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hello everyone. i'mfredric i'mfredrickahere in the "cnn newsroom." we begin in cairo, egypt. live pictures from tahrir square at nightfall. watching the crowd go by the hour all day long. demonstrators started gathering this morning right after an egyptian judge sentenced former president hosni mubarak to life in prison for his role in killing hundreds of anti-government protesters last year. let's bring in cnn's ben wedeman who joins us now from the balcony overlooking tahrir square. ben it is getting late there. however, it appears that the darkness isn't in any way disbursing that crowd. what is the objective here? [ no audio ] >> reporter: -- outside of cairo. hosni mubarak and his interior minister did get life sentences but cleared the corruption charges and the interior of ministry got off scot-free, that's krucrux of this and why people are so angry. remember, more than 800 egyptians were killed by government sources during this proet te protest and everybody responsible is getting away without any charges whatsoever. so that's really what is fueling these protests in cairo. fredricka? >> and so, ben, while we saw this very similar scene in terms of thousands of people in tahrir square last spring, at that point people were looking for democracy, looking for free and fair elections. now we've seen, they've had a democratic process in the elections which are about to go into a runoff. that coinciding now with this sentence or a lack thereof, based on what the majority seems to interpret in that court ruling, how might what's taking place this evening impact the upcoming runoff election? >> reporter: well, what we've seen, in fact, is that mohammed mosi, the presidential candidate running on behalf of the muz lyme brotherhood promised if he becomes president he will basically call for another trial. a retrial, and certainly he seems to be trying to capitalize on all of this anger. he's promised this evening to come to tahrir square to try to rally support. he didn't say it, but obviously, for his candidacy. so, really, the egyptian population is split. it's hard to say along what lines, or rather percentage, but on the one hand, you have supporters of shafiq, the former, the last prime minister of hosni mubarak, who is sort of the candidate for stability, for calm, for a restoration of order and mohammed mosi, of the muslim brotherhood, trying to capitalize on this unhappiness and become the candidate of the revolution. we'll have to wait until the 16th and the 17th of june for the second round of these presidential elections to figure out who actually has more support. fredricka? >> ben wedeman, thanks so much, in cairo. last hour i talked with georgetown university professor shahada about reaekz ction to t verdicts. >> remember, 8946 people were killed during those 18 days nap was the figure produced by the official egyptian committee that investigated the killings during the revolution. 6,000 were injured. they feel that mr. mubarak as minister of interior and the six other high-ranking individuals were directly responsible for those deaths. remember, those six high-ranking officials were acquitted, as were gamal mubarak and his older brother. they feel this is not justice, that the sentence should have been harsher. >> professor, thanks so much. the prime minister of qatar wants the u.n. to take action to end the conflict in the syria. according to qatar's news a the prime minister says coney annan's peace plan should be place under chapter 7 of the u.n. charter which would allow the use of force. this comes as the opposition said 27 more people died in fighting today in syria. this video purports to show the aftermath of attacks on homes. but cnn cannot independently confirm the authenticity of that video in that city. right back here in the u.s., george zimmerman could return to jail as soon as today. that's because a florida judge revoked his bond and orders the confessed shooter to surrender no later than sunday afternoon. original lif his bond set at $150,000 after pleading guilty to second-degree murder in the killing of 17-year-old trayvon martin. >> now the judge says zimmerman lied about how much money he and unfairly reaping the benefits of a low bond. >> i do think that the zimmerman family was acting with constraints they thought they had. i don't think they believed they had free access to that money and i think that was evident by the way they used it and didn't use it. i think it was compelling evidence, quite hon 234e679ly they didn't just go out and use it to get him out that very day. >> we think what just transpired in the courtroom was very, very important. it was at the crux of the matter in this whole case. judge legitimator's finding that george zimmerman was dishonest is very important, because his credibility is the most important thing in this entire case. >> prosecutors arg gured zimmerman had thousands of donations from a paypal account but pretended he was broke. they say recorded phone conversations between zimmerman and his wife proved that. now to a political battle that some democrats believe will be a dry run for the presidential race. on tuesday, wisconsin voters will decide whether they want to remove republican governor scott walker from office. recent polling show that walk hear a slight single