he had a great week of debates. seems to got his mojo, i guess, in a way he maybe lost it the week before. what's your overview? >> it's a big night for mitt romney. no doubt about that. he seems to be well positioned right now for february. most of these contests whether in nevada or arizona or michigan, he's got some major advantages even in colorado let's say. he's going to do well in february. but you correctly point out march 6th assuming all four of these candidates remain in the contest, march 6th super tuesday. it's called super for a reason. it's going to be significant. and the other three gave absolutely no indication whatsoever piers, that they're thinking of dropping out. newt gingrich in fact in his remarks tonight and his speech tonight, he didn't even congratulate mitt romney, which is traditional. the other two candidates did. there was no phone call between the two of them. he's pushing on. he is determined to do what he can to get this nomination. even if it means going against some of the traditions in this contest. >> john king, you are the greatest television number cruncher in political history. >> that's a setup for failure. >> put it into context for me. just on the face of, someone who's covering this campaign for the first time, i'm looking at the number of delegates that have been allocated so far, and it seems pretty small beer as we would say back home. how significant is romney's position right now? >> well, look. after losing south carolina and getting beat pretty badly in south carolina, to win don't and to win convincingly, is a huge win for mitt romney. florida is the most diverse state. so psychologically this is a huge boost for romney. he already has the most money in the bank. this will help him raise more. now he has to prove it. he's the front runner. now he has to prove it. you need 1,144 to clinch the nomination. he has about 84 at home. he's a long way from the finish line. most races are settled by momentum. we don't have a delegate count. we lose count because a nominee wraps it up early. going into june fresh in our minds. if romney can run the map in february, win nevada, colorado, maine, michigan. those would be the exclamation points. then does gingrich's money dry up? then does santorum say it's time to get out? this question. they're in at least through the month of february. speaker gingrich says he's in through march and beyond. that could change if romney has a very big month. but i'll tell you this, they're happy tonight, they're a little nervous about these caucus states. they look at maine, nevada, minnesota and think maybe ron paul. they look at missouri a bible belt in the southern part of the state. could be a surprise there. what they need to do now, piers, they're back in the lead, they need to protect it. february is a huge month to prove, yes, i'm your front-runner. >> dora, if you're newt gingrich, you're on a great roll leading up to florida. one stage ahead in the polls after the thumping win in south carolina. you're feeling pretty deflated tonight i would imagine. i found his whole demeanor in the week a bit curious. he was the new front-runner in many ways, but he behaved like he wasn't. what went wrong do you think? >> it's interesting. i don't think gingrich could decide who he was or what he was. was he still the insurgent or the front-runner? i think he had a difficult time with that particularly in the last cnn debate that wolf moderated. the interesting thing about newt gingrich is that he's so much more comfortable as the back bencher throwing the bombs at the establishment than he is as a leader and somebody who would be the front runner. and i think we saw that play out very much in the state of florida. the voters weren't clear who they were getting. does he have the temperament to go the long haul and finally beat barack obama? because as our exit polls showed, electability was the key issue here to those voters tonight. >> and finally a much more important battle raging this weekend. i've got to ask you for a one-word answer. giants or patriots? wolf? >> i'm a buffalo bills fan. so i got to stay neutral. >> gloria? >> i'm standing next to john king, so i have to say the patriots. >> and john, i know your allegiance. i'm going to unequivocally lay my hat with the new york giants. >> piers, my friend. you know what? we can disagree without being disagreeable. the patriots will win. >> thank you all very much. fantastic job tonight. thanks, guys. >> thanks. >> joining me now is the gop power couple, representative connie mack in florida and bono mack of california. they both support mitt romney. welcome to you both. >> hello. go to see you. >> hi, piers. >> good night for mitt romney. in almost every sense really. looks like his campaign is back on track and in some style. >> you're right. it's a big style this week. i think it was a great week for romney. he performed well in the debates. tonight was just a great night. >> yeah, connie mack, he's clearly been a bit of a swings and roundabouts of a campaign so far, with peaks and troughs and different people winning in different places. i suppose the thing we saw with romney this week we saw the lion within him beginning to roar. is this a side of his character you were familiar with? are you surprised he's beginning to beat his chest a bit? >> i'm not surprised at all. in fact, i think what we saw in the first debate here in florida was, you know, mitt romney saying that america is worth fighting for. and he is going to put everything out there on the line to do it. and his job -- his