out front tonight mitt romney begins a battle in south carolina. five days until the primary in new hampshire, right in that's where the former massachusetts governor has a solid lead. so where he decided to spend most of the day was, south carolina. >> i want to restore to america the principles that made us the powerhouse, morally, economically and militarily, in the entire world. >> romney, his pal john mccain, and gal nicky haley, all there, giving a joint speech in charlston. this is a whole new ball game. one of the highest concentration of evangelical voters in america, nearly half of the population identifies itself as evangelical. which doesn't exactly mean good things for mitt romney. in iowa, 34% voted for rick santorum, only 14% for mitt romney. here is what is amazing. we don't know if romney has made it right with christians in south carolina because polls are about a month old. wisdom is that he wouldn't and didn't need to win south carolina. the vibe changed. now people see it as a must-win state he if he is to be the presidential nominee. gloria, first of all, south carolina, wasn't positioned as a must-win state for romney. but now set one pushing it days ahead of new hampshire. can he win? >> you know, if you look at history first of all, no republican ever won the nomination without south carolina. if history is a guide, he ought to win it. can he win it? good question. it is not entirely clear because of rick santorum. i just spoke with someone high up in the santorum campaign. they are about to make a very large ad bye in the state of south carolina. as you know from the wall the other night, erin, when you were flicking away there, that strong moral character is the key to santorum's support. 40% of the people who were looking for strong moral character were santorum supporters and that is really important, in south carolina. so mitt romney has a way to go there. >> it is interesting you bring up the moral character going tore santorum. john, you were pointing at reverend in south carolina, baptist convention saying, romney's mormonism will be more of a concern that gingrich's infidelity. >> at least according to that analysis. bob jones university is in south carolina. there is some folks in the hard core evangelical sect that will have a hard time with romney's religion. but he came in fourth in south carolina in 2008 behind fred thompson. so there is room for a center right candidate to win south carolina, he just has it play hard. that's why he is down there today. >> of course john mccain was down there. i want to play a soundbite of something that happened in new hampshire regarding rick santorum, that could be very interesting when it comes to south carolina. this is a conversation with a student in new hampshire, crucial because we know issues very different this south carolina, talking about gay marriage. >> if your point is, people should be allowed to do whatever makes them happy. right? is that what you just said? >> as long as tle don't harm other people. >> okay. so if they aren't harming other people. who determines whether they are harming people or not? >> anybody can -- >> well, if there is -- so everybody can understand it. oh. everybody can -- so we aren't going to have courts. >> morals -- >> so there is some objective standard. >> two men have the same rights as a man and woman. >> what about three men? >> no, stop. >> now we will play the reaction at the end with this whole exchange ended of what happened to rick santorum. >> thank you for your time and attention, thanks. [ applause ] [ booing ] >> that's new hampshire. new hampshire on social issues decidedly not like south carolina but does a soundbite like that play differently in south carolina. >> that whole ex change would play differently. remember, the least religious state in the nation, and rick santorum ain't no libertarian. but that appeal can help him in south carolina for better or worse. >> gloria, what do you think about how that plight play or will play tonight to south carolina? >> in south carolina, people are more atune to the social issues. in new hampshire, it is more the economic issues. but i think what you saw there, is rick santorum, welcome to the big leagues, welcome to the top tier. because what happens, when you're in the top tier, as you go around the state, you're going to have people who want to challenge you because they know that he is very conservative on social issues. so you clearly have someone in that audience opposed to his position on gay marriage. he is against gay marriage. and sort of pushing him on it. this is the test for someone who is a candidate. he kind of seemed to let that get under his skin. and he is going to have to develop a way to not let that get under his skin. as he continues campaigning in new hampshire. have it's a whole different state than iowa. >> let's go to joe johns. joe, what was it like today, when in that crowd. john mccain, obviously stumping for mitt romney. and what's the feeling like? are you getting a sense of enthusiasm for mitt romney, or no? >> i didn't really get a huge sense of enthusiasm. this is a polite audience and a lot of big wigs there. the governor of course of south carolina was there. john mccain was there. and it looked like the kind of stop where mitt romney wanted to come to south carolina and say, i'm not forgetting you. i'm here. look at me. i brought along the guy who won the south carolina primary four years ago. i hear he is making a few calls around the state. and i think they are putting their foot in the