Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom 20120529

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as the gop nominee to be hoping to win back a state that went for president obama in 2008. and he's hoping hispanics will help him out. our colleague on that story in-depth for us in denver. i mentioned 2008. two thirds of the hispanic vote nationwide went to the democratic ticket but the vote in colorado was closer. does romney see an opening and could that spell a difference, do you think? >> oh, he definitely seeing an opening. both kand date candidates do. 12% to 14% of the overall voterless here in colorado and both sides are going at them. romney, the second trip since basically becoming the nominee, at least, unofficially to colorado. he is in the far west shoring up the business interests today and the latino voters, the swing voters and late deciders they hope to bring over to their side. a pollster here in colorado breaks it down why both candidates are after hispanics here in colorado, new mexico and in nevada. >> these candidates are looking at different pathways to get to 270 electoral votes. clearly, colorado's nine electoral votes on a pathway. the western pathway. colorado, new mexico and nevada. every one of them is close and every one of them has a significant hispanic population. >> reporter: and now here in colorado, the reason that they're chasing him so hard is about 2 million votes are expected to be cast in november of this year. little more than that, but they expect the margin of victory here to be absolutely minuscule. about 40,000 votes. so if you can swing 10% in the hispanic community, 10,000 to 20,000 votes right there and almost made the victory, the win on those votes alone. ky kyra? >> immigration issues, very important to hispanic voters and romney's views are hard line. just putting together a couple of quotes he's made. he pledges to, quoetd, finally secure our southern border. to turn off the magnets such as jobs, driver's licenses, tuition breaks for illegal immigrants and vows to enforce immigration law and opposes amnesty which he calls just another mag netd. how are hispanics responding to this? >> reporter: this is going to be a big problem for them out here. he will have to figure out how to get back to the center and highlight those parts of his politics or his policy that is are more friendly to hispanics here. hispanics see immigration as part of a bigger picture, as part of the economy, the biggest concern is economy and that's what romney will hit hard and education but they see immigration as part and parcel of those things. if people fear being deported as they believe romney wants to do, people are less apt to stay here, less apt to spend money here and start businesses here and going to hurt the economy so the economy's number one, education, immigration is a huge keystone issue for a lot of hispanics here and want to see both candidates address it before they make their decisions. >> thanks so much. mitt romney hits another western swing state later today. he'll be in las vegas with donald trump. later this hour, we'll be deep in the heart of texas with the cnn express. new concerns of tuna caught off california's cost contaminating with radiation of japan's nuclear accident. scientists say small amounts of radiation were detected in 15 bluefin tuna caught near san diego last august. five months after the chemical cesium was released. scientists say that the amount of it is well below levels considered dangerous for human consumption. just in, the state department expelled a syrian diplomat. he was told that he and his family have 72 hours to leave the u.s. we found out about this after canada, britain and france took similar measures. coordinated action following a weekend massacre in the syrian town of hula. more on this coming up at 11:30 a.m. another earthquake hits northern italy, killing at least 12 people. a frantic search is under way for the people believed to be trapped inside the rubble of all of these collapsed buildings and homes. this is the same region by the way near bologna struck just nine days ago. barbie, what's the latest? >> reporter: well, the death toll according to unconfirmed reports is 15 at this point and 7 known people missing. searching the rubble of the collapsed buildings and especially the factories where people had arrived at work at 9:00 this morning when the earthquake took place. at least now 12,000 people are homeless. there were 7,000 people displaced from the earthquake last week and we have added to that to a figure of 12,000 people. they don't have enough tents, they don't have enough sup ploois. protection agency is having a nightmare calling from other communities within italy and surrounding area to try to help out to get people to safe place to sleep tonight. there have been 800 aftershocks since the may 20th earthquake and the people are terrified. they don't want to sleep anywhere but get out of there and that's what the people -- the civil protection people are dealing with right now. >> what can you tell us about -- because obviously, this is the same region. what's been the biggest difference between the quake nine days ago and this one? >> reporter: the biggest difference is basically the timing. the quake last week happened at 4:00 in the morning. people were still in the beds. businesses were empty. the quake this morning at 9:00 and a lot of people were in their place of work, including the people that perished in the factories that collapsed and a parrish priest, the dome collapsed on the church and he lost his life in that. the timing was not good logistically for the people. a lot of people are in these buildings repairing damage of last week, as well. that added to the problem here. >> barbie, thanks so much. we'll continue to follow this with you. today's quake was the worst to hit italy since 2009 when an earthquake killed nearly 300 people. of all the times i've been live in iraq -- >> this is the south pole. ♪ how are things on the west coast? ♪ ♪ i hear you... ♪ rocky mountain high ♪ rocky, rocky mountain high ♪ ♪ all my exes live in texas ♪ ♪ born on the bayou [ female announcer ] the perfect song for everywhere can be downloaded almost anywhere. ♪ i'm back, back in the new york groove ♪ [ male announcer ] the nation's largest 4g network. covering 2,000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon. rethink possible. really? 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[ applause ] and then there was obama care. does anyone -- my sentiment exactly. does anyone think that obama care made it easier for employers to hire people and put them to work? and then there was dodd-frank. i spoke with an auto dealer this morning. he said it makes it harder for him to get loans for people. i listened to a banker this morning. he said it makes it harder to make loans and small businesses to get going. do you think it helped our economy to get going again? and then there was an effort to impose unions on businesses and employees that didn't want them. by having quicky elections and the right to a secret ballot. this microphone is -- i think the obama administration worked -- do you think -- do you think imposing unions where employees don't want them is helping create jobs in this country? and then there was his tax plan. he wants to raise the marginal tax rate from 35% to 40%. when i spoke to frank and carrie this morning, they told me their business is not taxed at the corporate tax level. it's instead taxed at the individual tax level. they pay taxes in their business as an individual. so when you raise the individual tax rate -- i'm losing sound here, aren't i? i tell you. these batteries were made by washington, d.c. bureaucrats, i can tell. when you raise the individual tax rates, you make it harder for them to keep money in the business. they said it was possible to recarpet the rooms in the hotel. there we go. made it more likely -- there you go. there's a republican microphone there. >> all right. not quite sure where the mike issues are coming from but we are following mitt romney in craig, colora. monitoring everything he says right now talking about the economy, jobs, hoping, of course, to win over the voters in that state. there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning.. you can feel. introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward. in the latino communityr retirement. the word that we use is jubilation. as you're getting older, you should be able to do the things that you love. feels like summer. a lot of us are thinking about one thing. vacation. alison kosik with tips on how to find the best hotel deals. what's out there? >> reporter: you know what? getting more expensive to stay at the average hotel. the expected cost of an overnight stay at a hotel this year is averaging around $107. up 5% from last year so the experts and "consumer reports" got tips for the best deal on the stay and maybe best to call the hotel directly and see if you work out a better deal. a survey found 78% of those who tried bargaining with the hotel got an upgrade or a lower rate and don't forget to ask about specials that aren't advertised and remember that most chains and hohn line travel sites will try to match you if you find a better rate somewhere else. a lot of homework to do but it's certainly worth it in the end. kyra? >> anything else besides haggle? >> reporter: yeah. "consumer reports" noted estimated $1.8 billion in hotel fees and surcharges last year. check if there's resort fees which can run between $20 and $50 a day or early check-in or late departure fees and mini bar fees and get charged for even if you don't use those amenities like the mini bar. kyra? >> what else? anything else out there discountwise while i have you? >> reporter: yes. if you're loyal to a chain, see if they have a rewards program to join and discounts for room upgrades and many places offer discounts if you're a member of the military, you're a government employee or you're an aaa member and even your age, yeah, that could land you a deal. some lower priced hotels may offer a discount for older guests, as well. so there you go. tips to get you extra cash in the pocket for that fun summer vacation. kyra? >> alison, thanks. now a check of the markets. dow industrials up 137 points. when you have diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. 