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of catch in the backyard. we'll see a neighbor try to intervene here. >> hello, everyone. i'm don lemon. thank you for joining us. developments in syria to tell you about where on paper, there's a cease-fire in place and a peace plan alt work, but that's not what it looks like, though. this is the city of homs. heavy artillery exploding inrential neighborhoods. winces say syrian forces felled a mosque and a church today. people were killed in homs today, including the mayor of this neighborhood. and across the country, we're told more than 65 people were killed in street fighting and artillery fire. there was even a street clash in the center of damascus where rebels reportedly killed 17 troops loyal to president bashar al assad. we're going to take you inside a makeshift hospital in the city of homs where a doctor follows his commitment to healing the wounded despite horrific conditions surrounding him. it's a cnn exclusive you don't want to miss. >> since the conflict in syria started, russia and china have stood in the way of intervection, specifically military interaction. today, they drew a dark underline to the controversy. he went on russian television saying his country would never agree to foreign intervention in syria, and he said diplomacy and diplomacy, and diplomacy, the key to peace there. >> we have breaking news to tell you about happening in europe. you better believe it will make a difference to you and me in the united states and our wallets. won't affect how much things cost and how much dollars that we -- how much our dollar is worth overseas. another country in europe, a big one, needs cash and lots of cash to avoid a major crisis. i'm talking about spain here where the banks are in big, big trouble. so much trouble that the government is asking for a bailout from the european union. remember, spain is part of the european union. 17 countries that operate as one economy. if one country fails, the eu is weak weakened. that makes the impact here even harsher. let's go to nina. she's in madrid right now with more on this. nina, what is a dollar figure we're talking about here and who is going to have to pay up? >> yeah, first off, no money on the table because spain, they haven't actually formally yet ask said for it. after about three hours worth of telephone calls between brussels, madrid, berlin, you name it, the finance ministers of the 17 countries, they have said they need bun money, agreed to put aside about $125 billion worth of potential financial assistance and agreed basically to get spain to agree to say it's going to be asking for some kind of bailout for its banks. what i want to point out is we're talking about a bailout for the banks and not for the country. that's key to confidence in the rest of the eurozone. >> there is a distinction. tell me why consumers watching this program, why should they care about financial trouble in three or four european countries? these aren't american cadollars bailing out spain's banks? >> fair point, but this statistic will probably put if the to context. europe as a trading bloc is the united states single most important economic partner. there's a lot of trade riding on the table, also a significant currency issue. what we're seeing is a lot of weakness to the euro, the ongoing euro debt crisis, continuing to push the euro recently to a two-year loan. that may sound good for people thinking i can spend my dollars abroad and get more for them, but what it does is it cycles exports in the united states exports a lot to europe, as i said, the most important export partner, and so if u.s. goods become more expensive in europe, europe is contending with the recession and break in the eurozone, they're going to be buying less and you and i know the united states is trying very, very hard to get more people back to work. >> and nina, just yesterday, the president of the united states, barack obama, took europe to the wood chips saying they better get their act together and do it quickly. will this bailout help keep europe from dragging down the u.s. economy, at least that is the hope. dragging down the world economy, really. >> yeah, this is a crisis that has endured throughout the course of the last three years. it's now one that people are putting a $1 trillion potential cost on. what i want to point out is we have a little bit of a nightmare situation brewing because we have the greek elections coming up in a couple weeks from now. and what the world leaders are trying very much to do is reset the spanish problem before the greek elections happen because what might happen in greece, they choose a government that wants the leave the eurozone or put greece in a position to potentially have to leave the eurozone. that's why the united states is saying get the problem sorted out. >> nina in madrid, thank you. we're appreciate it. we'll be watching. >> the taliban say one of their suicide bombers set off today's explosion that killed four french soldiers in afghanistan. 