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0 happening now in "cnn newsroom." >> i do not lining them sam, i am, i do not like green eggs and hams. >> love it or hate it your government at work. and the president of iran has a message for you. >> i bring peace and friendship from iranians to americans. >> reporter: but no handshake for president obama. christiane amanpour sits down with hassan rouhani. this is the craziness i've ever seen. >> chaos at yankee stadium. they're clamoring for a mariano bobblehead. and -- get ready. "dumb and dumber to" is happening. seriously. we're live in the "cnn newsroom." good morning. thank you so much for joining me. i'm carol costello. of course, we begin in washington where senator ted cruz and others are still talking after cruz took a fight against obama care to the senate floor in an epic speech. >> i will say standing here after 14 hours standing on your own feet, there's sometimes some pain, sometimes some fatigue that is involved. but you know what? there's far more pain involved in rolling over. >> that was about four hours ago. cruz's efforts are drawing praise and criticism on twitter. he's using #makedclisten and mark takano is tanlgi itaking a from kanye west. ted cruz i'd like you finish but wendy davis had the best filibuster of all-time. love it or hate it this is your government at work. dana bash on capitol hill this morning, what's he talking about now? >> reporter: a took a peek at the senate floor and he was talking about ashton kutcher. with talking for almost 19 hours, you kind of run out of things to say and one little teaser, we're going to definitely play this for our viewers in the next hour. he was talking about "star waz" saying to fellow senator mike lee he was his father and did this in the darth vader justice. i cannot do it justice. we have to play it for people to understand. let's look at the reason why he is giving this very long speech. >> madam president. >> reporter: ted cruz seized the senate floor and vowed not to let go. >> i intend to speak in support of defunding obama care until i am no longer able to stap. >> reporter: this is theater, whether he speaks for hours the vote timing and outcome will be the same. cruz aides fully admit he's using the senate floor stage to speak directly to his audience, conservative grassroots activists who fueled his tea party upset last year. >> where is the outrage? where are the senates standing here saying what a straf gee that young people are being denied a fair shot in the american dream because of what we have wrought, because of obama care? >> reporter: his talk fest is exactly what his republican leadership who oppose his tactics were triying to avoid. as he started gop leaders were urging him to abandon what they consider a complicated fool'ser rand. for procedural reasons, cruz is opposing the bill he supports, funding the government but defunding obama care. maes' why many worried republicans are exasperated. effectively he's saying the fact that you all are not standing with him means it's washington's business as usual. does very a he have a point? >> we're hard pressed to sflan why we're opposed to a bill we're in favor of. >> reporter: tying defunding obama care to a must pass spending bill is enflaming many fellow republicans who think if this causes a government shutdown they're going to get burned. what is your end game? you knew you were not going to be able to defund obama care. why put congress through this in. >> dana with respect i disagree with your premise. i believe we can and if we stand together we will defund obama care. >> until we defound obama care! >> reporter: cruz's supporters call all this determination. his gop detractors delusional. gop senator bob corker tweeted "i didn't have to harvard or princeton but i can count." part of cruz's problem is the senate runs on relationships and he doesn't have many. something he acknowledged with uncharacteristic humor. >> this fight is not about personalities. look, most americans could not give a flying flip about a bunch of pop tigss in washington. who cares? you know, almost all of us are in cheap shoots with bad haircuts. who cares? >> reporter: and carol before we toss to that piece i told you about, a darth vader moment on the senate floor you have an amazing team they were able to turn it around so let's play it for our viewers. >> i will confess that phrase a rebellion against oppression conjured up to me the rebel alliance fighting against the empire. the empire being the washington, d.c., establishment, and indeed immediately on hearing that phrase, i wondered if at some point we were going to see a tall gentleman in a mechanical breathing apparatus come forward and say in a deep voice "mike, lee, i am your father." this is a fight. to restore freedom to the people. this is a fight to get the washington establishment, the empire, to listen to the people. and just like in the "star wars" movies, the empire will strike back. but at the end of the day i think the rebel alliance, i think the people will prevail. >> wow. okay. we didn't get a wide shot, nobody is really listening to him, right, except we're putting him on television and everybody out there is listening but nobody in the senate is listening. >> reporter: exactly and throughout the night and yesterday afternoon into the morning he has definitely noted that many times, chiding the senate for not being there, said where are you at cocktail parties, fund-raisers, maybe out for dinner, why aren't you here discussing this with me? i was here late last night. i didn't pull the all-nighter but it is a virtually empty chamber. there has to be a senate of the democratic party presiding and of course there are the workers who have to be here all night as well the senate clerks but for the most part he has had rand paul, marco rubio, had some in his words "gray beards" some older, more veteran republicans who have supported him but mostly the younger crowd because as i pointed out in the piece most of the people in his party think this is unnecessary to do. i should also let people know where this is heading and what the point is. it isn't to talk to people in the senate. it isn't to talk to his fellow colleagues. it is to try to get the message out, that's why his hashtag is " #makedclisten. what is going to happen at 12:00 no matter where is he in his speech he has to yield the floor and at some point they're going to have the vote so that is also the important thing to keep in mind, carol. this is a very long speech, it is not a traditional filibuster jimmy stewart style where can he talk until he drops and it will change the outcome of anything. the wheels are already in motion for the timing. >> dana bash we'll check back in the next hour of "newsroom." for all the talk surrounding the possibility of a brief