water and trying to figure out how they can get a leg up. they are also realizing, communicated with tlem today, and they tell me that they are under no illusions that in their view it is an uphill battle but they will make a strong showing as possible sb erin. >> so what do you think about how this will go? because you can make the argument as they did. they don't need to win it. but as gloria pointed out, no one ever won the nomination without it. >> look be with you got to play south carolina. it is an important state and much more complex than the stereotype. i'm biassed, my folks live there. but he can complete there. there are a lot of plis conceptions about south carolina. him hiing that nikki haley support, but she is less popular than barack obama. the argument that no one should avoid is economics. that is rick santorum's strongest point. it is whether he can make the place about the closed mill towns and hey we have a plan for manufacturing. that could help you and mitt romney has it plan that field as well. >> how do you think when we get the next poll which i think we will within the next 24 hours, last time we had it at the peak of the gingrich surge. >> right. >> what is your view of how at least in order it stacks out in south florida. >> i don't know. i think you will see rick santorum and newt gingrich do well in south carolina. i think it depends on what happens to mitt romney in new hampshire. he is in the stratosphere in new hampshire. even if he wins, which i think is likely, it comes down from the stratosphere it a level that is more like what he has been getting, say 25 to 30% and still wins. then he will be perceived as very vulnerable. but if he has a lot of momentum, all this added, democrats fall in love with their candidates. republicans fall in line. right? at a certain point, the republicans may decide they fall in line. but here is the problem for mitt romney. tea partiers don't like him very much. and that will dog him in south carolina. >> thanks very much to both of you. we appreciate it. we will -- thanks to you joe johns as well. we will speak with mitt romney's top adviser later in our show and put those questions to him in a few minutes. next, president obama announcing sweeping changes to america's military. today as everyone focuses on the campaigning, a big story. and did you know we have 200,000 military sites around the world? that is not a joke. is it time for america to start slashing? under surveillance tonight, the government and facebook, using facial recognition on a daily basis. but there is a flu group trying it out. big business targeting you. the woman acquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, caylee, under a new video. this is an rc robotic claw. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪ now a story we have been out front on from the beginning. military cuts in the u.s. today president obama announcing a sweeping change to the way this country fights. the focus is not on fighting large ground battles, it is all about sea and air might, including drones, to watch china and iran. now the move means nearly half a trillion dollars in cuts for the pentagon budget. thousands of fewer troops. and with it, a warning. not of weakness thanks to cuts, but of getting more for less. >> it is our military will be leaner but the world must know that united states is going to maintain our military superiority with armed forces that are agile, flexible and ready for the full range of contingencies and threats. >> out front tonight, the fall out begins. the uk's independent reads, obama, the u.s. can no longer fight the world's battles. so what does this mean? did you know there are more than 200,000 american military sites around the world in many in vital areas of interest. that's right, 202,178 in the around the world. do we need them all? the former commanding general of the u.s. army intelligence center, and commander of the aircraft carrier group, good to have you both with us. admiral, can we afford to slash some of them? >> absolutely. a number of them are still legacy from the cold war. particularly under the european theater. what is important today is, do you have bases that might be ad hoc bases because we have relationship with kazakhstan. they worked with us. they know us. we can fly in there and do what we need do to guard afghanistan. but it is also why you are seeing a greater dependence upon mobile bases, like aircraft carriers. we have also placed at sea increase in the army troops, you actually have the visions of equipment floating at sea today. i think you will see that more ad hoc type of base structure than fixed and forward. >> general marks, when you look at that headline out of independent though, it makes you realize that rest of the world, there will be many who see this as america the weaker, america that cannot fight battles any more. is there any truth in that interpretation? >> there's absolutely zero truth. how someone wants to interpret that is up to them, but the facts don't back it up at all. joe is spot on. let's not focus on any type of presence in the aruba or bahamas, let's focus on what we have done over the past 30 years. we have had pretossing stocks of equipment in a whole bunch of locations around the globe, to include the indian ocean. for over 30 years to prepare and be forward ready for contingencies we don't predict very well. we have a great amount of experience in terms of how it to fight and create influence where we need to create it. we must not rely on fixed locationes a tie us down