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>> reporter: very much. this primary was scheduled for march 6th. it was the most important race of super tuesday. and we're here in may and all because of redistricting. four new congressional seats thanks to that growth, the 21% growth in texas during 2000-2010 decade. a lot of latino growth. many thought the districts should go to latino parts of the state but republicans have control of the state. it happens everywhere in the u.s. and there was a big fight that went all the way to the supreme court so two of those districts went to latino districts. people are confused and see how it affects turnout. >> juan carlos lopez from the alamo, thanks so much. we see it as an unthinkable act. the taliban doesn't. 160 young afghan girls, poisoned. the crime? wanting to go to school and get an education. the attack happened just north of kabul. police say they were poisoned with a type of spray. one student is quoted saying when i entered the class i smelled something and started to vomit, unconscious. i don't remember what happened after that. afghan officials blaming the taliban for the poisonings and the second indent in the region in less than a week. thursday, 120 girls were admitted to the hospital for similar poisonings. syrian government militias went house to house killing men, women and children. a spokesperson for the u.n. says more than half of the victims were children. the report issued as u.n. arab enjoy met with the syrian president in damascus. ivan watson monitoring developments for us in istanbul. the u.n. mincing no words on who's to blame for that houla massacre. >> reporter: absolutely not. the u.n. giving more detailless of what happened here in the 15 months i've been covering the event, the grizzliest atrocity since it began. a u.n. human rights spokesman saying that pro-government militias went house to house in village of houla friday night killing people. >> a fairly small number of shelling artillery and tank fire over a period of more than 12 hours. but the majority of appear to have been the result of house to house summary executions, armed men going in to houses and killing men, women and children. inside. >> reporter: and kyra, 109 people at least killed friday night and early saturday morning in that village of houla. at least 49 of them children under the age of 10. of course, syrian government is denying any connection whatsoever to this violence. >> translator: during this time, syria has not done a single violation of annana's plan. at the same time, the other party not committed to a single point. this means that there is a decision not to implement annan's plan and make it fail by the armed groups and the opposition. >> reporter: this is a boldfaced lie coming from the syrian deputy foreign minister, kyra. we have gotten voluminous reports of syrian military not withdrawing of syrian cities and towns since a united nations brokered peace plan went in to effect nearly two months ago. voluminous accounts of violence being carried out by these troops. attacks against unarmed demonstrat demonstrators. their government is lying here. >> what's kofi annan and other western governments saying about this, the flat-out lies and basically the evidence that exists? >> reporter: well, today, we're seeing a concerted diplomatic push, a growing number of countries including the united states, brit pin, france, canada, spain, germany and italy announcing in the course of a couple of hours that syrian diplomats in their capital cities are persona nongrata. they must leave within 72 hours in direct connection to the massacre that left at least 109 people dead but this is a measure proposed nearly two months ago at a so-called friends of syria meeting held here in istanbul. it wasn't adopted then. and it is unlikely to bring an end to the cycle of violence and killing in syria. some of the senior veteran middle east analysts and watchers that i have been talking to, even some senior and diplomats i have been talking to, stationed in the region, don't think that this is going to lead any government to intervene to put a stop to the killing going on despite protests from the international community for nearly 15 months and that's claimed thousands of lives. kyra? >> ivan watson of istanbul, thanks. it's award season here at cnn. we have scoured the ireports and selected the most compelling stories. now we need your help. log on to cnn ireport awards.come to vote. here's the nominees for best interview. >> we still want that dialogue we asked for. we still want the freedom. we still want the government reform. >> i pull my vacuum cleaner out. i go over my house from ceiling down. >> several life crises. >> this is how we portrayed space clothes. really no different from the "lost in space." >> the idea to save 30,000 lives, to commemorate those lives that were lost on 9/11. >> i think definitely the scandals that i like to call boosted know a whole new world that i was never involved in before. oh geez! >> i don't think the world really understands what collective bargaining means to a huge workforce. 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diane dimond is covering the trial. they had evidence they didn't see in court. she's joining me from north carolina. diane, let's talk about some of the vibes that you've gotten from this panel. we found your insight pretty fascinating this morning. >> well, thanks. the vibe from the jury so far is they're being very diligent. we in the media getting ant sy. sitting in a little courtroom. it's hot here in greensboro. doesn't smell too great in the courtroom and anxious but i think the jury's taking their time and well they should. it's only day seven. i've covered lots of trials where it's day 15 and day 20 and, you know, so this isn't really been taken too long. i do notice some body language of the jurors. juror number 7 walks in like this sometimes and a sour look on her face and juror number 11. juror number 9, african-american women, she looks exhausted by the process. juror number 2, we think the foreman, affable. comes in with a big grin on the face. i think from what i see, kyra, the important thing, they're getting along. >> okay. so here's what's interesting and you mentioned a couple of things but one thing about juror number 10, you wrote about -- a retired fire and police department employee, often covers most of his face with a large white hanker chief and afraid of catching or spreading germs. reading the little details, tell me why you pay attention to these things. does it give you some sort of insight to how you think this juror will respond to what they're hearing, the decision they might make? >> exactly. that's exactly right. you know, i watch a jury when i cover a jury because they're the ultimate deciders of fact. you have a woman that walks like this all the time. a human resources officer by the way. figure -- go figure that. and then we have this man with the hankerchief over the face. that tells me he's a protective man, doesn't want to give the germs to anybody or very closed minded. yet when they walk in the courtroom, they all smile to each other. they, you know, give a wave so the other person can go ahead of them. they're very polite to each other during the trial. during the deliberations, they have been a little more subdued, u.s. my say but that's normal. >> okay. interesting. you also write that the, quote, crucial unanswered question is, what did elizabeth know and when? let's talk about why that's so important. >> right. well, you know, the defense's main argument here is that john edwards had the money spent to hide the mistress from his wife. the prosecution says, no, no. he did that to hide it from the voters. so that his presidential campaign didn't crumble and that is a misuse of illegal campaign funds so, okay. how's the jury, kyra, going to sit in that deliberation room and decide, let's see. there's almost a million dollars spent. to keep elizabeth in the dark but when did elizabeth really figure this out? there's been no definitive testimony of when elizabeth figured this out. now, the "daily beast" has a piece where i looked up the old twitter feed of john edwards and for some reason lives on the internet and the twitter feed from the period of time where this baby was conceived, may 25th to may 28th, 2007, his twitter feed for that period is still online. if you look at that day, when the baby is said to have been conceived, john edwards tweets that he is in iowa, happy to have seen his wife and children who have come to visit him and that to me was crucial evidence that this jury never heard. elizabeth is in iowa with him as he's creating a baby with another woman? to me, logic tells me that the missus has no idea that this affair is still going on or a baby is created and this jury never heard about that twitter feed. >> you know, the part of the testimony that's still sticks in my mind and just makes me sick to my stomach, the testimony came through when she found out about this and ripped the shirt off. here's a woman struggling with cancer, fighting for her life and she's in tears and she says, you just don't see me anymore. you know, in something like this, that's so emotional and you have got this smart, beautiful woman who's trying to survive cancer and you learn about what her husband has allegedly done, you know, in these big cases, how do juries separate the personal views of the defendant from