87 troops have died in the last decade. in a statement expressing his shock and condolences, the new french president said his plan to bring home combat troops by year's end will start next month. back here in the united states, attorney general eric holder appoints two new lead investigators to help the fbi get to the bottom of intelligence leaks to the media. they have included classified details of a cyberattack aimed at iran and classified information on the u.s. program. >> a california city official is caught on camera abusing his step son during a bamyard game of catch. you'll watch it play out as neighbors try to intervene. it's an unbelievable story. and then later, a young woman goes from being homeless to an ivy league college. we'll show you how she did it. pinch... and zoom... in your car. introducing the all-new cadillac xts with cue. ♪ don't worry. we haven't forgotten. you still like things to push. 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>> i don't know, but i'm watching you. i'm a father, too. >> missed the bleeps in there. so lopez posted this video and gave it to the authorities. nick is here it talk about this. the guy with the belt, nick, got arrested. >> he did. he turned himself in. he found out that police were coming for him to charge him with felony child abuse charge. that's the strictest child abuse charge that law enforcement can charge against somebody. carries a maximum of six years. posted a $100,000 bond shortly after and he's now free on bond. >> people say, you know what, everyone has a right to discipline their kids in the way -- does this look like an abuse case? is he beating the kid? >> there's a difference between whipping and beating. i'm not drawing a distinction or condoning it, but there is a distinction between beating and whipping or spanking. >> when we talked with a attorney a little while ago, that's the point he was trying to make. he understands the video is hard to watch. having said that, does it deserve this penalty. he doesn't think so. that's the case he's trying to argue. so far, the district attorney hasn't formally leveled a charge against him. they're waiting for a review. no plea entered by sanchez. >> we don't know what happens except we have to wait to see how it plays out legally. >> we'll find out more on monday. >> as far as we know, no history of abuse? >> i asked the attorney, up until this incident, model citizen. what you would expect, the characteristics you would expect a leader in the community to have. he's a little league coach and softball coach. apparently, this is one slip for them and his attorney things he doesn't deserve to have that leveled against him. >> that we know of. interesting story that we will watch. appreciate iter. >> what happens to your social media relationship when you talk about your romances and that relationship turns sour? stay there, we have tips for you. >> first, i want to tell you about this. >> more than 46 million people in this country live below the poverty line. that's according to the census bureau. how can that be improved? one word, education. christine romans reports in this week's "smart is the new rich." >> this is about future generations. >> marcus allen used to play professional basketball. today, he's with a team that invests in foreign homeless families. it's called achievability. the program provides housing through a combination of federal tax credits and other funding and opens the door to an education with student loans, grants, and incentives. >> many of our families are the first in their family to graduate from college. we believe once that first person goes to college and gets an education, that can break the generational cycle of poverty. >> i was homeless when i was a kid and came from a very low-income family where my mom raised me. and one of the things that set me apart from most people in my family, i was the only one to go to college. from there, things took off for me. that's what we see with a lot of families in our program. those who are able to look the fear in the face and really do it coma. >> harold knows that fear. >> i'm the same guy, running around the streets, but i was terrified. of books. >> barrow grew up on the streets of philadelphia. addicted to drugs at 11. an eighth grade dropout, homeless at 14. >> i just kind of got head long in the street life. that came with, you know, issues with the police and then, you know, inevitably, my inkrseration. >> at 31, it seems his choices were grim. a social worker at his homeless shelter told him about achievability. 22 years later, he's sober and has a master's degree. he's a self sufficiency coach for the program that saved him. >> such a rewarding experience to watch somebody walk down the aisle who thought, you know, to get a degree, he thought that was never possible. >> elena howard pauses when looking back at her life five years ago. >> hold on. >> dropping out a semester before graduating community college, living in a shelter with three children, to now a master's degree in social work. >> i'm speechless. i'm grateful. i'm appreciative. you know, it was a long journey. i think achievability should be a vehicle. >> many of us are only one check away from living in positive aertd. poverty is only a circumstance of today, but it doesn't give you any indication of what it can be tomorrow. >> christine romans, cnn, new york. in america, we believe in a future that is better than today. since 1894, ameriprise financial has been working hard for their clients' futures. never taking a bailout. helping generations achieve dreams. buy homes. put their kids through college. retire how they want to. ameriprise. the strength of america's largest financial planning company. the heart of 10,000 advisors working with you, one-to-one. together, for your future. ♪ oh, we call it the bundler. let's say you need home and auto insurance. you give us your information once, online... 