and spend a lot of money. but still we must have the ability, erin, to put boots on the ground in order to achieve dominance and to achieve influence. >> and let me ask you about china. you can see china from so many different ways, right? they have that drone. they will get the technology. they have nuclear submarines or can you see they are still spending a lot less than america and have a long way to go. but they are obsessed with one thing, and that's coming up with a counter to everything america has, and america has all sorts of goals with its military. how important is china right now? >> i think this is a very important issue. >> go ahead, admiral. >> the president changed our focus in the western pacific where the strategic center of our trl be for the century economically as well as security wise. but the other aspect of this change is changing to what spider marks here did in his whole career. he is saying it is no longer about how many ships you have, how many brigades you have, it is about whether you shape towards knowledge. china has about 80 submarines. we have about 50. do we pr cure a lot more submarine eats $2 billion a piece or begin to develop a censor system that can listen for subs in the south china fra little buoys that can network that to some drone flying around it drop a torpedo. that's the reshaping that president announced today. it is about capability not necessarily more structure. >> all right. general marks, admiral, thanks to both. interesting you both think the interest is doing the right thing. of course, let us know what you think out there. this opens the whole door to why china is so obsessed with why china is interested in hacking into our technology. that ings brings us to under surveillance. to today we are talking about facial recognition. now you can see it on facebook with photo tagging as an example but now businesses from bars, to big retail chains may all use facial detection to target you. now how and why? we asked the federal trade commission that question. >> well, there are three reasons. the first is photo organization and sharing sites. so the idea would be that i upload my photos on to a particular site. and i can organize them through a company offering facial recognition technology. the second use we have seen is digital signs. i might pass by a sign and it might record my age and gender to serve me a target the ad. the third use is innovative use by apps. for example, one of the things we heard about is that there are cameras in particular bars and the cameras will record the general age and gender of the people in the bars and i can download an app and decide which bar to go to based on the age and gender of people in that bar. >> obviously privacy a major concern. and they are working on it. but at this point, all you can do is ask businesses and let customers know if they are using the technology. can't stop it. that way you have a choice of going in that bar or not. obviously, this is going to have a lot more to it. a florida mom, missing michelle parker, we have spoken to her family several times. her mother out out front. and steven colbert, can he flick better than i can? pie. she said pie. pie. 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[ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ so, on last night's colbert report, steve colbert had fun with me. on tuesday i had trouble with my flick wall during coverage of the iowa caucuses. that was pretty pathetic, i got to admit. but the thing is, he took it furn when he unveiled his own device and flicked a picture of me around his set. i was okay until he actually flushed me down a toilet. yeah, that's what he did. he ended the segment, let me show you the toilet part here, okay? here is -- yeah, see? okay. so that's where i started to have a problem. but then he ended his segment with this. >> are you -- what's this? cnn, is this your graphic? pow. >> that brings me to tonight's number. that's the year that photo was taken, 2005, on my first day at cnbc. so steven, when you ask, is this your graphic, cnn? the answer is, no. look, it's not a big deal. you were probably just excited about your new toy and you were forgot you were a journalist for a second. but the truth is, steven, i don't want to fight with you. sort of like michael jackson said. "i want to flick with you all night ♪ >> any time, anywhere, colbert. i i just want to flick with you. i will bring my flick wall. you bring yours. we will settle it once and for all. we love michael jackson in general. he is the king of pop for a reason. why we use one of his number one hit, flick -- sorry, rock with you. his album, "bad" has the most number one songs off one album. that could change. because katy perry has five number one songs on her album, teenage dream. one more and she could beat the king of pop. she is close. this is one of a lot of surprising numbers in music. adell's 21 rocked the charts. best selling al. but year. 21, first year of digital music sales topped physical music sales. but here is what we liked from the neilson billboard report. 