message about jobs and the economy and the private sector know how to do it. his professionalism, his character, his ethics. i mean, this is someone we can believe in. i think that was on display on the debates here in florida and as he traveled around the state. >> congresswoman, clearly this all got pretty nasty, as these campaigns tend to. 99% of mitt romney's advertising in florida was negative. he's going to try to metaphorically bury newt gingrich. newt gingrich is saying, i'm going to carry on until the convention. that doesn't suit mitt romney, he's going to throw the kitchen sink at him, isn't he? >> you contrasted the speeches we saw. one was a positive uplifting message and the other was pretty emotional about really not accepting what happened here tonight in florida. so there's no doubt. i think tomorrow the smoke might clear a little bit more perhaps for newt. when you look at the state of florida, it's a diverse electorate. i think it's a good example of what the country will bring to bear with future elections. >> connie mack, let's talk about your own role in this. you've turned up at gingrich rallies and heckled him. you're clearly one of romney's attack dogs at the moment. you going to tone this down? are you going to bare your teeth in more places? >> now, piers. come on. we've done this dance before. i did what all other candidates or campaigns do. that's called bracketing events. i went to the events quietly, stood in the back and offered perspective to the press as newt was speaking. this is nothing new in campaigns. so to try to paint me as an attack dog or something like that is just misguided. what i did do is try to make sure mitt romney's message was being heard. and what really the people in the state of florida were saying, we want a candidate who knows how jobs are created, who knows how this economy works, who has been in the real world, who has had successes. that's who we're looking for. the people in the state of florida spoke loudly this is the message they reacted to. >> if i can just jump in here a bit. there was no heckling whatsoever. connie explained it well. it was bracketing. we made ourselves available to the press who were there in the back of the room as they're much here tonight for the mitt romney event. what really happened was that newt ran later and later and later to his own events. the press was, i think, rather bored and started asking questions of not only connie but myself and jason as well. >> the one thing i wish you would bracket is mitt romney's singing voice. we can't have more of that. have you had a word with him? >> i thought it was fantastic. you should have heard the crowd singing along. i think it was an amazing way to end this primary campaign in florida. mitt last night was confident and relaxed. the crowd sang along. it was a beautiful moment. i mean, it wasn't american idol. >> let's be honest, if i was still judging "america's got talent" and barack obama did his al green impression and then mitt romney did what he did last night, one guy would be getting through to the next round and it wouldn't be your guy. >> i'd want the america's got courage guy for singing a cappella for that many people. >> that is true. i give him credit. because knowing he clearly isn't the best of singers, to do what he did did show courage. i agree with that. tell me this. what is the biggest challenge for mitt romney going forward? if you believe newt gingrich that he's going to keep going, going, going. attacking, attacking, attacking. ron paul presumably won't pull out either. this could run for months and months. what is the big challenge for mitt romney do you think? >> i think for mitt it's just to continue to put himself out there, continue to show he's got a plan to get america moving forward. that he understands how jobs are created. that it's not government. but it is the individual -- the risk takers. the people sitting at home right now who are watching who are willing to take risks every day to create jobs. he knows how that works. america is looking for work. and he knows how to deliver that. >> well, connie mack and mary bono mack, thank you both for your time. my bark is worse than my bite i assure you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. tonight newt gingrich lost big in florida but he vowed to stay in the race. fighting for the gop nomination to the bitter end. through all 46 remaining states. a few minutes ago, i spoke to two huge gingrich supporters. his daughters jackie gingrich and kathy gingrich. it was a bit more cheerful last time i talked to you. you came off a thumping victory. it was a huge party erupting around you. it looks a little bit quieter there tonight. >> well, piers, it's a little quieter because our father has already left to go to nevada. so there's a reason it's not quite as exciting. we're here, we have the american flag behind us. we're here to talk about what's important to the american people. we appreciate your time tonight. >> look. let's cut to the quick, ladies. he took a hell of a shellacking as my colleagues have been saying earlier. i imagine knowing the man as i do now, he wouldn't react well to a big beating like this. how is his mood? >> oh, it's great. i don't know if you were able to watch the speech that he gave tonight. but that is exactly how he feels. to be perfectly honest, we had a huge victory in south carolina. we won by 12 points. governor romney endorsed us. herman cain's endorsed us. michael reagan's been on the trail with us the last few days. we've got a lot of grassroots people that are really behind us. we knew florida, with all the media and money spent here, we knew this wasn't our state or town or place. but we also know that there are 46 more states to go. that we have lots of delegates to get. dad was really passionate in his speech tonight. he talked about the america we could have together and the bright future we can work towards together. i think the people were excited to hear that talk. >> tell me this though. clearly you've had the kitchen sink thrown at your father by mitt romney. he's been spending millions and millions of dollars pounding your dad into submission. 