. that would be all of us. anyway, ahead this morning, we're going to take you behind the bin laden raid. secretary of defense leon panetta said pakistan had to know that bin laden was there. also, it's endorsement number two from herman cain. remember, he endorsed we the people. >> the people. >> if you hold out, he will endorse you eventually. he's going to join us by phone to explain his change of heart because now he's endorsing newt gingrich. and this story, roland loves this story. man buys super bowl tickets, going to propose to his girlfriend and then she dumps him after he is diagnosed with cancer. but, but, but, but it gets worse. wait to hear what she would like now. that's our "get real" straight ahead. ♪ [ female announcer ] life is full of little tests, but bounty basic can handle them. in this lab demo, bounty basic is stronger than the leading bargain brand. everyday life. bring it with affordably priced bounty basic. in your breakfast cereal, what is? 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>> i think it's true, but i also think his words are quite careless, soledad. >> why? >> i don't know what purpose it served at all in revealing that now so many months later. u.s.-pakistani relations are in a terrible state. i'm not sure they could go any lower except a complete break in the relation spshiprelationship >> there was some backpedalling from it from the pentagon. press secretary george little made this saimt. in an interview with 60 minutes several months ago secretary a net that made clear his belief that osama bin laden had some kind of support network within pakistan. he had indicated in the same interview that he has no evidence that bin laden was supported by the pakistani government or that senior pakistani officials knew he was hiding in this compound. do you think that now it's time to back ped from this? >> i think they are. i don't think they can. i'm sure nobody in pakistan in the government or among the populous heard the fact that there's no evidence of this. i concur with secretary panetta but i'm not sure -- i think it was a mistake to go ahead and say this once again to a national audience when we're trying to oh we you've got to remember, soledad, that the supply routes through pakistan are still closed, that we want them to deal with the akani network and taliban and al qaeda that's growing in the tribal areas of pakistan. we want their help with afghanistan. i'm not sure why saying this now would have been at all helpful. i think diplomacy is what is needed. time to allow the relationship to heal a bit because we still have a lot of very, very important issues on the table. i don't know why he rei'd rated what he may have said previously. >> you were also frustrated in may when there was detail coming out about this raid. i know you blame the white house for that. do you agree with that? >> i wrote about that in the new york post kol klcolumn and i ha former background in intelligence field. despite the desire, the real intense desire of the american people to know all the very interesting details of how these things are, i'm always very concerned about exposing sources and methods of intelligence. you know, how our special forces ops did this sort of thing. they're going to have to do it again. i mean, they just had to do it in somalia. we don't want to tip people off about how we do things. the other thing is this doctor. i'm not sure why this doctor information was revealed, this doctor was supposedly helping us, wittingly or unwittingly with getting dna samples to prove that osama bin laden was in that compound. now he's been arrested. why was that information revealed to the public? it certainly, i would seem to me, certainly gave the pakistanis a lead in arresting him. i have to be very, very cautious about this, despite the need to know of the american people about some things, there are some details of intelligence operations and assets that should not be revealed because of people's security. >> here's what leon panetta said about that doctor. let's play that. >> i'm very concerned about what the pakistanis did with this individual. this was an individual who, in fact, helped provide intelligence on -- that was very helpful with regards to this operation. and he was not in any way treasonist towards pakistan. he was not in any way doing anything that would have u undermined pakistan in. as a matter of fact, if pakistan -- i always said this. pakistan and the united states have a common cause here against terrorism. >> what do you think is the strategy here by going public? is it try to protect the doctor now that he's in custody? >> trying to put pressure on them but i think things are so bad with u.s. and pakistan right now that it's not going to help at all. i do want to give panetta some credit because last may he did come out and say a lot of things that were revealed about the osama bin laden operation was wrong. he said that we all agreed in the situation room, i'm trying to remember here, i can't give you the exact quote, he said that none of this stuff was going to be revealed and a lot of things did get revealed. i think he tried to wash his hands of it last may. now he's trying to once again help this doctor out. i don't want to armchair quarterback this too much, soledad, but my view is, if this person was helping us in getting osama bin laden he and his family probably should left pakistan about the time the operation went down to get to -- ensure his security. now we have this person who helped the united states, who helped the world by, you know, going against osama bin laden here, whether wittingly or unwittingly, and now he may face some very dire consequences in pakistani custody. >> nice to see you. thanks for talking with us. we certainly appreciate it. interesting. >> the story of this pakistani doctor is fascinating. he was supposedly goingen under guides of giving vaccinations house to house where bin laden was hiding. and now it's revealed he was working as an intelligence source of the united states. that doctor is now under arrest, probably undergoing torture. he's been under arrest for quite some time in pakistan. i know pakistan has law working for an foreign agency. the fact that this doctor has been held for so long, probably not under friendly circumstances, contributes to this question, is pakistan our friend or our foe. it lnds the question, did they know something about where bin laden was hiding? ahead this morning, a verdict reached in the canada honor murders. three afghan men found guilty of killing four female relatives. what does this case reveal about the clash of muslim and western cultures. then, a woman dumps her boyfriend when he's diagnose with cancer. her behavior, as roland would say, wait, there's more. it gets worse. that's "get real" up next. plus, you're listening to john mellencamp. a little faster, much better. proving anybody can turn it around. you know when i grow up, i'm going to own my own restaurant. i want to be a volunteer firefighter. when i grow up, i want to write a novel. i want to go on a road trip. when i grow up, i'm going to go there. i want to fix up old houses. 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[ female announcer ] discover what's next in your life. get this free travel bag when you join at ♪ it's a little on the slower side than you would think it is. but that is madonna. >> that's a little moderate. i'm singing, pep it up a bit. >> we will pick through your choices. >> that's right. >> i like it but it's not oh we. >> madonna is doing the halftime show at the super bowl. >> and c.lo. that will be interesting. let's get to our "get real" segment. i love this story. guy named jason alia, i'm going to guess. he is from tennessee. he's kind of a guy who has had a little bit of a plan. he had gotten super bowl tickets and was doing to surprise his girlfriend with the tickets when he proposed to her. it was all going to happen over christmas because he is a good boyfriend. soon to be fiance. but then the terrible thing happened. he was diagnose with bladder cancer. apparently his girlfriend, when she found out, dumped him. >> left. >> according to they are reporting that she says because those super bowl tickets were bought with her in mind she deserves them. she would like them. so jason -- jason, he may be recovering from a broken heart but he is no fool. he said not a chance it's going to happen. he's going to give away the tickets to the person who can bring to him the most twitter followers. >> jason does not have a broken heart right now. jason has just been bless we'd the wonderful miracle. he will not spend the rest of his life with this horrible and it's been revealed to him before he made this terrible mistake. >> i have to agree. >> i have to say, roland martin is trying to get those super bowl tickets. >> following the story and so what he said, whoever brings the most followers will give him the tickets. apparently it's a woman with a porn webcam. i said, we can't have that. so i -- what he did was, seriously. what he did was if you have the most followers on tend of the promo, then that's who it will be. he's going to announce it tomorrow an twitter. >> could be you. >> i don't know. >> you need a lady with a porn webcam, your star is so much larger than i could ever imagine. >> so at what point, she and i -- 400, can top that. >> i was like, follow team roland, television writer, too, tv writer, so don't be shocked if you see this as an episode on one show unday. >> roland and i will be there waving to you all while we watch no da madonna at the halftime show. >> what up. ahead this morning, newt gingrich has a new endorsement coming from his former rival, herman cain, who says he's sympathetic to gingrich. listen. >> i know that he's going through this sausage grinder because he cares about the future of the united states of america. >> the sausage grinder that makes someone become president eventually. we're going to ask herman cain straight ahead why newt and why now? stay with us. you're watching "starting point." what's this? 