the facts? >> you know, that's such a good question, kyra. at the beginning, the judge told this panel, this is not about a man who had an affair. this is about whether or not a man used illegal campaign money contribution that is came in to further his presidential aspirations. but you are right. i mean, when you hear -- when i heard that testimony in there, about this moment on the tarmac where breast cancer survivor elizabeth tears off her blouse and says to her husband, you just don't see me anymore, this is after "the national enquirer" put the story out there for everyone to hear. this is three years after this baby had been conceived. so, that's got to stick in the jury's mind, that you cannot completely put that aside. but maybe that's one of the sticking points here. maybe the foreman reminding them. he's a financial adviser by the way. maybe he's reminding them, it's all about the money. it is not about john edwards being a cad. >> yeah. now, the jury is asked to examine every single exhibit. what does that tell you? >> yes. that was really interesting. i was sad to hear that happen because usually the jury sends a note and says we'd like to see exhibits number whatever and they make a list and we can look up on our master list what it is they're asking for. well, they came out and asked for so many exhibits the judge, darn it, said, hey, would you like to have all the exhibits back in the jury room and make it easier? all of the jurors shook their head yes, yes, yes, please. we don't know what they're looking at. we don't know the points of contention and the exhibits they're zeroing in on. i wish i did. i might be able to tell you more about how long this deliberation will last or maybe if it will be a hung jury. >> well, we are watching it with you. diane, thanks so much for your perspective and enjoying reading your articles, as well. thanks, diane. only the jury knows when and whether it will reach a verdict but you will hear it first here on cnn. 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"why wait if you don't have to." rapid wrinkle repair. neutrogena®. recommended most by dermatologists. an important medical story that affects millions of post menopausal women. hormone replacement therapy was considered a mainstay for women to prevent chronic medical conditions. today a government task force recommends against the therapy because it could lead to other major medical issues. elizabeth cohen here to explain. we got word of this this morning. >> this is a group of doctors saying think many times before doing hormone replacement therapy. you said women used to be told take it because it will keep you forever young. you'll have the hormones of a young woman and lower chance of heart disease and dementia and all of that. and then about ten years ago doctors said no, not only does it not prevent those things but, get this, it increases the risk of all sorts of bad things. so it increases your chances of having a stroke, of developing dementia, of getting dean vein thrombosis, gallbladder disease so do not take hormone replacement therapy if you think it's going to keep you forever young. >> are there any reasons to take this? a lot of people are. >> a lot of people are. this group of experts and others said look, if you are having trouble with the symptoms of menopause, say the hot flashes, you can't function, consider talking to your doctor taking it for a short period of time. and at a low dose. don't stay on it for decades like women used to do. short period of time, low dose, you're only doing it to make your symptoms better. don't think you're doing it to keep yourself healthier overall because you're not. >> got it. >> there is another picture. >> a lot of viewers have written in, wanted to know her condition. this is the young gal that has lost limbs due to this flesh eating bacteria. apparently she spoke to her parents for the first time. >> she had been mouthing words to them and reading her lips. for the first time she was able to vocalize. so, this is you know, yet another milestone, another piece of good news that we're really happy to hear. >> this is what she said, her first words, she's 24 years old. yeah. 24. she told her mother and sister, hello, whoa, my mind is blown. she told her father that it felt weird being able to talk. >> it must. i mean, it's been almost a month that she hasn't been able to speak. she's been through so much. this was -- >> how big of a step is this then? is this huge progress? how would you -- >> medically speaking this one little step is not gigantic, but it's big picture when you look at it. this was a girl whose heart was barely working, her heart was barely able to pump blood and now she is back strong and normal according to her father. this was a young woman whose lungs barely worked, now they took her off the ventilator and have taken the tracheotomy out. she doesn't need the trach tube to breathe. those are huge. and the speaking, that's got to feel great, that's go it to help you thrive and live and survive if you can communicate with the people that you love. >> she had multiple amputations. so put this in perspective. her current phase of treatment, when can she move into rehab? is that too soon? >> that's too soon. i spoke to her father last week, and he said that they were told by the doctors probably another three to four weeks in intensive care. so they are still 18 critical phase. i asked him is her life still on the line? he said yeah, it is. she still is on dialysis. her kidneys are still not working. so she is not completely out of the woods yet but it's been amazing what she has been able to do. her father uses the word "miracle." that's the word he uses. >> this amazing blog. >> it's beautiful. his face book page is amazing. if you feel down about something in your life, go to andy copeland's facebook page. it's amazinamazing. i wrote a piece on and it's all about the role that faith has played in her healing because her family believed that god reached out and helped her heal. >> beautiful thing. >> thanks, elizabeth. you can read here about amy's story and hormone replacement therapy at, up powered patient. ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. 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[ male announcer ] stop the uh-oh fast with kaopectate. the royal family is gearing up for a celebration this weekend. you know t queen's diamond joop a lee. 60 years on the throne. the last time all eyes on the royals, prince william's wedding. william spoke how he missed not having his mom, princess dianna. >> the one time where i thought to myself it would be fantastic if she was here and how sad really for her more than anything not being able to see it because i think she'd love the day. i think she would be proud of us both. i'm grateful she is -- not going to get a chance to meet kate. >> we'll have more. watch a royal celebration, elizabeth's 60 years as queen. that's sunday, 11:00 a.m. eastern. thanks for watching. you can continue the conversation with me on twitter or on facebook. cnn newsroom continues with suzanne malveaux. >> i want to get to it. new details about the massacre in syria and the government militia going after protesters on the street. these are the protests t capital of damascus. the human rights office saying government troops went house to house in hula gunning down entire families. more than 100 people died in the massacre, almost half of them children. eight countries including the u.s. are expelling syrian diplomats. >> a deadly earthquake hit northern italy killing at least 15. the same region struck nine days ago when seven people died. it is a chilling scenario. we're talking about snipers armed with rifles and silencers, car bombs, a hit list that included u.s. diplomats. the "the washington post" is reporting it's part of assassination plots linked to ir iran. the plan was to kill foreign diplomats in seven countries over 13 months. what do we know about this plot and validity of this report? >> reporter: unfortunately, we don't have a lot of facts about this alleged plot. that's why it's very important to not to jump to any conclusions. this is another one of those arms with the headline that sounds dramatic, is going to get your attention. but when you look at the article itself, it leaves a lot of critical questions unanswered. it's one of those scary articles about an assassination plot, alleged plot with links to iran. the article doesn't clearly explain what those links are to the iranian government. it also doesn't use named sources. briefly, the article claims that a citizen of azerbaijan, north of iran, was working with operatives inside iran. we're not sure if the they were iranians, to smuggle in weapons and then go after u.s. and foreign diplomats. the article claims that this alleged plot is tied to other alleged plots. by iranian government. what this article doesn't do -- yes. >> do you know if -- >> reporter: go ahead. >> do you know if the iran responded in any way? >> reporter: they have denied any involvement in this alleged plot. as they have done before, they describe it as western propaganda to increase the threat level against iran. we should point out this article unfortunately doesn't provide, you know, evidence, clear evidence that links this alleged plot to the iranian government. >> and do we have a sense of whether or not this is still continuing, if you believe that there are assassination plots that were under way and that it wasn't iran directly but perhaps hezbollah or links to iran. do we believe that this is still happening? >> reporter: well, based on what the article is saying, based on the unnamed sources, middle eastern officials, u.s. officials, this article is citing, the threat died down and died down a few months ago according to the article, when iranian officials agreed to resume negotiations with the western powers. unfortunately, we don't know who