99% of romney's ads in florida were negative. 95% of your father's were negative. it's getting very nasty and very personal. on a human level, how do you as his daughters feel about the bombardment coming his way? >> well, it's never fun to experience that. i'm sure you can imagine it's not a pleasant place to be. it's disappointing because it does keep other people who would be good in public service out of the opportunity because they don't want to endure it. it also means we're not addressing the important issues about what we need from an american leader. what we need is someone like our father who has governed and done the things president barack obama has not yet done. he's reached across the aisle. while he was speaker he was able to cut taxes, cut spending, balance the budget four times, deal with entitlement reform. they actually helped create 11 million jobs and we were at 4.2% unemployment. that's the message that you're going to be hearing more and more about as we go forward. because that's what resonates with the american people. >> the other message we with keep hearing is from your father calling mitt romney a liar. he says he's dishonest, he's lying. do you ladies think that mitt romney is a liar? and is it helpful if mitt romney ends up being the nominee that the message is that he's a liar? does that help the republican party? >> i think part of the process of the primary is to go through this and to go through all the different things you'll see in the general election. i'll give an example. you talked about his position and what he's done. as governor, governor mitt romney raised taxes and fees $700 million. that's not a conservative message, that's not a conservative action. dad has cut taxes. he's cut spending. he's worked on welfare reform and passed it. part of what we saw in florida to your point of negative ads, mitt romney didn't ran in a record as governor. he ran against dad. he did well in florida. he clearly won florida. but i think we'll see as we go forth into the next phase. as i talked to dad after the speech, i said terrific speech. it really resonated with people. i've had so many e-mails and facebooks and people saying it was an incredible speech. dad said you know what? welcome to the next phase of the campaign. this is where we focus and where we're going. it's going to resonate with the american people. people want to know what they're getting and what to look forward to. they're going to get that with newt gingrich. >> you're both very polite young ladies. i know that, because i've spoken to you a few times now. you're always very polite to me. your father wasn't very polite tonight. he didn't congratulate mitt romney. he hasn't phoned him as far as we're aware. didn't even mention him in his speech. little bit graceless, wouldn't you think? >> i'm not really sure i'd say that was graceless. i think what that is is the reality he's moved on and we're looking on to the next 46 states. i think that sends an important message because everyone wants to know what's he doing next? i think he laid out what he's doing next. that's what he wanted to make sure everyone heard including the people in medialand. >> have you booked your tickets to the moon colony yet? >> not yet. but my two children are really looking forward to it. >> i wouldn't mind coming myself. count me in. thank you again very much. much appreciated. >> thank you. >> pleasure. when we come back, a man who knows what it takes to win in florida. the state's governor rick scott. ♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network. but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? 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>> it was a big night for florida. i think our voters voted based on, you know, what they thought was going to happen with the economy. this is the biggest issue we have. as you know, our unemployment's dropped 2.1%, the second fastest in the country. we still have people out of work. we're reducing taxes and regulation. floridians want somebody in washington that's going to do the same thing and be a great federal partner. reduce taxes, reduce regulation. we want more jobs in america and we clearly want more jobs in florida. >> why do you think they believe that mitt romney is the guy that's going to provide that for them? not newt gingrich. because newt gingrich until ten days ago was actually ahead in florida. suddenly this huge turnaround and it seems to be based around romney's better performances in the debates and the relentless negative advertising. why is mitt romney seen as the savior economically? >> i think what floridians looked at is they look at he's a business guy. i got elected a little over a year ago. i've been in business all my life. here's a business guy up there that believes he can do what we're doing in florida. turn our economy around by reducing taxes, regulation, litigation risk. that's what they want. and governor romney, he appears to have the message that floridians believed in. that because it's all about jobs. and i think his background and his debate performance. he did a good job. >> now, mitt romney's campaign ran 3,276 ads in florida. 