3.9, that's how many million vinyl records were sold last year. vinyl. over a million more than last year and fourth straight year of increases. that's right. still out front, the "outfront" five. a parent's plea. >> they are so important to me and my family. >> casey's bizarre video. >> this has just been such a bless flg so many ways. >> all this out front in our second half. my job is to find the next big sound. they sound awesome tonight. and when i do find it, i share it with the world. you landed the u.s. tour ? done. this is fantastic ! music is my life and i want to make the most of it without missing a beat. fly without putting your life on pause. be yourself nonstop. american airlines. we're getting back in shape. oh! try these. i sprinted here... wow! from your house?! from the car. unh! ooh. [ male announcer ] get back on track with low prices on everything you need. backed by our ad match guarantee. walmart. i understandour ad match guarantee. you need a little help with your mortgage, want to avoid foreclosure. candy? um-- well, you know, you're in luck. we're experts in this sort of thing, mortgage rigamarole, whatnot. why don't we get a contract? who wants a contract? [honks horn] [circus music plays] here you go, pete. thanks, betty. betty: we're out of toner. announcer: if you're facing foreclosure, talk to the right people. speak with hud-approved housing counselors free of charge at... we start the second half of our show with stories we care about, where we focus in our own reporting, dot work and find the outfront five. first, the department of defense will see if classify information was leaked to the filmmakers of the movie to the death of osama bin laden. congressman peter king called for an investigation claiming the white house and pentagon gave filmmakers access to tactics used in the raid. republican said quote the leaks that followed the successful bin laden mission led to the arrest of pakistanis and put in danger the mission's heros and families. the white house denied sharing any classified information. number two, barnes & noble announcing it is considering spinning off its nook unit. nook is its ereader. the company says holiday sales rose 70% over last year but the cheaper simple touch caused the company to cut its overall sales outlook. shares are hammered, down 17%. third, general motors announcing a fix for the chevy volt. there were concerns about how well the volt's battery was protected because two cars caught fire weeks after a crash test. we took a look at what gm is doing. the company will strengthen existing protection surrounding the battery and adding a censor to monitor cooling levels. there is an an official recall. the company is calling it a quote customer satisfaction campaign. initial claims for unemployment benefits fell by 15,000 to 372,000. now the four-week moving average, volatile and more importanting with fell to its lowest level. this is important since june of 2008 right before the world fell off a cliff with lehman brothers. this is the final jobs data before we get the report tomorrow. polled by cnn money, expecting employers of 150,000 jobs, but that the unemployment rate will tick higher to 8.7%. well it has been 153 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? well, check in out. a few weeks ago, this, it's coming, maybe it's coming. well, it was the cover of time magazine. there it is. it said, why don't they like me. there you see mitt romney's face. here is today's cover. so how do you like me now? so do you like me now? so really, have things changed, post iowa? mitt romney just won in iowa. looks like he will win in new hampshire. our strike team says set best republican candidate on the economy. but the narrative remains, a lack of passion, the electorate for the former massachusetts governor. mitt romney's top adviser is "outfront" tonight. eric, thanks so much for being with us. i appreciate it. i know you are in the midst of a very busy few days pch people says, mitt romney is a winner as long as he comes in to the top three. it was a given you would win new hampshire. south carolina not a big deal. now first in iowa. sorry. i don't know what it is. i'm having a little coughing attack. it wasn'ter is seed of as it great. do you feel the bar has been placed unfairly high? >> well, actually, six weeks ago, erin, nobody was predicting that mitt romney would win the iowa caucus. we are thrilled with the outcome there. now we are in new hampshire and i know what the polls are showing, but i can tell what you mitt romney's frame of mind is. his frame of mind is, he is running as if he is three points behind. i think that's how you have to treat campaigning in new hampshire. we have honored their traditions. honored their status. mitt romney has done many, many events in new hampshire and we hope to do well. i think it is worth noting that the last three republican primaries there were decided by six points or less, so you can expect some narrowing, some narrowing of the contest as we get closer to the voting. but we like the state of the race right now. we like the fact obviously that we finished first in iowa. as we said, no one was expecting it. we will see what happens on tuesday then off to south carolina and florida. >> what is a win for mitt romney in new hampshire? i mean, obviously, now you are polling up 47 or so percent. everyone says it'll neyo a little bit but what is the win that will make you give a high-five when that winner is announced? >> well, erin, i'm not going to make any predecks about what will happen in new hampshire. i do think that you have to earn the vote in new hampshire. and mitt romney has demonstrated that he will work hard everyday for every vote that gets cast on tuesday. we take nothing for granted. we don't consider ourselves the odds-on favorite for the nominee. we are not overconfident in any way. we do believe that mitt romney is the best person to lead on jobs in the economy. that's the fir thing that voters are looking for and then secondly, for