those unnamed sources are. this is another one of those articles where on one side you are going to have hawks in washington saying this is the is proof that iran is plotting attacks and another side that's going to say this is part of the iran hysteria and a lot of people in the middle are going to be confused. >> all right. thank you very much. i want to talk more about the implications of this reported plot. i want to bring in jim. first of all, reza is critical of this article, he is skeptical. he says that they do not necessarily make those kinds of links when you talk about assassination plots. do we know if it's linked to the iranian government or programs their groups lick hezbollah and others getting a wink, wink, nod, nod, yes, you go ahead and carry out the dirty work? >> it's a tough question. i think reza is right to be cautious and what we have here, we don't have a smoking gun, what we have is a sort of growing amount of evidence about a lot of different things. alleged plots in seven different countries including in the united states. i was -- i had a meeting with a senior administration official some months ago, the morning that the alleged plot that was supposed to take place in washington, the assassination attempt against a saudi official. and all of us are in the room thinking this doesn't make much sense. this doesn't sound like iran. it doesn't fit style of iran. he went off to a meeting and came back and was surprised that he was skeptical but they had pretty good evidence. there is this big question about who in iran, someone in the government, an independent operative, is it hezbollah. we don't know. so i think some caution is advised but it does appear as if something has been up for these last couple of months, and finally, let's remember the context. iranian nuclear scientists have been assassinated. there have been four successful assassinations against iranian scientists and a couple that failed. i'm not a big fan of assassinati assassination. you assassinate someone, surprise, surprise, there is a chance they are going to come back and want to assassinate one of your people. it's not impossible that this would be the case. >> you bring up a point you're right, you have four iranian nuclear scientists to have been assassinated in three years. they believe that it's either the u.s. or israel that is responsible. do you think there is some sort of shadow war that is taking place between the united states and the middle east in iran? >> well, i think there are different pieces of it. i firmly believe the united states is not responsible, not engaged in these assassination attempts. that's what people tell me and i believe them. i think it's more likely that israel is. i say this for reasons of history. israel went after and assassinated egyptian scientist in the 1960s. they assassinated iraqi scientists working on saddam's nuclear program. this would fit this they were the ones. but i don't think the u.s. is involved but regardless the u.s. is getting blamed. that's sort of what happens in the middle east, no matter who does what the u.s. ends up blamed. >> the article says this, and reza brought up this, that the a assassination attempted halted so iran wants to offer something over the nuclear program. do we know where this stands now? with iran. do we know if these kinds of plots are continuing? >> no. we have no idea. i mean i think you might take the notion again unsubstantiated, no named sources but if the government sort of indirectly knew about it and clamped down and said no that is telling. it's also telling i think that it was done because of negotiations. we heard a lot of people say negotiations are not worth anything, it's talk, blah, blah, blah. well, you know, these negotiations have accomplished at least two things. one, they pushed off an israeli strike, military strike which would be you know, all hell would break loose. and second, apparently because iran is involved in negotiation if the story is true they pulled back. so i think those are two big victories for the negotiation process so far and i hope it continues and is successful. >> jim walsh, thank you. here's what we're working on for this hour. under attack, just for trying to get an education. the poisoning of 160 afghan school girls. then, from the backyard to the kitchen table, the first lady's push to get your family farming. and the election fight comes to your smartphone. i want healthy skin for life. 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the classrooms are full. >> right. a lot of these girls are determined to get an education. you see girls coming back. the intimidation level is high. and regardless of what people say about the poisoning and whether they might be mass hysteria, the local officials, in fact i think we have a sound bite from a doctor, saying what he thinks. let's listen to that. >> translator: an investigation into this incident is under way. we have already sent the blood samples of poisoned students to laboratory in kabul in order to get a clear result of what has happened. all of these incidents are similar. it has created a panic for students, in my opinion. i suggested to officials to lock down the school at least for a week. >> you see there, a lot of the officials, they take this seriously and often these girls have said they smelled something and people you know, they think that at least the genesis is genuine. >> one of the things i learned embedded in the military last september is that these, in general, the population is really not educated. had 90% of the soldiers, the afghan soldiers, the americans are training who don't read, don't write, they can't count if you ask how many kids, they hold up fingers but can't say one, two, three, four, five. it is really dismal. you empower these guys with reading and writing. they fight the taliban. what is the fear of empowering the girls? >> empowering is the word. education is power. to the taliban they like to rule by fire and ignorance so if you have an uneducated population, in the case of males who are educated but not to the levels we're used to are uneducated population when it comes to the females it mitigates the risk if you like of those people learning enough to stand back and go hang on, this isn't right. these are our rights. so it keeps the population control in a way, crowd control by uneducating or undereducating the males and not educating the women. >> do we know who is responsible for the poisoning? the taliban has denied it. do we have any doubt that it is the taliban? >> there is no simple answer. you have in areas controlled by the more conservative taliban, they do shut down schools, so they have been blamed by the authorities for these sorts of attacks. however, there are taliban who say no, we will allow education and they have in fact allowed schools to operate in districts where they have a lot of influence, but they control the curriculum, no girl/boy classes, no male teachers, no english lessons and lots of islamic lessons. it's not a good sign going forward. we talk about the draw down and everything. this is another sign if these school closures, poisonings can happen, what does that say about governance once we go? the taliban's already having this kind of influence. what about when we go? where are the local authorities? >> the challenges are immense. >> exactly. >> appreciate it. back to world war ii, they called them victory gardens. now the first lady wants you to start farming in your back yard. so, you ready to get your hands dirty? we'll tell you how to get started. where you don't get thrown by curveballs. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to get things done. so, why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. do you really think brushing is enough to keep it clean? while brushing misses germs in 75% of your mouth, listerine® cleans virtually your entire mouth. so take your oral health to a whole new level. listerine®... power to your mouth™. first lady has a new book out about the white house garden called "american grown" a memoir of her exspan of the white house garden she turned into an organic vegetable haven. part of the first lady's anti-obesity campaign, it's called let's move. >> let's move is a way of giving people the tools and information and it really requires everybody to step up. we need our mayors stepping up, restructuring cities so that kids have safer places to play, we need our food manufacturers stepping up and really thinking about how to reformulate food products so they are a little more healthy. >> and affordable. >> and affordable. >> cnn editor is joining us. a lot of folks love to garden. you're a gardener. i understand you have one on the roof of your new york apartment. >> i do. corn up there and everything. >> really. that's pretty cool. so, what lessons does the first lady have for those of us who would like to get a garden started in the back yard, your school, your community garden? >> i think first of all gardening is such a great sort of show of faith in the american spirit and just in hope for the future. it's a tremendous thing. what michelle obama did was look to the history of the white house garden, the victory garden, what eleanor roosevelt planted there, and her putting so much effort into this shows the american people that you are in charge of your own food destiny and you can do well for yourself with this. gardens all over the country, community gardens, and saw people were stepping up to feed their community in a lot of exciting ways. >> kat, that's poetic. i had not thought about it that way. tell us why it's exploded, urban gardening. i know folks here who raise chickens and corn and the whole bit. >> if you look at the food system now it's really pretty scary. every week there are new stories in the news about mad cow disease, about all kinds of sort of horrors going on in facttry farming and large scale vegetable farming. this