99% were negative. is that really healthy for the american political discourse that is so unrelentingly negative? wouldn't it have been better for the party to have some positivity creeping in here? >> i think when people go to the polls, here's what they say. what's good for my family? each family in florida, they want their kids to get a great education. they want to make sure they have an opportunity for a job. and they want to keep the cost of living low. i think they look at this and say we can't continue having a country that has the second highest tax rates in the world. more regulation than anywhere in the world. so they say we need a candidate that's going to help turn our economy around. and do what we do in florida. we generate 141,000 private sector jobs. floridians believe in the private sector. they know that jobs are created by companies. so they want somebody in washington and i think tonight they said they believe mitt romney is the person that's going to do that. >> i mean, if the economy continues to improve in the way that it seems to be at the moment, wouldn't that play into barack obama's hands? i mean, if floridians believe that the president is actually turning around the situation, that's good for him, isn't it? >> absolutely. i think it's going to come down to who's got the right message this fall to turn the economy around. it's going to be just like today. it's going to be about jobs. it's going to be believing in the private sector. it's going to be who do americans say they're going to actually reduce taxes, reduce regulation, streamline the permitting process. americans are smart. they know you can't keep going down this path of trillion dollar deficits. this fall it's going to be about jobs like it was tonight. >> finally you haven't declared an endorsement yet for any candidate. following mitt romney's big win tonight, it's all over in florida for now. you prepared to back mr. romney? >> i'm going to support the republican nominee. and i believe the republican nominee will win in november because it'll be about jobs. and americans will know that the party that believes in the free market, that supports the free market, that defends the free market is going to be the party that's going to turn this economy around. >> okay. governor, thank you very much indeed. >> thank you, bye-bye. coming up, why one candidate compared the race to mud wrestling. you have to get down and dirty to make it in politics these days? 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[ dennis ] introducing the claim satisfaction guarantee. only from allstate. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you from mayhem like allstate. the american public does not want to see two or three candidates get into a mud wrestling match where everybody walks away dirty and not in a position to be able to represent our party proudly. what we saw in the last few weeks in the state of florida is not something that will help win the election. >> rick santorum tonight. is he right? are americans tired of politics as mud wrestling? joining me now, andrew breitbart, catherine crier and carol roth, business strategist and new york times best selling author. that's got to be the longest introduction ever. this must be a well qualified panel. let me start with you, amy. this is a big win for mitt romney. whichever way you look at this or try and spin it, he was suffering. he was down in south carolina. he's roared back. couple of great debates. big thumping victory. momentum will take him to nomination, isn't it? >> i mean, a lot are saying if he wins florida he wins the nomination. newt gingrich says he's going to keep battling on. i think the question for a lot of the gop and republicans think can newt still do damage to mitt romney? even if mitt romney gets the nomination? >> my gut feeling about this is rather like when barack obama took on hillary clinton. the longer it went on, the better obama became at what was then the battle between his republican opponent. isn't it the same in reverse here? aren't we in the position here where the longer if this goes on, the better it is for mitt romney to have this bruising counter with gingrich for months on end? >> i think there could be a fine line. the damage that's being done is not really on issues. it is so personal. that i think it might leave a lot of people sitting at home on election day. but in fact i think it certainly demonstrated just in the last two in south carolina and florida a different man debated newt gingrich. so i do think it has made him a better candidate. >> let me bring in andrew breitbart. andrew, it seems to be a resounding rejection of the tea party, in the sense that they have no one really left in this race. what do you make of that? the phenomenon of the tea party bursting on to the scene and then disappearing almost as fast. >> it hasn't disappeared whosoever. it has a hard time defending itself because it's a series of small organic grassroots groups at a local level. so they don't have a national organization. they don't have a national structure. so they're good at picking people in local primaries who they want to run. and fighting from the grassroots level. this is the first time they've tried to act on behalf of a national candidate. and it goes state by state by state. and with sarah palin out, there wasn't a true tea