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>> thank you. a glity verdict in the canadian honor murders trial we've been following. three members of a family of afghan immigrants convicted. killed four female relatives for bringing shame to their family. bodies found in a canal. director of rural courage product and author of this book" allah, liberty and love, courage to reconcile faith and freedom." nice to have you with us. i put you next to roland. i know you guys know each other. >> starting on the right note. >> i'm kid sdplg serious story. i want to start with this sense to me that it's a clash of cultures really. some people have said, this is really an example of domestic violence, not honor killings. what's the difference? >> moderate muslims who these days are not very moderate at all suggest that it is only domestic violence which is bad enough. but the reality is that honor murders are, in fact, usually premeditated. and plotted. and this means that it's not just an outburst of killing, it is something that is schemed. often as well, by the way, with the buy-in of women in the family because this is part and parcel of a cultural tradition called honor which is a tribal tradition that emphasizes the family or the tribe or the community over the individual. >> is it cultural or is it religious or is it -- great question, osoledad. muslims themselves often confuse culture with religion. this theme honor killing is not islamic. i say this as a faithful muslim. it is, however, a problem within islam because of how muslims often confuse culture and religion. you can't blame nonmuslims for scratching their heads and wondering what the hell is going on. >> seems to me one of the reasons there was a conviction in this case was because of the wiretaps which were amazing. i'm going to read you a little chunk of what the prosecutor played. one said, this is what a daughter should be? what a daughter be such a whore? in the wake -- sgl >> this is the father. >> exactly. it was really what convicted the father? >> that, the wiretap conversations, the, you know, sort of independent witnesses, the google searches thank goodness that we've had goeses that records. cell phone records. it was very clear. absolutely no questions for the judge. it was unanimous among the jury that the evidence was there and, you know what i found really abominable, so much that is the son who was also involved in the killings sort of pleaded that it was merely an accident, kind of like, i'm sorry to sound, you know, too topical here, but almost like the cruise liner, italian cruise liner captain who sort of tripped into the water? this son said that he kind of bumped the car of the girls and they fell into the water. >> i was stunned to see fathers involved 1% by some statistics. fathers involved. i think it's someone 90% to 100% of the time looking at a certain age. that's stunning. >> this is something that people have to wrap their heads around. this is one of the reasons that the girls fell through the social service system. >> what is that? >> in canada as in most democratic societies, when death threats are uttered against children, the parents have to be told. in this case it was the parents who had made these threats against the children. so -- >> difficult thant know how to handle it. >> that's because it's a relatively new phenomenon. this is why i keep saying to you, to nonmuslims, is that we've really got to wrap our heads around the novelty, the newness of this crime and the fact is it is on the rise in western societies because of increased, you know, very legal muslim immigration. but it's muslims who have to learn to separate culture and e religi religion. if we don't, islam will continue to get the bad name that it gets. >> this is amazing work. thank you for all you do. what can other women do and men who really want to speak out on this? >> first and foremost we all have to understand that culture should be spoken up against when there are malignant aspects in it. we live in a many cultural sorori sorority, many say that's their culture and it's sacred. but reality is culture is human made. it is not god given. therefore, there is nothing sacred about culture and nothing sacreligious about trying to reform malignant aspects of it. >> does this case set a precedent? >> in does in many ways. first of all, never such a case in canada or many parts of the western world where you've had half a family wiped out by the parents. number one. but number two, very interesting, white male judge didn't come down with this verdict. in fact, it was a 12-member jury. and what that really says is that ordinary people have the right and responsibility to call it out where it exists. >> thank you very much for joining us. we want to show your book "allah, liberty and love." appreciate you this morning. fascinating. still ahead this morning, catholic churches coming out against president obama's health care law. we'll tell you why they say it binds their hands. plus, it took herman cain a pretty long time to endorse someone, well, an entity. >> yes. >> an entity. >> a thing. >> now, but then quickly followed by a second endorsement. he's going to join us live up next to tell us about his new endorsement for newt gingrich. you're watching "starting point." short break. all because so many people came to louisiana... they came to see us in florida... make that alabama... make that mississippi. the best part of the gulf is wherever you choose... and now is a great time to discover it. this year millions of people did. we set all kinds of records. next year we're out to do even better. so come on down to louisiana... florida... alabama... mississippi. we can't wait to see you. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. i've tried it. but nothing helped me beat my back pain. then i tried salonpas. it's powerful relief that works at the site of pain and lasts up to 12 hours. salonpas. ♪ a refrigerator has never been hacked. an online virus has never attacked a corkboard. ♪ give your customers the added feeling of security a printed statement or receipt provides... ...with mail. it's good for your business. ♪ and even better for your customers. ♪ for safe and secure ways to stay connected, visit in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first. get more whole grain than any other ingredient... just look for the white check. ♪ l.v. >> it's really good. a little slow. a little mellow. >> i'm just saying . okay. i just want to lay down the law for a moment. that is luther vandross "never too much." there is only one person in my whole life i was afraid to interview and it was luther vandross. he was coming to be interviewed on nbc and right before the interview he decided he didn't like to fly and he canceled the interview and then he died. >> we trust you. >> i love me some will cain. >> that's luther cvandross. willie. but that was mellow. >> dishing luther vandross will get you kicked off the show. here we go. from we the people to newt, newt, newt, yes, former gop presidential candidate herman cain has had, i think it's a change of heart about his endorsement. listen to this. >> i know that he's going through this sausage grinder because he cares about the future of the united states of america. >> herman cain joins us by phone. good morning. nice to hear you. i got to ask you, first and foremost, sir. last time we spoke, which wasn't all that long ago, you told me it was all about we the people. now you've shifted and you're going a second endorsement for newt gingrich. why? >> soledad, why can't it be both? let me explain. i endorsed we the people because i don't want the people to lose interest many what's going on. vote enthusiasm is dropping. that's why i endorsed we the people. i never said i was not going to endorse an individual. and so now i made the decision because newt and i have been talking for the past several weeks. and when we finally -- when he finally understood the 9-9-9 plan well enough to say that he can give that some serious consideration, that was the first point. and then the second reason i wanted to endorse him is because when you look at our stand on energy independence, regulatory reform, as well as found money, we are right in lock step relative to those things. >> all right. all right. well, okay. i'm a little confused on it still but we can move on. if you look at the polls, if you look at florida specifically, tomorrow is the primary there. mitt romney is leading in those polls. when you look at the national polls, newt gingrich is lieding in the polls. explain that. what's happening with the american gop voter right now? >> well, i think that the gop electorate is still split, just like you saw in iowa, could very well see it in florida. remember in south carolina, at the beginning of the week newt was way behind. he ended up winning. i'm not predicting that he's going to win florida but i'm saying a lot could happen between now and the polls close on tuesday night. >> mr. cane, this is will cain. how are you? >> hello, will. >> we all know that 9-9-9 has been your love, your platform. you've been pushing it. i think you just said that you and newt have been talking about 9-9-9. can we expect newt gingrich to make 9- 9-9 part of his platform? >> not necessarily. he and i have talked and it is under serious consideration of the way we replace the tax code. this is why he also asked me to co-chair his economic growth advisory council, which i will. so what do you think is going to be one of our big considerations? 