israel and hamas officially in effect to allow for the long awaited release of civilian hostages who have been held by hamas sings october 7th. carley: 13 hostages are expected to be freed by the terror group this morning around 9:00 a.m. eastern time. the first of 50 in total over the next four days. joey: trey yingst is joining us now from israel. trey? trey: hey, guys, good morning. about four hours from now the first group of hostages is expected to arrive at this military base in southern israel. they will receive initial treatment and triage. they will also be able to call loved ones for the first time. after this they will be medical centers in israel. where they will be hospitalized in central secluded wards. this first group will consist of 13 people. all women and children they are reportedly from the same community in southern israel. being exchanged for 24 female palestinian prisoners and 15 male teenagers. chose the idf preparing supplies for the hostages,
to some high degree. nigar is from azerbaijan. her brother has a youtube channel where he openly criticises azerbaijan s president. that made nigar a target. translation: my mum called me one evening. | she said, nigar, i keep receiving messages today saying there is an explicit video of you. i said, mum, it s not true. my mum said, no. they insist if my brother doesn t stop they will post this video on telegram. my mum started crying and told me, there is a video, it was sent to me. i was devastated. absolutely devastated. the videos showed nigar and her husband having sex.
ukraine. all said i m in a bomb shelter with my wife and kids. my brother doesn t believe my no. that s absolutely true and, you know, when we think about the information silo in russia and we think about it with amazement. we live in the country in the united states where even with a variety of news outlets on television, the internet, friends and so on, still, a large percentage of this population, the american. it s not hard to imagine with a much, much more erratic. in russia a very high percentage
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this time to lose his pursuer once and for all. the car stops and the driver doesn t fully exit. he just turns around in the driver s seat. i can see him now pointing the gun at me. as the warden throws his vehicle into reverse, the suspect opens fire. shots fired. shots fired. shots fired. he s hitting my truck. the warden s truck is hit, but he is unharmed. shots fired! shots fired! the suspect takes off in his car once again. but now deputies wallace and comit are also on his tail. he reported shots fired and one of the rounds had struck his truck. the thought was we have to catch him before he gets to the village because it s time for the kids to get out of school. but the driver changes his route and turns off the main road. the other officers take the lead in the pursuit from peery.