digit lead over democratic challenger tom barrett. while the recall election over limiting raises for public employees is drawing big name, politicians like former president bill clinton, wisconsin's democratic lieutenant governor finds it troubling that president obama hasn't shown up. >> more obvious, that the president himself, the current president is not in town, and that, to me, speaks volumes, his absence. >> the president won the midwest bralgtsground in 2008 but republicans nearly swept it in the mid-term elections in 2010. all right. now we're just 156 days from the general election, and our new cnn orc poll shows the race between president obama and mitt romney is now a dead heat when it comes to the elections number one issue, the economy. voters are split on that as well. just like the overall number. each candidate gets 45% support. voters who were asked, who was best suited to fix the economy. certainly a dead heat there. another interesting poll. a recent nbc/"wall street journal" poll suggests president obama can count on hispanics in november. 61% picked obama over romney. but what if romney picked a latino running mate? dana bash takes a look at that. >> we zero out foreign aid. >> reporter: marco rubia talking tough on syria. >> the circumstances there are no longer sustainable. >> reporter: for many republicans, rubio is prime running mate material. a fresh faced telegenic tea party fave from florida. a key battleground state. [ speaking in foreign language ]. >> reporter: and of course, he's hispanic. a fast-growing ethnic yup in the u.s. and look at this graph. democrats have dominated with latinos in presidential elections for nearly four decades. in 2008, only 31% of latinos voted for john mccain. nearly seven in ten voted for president obama. the best a gop presidential candidate has ever done with hispanics was george w. bush in 2004. still just 44%. some republicans say mitt romney picking a latino running mate could bridge that huge gap. >> it encourages latino voters to take a second look at the republican ticket. >> reporter: also generating vp buzz, new mexico governor suzanne martinez. a gun-toting popular conservative, the first latino governor in u.s. history but actually clashed with fellow hispanics because she wants to reverse a state law allowing illegal immigrants to get driving licenses. >> giving licenses to people who are here illegally is wrong, and overwhelmingly unpopular. >> reporter: and there's nevada governor brian sandoval, a budget cutting government shrinking republican. sandoval's drawbacks, for abortion rights and doesn't speak spanish. republican alberto gonzalez, the first attorney general argues a hispanic number two will not lure hispanic voters arg guring experience is key. the contenders mentioned most were elected to their posts only 18 months ago. >> i think governner romney is betted suiting to join somebody to the vice president who can be president on day one. >> still pointing out to cnn some states may be so close a latino running mate could make the difference. like in north carolina and virginia with a latino population doubled in the last ten years. one challenge in choosing a latino, hispanic-americans are very diverse. rubio is cuban-american. martinez, mexican-american. innocent latino community a potential culture clash. >> two thirds of the hispanics in the united states are of mexican descent. 4% cuban. very different, coming from different countries. different experiences. doesn't mean we'll be monolithic or vote together. >> reporter: the first rule of a vice presidential pick, do no harm. any potential running mate, latino or not, will have to face that test. especially after 2008 when john mccain hoped sarah palin would help with her democrat graphgra it didn't pan out. dana bash, cnn. the pomp and circumstance of an event six decades in the making. when you have diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. 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[ male announcer ] stop the uh-oh fast with kaopectate. a ♪ it's an event 60 years in the making. great britain is celebrating the queen's diamond jubilee. rick baldwin in london with the kickoff of the festivities. >> reporter: hi, fred, from the river thames. as we talk about the diamond jubilee celebrations kicking off in london, what perfect way, one of the queen's pastime, horse racing and the epson darby like the kentucky derby on a much grander scale. this is the oldest horse race in the entire world. in fact, one of the hottest trending topics today on twitter was camelot, the winning horse. of course, the queen and her husband, prince philip, both there in attendance. also happening today, just over my shoulder, is the tower of london, and in honor of the queen's 60 years here on the throne, there was a 62-gun salute, and just a quick preview, really, for this flotilla tomorrow haimed as potentially the largest in the world. we haven't seen this kind of pomp and patchantry on this river in some 3 550 years. certainly the one and only time we'll be seeing this in our lifetime. 