9-9-9. so we have within understanding, it's not that he is going to adopt it, you know, hook, line, and sinker without him being more comfortable with it but he's given me enough indication that i'm satisfied 9-9-9 is going to get a fair hearing in terms of his consideration. >> mr. cain, maria cardona. why did you wait so long to endorse mr. gingrich? the florida primary is tomorrow if you had come out earlier perhaps you could have helped him with that, and also, do you plan on going on the stump and with what segment of the elec r electorate do you think you can help with? >> that is a three-prong question. >> that is a three-prong question. maria, first of all, i indicated all along this is a process. i don't play by everybody else's rules when it comes to endorsement. i wanted to go through the process. that process involved how serious was the candidate going to be as it relates to replacing the tax code. i have had the same conversation with other candidates and newt gingrich was the one who embraced the idea of replacing the tax code, 9-9-9 is serious consideration. so if i had just endorsed him as a matter of what is normally done that would not achieve what i want to achieve spp and that is i want tax replacement, not just tax tax replacement. not just tax reform. and speaker gingrich is now onboard with that, and i'll help spread that message along with his other messages. in fact, i'm on my way to florida to stump with him in florida today some. >> you talked about being a ceo in the race. a businessperson. so why did you bypass the guy who has talked about being a businessman, somebody's who run a company, as opposed to a washington insider like newt gingrich? >> ok. first of all, there you go with these labels again. newt gingrich left congress in 1999. he has been out of politics for over 10 years. he's started and established a company called america's solutions. so he was a ceo for over 10 years. it's not an all or nothing thing. you can look at mitt romney and he was the ceo of bain capital and also he's been a governor. he's been both. i see newt that way. he was in politics for a long time. but for over 10 years, he ran and built his own business enterprise called american solutions. so it's not an all or nothing. i happen to think that he has an advantage in terms of his ability to communicate and connect with the people because he uses language that the people can connect with, and i'm very confident he can be an effective leader. >> herman cain joining us by phone this morning. it will be interesting to see if endorsements this late have really any weight at all. sarah palin has certainly come out for newt gingrich. we talked to senator thompson also. and we talked to rick perry, right, when he was leaving the race. and so far, it doesn't seem to have done a heck of a lot for newt gingrich. but we will see. herman cane, thank you. just ahead, rick santorum's 3-year-old daughter, you know, she was sick over the weekend. she's got this genetic condition. our medical correspondent will join us up next to tell us what it is and what the little girl's prognosis is as well. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪ rick santorum cut his campaigning this weekend. his daughter, bella, was admitted to philadelphia hospital. she is 3 years old and has a genetic condition called trisomy 18. this morning we have heard she's doing better. for more on her prognosis, we wanted to check in with elizabeth cohen. what exactly is trisomy 18? >> it's one of a whole group of genetic conditions where when the cells are dividing, when a woman is still pregnant, an accident happens. that's the way a lot of geneticists would describe it. and the child ends up with too much genetic material. sort of extra material. and it affects -- it can affect every single part of the child's body, but especially their lungs. often they lack the ability to clear their lungs. and that's why you see that little isabella had pneumonia, and her father said last night that she dodged another bullet. she has been quite sick throughout her life. they said she had a very tough couple of days, but that she was getting better. >> when you look at the statistics there are this disease, i think about half the kids die within the first weeks of birth. is that right? >> that's right. it's a very, very -- the numbers are very sad. they are very tough to look at. let's have a discussion about it. first of all, let's talk about how many kids are born with this disorder. about 1 in 5,000 are born with trisomy 18. 90% die within a year. and often, it is just within weeks of birth. and most cases it's not inherited. as i said, it's sort of an accident of mi oesis, basically. it's not passed down from generation to generation. >> he said that it was a miracle that he had actually -- was planning on going home from the campaign. one thing he wanted to do was release his taxes. he had to go home and get them and it was a miracle he was home anyway when she got sick. >> and you infer knnever know we things will crop up. her mom, who is a neonatal intensive care unit, has had to give her cpr more than once at home. and you never know when this is going to happen. this is such a devastating disease, soledad, that often children are discharged from birth. the child is born and discharged directly into hospice. and actually, the santorums have talked about what they went through with the child's pediatrician. let's take a listen to what rick santorum has had to say about this. >> and she talked about how there would probably be a lung problem. she would probably die because of respiratory failure. so karen suggested that we should maybe have a prescription for oxygen if she needed some help. and the doctor looked at her and said, you have to learn to let go. i said all we're asking for is oxygen. >> soledad, as you can see, this is a very, very difficult disease for parents to deal with. there are lots of difficult decisions that have to be made. >> that's so sad. elizabeth cohen updating on this little girl's condition. right now, we're told she is home and doing better. so that's good news for that family. ahead this morning on "starting point," president obama spent more than $ 800 billion on the stimulus. where did all of that money go? plus, should students and teachers be friends on facebook or is that a bad idea? we'll take a look as "starting point" continues in a moment. the other office devices? they don't get me. they're all like, "hey, brother, doesn't it bother you that no one notices you?" and i'm like, "doesn't it bother you you're not reliable?" and they say, "shut up!" and i'm like, "you shut up." in business, it's all about reliability. 'cause these guys aren't just hitting "print." they're hitting "dream." so that's what i do. i print dreams, baby. [whispering] big dreams. you know what's exciting, graduation. when i look up into my student's faces, i see pride. you know, i have done something worthwhile. when i earned my doctorate through university of phoenix, that pride, that was on my face. i am jocelyn taylor, i am committed to making a difference in peoples lives and i am a phoenix. welcome back, everybody. good morning. our "starting point" this morning is the fight for florida. it's getting kind of personal. and even nastier than it has been. mitt romney has a double digit lead in new polls this morning, and newt gingrich is fighting back using the l word. yes, liberal, liberal, liberal. a protester -- did you see this? a protester tased an occupy d.c. brutal to watch. > and there's a noon deadline for the campers to clear out. we'll see what happens there. and should teachers friend their students on facebook or is it just a bad, bad idea? we've got both sides of that argument coming up straight ahead. "starting point" beginning right now. ok. so this is from my ipod. uran mayfield jr. from new orleans. let me just lay the ground rules. which is we are playing music from my ipod and mark's ipod. we pick people and tell you what we love. we're just teasing you. relax. we'll take feedback over twitter. we're working on it. >> didn't will say he is almost a virtual black man? >> he said i'm virtually an honorary black man. >> i'm taking your virtual black card back. >> i like starting my morning with the los hombres. time to get on with our actual work, people. and it is the finish line in florida in sight this morning because it will all end late on tuesday night. the latest polls showing mitt romney opening a bigger lead ahead of tomorrow's primary. newt gingrich says that the republican party will not support mitt romney. listen. >> just think it would be very, very clear and increasingly clear over the next few weeks this is party is not going dominate somebody who is a pro abortion, pro gun control, pro tax