party candidate in there that they would have embraced at a massive level. >> carol roth, let me bring you in here, you're a proromney business strategist. we established that last time we spoke. and from a business point of view, he's getting more and more ruthless isn't he? he's spending more and more money getting nastier and nastier. he wants to not just beat newt gingrich, he wants to destroy the guy. >> well, we talked about this last time. he needed to bring it and he absolutely did. he brought it in the debate. he brought it in terms of the dollars spent and the type of advertisements he did. but i think it's time he needs to evolve. because i think people were waiting for him to bring it. but now they need to build a connection with him. he's sort of an outsider. he's this privileged wall street kind of guy. i don't think they feel connected to him. so before he needed to have a debate coach. now i think he needs to have a story telling coach and connect emotionally with the audience. >> yeah. i would agree with that. the one who's done that best actually -- the two people who have done it best, i think, is rick santorum who made this brilliant speech as it turned out he won in iowa. and also ron paul makes regular speeches. and no one takes much interest in ron paul. but ron paul, the way it plays out in nevada, this is the way the system is, he could do surprisingly well in the next two or three caucuses and primaries. are they out of the equation? is santorum gone and dusted? what do you think of the other two candidates? >> some watchers, they're speculating that perhaps rick santorum is staying in in the hopes of being vp on a romney ticket. if he does well in some of these upcoming states, then he can show strength on the ticket and bring conservatives home for romney. tonight listening to gingrich's speech, it was gracious and also charging forward. here's what i would do on my first day as president of the united states gingrich is an emotional guy and does make emotional connections with voters. sometimes for good, sometimes for not. >> newt gingrich, he was dead on arrival this summer. whole campaign team quit. he went off on holiday, that seemed to be it. then he came steaming back. then he went down again. then he came and won in south carolina. now he's gone back again. i wouldn't rule out newt gingrich. would you? >> i've been covering newt gingrich since the late '80s. the man is his own worst enemy. in so many respects. you let him talk long enough, and he'll talk himself out of what he succeeded in. the thing i'm interested in, he listening to his speech tonight, is there any chance this man could take his people's campaign? remember he said this is not a republican campaign, it's the people's campaign to a third party? he does have the ego for good or bad. he does think in grandiose terms. he's admitted that himself. i wonder if there's any chance >> i don't know if he has the organization. ron paul would have the organization for that. >> i don't think that would matter. >> and there's also a question, which i'm going to put to andrew breitbart after this break. which is andrew, realistically, does anybody on the republican side right now with the economy improving have a chance of beating barack obama? i think i know what your answer is going to be, but let's get the suspense building up. for fastidious librarian emily skinner, each day was fueled by thorough preparation for events to come. well somewhere along the way, emily went right on living. but you see, with the help of her raymond james financial advisor, she had planned for every eventuality. ...which meant she continued to have the means to live on... ...even at the ripe old age of 187. life well planned. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you. there is many brush fires of freedom being lit across this country today. we don't even know where they are there are so many. but it is translated into great enthusiasm and change. the change that we need. >> you know who was enthusiastic? ron paul speaking awhile ago. back with me now my panel. let me ask you andrew, can these guys whichever one wins the nomination actually beat barack obama if the economy -- and this is the big question -- if the economy continues to improve, right up to november, he's going to get a home run, isn't he? >> that's a big if. i would also say less crappy than crappy is still crappy. the economy is not robust. and i think the american people who voted for obama on a concept of hope and change which was about uplift have experienced occupy. they've experienced wisconsin. they've experienced the economy organizing isn't helping the little old lady across the street. it's a form of war tactics against your own enemy. and people have obama fatigue because hope and change is accusing anyone who disagrees with president obama of being a racist. that's the opposite of the racial reconciliation that was tasked with this presidency 37. >> with the occupy movement, for example, you say it's raging around american stuff. the reality is it isn't. most people in america are not protesting. 