handshake, the presidents of the united states and iran may be thawing after all. the iranian president offered peace and friendship. of course those are just words. jim sciutto is in new york. good morning. >> good morning. where you think the relationship was a few weeks ago or certainly last year at previously u.n. general assemblies we're already in a dramatically different place. there was so much expectation about the face-to-face meeting which would have been historic. christiane amanpour asked the president about this. he told her he gave it serious consideration that crucially he had the backing of tehran but diplomacy takes time and it was not the right time for this meeting so we didn't get to see it but still a lot of other positive signs in this relationship. the historic handshake didn't materialize. president obama was ready, say us what officials but president rouhani was not. still from the safer distance of the podium, both leaders called for a new era of cooperation between the u.s. and iran, even using nearly the exact same phrase to describe a new basis for friendship. >> i do believe that if we can resolve the issue of iran's n e nuclear program that can serve as a major step down a long road toward a relationship, one based on mutual interests and mutual respect. >> translator: iran seeks constructive engagement with other countries based on mutual respect and common interest. >> reporter: president rouhani spoke exclusively with cnn's christiane amanpour. >> i would like to say to american people, i bring peace and friendship from iranians to americans. >> reporter: in an ambitious move, obama publicly directed secretary of state john kerry, seated in the audience, not far from his iranian counterpart, mohammad zarif, to immediately pursue a nuclear agreement with iran. he cautioned the u.s. must know iran is serious. >> to succeed conciliatory words will have to be matched by actions that are transparent and verifiable. >> reporter: what might the u.s. need to see in any potential deal the disclosure of all of iran's nuclear sites, a reduction in the number of centrifuges and a cap on uranium enrichment levels, well below 5%. many iran observers are skeptical that's possible. >> i don't think we should trust rouhani. i think we should test rouhani, and that's where the obama administration is, too. >> it may be domestic iranian politics that stood in the way of this meeting. the iranian president faces stiff opposition to his outreach from iranian hardliners and may have decided too heavy a lift. there is an important meeting later this week and tomorrow, sec. stare of state john kerry and mohammad zarif, that will be part of the 5,5 plus 1 talks, the permanent five members of the u.n. security council plus germany, an important meeting the last time a u.s. secretary of state met an iranian foreign minister was in 2007 and what's key about that meeting they'll be discussing iran's nuclear program, that's truly the issue of disagreement here so we'll know, carol, if this is for real, based on if there are any hard things coming out of that discussion. >> christiane amanpour will talk with us in the next half hour. her sitdown, 9:30 eastern on cnn. checking our top stories, kenyan officials say the al shabaab fighters never wanted to negotiate, they only wanted to kill. kenyan authorities are questioning a british man they arrested as he tried to board a flight, suspicions were raised because of injuries to his face and the way he was acting. a sweeping report from some of the top climate scientists in the world is expected to blame humans. it will be released friday in stockholm and says there's a 95% certainty that man-made global warming is real and there hasn't been a leveling off in global warming since 1998, because much of the heat appears to be sinking into the oceans. federal workers may have to hand over their government blackberries and iphones if a shutdown happens next week, under a 19th century law, furloughed federal workers were are banned from doing anything work related under a government shutdown. that could be as simple as checking work e-mail. various federal agencies will decide how to follow the law if needed. every year more than 200 people die after being backed over by cars, and almost half of them are children. now after years of delays the federal government will finally add rear view cameras to a list of recommended safety measures for new cars. the decision came just before two parents are expected to file a lawsuit today against the government after they accidentally backed over their children. alison kosik is in new york to tell us more about this. good morning. >> good morning, carol. to be clear we're talking about the backup camera it's right there in the dash in a new car or the rear view mirror of some of the older cars. the nths is going to add rear view video cameras to its list of recommended features that new cars should have, but here is the issue some are having with this. others say that the problem here is that this is just a recommendation, it doesn't have teeth. it comes years late. these people are saying that nhtsa dragged its feet. safety groups say the recommendation is not enough especially if you look at how much time has passed. congress set a deadline in 2011 for the department of transportation to issue new higher safety standards on rear visibility because of all the accidents involving kids but what happened over time is that the d.o.t. kept pushing this deadline several times, blaming the complexity of the issue, also the large volume of public comment because there is red tape when trying to push something like this through before the rules are in place, there has to be a public comment period t takes time. you look at the statistic, it's tirible, 44% of backup accidents involve kids and many times the driver is the child's parent but ultimately this is just a recommendation. carol? >> alison kosik thank you so much, reporting live. you have the "blurred lines" song out of your head and now back into your head thanks to an atlanta braves fan. he gives props to the playoff bound braves in video called "base lines." ♪ we got the uptons ♪ we got the johnsons ♪ we're pretty awesome ♪ the whole world they ain't ready, we got the freddy ♪ ♪ we want our ready ♪ all these base lines ♪ i got a feeling this post'son we gonna be winnin' ♪ >> it's been a long time for the braves, joining in the video homer the braves mascot tommy hawk and rapper austin myles and cameo with half ger lopez. still to come the pros and cons of obama care but what about the real costs, what will it cost you? we have some numbers for you next. ♪ ♪ unh ♪ [ male announcer ] you can choose to blend in. ♪ or you can choose to blend out. the all-new 2014 lexus is. it's your move.

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