increase liberal. it's not going to happen. >> representative jason chavits with us this morning. >> good morning. >> you're a conservative. you just heard newt gingrich say that every single thing but the word "liberal" to describe mitt romney. why are you supporting mitt romney? >> because mitt romney is the very best position to beat barack obama. look, i'm about as conservative as they get. i'm the second most conservative person in the half. i have a 100% rating from the american conservative union. i'm not willing to concede conservative ground to newt gingrich. he is participating in some bumper sticker politics. he tends to get unhinged when things aren't going his way and start attacking the media and everybody around him. but the reality is mitt romney has shown the consistency and i think the conservative values that's resonating with people from iowa to new hampshire to florida. so after a little while, it will be hard to dispute the success that mitt romney has had because he's got the winning message and he's the right person to deliver that message. >> let me play a little chunk of an exchange between you -- you were there at this gingrich event in delray beach, florida. listen. >> you're ready to follow him? >> no, no. >> so gingrich is more qualified than the president, and that's why you are following him rather than romney. >> no, no. i'm just going to offer a little perspective. >> on why you think gingrich should be president? >> why i think that mitt romney should be the president of the united states. >> ok, all right. ok. >> so as i mentioned, that was a newt gingrich event in delray, florida, and there you are with cameras in front of you taking questions from the media. why? >> because in this day and age of instant communication, it was actually newt gingrich's idea. he said that whatever the white house schedule was, he was going to follow the president and offer perspective. that was a pretty good idea. >> but he didn't really mean like literally follow them into their press conference and hold a little mini presser while they were doing their event, right? >> yes, he did. >> you're kind of busting into another event. yeah? >> no, no, no. these are public events. i stand in the back of the room. and when the media gets done and watches the gingrich event, they want another perspective, and i want to offer that perspective. i think that's good smart campaigning in the day and age of instant communication. you want to be able to respond not once the article is out but before it's even written. shape the article. interesting. >> we just talked to herman cane, and he took a little offense to my question by saying, there you go with those labels. but isn't newt gingrich throwing labels around, calling romney a liberal, blasting him? and so isn't it hilarious to you that cain will endorse gingrich and then blast labels when gingrich is labeling people? >> well, this is where the silly part of politics where i think people get really frustrated. but i think and i hope i'm being as objective as i can here. there is a tendency in newt gingrich's past to attack the messenger rather than attack the message. to try to suggest that mitt romney is those things that he says is ridiculous. to attack mitt romney's character? i mean, mitt romney is the epitome of character. he is exactly what you want in the white house with a steadiness of wonderful, beautiful family and a consistency in his life that i think is desirable. >> you're being very objective. >> yes, very. >> congressman, very, very objective. >> congressman, this is maria cardona. how are you? i want to ask, you talk about consistency. but mitt romney has not been consistent on conservative principles. how do you answer to that? >> well, i beg to differ. i look at what he did in massachusetts, where he was governor with an 85% state legislature that was democrats. issued over 800 vetoes, balanced the budget, left the state -- left the governorship there with a surplus. i think he's been a rock solid on so many of these issues. when you start talking about economic freedom and how to get jobs and the economy moving in the right direction again, i would ask, where would you give your money? if you had to put in, say, $10,000 in taxes, and you wanted that money dealt with in a frugal way, responsibly, get a good rate of return for that, deal with it in a compassionate way, would you give that money to newt gingrich? no way. you'd give that money to mitt romney. he is the best one to deal with the issues with our country moving toward. >> nice to see you. appreciate it. conference. >> as a strategist, it's very smart. >> i thought it was brilliant. >> this is not tom coburn. this is not an old-time member of congress. this is a tea party, you know, endorsed conservative here, a young one, on mitt romney's team. >> that's interesting. now to the headlines this morning. christine romans. china cracking down in tibet. thousands of chinese security forces have been sent to the region following protests by tibet ans last week that led to violent clashes with police. authorities have refused to allow foreigners and reporters enter the area. stan grant and his crew were detained in the midst of that crackdown. talks between the u.s. and the taliban have stumbled before they ever really got off the ground at a meeting in qatar. taliban representatives are said to have balked at the demand for a cease-fire before executing a prisoner swap. a dense smoke advisory still in effect this morning in florida 24 hours after a deadly chain reaction pileup on interstate 75 near gainesville. 10 people were killed, and nearly 20 injured. authorities say zero visibility conditions were caused by smoke and fog from a brush fire that may have been arson. catholic churches across the country taking a stand against president obama's health care law. on sunday, parishioners were read letters written by church leadership that railed against an obama administration ruling that requires employers to provide health insurance plans that include contraceptive coverage. and mitt romney may be the keeper in florida, but a key endorsement from former governor jeb bush alludes him. it alludes everyone. bush has so far refused to endorse anyone. u.s. stock futures pointing to a lower opening. this week, it's all about greece, europe's debt crisis, corporate earnings in the u.s., and the big january jobs report. economists expect about 100,000 jobs were added to the economy this month, less than we saw in december. that report comes out on friday. could be a big week here. the national park service is cracking down on occupy d.c. camps. officials say protesters who are now camped at d.c. parks must pack it up by noon today or they will be hauled off to jail. in oakland, california, the occupy protesters there -- look at these pictures. can you believe this? this is downtown oakland. they are clashing heavily. this is insane. i used to live not very far from there. clashing heavily with the police. more than 400 people arrested. i think it's the first mass arrest in that city. will we see similar chaos to this in d.c.? there's one indication that says yes. especially that shot of the guy being tased by a police officer as they pull him down to the ground. wow. some protesters are telling cnn that when the clock strikes 12:00, that i have no plans to go anywhere. listen. >> i am more than happy to go to jail as many times as they would like to take me to jail. everybody else here is in the same boat. if they come to arrest me for camping, they can take me to jail. i'll be out the next day, right back here, and they can come arrest me again. >> there is the dilemma for people trying to clear those camps. brian todd is in d.c. for us this morning. good morning. >> reporter: morning, soledad. this place has been buzzing since before dawn. take a look over here. some of these people have been kind of buzzing around here, just trying to pack up their belongings. and at least move them out of sight ahead of the enforcement action here. you've got some of the protesters over here. also trying to pack up some things. what they are going to be looking for when the national parks service police move in here is signs of bedding, personal belongings, and maybe open tents. if you have signage like this indicating protest and 24-hour vigil status, they may not move on you. they are not going to sweep the entire place and round everybody up. they are not going to take down every tent. they are looking for personal belongings, bedding, clothes, and tents with no signage. so we'll see how that confrontation develops. a lot of people say they are not going anywhere, as you played that sound bite earlier. so there could be a confrontation here in a few hours when the national park service moves in. this has been brewing for a few weeks since the d.c. government started to complain about petty crime in this area, about sanitation conditions here being poor. and so it's been kind of a back and forth between the d.c. government and the interior department and congressman darrell iessa. both the d.c. government and mr. issa have been in favor of some kind of enforcement action here to remove at least some of the protesters out of here. they are enforcing a no camping rule. but the park service has been a little bit reluctant to do that. they don't want to stamp on first amendment rights of free speech, but they do now, it's kind of come to a critical head here, they do now have to move in here they say. in about four hours or so, they'll start moving in. >> brian todd is watching that for us. that could be ugly. >> oakland has had the most vicious response from the police there. >> that's incredible to watch. d.c. could be as bad. on "starting point" this morning, stimulus money, was it well spent? we'll take a look at some successes and failures. and if that more than $800 billion actually created any jobs. plus, facebook. if you're a teacher, would you have liked on facebook your students? >> no. >> no. >> no. >> there are people who disagree with you. i'll tell you what they think the benefits of facebooking students are straight ahead. stay with us. 