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>> dr. katzin. >> go, go, go, go. >> i am working. >> this regime is a terrorist regime. >> doctor, what has happened here? >> i don't know. the army, you see this child? they are terrorists. they cannot go to any hospital in syria. they will kill you. >> even the children? >> even the children. >> we are everyday very busy. we have more patients. needs looked at. >> a sniper, they see he is not a fighter, not old man, not young man. he is a 6-year-old only. stomach and liver and kidney. what he did for this regime? the sniper, this is a child. he is shooting him. >> will he survive? >> i think god will help. >> he got hit by a rocket. >> we cannot stay in the same place for a long time. >> why can't you stay in the same place? why do you have to keep relocating your hospital? >> because they will -- they will try to cut it off. >> are you worried for your own life? >> no. if i will die when i help people, it is good for me. because i am a doctor. i must help the people. especially in this very catastrophic time. >> after the revolution, before the revolution, during the revolution, i will help people. other stories making news. across the atlantic, the felsh crisis spreads to spain. they will ask the european union to bail out their banking system, possibly to the tune of up to $125 billion. the cash injection is meant just for the banks and not a full bailout for the glumpt. >> police in the phoenix area are looking for whoever is responsible for leaving flashlight bombs around the country. five people have been injured in three separate bomb attacks. an explosive is placed inside the flashlight and set to go off when the switch is flicked on. it's become such a problem, billboards have gone up to warn residents of the danger. >> alabama piece have arrested a man wanted in the death of 9-year-old twins and their 73-year-old baby sitter. he was arrested this morning in selma. they haven't detailed a motive. the bodies of jordan and taylor and their babysitter were found tuesday on a dirt road. how does a 3.4 million dollar lunch tab sound to you? that's the winning bid to have lunch with warren buffett. bids ran all week and closed last night. total again, $3.456 million for lunch with warren buffett. next, turning to legal matters. a woman is paid nearly a million dollars by eharmalony because h date didn't go as planned. first, the emotional aftermath for u.s. troops returning home from war is so devastating, there's an estimated 18 veterans committing suicide every single day. this week's cnn hero gives veterans who suffer from traumatic brain injuries and other invisible wounds a positive look on life by invisting man's best friend. >> when i got back from iraq, i stood away from large crowds, malls, movies. >> i wouldn't leave the house. just didn't want to. >> staying inside, windows blacked out. >> i was really numb. >> didn't feel like i had a purpose. >> nightmares, flashbacks. >> everything to me is still a combat zone. >> invisible wounds. we can't see a wheelchair, a prosthetic leg. they appear like you and i but their sufferring goes so deep, it touches the soul. i learned how to train dogs while i served in the army. i knew that a dog can have a lot in your life. i realize this is what i was supposed to do. my name is mary cortani, i match veterans with service dogs, train them as a team so they can navigate life together. when a veteran trains their own service dog, they have a mission and a purpose again. >> talk to him, tell them they did good. >> dogs come from shelters, rescue groups. they're taught to create a spatial barrier and can alert them when they start to get anxious. >> you okay? 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[ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. there's natural gas under my town. it's a game changer. ♪ it means cleaner, cheaper american-made energy. but we've got to be careful how we get it. design the wells to be safe. thousands of jobs. use the most advanced technology to protect our water. billions in the economy. at chevron, if we can't do it right, we won't do it at all. we've got to think long term. we've got to think long term. ♪ but not for long! your very own four course seafood feast for just $14.99. start your feast with a soup, like our hearty new england clam chowder. next, enjoy a salad with unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. then get your choice of one of 7 entrees. like new coconut and pineapple shrimp shrimp and scallops alfredo or new honey bbq shrimp. then finish with something sweet. your complete four course seafood feast just $14.