republican voters have sensed that obama is weak and vulnerable, we think that mitt romney is the best person to defeat him in november. >> what about south carolina? that's another one where people thought, the last polls were newt gingrich come flg strong first. new polls will come out. obviously mitt romney was in south carolina today. south carolina considered by your campaign a must-win? >> look, you know, four years ago mitt romney finished fourth in south carolina in that primary. so we are under no illusions of how difficult it'll be for us in that state. but we will work hard just as we are working hard in new hampshire. we will try to earn every book that we can. >> a final question on super pacs. i know there is a lot of comment about this, a lot of frustration for people like newt gingrich, supporting mitt romney running negative ads in iowa. mitt romney was with joe scarborough saying he doesn't like super pacs and wish they didn't exist. barack obama said the same thing and he has super pacs. if the general election is barack obama and mitt romney, would they shake hands and no super pacs? >> well the state of the law is that candidate don't control the outside groups. you're right, there are a lot of people operating. some advertising against mitt romney, inclooed clincluding th president's super pac which you just mentioned. i think to keep in mind with the outside groups, is that one, candidates can't control them. but two, for the republican nominee, whoever that person is going to be, think have to expect an onslaught of negativity from the obama machine. we aren't going to complain p b it, we're going to fight back. >> all right. thank you very much. appreciate your taking the time. romney's tp adviser joining us from new hampshire tonight. i want to bring if james carville now. and let me ask you for your reaction. strategically, you hear how he is talking. we are playing like we are three points behind. can you hear me, there? >> yeah, right here. >> okay, good. what i was saying is strategically, what do you think about the way romney is playing this. we are playing like we are three points behind. is that way it play it? >> yeah, for sure. he did a good job. that's exactly what i would say if ways in his position. we nts to tap down kpek tagss. look, he has a good hand. he will get the nomination. as i said before, this is a weak field for a challenge in a weak front-runner but he will certainly end up a nominee and i thought he played his cards just right. i would have said everything he said. i was listening intently and i didn't disagree with anything he said about expectations. >> so strategically, you think they are doing good job. but what about new hampshire situation. i'm curious whether you think it is a lock for romney. i know he is running, what, 40 plus percent, 47% in the latest. 17% of voters still undecided in new hampshire. 40 are registered independent, they are allowed to vote in the primary. one sb it a lock? and two, what is the resounding win that mitt romney needs. and what is a win that make people think he doesn't have what it takes. >> first of all, he has a superb campaign. superb spokesman and superb television. he will do better in new hampshire than other states because ind endents will be able to vote. the key number to me would be the number is of his percent of republicans. i hate to use these words but yes, he is a pro libitied favorite to win and the i would be stun fed he didn't win, as would mitt romney. he will do better as john mccain did when he ran against bush in 2000. he could get everybody to vote for him but other republicans. if you look in iowa, he didn't do any better than he did four years ago under 2008. in spite of having a very good campaign and very good spokespeople on television. >> we will see how it goes. james carville, thanks so much. great to see you. see you next week in new hampshire. >> glad you got your voice back. glad you didn't flick me off there. thank you. >> all right. now let's check in with anderson with a look at what coming up on ac360. >> keeping them honest tonight. rick santorum trying to build off his strong showing in iowa but instead he is having to answer questions about list views on americans. he said he was tongue tied. we will play the remarks he made and let you decide exactly what he said. newt gingrich also taking heat for comments he made on the naacp and food stamps. we will talk with with our panel about all of that. in syria, killing continues. 24 more people died today. tonight on 360, the inside story. a syrian defector calling it genocide. saying the government can no longer control, the quote, human monsters. and pays $100 a day to kill its own people. remashable stuff. those stories, all at the top of the hour, erin. in the meantime, michelle parker with, florida missing mother, missing since november, her parents are "outfront" next. you read the book, now meet the mother behind it, amy, cuha, the tiger mom. man: my eltrill s king ban this team of guinea pigs to ty bo so to save some y, d inea pig: row...row. they genatectry, wch le me rf t. guinea pig: row...row.took one, 8 months to get the guin: ..row.ow...row. they genatectry, wch le me rf t. lile cbby one to yell row! guineaig: ro's kof strange. guinig: row...row. such a simple word... row. anncr: t an easierayof strange. save. get online. go to get a quote. e u 15% or more on car insurance. 