'iowoñçqoioçwóññ will kaip has cain has redeemed himself with one single song. >> finally. >> we've been doing this for a week. >> he had to get one right. this morning we are talking about the economy. issue number one for this presidential election. and issue number eight is president obama's $488 billion stimulus, more than it cost to fight the iraq war. we have with us the author of the book "money well spent?" ? can you guys see it? the truth behind the billion dollar stimulus. nice to have you in the studio. we'll start right with this. conservatives say they think this thing was a failure. i think the word you use in your book is a flop, and you also say liberals cry it's too small. it is too flimsy. which is the truth? >> well, this is why i wanted to write the book because it's so difficult for the public to really know how the money was spent. i wanted to get out of the politics and really, you know, that you can to middle class workers, go across the country, and see how the money was really spent. >> let's walk through successes and failures. let's start with successes. you write this in the book. successes of the stimulus were created or saved 2 million to 3 million jobs, improvements to roads, homes, helped connect 3,000 schools to high speed internet and funded historic projects like new york city's 2nd avenue subway, which does not quite exist yet. worth it? >> you know, there's a lot of good the stimulus did. in addition to that, there was, you know, clean energy. there was a lot of money spent for clean energy. created this buzz we had never seen before. there's a battery in the u.s. that we didn't have before the stimulus. but ultimately the stimulus didn't do what the american public expected it to do, and that's bring about a strong, sustainable recovery. >> let's talk about the failures then. you say no strong sustainable recovery. money didn't get to hard-hit communities. that was some of the most fascinating reading, where the money actually went, and cutbacks often would cancel out thee the effects of the stimulus. talk about that. >> a great example of the cutbacks is i went to st. cloud, minnesota, where they have hybrid buses up there. and early on there was the expectation that they would have, you know, 4,000 buses, all bus companies, 4,000 buses being produced by the fall of 2009. >> sounds like a great deal. >> but we saw kind of a slowness in these grants going out because of the reviews that had to be done. and as a result, you know, the money -- the state cutbacks caught up with new flyer, and chicago cancelled an order and they had to lay off 300 employees rather than -- or 200 to 300 employees rather than hiring more people initially. >> michael, people hear this number, $800 billion. but 40% of the stimulus package was tax cuts. >> and tiny tax cuts. >> but 40% of the $787 billion. when you break it down, you say health coverage under cobra, increased afford assistance, pell grants, child tax credit. you saw stuff that wasn't tied to actual jobs. >> this is what is really interesting. there's a lot of spending in the first year. but even though there was hundreds of billions of dollars going into the economy, the public didn't notice it because a lot of the spending was invisible. so somewhere down the line, the food stamps, the unemployment checks, do create jobs for grocery clerks and for nurses and hospitals. but, you knows are it's hard for the public to make that connection. and the administration didn't do a good job of selling those points. >> they did a horrible job of selling it. >> the question is not as soledad teased earlier did the stimulus create any jobs. you throw $1 trillion at something, you damn well better create a job. the question is, how many jobs are enough? and the problem for conservatives is what stimulus becomes is a clearinghouse for democratic wish lists. pull out the desk drawer, dump out your special interest, and get it satisfied. even things you might like weren't designed to create jobs. >> so there was, you know, these liberal priorities, but at the same time, you know, the green economy. you see china and germany investing in it. and their economies are growing. and, you know, if it was all wasteful spending on green jobs, these other economies wouldn't be doing it. they are not dumb. neither are we. so the -- so it was sort of well intentioned money, but we saw with a big flare-up of bankruptcy. another in the battery industry. so there's a lot of stuff going on. but these things will continue to haunt the administration for a long time. >> one of the impacts you write about, now that it's been tried, everybody will say we tried it. we don't need to do it again. thank you for joining us. the book is called "money well spent," with a big old question mark. do you want me to hang it up? this is the book. it's a good read. we have to go to commercial break. still ahead this morning on "starting point," why the mortgage mess in the state of florida could help decide tomorrow's primary. we'll look at that. did you know half the mortgages in that state are underwater? that's an incredible statistic. we're back in just a moment. 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[ male announcer ] introducing spark the small business credit cards from capital one. get more by choosing unlimited double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. what's in your wallet? i do love a little chaka in the morning. she is great to see in concert. >> oh, yeah. i knew you would like that. chaka khan was a popular singer in the '70s and '80s. trying to help will out. >> in the '70s? >> yeah. >> i feel like we should have a segment just to answer twitter questions about my shoes. about the music. yes, will cain is improving. thank you very much. >> yes, he is. praise the lord. also, teachers have been tweeting about whether they would friend their students on facebook. that discussion straight ahead. and our inter interns start nex to handle all of that. we are talking about money this morning and the economy. especially the state of florida. christine romans is here to talk about really the housing issues in the state of florida. that is a really, really big deal. half the mortgages in that state are underwater? i'm stunned by that number. you said in the nation almost. >> 30% in the nation, but 50% effectively underwater. >> the background noise for voters when they go to poll on tuesday, it will be about housing and jobs. and i want to introduce you to a real estate agent who is very busy. and he is not selling houses. he is checking on homes the bank owns or the bank thinks they own, and they want to sell. he is checking, going door-to-door, to see if anybody is living in these houses. >> like squatters? >> or in some cases, renters are paying rent and nobody knows who owns the house. >> if you don't have gainful employment, you can't make a mortgage payment. ultimately, that's the crisis that we're in. you know, obviously, there were some issues with some lenders in the past as well. but when market values plummet like they have, and that in conjunction with the unemployment rate right now, i don't think any of this would be a shock to anybody. >> so it's housing and jobs altogether in florida. home prices were cut in half. florida's jobless rate is 9.9%. more than 900,000 people i think are out of work. yet housing experts and academics say the seeds of recovery are there. >> i did a study going back to the '60s. and times when it's this affordable, five years hence, prices have usually gone up significantly. i don't know. this is so unusual and so rare. but this is such a good sign that housing prices will go up in the future. >> well, that's the first time i'm starting to hear about it. they'll be up five years in the future. tell that to homeowners in florida, and they say no way. he says for the first time in a decade, people can afford to buy a home. the 30-year mortgage rate is 3.98%. 