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently. an oregon woman was paid $900,000 after a date didn't exactly go as planned. she contracted an std from someone he met on the dating site e harmony and said the man was negligent by not telling her he had the std for more than 20 years. holly hughes is here rorb how did the jury come to this decision? i have never heard of anything like this. >> there's a difference between a civil lawsuit and a criminal lawsuit. this isn't something he went into criminal court. she sued him for battery. she has now contracted the std. the jury calls this contributory negligence. he's at fault. she is to a certain percentage. the jury says you're 25% responsible, but by in large, this guy should have told you, he knew about it, he's had it for 20-some years. >> you touched on, i'm not taking sides. but isn't she ultimately responsible for her own health? >> yes, absolutely. all of us are. but when you get into a situation where somebody lies to you, i mean, clearly, you know, he's saying to her, everything is fine. you know what he tells her? right after they had sex, don. so it's not like it's a big secret to you. you all of a sudden remembers? you told her afterwards. why not tell her up front and avoid this very itsituation. the knowledge you're responsible for. >> there are a lot of online dating sites. do other sites lake that have a reason to worry? could they be named in this lawsuit? >> they weren't named in this one. this was against the man because they're going to have iron-clad contracts saying, hey, we're not a sex site. we're an introduction, introducia to a nice person site. we're not involved in prostitution. if you decide to get intimate with somebody, it's your responsibility to find out what's their history, what's their physical and medical history just like you would have to if you symmet somebody at the baro, at the country shop. they're going to make you sign every waiver known to man, saying by the way, this is not our fault. >> you don't sign a waiver when you go and meet someone at the bar. >> precisely, but you should ask all those same questions. >> protect yourself. internet, online, social media has added a whole new -- >> but to every element of our life, notgist social media, but now intellectual properties, who owns what if you post someone on a bulletin board, copyright or trademark infringement. >> where does it end? careful. >> it won't end. >> thank you, holly. appreciate it. >> turning to politics now. republican stars fire up that bear at a conference in chicago and buried under all that, senator rand paul comes out for mitt romney. isn't the senator's dad ron paul, the man who ran against romney and rip him constantly over the campaign? wait until you hear what he told me. 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[ dennis ] mayhem is everywhere. recently, students from 31 countries took part in a science test. the top academic performers surprised some people. so did the country that came in 17th place. let's raise the bar and elevate our academic standards. let's do what's best for our students-by investing in our teachers. let's solve this. senator rand paul of kentucky made big news this week when he finally endorsed mitt romney for president. he's late jumping on the bandwagon because his father, texas congressman, ron paul, also was a candidate for the republican nomination. we caught up with senator paul just yesterday. >> you know, i have always supported my dad. he's always been my first choice and still is my first chose. i worked -- when i was 11 years old, i knocked on doors for him, i worked on every one of his campaigns. but the nomination is now done and romney has achieved the amount of delegates necessary to be the nominee. those are just facts, and i have decided to endorse romney after meeting with him and talking about a lot of areas we have common ground on. >> you mentioned your father. i want to play something that your dad said on cbs in april. listen. >> i have no common ground on economics. he isn't worried about the federal reserve. he isn't worried about the foreign policy. he doesn't talk about civil liberties. i have a hard time expecting him to invite me to campaign with him. >> so has anything -- has something changed since then? is your father going to, do you know, i know you can't speak for him, but do you know, you're his son, is heeg go to endorse mitt romney? >> you know, i don't know. but i did talk with mitt romney about some of the issues that are important to me, my father, and many of his supporters like audit the fed, mitt romney supports audit the fed, has, and came out for that during the campaign. will he talk about the fed as much or as eloquently as my father? maybe not, bument he is supporting audit the fed which is a big deal for myself and many of our supporters. >> did you talk about the possibility of joining his ticket? >> no, we didn't talk about that. >> would you consider it? >> you know, i would say what i have said before. i think it would be an honor, and anybody who said they wouldn't be honored by it isn't being honest. a year, a year and a half ago, i was a physician in a small town. it would be a great honor to be considered as a vice president for the republican party. i think that would be something that anybody who said otherwise would not be being truthful. >> listen, i told you this before, a lot of people love your father. he has rabid supporters, a lot of young people as well, and in march, time magazine skwoeted an adviser for your father saying if you're talking about putting rand on the ticket, and this is a quote, of course, that would be worth delivering our people to romney. the question is, is there a possible deal, some sort of deal going on here? if you're on the ticket, will your dad send his supporters romney's way? >> no, no real secret deal. i always tell people, if there's a secret deal, it's so secret i don't know about it. i would say that my dad's supporters are very, very independent. many conservatives and libertarians are independent people and i don't pretend to speak for them. they make up their own minds. some might be influenced to hear the governor out, listen to the areas of common