340 million of them -- actually, mayfield agreed. but i don't get a sense and i don't have the horse in this race. but i don't get a sense that people in america hate barack obama enough yet to want to really kick him out. >> okay. well, the thing is the mainstream media is not going to report to you the origins of the occupy movement. it was the biggest story of last year according to time magazine. if you look at the origins, it's the same people that organized against bush and katrina. same people that organized the anti-war movement. it was even the same exact people that protested the republican national convention in 2008. where two members of these radical groups were arrested for planning to use molotov cocktails against the police. >> andrew, i think we're getting slightly tangential here. >> well, i -- >> only you could have brought molotov cocktails into this. let's cut to what my gut senses at the moment. most republicans even if they're conservatives aren't really warm to mitt romney. probably looking at the whole race now thinking a romney/chris christie ticket might be the best way to beat barack obama. has romney done enough? it's interesting in florida with all the problems they've got. the worst housing crisis in the whole of america. they decided gingrich or romney, they preferred romney's view of the economy and how to revive it than newt gingrich. that's an encouraging sign. to me they don't look upon romney as this very super rich out of touch guy anymore. would you agree with that? >> i think it all boil douns to electability. i relate everything back to high school in america. you have to remember when it comes down to it, people want to elect somebody who's cool. not necessarily the smartest kid. so you've got barack obama who's basically the prom king and newt gingrich who's the head of the debate club. so at least romney is going to the prom. he has a chance against the prom king. i think everybody realizes if you put newt gingrich against barack obama, even if your head says this makes sense, your gut goes, yeah, i just can't do that. >> interesting thing is that a lot of conservatives, they do not really want a mitt romney. so they are going along with this reluctantly at the moment. i think this is why gingrich says i'm staying in this to the end. because i think he thinks he can represent himself as a genuine conservative alternative to the moderate which mitt romney clearly is. >> i think newt gingrich does believe that about his candidacy and listening to his speech tonight. he said he was the conservative in the race and that mitt romney was the massachusetts moderate. but you asked the question could mitt romney beat president obama? certainly he could. the country doesn't have to hate president obama to tire of his policies and want a new direction. you're going to want to look at those, is the country going in the right direction, wrong direction polls? and maybe we should be putting our country in the handses of someone else. it doesn't have to be such extreme polarization. >> let's pull the curtain back, the conservative establishment is a business group. very different from the culture social group. right now gingrich is appealing to the cultural conservatives. when he went after mitt romney about capitalism and about how he made his money and you saw -- i mean, you saw the establishment talking heads, the politicians on capitol hill going after him. you have got a business community who is supporting romney for business reasons. >> i'm not sure about that. >> the one thing i know about business people is in the end they will go where they think success lies. >> absolutely. >> an interesting thing to me is -- >> gingrich scares the -- >> the interesting thing is always money. rick santorum is still raising money. newt gingrich raising a lot of money. this may not be over yet. and what happens in places like nevada and michigan and so on can be very significant in terms of their ability to carry on raising money. i think that may be where we get the indication about who stays in and comes out. thank you all for now. i'd love to get you back in this twilight hour. it glams the place up with you in here. and you too, andrew, obviously. joke. when we come back, did we witness the birth of a new mitt? i'll ask frank brunei. is ugh. 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[whispering] big dreams. will be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to ssagesmalibubook.com. president obama demonizes almost ever sector of our economy. i would make america the most popular place for entrepreneurs, job creators. and unlike the other people running for president, i know how to do that because i've done it before. >> mitt romney going on the attack against barack obama tonight. joining me now new york times open ed op ed columnist frank brunei. where are we with all this? it's been a bit of a roller coaster hasn't it so far? has mitt romney made the tipping point move to where he's a genuine front runner? >> absolutely. we've been talking about him as a front runner for a long time. there hasn't been enough evidence at the polls to show it. now it's there. >> he looks and sounds this week in his entirety with the debates and the speech tonight, he just looks more presidential, doesn't he? he looks like he's found his mojo? >> he looks more motivated. there's that moment in every primary process where you look for a candidate to find the proverbial fire in the belly. he found it this time but at some cost. he went very negative. when you look at polls, his favorability ratings with americans going into the general are going to be much worse as a result of this primary contest. >> how damaging is it for republicans they're laying into each other with such relentless negativity? i think in florida for example, there were 11,000 ads, and 97% were negative. >> yeah. >> now, that's fine when they're scrapping with each other. but if you're barack obama, you sit back and go, this is all useful, i can play this stuff against