out front tonight mitt romney begins a battle in south carolina. five days until the primary in new hampshire, right in that s where the former massachusetts governor has a solid lead. so where he decided to spend most of the day was, south carolina. i want to restore to america the principles that made us the powerhouse, morally, economically and militarily, in the entire world. romney, his pal john mccain, and gal nicky haley, all there, giving a joint speech in charlston. this is a whole new ball game. one of the highest concentration of evangelical voters in america, nearly half of the population identifies itself as evangelical. which doesn t exactly mean good things for mitt romney. in iowa, 34% voted for rick santorum, only 14% for mitt romney. here is what is amazing. we don t know if romney has made it right with christians in south carolina because polls are about a month old. wisdom is that he wouldn t and didn t need to win south carolina. the vibe changed. no