1,000 boats challenging agent tha -- channeling the thames. interesting details i learned about that today. there will be two thrones on the top of, the roof, if you will, of this royal barge for the queen, and prince philip. i'm also told there are royal dressers. so the royal dressers came to take a look at the coloring within this particular barge to make sure the queen would not be clashing with the colors in the boat, and that is sunday, of course. we will be here live. is summer in london. so people here are very excited, but most definitely packing their umbrellas. the flotilla will continue on rain or shine, fred. >> almost must have the that umbrella when in london. more on the royal family tomorrow. be sure to watch. queen elizabeth, 60 years as queen. sunday, 11:00 a.m. eastern time. the unstable economy, has it forced to rethink your retirement plans? we'll show you five ways to avoid mistakes. or the five mistakes to avoid, we should say, as you plan for the future. tted tted has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to support scientists studying the environment. and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues... but that doesn't mean our job is done. we're still committed to seeing this through. there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning.. you can feel. introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward. successful retirement planning means more than just funding your 401(k) or i.r.a. one common mistake is letting brokerage cost and 401(k) fees east into your nest egg. from florida, west palm beach, dar darr idaria dolan. >> talk about retirement missteps people need to avoid. among them -- >> okay. because you can't afford any mistakes now. >> yeah. one perhaps is just really knowing how to estimate what kind of savings you need to plan for, because there are going to be other costs that you'll incur. namely, health care costs, once you retire. >> absolutely. and you have to really plan for -- increased health care costs once you hit retirement, because, as we age, we have more aches and pains. quick example. someone near and dear to me after a couple years in retirement on medicare developed a lymphoma. one of the shots used in his chemo treatment costs $16,000 and medicare only picks up about $5,600 of that. so he needs -- thank god, this person had medigap insurance when picks up the rest of it, at least in part. it still leaves maybe $1,000 extra, bumt you get six of those shots you're looking at serious money. >> wow. number one, you don't want to underestimate your needs and number two, you want to make plans for that medigap insurance. when can you get that medigap insurance? once you've retired or something you buy into earlier on at a lower rate? >> no. what you do with medigap insurance, the one that fills the gap between what the government pays and doesn't spay when you apply for your medicare, you want to immediately also get your medigap insurance and wed them together. can you do that at age 65, fred, because a lot of people don't retire anymore at 65, if they're fortunate to still have a job. you want that medigap right then and there. >> you're going to need that. what's another common mistake people make when planning for their retirement? >> oh, another big mistake they make is being pitched, because it sounds so good. variable annuities, which are really insurance products that necessitate your investing in mutual funds to get the best rate of return on them. variable aniganuchties have one the biggest complaint records with the financial regulators from consumers, bauer they're pitched as being this wonderful thing that will grow your retirement funds when in fact if you're not willing to take a risk and want to play it safe, the costs of it, the ongoing costs that the money managers take, will outstrip your rate of return. >> okay. and then you know, just for the sake of, we went a little out of order. we had a graphic built there and don't want to be remiss and say a lot of people planning retirement are also thinking about, okay. i've got plan for my kids' wedding, pay for college costs, es set r and you say don't put all that stuff before your retirement planning? >> you really can't afford to do that anymore. i hate to say it, parents, because we all want the best for our kids, but you have to be somewhat selfish in this regard, and don't put your kids before retirement. if they want to start a business, let them go out and get a loan for it or hit up friends who want to invest. don't be tapping into retirement funds to pay for their college. you know, don't give them a down payment on a home if you're wondering if you're going to have enough for retirement yourself. >> okay. and then you say, don't take too many risks. what do you mean by that? >> well, you know, a lot of people were invested in the stock market, and over the past decade, it has not been a terrific place to be for most investors. for example, people that end up with a lot of company stock and figure the dividends will keep them. would you like to have been invested in enron stock or even today general motors stock? expecting to have wonderful dividends and capital appreciation. or how about those trying to catch up with what they lost over the past decade and went rushing into the latest facebook offering. i mean, these are not ways to grow your nest egg. you can't try to outrisk -- to risk yourself out of past bad performance, because if you're going into retirement, you may not be working again to replace any money you lose with risky investments. >> great advice, and, of course, people need to