them. >> it's useful. he has a -- a lot of people will have negative thoughts about him. they see him as mean and bitter. that said, this happens in every primary process, a lot of voters aren't paying close attention. a lot of people reason the going to tune in until the last couple months. he can invent himself anew at that point. >> if you're obama, who do you least want to take on? >> probably romney. >> you said probably. i mean, i've been wrestling with this myself. i'm not sure whether you're terrified of romney or not. you think you know what? we could probably deal with someone like him. >> i don't think they're terrified of him. but of the people they might go up against, he's probably the fiercest opponent for a lot of reasons. he was seen as the most moderate. that's going to help him in a general. that makes him a tougher opponent than gingrich seen as conservative. i don't think obama or his people are terrified of romney. the president has gotten lucky with this field of republicans, because in different ways all of them would be very, very flawed general election candidates. >> newt gingrich is saying i'm not giving up. i'm going the whole way. 46 more states and so on. common sense says if he gets hammered in the next five or six, that may be it. but he's got a slight point. the box standard conservative in the republican party does not warm to mitt romney. and so they may be tempted to gravitate to him. if they feel that romney can't beat obama. >> it's not outside the rem of possibility. if there's anything this process has taught us, it's not to make assumptions. we have seen front runner after front runner. this has been a crazedy, crazy primary process. and i think any candidate going through it is going to say i'm going to ride it out as long as i can. who knows the next twist. >> santorum and paul where are they in this? >> paul wasn't really competing in florida. paul's not going to get the nomination. >> but he has got a remarkably loyal, young following of people who are very aware on social media and stuff. he leads the twitter, facebook stuff. which is extraordinary given his age. >> and that's lovely for him, and a compliment to him in certain ways, but he's not going to get the nom dags. >> does it make him a valuable tool to whoever wants to be the nominee? >> if he has a lot of delegates in the end and public support, the nominee is going to want every single former opponent to line up behind him. and so sure. paul would be one of those people. but i don't think paul is really a factor when we're talking about who's going to get the nomination. >> santorum? >> santorum i think tries to stay in it for a while, because there's clearly this block of voters who don't want romney, if you're more conservative. if you're santorum you're saying something could happen with gingrich. if something happened and he became a nonfactor in a couple weeks, maybe i become the conservative alternative, and suddenly i have a little traction. >> i want to talk about the key issue which is who is the better singer? barack obama or mitt romney? >> suddenly i feel like i'm christina aguilera on the voice or something. >> you might be. hold your verdict. we have a break. really think about this. 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[ male announcer ] enbrel. the #1 biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. ♪ i'm so in love with you ♪ america america ♪ god shed his grace on thee there you have it. proof that america's got talent. well, at least parts of america have got talent. i'm back with "new york times" frank bruni. it's unfair because obama has a better singing voice. >> if this selection on pitch, obama's got it on a landslide. no offense to mitt romney. >> what does it say about the men's character? if you're the president of the united states and you've got al green in an audience and you decide against the judgment of your aides i'm going to start singing al green, that takes guts. i think it took mitt romney even more guts to sing a whole song, an american anthem knowing with youtube and everything else, everyone's going to see this. >> you've got to have guts if you're going to be president. the time you're in front of the public, you've got to have a lot of guts. this doesn't really surprise me. we learned about their voices but i don't think we learned anything new about thinker gumption. >> why would anyone want to be the president given the stress workload and attention? >> we should say this from time to time because we tear apart the candidates and being critical of them. it is really, really difficult and wearing to run for president. it guarantees we do not have people in the oval office that didn't really want the job. >> i have great respect for all the candidates. i've interviewed all of them now. and the work load, the incredible attention, the goldfish bowl they live in, exposure to their families. >> the second guessing. >> everything. it's enormous. and i think people often forget that. >> yeah. >> and are quick to judge them negative negatively. but actually you've got to really want this haven't you? >> to go out on the trail and to watch them, this is a very tedious exercise. those of us at tables like this and writing about them, we're really brutal on them. >> i like the american system. we have nothing like this in britain. it's much faster and less forensic. what i feel about it is, you really get to know these people. >> yes. >> and you can make a proper judgment. >> yes. >>. >> come election day, there's nothing i don't know about mitt romney