interest. they're not going to agree with everything. >> romney's health care pran plan in massachusetts has been compared to the president's. did you discuss that with him? >> we didn't discuss obama care because i think he's been clear that he would give all 50 states waivers. and it does seem to be that he takes the tenth amendment position, is that states are allowed to do things the federal government is not allowed. had i been in massachusetts, i probably would not have favored it. >> and senator rand paul said he would rather focus on the future than in his words relitigate romney care. >> doctors in hospitals are not perfect. we know that, and you may be surprised to learn how many medical mistakes occur each year. we're counting down the worse of them, a live report, next. we want our viewers to stay connected to cnn even on the go. grab your mobile phone, go to, and if you're on a desktop, you can also watch cnn live. eamer. steam is the key to a great hot dog. i knew it was going to be a success. the invention was so simple that i knew i needed to protect it. my name is chris schutte and i got my patent, trademark and llc on legalzoom. [ shapiro ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to legalzoom today and make your business dream a reality. at, we put the law on your side. medical mistakes. two words enough to give you the heby jeevys. haven't said that in a long time. special tonight on this very topic. are hospitals dangerous? >> hospitals can be dangerous. and i think we forget that because you go there to get well. but the new report out from the leapfrog group, they graded hospitals like traditional a, b, c, d, e, f, and half of the hps got a c or below. >> really? >> really. and that's not good. and they used a whole -- >> no, that's not good. that's where you're supposed to be to get well. hospitals not the cleanest places in the world, but you go there with germs. >> sometimes people get germs in the hospital they didn't have going in, and sometimes people have wrong body parts operated on and all sorts of things go wrong, and some of the most respected hospitals in the country did not do particularly well. let me give you some examples of the criteria they use. for example, they looked at were surgical tools left in patients after the operation? >> we see that. you have shown us x-rays before where that is so -- it's like, what? >> exactly. so some of the hospitals that happened. some hospitals have poor hand washing policies and got low grades for that. some have poor intensive care unit staffing. those are examples of what you could get bad marks on. >> doctors say you don't want to spread germs, don't want colds, wash your hands, and they're not doing it themselves. >> doctors -- some doctors are fabulous about it. others do not have such a great record. >> here's a question, when you're like young and just out of medical school, are you a yo out of medical school, are you more adamant about doing it or do you get lazy over the years? >> that is a good question. if i had to guess i would say newer doctors are better. more recently, medical schools are really pushing that and saying watch your hands. >> you're all about empowering patients. how do you choose a hospital. >> there are a couple of websites and that's the best place so you can see ratings. first of all you want to go to my website and also hospital safety score. >> once you're there, how do you stay safe once you're in the hospital? if you're going for a big procedure, many times they're going to put you under. you don't foe if they are leaving a tool or washing their hands. >> the single most important thing you can do to stay safe in a hospital is to bring someone with you. >> not to go to one. >> if you have to go, bring a loved one with you, and probably not your shyest friend. you want someone who is going to advocate for you. that person can request that doctors and nurses wash their hands before they touch you t that advocate can say if my loved one has a catheter, get it out as soon as possible. and also get a medication list in the morning and say, okay, donna is supposed to have a blue pill at 8:00 in the morning and when someone brings two orange pills, you can say wait a minute. >> is there a place to sign off if they've given you the thing? because sometimes they may even forget to do it. >> that's true if 8:00 o'clock comes and goes and no one has brought you your medicine -- >> i would be happy to be your advocate. >> you helped family members out and tell me what you will say, hey, doc, wash your hands. >> as assertive as i am i'm uncomfortable. i just say i'm kind of squeamish about this. i want to see you wash your hands. >> it says you're the senior medical correspondent at cnn. >> exactly. but this is more like a human thing. it's hard to tell another adult, hey, you goofed. do something right. >> all right. not me. >> then you're coming with me if i'm ever sick. >> thank you elizabeth. the special, "25 shocking medical mistakes" tonight at 8:00. she's going to give us an early look at two of the shocking mistakes in tonight's countdown. this woman went from being homeless to getting into an ivy league college. for three hours a week, i'm a coach. but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. ♪... ♪... ♪... choose the perfect hotel and then treats day after day... well, shoot, that's like checking on your burgers after they're burnt! 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