start their retirement planning as soon as they get that first job. right? >> first breath. >> right out of college. >> soon as the loans get paid. >> thanks so much. daria dolan, nice to see you. enjoy the rest of the weekend. >> you too, fred. have a good one. >> thanks so much. for more helpful personal financial advice and sign up for the dolans free newsletter, visit dolans on "your money."com. could be saving lots of money or your grocery bill and you don't have to go to extremes. >> it is making me think twice about whether or not i want to just, you know, throw things in the cart and pay full price for them. >> all right. we're going to show just how a little planning can save you big bucks. [ male announcer ] the inspiring story of how a shipping giant can befriend a forest may seem like the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ shapiro ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at, we put the law on your side. why you could be saving 40% on your grocery bill. chances are you get coupons all the time. are you putting them to good use? lisa sylvester finds out real savings have a lot to do with planning ahead. >> reporter: some things you can't control. >> the water bill is $172.64. our mortgage, $1,845. homeowners insurance $672 for the whole year. >> reporter: gina, a virginia mother of three has a goal this year. >> really tackling the student loans, trying to get rid of the car payment by the end of 2012. >> reporter: that means looking for anywhere where she can cut. >> oh, yeah. buy this now. >> reporter: her secret, you can save a ton of money at the grocery store and -- >> store promotions getting your costs down and once i add in coupons get it usually down 60%. >> reporter: that's right. 40% to 60% off her grocery bill. >> only spending a dollar or two. >> reporter: shares in a blog. money-wise moms bringing her additional income. >> for successful couponing you really want to match the coupon to a sale in the sales ad in at store. you're save more money. cut it out and use it that dap you may save a dollar. you could save a lot more if you go a store that might dhauouble that coupon or apply it to a story -- >> reporter: she never buys chicken breast at the usual cost of $4.29 a pound. >> the sale comes up once a month. i look at the sales ad. we eat chicken until we run out and then i buy it again for $1.99. >> reporter: and the cans all for free? waiting and holding on to this coupon, getting three items for $2. >> reporter: stores heavily discount items at certain times of the year. baking goods before the holidays. >> use any of these on sale. >> reporter: barbecue and salad dressings in the beginning of summer. >> look at the print, not the picture. >> reporter: that's when you stock up. >> my coupon, save a dollar off two. get them each for 50 cents. fine. use probably the whole thing. >> reporter: 50 cents for barbecue sauce. >> uh-huh. pretty good. >> reporter: by the way, she's not just a mom who's really good at this. >> before i was a stay at home mom, i worked at a university. budgeted millions of dollars. in my ad i saw this. >> my kids will be happy to see this. >> get us on a budget. >> since it's under 99 cents you're going to couple the coupon. >> reporter: an average family of four spends at much as $1,200 a month for groceries. gina he gina says her monthly bill -- >> we were go to checkout. >> there are moms and grandmothers doing this for years. seems like it has turned out more people are using coupons. >> certainly a little cooler. >> reporter: a penny saved is a penny earned. >> savings, $38.61. >> reporter: for gina a good day on the job. >> all right. lisa sylvester joining us from washington. how do you get started? can it be as simple as cutting the coupons out of the newspaper? >> a lot of the stuff is intuitive, yet so many of us do the whole thing throwing thing ngs cart. i have to say, there aren't many stories i walk away from saying, wow, fred, i've learned something, but in this case i really learned so much and tell you the first thing you want to do start with this. this is your coupon insert. essentially the stuff the grocery store puts in a newspaper, sends it in the mail. this is chock full of savings. plan ahead. you want to actually look at this, see what is on sale. another great tip is, you should pretty much know one store. get to know one store well. when they're promotions are happening. there's chicken breasts on sale. two for one, buy one get one free sort of deal. if you follow and regularly look at this you'll know what items are coming up on sale and when they come up on sale, and this is key. you want to buy multiple items at their lowest price. that's the whole goal of all of this. being able to buy these items at their lowest price, because the truth is, fred, you know this as well as i do, we're creatures of habit. we tend to buy the same items over and over again, and that's where the real savings, and gets us to our final point, which is avoid the impulse buying. there's a coupon, you don't freed it, don't cut it out or use it. we know what we want, what our kids want. that's what you go for, fred. >> lisa, convince me. i tried the whole cutting the coupon thing, get to the store and find myself buying things i didn't want or need because the coupon said i could get an extras 50 cents off and in the