15-year, 3.24%. that's just crazy. but buyers are basically paying cash. foreign buyers. cash investors. now, if you're smelling housing opportunity, what you need is money down. a lot of people don't have that. a credit score of 750 or higher. proof of income. that's the whole problem in florida. and you can't already be saddled with a house to sell. and the word from the trenches in florida is that banks are finally starting to do short sales instead of outright foreclosures. that's better for the property owner, the homeowner, the neighborhood, the whole bit. but it's crazy to walk through some of the neighborhoods. >> just swaths of homes that have no one living in them. >> and the other problem is property values have fallen. that's where the shortfall comes in for county and district governments. >> and so much of florida's economy is built into taxes for real estate put into schools, and that disappears and the schools suffer. but the opportunity for people with cash. but the rest of people who are going to vote, they are like opportunity. that's crucial. >> smart is the new rich. isn't that a book you wrote, christine romans? >> yes, this segment is called "smart is the new rich." >> thanks, christine. appreciate it. still ahead this morning on "starting point," newt gingrich is working to close the gap in florida, but he's kind of running out of time. three different polls now show mitt romney ahead by a lot. we'll hear from a gingrich supporter this morning who says his candidate is the only one who will be able to go toe-to-toe with president obama come november. plus, the search for nuclear secrets deep inside a mountain. what u.n. nuclear inspectors are hoping and looking to find in iran. you're watching "starting point." we are back right on the other side of a short break. americans believe they should be in charge of their own future. how they'll live tomorrow. for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms. when they want. where they want. doing what they want. ameriprise. the strength of a leader in retirement planning. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you one-to-one. together for your future. ♪ ok. so this is one of my favorite singers forever. >> yes, we know. >> ledisi. and her concert in chicago -- >> i love her. >> we don't talk about the news. we just talk about her fabulous outfits. you know that? >> i'm going to promise middle america, my music will be coming. i promise you, texas, nebraska, it's on its way. >> will, ledisi is huge in texas. chaka con is huge in texas. i'm from texas, will. come on. all right. all right. moving on. headlines. christine romans has those. good morning. thank you, soledad. u.n. nuclear inspectors are in iran right now working to find out whether iran is trying to build nuclear weapons. the u.s. is watching closely. officials say a military strike against iran would be, quote, premature. still, they are taking certain new defense measures. barbara starr is live at the pentagon. >> good morning, christine. indeed, the u.s. military looking at putting some kind of floating base out in the middle east so they will be ready if something were to happen. but don't look for any kind of military action against iran just yet. the focus right now is on those international atomic energy agency inspectors in iran until tomorrow. half a dozen of them taking a very deep look at what iran is up to, trying to get access to iran's nuclear facilities, documentation, and personnel to determine once and for all if iran's nuclear program really is aimed at getting a nuclear weapon as many people suspect. that's the big question. the question is, on this trip, will the inspectors get that crucial access that they need? christine? >> thank you, barbara starr. meanwhile, the u.n. security council expected to consider a draft resolution this week that calls on syrian president bashar al assad to step down and transfer power as the arab league suspended its mission after a dramatic increase in violence. opposition groups blame government forces more than 60 deaths. three family members were found guilty of killing four female relatives whose bodies were recovered in a canal. the three all sentenced to life in prison immediately after their convictions with no chance of parole for 25 years. rick santorum resumes campaigning today with a speech in missouri and another event in minnesota. he took leave this weekend to be with his ailing 3-year-old daughter, bella, who was diagnosed with pneumonia. she suffers from a rare genetic disorder. santorum says she is recovering after a pretty rough 36 hours. and today, your chance to hang with president obama on google. the president the take part today in the google hangout. he'll answer questions submitted through youtube and a live video connection. this latest social media push for the white house. the president is also taking questions on facebook and twitter in the past. minding your business this morning, u.s. stock futures pointing to a lower open. dow down about 80 points. a lot going on in europe this week. more corporate earnings and a big january jobs report on friday. and new this morning, the alleged rogue trader at ubs has pleaded not guilty in london court. he is accused of losing maybe $2.3 billion in unauthorized trades last year. that would be one of the biggest rogue trading scandals ever. soledad? >> wow. how do you lose that much money? >> i know. especially with all of the scrutiny now and all of the computer systems. how did they miss it? >> there's lots of nikes. moving on to talk about -- shush. moving on to talk about politics. tomorrow's politics obviously in florida. some people say it's a tiebreaker because you have santorum won one, and gingrich won one, romney won one. and it's not a home state for anybody at this point. and there are new polls that show mitt romney has the upper hand. three new polls, one of them the american research group poll, showing that mitt romney is leading newt gingrich by 11 percentage points. why are you shaking your head? >> newt will have a tough night tuesday. earlier this morning we spoke with romney supporter jason chaffets, and he slammed newt gingrich. he used the word "unhinged" to explain why he thought mitt romney would win in the state of florida. listen. >> i'm not willing to concede conservative ground to newt gingrich. he is participating in bumper sticker politics. he tends to get unhinged when things aren't going his way and starts attacking the media and everybody around him. but mitt romney has shown the consistency and i think the conservative values that is resonating with people from iowa to new hampshire to florida. republican congressman dan burton is joining us now. he say gingrich supporter. nice to have you, sir. thanks for talking with us. i was just talking about the polling a moment ago. and you can see when you look at the polling in florida, three polls show mitt romney ahead by a lot. why do you think romney is dropping in the polls the last few days, sir? >> well, mitt romney has outspent newt gingrich seven to one, and he has had some pretty effective ads. i didn't come down to florida to knock any of the candidates. i know all of them. i just came down here to tell why i think newt is the best candidate to oppose president obama in the forthcoming election. newt is a walking encyclopedia. he understands washington very, very well. he is a true conservative. he started the conservative opportunity society of which i was a member. he has not been guilty of any ethics violations contrary to what has been said. he did not resign in disgrace. i was one of the people who counted the votes for newt. and after the election of 1998, which was well over a year and a half after those charges were leveled against him. we lost five seats, and that's the reason he didn't get the 218 necessary to be re-elected as speaker. but he did have about 200 votes. only about 20 that he lost. so i think newt is the best man -- beg pardon? >> finish your thought, sir. go ahead. >> no. i really believe he is the best man in a debate to take on the president of the united states. and i think the other people are fine people. but i want to defeat barack obama. and i think newt can get the job done. >> so you said you didn't come to knock any candidates, but of course a lot of people are knocking the candidates. and i want to play you a bit of what george will had to say. i think this was over the weekend. let's play that piece. >> time is not newt gingrich's frep because the more time he has, the more he talks. and the more he talks, he just says things as he did this morning. he said i'd love to be civil, but i'm running against a maniacal liar. that's pretty strong language. i don't know if you have ever told longfellow's nursery rhyme to your 4-year-old daughter, alice. >> not yet. >> there is a little girl that had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. when she was good, she was very good indeed, and when she was bad she was horrid. and we are at the horrid stage with newt gingrich. >> so while the true hard core conservative george will is sort of saying maniacal liar is a bad thing to say, horrid you might argue is also kind of a horrible thing to say about someone. why are you laughing? >> well, first of all, i admire george will a great deal. the reason newt has been upset about these things is because there has been misinformation put in these commercials. and i think it's very unfortunate that the romney commercials have said that newt was retired in disgrace. was run out of congress. and he was disgraced. that's just not the case. newt retired because we lost control -- or we lost five seats in the election of 1998. and he didn't have the 218 to stay in as speaker. he had about 200 votes, which was the vast majority of our conference. he was not convicted of any wrongdoing whatsoever. the irs cleared him. even the committee report said he didn't do anything wrong. there were some things that happened by the staff and letters that should have been corrected, and he should have had better legal advice. but newt has never done anything wrong. when you see those commercials that continually say that newt was run out of office because of corruption, it's just dead wrong. and i think that's why newt has said those things because he is