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[ jody ] it's really good value. all my guests love it. i'm jody gonzalez, red lobster general manager. and i sea food differently. every night. our outer circle where we reach out to our sources around the world. first attacks across iraq, a wave of explosions killing at least 60 people. violence targeted shee ietsz and fears of sectarian bloodshed app p public policy scholar at woodrow wilson center, we asked, fwh now that we are pulling out of iraq, is itting is it falling a? >> there are both blocks are fractured and therefore there is a lot of space for coalitions between the shiites and sunnis. >> all right, casey anthony is speak out. but it is not a sent sent lating tell-all interview. she was acquitted last july of murdering her 2-year-old daughter caylee. she talked about the computer, the dog she adopted and her upcoming birthday. there was nothing said about caylee or her family. >> just so surreal about how many things have changed and haven't changed. but the good thing is, is that things are starting to look up and things are starting to change. in a good way. >> anthony's lawyer said, the video is part after memoir and is not released. saying she did not authorize it and therefore it had to be obtained illegally. mike galanos covered the trial from start to finish. mike, could you just explain, what happened here? how did this get out on the web? >> well, we talked to a woman by the name of holly briley. she has a facebook page, a boycott casey anthony page. she said there was a post sent to her page, kind of like inviting her into this video that you had to pay 3 bucks for. she and her husband somehow downloaded the video without paying the three bucks. and she thought, dog gone it, i'm getting this on youtube for free so anyone can watch for free and casey anthony won't mike a dime, ie, the 3 bucks. because you do had math, it would add up pretty quick. at three bucks a pop, a thousand views, three grand and so on. so that's what this holly had to say, this is a facebook issue. and she put it on youtube. that is how she claims it got out there. >> i listened to the whole thing. about 4 minutes, 21 seconds. no mention of caylee. the only thing she mentioned is her newly adopted dog. >> we watched it like you over and over again and counted where she said the words my or mine, 40 plus times. and that fits with the narcissus we have seen, casey anthony to be. all about her. and the cynics out there, and i guess admittedly, i'm one of tlem, that would say, there is a business move. her name has not been in the move. she hasn't landed the big money interview as of yet. let's get letter name back out there. to your point, erin, nothing of sunstance is mentioned. other than she is happy to have a computer an camera and things to call her own. a new dog. and then the thing that gets you that says, oh, i hate the camera, maybe i can conquer that fear. she has been mugging for the camera for three years, ever since we have known her. >> she indicated this is like the first of a series. >> exactly. the first of many. >> memoirs, i guess. >> right. memoirs. video diary, so to speak. she claims this was taped in october which leads it one question, why release it now in the cynics, like myself, say, to get your name back in the news. and this is the teaser. done in black and white. we have had video people say, this was a post production thing. this is not a black and white camera. this is post production. there wered its going on here and this could be to your point, the first of many. >> all right, mike galanos, thank you very much. we have breaking news now. boston globe coming out with an an endorsement. let's see who it is. the editor of the boston globe joins us on the phone. pete, who is it? >> we are supporting jon huntsman. >> jon huntsman? and why? >> well, there are many, many reasons. certainly his solid record in utah. his experience as ambassador to china. but mostly his commitment to bipartisanship, his commitment to fixing congress and his overall demeaner during the campaign, i think have really stood out. >> and i'm just curious, do you think that this will be enough to move the needle for him? obviously doing, you know, doing much better in new hampshire than anywhere else. that's where he focused his time. do you think this could really move the needle? >> well we are the second largest paper in new hampshire after the union leader. i think that our readership tends to be more among independents. that's a constituency that responds to jon huntsman. so, i could easily see it making a difference. and you know, obviously, we only offer advice to our readers and they take it from there. but i think there's a lot for them to like in jon huntsman. >> all right, so tell me how you made this decision. because i know obviously, have you been thinking about it for for a long time. why not mitt romney or newt gingrich? what were the negatives about those candidates that you see as positives in jon huntsman? >> i think the -- the choice really came down to romney and huntsman. basically, they had the most presidential demeanor. i think that rick santorum is a fine spokesman for particularly a religious rights constituency that you know, represents a more narrow side of the republican electorate. ron paul obviously speaks a narrow slice of the electorate and -- >> why not -- >> romney and huntsman had a broader focus and seems more credible to us at presidents of the united states, but huntsman's been bolder in the campaign. you have a real sense of where he would take the country. he's engoinged on the issues in a more forceful way than romney has. we're from massachusetts. we