is a way of reclaiming the food you put into your body. it's cheap, it's easy to do, it brings the community together. and you know, with fit nation farming and ireport we're asking people to grow one thing. you don't have to be martha stewart or michelle obama level. it's deeply empowering thing. >> tomatoes are easy. if you want to start something, start with tomatoes. you won't have problems. tell us about these heirloom tomatoes. you're actually talking about the first lady using some seeds from long ago and planting them, and somehow coming up with a different kind of tomato than you and i would buy in the store. >> i stopped buying tomatoes from stores. she is specifically using some from thomas jefferson's garden. heirloom seeds are ones saved for -- there is no hard and fast rule but generally at least 50 years, preindustrialized they have not been allowed to crossbreed and the lettuce tor tomatoes or other things is exactly the same that your grandfather ate, that his grandfather ate it's a way of keeping american history alive. you're not depending on the food system and on all of these vegetables that are bred specifically to travel really well but instead you can taste food how it was meant to be and you have a lot of control. >> kat, tell us how would you start if you have never done this before but you want to get started. it's a good ideas. >> i would for new gardeners go to the let's move site where there are tips about first of all engage your family, get everybody in on the action, if your kid helps you grow something they are going to want to eat it. you can also, it's great to identify a spot where you do this. consider where it gets the most sun, where you're you're going to be able to haul water. get your soil tested. because you know, you might -- may or may not have chemicals, you may have to resort to containers which is actually a really fabulous thing to do. you have more control over it. some things go well together. if it goes together it grows together. consider what works in the shade or the light. and you know, and just get started. she writes a lot in the book about embracing failure. you don't have to be michelle obama, you don't have to be martha stewart. you have to be you, grow one thing and that is good enough. >> everybody starts, i remember we had a garden and sometimes the cucumbers come out really big or small. and test the soil of course. thanks as always. >> thank you so much. >> appreciate it. even mitt romney admits he doesn't see eye to eye on every issue with donald trump. what are they doing out on the campaign trail together? 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>> not much. i hate to say it. i know we've been talking about this a long time. let's look at the numbers. here's where it stands. mitt romney has about 1,066 delegates, the magic number to clinch the nomination is 1,144. 152 delegates up in texas tonight. we think mitt romney is going to win a lot of them. probably over the top which mean he would unofficially be the nominee, does it change anything? not really. we remember on april 10th when rick santorum dropped out he was pretty much the rain rival for romney. romney became the all but certain nominee, unofficially clinching not much changes. we have been in a general election battle between mitt romney and president obamar barack obama since early april. >> we can't call him the official republican nominee, we've got to wait until the convention because the convention makes it official. right. >> we've got to use that presumptive, you name it, for a couple more months. promise we'll get there, i promise. >> okay. romney has a fundraiser with donald trump and newt gingrich. trump is bringing up the birther issue, questioning whether the president was born in the u.s., this theory long since debunked but it's forcing romney to weigh in. here's what he said on the press plane. >> i don't agree with all of the people support me and my guess is they don't agree with everything i believe in but i need 51% or more and i'm appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people. >> paul, so this is starting to look like a distraction from the economic message that he's peddling. at what point does this become a liability if he has to continue to talk about the birther issue? >> that's all we're talking about, we the media, and not just us, on line, social media, you name it for five or six days since we learned about this trump fund-raiser for mitt romney tonight in las vegas where they would be together. and you've seen these comments from donald trump the last couple of days, tweets and television interviews where he continues to bring up the birther issue. that is a big distraction. you are right for mitt romney. look what he was asked on the campaign plane. that and the fact that trump, the fact sorry, romney said you know, i don't always agree with what my supporters say and they don't always agree with me, i don't think that goes far enough. i think he has to say i believe president obama was born in the u.s., this is not part of the campaign. until he does that, and as long as he continues to associate with trump it is a distraction. listen, you know donald trump, he seeks the limelight, controversy, and that's probably not a good thing for mitt romney. >> the obama campaign is capitalizing, they have this new video out highlighting romney's association with trump and calling on romney to denounce these question where he was born. they use john mccain in 2008 as an example of what he should be doing. i want you to listen. >> we're scared of an obama presidency. >> i have to tell you he is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared as president of the united states. >> i have read about him, he's an arab. >> no, ma'am. no, ma'am. he's a decent family man, citizen, that i just happen to have disagreements with. >> so paul, ultimately is romney going to be forced to move a bit further on this issue and simply condemn this outright, take a tougher stand? >> i think you're right. i think he needs to do that. until he does that we're going to continue to talk about it. naturally. this may help mitt romney. this association with romney may help with some in the base but he has tied up the base. he needs to reach out to those in the middle. those are the voters who are going to win this for him if he is going to win it and they are probably going to get turned off a lot of them from this talk from donald trump, the bringing up of the birther controversy. >> paul, thank you. >> an earthquake slams italy. we're going to get a look at the fallout. what it means for the thousands who have already lost their homes. >> we're talking about mortgages on the help desk. very important especially right now with me is the president of optimum capital management, stacy is a financial adviser. stacy, we got this question in from michelle in wisconsin. i have about five year left on a 15-year mortgage at 5.25%. is it worth it to refinance now? we're at pretty record lows when it comes to rates. it might be worth it. >> yeah. she has two options. she can refinance for the amount now. she may get two percentage points better and go ahead and really have a an amazing savings. the second thing is actually take out a larger mortgage. if she finds she hasn't fully cushioned her emergency fund or put more in retirement it might be a good opportunity for her to take out a larger mortgage and still be paying at the lower rate than she is now. >> i wonder and ryan, weigh in, what she should take out, an arm or fixed. we think of arm for me i shutter. and i think that's too risky. but given rates. >> the mortgage industry has created different mortgages to make home purchasing easier. i think for arms and for individuals who plan to stay in the property for five years or less and plan on moving, then that might be suitable. i'm more after traditional guy. i like the 20% down, fixed type mortgage. that's actual think better responsible way to go. >> thanks, guys. if you're watching and you have a question send us an e-mail. this is $100,000. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? 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[ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business. in northern italy there was another deadly earthquake, at least 15 people have been killed. 5.8 quake was followed by dozens of smaller aftershocks. jacqui jeras is watching it for us n. is the same region there was another big quake. what are they dealing with? >> it's a very active region, believe it or not. italy is one of the most earthquake prone countries in the world, so it's not unusual to have them but they have so many and to have two at this intensity with the nine days is incredible. we've got a google earth map to show you where we are talking about. this is in northern italy. so this is just south of the alps, this is the area we're talking about. we'll zoom in and show you where the first quake was, the 5.8 which was here and then today's quake was only three miles away from that. so, very, very close in proximity. a few different towns were affected but some of the buildings impacted nine days ago were impacted again this time, so making it all that much more devastating. there have been at least 40 aftershocks since the initial quick which was the 20th and these dots, the orange and the yellow, those are aftershocks so residents are saying it's incredible to have had this many within that period of time. about 60,000 people felt what we consider strong shaking, and when you get an earthquake of this magnitude we've been seeing reports around 15 fatalities, on average depending on the population you'll see between, say, 1 in 100. officials tell us those may go up. we know at least 200 people have been injured, so more activity can be expected. we'll continue to see aftershocks in the days, weeks, months and maybe years ahead. >> tough road to go there. excellent reporting as always. i know it's your last day. you are a class act, a very, very talented, wonderful friend. we're going to miss you. you have bigger and better things ahead. looking forward to that. congratulations. >> thank you. benefits might be up to dry, a lot of americans out of work for more than a year, that could leave the rest of the economy with a bloody lip. we'll tell you why. is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. 