frustrated. >> congressman dan burton joining us this morning. thank you for your time, sir. still ahead this morning on "starting point," should teachers tweet their students? should they friend them on facebook? we'll tell you why some people say social media and schools should not mix. in fact, that would be everyone around this panel. no, they should not. then the gop puts money where their mouth is literally. that's a mixed their mouth is. republicans disclose plans for spending cuts. first thing on the chopping block is bottled water. we'll tell you what else made that list straight ahead in our reveal. giant frozen vegetables. over twenty delicious varieties have sixty calories or less per serving and are now weight watchers-endorsed. try green giant frozen vegetables with sauce. that's not will cain. >> steve perry. he loves the rap, that man. that was steve perry who will join us in just a minute. jay-z and eminem, "renegade." that may be a little bit too much for me in the morning. a little bit. let's talk about social media and teachers. some teachers say social media like facebook and twitter are effective teachering tools, and other people say oh, no, no. it opens the way for inappropriate behavior. one of the teachers who was tweeting me says that she has every security setting, absolutely no students will be part of her facebook. that is our discussion this morning. we have steve perry joining us, a cnn education contributor. and carlos is joining us as well. steve, we'll start with you this morning. why are we talking about this now? facebook has been around for a while. suddenly it feels like there's a debate about whether teacher should have a relationship. do you support the relationship? >> first of all, i don't see it as a relationship. i see it as an opportunity for teachers to expand their reach, to create opportunity and communicate effectively with children where they are. in fact, if a person is going to be a creep, it will be a creep whether on the internet or in person. we shouldn't malign people who want to use the internet effectively because of the people who are inappropriate. >> give me an example where you have seen a teacher use the internet or twitter or facebook effectively to interface with students. i think a lot of people immediately go to the creep factor to be honest. >> we do it all the time. as a matter of fact, we have students put up their lessons. we have as a senior social justice project, that's something that our kids have to do, we have them to put up lessons that they would use to teach other children how to do certain things. so you're showing some of them now. we at capital prep have used the internet as a way to teach other children calculus. so for us, it's a great opportunity to communicate not just within our school but with students across the world. the world is getting so much smaller in large part because of the type of communication we have right now. so we -- >> let me turn to carl for a minute and talk about missouri because they had the statewide ban on electronic communications between teachers and students. what happened after that, carl? >> they had to pull away from it eventually. there were some concerns that it violated free speech. so they had to basically allow teachers if they so wanted to engage students on social media to do so. however, missouri is one of 12 states that are currently directing their teachers. look, come up with some sort of policy defining what's appropriate when teachers and students communicate online so that the teachers, students, and parents know what to expect. >> a couple of teachers have weighed in. it opens up possibilities for an inappropriate relationship. could cause ethical concerns if you see a picture on facebook of a student drinking or writing about doing something unlawful. would you as a teacher friend be compelled to report it or act on it? these must be concerns that you have seen, steve, if in your school. how do you answer that? >> honestly, kids can sometimes be really stupid. they'll friend a teacher and then they'll say that they're going to do something stupid. i feel compelled to do something about that. in fact, virtually all forms of bullying that we find find their way onto the internet. so we have been able to in many ways cut kids off at the pass, and create a better understanding of what's going on in the homes. you know, i have often said to not hold parents accountable. this is a parent driven issue. you need to check your child's facebook and twitter accounts. you need to know every password. if you don't, you're falling asleep on the job. >> love it. my daddy made it clear. my house, my rules. you pay nothing. i'm with steve. >> i'm with him 100% as well. >> so steve perry is the one who supports friending. everyone is with you. but in the commercial break, they all completely disagreed with you. carl, of course, the big issue, you know, this idea that there can be misconduct, inappropriate relationships. you know, where we have seen that? and is it because of, you know, facebook friending? >> well, critics view facebook as the gateway drug between inappropriate conduct between teachers and students. and police have also mentioned that in some sexual abuse cases around the country, they begin with inappropriate communication between teachers and students on facebook. so like anything on the internet it really depends on what you use it for. there are the majority of teachers who are using this as an effective teaching tool. but because you're tempted, at home -- the teacher might be at home, the student might be at home, you're in the privacy of your own home, there might be a temptation on the internet given its perceived anonymity to engage in an inappropriate relationship with a student. that's the danger. >> soledad is right. during the commercial break, all three of us said no way, no facebook connection. >> i said parents should check on this panel. >> but you did a hell of a persuasion job because we all kind of agree. but as teachers, are we inviting them in to raise our children? it feels like a line is close to being crossed. >> no, no, no. if a kid has a facebook friend with the math teacher, and they are asking him for help on homework, it's appropriate in both context and content, because you at 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 at night may not know how to help your child with calculus. wouldn't it be nice to have access to the calculus teacher? this is what it's about. it's about appropriate conversations and appropriate contexts. this is the same -- they talk about the rules that govern. it's the same that you deal with a student inside the school. if a teacher is going to have a personal account, they need to have a personal account that they do not let children into. if this is what they want to communicate with their college buddies or friends or girlfriends what have you, that can be the particular space. i have seen a lot of new teachers this is new teachers, young teachers, who put stuff from when they were in college or in their leisure time. this is a very -- this is mainstream for this generation. you wouldn't be on main street drunk, slothing around. you shouldn't be on facebook doing it if you're an educational professional. it's just not wise. >> appreciate it. nice to see the entire panel switch like that. >> i didn't. >> yes, you did. you lie, you lie. >> i said parents check them. >> yes. we reveal wherue your -- he is a lot of work today. where your tax dollars are going. $190,000 in bottled water. that is a stunning figure. we'll break it down for you in just a moment. ♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network. ♪ home was an airport lounge and an ipad ♪ ♪ made sure his credit score did not go bad ♪ ♪ with a free-credit-score-dot-com ♪ ♪ app that he had ♪ downloaded it in the himalayas ♪ ♪ while meditating like a true playa ♪ ♪ now when he's surfing down in chile'a ♪ ♪ he can see when his score is in danger ♪ ♪ if you're a mobile type on the go ♪ ♪ i suggest you take a tip from my bro ♪ ♪ and download the app that lets you know ♪ ♪ at free-credit-score-dot-com now let's go. ♪ vo: offer applies with enrollment in™. of how a shipping giant can befriend a forest may seem like the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... 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[ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. welcome back, everybody. saving taxpayers money is the house speaker jaboehner's plan. but in our reveal today, we discover that is a drop in the bucket. that's because each of the 435 house members currently gets $1.5 million to run an office. total of $652,500,000. here's how it is being spent. in the first quarter of 2010 alone, three months, house members spent $190,000 of your tax dollars on bottled water. that sounds high to me. what do you think, will cain? >> sounds high. >> $600,000 on food. $10.2 million on mail. $6.4 million on travel. so why only cut $75,000 per -- that's roughly 5 percent, by the way. boehner says this. republicans have to start somewhere, and we're going to start there. >> let's start with medicare. start with the big numbers. social security. >> you would think -- >> it's only symbolic. yes, let's go deeper. >> we can talk about that in our end point, which is coming up next. back in a moment. intensive professional effects whitestrips. it goes below the enamel surface to whiten as well as a five-hundred dollar professional treatment for a transformation that's hard to believe. ♪ wow, that's you? 