have some good memories of romney as governor, but he's disvowed some of those positions. i think that romney could be a credible president. we say in the editorial that a vote for huntsman, for those who might fear it would be wasted, would have an impact on the overall race and could have an impact on romney. >> all right. well, pete, thank you very much. we appreciate it and viewers, you're looking at jon huntsman speaking live in newport, new hampshire. that will really boost his spirits and campaign tonight as he tries to find a way to a strong finish in new hampshire. the boston rn globe, second biggest newspaper in new hampshire. the largest in boston coming out with an endorsement for jon huntsman tonight. a fire storm of controversy with her book. you may have thought about it in your own home, but she's out front next with more on garbage. [ mom ] hi scooter. this is mommy. the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. the vegetables are cut nice and thick... you were always good at cutting your vegetables. and it's got tender white-meat chicken... the way i always made it for you. oh, one more thing honey... those pj's you like, the ones with the feet, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. gives you a 50 percent annual bonus. so you earn 50 percent more cash. if you're not satisfied with 50% more cash, send it back! i'll be right here, waiting for it. who wouldn't want more cash? [ insects chirping ] i'll take it. i'll make it rain up in here. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? sorry i'll clean this up. shouldn't have made it rain. when it comes to home insurance, surprises can be a little scary. and a little costly. that's why the best agents present their clients with a lot of options. because when it comes to what's covered and what's not, nobody likes surprises. [ click ] [ chuckles ] we totally thought -- [ all scream ] obscure space junk falling from the sky? we cover that. moving on. aah, aah, aah, aah. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ so, you're looking for help with your mortgage, worried about foreclosure. we can help you keep your house. all we ask for in return is that you submit to our plans for galactic domination. [laughing] [laughing hesitantly] [laughing evilly] sign. announcer: if you're facing foreclosure, talk to the right people. speak with hud-approved housing counselors free of charge at... and now, a term that has become part of the american lexicon. tiger mom. a way of parenting embodied by one woman who wrote a book about raising her two girls chinese style. now, her approach to rearing her two cubs includes mandatory piano and violin lessons, no sleepovers and harsh criticism of mistakes. now, this caused a lot of deb e debate, but the message is innovative and bold whether you agree or not and i asked her abt last night. so much to talk about. let me start with this. i went to china in summer and going to a school to visit these young kids in summer school. they're learning how to speak english. now, they did have games and other things they played, but it was a parents day and i was lucky enough to get this. your book, best seller in china. they had all read it and they had all talked about it in their circle of friends and had pretty strong opinions about it. here is one dad who's a software programmer and his son is in the camp. >> one of the viewpoints describe in the memoir, but the specific percent of opinions are not correct. for example, for modern chinese parents, we would not say garbage if children makes mistakes. >> interesting. disagrees with you, but 30% of what you say is -- >> it's actually, they misunderstand much more than 30%. in china, that culture really is taking the book as sort of a how to guide and what's funny is that they are so much more strict there and the schooling system is to strict. kids study from like 7:00 until 10:00 p.m. and have never heard of sleep overs or play dates. when the guy was talking about garbage, he isn't understanding that the book is a satirical memoir. >> it is one of those moments in the book when you got critici criticized, but she said you're b garbage. >> i put in the worst moments of my own parenting. i was incredibly honest. it's not like, hey, everybody should do this. we all have those take back moments, right? it's interesting that he was pulling that out. i mean, the thing is that my book is being marketing in china as a sort of how to bring the best of the west there because they -- it's a kind of hybrid, how to generate creativity, but they are taking it unfortunately as a book sort of how to get your kids into harvard and yale, which is not what i intended this book to be. >> so, there were some awful stories that came out when your book came out. yet there was a headline, the worst mom in the world. there were all these things and no matter how confident you are and how wonderful your children are and your husband is, it had to just really hurt at times. >> it was terrible. >> how did you get there that moment of just feel iing so awf about what people were saying about you? >> the truth is, i thought, is my family going to fall apart because i wrote this book? and it was just the opposite. my girls were incredibly strong. also, incredible e-mails from strangers. one that you would never exexpect. i ner expected. i had hundreds of e-mails from 14-year-olds. this is the strangest thing. that would write, always 14. they would say, i read your book, i don't know how. and

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