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[ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i'm a fighter and now i don't have that fear. the economy needs manufacturing. machines, tools, people making stuff. companies have to invest in making things. infrastructure, construction, production. we need it now more than ever. chevron's putting more than $8 billion dollars back in the u.s. economy this year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm proud of that. making real things... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪ the key is to have a good strategy. the same goes for my retirement. with the plan my financial advisor and i put together, a quick check and i know my retirement is on course. [ male announcer ] with wells fargo advisor's envision plan, you always know where you stand. in fact, 93 percent of envision plan holders say they will retire on their own terms. get started on the plan you need today -- wells fargo advisors. together we'll go far. a facebook news here. facebook shares fell below $30 for the first time for the shares, shares have now lost more than 21% of the initial offering price that was $38. that was just back may 18th. the ipo there a week ago, facebook losing value. >> look likes more than 100,000 americans across six states are going to lose unemployment benefits this summer. that's going to bring the total to about half a million. that is enough to make up the entire population of new orleans. explain to us, this is not the regular unemployment benefits that we're talking about here. >> exactly. we're not talking about the regular unemployment benefits that come from each state. those will continue. what we are talking about which will go away, are these extended benefits coming from the federal government meaning these were the weeks of benefits added onto the state benefits to really just kind of give people a bigger safety net. they were put in place because of the weak economy. at the worst of the economy, people could get up to 99 weeks of unemployment checks. guess what, slowly that number of weeks has been falling because the economy has been getting better so the unemployment benefits aren't needed. also legislative mandate that's in place has phased out the benefits based on state unemployment rates. so at this point more than 25 states have fallen off of these extended benefit rolls. we're down to six states and washington, d.c. that offer the extended benefits. by the end of the summer no state will offer these extended federal benefits. >> so what does that mean, the big picture t economic fallout. >> you know, it may mean that people may have to take any job even if it's a low paying job that they are overqualified for. what it could wind up doing is pushing down the unemployment rate but could mean a lower quality of life for so many people. you've got the critics saying you know, it is important to get these people off government assistance back into the work force because the longer you're out of work the harder it is to get a job. clearly it's a contentious issue, it is in washington, and on the campaign trail. and one we'll continue to hear more about. >> a tough time for a lot of people this summer. >> you see him on tv, even on your websites, so what is the next frontier for campaign ads, smart phone whether you like it or not. 2008 president obama's campaign spent a lot on cell phone ads taking it to a new level. this year looks like political campaigns going to spend more, trying to reach voters on smartphones. and other mobile devices like ipads. if you live in a swing state you are likely a high priority for what is called sign-in advertising. hln's lifestyle expert, mario, good to see you here. so, we're starting to get used to all of this stuff, right. the mobile phones and now you got something else going on here, the mobile apps, they are cheap. do they reach more folks than, say, the traditional way of advertising? >> that's a good question. i don't think that it can actually reach more people than, say, if you were to do an ad on a cable network or television or traditional forms. but what's clear about mobile advertising is that it's cheaper. extremely cheaper. and, you can be much more highly targeted. so for example, an average ad on a mobile device would run a campaign somewhere between 85 cents to a dollar, and they only pay, the campaign only pays when someone actually clicks or accepts the ad. so they don't waste money. so it's really cost effective. highly targetable. you can say i only want people in iowa, in michigan, i can really dig in deep to zip codes. >> so from our perspective, sign up advertising, can we opt out of this if we don't want these ads on our phones? >> yeah. the idea is that this is something that along the route if you've been engaged with a news letter or campaign website or downloaded their mobile app you have probably given consent to having other ads sent. you can opt out of those. all campaigns are running legitimate that i've been able to see, and you can opt out. however, the only thing that's different is like i think there's three interesting facts about this whole thing, suzanne. so many people do get their news from mobile devices today. not just from sitting in front of a television. one of those that jumps out is that 25% of americans right now have engaged with their mobile phone to learn more or be politically active. two, i mentioned this before. you can be targeted. take rick perry with his iowa campaign, he was able to target people who downloaded a bible app. and three, mobile is real. the primary is kicking off, mitt romney's campaign has spent 10% of their advertising budget in mobile and digital ads. >> it's real. it's going to happen. speaking of phones, facebook, trying to get in the business of making phones. a good idea? >> i don't know. i want to see facebook be successful. everyone does too. i don't have stock but certainly stockholders want it to be. to answer your question, it's going to be tough. it's not easy for a software company to make hardware. they tried this again, it's been rumored they have tried this a couple of years though they have gotten more serious but they have enough cash to buy a company and do what google did, buying motorola. they might do that or develop their own. i can tell you, facebook does not work well with apple. that's a big problem. they make money and grow in mobile advertising so they need to figure something out whether they make their own phone or their app better. >> i imagine it's probably not a good idea considering how they have done with the ipo, the stock. >> that's the other pressure that comes into it. now people want to see what else can facebook do? the mobile games, suzanne, is serious for facebook. if they fail in the mobile space, they will fail, their stockholders, which is a whole new set of pressure they haven't had to deal with before. there's no more time to tinker around, try out and test things. they have to implement quick and effectively so that their shareholders are taken care of. >> mario, good to see you as always. when are the airline fees going to end? 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[ male announcer ] we began with the rx. ♪ then we turned the page, creating the rx hybrid. ♪ now we've turned the page again with the all-new rx f sport. ♪ this is the next chapter for the rx. this is the next chapter for lexus. this is the pursuit of perfection. national weather service says beryl could become a tropical storm again as it heads to south carolina. the storm a tropical depression dumped more than a foot of rain in a town about 12 miles west of tallahassee. some parts of northern florida and southeast georgia could get slammed with 15 inches of rain today. another deadly earthquake hit northern italy today, kill at least 15 people. searchers are looking for survivors in the rubble of collapsed buildings. it is the same northern region struck by a powerful quake just nine days ago when seven people died. syria's president says terrorists are responsible. it's not the first time he said that but this time he was talking to u.n. envoy coffee an nan. an nan got backup when eight countries including the u.s. expelled syrian diplomats because of the killing. the report you are about to see contains disturbing pictures, not suitable for everybody. we are showing these to convey the scale of this massacre. last friday that happened in hula. here is arwa damon. >> reporter: a man shoots video on his cell phone as he runs breathlessly to where a shell has fallen. we can't show you the bodies he found ripped apart by shrapnel. his efforts began to save those not beyond help. another shell. unknown to the outside world until friday t town is now a shocking symbol of syria's carnage. more than 100 people killed and just one day, and according to u.n. observers in syria, 49 of the victims were children under the age of ten. again, we can't show you the video of these children. it's simply too horrifying. but at one point a man off camera shouts, arabs, look at this, all the world should look at this. these are the crimes of asan. this woman who seems to have been wounded claims assad's men went house to house to finish off the survivors. >> they crammed us into a room, pulled out guns and sprayed us like sheep, she claims. my father, brother and mother died. the camera pans to an apparently wounded child. there is no way for cnn to authenticate