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Conviction , Wiretaps , Daughter , Wake , Wiretap Conversations , Whore , Prosecutor , Questions , Goodness , Jury , Judge , Records , Searches , Cell Phone Records , Witnesses , Google , Goeses , Accident , Son , Sound , Girls , Water , Cruise Liner , Car , Italian , Fathers , Age , Statistics , 1 , 90 , Parents , Service , Societies , System , Death Threats , Threats , Novelty , Phenomenon , Sthant , Crime , Newness , Rise , E Religi Religion , Work , Say , Sorority , Aspects , Sorori , Human Made , Precedent , Nothing Sacred , God , Number , Didn T , Number One , Western World , White Male , 12 , Responsibility , Health Care Law , Churches , Fascinating , Entity , Millions , Kinds , Gulf , Mississippi , Louisiana , Alabama , All Of Us , Call The Gulf Home , Back Pain , Relief , Spain , Site , Salonpas , Statement , Mail , Customers , Refrigerator , Virus , Corkboard , Receipt , Feeling , L V , Luther Vandross , Nbc , Willie , Luther Cvandross , Show , A Change Of Heart , Former , Newt , Interest , What S Going On , Decision , Vote Enthusiasm , Consideration , Stand , 9 , Reform , Energy Independence , Lock Step , Voter , Lieding , Split , Platform , Cane , Hello , Tax Code , Line , Advisory , Council , Considerations , Growth , Hook , Indication , Him , Sinker , Elec , Stump , Everybody Else , Conversation , Idea , Tax Replacement , Spp , Messages , I M On My Way , Ceo , Businessperson , Businessman , Insider , Washington , Bumper Sticker , Labels , Congress , 1999 , Jeb Bush , Solutions , Both , All Or Nothing , Bain Capital , Ability , Connect , Advantage , American Solutions , Business Enterprise , Leader , Language , Endorsements , Weight , Sarah Palin , Rick Santorum , Herman Cane , Doesn T , Rick Perry , Senator Thompson , Condition , Prognosis , Little Girl , Correspondent , 3 , Science Teachers , Geologist , Microcontroller , Servo Motors , American Education , Chevron , 100 Million Dollars , 100 Million , Isn T , Love Science , Cool , Bella , Elizabeth Cohen , Hospital , Trisomy 18 , Philadelphia , Child , Geneticists , Cells , Dividing , Pneumonia , Lungs , Material , Extra Material , Body , Disease , Birth , Bullet , Discussion , Talk , Disorder , Let S , 5000 , Cases , Generation , Sort , Mi Oesis , Taxes , Planning , Mom , Intensive Care Unit , Cpr , Knnever , Santorums , Hospice , Lung Problem , Listen , Respiratory Failure , Pediatrician , Oxygen , Prescription , Let Go , Stimulus , News , 800 Billion , Teachers , Students , Plus , Friends , Reliability , Dream , Notices , Sprint , Office Devices , Brother , Shut Up , Dreams , Baby , Whispering , Graduation , Faces , Pride , Face , Student , Doctorate , University Of Phoenix , Peoples , Phoenix , Jocelyn Taylor , Personal , Welcome Back , Fight , Word , Protester , Romney A Liberal , Occupy D C , Double Digit Lead , Campers , Bad , Sides , Argument , Watch , Noon Deadline , Ipod , Music , Ground Rules , Uran Mayfield Jr , New Orleans , Black Man , Feedback , Relax , Card , Los Hombres , Finish Line , End , Tax , Pro Abortion , Pro Gun Control , Conservative , Position , Half , Ground , Rating , American Conservative Union , Media , Consistency , Success , Resonating , Event , Exchange , Delray Beach , Perspective , Cameras , In Delray , Communication , Offer , Presser , Press Conference , Events , Room , Mini , Article , Throwing Labels , Offense , Labeling , Objective , Character , Messenger , Tendency , Epitome , Steadiness , State Legislature , Principles , Massachusetts , 85 , Governorship , Vetoes , Surplus , Rock , Democrats , 800 , Jobs , Money , Rate , Direction , Return , 10000 , 0000 , Deal , Country , Conference , Strategist , Member , Tea Party , Team , Tom Coburn , Protests , Clashes , Security Forces , Led , Region , China , Tibet , Tibet Ans , Talks , Stan Grant , Reporters , Foreigners , Crackdown , Crew , Midst , Meeting , Qatar , Cease Fire , Representatives , Prisoner Swap , Demand , Injured , Plans , Administration , Written By Church Leadership , Health Insurance , Parishioners , Employers , On Sunday , Coverage , Keeper , Economists , Opening , Debt Crisis , Anyone , Greece , 100000 , Report , National Park Service , Jail , Parks , Pictures , Mass Arrest , City , Chaos , Anywhere , Cnn , Police Officer , Guy Being , Clock , 00 , Times , Camping , Boat , Place , Some , Reporter , Buzzing , Dilemma , Brian Todd , Belongings , Enforcement Action , Sight , Bedding , Tents , Vigil Status , Protest , Signs , Tent , Signage , Clothes , Sound Bite , Brewing , Sanitation Conditions , Darrell Iessa , Action , Enforcement , Issa , Favor , Interior Department , Head , No Camping Rule , Free Speech , Rights , Amendment , Response , Successes , Failures , Teacher , Benefits , Iowoà à Qoi Oà Wà , Will Kaip , Song , Eight , Money Well Spent , Iraq War , 88 Billion , 488 Billion , Truth , Studio , Conservatives , Liberals , Failure , Flop , Dollar Stimulus , Homes , Workers , Class , Roads , Improvements , 2 Million , 3 Million , Internet , Schools , Projects , Addition , 2nd Avenue Subway , 3000 , Battery , The American , Recovery , Reading , Communities , Money Didn T , Sustainable Recovery , Let , Buses , Cloud , Cutbacks , Minnesota , Effects , Reviews , Bus Companies , Sounds , Migrants , Expectation , Slowness , The Fall , 2009 , 4000 , State Cutbacks , Employees , Result , Flyer , Order , 200 , 300 , Tax Cuts , Stimulus Package , Michael , 787 Billion , 87 Billion , Spending , Pell Grants , Wasn T , Assistance , Health Coverage , Cobra , The Public Didn T , Unemployment Checks , Hospitals , Nurses , Hundreds , Billions , Food Stamps , Grocery Clerks , Points , Connection , Trillion , 1 Trillion , Clearinghouse , Wish Lists , Desk Drawer , Special Interest , Weren T , Priorities , Germany , Economies , Investing , Flare Up , Another , Well Intentioned Money , Bankruptcy , Battery Industry , Impacts , Question Mark , Tread , Mortgages , Mortgage Mess , Statistic , Band , Fish Stories , Little Bird , My Turn , Oooh , Everyone Else , Paris , Forest , Fairy Tales , Trees , Animals , Shipping Giant , Storybook Narrator , Pixie Dust , Planes , Shipping , Materials , Tale , La , Electric Trucks , Fedex , Sky , Sun , Boarding , Blue , Pause , Miami , Me American Flight , Nonstop , American Airlines , 280 , Spark Card , Spark , Purchase , Small Business , Boss , Credit Card , Miles , Game , Bar , Capital One , Rewards , Cash , Credit Cards , Wallet , Chaka , Concert , Singer , Chaka Khan , 70s And 80s , 70 , 80 , Shoes , Praise The Lord , Tweeting , Interns , Housing , Nation , 30 , Real Estate Agent , Background Noise , 50 , Bank , Squatters , Door To , Renters , Market Values , Gainful Employment , Brent , Crisis , Lenders , Mortgage Payment , Conjunction , Home Prices , 900000 , Study , Academics , Seeds , Housing Experts , Time , Prices , Sign , Housing Prices , Homeowners , Mortgage Rate , 3 98 , Buyers , Housing Opportunity , Credit Score , Cash Investors , Proof , Income , 750 , 3 24 , Property Owner , Banks , Foreclosures , Short Sales , Neighborhood , Trenches , Governments , County , Shortfall , Neighborhoods , Property , Swaths , District , Opportunity , Real Estate , Smart , Supporter , Gap , Running Out Of Time , Inspectors , Secrets , Charge , Iran , Search , Mountain , Futures , Clients , Ameriprise Financial , 116 , Advisors , Strength , Ledisi , Singers , Nebraska , Texas , Outfits , Come On , Moving On , Chaka Con , Barbara Starr , Weapons , Military Strike , Defense Measures , U N , Premature , Don T , Military Action , Base , Middle East , Access , International Atomic Energy Agency , Weapon , Trip , Documentation , Facilities , Iran S Nuclear Program , Draft Resolution , Family Members , Prison , Speech , Convictions , Missouri , Parole , 25 , Genetic Disorder , Google Hangout , 36 , Video Connection , Social Media Push , Rogue Trader , Has , London Court , Lower Open , Dow , Pubs , Rogue Trading Scandals , 2 3 Billion , 3 Billion , Computer Systems , Scrutiny , Nikes , Shush , Home State , The American Research Group Poll , Night Tuesday , Jason Chaffets , 11 , Unhinged , Starts , Polling , Dan Burton , Ads , Walking Encyclopedia , Disgrace , Violations , Ethics , Conservative Opportunity Society , Votes , Seats , 1998 , Thought , Pardon , 218 , President Of The United States , George Will , Frep , Piece , Maniacal Liar , Nursery Rhyme , Longfellow , Alice , 4 , Girl , Forehead , Middle , Curl , Stage , Hard Core , Commercials , Upset , Misinformation Put , Control , Committee , Majority , Letters , Wrongdoing , Staff , Irs , Office , Corruption , Social Media , Mouth , Spending Cuts , Chopping Block , Vegetables , Serving , List , Reveal , Varieties , Sixty , Twenty , Sauce , Green Giant , Steve Perry , Trap , Renegade , Jay Z , Eminem , Security Setting , Tools , Contributor , Education , Carlos , Creep , We Shouldn T , Reach , Creep Factor , Teacher Use , Lessons , Project , Social Justice , School , Calculus , Type , Communications , Ban , Policy , Possibilities , Writing , Picture , Student Drinking , Teacher Friend , 7 , 8 , 90000 , 190000 , 652500000 , 1 5 Million , 52500000 , 435 , 5 Million , 00000 , 2010 , 600000 , 75000 , 6 4 Million , 10 2 Million , 4 Million , 5 , 0 2 Million , Five Hundred Dollar , Five Hundred , All Of The Lights , Audio Problems , Control Room , Songs , Her , Kanye West ,

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