end don't save any money. you are now doing it. how are you saving money? what's the real secret? >> i actually since doing this story and interviewing gina gone grocery shopping a couple of times and it really works. what i did -- >> i'm getting it all wrong! >> well, give you an example. for instance, this is charmin, toilet paper, paper towels. things we buy. first off, i'm only looking at things that we use in our household on a regular base. ignoring all the other stuff. on top of that, looked on the int cert. what do you know, a $1 coupon for this very item i need. here's another $1 off coupon. get the maximum savings, look at the insert. this advertisement, and then combine it with coupons. that's the secret many moms and dads grocery shopping regularly know. it's not just what's on sale and not just the coupon. it's combining the two together. personally, i did save money. thrilled about that, fred. >> do you have to notice that some coupons expire. nund out the hard way, too. >> yes, yes. i should also say this, this is important. when you see something like barbecue saubash sauce that sen ten bottles for $10. it's the unit price that matters. just buy one bottle for $1, but storeless do that, because they're hoping some people will buy the ten bottles. you don't actually have to buy the ten bottles. it's the unit price that's important. >> great tips. >> more tips on website, too. >> thanks. lisa, thanks for bringing it to us. i'm going to try it again, with your advice. i'll report to you. thank you so much, lisa. hackers are getting smarter as cell phones get smarter. how to safeguard your information. i'm sure you'll agree, these days your phone is like a mini computer. that why it's so important to protect it in identity theft, scams and viruses. marc saltzman is here via skype from toronto, tip on protecting your smartphone. what's the first line of defense? >> yeah. the first thing want to do something many of us don't do, back up your smartphone before you lose it. so that basically means plug it into your kpumplt with the us b capable in the box. you can also do it sometimes wirelessly, vie yao bluetooth technology. you're safeguarding your information or use a free cloud service to do that. so if you need a new phone in the nucher, plug it into your computer and everything gets put back on there as it once 1ki679ed. tip nun one. back it up. number two, make sure you use a pin code, a pass code or a password. to get into your smartphone. you don't need to be like the kids from the movie hackers to figure how to break into a smartphone, if it's a weak password like 1234, or no password at all. all you want to do, take a picture, and have to type's in a password. you'll be thankful if your phone is stolen or lost. a quick tip, the latest android smartphones allow us to use your face to logon to your phone but it has been proven it can be tricked. use a password. don't rely on that. number three a hotly debated issue a among security experts sdpp your smartphone need anti-virus? increasingly, seeing cases of malware or malicious software. there are free too manies out there. you have nothing to lose, and performance shouldn't be impacted at all. try security software. increasingly, as you mentioned off the top, smartphones are like pocket-sized computers. so virus and other malicious software will migrate to the smartphone. four if your smartphone is stolen or lost use the free remote soft wairp that let's you remotely crack it. see it on map, erase it or lock it if you haven't done any of those thing. for example, findmyiphone is a free app let's you remotely see your phone on a map, when you logon to the cloud. don't try to retrieve it on your own. work with the authorities rather than risk a confrontation with a thief. you know, but all of the smartphone platforms, blackberry, windows android as well each have their own free soft wairp that let's you remostly track it, lock it and remotely wipe the data clean. another tip. and last, not least, fred, is to check your monthly statement, because often there are some text messages charges that you didn't make. phone calms that are suspicious. you'll see these only when you browse your statement, and although they may be 99 cents here or there, they could be scams that we all seem to get these days, these odd, weird text messages under mobile devices. if there's something, contact your carrier and they'll take it from there. >> good to see you from toronto, marc saltzman. just go to or follow marc saltzman on facebook, twitter and linkedin. nothing high-tech about this story. just fast thinking. >> going down the hill and i see it, honking the horn here. >> oh, my goodness. he sees a baby carriage. the driver of that garbage truck battles time and traffic to rescue a runaway stroller. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. so you see everything the way it's meant to be seen. maybe even a little better. experience life well lit, ask for transitions adaptive lenses. receiving a transitions lenses certificate of authenticity is your only guarantee that you're getting the world's #1 recommended photochromic lens. ask for it and register your lenses online today. ♪ pop goes the world ♪ it goes something like this ♪ everybody here is a friend of mine ♪ ♪ everybody, tell me, have you heard? 