her story but the un special envoy arriving sunday said his observers will continue to investigate the massacre. >> those responsible for these brutal crimes must be held to account. i understand the government has initiated investigation. >> reporter: despite the blood shed there are few signs of a tougher international approach towards the assad regime. >> they absolutely urgent priority is to have the annan plan implemented, that plan involves a plural democratic system being created in syria. >> reporter: how to get there, even a cease-fire, the first step in the annan plan, seems an impossible goal, and russia continues to say that assad's opponents are as much to blame as the regime. >> you know it takes two to dance, takes two to tango. even though in the current situation in syria what we have is not the really tango, having a disco party where many players are dancing and they should all dance in the same way. >> reporter: there is little appetite in the u.s. for a libya style military intervention. >> my preference of course always as the senior military leader would be that the international community could find ways of increasing the pressure on assad to do the right thing and step aside. but of course we have to provide military options and they should be considered. >> after hula, the city of prema which rose up 30 years ago, these bags of ice cover the bodies of a few of the 40 victims of shelling over the weekend. on monday, u.n. observers went and net local commander of the free syrian army in an effort to bring calm. >> they are pleading to us to have u.n. observers to be present, places like this. there is a lot that we can do. >> reporter: but not in time to save these infants, lined up as if asleep, they are said to have been the youngest victims of the hula massacre and the rebels have sworn to avenge their deaths. arwa damon, cnn, new york. >> awful. in north carolina jurors are deliberating in the john edwards trial, he is charged with illegally using campaign contributions to cover up an affair. we'll have more on the trial when we talk with diane dimon. suzanne malveaux, let's get to it. it's a chilling scenario involving snipers, car bombs and a hit list. "the washingt

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Parts , Policy , Picture , Politics , Concern , People , Things , Education , Money , Businesses , Parcel , Lot , Thanks , Keystone Issue , Number One , Decisions , Cost , Deep In The Heart Of Texas , Swing State , Concerns , Tuna , Donald Trump , Las Vegas , Cnn Express , California S , Radiation , Scientists , Amounts , Bluefin Tuna , Accident , Japan , San Diego , Last August , 15 , Five , Amount , Levels , Diplomat , Human Consumption , Cesium , State Department , Family , Action , Town , Weekend Massacre , Measures , France , Hula , Britain , Canada , 72 , 30 , The Way , All Of Us , Region , Way , Buildings , Rubble , Homes , Search , Earthquake Hits Northern Italy , Bologna , Point , Barbie , Reports , Death Toll , Latest , 7 , Place , Earthquake , Factories , Work , 12000 , 9 , 7000 , Northern Italy , Figure , Communities , Area , Nightmare Calling , Tents , Protection Agency , Sup Ploois , Aftershocks , Protection , May 20th Earthquake , 20 , 800 , May 20th , Timing , Quake , Parrish Priest , Beds , The Dome , 4 , Life , Damage , Logistically , Church , Times , Worst , Iraq , 2009 , 300 , South Pole , West Coast , Rocky Mountain High , Announcer , Everywhere , My Exes Live In Texas Born On The Bayou , Anywhere , Song , New York Groove , Protein , Towns , Nation , 4g Network , 4g Cities , Four , Verizon , 2000 , 24 , 25 , Sugars , What S Shakin , Both , Value , Fat , Oooooh , 5 , Fifty , Nutrition , Charge , Egg , Warning , Attention , Flights , Cadillac Xts , Technology , Seat , Danger , Safety , Pulse , Mercedes E Class , Forward , Cnn , Desktop , Note , Mobile Phone , Carry Ones , Receipts , Door , Snacks , Cnn Com Tv , Security Tsa , Travelers , Details , Lizzie O Leary , Fee , Ticket Fees , Everyone , Senate , Democrats , Security Fee , One Way , Flight , 50 , , 2 50 , Budget , Limit , Ground , 0 , My Brother Doesn T , Security , Washington D C , Many , Scanners , Lobby , Ten , Something , Government , Air Security , Customers , Function , Airlines , Didn T Mind , Level , Toll Road , Toll , Little , Deficit Reduction Effort , Benefits , Program , Regard , Question , Matter , White House , Somewhere , Cuts , Fight , Bit , Programs , Agendas , Congress , Price , Domestic Airline Ticket , Yep , 55 , 355 , Plaque , Control , Mouth , Ahh , Dental Cleaning , Dr , Rahmany , Crest Pro Health , Help , Control Toothpaste , Freedom , Civilian Honor , Sporting , Icons , Medal , 13 , Some , Ceremony , Most , Brianna Keilar , Recipients , East Room , Honor Posthumously , Number , President , Person , Honor , Earth , First American , John Glen , 77 , Pat Summit , Career , Lady Vols , Winni , Ncaa , Madeline Albright , Bob Dylan , Juliet Gordon Lowe , Awards , Music , Impact , Civil Rights Movement , Girl Scouts , Here Today , Founder , Disclosure , 100 , Course , Yes , Girl Scout , Shimone Perez , Brownies , Patches , Award , Restraint , Allieies , Israel , Iran , Prime Minister , Position , Foil , Friend , Afternoon , Person Living , Campaigning , 3 , Campaign , Twig , Excuse , Recession , Country , Policies , Places , Better , Aren T , Spite , End , America , Turnaround , Feet , Government Jobs , Government Workers , Stimulus , Didn T Help Private Sector Jobs , 145000 , Anyone , Applause , Sentiment , Obama Care , Loans , Auto Dealer , Employers , Dodd Frank , Employees , Unions , Effort , Banker , Microphone , Administration , Elections , Secret Ballot , Business , Tax Rate , Tax Plan , Carrie , 40 , 35 , Tax , Taxes , Individual , Sound , Aren T I , Tax Rates , Bureaucrats , Batteries , It , Hotel , Issues , Rooms , Mike , Everything , Colora , Word , Jubilation , Latino Communityr Retirement , Thinking , Feels , Thing , Stay , Hotel Deals , Vacation , Alison Kosik , 07 , 107 , Deal , Experts , Survey , Consumer Reports , Got Tips , 78 , Rate , Don T , Bargaining , Homework , Specials , Upgrade , Chains , Hohn Line Travel Sites , Anything , Resort Fees , Hotel Fees , The End , Haggle , 8 Billion , 1 8 Billion , Fees , Departure Fees , Check In , Mini Bar , Bar , Amenities , 50 , Military , Discounts , Member , Age , Chain , Government Employee , Room Upgrades , Aaa , Cash , Check , Hotels , Tips , Discount , Guests , Summer Vacation , Pocket , Markets , Doctor , Diabetes , Points , Weight , Weight Loss Plans , Dow , 137 , Hunger , Shakes , Carbs , Carb , Glucerna Hunger Smart , Blood Sugar Spikes , Fifteen , Six , Key , Strategy , Fact , Envision Plan , Retirement , Same , Advisor , Wells Fargo , 93 , Terms , Wells Fargo Advisors , Oman , Assembly Lines , Whirring And Crackling Sounds , Companies , Intelligent Network , Cisco , Latinos , Election , Polls , Electorate , 12 Million , 21 , Nomination , Juan Carlos Lopez , Juan Carlos , The Battle For White House , Deaf Nirtly , Population , States , Play , Show , Going , Demographic Shift , Lady Noes , 65 , 2010 , 65 , 4 Million , Red State , Races , Florida , Arizona , Possibilities , Best , 70 30 , 60 40 , Chance , Office , Parties , Redistricting , Primary , Growth , May , Seats , Because , March 6th , Super Tuesday , 6 , Districts , Doesn T , Taliban , Turnout , Supreme Court , Alamo , Girls , Attack , Class , Type , Spray , Police , Student , Crime , Kabul , 160 , Officials , Poisonings , Hospital , Vomit , Kindent , Afghan , 120 , U N , Men , Militias , Syrian , Spokesperson , Women And Children , Children , Words , Report , Victims , Mincing , Istanbul , Damascus , U N Arab , Ivan Watson Monitoring Developments , Half , Detailless , Houla Massacre , Event , Grizzliest Atrocity , Village , Artillery , Shelling , Houla Friday Night , U N Human Rights , Tank Fire , Killing , Result , Houses , Majority , Summary Executions , Inside , Houla , 109 , 49 , Connection , Translator , Violence , Decision , Groups , Plan , Party , Violation , Annana , Foreign Minister , Cities , Opposition , Lie , Attacks , Peace Plan , Accounts , Troops , Evidence , Governments , Demonstrators , Push , Lies , Kofi Annan , Diplomats , Countries , Capital Cities , Brit Pin , Germany , Spain , Persona Nongrata , Massacre , Measure , Friends Of Syria Meeting , Middle East , It Wasn T , Veteran , Analysts , Cycle , Senior , Watchers , Stop , Lives , Thousands , Community , Protests , Season , Ireports , Ivan Watson , Stories , Interview , Nominees , Ireport Awards , House , Dialogue , Reform , Vacuum , Ceiling , Idea , Life Crises , Space Clothes , Lost In Space , 30000 , World , Scandals , 9 11 , Workforce , Caterers , Miami , Food , At T , Presentation , Solution , Standards , Kitchen , Table , Photo Sharing Abilities , Network , Drivers , Experience , Ones , Ideas , Interest , Marshall Plan , Strength , Continents , Cable , Atm , Panama Canal , Europe , Leaders , Privilege , 200 , Achievement , Ambition , Main Street , Nations , Movement , Small Business Saturday Bothey , Shopping Small , 100 Million , Power , Membership Effect , Locals , American Express , Case , John Edwards , Trial , Jury Deliberations , Judgment , Brush , C Span , Equal Parts Bravo , Seven , Diane Dimond , Mistress , Benefactors , Support , Campaign Finance Laws , Diane , Panel , Insight , Court , Vibes , Let S , North Carolina , Jury , Courtroom , Vibe , Media , Ant Sy , Greensboro , Trials , Lots , Body Language , Juror , Jurors , Women , Face , Look , African American , Walks , Grin , The Process , Foreman , Affable , 2 , Fire , Germs , White , Hanker , Chief , Police Department Employee , Hearing , Woman , Human Resources Officer , Hankerchief , Each Other , Anybody , Smile , Wave , Say , Mother , Deliberations , Quote , Elizabeth In The Dark , Argument , Defense , Know , Wife , Prosecution , Didn T , Campaign Funds , Misuse , Crumble , Deliberation Room , Let S See , A Million Dollars , A Million , Testimony , Piece , Feed , Twitter , Internet , Daily Beast , Baby , May 25th To 28th , 2007 , May 25th , May 28th 2007 , 28 , Tweets , Iowa , Affair , Missus , Logic , Mind , Cancer , Stomach , Fighting , Shirt Off , Tears , Beautiful Woman , Smart , Facts , Cases , Husband , Defendant , Injuries , Campaign Money Contribution , Judge , Breast Cancer Survivor , Aspirations , Blouse , Tarmac , Story , National Enquirer , Aside , Stick , Three , Adviser , Cad , Exhibits , Exhibit , List , Jury Room , Master List , Wall , Deliberation , Contention , Head , Zeroing , Articles , Perspective , Verdict , Hung Jury , Cream , Lane , Wrinkles , Retinol Formula , Neutrogena , Rapid , Wrinkle Repair , Dermatologists , Rapid Wrinkle Repair , Hormone Replacement Therapy , Mainstay , Millions , Government Task Force , Therapy , Conditions , Elizabeth Cohen , Doctors , Group , Hormones , Risk , Dementia , Heart Disease , Sorts , Chances , Gallbladder Disease , Reasons , Stroke , Dean , Vein Thrombosis , Others , Symptoms , Trouble , Function , Menopause , Flashes , Dose , Gal , Viewers , Condition , Limbs , Flesh Eating Bacteria , Written In , News , Time , Mouthing , Milestone , Lips , Parents , Vocalize , Father , Sister , Yeah , Step , Progress , Hasn T , Girl , Heart , Blood , Lungs , Speaking , Ventilator , Tracheotomy Out , Trach , Phase , Treatment , Amputations , Rehab , Intensive Care , 18 , Out Of The Woods , Dialysis , Kidneys , Facebook , Face Book Page , Miracle , Blog , Amazinamazing , Andy Copeland , Faith , God , Role , Beautiful Thing , Healing , Amy , Fish Stories , Patient , Cup , My Turn , Oooh , Band , Everyone Else , Paris , Generation , Auto Insurance , Usaa , Vietnam , South Pacific , 1968 , 1943 , 2003 , Families , Veterans , Commitment , Equal , Auto Insurance Quote , Legacy , The One , Smarter Thinking , Accord , Honda , Uh Oh Fast , Source , Diarrhea Hits , Relief Speeds , Kaopectate , Celebration , Royal Family , Queen S , Diamond Joop A Lee , Princess Dianna , Prince William , Throne , Eyes , Royals , Wedding , 60 , Kate , Watching , Queen , Eastern , Suzanne Malveaux , Protesters , Militia , The Street , Human Rights , Protests T Capital Of Damascus , Hula Gunning , Eight , Hit List , Scenario , Car Bombs , Snipers , Silencers , Rifles , Assassination Plots , Washington Post , Plot , Validity , Doesn T Do , Arms , Assassination Plot , Questions , Headline , Conclusions , Sources , Citizen , Links , North , Doesn T Use , Briefly , Azerbaijan , Iranians , Operatives , Weapons , Plots , Involvement , Western Propaganda , Sense , Threat , Whether , Wasn T Iran , Hezbollah , Saying , Negotiations , Hawks , Powers , Proof , Middle , Jim Walsh , Hysteria , Implications , Reza , Kinds , Nod , Dirty Work , Wink , Lick Hezbollah , Smoking Gun , Meeting , Official , Room , Assassination Attempt , Saudi , It Doesn T , Doesn T Sound Like Iran , Style , Someone , Context , Operative , Caution , Surprise , Assassination , Assassinations , Assassinati , Fan , Pieces , Shadow War , History , Assassination Attempts , Scientist , Saddam , 1960 , Stands , Sort , Indirectly , Notion , Military Strike , Strike , Shell , Blah , Negotiation , Victories , Negotiation Process , Second , First Lady , Poisoning , School Girls , Family Farming , Backyard , Kitchen Table , Skin , Health , Smartphone , Oatmeal Formula , Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion , Moisturizer , Improvement , Aveeno , Fiber , Breakfast , Jack , Jack S Cereal , Uh , Um , Heart Attack Patient , Martial Arts , Aspirin , Heart Attack , Bayer Aspirin Regimen , Emergency Room , Realization , Away , Aspirin Regimen , Fear , Fighter , Styling , Interior , C Class , Amazing Inside And Out , Engine , Refinements , 2012 , Dealer , Mercedes Benz , Financial Services , School , Classroom , Headaches , Vomiting , Dozens , Dizziness , Schools , Well Water , Invasion , Michael Holmes , Rule , Rationale , 2001 , 1996 , Influence , Provinces , Girls Schools , Education Ministry , 500 , Doubt , Numbers , Kids , Mass Hysteria , Panic Spreads , Poisoning Attempts , Classrooms , Gifrls , Schools Being , Intimidation Level , Students , Blood Samples , Investigation , Incident , Order , Sound Bite , Incidents , Panic , Opinion , Genesis , General , Soldiers , Fingers , Write , Training , Don T Read , 90 , Guys , Reading , Writing , Ignorance , Empowering , Males , Females , Crowd Control , Population Control , Rights , Go Hang On , Isn T Right , Undereducating , Uneducating , Areas , Answer , Conservative Taliban , Classes , Authorities , Boy , Curriculum , Sign , Lessons , Teachers , English , Draw , School Closures , Islamic , Governance , Kind , Challenges , World War Ii , Back Yard , Farming , Victory Gardens , Curveballs , Viagra , Chest Pain , Nitrates , Erectile Dysfunction , Sex , 20 Million , Vision , Blood Pressure , Headache , Upset Stomach , Side Effects , Loss , Injury , Decrease , Drop , Flushing , Erection , Brushing , 75 , Listerine , Garden , Book , Vegetable Haven , Memoir , Exspan , American Grown , Tools , Everybody , Information , Let S Move , Mayors , Food Products , Food Manufacturers , Editor , Folks , Corn , Gardener , Roof , Apartment , Cool , New York , Gardening , Hope , American Spirit , Michelle Obama , What , Eleanor Roosevelt , Poetic , Gardens , Ways , Community Gardens , Destiny , Kat , Saw , Food System , Urban Gardening , Chickens , Vegetable Farming , Mad Cow Disease , Horrors , Facttry Farming , Body , Fit Nation Farming , Ireport , Martha Stewart , Tomatoes , Heirloom Tomatoes , Problems , Store , Stores , Tomato , Seeds , Thomas Jefferson , Heirloom Seeds , Preindustrialized , Grandfather , Tor Tomatoes , Lettuce , Way Of Keeping American History , Vegetables , Gardeners , Site , Kid , Soil , Sun , Water , Spot , Containers , Chemicals , Shade , Failure , Enough , Cucumbers , Issue , Campaign Trail , Eye To , Komt Pewter , Smartphone App , Claim , Chicks , Journey , Em , Crawling , Fresno , 83 , Shoot , Burgers , Heartburn , Don T Get Heartburn , Zero Heartburn , Acid , Prilosec Otc , Zero , Goats , Honey Nut Cheerios , Talking Bee , Grain , Cholesterol , Delicious , Honey , It Taste , Stuff , Construction , Economy Needs Manufacturing , Production , Machines , Infrastructure , Chevron , Billion Dollars , 8 Billion , Pipes , Steel , Cement , Wheels Turning , Energy , Storm , National Weather Service , South Carolina , Beryl , Rain , Rain Today , Foot , Tallahassee , Northern Florida , Southeast Georgia , Campaign Contributions , Birther Controversy , Trump , Track , Fund Raiser , Tonight In Vegas , Paul , Pliolitical Radar , 1144 , Magic Number , 1066 , Top , April 10th , 152 , Changes , Rain Rival , Rick Santorum , President Obama , Convention , Obamar , Battle , Birther Issue , Questioning , Theory , Newt Gingrich , More , Press Plane , Guess , 51 , Distraction , Liability , Message , Peddling , Social Media , Comments , On Line , Campaign Plane , Television Interviews , Supporters , Controversy , Video , Limelight , Romney S Association With Trump , Listen , Example , John Mccain , Presidency , President Of The United States , Ma Am , Arab , Family Man , Disagreements , Base , Association , Stand , Talk , Mortgages , Help Desk , Fallout , Mortgage , Stacy , Michelle , Optimum Capital Management , Wisconsin , 5 25 , Rates , Options , Opportunity , Emergency Fund , Savings , Arm , Dime , Weigh In , Ryan , Individuals , Mortgage Industry , Home , Property , Moving , Think , Down , Guy , E Mail , 00000 , 100000 , Bank , Strangers , Stranger , Nonsense , Rally , Ally Bank , Corner , Invoices , Pancakes , Dry Cleaning , Shoes , Reservation , Sushi , Business , Marriott Hotels Resorts , Invoice Process , Smoothie , Xerox , Jacqui Jeras , 5 8 , Map , Intensity , Google Earth , Alps , Proximity , Residents , Dots , Yellow , Shaking , Magnitude , Average , Fatalities , 60000 , Activity , Injured , 1 , Reporting , Road , Congratulations , Class Act , Rest , Lip , Doing , Bell , Asset , Direction , Equipment , Cat , Opportunities , Prosperity , Stability , Lift , Dream , Heights , Shares , Offering Price , May 18th , 38 , Unemployment Benefits , Ipo , Total , New Orleans , Guess What , Unemployment Checks , Safety Net , 99 , Mandate , State Unemployment Rates , Benefit Rolls , Job , Summer , Offer , Low , The Big Picture T Economic Fallout , Unemployment Rate , Quality , Government Assistance , Critics , Work Force , Smart Phone , Frontier , Campaign Ads , Websites , Tv , Campaigns , Devices , Smartphones , Cell Phone Ads , Ipads , Looks , Advertising , Mobile Phones , Mario , Priority , Hln , Mobile Apps , Sad , Television , Cable Network , Eforms , Dollar , Mobile Device , Waste Money , Pay , 85 , Zip Codes , Michigan , Ads , Phones , News Letter , Website , Route , Mobile App , Consent , Is , Front , Suzanne , Rick Perry , Bible , Mobile , Advertising Budget , Stock , Making Phones , I Don T Know , Stockholders , Software Company , Sagain , Hardware , Company , Google , Apple , Buying Motorola , Mobile Advertising , Phone , App , Pressure , Mobile Space , Games , Haven T , Test , Shareholders , Set , Care Of , Airline Fees , E Trade 360 Investing Dashboard , 360 , Investments , Investing , Homepage , E Trade , Trade Ticket , Analysis , Motion , Page , Celebrex , Arthritis Pain , Prescription Celebrex , Arthritis , Arthritis Symptoms , Relief , Inflammation , Studies , Plus , Narcotic , Death , High Blood Pressure , Risks , Prescription Nsaids , Ibuprofen , Meloxicam , Chance Increases , Naproxen , Nsaids , Ulcers , Patients , Intestine Problems , Bleeding , Reactions , Elderly , Asthma Attack , Breathing , Throat , Allergies , Stomach Bleeding , Hives , Sulfonamides , Swelling , Arthritis Treatment , Visit Celebrex Com , Rx , Sport , Rx Hybrid , Chapter , Pursuit , Lexus , News Reporters , Document , Forgery , Dbacks , Go On And , Birther , Racists , Racism , Michael , Hay ,

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