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[ singing ] >> reporter: this woman was a nanny in the u.s. when she start add school for aids orphans in her native malawi. honored as a top ten cnn hero in 2008 she's joined forces with two other honorees recognized in 2010 for feeding schoolchildren around the globe. >> started an norgs malawi. so i just asked him to consider us. >> i was very struck by her. i felt we were people who could work together. >> reporter: today the organization, mary's meals provides preporridge daily to all 400 of the students. >> the children always have something to eat. she a saint to me. >> reporter: 2010 honeree evan makes solar lanterns to rural african munts. evans visited maria's school and recently his team taught students to build their own lamps. >> for the family, it cuts the cost and for the children, it's helping them to study. evans really motivated our kids to be inventors. we've come up with their own little models. >> reporter: marie's students plan to supply lamps to their community. with creativity and compassion, these cnn heroes are helping each other to change even more lives. >> cnn heroes coming together to work together. it's a family. how sweet is that? 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what are some of the places you prefer? >> absolutely. so one of my favorite places to stay in scottsdale is the hermosa inn. this is a lovely property, great for traditionalists. and casitas are adobe architecture. it starts at $189 a night. if you're more, you know, into something modern, you can go to seguara. it's fresh and new and beautiful. it also has two pools with lots of cabanas to soak up the sun. >> great. >> and you'll be glad to know the restaurant is run by an iron chef. >> bring the sunglasses. that's a whole lot of brightness. i think of grand canyon, the mule rides, the old brady bunch episode. what are some of the things you can get involved in once there atcanyon. >> when you're still in scottsdale, you can golf. it's a year round golf destination. there's the frank lloyd wright home and the native american museum, and you can hike camelback mountain. it's incredibly strenuous, but worth it when you get to the top. particularly at sunrise. once you get to the grand canyon. you can explore the south rim which is epien 365 days a year, and it's busy, lots of crowds there, but you can see the great views and there's a village you can explore. great for families, too. >> you have inspired me. the best time in which to go? >> yes, as i said, it's open, the south rim is open 365 tidaya year, but it can get crowded in the summer time. the best time is the spring and fall when temperatures will be lower as well. if you want to go in the summer, it's still a great time to go. it's hot, put the best time to show up is before 10:00 and after 2:00 p.m. when the temperatures aren't quite as high. >> fantastic. thanks so much. great ideas, and hey, i'm grand canyon bound now. >> great. thank you. >> you want to get more information about grand canyon adventures like rafting trips and more, head to >> beautiful and bald, the new kind of doll that is giving barbie a run for her money. so we invented a warning.. you can feel. introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward. britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... y the number one! [ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. jane had bounced between doctors for more than a year before finally being diagnosed with an incurable type of nonhodgkins lymphoma. >> they say this cancer is always there because it's in your limp system, your immune system. gr for five years, doctors were able to keep the cancer in check with immuno therapy. then doctors told her she would have to start chemotherapy. >> she was 4 when i was diagnosed and she had just turned 9 when i had chyme otherapy and lost my hair. >> bingham's hair loss became a defining moment for her and her young daughter. >> she always knew me with long blond hair. she said numerous times she wished my hair, i didn't have to lose my hair. that was her big focus, was the hair. >> her daughter's experience prompted bingham to petition toy companies to make a bald doll. >> once you take the doll out of the box, the could represent a child with alopecia, with cancer, a child with trict otill amania. also with a family with someone going through it. >> it's part of a new collection going to go on sale this june. mattel has promised to manufacture 10,000 beautiful and bald friends of barbie. >> i remember that one day i broke down and i started crying. and because i just felt like it was -- i was working so hard. this has been full time, really full time since december. day and night. and it was my daughter who said you can't give up, mom. you know, you can't give up on this. and i didn't give up. >> bingham is expanding the beautiful and bald movement and just launched a nonprauftd that will send scarves, head bands, and hats to bald children around the country. doctors say she's sheil never be cancer free, but for now, the symptoms are gone and her quality of life has returned. >> i think it's important to focus your energies out would instead of gist focusing inward on yourself. >> and a dallas woman is suing neiman marcus because she couldn't return more than a millioo

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